The meaning of the name Kamil is masculine. Love and family relationships

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Meaning of the name Kamil: The name for a boy means “perfect”, “impeccable”, “ideal in everything”. This affects Kamil's character and fate.

Origin of the name Kamil: Tatar, Muslim, Catholic, Kazakh.

Diminutive form of name: Kamek, Kamilo, Kamilchik, Kamchik, Kamilyushka, Mile, Kama.

What does the name Kamil mean? According to the first version, the name Camille came from the Roman cognomen (personal or family nickname) Camillus, which in turn came from “camillus”, meaning “a young man dedicated to serving the gods.” Camillus's cognomen Ancient Rome used in the family of Furies. IN European countries The name Kamil has several spelling and pronunciation variations. So in Italy Camille will be called Camillo, in Spain - Camilo, in Portugal - Camila, in Romania, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands - Camil. The female name is Camilla.

According to the second version, the name Kamil is of Arabic origin. The name Kamil is more soft version sound Arabic name Kamil (Kamal, Kamal), which translates as “perfect”, “perfect in all respects, the best.” In this meaning, the name Kamil is widespread among Muslims, Tatars, Kazakhs and other descendants of the Turks. The female name is Camila.

Camille's Angel Day: The name Kamil celebrates name days three times a year: February 15, July 14, July 18.


  • Kamil's zodiac – Aries, Scorpio
  • Planet – Uranus
  • Color - Purple
  • Tree – Barberry
  • Treasured plant – Aspen
  • Animal – Electric stingray, electric eel
  • Stone – Amethyst

The influence of the season

You can analyze the meaning of the name Kamil taking into account the time of year of his birth. The “winter” owner of this name is cocky and really doesn’t like it when his interests are hurt. But this Kamil has a strong character; at the same time, along with his aggressiveness, he is flexible and capable of showing kindness.

“Spring” Kamil is characterized by accuracy. He is able to devote a lot of time to his appearance. The main traits of such a person are vanity and selfishness. A man named Kamil really wants to establish power over his family and friends, although this is not always possible.

In general, by nature the name Kamil is a philosopher. This is especially true for the “summer” bearer of this name. He endures defeats and failures extremely painfully.

Characteristics of the name Kamil

Positive features: Kamil is observant and impartial, which characterizes him throughout his life. In fact, he is not evil at all, but a sincere and sympathetic person. who will never leave a friend in trouble. How fully will his purely positive traits– depends on the family situation and the quality of the young man’s upbringing. It is always a pleasure to communicate with him, he is refined and polite. Plus, he knows a lot about good food.

Negative features: This person remains impatient and hot-tempered until old age if he doesn’t like something. In love, a man is very selfish and can inadvertently hurt a girl in love without even noticing it. You shouldn’t offend Kamil, because he remembers the harm done to him quite well, although he rarely stoops to cruel revenge. Pride is here main drawback Kamil, for which he often has to pay too dearly in life.

Personality of the name Kamil: A man named Kamil is responsible and does not waste words. It is pleasant to communicate with him because he treats people with respect, and women in particular. This is an intellectual with a good understanding of life and human souls. Pursuing self-improvement, Kamil reads a lot, has a good education, and has aesthetic taste. He is noble and quiet, you can trust him with a secret. On the other hand, his character is dominated by cold rationality, vulnerable pride, and pride. Sometimes there is a desire in the soul to push a person into conflict with him, but there is always a good reason for this. Kamil never leaves confidence in his superiority. He also suffers from vanity, categoricalness and straightforwardness, and can be disorganized and stubborn.

Kamil and his personal life

Love and marriage: Kamil treats girls with respect. His connections are few, he is looking for understanding and common interests in his companion. He gets married quite late, because he approaches this issue thoroughly. His chosen one, as a rule, is a calm, kind and sympathetic woman who will greet him after work with a delicious dinner, take care of the comfort in the house and raise his children. By the way, Kamili does not know how to communicate with children and prefers to give them complete freedom of action, respecting their interests and preferences. The main life focus of these men is family and a small circle of devoted friends.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: IN professional field Camilis are organized and disciplined, good enterprising employees, but prefer to work alone. They can afford to be somewhat lazy, but the sense of duty and responsibility turns out to be stronger. Kamils ​​are more suited to professions with an intellectual bias rather than a physical one. They make quite successful businessmen, lawyers, journalists, teachers, engineers and programmers.

