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Stepan Grigorievich (pseud. - Technician), Russian revolutionary populist. From serf peasants. Studied at the Kharkov Veterinary Institute. In 1873 he conducted revolutionary propaganda in Saratov. In 1876-78 he lived in London and Paris, studying electrical engineering with P. N. Yablochkov. In 1878, in Paris, he joined the Russian-Polish circle of “socialist propagandists” (P. L. Lavrov, Y. Uzemblo, etc.). In 1878, as an emissary of this circle, he went to Russia. In 1879, a member of the populist group “Freedom or Death”, a participant in the Lipetsk Congress, a member of the Executive Committee of “Narodnaya Volya”, the creator of its first dynamite workshop. On November 19, 1879, together with S. L. Perovskaya, he carried out an assassination attempt on Emperor Alexander II near Moscow. Arrested on December 3, 1879. According to the “trial of 16”, he was sentenced to death, commuted to eternal hard labor.

Lit.: Mainov I. I., S. G. Shiryaev, [M., 1930]; Kantor R. M. (message), Autobiographical note by S. Shiryaev, "Red Archive", 1924, | 7.

N. A. Troitsky.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what SHIRYAEV STEPAN GRIGORIEVICH is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

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480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Dissertation - 480 RUR, delivery 10 minutes, around the clock, seven days a week and holidays

Dmitrieva Olga Nikolaevna. Stepan Grigorievich Shiryaev. Life. Activity. Personality: 1857-1881 : dissertation... candidate of historical sciences: 07.00.02 / Dmitrieva Olga Nikolaevna; [Place of protection: Sarat. state University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky]. - Saratov, 2008. - 212 p. : ill. RSL OD, 61:08-7/251


CHAPTER I. Formation of the populist’s personality. 27

1.1. Childhood: family, relatives and friends. 27

1.2. Adolescence: gymnasium self-education circles and “going to the people.” 40

1.3. Youth: populist circle F.E. Heraclitova. 53

1.4. In exile. 61

CHAPTER II. S. G. Shiryaev and the “Land and Freedom” society. 77

2.1. Beginning of activities in “Land and Freedom”. 77

2.2. Group "Freedom or Death". 92

2.3. Lipetsk and Voronezh congresses. 101

CHAPTER III. In the party "People's Will". 105

3.1. Founding member of the Great IC. 105

3.2. The creator and first head of the dynamite workshop. 111

3.3. Assassination attempts on Emperor Alexander II in November 1879 121

3.4. Arrest. Consequence. Court. 134

3.5. Life and death in Alekseevsky ravelin. 155


Introduction to the work

The names of many outstanding personalities who made a huge contribution to the struggle for democracy and socialism are associated with the Saratov region. Our fellow countryman, one of the prominent figures of the Russian liberation movement of the 1870-1880s, also belongs to them. - Stepan Grigorievich Shiryaev.

Name S.G. Shiryaeva is closely associated with the first political (revolutionary) party in Russia, “People's Will”. He was directly involved in the development of the program and charter of the party, was the creator and first head of its dynamite laboratory, and provided general technical supervision of three attempts by Narodnaya Volya on the life of Emperor Alexander II in November 1879.

In organizing the production of dynamite, Shiryaev was helped by electrical engineering skills, which he learned in Paris from another Saratov resident - the inventor of the world's first source of electric light, the famous "electric candle", P.N. Yablochkova.

Acquaintance abroad with one of the ideologists of revolutionary populism P.L. Lavrov, constant correspondence with him, as well as friendly relations with a former member of the General Council

First International, friend of K. Marx and F. Engels G.A. Lopatin, joining with him in the Russian-Polish circle of socialist propagandists created by Pyotr Lavrovich in Paris, which was supposed to form the core of an interethnic organization for the preparation of a social revolution, testify to the international level of Shiryaev’s social activities.

By the time Narodnaya Volya was established, he was already an experienced and convinced revolutionary. Before offering dynamite for use in the battle with the autocracy for democratic freedoms, it went through the previous, peaceful stages of the Raznochinsky liberation movement - “going to the people”, propaganda among Saratov workers as part of the largest populist circle in the Volga region F.E. Heraclitov and the St. Petersburg proletariat as part of the “Land and Freedom” society.

S.G. Shiryaev was the central figure in the “16” trial - the first trial of the Narodnaya Volya party, which became a major socio-political event of its time and had not only an all-Russian, but also an international resonance.

Shiryaev, the first of the Narodnaya Volya members, instead of the eternal hard labor declared to society, the authorities condemned him to a slow, painful death in the cold, damp casemate of the Alekseevsky ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Currently, terrorism is one of the global problems of humanity. Terrorist acts have become a reality in modern Russia. This determines the relevance of the topic, the need to study the origins and characteristics of terrorism, including using the example of the historical experience of Russia and the activities of a specific historical figure.

The genre of historical biography for the proposed work was not chosen by chance. Having raised in 1970 the question of the need to restore

4 rights of this type of scientific research 1, famous historians, philosophers,

Writers have repeatedly written about its promise 2 . Methodology

writing biographies dedicated their monographs to N.G. Zimina and

I.F. Petrovskaya 3. In recent years, this genre has truly flourished.

It contributes not only to a more in-depth look at events and

problems of the time being studied, but also responds to modern issues,

seeks answers to them in the practice of the past. “We often find,” remarked

philosopher E.Yu. Solovyov, - what the figures of past eras have already experienced,

many problems that have to be dealt with have been suffered at great cost.

encounter in today's social experience..." 4

Until now, the life and work of S.G. Shiryaev was not the subject of special research, although a number of works examined in more or less detail some aspects of his revolutionary path.

Thus, already in the first general study on the history of the Russian liberation movement, published in 1883 in Leipzig, the liberal-minded German historian, professor at the University of Basel A. Thun outlined the role that Shiryaev played in it. Among “the most significant representatives of the Russian revolutionary movement of the 1870-1880s.” among men, he named Stepan Shiryaev sixth after L. Tikhomirov, A. Zhelyabov, N. Kibalchich, A. Kvyatkovsky and A. Mikhailov 5 .

Biography as historical research // History of the USSR. 1970. No. 4; Eidelman N.Ya. On historicism in scientific biographies (on materials of Russian history of the 19th century. // Ibid.

2 “Life and activity...” Unsolved problems of the biographical genre // Questions of literature. 1973. No. 10; Gordin Y. Individual destiny and the system of biographies // Izv. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Ser. lit. and language 1978. T. 37. No. 6; Scientific biography - a type of historical research: Interuniversity. Sat. scientific works L., 1985. Pavlova T.A. Historical biography in the USSR // New and recent history. 1990. No. 2.

Zimina N.G. Biographical genre: history and methods (from antiquity to modern times). Saratov, 2002; Petrovskaya I.F. Biography: an introduction to science and a review of sources and biographical information about Russian figures of 1801-1917. St. Petersburg, 2003.

4 Solovyov E.Yu. Biographical analysis as a type of historical and philosophical research // Questions of Philosophy. 1981. No. 7-9. P. 122.

Type A. Geschichte der revolutionaren Bewegungen in Russland. Leipzig, 1883. S. 269.

5 A striking example of official, governmental, protective

concept in the historiography of revolutionary populism is

“Chronicle of the socialist movement in Russia 1878-1887.” 1 . She was

compiled by Prince N.N. Golitsyn, edited by Comrade Minister

Internal Affairs Lieutenant General N.I. Shebeko and published in 1890 on

in French in the amount of 100 copies stamped “Exclusively”

it was the first to give an encyclopedic short biography of Shiryaev and

more detailed information about the process of "16", based on materials

a remarkable technician, but sometimes he was able to help the anarchists

some services" 2. Regarding this, the following can be noted: how

the conclusion of Golitsyn and Shebeko that the Narodnaya Volya members were

anarchists, it is just as wrong regarding technical abilities

Shiryaeva. This conclusion is refuted by source data.

Lieutenant Colonel of the Separate Corps of Gendarmes F.S. Rozhanov, in “Notes on the History of the Revolutionary Movement in Russia,” published by the Police Department in 1913, not only provided brief biographical information about Shiryaev, but also, citing investigative testimony, outlined his views on the popular uprising, the program for the socialist reconstruction of society. Wrote he also spoke about Shiryaev's participation in the Lipetsk Congress, about his work on the production of dynamite... But Rozhanov mistakenly believed that it was the production of explosives that Shiryaev studied for two years in foreign factories 3.

In the work on the dissertation, I used the “Review of the Social Revolutionary Movement in Russia” 4, which was compiled on December 31

1 Chronicle of the socialist movement in Russia. 1878-1887. Official report. M.,

2 Ibid. P. 60.

3 Rozhanov F.S. Notes on the history of the revolutionary movement in Russia (before 1913).
St. Petersburg, 1913. P. 154.

4 Review of the social revolutionary movement in Russia. St. Petersburg, 1880.

1879 was completed by the gendarmerie publicist A.P. Malypinsky. In 1880, the book was printed in 150 copies for official use. It mentions the assassination attempt on November 19, 1879 and the leaflet issued on November 22 by the EC “Narodnaya Volya” in connection with this event, as an example of the impudence of “enemies persecuted by law” 1 .

