Magazines removed from the book. Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)

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, “scientific” articles in which can no longer be taken into account in reports and for increasing citations.

From this day on, more than three hundred Russian scientific journals will significantly lose their status, being excluded from the RSCI - Russian Index scientific citation. This was stated by Gennady Eremenko, CEO“Scientific electronic library” eLibrary.Ru, integrated with RSCI. RSCI is a national bibliographic database of scientific citations, including more than 9 million publications by Russian authors from more than 6 thousand Russian journals. The index is an analytical tool that allows you to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the work of both individual institutes and scientists and scientific journals.

For quite a long time, the RSCI was the object of criticism from the scientific community for the fact that it included publications appearing in frankly “junk” journals. Paid, copied, and sometimes pseudoscientific articles that no one proofreads or checks for plagiarism are often used to artificially increase citation rates,

and “junk” magazines are turned into profitable, highly profitable businesses.

The issue of clearing Russian scientific journals of publications that have compromised themselves has been raised more than once. Last winter, the Dissernet network community started magazine project, designed to systematize data on journals with unfair editorial policies from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission.

Now the RSCI itself has taken up this work, and the first result:

immediate exclusion of 344 journals from the list of indexed RSCI.

Eremenko stated this at the international conference “International Scientific Publication - 2017” taking place in Moscow: world practice preparation and promotion of publications.”

“It is not surprising that people who are trying to somehow improve their performance seek to publish in these journals. It would seem that if you need a high H-index, scatter articles that are as similar as two peas in a pod to a couple of dozen journals, and since there is no verification, all this will be published - just pay the required amount,” Eremenko said in his report.

Analyzing the practice of low-quality journals, experts identified several criteria by which they can be classified as “garbage”:

- the number of articles is large or growing rapidly;

- multidisciplinary journal;

- payment for publications, sale of publishing services is required;

- the journal publishes proceedings of correspondence conferences;

- pompous, illiterate descriptions of the mission of the magazines;

- fake reviews

and a number of others characteristic features. Separately, these signs can also be found in “decent” publications, but the presence of several at once most likely indicates that the journal publishes a stream of articles without reviews and often coexists with “its” dissertation council and even has “its” people on the expert councils of the Higher Attestation Commission .

According to Eremenko, out of 6 thousand journals from the RSCI list, about a thousand can be classified as “garbage”, that is, now a third of them have been excluded from the RSCI list. “There are several times more journals that have very conditional peer review. Everyone understands what it is a big problem. Of the 6 thousand journals, God willing, only a thousand have normal reviewing,” Eremenko told Gazeta.Ru. - For us, “junk” journals in the RSCI interfere with a correct assessment. I have the feeling that a generation has already grown up that does not understand what a scientific journal is, and thinks that just paying and publishing somewhere is normal. And things like reviewing are abstract words for them.”

Judging by the reaction of representatives of various journals present at the conference (and among them were those included in the list), the decision to reduce the RSCI list came as a surprise to many. "Gazeta.Ru" contacted the editors of one of the magazines - the Ivanovo "Bulletin of Science and Education", which first of all offers "publication in 24 hours" and a "flexible system of discounts." His employee stated that the magazine is included in the RSCI. About how the magazine will be hit decision, the employee advised me to ask the management, who is now in Moscow.

From now on, the compilers of the RSCI intend to monitor the publishing activities of journals. Thus, journals that have existed for at least two years will now be able to be included in the index. Or the new magazine should be published by a publishing house that has not proven itself on the negative side.

“On the one hand, the withdrawn journals will no longer be able to sell publications so successfully, on the other hand, the question of excluding these journals from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission (those that are present in it) must be raised, thereby cutting off the business of these people at the root. And finally, people who have published in these journals will be in trouble, as they will not be able to use their articles in the reports. This is also good, says the co-founder of Dissernet. Andrey Zayakin. “After all, we are not talking about science, but about a well-organized mafia.” According to his estimates, the market for fake dissertations in Russia could be up to $100 million a year, and the market for fake publications in journals - about $50 million.


