Meaning of the name Angelina for portfolio. Icon of Angelina of Serbia

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Brief life of Blessed Angelina of Serbia (Brankovic)

Daughter of Prince Georgy Al-ban-skogo and su-pr-ga Ste-fa-na, king of Serbia, saint An-ge-li-na pre-ter -pe-la from persecution together with her husband and de-la-la all the difficulties of life in Al-ba-nia and Italy. His two sons, saints Mak-si-ma and Ioan-na, were raised in the spirit of the truly Christian. After the death of her husband, having taken mo-na-she’s haircut, Saint An-ge-li-na prayed for herself, for the benefit of creativity and temple-building. A faithful wife, a kind mother and a perfect chri-sti-an-ka, she has served the name “ma-te-ri An” -ge-li-ny”, who gave her birth. Her miraculously-creative powers are preserved together with the relics of her great-great-grandmother - Saint Ste- fa-na and their blessed children Mak-si-ma and Ioan-na in the Kru-she-dol monastery. Holy An-ge-li-na promised peace and eternal life in the beginning of the sixteenth century.

Complete Life of Blessed Angelina of Serbia (Brankovic)

According to some sve-de-ni-yams, An-ge-li-na at-above-le-zha-la to the family of Black-no-e-vi-whose - would-be before -ryu An-drey, nicknamed Ar-va-nit the Brave and ple-myan-no-tsei vo-e-vo-dy of Iva-na-bey, the great-vi-te-lya of Cher-no -gories in 1465-1496. When her brother, apparently, was no longer alive, Ivan gave her in marriage to the Serbian des-po-ta Ste. fa-na Sle-po-go Bran-ko-vi-cha. Like most marriages of right-of-way persons, this one was probably concluded for political reasons, that It’s even more noticeable the holiness that manifested itself throughout the whole family.

The life of the Serbian des-po-ta Ste-fa-na Bran-ko-vi-cha and his family was full of troubles and troubles. Stefan and An-ge-li-na lived in love and togetherness and had two sons, Ge-or-gy and Ioan-na, and two before -che-rey, Ma-ru and Mi-li-tsu. For about ten years, hiding from the Turkish race, the family lived in the Italian region of Fur-la. NI. Here Saint Stefan, together with his sister Ka-ta-ri, bought the castle of Bel-grad, where he lived.

Ov-do-vev in 1476, An-ge-li-na lived and raised her children in difficult conditions. The Hungarian king Mat-vey Kor-vin gave him the right to rule the land in Sre-me, which was once upon Ste. -fa-na Vu-ku Bran-ko-vi-chu, and in 1486 they settled in the village of Ku-pi-no-vo, where they moved- whether and the power of des-po-ta Ste-fa-na. Here was the main church of the Holy Apostle Luke, where these relics were originally kept, appearing -many-numerous chu-de-sa. The eldest son of An-ge-li-na Ge-or-giy, who descended from the throne in 1497, came he took monastic vows with the name Maxi-ma and achieved sanctity in the rank of saint († 1516), and then her youngest son - Saint Despot John († 1502).

Saint An-ge-li-na took her hair in Mona-hi-ni around 1509, and maybe even earlier, upon her arrival in Srem . In 1512-1516, after returning from Va-la-chia, she founded a women's monastery near the building. her Church of the Middle Ages.

Back in 1509, she went from her great-spirit Ev-ge-niy to the Russian great prince Va-si -liya III with a touching request for help: “Our country is now falling, and your country is rising.” So, take upon yourself our responsibility and care for the holy temples and abodes, which are yours and mine. good ancestors were created." In her speech, she talked about the desire to build a church, where the power would be enshrined his wife-in-law Stefa-na and son Ioan-na. By that time, the place for the church had already been bought for 100 du-cats. The Russian prince responded to her request, in addition to the church, if there were also cells built for mo-na-khin, and Kru appeared -she-dol-sky monastery, in which St. An-ge-li-na sta-la na-sto-ya-tel-nitsei and where she spent her last days in prayers over the power of su-pr -ha and sy-no-vey.

She died in 1520.

In the service of the honorable An-ge-lina, they talk about her truly unmasculine stamina, limitless mi- lo-ser-dia, patience and wisdom, su-pr-same devotion and mother-of-sacrifice. God, she wanted to live in a foreign land, without her loved ones, but she had to endure the hard fate of not only her husband , but also all the children and take care to move their holy remains several times.

Power and po-chi-ta-nie

An-ge-li-na's mother over time became one of the most reputable Serbian saints. Her relics, together with the remains of her holy family, are well-resorted in the Kru-she-dol-monastery and they were kept there until 1716, when mo-na-styr was occupied by the Tur-ka-mi at the retreat from Var-ra-di-na. Among the relics that have survived to this day is the hand of Ma-te-ri An-ge-li-na. Glory to the mo-na-sta-rya Kru-she-dol celebrates on the day of the memory of the pre-precious ma-te-ri An-ge-li-na.

Parts of her relics were also preserved in the village of Kho-po-vo, where later in the first village XX century we found shelter in the Russian village of the Forest of the Holy Bo-go-ro-dits-ko-go-mon-sta-rya . When you left Yugoslavia for France, you took this part with you.

On the icon of St. An-ge-li-na is-a-bra-zha-et-sya in a mo-na-she-ri-ze, holding a book in one hand, and in the other - rosary or cross. Her face is represented on all the icons of the holy family of Bran-ko-vi-chey, as well as among the two-to-twenty most the same Serbian national saints. You can see him in the council church of ar-khan-ge-la Mi-ha-i-la in Bel-grad, in the Pech pat-ri-ar-khia in Ko -so-ve, in the Serbian monastery of Khi-lan-dar on Mount Athos and in other temples.

In Vo-e-vo-din, in the village of Ku-pi-no-vo, next to the church of St. Luke until 1930, there was a hundred-ya-la church -cow, sacred to the most beautiful An-ge-line.


Information about the origins of the holy An-ge-li-na in the history of Cher-no-go-ria, on-pi- san-noy black-no-mountain-ski-mi vlad-dy-ka-mi from di-na-stiy Pet-ro-vi-whose-Nego-shay, Va-si-li-em and saints -lem Peter I.


Troparion to Blessed Angelina of Serbia, tone 8

In you, mother, it is known that you were saved, even in the image, / having accepted the cross, you followed Christ / and, acting, you taught to despise the flesh, for it passes away, / to be diligent about the souls, things more immortal. // The Angels will also rejoice , Reverend Angelino, your spirit.