Health and energy

Health and talents: This is a strong and healthy boy since childhood, who almost never gets sick or gets seriously injured, because he hardens himself and goes in for sports, knows how to recover when he falls and stand up for himself in a fight. Kamil loves himself, monitors his diet and shape, and therefore in old age he rarely complains about heart or digestive problems. The only thing weakness- nervous system.

Kamil's fate in history

What does the name Kamil mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Kamil Gizycki - traveler and writer of Polish origin
  2. Camille Huysmans - politician of Belgian origin
  3. Kamil Stoch is a Polish ski jumper who took part in two Olympic Games Oh
  4. Kamil Kosovski is a Polish national football player and a midfielder for the Cypriot club Apollo.
  5. Camille Zayatte - footballer of Guinean origin
  6. Camille Cerf – French chronicle filmmaker and journalist
  7. Kamil Yarmatov - Soviet film director, actor, screenwriter, Hero of Socialist Labor, People's Artist of the USSR, Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree
  8. Kamil Tukaev - Russian film and theater actor, Honored Artist of Russia
  9. Kamil Valiev - Russian and Soviet physicist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific director of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  10. Kamil Jacek Glik is a Polish footballer who plays as a central midfielder.
  11. Camille-Christophe Geroneau - French mathematician who worked on problems of Diophantine analysis and geometry, was the author of a number of textbooks on trigonometry, descriptive and analytical geometry
  12. Kamil Agalarov - Russian football player
  13. Kamil Yashen - Uzbek playwright, poet and writer, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, People's Writer of Uzbekistan, Hero of Socialist Labor
  14. Kamil Iskhakov - Russian politician
  15. Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns – French organist, conductor, composer, writer and music critic
  16. Camille Bombois - artist of French origin, representative of naive art in painting
  17. Camille Chautan is a politician of French origin who is known as a popularizer of astronomy.

Origin of the name Kamil. The name Kamil is Tatar, Muslim, Catholic.
Synonyms for the name Kamil. Camilo, Camilou, Camil, Camillo, Camillus, Camillus.
Short form of the name Kamil. Kami, Milo, Lilo, Ka, Kaka, Kamilek, Kamek, Mil.

The name Kamil currently has two versions of the origin of the name. According to the first version, the name Camille came from the Roman cognomen (personal or family nickname) Camillus, which in turn came from “camillus”, meaning “a young man dedicated to serving the gods.” Cognomen Camillus in Ancient Rome was used in the gens of the Furies. In European countries, the name Kamil has several spelling and pronunciation variants. So in Italy Camille will be called Camillo, in Spain - Camilo, in Portugal - Camila, in Romania, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands - Camil. The female name is Camilla.

According to the second version, the name Kamil is of Arabic origin. The name Kamil is a softer sounding version of the Arabic name Kamil (Kamal, Kamal), which translates as “perfect,” “perfect in all respects, best, complete, mature.” In this meaning, the name Kamil is widespread among Muslims, Tatars and Turks. The female name is Camila.

Also Camille is female name, one of the options for addressing Camilla.

For the name Kamil, the Catholic name day will be indicated.

As a child, Kamil is stubborn and often acts out of spite, reacting this way to punishment. Kamil grows up as an uncollected and slightly inattentive boy, always in a hurry to get somewhere.

“Winter” Kamil is cocky and does not tolerate it when someone hurts him. At the same time, he is kind and flexible, and will not fight over trifles. Kamil, born in winter, has a strong character. “Spring” Kamil is distinguished by selfishness and vanity. He strives to establish his power over his loved ones, is very neat, and devotes a lot of time to his appearance.