The main court historian of that time, an official of the Police Department, the author of the two-volume work “Emperor Alexander II. His life and reign" 2 S.S. Tatishchev, in the chapter “Sedition,” presented all ordinary Narodnaya Volya members as “malicious” people, and their leaders as “horse guides of the movement” 3 . Without naming the names of the revolutionaries, he provides general information about the Lipetsk and Voronezh congresses of landowners and the attempts of the Executive Committee of the People's Will on the tsar.

Russian liberal historians made a great contribution to the development of the theme of revolutionary populism: A.A. Kornilov 4, L.E. Barrive 5, V.Ya. Bogucharsky and B.B. Glinsky. But although two books by V.Ya. Bogucharsky “Active populism of the seventies” and “From the history of political struggle in the 70s and 80s of the XIX century. The “People's Will” party, its origin, fate and death” 6 are recognized as the best of all studies of this problem in pre-Soviet Russia, the Narodnaya Volya period of activity of S.G. Shiryaev, including the “trial of 16”, is covered in more detail in the book by the editor of the “Historical Bulletin” magazine B.B. Glinsky “The revolutionary period of Russian history (1861-1881)” 7. By the way, it is also of interest due to the fact that to this day it is the only

Review of the social revolutionary movement in Russia. P. 322.

2 Tatishchev S.S. Emperor Alexander II. His life and reign. St. Petersburg, 1911. T. 2.

3 Ibid. pp. 569-571,573.

4 Kornilov A.A. Social movement under Alexander P. M, 1909.

5 Barrivé L.E. Social movement during the reign of Alexander P. M., 1911.
6 Bogucharsky V.Ya. Active populism of the seventies. M., 1912; It's him. From

history of political struggle in the 70s and 80s of the XIX century. The People's Will party, its origin, fate and death. M., 1912.

7 Glinsky B.B. The revolutionary period of Russian history (1861-1881) Historical essays. St. Petersburg, 1913. Parts 1-2.

The photograph printed in it was taken in the Trubetskoy Bastion

Peter and Paul Fortress shortly before the trial 2.

After 1917, some aspects of Shiryaev’s social activities

were considered in respectable works on revolutionary populism

1870-1880s These are, first of all, monographs by V.O. Levitsky 3,

V.F. Antonova 4, S.S. Volka 5, M.G. Sedova 6 and M.D. Karpacheva 7, as well as

thorough, significant articles by V.A. Tvardovskaya and V.V. Shirokova 8. IN

listing members of the Freedom or Death group and the Executive

committee, participants in the Lipetsk and Voronezh congresses and the assassination attempt

on issues of economics and politics were considered by V.A. Tvardovskaya in

work “Socialist thought of Russia at the turn of 1870-1880.” 9 .

1 Glinsky B.B. Decree. Op. P. 355.

2 Shiryaev’s wife’s response to the publication of this photograph has been preserved: “In the portrait
you see not a young man of 23 years old, but a man of 30 years or more... A lot of hard work had to be done
to survive to change so much in a few months... The face is sad,
concentrated, deep, mournful thought reflected in the facial expression, eyes and demeanor
lips...What sorrowful thoughts filled his smart head, who will tell me about this?..." //
RGALI. F.1300. Op.1. D. 9. L. 9 vol. (Shiryaeva-Dubrovina A.D. Materials about S.G. Shiryaev).

3 Levitsky V. O. Party "People's Will". Emergence. Struggle. Death. M.; L., 1928.

4 Antonov V.F. Revolutionary populism. M., 1965.

5 Wolf S.S. People's will. 1879-1882. M.; L., 1966.

6 Sedov M.G. The heroic period of revolutionary populism. M., 1966.

7 Karpachev M.D. Essays on the history of the revolutionary democratic movement in Russia
(60s - early 80s of the XIX century). Voronezh, 1985.

8 Tvardovskaya V.A. The crisis of “Land and Freedom” in the late 70s // History of the USSR. 1950.
№ 4; It's her. Organizational foundations of “Narodnaya Volya” // Historical Notes of the Academy of Sciences
THE USSR. T. 67. 1960; Shirokova V.V. On the issue of assessing the activities of “Narodnaya Volya” //
Questions of history. 1959. No. 8.

Tvardovskaya V.A. Socialist thought in Russia at the turn of 1870-1880. M., 1969.

8 N.A. wrote about the tactical and ethical principles of Shiryaev’s behavior at the “16” trial. Troitsky 1.

About the landing of participants in the “walking of the people” in Saratov, as well as about the circles
self-education of the Saratov men's gymnasium and propaganda circle
F.E. Heraclitov, which included Stepan Shiryaev and his junior
brother Peter, wrote B.S. Itenberg, V.N. Ginyov, R.V. Filippov and

V.V. Shirokova 2.

The largest work on “Land and Freedom” is the monograph by P.S. Tkachenko 3, which, according to researchers, is replete with inaccuracies 4. There are also errors in it regarding the topic under consideration. So, Pyotr Semyonovich writes that Shiryaev met P.L. Lavrov in Paris in 1878. 5 In fact, this event took place in London at the end of December 1876 - beginning of January 1877. The defeat of the circle of F.E. He considers Heraclitov to be the result of the fact that “the gendarmes became aware of the secret gatherings of the Land Volunteers” 6 . But the circle was crushed in January-March 1877, and the first land settlement in the Saratov province was organized only in the summer of the same year.

Troitsky N.A."People's Will" before the royal court (1880-1891). Saratov, 1971; It's him. Tsarist courts against revolutionary Russia. Political processes of 1871-1880. Saratov, 1976; It's him. The madness of the brave. Russian revolutionaries and the punitive policy of tsarism 1866-1882. M., 1978; It's him. Tsarism on trial by the progressive public: 1866-1895. M., 1979; It's him."People's Will" before the royal court (1880-1894). 2nd ed., corrected and expanded. Saratov, 1983; It's him. Crusaders of socialism. Saratov, 2002.

2 Itenberg B.S. Movement of revolutionary populism. Populist circles and “going to the people” in the 70s of the 19th century. M., 1965; Ginyov V.N. Populist movement in the Middle Volga region (70s of the 19th century). M.; L., 1966; Filippov R.V. From the history of the populist movement at the first stage of “going to the people” (1863-1874). Petrozavodsk, 1967; Shirokova V.V. Essays on the history of the social movement in the Saratov province in the post-reform period. Saratov. 1976.

3 Tkachenko P.S. Revolutionary populist organization “Land and Freedom” (1876-1879). M., 1961.

4 See about this: Troitsky N.A. Crusaders of socialism. P. 8; Voronikhin A.V. V.N. Figner in the Russian liberation movement (1873-1884) Dis. ...cand. ist. Sci. Saratov, 1992. pp. 17-18.

5 Tkachenko P.S. Decree. Op. P. 177.

6 Ibid. P. 204.

Dynamite production under the direction of S.G. Shiryaev in the summer of 1879, his

A thorough article by P.M. is devoted to quality and significance in the fight against the government. Kantor 1, although it is not without some factual errors. In the notes, some of them were corrected by the owner of the safe houses for the production of explosives, A.V. Yakimova.

The last period of S.G.’s life Shiryaev in the Alekseevsky ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress was reflected in the works of A.V. Predtechensky 2, M.N. Gerneta 3 and P.E. Shchegoleva 4.

An important role for this study is played by generalizing works about
era of the 1870-1880s. Sh.M. Levin 5, M.I. Heifetz 6, P.A. Zayonchkovskogo 7,
B.P. Kozmina 8, I.K. Pantina, E.G. Plimak and V.G. Khorosa 9, B.S. Itenberg and
V.A. Tvardovskaya 10, collective monograph “Russia in the revolutionary
situations at the turn of the 1870s-1880s 11. Along with them were used
more in-depth research on individual problems of the second half
XIX century These are works about the Russian intelligentsia of that time V.R. Leikina-
Svirskaya 12, about the participation of student youth in the revolutionary movement
1860-1870s P.S. Tkachenko 13 and G.I. Shchetinina 1, about the Russian revolutionary
emigration A.Ya. Kiperman 2, historiographical works 3. \

1 Kantor R.M. Dynamite of “Narodnaya Volya” // Hard labor and exile. No. 8-9 (57-58).

2 Predtechensky A.V. Chronicle of the Peter and Paul Fortress. M., 1932.

3 Gernet M.N. History of the Tsar's Prison: In 5 volumes. M., 1961. Vol. 3.

4 Shchegolev P.E. Alekseevsky ravelin. M., 1989.

5 Levin Sh.M. Social movement in Russia in the 60-70s of the 19th century. M., 1958.
Kheifets M.I. The second revolutionary situation in Russia. Government crisis

politicians. M., 1963.

7 Zayonchkovsky P.A. The crisis of autocracy at the turn of the 1870s-1880s. M., 1964; He
The government apparatus of autocratic Russia in the 19th century. M., 1978.