Translation: In you, mother, that which is in us in God’s image has definitely been preserved: for, having taken up your cross, you followed Christ, and in practice you taught to disdain the flesh as transitory, but to take care of the soul, an immortal creation. That is why your spirit rejoices with the Angels, Angelina.

Kontakion of Blessed Angelina of Serbia, tone 8

Desiring to be worthy of the highest belly, / you carefully left the lower food, / and you lavished your wealth on the poor, / and you received the heavenly riches, / and after death you sanctified us, / and Your miracles, O all-praised Angelino, flow forth./ Moreover, we honor your holy dormition , crying // Rejoice, most praised mother.

Translation: Wanting to be rewarded with heavenly life, you hastened to leave earthly pleasures and distributed your wealth to the poor, having received Heavenly wealth, and after death you sanctify us, and your miracles, worthy of all praise, Angelina, exude. Therefore, we honor your holy Dormition, crying out: “Rejoice, mother glorified by all.”

Prayer to Blessed Angelina of Serbia

Oh, Venerable Angelino, our kind and merciful mother, help us, your disobedient children. You are our good mother, you lived a sorrowful life on earth, but with the help of God, you bravely gained victories in battles and your soul brings joy to the light of the Kingdom of Heaven but move in. Your home Church of Christ is decorated and gilded by your holy husband Stephen and sons John and Maxim. You had an immeasurably large and compassionate heart for everyone in trouble. Therefore, the pious Serbian people called you the best of the words given by God - mother. As you are the mother of all of us, Serbs, yours, who, even though we have sinned a lot, we still love and honor you and flow to you for help.
What mother would hate her children, even if they sin badly? No, but he punishes them wisely, but he never ceases to love. Therefore, you, our good mother, punish us from heaven with the scourge of God, but do not leave us without your love. Punish us with the right hand of God's truth, and with the right hand of love strengthen us and return us from the unrighteous paths to the path of truth and goodness.
We pray to you, good mother, with your prayers ask for heavenly blessings for us: health for the sick, strength for the weak, hope for the desperate, daily bread for the hungry, barren children, we drive away give us shelter and consolation, and according to your great mercy, grant what you ask for to all who pray to you. But grant us even more, our good mother, heavenly blessings that cleanse our souls, strengthen us in fulfilling the commandments of God, leading us to good and leading us away from all evil. For if we don’t run from evil in this world, how will we run away from it in another world, if we don’t cleanse ourselves of dirt here, as best we can there, where they look at what we carry from here.
Help us to die to this world, just as you became dead to the world, having desired the enduring and eternal good. Let our good be in heaven, so that our hearts may be in heaven, and not here, where everything rots and disappears, where a thief steals, and moth and rust decay. Even if we put all our strength into the good of this world, for a handful of the dust of the earth, we take it with us below, then you will not be able to help us, our good mother. Even if we labor a little, even if we cry a little to the Lord through you, His heavenly bride, your help will also pour out innumerable heavenly blessings, which will strengthen us on the narrow path of salvation, and even with Many deaths will appear before us.
Truly, our soul is all torn by sins and poor in virtue, but the merciful Lord has prepared a remedy - repentance. May it be born in us, even if only a small part of that true repentance that you, our holy mother, brought to the Lord. Revive the divine in our souls with your warm tears, which you pour out every day for the Serbian race, so that we understand the abyss of our debts before God, He forgives our debts, even sincerely and subsequently Let us definitely ask Him for forgiveness.
Moreover, have mercy, our mother Angelino, holy abbess of Krushedolsk, and help us to be saved from all evil, so that one day, through your prayers to the Lord, we will enter the peace of the Kingdom of Heaven, Now everyone is gratefully glorifying the Holy Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and ever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer to Blessed Angelina of Serbia

Oh, great saint of Christ and our glorious mother Angelino! You stand in heaven with your soul at the Throne of God and constantly lift up praise to Him, turn your gaze to us orphans and mourners and pray for us to the Lord, may He guide us on the path truth and piety, which we too will be able to achieve after the end of our life in our Fatherland Lift up from heaven and worship God with you. To her, our reverend mother, see from heaven that a difficult, godless time has come and our souls are filled with sorrow. There is no one who saves, no one who helps, but there is only one God, in Him we trust and to Him we send glory with the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Kontakion 1

To the chosen commander of Christ, who through her pious and long-suffering life and great love for her neighbors gained freedom from the Lord, we offer warm filial prayers. Help us, our mother, to be saved from the evil of this world and to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, and seeing you there, exclaim:

Rejoice, Venerable Angelino, mother of heavenly kindness and mercy.

Ikos 1

Being like the angels, you bore the name of an angel worthily, having loved Christ and imitating Him, you lived on earth pleasingly to God, gave birth to pious and God-glorified children, and like a true mother you have care for the Serbian people. You showed your great love for the poor and needy, and with love I named you Mother Angelina. We offer you this praise:

Rejoice, our Heavenly firmness;

Rejoice, enlightened by the Holy Spirit;

Rejoice, thou adorned with mercy;

Rejoice, you who pour out the sweetness of kindness;

Rejoice, abundantly fruitful earth;

Rejoice, noble branch;

Rejoice, glory to the Serbian race;

Rejoice, our heavenly mother;

Rejoice, our prayer book before God;

Kontakion 2

We see you were born from pious parents, mother Angelino, of Albanian descent, in those days we became Orthodox and returned to the house where every day we listened to the words of prayer and the heavenly song was lifted up to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

To your understanding, your pious mother taught you from the first days, Mother Angelino, that you love the Lord, pray to Him and place your trust in Him, as you foresaw all your grave temptations in the future. Thus we sing to you:

Rejoice, having loved virtue from childhood;

Rejoice, thou who hast been honored with the angelic name;

Rejoice, good seed has good vegetation;

Rejoice, bright child of pious parents;

Rejoice, filled with piety from infancy;

Rejoice, full of color, filled with the love of Christ;

Rejoice, brimstone, filled with the milk of the Holy Spirit;

Rejoice, bird, aspiring to the heights of heaven;

Rejoice, for you are a great gift from your tribe to the Serbian people;

Rejoice, Venerable Angelino, mother of heavenly kindness and mercy.

Kontakion 3

Strengthened by the power from above, you have grown into a wonderful virgin, of extraordinary beauty and wisdom, mother Angelino, filled with gospel virtues, and shone with a wonderful light. You adorned your angelic image with a sweet-sounding song to the Lord of bounties: Hallelujah.