By nature, Camille is a philosopher. Kamil, born in the summer months, painfully experiences failures and defeats. He has a good memory and an analytical mind. Kamil's inner voice rarely deceives him.

In business, Kamil is disciplined and organized. Although he may be lazy, Kamil is nevertheless efficient and responsible. He is characterized by such traits as seriousness, enterprise and practicality. Good luck Kamil will succeed by becoming an entrepreneur.

In communication, “winter” Kamil is taciturn and serious. Kamil, born in summer, is more emotional and observant. But even in a noisy company he feels lonely and uncomfortable. However, he does not tend to withdraw into himself. From the outside, Kamil seems to be a prosperous person; he chooses friends who are intellectually developed and sociable.

Kamil's birthday

Famous people named Kamil

Kamil Gizycki ((1893 - 1967) Polish writer and traveler)
Camille Huysmans ((1871 - 1968) Belgian politician)
Kamil Stoch (famous Polish ski jumper, participant in two Olympic Games)
Kamil Kosovski (Polish footballer, midfielder of the Cypriot club Apollo and the Polish national team)
Camille Zayatte (Guinean footballer)
Kamil Yarmatov, Komil Yormatov ((1903 - 1978) Soviet actor, film director, screenwriter. People's Artist of the USSR (1959), Hero of Socialist Labor (1973), Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1948))
Kamil Tukaev (Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia)
Kamil Valiev ((1931 - 2010) Soviet and Russian physicist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor, scientific director of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Kamil Jacek Glik, Kamil Gluck (Polish football player, central defender)
Camille-Christophe Geroneau ((1799 - 1891) French mathematician who worked on problems of geometry and Diophantine analysis. He was a professor at the Ecole Polytechnique (Paris); author of a number of textbooks on descriptive and analytical geometry and trigonometry. He was the founder and publisher (since 1842, together with O. Terkem until his death in 1862) of the journal Nouvelles Annales de Math e matiques, published until 1927. The Geronod Lemniscate curve, studied by him, is named in his honor.)
Kamil Agalarov (Russian football player)
Camille Jaschen ((1909 - 1997) real name– Nugmanov; Uzbek writer, poet and playwright, People's Writer of Uzbekistan (1969), Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (1969), Hero of Socialist Labor (1974))
Charles-Camille Saint-Saens ((1835 - 1921) French composer, organist, conductor, music critic and writer)
Kamil Iskhakov (Russian political figure)
Camille Decoppe ((1862 - 1925) Swiss politician, president)
Camille Bombois (obsolete Bomboise) ((1883 - 1970) French artist, major representative of naive art)
Camille Nicolas Flammarion ((1842 - 1925) French astronomer, famous popularizer of astronomy)
Camille Chautan ((1885 - 1963) French politician (one of the leaders of the radicals in the 20-30s), lawyer, Prime Minister of France in 1930 and 1933-1934)
Kamil Faseev ((1919 - 2005) Soviet party and statesman, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1959-1960), First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR (1959-1963))
Camille Paul Alexandre Chevilard ((1859 - 1923) French composer and conductor; Chevilard's compositional heritage includes piano, chamber, and symphonic works)
Kamil Dzhamalutdinov (Russian amateur boxer, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, medalist of the 2000 Olympic Games and the 1999 World Championship. The Sports Palace named after Kamil Dzhamalutdinov was opened in Kirov in 2002.)
Kamil Valeev ((1934 - 2000) Russian Bashkir scientist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. Opened the specialization “Physics solid and magnetism.")
Kamil Gubaidullin (Soviet and Russian graphic artist, Honored Artist Russian Federation(2002) and Bashkortostan (1997))
Camille Joseph Etienne Roqueplan ((1800 - 1850) French painter, student of Baron Gros and A. de Pujol)
Kamil Mingazov (Soviet and Turkmen football player, coach)
Jacob Abraham Camille Pissarro ((1830 - 1903) French painter, one of the first and most consistent representatives of impressionism)
Camille Briand ((1907 - 1977) French poet, artist, sculptor)
Camille d'Autin de la Baume, Duke de Tallard ((1652 - 1728) French military and political leader, Marshal of France, elevated to the rank of Duke for his services)
Camille Cerf ((1862 - 1936) French journalist and chronicle cameraman)
Marie Henmon Camille (Camille) Jordan ((1838 - 1922) French mathematician, known for his fundamental work in group theory and the Course of Analysis. Asteroid 25593 Camille Jordan and the Camille Jordan Institute are named after him.)
Camille Frautschi ((1923 - 1997) violinist, guitarist, one of the outstanding Soviet music teachers)
Count Camillo Benso di Cavour ((1810 - 1861) Italian statesman, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sardinia, who played an exceptional role in the unification of Italy under the rule of the Sardinian monarch; first Prime Minister of Italy (1861))
Camillo de Nardis ((1857 - 1951) Italian composer and music teacher)
Camillo Boccaccino ((1501 - 1546) Italian artist of the Mannerist era)
Camillo Oblak ((1895 - 1954) Italian cellist)
Camillo Karl Schneider ((1876 - 1951) Austrian botanist, gardener and landscape architect)
Camillo Everardi ((1825-1899) real name - Camille François Evrard; singer (baritone) and teacher)
Camillo Mastrocinque (Italian film director and screenwriter)
Chino Moreno ((born 1973) real name - Camillo Wang Moreno; American musician, vocalist and guitarist of the groups "Deftones", "Team Sleep and Crosses" (band). Chino received his nickname for the appearance that he inherited from his mother (Spanish . chino - “Chinese”))
Padre Camilo Torres Restrepo ((1929 - 1966) Colombian Roman Catholic priest, one of the founders of liberation theology and a member of the Colombian National Liberation Army (ELN). During his life he tried to reconcile revolutionary Marxism and Catholicism.)
Camilo Cienfuegos Gorriaran ((1932 - 1959) Cuban revolutionary)
Camilo Ernesto Mejia (former Staff Sergeant national guard American of Nicaraguan descent, and now an anti-war activist and writer)
Camilo José Cela ((1916 - 2002) outstanding Spanish writer and publicist, laureate Nobel Prize in Literature (1989), member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Spain (1957), laureate of the Cervantes Prize (1995). He dedicated many of his works to representatives of the generation of 1898. This is where all modern Spanish literature comes from.)