8 Kozmin B.P. From the history of revolutionary thought in Russia. Selected works. M., 1961.

9 Pantin I.K., Plgshak E.G., Khoros V.G. Revolutionary tradition in Russia: 1783-1883. M., 1986.

10 Itenberg B.S., Tvardovskaya V.A. Count M.T. Loris-Melikov and his time. M., 2004.

11 Russia in a revolutionary situation at the turn of the 1870-1880s. M., 1983.

12 Leikina-Svirskaya V.R. The intelligentsia in Russia in the second half of the twentieth century. M.,

13 Tkachenko P.S. Student youth in the revolutionary movement of the 60-70s. ХХ century M.,

Recently, a number of biographies of Emperor Alexander II have appeared, which examine, albeit very briefly, the activities of Narodnaya Volya. The most thorough of them is the book by L.M. Lyashenko 4. In it, he revealed the reasons for the transition of the Narodniks from peaceful propaganda of socialism to the struggle for political freedom using terror, and concluded about its historical conditionality. The author gave a general description of the Narodnaya Volya movement and the attempts of the Executive Committee on the emperor.

In the sensational over-promoted documentary novel by E.S. Radzinsky 5, in one of the chapters there is a small section, occupying half a page, with the loud title “Dynamite - a new technology of the great terror”, in which, with reference to the testimony of G.D. Goldenberg says that the use of dynamite was first discussed at the Lipetsk Congress in mid-June 1879. 6 This postulate is erroneous, since, firstly, the idea of ​​regicide through a dynamite explosion appeared at the beginning of 1878 in the Nikolaev circle of S.Ya. . Wittenberg -I.I. Logovenko. The members of the circle planned to carry out their plan during the emperor’s passage through Nikolaev on August 18 of the same year, but two days before the assassination attempt they were discovered by the police 7 . Secondly, experiments on the production of dynamite in a specially created laboratory were carried out by Shiryaev since May 1879. But his role in the development and implementation

Shchetinina G.I. Students and the revolutionary movement in Russia (last quarter of the 19th century) M., 1987.

2 Kitterman A.Ya. Raznochinsky revolutionary emigration (1861-1895). Tambov, 1980.

3 Sergeev A.A. Gendarmes-historians. (Bibliographical notes) // Voice of the past.
1917; Nikolaevsky B. New about the past // Past. 1918. No. 3. P. 216-228; Kraineva N.Ya.,
Pronina P.V.
Populism in the works of Soviet researchers for the 1953-1970s. M.,
1971; Levin Sh.M. Essays on the history of Russian social thought (Second half of the 19th century)
beginning of the 20th century). L., 1974; Karpachev M.D. The origins of the Russian revolution: legends and
reality. M., 1990; Troitsky N.A. Russian revolutionary populism of the 1870s
(history of the topic): A manual for the special course. Saratov. 2001.

4 Lyashenko L.M. Alexander II, or the Story of Three Loneliness. M., 2003.

5 Radzinsky E.S. Alexander II. Life and Death (Documentary novel). M., 2006.

6 Ibid. P. 373.

7 See about this: Trogshchkiy N.A. Tsarist courts against revolutionary Russia. pp. 79-80.

In general, it should be noted that the scientific level of modern biographies about the Tsar-Liberator is not always high. An example is the book by V.N. Nikolaev, named in the annotation as academician 1. Here is his original judgment about the Narodnaya Volya: “After the assassination attempt on Alexander Solovyov, the terrorists were convinced that with the death of the emperor, a revolution would inevitably occur in Russia, which would end the monarchy and establish a left-wing Marxist regime” 2 . In his opinion, “these were Marxist fanatics with a clear anarchist bent,” and “their leader was Andrei Zhelyabov, the most prominent representative of revolutionary populism” 3 .

To come closer to a more complete understanding of the various aspects
life and activity of an individual, it is necessary to consider it in
system of other destinies close to her. For this purpose, the author of the dissertation was
a number of biographical works about figures of the Russian liberation
movements with which S.G. Shiryaev was most closely related or
participated in common enterprises. These are the books: B.S. Itenberg about P.L. Lavrov 4,
V.F. Antonova 5, O.A. Saikina 6 and Yu.V. Davydova 7 about G.A. Lopatin,

F.S. Korotaev 8 and Baron Samuel X. 9 about G.V. Plekhanov, V.A. Tvardovskaya about N.A. Morozov 10, Yu.Z. Polevoy 11 and V.D. Sergeeva 12 about S.G. Khalturine, I.Ya. Miroshnikov and V.A. Egorova about V.P. Obnorsky 13, V.D. Sergeeva about

1 Nikolaev V.N. Alexander II. Biography. M., 2005.

2 Nikolaev V.N. Decree. cit.. P. 411.

4 Itenberg B.S. P.L. Lavrov in the Russian revolutionary movement. M., 1988.

5 Antonov V.F. Russian friend of Marx (German Aleksandrovich Lopatin). M., 1962.

6 Saikin O.A. The first Russian translator of Capital. M., 1983.

7 Davydov Yu.V. German Lopatin, his friends and enemies. M., 1984.

8 Korotaev F.S. G.V. Plekhanov. Man and politician. Perm, 1992.

9 Boron Samuel H. G.V. Plekhanov is the founder of Russian Marxism. St. Petersburg, 1998.

10 Tvardovskaya V.A. ON THE. Morozov in the Russian liberation movement. M., 1983.

11 Polevoy Yu.Z. Stepan Khalturin. M., 1979.

12 Sergeev V.D. Propagandist with dynamite. Vyatka (Kirov), 1998.

13 Miroshnkov I.Ya. Victor Pavlovich Obnorsky. M., 1960; Egorov V.A. Obnorsky V.P.
(1851-1919). Vologda. 1962; Oh yeah. Victor Pavlovich Obnorsky. Arkhangelsk, 1967.

12 A.V. Yakimova 1, N.P. Asheshova about A.I. Zhelyabov 2 and S.L. Perovskoy 3, E.A. Pavlyuchenko, E.A. Segal, T.V. Tsymrina about Perovskaya 4 and A.V. Kleyankina about Zhelyabov 5, A.Ya. Chernyaka, 6 CM. Serpokryla, 7 V. A. Polyakova and F.A. Kibalchich 8, V. Ivashchenko and A. Kravets 9 about N,I. Kibalchiche, M.A. Klevensky about A.D. Mikhailov 10, F.M. Lurie about S.G. Nechaeve 11. Articles by N.M. are of interest. Druzhinina “Anna Vasilievna Yakimova” 12, as well as O.A. Saikin and K.B. Serebrovskaya “The Life Path of Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov” 13.

Important information about the life of P.N. Yablochkov abroad, his connections with Russian emigrants are contained in the monograph of Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute M.A. Chatelain “Russian electrical engineers of the 19th century” 14 and in the book by professor of the Moscow Energy Institute L.D. Belkinda 15.

Most of the listed works contain subjects related mainly to the revolutionary activities of S.G. Shiryaeva. The author addresses many of them in the text of the dissertation and, based on some erroneous conclusions of researchers, determines his position.

1 Sergeev V.D. A.V. Yakimova. 1856-1942. 1970.

2 Asheshov N.P. Andrey Ivanovich Zhelyabov. P., 1919.

3 He's sis. Sofia Perovskaya. P., 1921.

4 Pavlyuchenko E.A. Sofia Perovskaya. M., 1959; Segal E.A. Sofia Perovskaya. M., 1962;
Tsymrina T.V. Sofia Perovskaya. Political portrait. Taganrog, 2006.

Kleyankin A.V. Andrey Zhelyabov is the hero of Narodnaya Volya. M., 1959. Chernyak A.Ya. Nikolai Kibalchich - revolutionary and scientist. M., 1960.

7 Sickle covered SM. Feat before execution. L., 1971.

8 Polyakov V.A., Kibalchich F.A. Nikolai Kibalchich. M., 1986.

9 Ivashchenko V., Kravets A. Nikolai Kibalchich. 2nd ed. M., 1995.

10 Klevensky M. HELL. Mikhailov. M., 1925.

11 Lurie F.M. Creator of destruction. P., 1994; It's him. Nechaev: Creator of destruction.
M., 2001.

Druzhinin N.M. Member of the Executive Committee of the Narodnaya Volya party Anna Vasilievna Yakimova (Kobozeva) // Drueinin N.M. Selected works. Revolutionary movement in Russia in the 19th century. M., 1985.

13 Saikin O.A., Serebrovskaya K.B. The life path of Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov // Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov (encyclopedist scientist). M., 1982. Chatelain M.A. Russian electrical engineers of the 19th century. M.; L., 1955. 15 Belkind L.D. Pavel Nikolaevich Yablochkov. 1847-1894. M., 1962.

the designated topic is quite extensive. Conventionally, they can be divided into several groups: 1) forensic investigative materials; 2) programmatic and organizational documents, proclamations and other publications of “Land and Freedom” and “Narodnaya Volya”; 3) epistolary sources; 4) memoirs and diaries; 6) periodicals.