Ikos 3

You, Mother Angelino, were like a beautiful tree of paradise, and a good flower blossomed, and in time you bore good fruit, pious and exalted children, whose Lord will glorify with the grace of holiness, their labors for the sake of the Serbian people for the good and protection for the sake of the Orthodox faith. With the same gratitude we magnify you:

Rejoice, soul like an Angel;

Rejoice, confirmed in the gospel virtues;

Rejoice, humble and quiet servant of God;

Rejoice, praise be given to the saints of Brankovich;

Rejoice, for you nourished your children with the milk of the piety of Christ;

Rejoice, conqueror of evil spirits;

Rejoice, giver of heavenly kindnesses;

Rejoice, mother of the Serbian family;

Rejoice, swallow of Christ, who flew from the south;

Rejoice, Venerable Angelino, mother of heavenly kindness and mercy.

Kontakion 4

To the land of your fatherland, reverend mother Angelino, your father reached Stefan Brankovich, the Serbian despot, who is blind, persecuted and rejected by everyone. You, seeing him blinded, joyfully sang in your heart to the Lord of Love: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Looking at this young despot, you were filled with heavenly modesty, seeing in him the grace of spiritual nobleness and goodness, and as befits, beg your parents to bless you with your marriage with him. Ashamed of our sinfulness and impurity, we sing to you, Mother Angelino, like this:

Rejoice, pious bride of the blind Serbian prince;

Rejoice, for you have despised perishable wealth;

Rejoice, for you have shone with heavenly glory;

Rejoice, for you have directed your mind to heavenly heights;

Rejoice, for you have settled in the heavenly abode;

Rejoice, as you enjoy inexpressible glory;

Rejoice, for you look down on us from heaven with maternal care;

Rejoice, for you are in the unapproachable light;

Rejoice, as the Angels rejoice in Heaven;

Rejoice, Venerable Angelino, mother of heavenly kindness and mercy.

Kontakion 5

You knew, Mother Angelino, that living with a blind husband, even if you were a despot, would be sorrowful for you and would bring you much bitterness. But the voice of God, which you always listened to, commanded you, for the sake of the highest good, to unite your soul with the soul of the long-suffering one, and from now on together you sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

The Lord, who gives life to everyone, will give you, mother Angelino, and your faithful husband Stefan three wondrous and noble children, George, John and Mara, may they grow in the passion of God and the purity of the gospels. We also urge you:

Rejoice, holy mother, your sons have surpassed you in holiness;

Rejoice, good teacher of them in piety;

Rejoice, luminous star of Heaven;

Rejoice, our zealous defender;

Rejoice, joy in the midst of sorrows;

Rejoice, for you have given up your entire life to the Lord;

Rejoice, illuminated by the light of the thought of God;

Rejoice, for you zealously guarded the Orthodox faith;

Rejoice, warm and zealous prayer book of the Serbian people;

Rejoice, Venerable Angelino, mother of heavenly kindness and mercy.

Kontakion 6

The godless Hagarians quickly attacked Christian Albania, killing everyone they saw before them. For this reason, Saint Angelino moved with her family to western Italy, and together with the Orthodox Christians living there, they unanimously sang to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Here, the Venerable Angelino, with her faithful husband Stefan, diligently raised her children in the passion of the Lord. Aby, your husband passed away to the Lord, and after him your daughter, the young woman Mara, settled in the spiritual abode. Like a wounded chamois, praying to the Lord, let your sons be preserved, so that in your old age they will be a support and consolation. We mourn with you and we exclaim:

Rejoice, faithful wife of your long-suffering husband;

Rejoice, noble tree of Christ;

Rejoice, for you brought the fruit of your womb to Christ;

Rejoice, for you have directed your soul to the highest virtues;

Rejoice, for you were faithful to God to the end;

Rejoice, for you have scattered demonic deceit like a spider;

Rejoice, friend of the wise virgins in the Kingdom of Heaven;

Rejoice, you who preserved the oil in your lamp;

Rejoice, accepted with glory by the Heavenly Bridegroom;

Rejoice, Venerable Angelino, mother of heavenly kindness and mercy.

Kontakion 7

Living in poverty and sorrow, Venerable Angelino, beg the Ugric king Matthia, who will give you and your children the city of Kupinovo in the land of Srem on the Sava River, so that you will be princes to the Serbian people. The Serbian people welcomed you as if they were your own, even if you were a foreigner, and gratefully cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

You brought a new priceless treasure and blessing from God to the long-suffering Serbian people, Venerable Angelino, with the holy and incorruptible relics of your husband, Saint Stephen, whom the Lord glorified after his death and revealed many miraculous healings. The grateful people, with tears of joy, belted your breasts:

Rejoice, blessing of the Lord to the Serbian people;

Rejoice, for you illuminate the Orthodox with the grace of God;

Rejoice, for you bring sinners to repentance;

Rejoice, for you plant the fear of God in the hearts of believers;

Rejoice, for you have granted mental and physical health to many;

Rejoice, for thou hast only sought glory from the Heavenly King;

Rejoice, for you have despised the earthly vanity of the world;

Rejoice, for with joy you bore your cross for Christ;

Rejoice, for you have flown to the heavenly Kingdom;

Rejoice, Venerable Angelino, mother of heavenly kindness and mercy.

Kontakion 8

The first was your son George, Venerable Angelino, to receive the rank of prince from the Ugric Tsar, and after choosing monasticism, the younger John was appointed leader of the Serbian people. Having strong trust in the Lord, you strengthened him in bearing the heavy burden, praying for God’s help with a grateful song: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

The same sorrow strike your heart, Venerable Angelino, for your son John the Young has reposed in the Lord. However, the Lord soon glorified him too, and your sorrow was turned into great joy. Avoiding the troubles in Srem, having revealed the holy relics of John and Stephen, and your son the monk Maxim, you passed into the land of Vlash. Thus we magnify you:

Rejoice, for the fruit of your womb beautifully adorns the Church of Christ;

Rejoice, table of the manifold gifts of God;

Rejoice, filled with the love of Christ;

Rejoice, for you lived an angelic life on earth;

Rejoice, thou richest sacristy in the grace of God;

Rejoice, mother of all who mourn and are sick;

Rejoice, for through fasting, vigils and prayers you have acquired heavenly wealth;

Rejoice, for Christ has clothed you in richly woven garments;

Rejoice, for Christ has adorned you with the crown of His Kingdom;

Rejoice, Venerable Angelino, mother of heavenly kindness and mercy.