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Problems of modern economy (Novosibirsk)

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Psychology, sociology and pedagogy

The path of science

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Science symbol

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Word. Offer. Text: analysis of linguistic culture

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Modern science: development trends

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Economics and management in the 21st century: development trends

Economics and management: analysis of trends and development prospects

Economy today: problems and solutions

Economics, sociology and law

Economics, management and finance in Russia and abroad

Economy. Right. Management: modern problems and development trends

Electronic scientific journal

South Ural Scientific Readings

Young scientist

Legal fact

Language and culture (Novosibirsk)


Akademicka psychologie

Aktualni pedagogika

American Scientific Journal

APRIORI. Series: Humanities

APRIORI. Series: Natural and technical sciences

Austrian Journal of Biomedical and Life Sciences

Austrian Journal of Education and Applied Psychology

Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Austrian Journal of Literature and Linguistics

Austrian Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences

Eastern European Scientific Journal

Economic trendy

Europaische Fachhochschule

Europaische Wissenschaft Abgeben

Europea cientifico de la revista

European Journal of Analytical and Applied Chemistry

European Journal of Archeology and History Research

European Journal of Arts

European Journal of Biomedical and Life Sciences

European Journal of Economics and Management Sciences

European Journal of Education and Applied Psychology

European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

European Journal of Law and Political Sciences

European Journal of Literature and Linguistics

European Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences

European Research

European Science

European science review

Europeenne scientifique de la revue

Filologicke vedomosti

International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy

International Scientific and Practical Conference World science

International Scientific Review

Magyar Tudományos Journal

Paradigmata poznani

Pedagogy & Psychology. Theory and practice

Sciences of Europe

Sociologie cloveka

Stredoevropsky Vestnik pro Vedu a Vyzkum

Universum: medicine and pharmacology

Universum: social sciences

Universum: psychology and education

Universum: technical sciences

Universum: physics, chemistry and biology

Universum: philology and art history

Universum: chemistry and biology

Universum: economics and jurisprudence

Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe

Wulfenia (

Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) is a national information and analytical system that accumulates more than 2 million publications of Russian authors, as well as information on the citation of these publications from more than 2,000 Russian journals. It is intended not only to promptly provide scientific research with up-to-date reference and bibliographic information, but is also a powerful tool for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of research organizations, scientists, the level of scientific journals, etc.

Detailed rules for working in this system are presented on the RSCI website:

Instructions for authors on working in the SCIENCE INDEX system:

This instruction intended for authors of scientific publications included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) database. The instructions describe how to register as an author and work in the SCIENCE INDEX information and analytical system, which is an analytical add-on to the RSCI and offers a number of new services for authors, research organizations and scientific publishing houses. The instructions also describe in detail the author's algorithm for correcting and maintaining the list of his publications and citations in the RSCI up to date.

List of journals included in the RSCI by:

In 2005, the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation (Rosnauka) announced a competition “Development of a system statistical analysis Russian science based on data from the Russian Citation Index", which was carried out within the framework of the federal target scientific and technical program "Research and development in priority areas of development of science and technology". In the spring of 2005, having won this competition, Scientific digital library(NEB) signed a contract with Rosnauka and became the lead executor of the project to create the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). Thus, a new period has begun in the history of the electronic library, associated with the comprehensive development of domestic electronic resources for science and education, the systematic promotion of Russian scientific publications, creation of a national bibliographic database on scientific periodicals, development of tools and services for analytics, scientific and bibliometric research and measurement of scientific activity.

What is a journal citation database or, in other words, a citation index? This is a specialized information product that collects and processes complete bibliographic information about journal articles, annotations and article lists of literature cited in articles. Such a database allows you to find both publications cited in a single article and publications citing this article. In this way, the user can carry out effective large-scale search bibliography covering the entire front of publications on a topic or subject of interest. In addition to bibliographic and citation information, the RSCI includes information about the authors of publications and the organizations in which they work. This mechanism makes it possible to integrate publication and citation indicators across the entire vertical social institution science: from a research fellow-author, a structural unit and institution where a circle of authors work, to ministries and departments or entire administrative-geographical regions. This kind of statistical information, in turn, will help to carry out an objective assessment of the activities of various scientific and educational organizations, scientific teams and individual researchers, and aggregate data on journal citations, the so-called impact factors, make it possible to build ratings of periodicals.

The main tasks that the RSCI project solves can be briefly formulated as follows:

creation of a multi-purpose search system for publications of Russian scientists, including at the first stage of development of the project articles from scientific journals (the number of journals is at least 1,500 titles)

development of mechanisms and tools for statistical analysis of domestic science

creation and formation Unified register publications of Russian scientists, an authoritative database that represents the most complete and reliable information about the publication flow of Russian scientists, regardless of the source, time, place and type of publication

Creation effective system navigation in the array of scientific information and providing Russian users with access to full texts publications through the mechanisms of the unified access system.

Why was there a need to create a domestic citation index, not limited to the use of foreign analogues (such as Web of Science by Thomson Scientific or Scopus by Elsevier)? There are several reasons for this:

Unrepresentative representation of Russian scientific periodicals in foreign products. Of the 3,000 Russian scientific journals, only about 150 are represented in foreign databases (i.e., no more than 5%). These are mainly translated magazines. Until now, the overwhelming majority of Russian scientific publications remain “invisible” and inaccessible online. There are both objective and subjective reasons: the language barrier, the level of journals, their availability, national characteristics citations, local isolation of some areas of science and others. We will eliminate a number of these reasons in principle. For example, translation of a journal or at least bibliographic descriptions into English language, magazine issue in in electronic format significantly increase the journal’s chance of being included in the list of indexed ones in the Web of Science or Scopus databases. This is, of course, important, and we strongly support movement in this direction, but what does this have to do with the scientific level of the journal, with the quality of the articles published in it?