One of the main and most voluminous published sources on the study of the ideological views and practical activities of S.G. Shiryaev is his statement to the prosecutor of the St. Petersburg Court Chamber V.K. Plehve dated July 21, 1880. Under the title “Autobiographical Note of Stepan Shiryaev” it was published by P.M. Cantor in 1924 1. The original note has not been discovered to date. It was printed from a copy presented to V.K. Plehve to the head of the Supreme Administrative Commission M.T. Loris-Melikov. This statement represents testimony given by Shiryaev eight months after his arrest. For a long time he refused them, adhering to 5, formulated in the Lipetsk version of the charter of the Executive Committee 2. He wrote them only after the scale and depth of the betrayal of the Narodnaya Volya member G.D. had finally become clear to him. Goldenberg. Due to the fact that there were many errors in the latter’s testimony, and they reflected his subjective view of the activities of “Narodnaya Volya”, its goals, objectives and tactical means, in order to restore the truth, Shiryaev decided to oppose them with his statement. He wrote it carefully so as not to harm anyone, mentioning in it only those names that were already known to the III Department from Goldenberg’s testimony. “This note did not change or influence the course of the investigation at all,” wrote P.M. Kantor, - they took note of it, but can we draw any conclusions from it?

1 Autobiographical note of Stepan Shiryaev // Red Archive. M.; L., 1924. T. 7.
pp. 74-97.

2 Morozov N.A. T. 2. P. 513.

14 information useful for the search was impossible: she did not aggravate anyone

fate, except perhaps Shiryaev himself.” 1

About the work of S.G. Shiryaev in the People's Will underground and the last act of his revolutionary activity at the trial is given by the official report on the trial of the “16,” which was published in the newspapers “Government Gazette” and “Moskovskie Vedomosti” 2. At the beginning of the 20th century. it was reprinted several times 3. His most famous and most detailed publication is the third issue of the journal “Russian Historical Library”, edited and with notes by V.L. Burtseva 4. It contains the indictment, the verdict, information about the progress of the trial and the fate of the defendants. However, it should be remembered that the report went through censorship before being sent to newspaper editorial offices. Thus, notes were made in Shiryaev’s explanations about the Lipetsk Congress and in his defensive speech. They omitted “a homogeneous and extremely inconvenient motive for the authorities: the role of executions in the transition of the revolutionary party to terror” 5 .

Therefore, the most important addition to the official report are the original autographs of Shiryaev’s two speeches at the trial, published in 1932 in the collection “Archive of Land and Freedom” and “Narodnaya Volya” 6. One of them, regarding the Lipetsk Congress, was reprinted in 1965 in the collection “Revolutionary Populism of the Seventies of the 19th Century” 7. She was reinstated by Shiryaev after speaking at the court hearing. On the contrary, he had composed his defensive speech in advance. Both notes were released through the lawyer of one of the defendants in the “16” case.

Kantor R.M. Autobiographical note by Stepan Shiryaev. P. 73.

2 Session of the St. Petersburg Military District Court in the case of 16 persons,
accused of state crimes // Government Bulletin. No. 241-255
(October 26-November 11) 1880; Moscow Gazette. No. 299-310 (October 26-November 8),
No. 319-321 (November 17-19) 1880

3 The case of the 16 Narodnaya Volya members. St. Petersburg, 1906; Case of the 16 (1880). St. Petersburg, 1907.

4 The trial of sixteen terrorists (1880). St. Petersburg, 1906.

5 Valk SI. Preface to the collection: Archive of “Land and Freedom” and “Narodnaya Volya”. M., 1930.
P. 18.

6 Archive of “Land and Freedom” and “Narodnaya Volya”. pp. 240-248.

7 Revolutionary populism of the seventies of the XIX century. M.; L., 1965. T. 2. P. 249-

15 S.A. Ivanova. In the accompanying letter she wrote: “I am sending you some material to give you a clear idea of ​​the trial. I only send what I managed to collect. I was asked to review and supplement, if not fully restored, the speeches and explanations of Alexander (Kvyatkovsky - O.D.) and Stepan (Shiryaev - O.D.); but now I can’t do this due to lack of time (we are disbanded pending the verdict)” 1 . Indeed, the explanations written by Shiryaev about the Lipetsk Congress are more concise and condensed compared to those contained in the official report. Apparently he chose the most important of them. But the autograph contains discussions about terror and criticism of G.D.’s misunderstanding. Goldenberg reasons for the division of the “Land and Freedom” society into two factions.

The draft defense speech contains some references to Shiryaev’s work in the production of dynamite, which are missing in the report, and comments about the liberals and their attitude to the revolutionary party.

Program and statutory documents of revolutionary populist organizations of the 1870-1880s. are of great significance for this work due to the fact that at a certain stage of his life S.G. Shiryaev shared the goals and objectives of the “Land and Freedom” society, and subsequently took an active part in the development of the main directions of activity and tactical means of the “People's Will” party. These important sources, as well as a number of other materials used in the dissertation, were published in the already named collections: “Archive of Land and Freedom and Narodnaya Volya” and “Revolutionary Populism of the 70s of the 19th Century.”

The author uses in his research periodicals and proclamations of “Narodnaya Volya”, which were published in 1905 by V.Ya. Bogucharsky in the book “Literature of the Narodnaya Volya Party” 2. In 1930, the Society of Former Political Prisoners and Exiled Settlers republished the collection, essentially

Figner V.N. Letters from the 16 participants in the trial // Hard labor and exile. 1930. No. 3 (64). P. 102.

2 Literature of the Narodnaya Volya party. Paris, 1905.

adding 1. In the same year, the book “Narodnaya Volya” in documents and memoirs” 2 was published.

The letters of Stepan Grigorievich are of undoubted value, a significant part of which was published in periodicals of different years. Five of them were addressed to P.L. Lavrov. The first two messages, dated December 17, 1876, contain information about the initial period of Shiryaev’s revolutionary activity, the reasons for his departure abroad, and a description of the literature that was distributed among the people by Russian propagandists 3 . Three letters refer to the end of Shiryaev's stay abroad 4. Here, he sums up his foreign observations and draws political conclusions from them before returning home, setting out his view of the goal and means of struggle of the socialist party in Russia. Of great importance for characterizing Shiryaev’s personality and his tactics at the trial of the “16” are the appeals of the Narodnaya Volya member to his comrades, forwarded through lawyers during the trial 5. The following letters from Shiryaev were also published: one to his brother Ivan dated June 18, 1880, 26 to his wife A.D. Dolgorukova (the first from March 20, 1880 and the last from November 4 of the same year) from the Peter and Paul Fortress and two to her friend M.P. Ursyn dated December 5 and 16, 1879 from the House of Pretrial Detention. They give an idea of ​​his mood after his arrest. Letters to your wife are especially important. From them one can judge the main character traits and structure of Stepan Grigorievich’s thoughts. They also contain information about Shiryaev’s relatives and the atmosphere in which he spent his childhood.

1 Literature of the People's Will party. M., 1930.

2 “People’s Will” in documents and memoirs.” M., 1930.

3 Shiryaev S.G. Two letters to the editor “Forward!” / The past. 1903-1904. No. 2 // Russian
historical library. 1906. No. 5. P. 21-29.

Tactics of revolutionary struggle (Letters from S.G. Shiryaev to P.L. Lavrov) // The voice of the past on the wrong side. 1927. No. 5. P. 202-210.

5 Figner V.N. Letters from the 16 participants in the trial // Hard labor and exile. 1930. No. 3 (64). pp. 97-104; Figner V.N. Letters from 16 participants in the trial // Archives of “Land and Freedom” and “Narodnaya Volya”. M., 1930. S. 249-258; Baum Ya.D. Three letters from Stepan Shiryaev // Hard labor and exile. 1930. No. 3 (64); He's hey. Prison letters from S.G. Shiryaeva to A.D. Dolgorukova // Ibid. 1932. No. 8-9 (93-94), 10 (95); Letters from S. Shiryaev // Red Archive. 1924. No. 7. P. 98-101.

17 Important memoir sources about the activities of S.G. Shiryaeva in

time of going to the people, his participation in the gymnasium club

self-education and propaganda of socialist ideas among Saratov residents

workers are the memoirs of I.I. Mainova 1 and V.I. Dmitrieva 2.

Interesting information about the work of Stepan Grigorievich in “Land and Freedom” is contained in the memoirs of N.A. Morozova 3, G.V. Plekhanov 4 and his wife P.M. Plekhanova 5, P.M. Popova 6. A separate article in the memoir genre about the group “Freedom or Death” was written by its member A.V. Yakimova 7.

Work by S.G. Shiryaev in the dynamite laboratory is most fully covered in the memoirs of Narodnaya Volya member V.I. Jochelson 8.

The memoirs of Narodnaya Volya members N.K. deserve attention. Bukha 9 and SI. Martynovsky 10, who were tried at the “16” trial. Notes from Sister A.A. Kvyatkovsky Yu.A. Kvyatkovskaya, who was one of the few close relatives of the defendants who was present at the court hearings, recreate the atmosphere of the “16” trial, the behavior of the defendants, their moral qualities and appearance 11 .