Kontakion 9

There, among the Vlachs, your son Maxim was ordained metropolitan, Mother Angelino, and you and him, for the sake of your immeasurable love for everyone and everything, did a lot of good to that people, for whom they cried out to God in joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The heavenly angels will not be able to express your kindness and greatness, Mother Angelino, some time ago I went again to Srem with my son Maxim and rewarded the Krushedol monastery, where the relics of St. Stephen and St. John were placed for the joy of the tormented people of Serbia. Rejoicing and we are with them, we thank you:

Rejoice, bright star in the darkness of this world;

Rejoice, enlightenment in the darkness of unbelief;

Rejoice, bravely drove away the demonic regiments;

Rejoice, even now the hope of those who have been abandoned;

Rejoice, the only warm refuge for those in need;

Rejoice, fruitful vine of Heavenly wine;

Rejoice, for your glory is remembered throughout the centuries;

Rejoice, for many flow to you in pain;

Rejoice, for streams of tears are shed at your relics;

Rejoice, Venerable Angelino, mother of heavenly kindness and mercy.

Kontakion 10

The Lord create salvation for everyone, in a short time your son Maxim was also taken from earthly to heaven, but you remained alone, our mother Angelino, having seen off your relatives with tears from this world, reward the convent in the village of Krushedol and put on the black robe of repentance, and so eat: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You were a wall to the Serbian people and the only faithful protector, when Saint Maximus passed away, Mother Angelino, you looked upon your life splendidly as your children, blessed by God and numbered among the saints. For this reason, I devoted myself even more to heroic deeds and acts of mercy. To those we offer such praise:

Rejoice, for you have rewarded the monastery of the Presentation of the Lord;

Rejoice, for you wore monastic clothes worthily;

Rejoice, for you have shed many tears of repentance;

Rejoice, for you have exchanged earthly wealth for heavenly wealth;

Rejoice, for you visited the prisoners in prison;

Rejoice, for through your mercy you have comforted many;

Rejoice, source of countless healings;

Rejoice, repose of the sick and infirm;

Rejoice, abundant fire of the love of God;

Rejoice, Venerable Angelino, mother of heavenly kindness and mercy.

Kontakion 11

The country of Sremsk sends out singing to God, because you, Mother Angelino, erect churches and monasteries, console and help the poor and the poor, and with love and affection they rightly call you Mother Angelino, praising God as you sent to you: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Having lived a holy and godly life, you too will rest from your great labors, resting peacefully in the Lord, Mother Angelino, and your body was buried in your monastery as a woman. The Angels, whose name you bear, took your soul to your children and spouse, so that you may rejoice with them forever. To you we cry out with gratitude:

Rejoice, hope of the hopeless;

Rejoice, healing of the sick;

Rejoice, awakening of those who sleep spiritually;

Rejoice, repentance of sinners;

Rejoice, help of the helpless;

Rejoice, light of the darkened;

Rejoice, joy to those who mourn;

Rejoice, consolation of the desperate;

Rejoice, glory to the monastics;

Rejoice, Venerable Angelino, mother of heavenly kindness and mercy.

Kontakion 12

It was the grace of God, Mother Angelino, that some time later your holy, incorruptible relics were found, and with all piety and triumph they were taken to the Krushedol Monastery and placed in a shrine to your son Saint John. The same multitude of people, contemplating this, shouted joyfully to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

We sing to your honorable memory, even if the godless Turks chopped up and burned your holy relics and your holy children and spouse. May your one hand remain for us, Reverend Mother Angelino, with which, like a true mother, you have mercy on us and call upon us the blessing of God, when we come to you at the Krushedol monastery and ask for your help with tears. Moreover, our mother, from the bottom of our hearts we offer you great praise:

Rejoice, for your soul has reached a quiet eternal refuge;

Rejoice, for you appear alive even after death;

Rejoice, for you have received a hundredfold reward from God for your labors;

Rejoice, for your icons adorn many churches;

Rejoice, for you glorify those who glorify you;

Rejoice, for you bring the faithful to the Lord;

Rejoice as you prayed for the salvation of the world;

Rejoice, for your relics shine with the light of miracles;

Rejoice, eternal abbess of the Krushedola monastery;

Rejoice, Venerable Angelino, mother of heavenly kindness and mercy.

Kontakion 13

Oh, holy mother Angelino, our hope and protection, hear this prayerful voice, and help us, your children, that we may be cleansed from sin and all uncleanness, that we may depart from this world with good hope, and may we be the last in the Kingdom of Heaven, where all joyfully sing to the Lord: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read 3 times, and then again ikos 1 and kontakion 1, followed by a prayer.)


Oh, Venerable Angelino, our kind and merciful mother, help us, your disobedient children. You are our good mother, you lived a sorrowful life on earth, but with the help of God, you bravely gained victories in battles and your soul joyfully dwelt in the light of the Kingdom of Heaven. Your home Church of Christ has been decorated and gilded by your holy husband Stephen and sons John and Maxim. You had a heart immeasurably large and compassionate towards everyone in trouble. Therefore, the pious Serbian people called you the best of the words given by God - mother. As you are the mother of all of us, your Serbs, who, even if we have sinned a lot, still love and honor you and come to you for help.
What kind of mother would hate her children, even if they sin badly? No, but he punishes them wisely, but does not cease to love. Therefore, you, our good mother, punish us from heaven with the scourge of God, but do not leave us without your love. Punish us with the right hand of God's truth, and strengthen us with the right hand of love and return us from unrighteous paths to the path of truth and goodness.
We pray to you, good mother, with your prayers ask us for a heavenly blessing: for the sick health, for the weak strength, for the desperate hope, for the hungry daily bread, for the barren children, for the persecuted, shelter and comfort, and for all those who pray to you, grant what you ask for according to your great mercy. But grant us even more, our good mother, heavenly blessings that cleanse our souls, strengthen us in fulfilling the commandments of God, leading us to good and leading us away from all evil. For if we don’t run away from evil in this world, how can we run away from it in another world, if we don’t cleanse ourselves of dirt here, how can we there, where they look at what we carry from here.
Help us to die to this world, just as you were dead to the world, having desired the enduring and eternal good. Let our good be in heaven, so that our hearts may be in heaven, and not here, where everything rots and disappears, where the thief steals, and moth and rust decay. Even if we put all our strength into the blessings of this world, for a handful of earthly dust, we take it with us below, then you will not be able to help us, our good mother. Even if we work a little, although we cry out a little to the Lord through you, His heavenly bride, your help will pour out innumerable heavenly blessings, which will strengthen us on the narrow path of salvation, even if hundreds of deaths are presented to us.
Truly, our soul is completely torn by sins and poor in virtue, but the merciful Lord has prepared a remedy - repentance. May a small part of that true repentance be born in us, which you, our holy mother, brought to the Lord. Revive the divine in our souls with your warm tears, which you pour out every day for the Serbian race, so that we understand the abyss of our debts before God, He forgives our debts if we sincerely and tearfully ask Him for forgiveness.
Also, have mercy, our mother Angelino, holy abbess of Krushedol, and help us to be saved from all evil, so that one day, through your prayers to the Lord, we may enter the peace of the Kingdom of Heaven, where everyone gratefully glorifies the Holy Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.