Origin of the name Kamil. Name Kamil Tatar, Muslim, Catholic, Kazakh.

Name synonyms Kamil. Camilo, Camilou, Camil, Camillo, Camillus, Camillus, Kamal, Kemal, Kamal.

Short form of name Kamil. Kami, Milo, Lilo, Ka, Kaka, Kamilek, Kamek, Mil.

Name Kamil currently there are two versions of the origin of the name. According to the first version, the name Kamil came from the Roman cognomen (personal or family nickname) Camillus, which in turn came from "camillus", meaning "youth dedicated to the service of the gods." Cognomen Camillus in Ancient Rome was used in the gens of the Furies. In European countries the name Kamil has several spelling and pronunciation options. So in Italy Camille will be called Camillo, in Spain - Camilo, in Portugal - Camila, in Romania, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands - Camil. The female name is Camilla.

According to the second version, the name Kamil is of Arabic origin. Name Kamil is a softer version of the sound of the Arabic name Kamil (Kamal, Kamal), which is translated as “perfect”, “perfect in all respects, the best.” In this meaning the name Kamil widespread among Muslims, Tatars, Kazakhs and other descendants of the Turks. The female name is Camila.

Also Kamil is a female name, one of the options for addressing Camilla.

For name Kamil Catholic name days will be indicated.

In childhood Kamil He is stubborn and often acts out of spite, reacting this way to punishment. Kamil He grows up as an uncollected and slightly inattentive boy, always in a hurry to get somewhere.