Mainov I.I. Revolutionary circles in Saratov. St. Petersburg, 1906; He's the same(Saratovets). Saratov seventies // Past years. 1908. No. 1, 3-4; It's him. Petr Sergeevich Polivanov // Polivanov P. S. Alekseevsky ravelin. L., 1926.

2 Dmitrieva V.I. So it was (The Path of My Life). M.; L., 1930.

3 Morozov N.A. Stories of my life. Collection cit.: In 3 vols. M., 1947.

4 Plekhanov G.V. Russian worker in the revolutionary movement // Op. M.; Pg., 1923. T. 3.

5 Plekhanov R.M. Peripheral circle “Land and Freedom” // Group “Liberation”
labor." M.; L. 1926. T. 4.

6 Popov M.R. From my revolutionary past // Past. 1907. No. 7.

7 Yakimova A.V. Group “Freedom or Death” // Hard labor and exile. 1926. No. 3 (24).

8 Yokhelson V.I. The first days of Narodnaya Volya. P., 1922.

9 Bukh N.K. Memories. M., 1928; It's him. The first printing house of “Narodnaya Volya” //
Hard labor and exile. 1929. No. 8-9 (57-58); It's him. In the Peter and Paul Fortress // Ibid. 1930.
№11 (72); He's okay. The first trial of the Narodnaya Volya // Ibid. 1931. No. 7 (80); He's oise. On the Karoo
//Ibid. 1934. No. 4(113).

11 [ Troitsky N.A. On the history of the first trial of the Narodnaya Volya party. (Unpublished notes from an eyewitness) // Liberation movement in Russia (Interuniversity scientific collection). Saratov, 1977. No. 6.

18 About living conditions in the Alekseevsky ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress

The memoirs of P.S. give an idea. Polivanova 1, M.N. Trigoni 2,

M.F. Frolenko 3. About the circumstances of the death of S.G. Shiryaev there is information

in the memoirs of A.A. Spandoni-Basmandzhi 4 and N.S. Tyutcheva 5.

When studying the Land Volya and Narodnaya Volya periods of activity of S.G. Shiryaev used the memoirs of O.V. Aptekmana 6, N.A. Morozova 7, V.N. Figner 8, A.P. Pribileva-Korba 9, A.V. Pribileva 10, L.A. Tikhomirova 11, M.F. Frolenko 12, O.S. Lyubatovich 13.

Most of the memoirs were written and published many years after the events described, so they are characterized by some retrospective bias.

Of considerable importance for the work on the dissertation is the article about the trial of the “16” by the famous member of the EC “Narodnaya Volya” A.V. Yakimova 14 and the only short essay about S.G. Shiryaev I.I. Mainova 15, which were published in 1930. These works are based not only on personal

Polivanov P.S. Alekseevsky ravelin // Alekseevsky ravelin: secret state prison in Russia in the 19th century. Book 2. L., 1990. (First published in St. Petersburg in 1906)

2 Trigoni M.N. From memories of Alekseevsky ravelin // Past years. 1908.

3 Frolenko M.F. Mercy // Poly. collection Op. in 2 volumes, 2nd ed. M., 1932. T. 2.
Spandoni-Basmandzhi A.A. Page from memories // Past. 1906. No. 5.

5 Tyutchev N.S. Prison riddles // Tyutchev N.S. Articles and memories. Part 2. M., 1925.

6 Aptekman O.V. Society "Land and Freedom" of the 70s. From personal memories. 2nd ed.
Pg, 1924; It's him. Georgy Valentinovich Plekhanov. From personal memories. L., 1924;

7 Morozov N.A. Stories of my life. Collection cit.: In 3 vols. M., 1947.

8 Figner V.N. Captured work // Selected works: In 3 volumes. M., 1933. T.1.

9 Pribileva-Korba A.P. People's will. Memories of the 1870-1880s. M., 1926; She
Executive Committee 1879-1880 // Hard labor and exile. 1926. No. 3.

10 Pribylev A.V. Notes of a Narodnaya Volya member. M., 1930.

PTikhomirov L.A. Memories. M.;L., 1927; It's him. Shadows of the past / From the archive of L. Tikhomirov // Red archive. 1924. No. 6; It's him. In the underground. Sketches from the life of Russian revolutionaries of the 70-80s. WITH; P., 1907; It's him. Conspirators and police. M.; L., 1928.

12 Frolenko M.F. Poly. collection Op. in 2 volumes, 2nd ed. M., 1932.

13 Lyubatovich O.S. Distant and recent. Memories from the life of revolutionaries 1878-
1881 //Past. 1906. No. 6.

14 Yakimova A.V. The trial of sixteen terrorists - the first Narodnaya Volya trial
// “People's Will” before the royal court. M., 1930. Issue. 1.

are semi-exploratory in nature.

In addition to the memoirs of the populists, information about the era of the 1870-1880s.

P.A. Valueva 2, D.A. Milyutina 3, E.M. Feoktistova, 4 Sy. Witte 5 and others

contemporaries of different political trends (conservative,

reactionary, liberal): second wife of Alexander II E.M. Yuryevskaya 6,

publicist, prose writer and chamberlain of the Emperor V.P. Meshcherskogo 7, maids of honor

A.F. Tyutcheva 8, generals A.V. Bogdanovich 9, daughter of St. Petersburg

architect, friend of P.L. Lavrov and F.M. Dostoevsky

E.A. Stackenschneider 10, Major General, Director of the Corps of Pages

ON THE. Epanchina 11. Information about the events of that time can be gleaned from

memoirs of the writer V.G. Korolenko 12, historians P.N. Milyukova 13 and

A.A. Kiesewetter 14, letters and diaries of V.O. Klyuchevskogo 15.

The editorial articles of Moskovskie Vedomosti about the assassination attempt on November 19, 1879 and about the trial of the “16”, written by

A.V. Yakimova used the official report on the trial, I.I. Mainov “Autobiographical Note of Stepan Shiryaev” and the publication “Two Letters to the Editor “Forward!”

2 Valuev P.A. Diary (1877-1884). Pg., 1919.

3 Milyutin D.A. Diary. T. 3. 1878-1880. M., 1950.

Feoktistov E.M. Behind the scenes of politics and literature. 1848-1896: Memoirs. M., 1991.

5 Witte SY. Memories. In 3 volumes (1849-1894). Tallinn; M., 1994. T. 1. Yuryevskaya E.M. (IN. Laferte) Alexander II: Unknown details of personal life and death. With the appendix of a biographical sketch by M. Paleolog “Alexander II and Ekaterina Yuryevskaya. M., 2004.

7 Meshchersky V.P. Memories. 2nd ed. M., 2001.

8 Tyutcheva A.F. At the court of two emperors: memoirs, diary 1853-1882. Tula,

9 Bogdanovich A.V. The last three autocrats: (Diary). M., 1990.

10 Stackenschneider E.A. Diary and notes. 1854-1886. M.; L., 1934.

11 Epanchin N.A. In the service of three emperors: Memoirs. M., 1996.

12 Korolenko V.G. The story of my contemporary. M., 1965.

13 Milyukov P.N. Memoirs (1859-1917): In 2 volumes. M., 1990.

14 Kizevetter A.A. At the turn of two centuries. Memoirs (1881-1914). M., 1997.

15 Klyuchevsky V.O Letters. Diaries. Aphorisms and thoughts on history. M., 1968.

20 newspaper editor M.N. Katkov 1 with his characteristic reactionary


These are the most important published sources on this topic. In the work, much more of them were used, for example, materials on the case of the First Marchers 2 and the trial of 20 Narodovolets 3, collections of documents: “For a Hundred Years (1800-1896)” 4, “Narodovolets A.D. Mikhailov" 5, "Lavrov - years of emigration" 6, "People's Will" and "Black Redistribution" 7, testimony of Narodnaya Volya member F.I. Zavalishin 8, memories of landowner A.I. Ivanchin-Pisarev 9, Saratov provincial marshal of the nobility V.A. Shompuleva 10 and others.

A very significant component of the source base of the study was unpublished archival materials of the State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF), the Russian State Military Historical Archive (RGVIA), the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI), the Department of Written Sources of the State Historical Museum (OPI GIM), the State Archives of the Saratov Region (SASO), Saratov Regional Museum of Local History (SOMK).

First of all, these are 34 volumes of inquiry and investigation into the case of 16 Narodnaya Volya members with a total volume of 5,000 sheets, which are stored in the St. Petersburg fund

Katkov M.N. Collection of editorial articles from Moskovskie Vedomosti. 1879 M., 1898. P. 595-596; Katkov M.N. Collection of editorial articles from Moskovskie Vedomosti. 1880 M., 1898. P. 575-577; 590-594.

3 The trial of 20 Narodnaya Volya in 1882. Rostov n/D., 1906.

4 For a Hundred Years (1800-1896): Collection of the history of political and social movements in
Russia. At 2 o'clock. London, 1897.