The name Angelina is very euphonious, and when pronounced it is associated with the image of an angel, so it has gained wide popularity. However, parents choosing a name for their daughter should not rely on such comparisons. Pop-up associations are far from reality. The owners of the name are stubborn and irritable, they do not know how to fully open up to another person. At the same time, their inner world is saturated with love, tenderness and harmony.

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    Origin story

    The history of the origin of the name Angelina dates back to Ancient Greece. The name comes from the Late Latin masculine Angelus, which, in turn, originates from the Greek "angelos", which means "messenger" or "messenger", because angels are the omens of good events and bring favorable news. If you believe the ancient Greek myths, Angelina is one of the epithets that were used to call the gods Olympus, Zeus and Artemis.

    Subsequently, the name Angelina was widely used by Europeans, resulting in such derived female names as Angela, Angelica, Angelina and Angeline.

    In Russia, the name came into circulation from the moment of the baptism of Rus' and was deciphered as “the appearance of an angel.” Later it began to be translated as “messenger” or “messenger of God,” drawing parallels with the original Greek version. At Baptism, those girls who were named Angelicas at birth are also called Angelinas.

    Some Russian researchers classify the name Engelin as a derivative of the one under consideration, although the origin of the latter is most logical to connect with the revolutionary history of the country.

    Patron saint and name day according to the church calendar

    The patron saint of the name is Angelina Srpska (Branković). The saint, originally from the Chernoevich dynasty, was given in marriage to Stefan Brankovich, who was famous for his fair disposition and strong character. The couple had four children: two girls and two boys.

    The life of Angelina Serbskaya faced many trials - persecution for the Faith, the death of her husband and the loss of children; but she remained humane, faithful to the Lord and devoted to her goal. In 1509, the saint accepted the rank of angel, and in 1512, thanks to the help of the Russian ruler Vasily the Third, she founded a monastery, in whose cells she spent the last years of her life. All members of the Brankovich family are canonized as saints. The relics were kept in the Krushedol Monastery, which was set on fire by Turkish subjects in 1716. In the fire, only the saint’s brush was saved.

    Name days, which are days of special worship of Angelina of Serbia, are set according to the church calendar on September 12, December 23, July 14, August 12.

    Meaning of the name Angelina

    Each letter present in a person’s name leaves an imprint on the character. Moreover, the stronger the letter at the beginning of the name, the greater the impact on a person’s fate. Repeating characters tend to increase their influence in a name.

    The table shows the meaning of Angelina by letter:

    Character and destiny

    Angelina has a tough disposition and a strong character, but in life she is hampered by her reluctance to compromise and obstinacy. Ambitiousness forces her to move towards her goal at all costs, regardless of the feelings of others and external circumstances. That is why a woman has practically no close people.

    Despite this, Angelina knows how to make friends well, so the person who managed to enter her life will remain next to her forever. A woman values ​​and values ​​her few friends. Despite her natural stubbornness, during a strong quarrel she will be the first to take a step towards reconciliation and admit that she was wrong.

    Angelina is addicted to receiving new emotions, so she is constantly looking for new activities and knowledge. Having taken up needlework closely, after a while she will risk trying extreme sports, and then again delve into cross-stitching.

    The owner of the name does not favor frivolity in people, but she herself is fickle in her habits and views. Behavior is ambiguous and reflects mood. Closed and wary, echoes of sentimentality appear in places. In life he relies only on his own strengths, without expecting outside help.

    A contradictory character does not prevent you from easily adapting to your loved ones, pushing principles and life attitudes into the background. Therefore, in most cases, the life of the owner of this name turns out well.

    Angelina is extremely trusting. Those around her do not believe that her trustfulness in people is combined with a difficult character. Angelina herself does not recognize and does not see this in herself.


    By naming a girl with the bright name Angelina, parents strive to get a child with an easy-going character, but expectations rarely come true. Angelinas are wayward, stubborn and difficult to communicate with. It is difficult for those around her to find an approach to the girl, as a result of which many try to exclude her from her close circle. Angelina herself is not at all worried about this.

    The owners of the name begin to walk and talk early, love to study the world around them, and are curious. But parents must monitor the child’s actions to avoid injury and injury. Angelina prefers boyish games to girlish company, getting rid of excess energy. In the company of girls, she becomes more detached and reserved, which does not help the child increase the number of friends.

    The lust for power manifests itself from childhood - there are often cases when a girl gives commands to other children. Angelina effortlessly imposes her opinion on her peers thanks to her charisma and innate ability to manipulate. The girl loves attention and tries to attract it by any means, resisting the pressure applied in every possible way. She is vengeful and remembers the insults inflicted for a long time.

    Studying is difficult for the girl, and this is due precisely to the peculiarities of the school system. Angelina is independent and freedom-loving; an attempt to persuade a child to unconditional submission and obedience will lead to rebellion and the desire to do everything contrary.

    Young woman

    In her youth, Angelina becomes more balanced and restrained. In relationships with peers, she displays a tough temperament and a despotic character, which is why she has a small social circle, but this does not particularly upset her. Avoids noisy parties and large companies, preferring solitude.

    It is difficult to offend a girl, because Angelina knows how to stand up for herself. No time is wasted in searching for compromises, diplomacy and negotiations.

    Tries to stay away from intrigue and gossip. Deep down, she is vulnerable and trusting, which she skillfully hides behind a mask of indifference and aloofness.


    Adult Angelina is demanding of others and believes that every person should strive for self-development and self-knowledge. Despite high standards, the woman herself is far from ideal and lazy, which prevents rapid advancement up the career ladder.

    This is an ideal hospitable hostess, she is hospitable, but does not like to visit. The woman is distinguished by a good sense of humor and optimism; people turn to her for support, advice or help. Angelina does not accept meaningless conversations, she is punctual and extremely responsible.

    The owner of the name has a heightened sense of justice, which manifests itself less and less with age. Adult Angelina is aware that she is not capable of changing the world, but does not lose hope and continues to try.