"Winter" Kamil cocky, does not tolerate it when someone hurts him. At the same time, he is kind and flexible, and will not fight over trifles. Kamil, born in winter, has a strong character. "Spring" Kamil characterized by selfishness and vanity. He strives to establish his power over his loved ones, is very neat, and devotes a lot of time to his appearance.

By nature Kamil philosopher. Kamil, born in the summer months, painfully experiences failures and defeats. He has a good memory and an analytical mind. Kamil's inner voice rarely deceives him.

In business Kamil disciplined and organized. Although he may be lazy, but nevertheless Kamil efficient and responsible. He is characterized by such traits as seriousness, enterprise and practicality. Good luck Kamil will achieve by becoming an entrepreneur.

“Winter” in communication Kamil taciturn and serious. Kamil Those born in summer are more emotional and observant. But even in a noisy company he feels lonely and uncomfortable. However, he does not tend to withdraw into himself. From the outside Kamil He seems to be a prosperous person; he chooses friends who are intellectually developed and sociable.

Kamil's birthday

Famous people named Kamil

  • Kamil Gizycki ((1893 - 1967) Polish writer and traveler)
  • Kamil Huysmans ((1871 - 1968) Belgian politician)
  • Kamil Stoch (famous Polish ski jumper, participant in two Olympic Games)
  • Kamil Kosovski (Polish football player, midfielder of the Cypriot club Apollo and the Polish national team)
  • Kamil Zayatt (Guinean footballer)
  • Kamil Yarmatov, Komil Yormatov ((1903 - 1978) Soviet actor, film director, screenwriter. People's Artist of the USSR (1959), Hero of Socialist Labor (1973), Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1948))
  • Kamil Tukaev (Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia)
  • Kamil Valiev ((1931 - 2010) Soviet and Russian physicist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor, scientific director of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Kamil Jacek Glick, Kamil Gluck (Polish football player, central defender)
  • Camille-Christophe Geroneau ((1799 - 1891) French mathematician who worked on problems of geometry and Diophantine analysis. He was a professor at the Ecole Polytechnique (Paris); author of a number of textbooks on descriptive and analytical geometry and trigonometry. He was the founder and publisher (since 1842, together with O. Terkem until his death in 1862) of the journal Nouvelles Annales de Math é matiques, published until 1927. The Geronod Lemniscate curve, studied by him, is named in his honor.)
  • Kamil Agalarov (Russian football player)
  • Kamil Yashen ((1909 - 1997) real name - Nugmanov; Uzbek writer, poet and playwright, People's Writer of Uzbekistan (1969), Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (1969), Hero of Socialist Labor (1974))
  • Charles- Kamil Saint-Saëns ((1835 - 1921) French composer, organist, conductor, music critic and writer)
  • Kamil Iskhakov (Russian politician)
  • Kamil Decoppe ((1862 - 1925) Swiss politician, president)
  • Kamil Bombois (obsolete Bomboise) ((1883 - 1970) French artist, major representative of naive art)
  • Kamil Nicolas Flammarion ((1842 - 1925) French astronomer, famous popularizer of astronomy)
  • Kamil Chautan ((1885 - 1963) French politician (one of the leaders of the radicals in the 20-30s), lawyer, Prime Minister of France in 1930 and 1933-1934)
  • Kamil Faseev ((1919 - 2005) Soviet party and statesman, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1959-1960), First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR (1959-1963))