5 Pribileva-Korba A.P. And Figner V.N. Narodovolets A.D. Mikhailov. L., 1925.

6 Lavrov. Years of emigration. Archival materials: In 2 vols. Dordrecht; Boston, 1974.

7 "People's Will" and "Black Redistribution". Memoirs of participants in the revolutionary
movements in St. Petersburg in 1879-1882. L., 1989.

8 Kantor R.M. On the history of the Military Organization "People's Will" (Testimony
F.I. Zavalishina) // Hard labor and exile. 1925. No. 5.

Ivanchin-Pnsarev A.I. Walking among the people. M.; L., 1929. 10 Shompulev V.A. From the notes of an old landowner // Russian antiquity. 1898. No. 7, 11.

21 military district court in the RGVIA 1. Two volumes are devoted directly

Shiryaev 2, although the protocols of his interrogations, information about him and his wife

found in other volumes 3. These documents make it possible to clarify ethical

and tactical principles of behavior of S.G. Shiryaeva during the investigation, to determine

his role in the Narodnaya Volya underground. Among the materials of the inquiry there are very

important are the testimony of Stepan Grigorievich about the production

explosives and his transcript of the entries in his notebook “Materials on

production of dynamite”, discovered during the arrest of the Narodnaya Volya

printing house in Saperny Lane 4. Of undoubted interest are

Statement by Narodnaya Volya member G.D. Goldenberg to the head of Odessa

a frank story about the revolutionary movement, including participation

in it S.G. Shiryaeva 5, as well as information about the persons mentioned in these

comrades 6. Protocols of inspection of the train explosion site near Moscow,

from which the tunnel was dug under the railway track 7, have a large

significance for eliminating discrepancies between memoirs and research

literature on the consequences of the explosion and the construction of a mine gallery.

1 RGVIA. F.1351. Op.1. D. 4317-4350.

2 Ibid. D. 4327 (Inquiry about Nikolai Smirnitsky, aka Stepan Grigorievich Shiryaev)
on 107 sheets; right there. D. 4347 (Inquiry about Stepan Shiryaev) on 4 sheets.

3 Ibid. D. 4317 (Judicial investigation of members of the populist organization:
A. Kvyatkovsky, S. Shiryaev, A. Zundelevich, etc.); D. 4318 (Correspondence regarding case 4317);
D. 4319 (Inquiry about the murder of Prince Kropotkin 9/I - 1878, about attempts on life
Alexandra I); D. 4320 (Inquiry into the attempt on November 19, 1979 on the life of Alexander II
by exploding the railway track); D. 4321-4322 (Inquiry of the gendarmerie department
Odessa about G. Goldenberg, accused of belonging to a populist organization);
D. 4326 (Inquiry about S. Martynovsky. Accused: Sergey Martynovsky, Anna
Dolgorukov); D. 4337 (Inquiry about the populist congress of the terrorist faction in Lipetsk
in June 1879)

4 Ibid. D. 4319. L. 732-733 vol.

5 Ibid. D. 4322. L. 1-40 vol.

6 Ibid. L. 75-111.

7 Ibid. D. 4320. L. 5 -9 vol.

The same fund contains the case “About the student of the Military Medical Academy Evgeniy Dubrovin and 19 “lower ranks” of the guard team of the Alekseevsky ravelin of the St. Petersburg fortress...” 1, the materials of which made it possible to clarify some of the circumstances of the last stage of S.G.’s life. Shiryaeva.

The protocols of interrogations of Saratov high school students S. Shiryaev, V. Edemov and V. Tikhov were used in the case of revolutionary propaganda in the Russian Empire in 1874, which were deposited in the fund of the Special Presence of the Government Senate in GARF 2.

Seven volumes of the inquiry “On Propaganda in the Empire” in 1874-1875. a total of 1,748 sheets are stored in the fund of the Saratov Provincial Gendarmerie Administration (SGZHU) in the State Observatory of Public Relations 3. In one of them, a document was discovered indicating that in 1875 Stepan Shiryaev, together with his younger brothers Peter and Ivan, was suspected of intending to conduct propaganda among the people 4 . The fund also contains a case from 1877. “Accusing the peasant P.G. Shiryaev, nobleman P.N. Shcherbina and the priest’s son I.T. Sofiysky in the dissemination of illegal literature” 5, which contains significant information about the propaganda circle of F.E. Heraclitov, closest comrades and brother of Stepan Grigorievich. In this dossier a copy of a letter from S.G., introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, was found. Shiryaev to his brother from London, January 10, 1877 6 It was made by the gendarmes from the original, torn into small shreds by Pyotr Shiryaev at the time of his arrest.

More than 30 unpublished letters from Stepan Grigorievich, sent by him in 1877-1879. P.L Lavrov, stored in GARF. Most of them, as well as

1 RGVIA. F. 1351 Op.1. D. 4964.

2 GARF. F. 112. Op. 1. D. 266 (In Saratov. About the Monstrovs and Edemov.

3 GASO. F. 53. Op.1. 1874 D. 14. T. I-IV; Right there. Op. 1. 1875 D. 3. T. I-III.

4 Ibid. Op. 1. 1875 T.P.D. 3. L. 6 (List of those suspected of intention to conduct
propaganda in the Saratov province in the summer of 1875)

5 Ibid. Op.6. D. 5.

6 Ibid. L. 20-22.

23 above message are of great importance for restoration

1879 contains information about the political situation in Russia, about universal

searches and numerous arrests, about the printing house of the Northern Union of Russians

workers 2.

The GASO preserved the metrical registers of the Church of All Saints

With. Meadowsweet, thanks to which it was possible to establish exact dates of birth

S.G. Shiryaev, his brothers and sister, as well as the date and cause of death of his father 3.

In addition, from the materials of the State Historical Society, the following funds were used: Saratov 1st

men's gymnasium 4, Saratov Noble Deputy Assembly 5,

Saratov provincial presence 6, Saratov provincial presence

leader of the nobility 7, mediator for special delimitation of lands

Petrovsky and Serdobsky districts 8, Saratov Scientific Archival Commission 9.

A very important document for this study is the list of dynamite laboratories and workshops of Narodnaya Volya, compiled by A.V. Yakimova, found in the OPI State Historical Museum in the fund of materials on the history of the revolutionary movement of the 18th-20th centuries. 10 . The list of those killed in the Peter and Paul Fortress from 1826 to 1881, preserved in the collections of the Museum of the Revolution 11, is also of interest.

RGALI has a fund for S.G.’s wife. Shiryaeva A.D. Shiryaeva-Dubrovina, in which, among many interesting and, most importantly, significant documents,

1 GARF. F.1762. Op. 4. D. 489 (Letters from S. Shiryaev to P.L. Lavrov about arrests in Russia and on other issues. March 21, 1877 - November 6, 1878)

I Ibid. D. 568. L. 14-15. *

3 GASO. F. 637. Op. 1. D. 1488,1492,1498,1514,1526,1545,1551.

4 Ibid. F. 248. Op. 1. D. 14-19, 22-23, 25-27, 29, 31-32, 34,38, 40, 42, 43, 45-48, 54, 59,
63-65, 68.

5 Ibid.F.19. Op. 1. D. 2480; Op. 3. D. 100,511,897, 1340.

6 Ibid. F. 23. Op. 1. T. 1. D. 13.

7 Ibid. F. 179. Op.I.D 180.872.

8 Ibid. F. 861.0p.1.D.Z.

9 Ibid. F. 407. Op.1. D. 3; Op.2. D. 2018-2022.

10 OPI GIM. F. 297. Op. 2. Unit hr. 87. L. 246.

II Ibid. F. 282. Op. 1. Unit hr. 445.

24 her handwritten memoir essays have survived: “Memories of life with

S.G Shiryaev" 1, "Memoirs for the period 1874-1880." 2 and “Materials about

death of S.G. Shiryaev in the Alekseevsky ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress" 3.

They appeared in the 1920-1930s, i.e. approximately 50 years after

described events. Therefore, they contain typical reviews

past inaccuracies. Despite this, a person's memories are most

close to Shiryaev, deserve the closest attention, since

allow us to fill in some gaps in his biography. Should

emphasize that this especially concerns the issue of the circumstances of death

Stepan Grigorievich, who for many years helped many of his contemporaries

seemed mysterious. Memories allow us to infer the reason

which aggravated the treatment of S.G. Shiryaev to terror. It was revenge for

socialist ideas, beloved brother and executed comrades. Essays

provide wonderful material for characterizing the personality of the hero of the dissertation,

clarifying his role in the fight against the Russian autocracy.

The document, written in the hand of Father Shiryaev, is kept in the funds of the SOMK 4. It made it possible to determine his social status and helped establish the date of his death. The fund of SUAK member S.D. was also used in the work. Sokolov “Brief information about Saratov writers, scientists, artists and others” 5.

A negative from an unpublished photograph of S.G. was discovered in the State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia. Shiryaev, made, according to the author, in October 1878 in London 6.