    A woman is characterized by internal tossing and uncertainty about her own actions. On the one hand, she has a desire to open up to the outside world, and on the other, she is afraid of being deceived. It is important to find a middle ground that will give you the opportunity to be yourself while maintaining maximum friendliness to the outside world.

    Character by time of birth

    Depending on the time of birth, the following characteristics are distinguished:

    • Winter Angelina. A woman with a strong character, very stubborn, does not accept compromises. It is impossible to convince her. She has a kind heart and is sympathetic, but few people around her realize that she has these qualities.
    • Spring Angelina. The owner of the name is purposeful and ambitious, decisively moving towards her intended goal. Brings tenderness and warmth to relationships with others, and is happy to show this in relation to close and dear people. He gets married late, and the chosen one becomes a man he has known for a long time, reliable and self-confident.
    • Summer Angelina. The nature is cheerful, trusting, but this makes it extremely vulnerable. He easily opens up to people and makes close contact, but subsequently suffers from deception and injustice. The first marriage is influenced by feelings and most often ends in failure and disappointment.
    • Autumn Angelina. Reasonable, practical and pragmatic. Achieves significant success in a leadership position, becomes an authoritative leader, has success and respect from his subordinates. In her personal life, she tends to make choices in favor of gigolo men, which is why stable family relationships do not develop.

    Sexuality, love and family

    Angelina’s cool disposition leaves its mark on love relationships. In sex, a woman is temperamental; if there is no initiative from her partner, she is not afraid to take everything into her own hands and directly tells the man that she is not satisfied. Strives for diversity and gives preference to experienced men.

    If in intimate relationships such assertiveness excites the partner, then with the creation of a family the situation is different. Men are alarmed by Angelina’s excessive power and her desire to dominate. Due to inconsistency and contradiction, a woman often changes partners, which gives rise to numerous marriages and subsequent divorces. To create strong relationships, she has to learn to show patience and restraint.

    The ideal marriage partner is a man who is able to compromise, silent, courageous, self-confident and financially secure.

    Angelina gets married early, knows her future spouse well and will not seal the knot with the first person she meets. The first marriage is rarely successful.

    In the case of a successful marriage, a woman becomes an exemplary housewife and enjoys doing household chores and loves to receive and treat guests. In this matter, she seeks to show authority and involve family members in this process. Angelina will become a caring mother, will take care of and love her children.

    Health and mental health

    The owner of the name is characterized by excessive restraint and closeness, so it is difficult for others to recognize what feelings she is experiencing at a certain moment. Inaccessibility pushes people away because it seems that Angelina does not want to make close contact, she is arrogant and arrogant. This behavior is a necessary space for maneuver: a woman is trying to figure out whether she can trust a new acquaintance.

    Angelina’s health in childhood does not cause significant problems. With age, due to constant self-control and restraining emotions, a woman’s body cannot withstand nervous tension and fails. This leads to improper functioning of internal organs, the appearance of chronic diseases and frequent visits to doctors. Until a certain time, Angelina was careless about her health. Vulnerable places are the nervous system and the spine; it is also worth paying attention to the work of the pancreas.

    Morality, intuition and intelligence

    The owners of the name are smart, however, they prefer not to delve into reasoning and analysis, which makes possible career growth slow. Angelinas are famous for their considerable ability to work and curiosity, they are happy to learn new things and successfully apply theoretical knowledge in practice. Developed intelligence allows you to easily move forward and easily outperform others, to be better.

    Intuition is not Angelina's strongest trait. Failure to listen to your inner voice creates problems that require immediate solutions. But this does not upset the girls who bear this name at all; their innate charisma allows them to easily overcome any obstacles and win in the most hopeless situations.

    Angelina tries to do the right thing and live in accordance with the laws of conscience, but in order to achieve her goal she can deviate from moral guidelines and principles.

    Interests and hobbies

    Angelina strives to receive a variety of emotions, and her hobbies give her the opportunity to constantly change the picture before her eyes.

    The woman is interested in drawing, music and dancing, but she can hardly be called an enthusiastic person. She changes her hobbies regularly and enjoys learning new knowledge.

    Profession, career and business

    In matters of career, the name will bring significant success to the owner. Angelina is able to work, delves deeply into the essence of her chosen business, and is very energetic. But due to the peculiarities of her character, relationships with colleagues do not work out.

    An ardent dislike of other people's dominance determines professional choice. She can become a blogger, florist, designer, journalist or flight attendant - that is, she chooses those professions where she can independently control the progress of affairs. The owner of the name will be most successful in administrative activities, trade or in the service sector, and will also take the role of a teacher and actress. Successfully organizes holidays and parties, coordinates presentations and social events.

    Angelina’s decision to open her own business will be balanced and thoughtful. A woman devotes herself entirely to the process, which allows her to achieve significant success, multiply the initial financial investment and improve her own financial situation.

    Compatibility with male names

    The owners of this name are difficult personalities, so men who have an unlimited supply of patience are suitable partners for them. An alliance created with a man who is similar in temperament to Angelina herself is doomed to failure.

    The table shows male names compatible with the name Angelina:

    Male name Explanation
    AlexeiA man with this name will be able to gently suppress his partner’s ambition, which contributes to a calm and peaceful relationship.
    IvanThe partner will push the woman towards self-development, eliminating unnecessary thoughts. The best choice for Angelina
    VladimirThe chosen one will provide the woman with the desired comfort. The stumbling block will be the categorical nature of a man with this name. Angelina’s task is to learn not to notice this, then the union will be strong and stable
    VyacheslavThe partner will raise the woman to the pedestal, fully satisfying her inner ambitions. Harmony will reign in the relationship, which will bring pleasure to both partners

    The secret of the name Angelina

    Characteristics that most fully and accurately reflect the secret of the name Angelina and the essence of its owner:

    Characteristic Characteristic value Description
    Talisman stoneLapis lazuli, turquoise, peridot
    • Lapis lazuli - has a general tonic effect on the body, calms the nervous system, and has a positive effect on the body and mind. Symbolizes success and prosperity.
    • Turquoise - symbolizes the sky, longevity and sincerity. Brings success and good luck, protects from damage and the evil eye.
    • Chrysolite - attracts luck and material wealth. Protects from bad people and unpleasant events. Helps relieve insomnia and stress
    Mascot plantWater lily, apple tree, cornflower
    • The water lily is a symbol of purity and innocence, helps to cleanse the energy field of negative energy, and protects from evil people.
    • Apple tree - symbolizes divine gift and joy. The tree will protect the woman from bad things, and the power of protection will grow along with the plant itself.
    • Cornflower - a symbol of life and abundance, power and majesty
    Totem animalToad, owl, trout
    • The toad is a controversial symbol, having diametrically opposed characteristics in different cultures, but usually symbolizes wealth.
    • The owl is a symbol of wisdom.
    • Trout is a symbol of independence, purity, abundance and prosperity in all areas of life
    ColorBlue, green, whiteColors that bring good luck
    NumerologyDeuceIt influences the fate of the owner of the name, determining Angelina’s complaisance and friendliness. The number attracts luck, wealth and prosperity
    MetalSilverRepresents prosperity, purity, nobility and worldly wisdom. Accumulates and reflects the owner’s emotions - darkens if negative thoughts predominate
    Day of the weekMonday
    Heavenly bodyVenus, Moon

    First name forms and suitable middle names

    Diminutive derivatives of the name:

    • Angelina;
    • Linochka;
    • Angel.