  • Kamil Paul Alexandre Chevilard ((1859 - 1923) French composer and conductor; Chevilard's compositional heritage includes piano, chamber, and symphonic works)
  • Kamil Dzhamalutdinov (Russian amateur boxer, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, medalist of the 2000 Olympic Games and the 1999 World Championship. The Sports Palace named after Kamil Dzhamalutdinov was opened in Kirov in 2002.)
  • Kamil Valeev ((1934 - 2000) Russian Bashkir scientist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. Opened the specialization “Solid State Physics and Magnetism.”)
  • Kamil Gubaidullin (Soviet and Russian graphic artist, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2002) and Bashkortostan (1997))
  • Kamil Joseph Etienne Roqueplan ((1800 - 1850) French painter, student of Baron Gros and A. de Pujol)
  • Kamil Mingazov (Soviet and Turkmen football player, coach)
  • Jacob Abraham Kamil Pissarro ((1830 - 1903) French painter, one of the first and most consistent representatives of impressionism)
  • Kamil Briand ((1907 - 1977) French poet, artist, sculptor)
  • Camille d'Autin de la Baume, Duke de Tallard ((1652 - 1728) French military and political leader, Marshal of France, elevated to the rank of Duke for his services)
  • Camille Cerf ((1862 - 1936) French journalist and chronicle cameraman)
  • Marie Enmon Kamil(Camille) Jordan ((1838 - 1922) French mathematician, known for his fundamental work in group theory and the Course of Analysis. Asteroid 25593 Camille Jordan and the Camille Jordan Institute are named after him.)
  • Camille Frautschi ((1923 - 1997) violinist, guitarist, one of the outstanding Soviet music teachers)
  • Count Camillo Benso di Cavour ((1810 - 1861) Italian statesman, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sardinia, who played an exceptional role in the unification of Italy under the rule of the Sardinian monarch; first Prime Minister of Italy (1861))
  • Camillo de Nardis ((1857 - 1951) Italian composer and music teacher)
  • Camillo Boccaccino ((1501 - 1546) Italian artist of the Mannerist era)
  • Camillo Oblak ((1895 - 1954) Italian cellist)
  • Camillo Karl Schneider ((1876 - 1951) Austrian botanist, gardener and landscape architect)
  • Camillo Everardi ((1825-1899) real name - Camille François Evrard; singer (baritone) and teacher)
  • Camillo Mastrocinque (Italian film director and screenwriter)
  • Chino Moreno ((b. 1973) real name - Camillo Wang Moreno; American musician, vocalist and guitarist of the groups "Deftones", "Team Sleep and Crosses" (band). Chino received his nickname for the appearance that he inherited from his mother (Spanish . chino - “Chinese”))
  • Padre Camilo Torres Restrepo ((1929 - 1966) Colombian Roman Catholic priest, one of the founders of liberation theology and a member of the Colombian National Liberation Army (ELN). During his life he tried to reconcile revolutionary Marxism and Catholicism.)
  • Camilo Cienfuegos Gorriaran ((1932 - 1959) Cuban revolutionary)
  • Camilo Ernesto Mejía (former Nicaraguan-born US National Guard staff sergeant and now anti-war activist and writer)
  • Camilo José Cela ((1916 - 2002) an outstanding Spanish writer and publicist, laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature (1989), member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Spain (1957), laureate of the Cervantes Prize (1995). He dedicated many of his works to representatives of the generation of 1898. It was This is where all modern Spanish literature comes from.)