The methodological basis of the dissertation is both general scientific methods (system analysis, comparison, synthesis) and methods of historical

1 RGALI. F.1300. Op. 1. D. 7. L. 6-10 vol.

2 Ibid. D. 6. L. 13-82.

3 Ibid. D. 7. L. 1-5 vol.

4 SOMK 65906 (Application for termination of the contract with the peasant Yakov Chugunov for
construction of a mill on the Kanaleika River).

Right there. Foundation S.D. Sokolova. Op.1. D. 44. 6 GCMSIR. Unit hr. A 15634.

25 dialectics (historicism, objectivity). The use of the principle of historicism is that the life and work of S.G. Shiryaev, the evolution of his socio-political views are considered against the background of a certain historical period in a cause-and-effect relationship with various events and their mutual conditionality. The essence of the principle of objectivity is to involve the entire volume of available sources to substantiate the conclusions. The research is based on a combination of problem and chronological methods, a combination of historical-anthropological and psychological-personal approaches.

The purpose of the dissertation is to study the life and work and determine the scale of S.G.’s personality. Shiryaev, to create his comprehensive biography.

To achieve the goal of the study, the following tasks were set:

To find out the origins of the formation of S.G.’s ideological views. Shiryaeva and reasons
his joining the radical wing of the anti-government opposition
in Russia;

To trace Shiryaev’s connections with representatives of the Russian emigration and
determine the role of foreign life in his development as a professional

Analyze the evolution of worldview and practical activities
Shiryaev at all stages of the liberation movement of the 1870-1880s. And
establish the factors that influenced this;

consider Shiryaev’s relationships with other figures

revolutionary underground, to identify typical and special features of his personality;

Eliminate discrepancies in memoir, reference, scientific and scientific
popular literature relating to various subjects of his life.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation work lies in the fact that it is the first attempt to create a scientific biography of S.G. Shiryaeva.

26 - For the first time, within the framework of this study, isolated and characterized

the main stages of the life path of the hero of the dissertation, the conditions are determined

formation of his worldview.

For the first time, extensive archival material was introduced into scientific circulation, which

made it possible to identify previously unknown facts about the life and work of Shiryaev.

Discrepancies in many episodes of his life have been eliminated, starting with

establishing the exact date of birth, clarifying social status and

ending with finding out the motives for death.

The composition of the peripheral circle of the “Land and Freedom” society has been clarified, as a member of which Shiryaev promoted socialist ideas among St. Petersburg workers.

The fact of Shiryaev’s participation in the execution of provocateur N.V. has been established. Reinshtein together with the landowners M.R. Popov and N.V. Schmemann.

The number and addresses of dynamite workshops, the work of which Shiryaev supervised in 1879, were determined, and the process of making dynamite was clarified.

The composition of the group “Freedom or Death” has been specified.

Childhood: family, relatives and friends

It is generally accepted that S.G. was born. Shiryaev in the village of Tavolozhka, Vyazma volost, Petrovsky district, Saratov province. However, there are discrepancies regarding the date of his birth in scientific, popular and reference literature. So, N.N. Golitsyn, N.I. Shebeko and F.S. Rozhanov report in their writings that this is the year 18571. V.A. Tvardovskaya writes that Shiryaev was born in 1858.2 But, basically, in all publications of the twentieth century, including the brochure of I.I. Mainov, as well as encyclopedias and the 3rd volume of the biobibliographic dictionary “Figures of the revolutionary movement in Russia”, prepared for publication in the 1930s, but not published due to the ban by I.V. Stalin, we are talking about the year 18563. Unfortunately, none of the publications contains information about the date and month of birth. Therefore, to establish the exact date, we had to turn to archival sources.

In the book of records of births, deaths and marriages of the All Saints Church. Tavolozhka for 1856, birth record of S.G. Shiryaeva is absent3. It was discovered in another registry book. It turned out that Stepan Grigorievich was born on October 27 (November 8), 1857.4 He was the first-born in the Shiryaev family, since his parents got married, both for the first time, on January 13 of the same year. Shiryaev’s father was 32 years old at that time, and his mother was 18 years old5.

In the notes to the publication of his “Autobiographical Note”, as well as in Mainov’s brochure, information is provided that Shiryaev’s father was a serf of the landowner Yazykov. But even his patronymic is not indicated. About the mother whom P.M. Kantor is called Marya Ivanovna1, in one case they write that she “was involved in village farming in her homeland”2, in another - “in 1875 she ran a drinking establishment in Tavolozhka.” Shiryaev himself, in published letters addressed to his wife, called his mother Larisa Ivanovna3. But since he invariably addressed his wife Anna as “Nina”, “Ninochka”, his information about his mother’s name required clarification.

A prominent public figure in the Saratov province of the second half of the 19th century. V.A. Shompulev in the essays “Notes of an Old Landowner” wrote: “Shiryaev, the son of the volost foreman, who blew up the Winter Palace, was a student of the Saratov gymnasium”4. Since the author mistakenly identified S.G. Shiryaeva with S.N. Khalturin, his statement that Shiryaev’s father was a volost foreman did not inspire confidence either. In fact, one of S.G.’s three cousins ​​had such a position in 1879. Shiryaev Ivan Platonovich Shiryaev, who lived in the village. Kulyasovo, Kuznetsk district5.

Beginning of activities in “Land and Freedom”.

S.G. Shiryaev returned to Russia in mid-November 1878. N.A. Morozov provides interesting information about his involvement in the liberation of the famous populist E.K. planned by the landowners. Breshko - Breshkovskaya, sentenced in the case of “193” for propaganda among peasants to four years of hard labor. The prisoners, among whom was Ekaterina Konstantinovna, were taken to Siberia through Nizhny Novgorod, where N.A. was sent to organize her escape. Morozov. According to him, upon arriving at the place, he met with student H.V. Poddubensky, who recommended him to participate in that enterprise S.G. Shiryaeva and S.N. Khalturin, who propagandized among workers in Nizhny Novgorod. Poddubensky believed that no one could cope with this matter better than them, since “it requires endurance, strength, courage”1.

Morozov described in detail the first meeting with them and with his friend A.V. Yakimova, like him, was acquitted in the “193s” case. Together with Khalturin, she worked at the Sormovsky plant, 10 km from Nizhny Novgorod. Shiryaev, who seemed to Morozov to be an “extremely handsome young man”2, was glad of his arrival and the offer of more lively activities. “Secret classes with workers, conversations about freedom, equality and brotherhood furtively, with dangers somehow satisfy the soul little,” he told Morozov3. Nikolai Alexandrovich also remembered that Shiryaev had already come to the idea of ​​the need to avenge his tortured and executed comrades, declaring: “Not only daggers have two blades.”

According to Morozov’s memoirs, when he was in Nizhny Novgorod, I.M. was executed in Odessa. Kovalsky, and in St. Petersburg SM. Kravchinsky killed the chief of gendarmes N.V. Mezentsova. These events took place on August 2 and 4, 1878. E.K. Breshko-Breshkovskaya wrote that the transportation of the party of prisoners in which she was located to the Kari penal servitude lasted from July 20 to September 171. Thus, her failed escape was being prepared at the end of July - beginning of August 1878. Then S.G. Shiryaev was abroad, so he could not participate in that case. This is confirmed by the memoirs of A.V. Yakimova, who names herself, Morozov, Poddubensky and Khalturin as participants in the preparation of the escape2. Unfortunately, N.A.’s retrospective mistake Morozov was also reflected in his scientific biography created by V.A. Tvardovskaya. Following him, she repeats that in Nizhny Novgorod Nikolai Alexandrovich “established connections with local revolutionaries, met S.G. Shiryaev and A.V. Yakimova, who carried out propaganda among the workers”3.

In fact, Morozov’s acquaintance with Shiryaev occurred later - in the spring of 1879.4 Apparently, the conversations that took place between them about the need for terrorist activities actually took place, but not in Nizhny Novgorod in August 1878, but in St. Petersburg in May 1879 during the creation of the “Freedom or Death” group by landowners - supporters of the political struggle.

Founding member of the Great IC.

The compromise decisions of the Voronezh Congress did not save the “Land and Freedom” society from further aggravation of disagreements between the “villagers” and “politicians”. In the figurative expression of N.A. Morozov, “the gap that formed in “Land and Freedom” was only covered with plaster, but did not grow together”1. Both factions finally realized that it was impossible to maintain unity. On August 15, 1879, near St. Petersburg in Lesnoy, at the last meeting of the “Land and Freedom” center, a decision was made on the division, which was finally formalized in October by the appointed commission of commissioners. By mutual agreement, not only material property and funds were divided, but also the name of the company. Neither faction was to be called "Land and Freedom". Therefore, we can say that the “villagers,” calling themselves the “Black Limit,” took “land” for themselves. The “politicians” got the “freedom”, since at the founding meeting of their organization they, at the suggestion of V.V. Zege von Laurenberg, adopted the name "People's Will". “It was sad, but inevitable,” wrote the head of the Narodnaya Volya printing house N.K. about the split of Land and Freedom. Bukh2. The “politicians” sought to immediately take action, and for this they needed solidarity in the organization. “In order for the division not to happen,” said member of the Executive Committee and Administrative Commission M.F. Frolenko, “it was necessary for some people to condemn themselves alive to death, to complete inaction, or to accept someone else’s faith in which they did not believe.”