Similar problems are faced not only in Russia, but also in other non-English speaking countries. For example, out of more than 4,000 Chinese scientific journals, only 30 are represented in SCI, i.e. less than 1 percent. To solve the problem of objective quantitative assessment of scientific results, China created its own citation index, the Chinese Science Citation Index, back in 1989, which now covers more than 1,000 leading Chinese journals. Similar projects exist in Japan (Citation Database for Japanese Papers, component national scientific information retrieval system CiNii), Taiwan (Taiwan Humanities Citation Index) and in Europe (for example, the Euro-Factor project).

Difficulty in using foreign databases for statistical analysis. And this is the main objective of this project. There are a number of problems here, starting with the fact that the interface is not suitable for this, and ending with serious problems in identifying organizations and authors.

The lack of a full-fledged global search system for Russian scientific journals, including at least tables of contents of journals, not to mention full texts.

The need to stimulate Russian publishing houses, improve the level of journals and their competitiveness. The goal is not to push mediocrity forward by comparing frankly weak journals or scientific articles with each other. On the contrary, the RSCI will provide an opportunity for an objective comparison of these journals with the world's best journals. In addition, the inclusion of the journal in the RSCI will contribute to its dissemination throughout the world and, accordingly, increase the citation rate of articles published in it.

Finally, the issue of price and availability of such systems is of no small importance. Unfortunately, the cost of foreign systems, even when subscribed as part of a consortium, is at least 10-20 thousand dollars per year, which for most Russian organizations Simply unacceptable.

Sometimes you have to come across the opinion that a national citation index is unnecessary or even harmful, that it is pointless to support Russian scientific journals, since there are a sufficient number of high-impact foreign journals where Russian scientists can publish their work, that all this will only lead to the isolation of Russian science and its final degradation. In our opinion, scientific journals, search engines, databases and other information resources and services are all elements of the general information infrastructure of science and education in any developed country. It is impossible to develop science and education and bring it to the modern level without developing the information component, the role of which in increasing the efficiency of scientific research is actually only increasing, because new knowledge is born only as a result of understanding the experience already accumulated by mankind. Therefore, the creation of a national citation index reflects the level of development of a nation’s scientific culture, its information technology capabilities and intellectual potential.

At the end of the 19th century, the first attempts were made in the United States to systematize published scientific works and create their databases. In our country, work in this direction began after the end of the Great Patriotic War in the 50s of the twentieth century. IN modern form The list of scientific publications was compiled in 2006.

RSCI list

RSCI stands for “Russian Science Citation Index”. It is a list of scientific periodicals that have ever cited or published the works of Russian scientists, as well as their colleagues from the countries of the former USSR. The database archives are free to use, publicly available and posted on the website

Order publication of an article

First of all, the list of RSCI journals is intended to make it easier for students and scientists to find information that interests them on a particular topic. However, it also performs another important function: by analyzing RSCI journals, you can obtain important statistical data on the number of published works.

List of periodicals from the RSCI core

When the system was just being formed, journals included in the RSCI did not undergo any verification. To be included in the list, the publisher simply had to submit an application to the system administration. This led to the fact that many publications appeared on the list that did not have any significance for science.

In order to facilitate the search for periodicals, the creators of the index set a goal to create a list of journals within the RSCI that have the highest value. For this publication, they undergo a special examination. It is being carried out jointly with another similar project created by the American company Thomson Reuters. The set of verified publications that are reliable sources of information is called the “core” of the project.

Garbage magazines

Junk publications mean those that publish the works of scientists for money, without proper scientific review. De facto, they charge money without justification. Many people go to publish their work in such a publication to obtain an academic degree, since this requires the presence of published works.

Order publication of an article

Since the control over periodicals entering the database is quite weak, such garbage magazines sometimes appear in it. RSCI is working to identify them and exclude them from the list. A list of journals excluded from the RSCI is maintained. A list of all journals, conferences and books excluded from the RSCI can be found at the link:

For students


The database includes publications in a wide variety of areas. Among them:

  • RSCI journals in economics. The list contains 2148 such publications
  • RSCI journals on pedagogy and psychology (screen). They are listed in the RSCI 1921 and the pedagogical publication “Psychological Science and Education” is recognized as the most relevant according to the results of the examination.

In addition to these, the index contains publications on many other branches of knowledge.


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