The name Kamila (in the Muslim version Kamila) is very popular in the CIS. Parents really like its originality and beauty, which is why newborn girls are often called that way.

Kamilya - the meaning of the name

This name has several interpretations and meanings. However, the most popular version of the decoding is that the girls from the noble class who served in the temple were called Kamil. There is another theory about the meaning of the name and its origin. According to her, it has Arabic roots. Some experts believe that it came from the male name Kamil or Kamil. This is quite possible, given that they are consonant. according to the Arabic version - strong and mature. According to the third theory, the name is of Germanic origin. From Dutch, German and it is translated as “chamomile”. The true origin of the name is not really that important. The main thing is that it sounds beautiful, light and gentle - Kamila. The meaning of the name, however, gives its bearers very special features.


Kamilya is characterized by impulsiveness, impetuosity, openness and excitability. The name has more influence on its bearers in childhood. Kamila is a smiling, sweet and gentle child. The main advantages, which are also disadvantages, are the enormous stubbornness and feminine frivolity of the owners of the name. However, thanks to their character, these ladies always have enough friends. Over the years, these girls become more serious, but childish gullibility remains with them for the rest of their lives. This leads to the fact that many people shamelessly, and sometimes simply compulsively, use this quality. Kamilya is very often deceived, but she stubbornly refuses to learn from her mistakes. It is better for her to remain kind and compliant. She tries her best to be useful to the people around her. Over the years, these ladies become more reasonable and serious. This is more consistent with the meaning that it carries male name Kamil, which means “strong and mature.”


Bearers of this name are distinguished by very good health, but in childhood they often have infectious diseases. But if there is a person who only gets stronger over the years, it is Kamila. The meaning of the name determines that the health of its bearers improves with age. Most of all, these ladies are prone to diseases related to the nervous system.

Personal life

Kamila tries to keep some distance from the men. She's in no hurry to get married. However, many representatives of the stronger sex seek the favor of these ladies. If the bearer of the name decides to get married, then she will make a wonderful, faithful and loving wife. However, even in marriage she is surrounded by the attention of men. Camila makes wonderful housewives and wonderful mothers. They love their children very much and try to give them everything they need.


IN professional activity Kamila is interested in work related to creativity. They make excellent choreographers, art critics, composers, choirmasters, music school teachers, workers in art galleries and museums, as well as fashion models.

This article will help you unravel the mystery of your name and your destiny, as well as decide what to name your child.

Name Kamil. Importance in childhood

Boys with this name are stubborn from childhood, often inattentive and in a constant hurry. They cause a lot of trouble to their parents, do not respond to their comments, and like to do a lot of things out of spite, especially if they are punished. They often find themselves in unpleasant situations and can easily get involved in a fight. But on the other hand, despite their scandalous nature, Kamili is very flexible and kind and will not fight over trifles. They grow up as mischievous children and are not diligent in their studies, but boys change in better side, become calm in character, diligent and less conflicting. Camille is growing up healthy child, but as he grows up, he can overload his body with an excessive craving for work. Therefore, he should get plenty of sleep and follow a diet.

Name Kamil. Significance in adolescence

Camilis have a strong, decisive character, they are serious and taciturn, highly developed intellectually and philosophers by nature. Proud and neat, they devote a lot of time to their appearance. They do not like to spend time in noisy companies, attend holidays and parties, because they feel lonely at such events. But they don’t mind chatting with friends in a more relaxed environment. Kamili's social circle is chosen to match their own: they are interested in equally serious and reliable people. They experience failures and defeats painfully, follow their intuition and listen to their inner voice. But still they lack self-confidence. These people tend to withdraw into themselves. Kamil is difficult to deceive, he is interested in the field of psychology, and he has a good understanding of people. He does not waste words, strives for perfection and knows how to keep secrets.

in the field of love and marriage

Kamil treats girls with respect. His connections are few, he is looking for understanding and common interests in his companion. He gets married quite late, because he approaches this issue thoroughly. His chosen one, as a rule, is a calm, kind and sympathetic woman who will greet him after work with a delicious dinner, take care of the comfort in the house and raise his children. By the way, Kamili does not know how to communicate with children and prefers to give them complete freedom of action, respecting their interests and preferences. The main thing for these men is family and a small circle of devoted friends.

Meaning of the name Kamil

The male name is translated from Arabic as “perfect”, “mature”. Kamil gives the impression of a prosperous, accomplished man. He strives for excellence in everything. The owner of this name has impeccable taste and excellent manners.

Name Kamil. Importance in choosing a profession

In the professional sphere, Kamili is organized and disciplined, good enterprising employees, but prefers to work alone. They can afford to be somewhat lazy, but the sense of duty and responsibility turns out to be stronger. Kamils ​​are more suited to professions with an intellectual bias rather than a physical one. They make quite successful businessmen, lawyers, journalists, teachers, engineers and programmers.

Male name Kamil and seasons

Spring-born Camilis are more selfish, vain and selfish. Winter representatives are whimsical and scandalous personalities. Summer Camilis are distinguished by emotionality and vulnerability, while autumn ones are collected and responsible.


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