    Shortened options:

    • Gel;
    • Lina;
    • Gela;

    For women named Angelina, the middle name Alexandrovna is most suitable; it will develop calmness and hard work in the owner of the name. The patronymic Evgenievna will strengthen such qualities in a woman as perseverance and vindictiveness.

    Middle names that increase the positive energy of the name:

    • Yuryevna;
    • Vladislavovna;
    • Valerievna;
    • Bogdanovna;
    • Ivanovna;
    • Arkadyevna.

    Zodiac sign

    The luckiest Angelines are those born under the sign of Leo: such women are able to attract worthy people, love and protect their loved ones. The owner of the name, born under the sign of Libra, will become a calm and reasonable person. Angelina-Aquarius will be open and sociable.

    Name in combination with each of the zodiac signs:

    Zodiac sign Interpretation
    AriesCheerful, sociable and friendly. He cannot stand loneliness and immerses himself in relationships. Gives the chosen one love and sincere devotion
    TaurusOpen, sympathetic and compassionate. He will always give advice and help with action. Can't stand gossip. Will become a reliable wife for a partner
    TwinsShe has a difficult character, is hardworking and efficient. Makes high demands on a potential man. Marriage is possible at a late age
    CancerRestrained, feminine and shy, she has incredible charm. Attracts the attention of many men, but rarely lets them near her
    a lionHe has a special magnetism, easily attracts and wins people over. She knows about her inherent charm and takes advantage of it, manipulating those around her. Selfish, but not ashamed of this quality
    VirgoA versatile personality, he is very demanding of the people around him and himself. Violently experiences his own mistakes and failures. Inability to relax and distract from pressing problems
    ScalesAn excellent listener, knows how to formulate sound advice. She is very erudite, so she easily supports any topic of conversation. Innate tact and diplomacy attract others, allow you to communicate with Angelina and share revelations with her
    ScorpionA closed and reserved woman, she avoids noisy companies, preferring solitude. She is demanding of others and does not forgive mistakes. Men are wary of authority and detachment, so it can be difficult for Angelina to create a harmonious union
    SagittariusCheerful and optimistic. Loves noisy companies and fun parties. Too frivolous about life, which is a consequence of prolonged loneliness
    CapricornPractical and pragmatic, she spends a significant amount of time at work and achieves success professionally. All planned goals are realistic and achievable, has a clear plan for achieving them
    AquariusA sociable and open woman. An excellent conversationalist and listener, ready to help. Family and children are a priority, I am ready to sacrifice my career and professional fulfillment for their sake
    FishA creative personality, lives in the world of beauty, theater and painting. Angelina is attracted to smart and intelligent men; in relationships she is caring, compliant and faithful

    Celebrities named Angelina

    Among famous people there are often owners of the name Angelina. Below are the most striking ones:

    • Angelina Osipovna Stepanova (1905–2000) - People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor. Theater and film actress, talented teacher.
    • Angelina Konstantinovna Guskova (1924–2015) - Soviet and Russian doctor, specialist in radiology. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.
    • Angelina Vovk (b. 1942) - TV presenter, theater and film actress, announcer of central television. People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Knight of the Order of the Key of Friendship.
    • Angelina Jolie (b. 1975) is an American fashion model, actress, film director and screenwriter, UN Goodwill Ambassador. Winner of an Oscar and many other cinema awards. Mother of six children, three of whom are biological.
    • Angelina (Anejelik) Madeleine Poisson de Gomez (1684–1770) - writer from France. It had a wide readership in Russia at the end of the 18th century.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

Angelina is an ancient Greek name that came into Slavic and European languages ​​many centuries ago, meaning “angelic” or “angel”.

Despite the fact that in European countries other forms of this name are more common - Angelina, Angie - in Russia it is Angelina who remains popular.

Despite the translation of this name, the fair sex who bear it have a far from “angelic” character. They are wayward and overly self-confident, intractable and stubborn.

Since childhood, Angelina has always tried to take a leading position everywhere and always - both at home and in any other team. The age transition period in a girl’s life is a real test for her parents: you can expect any surprises from a daughter at this age.

Having matured, the girl becomes more balanced, her energy and perseverance are directed towards another goal - ensuring her own financial independence.

But this is largely hampered by Angelina’s sudden mood swings and her unexpected outbursts of irritability.

These character traits can also negatively affect a woman’s family relationships. She will be happy in marriage only with a man who is calm in character, who is quite difficult to anger, and who can provide her with stable financial support.

Congratulations to Angelina on her name day in verse

There is fun all around, loud laughter,
Everyone has gifts and flowers,
Today our Angelina
Celebrating his name day!

Much love and happiness to you,
So that all bad weather can be avoided,
And let on the path of life
Dreams always come true!

The main thing in life, Angelina,
You were desired and loved!
And so that every evening by the fireplace,
Your dear man was waiting for you with love!

SMS congratulations to Angelina on her name day

Let your life, Angelina, be as sweet as a raspberry!
We wish you ease, miracles, blessings from heaven!

Happy name day to you, angel girl! Always remain as beautiful and extraordinary as you are! I wish you to bathe in love, tenderness and luxury all your life!

You are our angel, Angelina, may God not leave you!
And every day will give you a little joy and happiness!

Angelina - abbreviated Gelya, Lina. This beautiful name originated in Greece. Its sound in ancient Greek is “Angelos”, and it means “messenger”. Then the word underwent a transformation and in Late Latin began to sound like Angelus, and this was the name for men, not women. And out of it emerged - Angelina.

Meaning of the name Angelina

The meaning according to church order is deciphered as - "angel", "angelic". Its reduction does not end with two options. The short form is also used as: Gelina, Gela, Elya, Ela, Alina.​

The meaning of the ancient Greek free translation of the name Angelina is “angelic, good news.” Mysterious, very energetic and passionate, this is what distinguishes most of the female population who bear this name. Her character is completely dependent on her age; among other names there is no such changeable character.

The name sounds charming and gentle. Probably, everyone who knows a friend with this name will confirm that this person is unusual, quite attractive, with a bright and interesting destiny.

The name has a great influence on the life and destiny of the individual.

Characteristics and fate

The girl shows a strong and difficult character from an early age. She loves independence and is headstrong, sticks to her own opinions and educates herself.

Since childhood, the girl often conflicts with her parents, she is disobedient and not very diligent, she thinks that they are wrong in everything and do not understand anything. She has a personal opinion on many things and believes that she can control her own destiny. Inducing Lina to do physical labor by force will lead to nothing.

The girl easily establishes relationships with peers, making friends only with those who have the same tastes and interests as her. Sociable, active, with a cheerful, explosive character, always has a lot of ideas, and does not sit still. Dreams and fantasizes about the future. Likes to be friends with boys and actively plays war.

Very often she is a leader in a company of the opposite sex, her character is dominated by masculine traits, she is brave and warlike. She can be irritable and does not like being called by her diminutive name. But, nevertheless, her friends treat her with respect, value her and love her.

She participates in choosing a profession herself, she will not go to study where her parents decided. He prefers creative professions, as he has various talents: singing, dancing, sports, acting. Because of her love for animals, she is capable of becoming a veterinarian.

It is possible that she will become a surgeon, as she is cold-blooded and purposeful. Hobbies are always serious and long-lasting. Whatever she starts, she finishes, and before starting, she chooses for a long time, and, as a rule, she is not mistaken in her choice.

Angelina's girlhood

During this period, girls are quite restless and emotional.. Depending on what your goals and priorities are in life, you can be self-sufficient or live in modesty. The fate of Geli during this period is interesting and extraordinary:

Angelina does not like to make hasty conclusions; she always makes decisions seriously and carefully.

Growing up stage

Adult Angelina has a hard time communicating with people, she remains committed to her rules of conduct. She is convinced that she must fight for justice. Gradually, this fervor passes, and she comes to understand that she is not able to change the world.

Imperfect herself, Angelina demands a lot from others. In this regard, her professional destiny does not always turn out well, given her natural laziness. Family happiness depends on the understanding that you and your husband will have to curb your temper. If she gives up ambitions and leadership in the family, she will be a wonderful wife and a good mother.

The influence of time of birth on character

Girls with this name are active. They are stubborn, but warm and hospitable. If we consider the character of Angelina born at different times of the year, then it turns out that there is nothing in common between them:

Name days according to the church calendar

For a long time, Angel Day has been an important celebration. Previously, this holiday was celebrated at the table with pies and personalized loaves, and they visited church for communion. Angelina is an old, beautiful and well-known name for a woman. It belongs to the church, since the most significant in history was Angelina, canonized. She did the work to restore churches after the Turkish invasion of Serbia. This name is popular in our country.

Lina's patroness. Angel Day is celebrated four times a year. When you find out what saint you are naming him after, it has a strong influence on the character and fate of the baby.

The Venerable Angelina of Serbia grew up in the Orthodox family of the Albanian prince Ariyanit. Her husband was Stefan, the blind king of Serbia. From this marriage two children appeared. Reverend Angelina lived her life in sorrows and disappointments. Her husband died early, and two children subsequently died. She spent the rest of her life in a women's monastery.

Attention, TODAY only!

Some people believe that this name in church tradition refers to all angels at once (including archangels). But this is not true at all. He has several specific angel days, as well as a personal patron saint. We will talk about it in this article.

  • the 14 th of July. On this day, Saint Angelina of Serbia is venerated.
  • 12th of August. On this day, not only Angelina is remembered, but also all Serbian saints.
  • December 23. The “angels” of this date are not only Serbian, but also her husband and son (you will read more about this venerable family below).

Important: all dates presented above are indicated in the Orthodox church calendar.

As for Catholic name days, they can be celebrated:

  • 4 January. On this day, all believers remember Angela of Foligno, an Italian Franciscan nun. She is known for her book, written in the style of mysticism, about love for Jesus Christ and communication with him.

  • January 27. Memorial Day of Saint Angela Merici, Ursuline nun (founded this women's congregation). She raised girls in a Christian manner.

Church form of the name and origin

In the case of this name, the ecclesiastical and secular forms do not differ. (in some countries it may sound like Angela) translated from Greek means “messenger” or “angel”.

What fate and character can the bearer of this name boast of?

It seems to many that the owner of this heavenly name must be a real angel in the flesh. But (as with most “obvious” names) everything turns out exactly the opposite. The character of most Angels is strong and stubborn.

“Personal Angel”: the life of Saint Angelina

Angelina Serbskaya, also known as Mother Angelina or Angelina Srpska (this is how her name is written in her homeland) is a noble woman, the daughter of the Albanian prince George from the Arianiti family. Information about her mother has not been preserved; it is only known that she raised the girl to be kind and pious.

Her husband was Brankovic, the Serbian ruler. Married to him, Angelina gave birth to four children, two boys and two girls. However, their happiness was short-lived: the family had to spend about ten years in exile, hiding from the Turks in one of the Italian regions.

After the death of her husband, Angelina moved to the Srem region, where her family was allocated an estate. The body of her husband was reburied in the same soil.

Almost immediately after the move, the woman accepted monastic tonsure. With the help of the Russian Prince Vasily the Third (father of Ivan the Terrible), who gave her money, and her son, she began to build a church in which she placed the remains of her husband (people already considered them miraculous). Cells for nuns were built nearby. The church grew to the size of a monastery, called Krushedol. Angelina became his first mother superior.

Although it was burned by the Turks at the beginning of the 18th century, the Serbs later carefully restored it, and Manastir Krušedol still exists, and, moreover, is considered one of the most significant cultural monuments of their country.

You can learn more about Saint Angelina, as well as her revered family, from this video:

After watching, you might be left with the only logical question - what does the prefix “despotissa” assigned to the name of the saint mean? Is this really the feminine version of the word “despot”, that is, “tyrant”? We answer: indeed, this word comes from “despot,” but that means it’s not at all what you thought! In Serbia there was such a title, which came to this country from Byzantium. It denoted the highest court position, bestowed by the ruler for special merits, and in the case of Serbia it was an analogy to the princely title. That is, despotissa Angelina means “ruler.”


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