The core and leadership center of Russia's first political party, “People's Will,” became the Executive Committee. It included 10 participants of the Lipetsk Congress (all except G.D. Goldenberg): A.I. Barannikov, A.I. Zhelyabov, A.A. Kvyatkovsky, N.N. Kolodkevich, A.D. Mikhailov, N.A. Morozov, M.N. Oshanina, L.A. Tikhomirov, M.F. Frolenko and S.G. Shiryaev. In August-September 1879 they were joined by N.K. Bukh, V.V. Zege von Laurenberg, S.S. Zlatopolsky, A.I. Zundelevich, S.A. Ivanova, G.P. Isaev, T.I. Lebedeva, S.L. Perovskaya, V.N. Figner, A.V. Yakimov, somewhat later, but until the end of 1879 - M.F. Grachevsky, O.S. Lyubatovich, E.D. Sergeeva, P.A. Tellalov, M.N. Trigoni. Subsequently, the initial composition of the so-called “Great IK” changed for a number of reasons, mainly due to arrests. But it was the above-mentioned members of the Executive Committee, including S.G. Shiryaev, at their meetings in late summer and autumn 1879, discussed and adopted the charter and program of “Narodnaya Volya”, determined the direction of activity and tactics of the party. The members of the IC were extraordinary individuals. One of the founders of “Land and Freedom” and its active figure, and then a Black Peredelist O.V. Aptekman wrote about them without hiding his sympathy: “Everyone is brave, persistent, strong-willed, selfless. Iron and flint, fearlessness and mercilessness in the fight. The best forces of the then revolutionary environment. Selection of the most tested. All captured by one impulse, one mood, one goal.

Shiryaev, Stepan Grigorievich

(1856-1881) - Narodnaya Volya, from the peasants of the Saratov province. After graduating from the Saratov gymnasium, he became close to the populist propagandists; in 1876 he left for Western Europe, worked as a fitter and chemist. In 1878 he returned to Russia, joined Plekhanov’s propaganda group and, together with Khalturin, taught classes to workers at factories in St. Petersburg. In May 1879 he joined the group " freedom or death", set up a laboratory in his apartment for the preparation of dynamite. After the split of the Earth and freedom, he joined the People's Will; was a member of the executive committee, was in charge of the party's pyrotechnics, participated in attempts on the life of Alexander II. Arrested in 1879, imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress, according to " case 16" On October 30, 1880, he was sentenced to death, commuted to indefinite hard labor, and was imprisoned in the Alekseevsky Ravelin, where he took part in the Nechaev conspiracy (see).

Large biographical encyclopedia. 2009 .

See what “Shiryaev, Stepan Grigorievich” is in other dictionaries:

    - (pseud. - Technician), Russian revolutionary populist. From serf peasants. Studied in Kharkov... ...

    - (1856 81) revolutionary populist. Member of Earth and Freedom, the Executive Committee of the People's Will, participant in the Lipetsk Congress, attempts on the life of Alexander II. Organized a dynamite workshop. In 1880 he was sentenced to eternal hard labor. Died in the Peter and Paul Fortress... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (1856 1881), revolutionary populist. Member of “Land and Freedom”, the Executive Committee of “Narodnaya Volya”, participant of the Lipetsk Congress, attempts on the life of Emperor Alexander II. Organized a dynamite workshop. In 1880 he was sentenced to eternal hard labor. Died in Petropavlovskaya... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Stepan Grigorievich (pseud. Technician), Russian revolutionary populist. From serf peasants. Studied at … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Stepan Grigorievich (1856 18.VIII.1881) Russian. revolutionary, member It will fulfill the will of the people. From peasants. He studied at the Saratov gymnasium and the Kharkov Veterinary Institute. In 1873 he led the revolution. propaganda among high school students, seminarians and workers... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    Shiryaev S. G.- SHIRYAEV Stepan Grigorievich (1856-1881), participant in the revolution. movements of the 1870s Member secret about va Earth and freedom, Executive Committee of the Nar. will, participant in assassination attempts on the imp. Alexandra II. Organized a dynamite workshop. In 1880 he was sentenced to eternal hard labor... Biographical Dictionary

    Full list of corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Imperial Academy of Sciences, Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, USSR Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences). # A B C D E E F G H H I J K L M N O P R ... Wikipedia

Shiryaev, Stepan Grigorievich, Narodnaya Volya (1856-1881), was the son of a serf peasant from Peter the Great. Saratov province. the village of Tavoloshki, which belonged to the landowners Yazykov. His mother, an intelligent and energetic woman, was widowed at an early age and traded in red goods in the village, which, with the initial help of the Yazykovs, allowed her to educate her children. Sh. was the eldest of 3 sons and had a sister, like his brothers, who was affected by revolutionary ideas. Sh. studied at the Saratov gymnasium and began giving lessons early, burdened by Yazykov’s help. Since 1873, he became acquainted with illegal literature, participated in self-education circles in Saratov, and met with some socialists from the period of going to the people. Sh. left the 7th grade of the gymnasium, finding further stay useless, and entered the Kharkov Veterinary Institute, from which, however, he did not graduate. At the end of 1876, he went abroad without a passport, was in London and Paris, corresponded with Lavrov and saw (briefly) Plekhanov, studied electrical engineering and all the time earned his livelihood in factories. At the end of 1878, returning to Russia, he moved among students in St. Petersburg, looking for connections in various revolutionaries. groups until he met Tikhomirov, Morozov, A. Kvyatkovsky, who attracted him to the “Freedom or Death” circle, and then invited him to the Lipetsk Congress and made him a member of the “Earth and Freedom” society, which then had meetings in Voronezh, where he they called him from Lipetsk. After the split, Sh. became a member of the “Executive Committee” of the “Narodnaya Volya” party. In the “Freedom or Death” group and later, Sh. was involved in preparing dynamite together with Kibalchich and other Narodnaya Volya members. In three assassination attempts prepared by the “Executive Committee” in 1879 on the way of Alexander II from Livadia, Sh. was assigned to participate in the explosion of the royal train near the Kursk station near Moscow. At Perovskaya’s signal, he had to connect the electrodes of the electric battery. But at the right moment Sh. became confused, and the train with the tsar passed safely; at the second signal, the train was blown up, but there were service personnel on board, who, fortunately, were not injured. The trial of Sh., arrested in December 1979, took place in October 1980 (“trial of 16”). By preliminary agreement, the role of Sh. was assigned to Hartmann, who was already abroad at that time. Sentenced to death, commuted to hard labor without term, Sh. was imprisoned in the Alekseevsky ravelin, where Nechaev was located, which gave the latter the opportunity to establish relations with the “Executive Committee” through the ravelin’s guards. Exec. The committee intended to release both prisoners, but the third prisoner (Mirsky) revealed the secret of Nechaev’s propaganda among Ravelin’s soldiers, his relations with Narodnaya Volya, and the whole matter was ruined. In September 1881, Sh. died in Ravelin from tuberculosis.

Literature: “The Trial of 16 Terrorists”, Pb., 1906, ed. "Donskaya Rech"; “From the life of Saratov circles”, “Byloe”, Paris, 1903, No. 4 (separate edition of Pb., 1905, ed. Raspopov); “Autobiographical note of S. G. Sh.” and his letters, “Red Archive”, 1924, vol. 7; Vera Figner, “Sealed Work”, ch. IX, “Assassinations”, M. 1922, ed. “Zadruga”, etc. I, ch. IX full collection works, ed. Islands of political prisoners, 1928.

Shiryaev, Stepan Grigorievich (1857-1881). "Smirnitsky" In 1875 he entered Kharkovsk. Veterinary Institute In December 1876 he went abroad and worked in Yablochkov’s laboratory in Paris. In November 1878 he returned to St. Petersburg. In January 1879, G. V. Plekhanov introduced him to a circle that carried out propaganda among workers, and at the same time studied explosives. In May 1879 he joined the group “Freedom or Death”, Member of I.K. “Narodnaya Volya”. From May to September 1879 he was engaged in the production of dynamite. In the fall of 1879, he technically instructed all the assassination attempts on the Tsar and took part in the assassination attempt near Moscow. Arrest. December 4, 1879 in St. Petersburg under the name of Smirnitsky. Oct 30 1880, in the trial of 16, he was sentenced to death, commuted to life hard labor. He was imprisoned in the Alekseevsky ravelin, where he established relations between Nechaev and I.K. “Nar. Will." Died in Alekseevsky Ravelin.

“I studied at the Saratov gymnasium. Thanks to the leisure, which I had plenty of, I had long been addicted to reading, at first, of course, not at all tendentious, and then became interested in the so-called “Pisarevism” with all its extremes. This did not last, however, for long, because, thanks to the influence of my new friend, much older than me in years, knowledgeable, intelligent and experienced,” I felt the false and narrow egoism of “Pisarevism” and began to recognize the moral obligation to “be a useful member of society.” Reading the works of Dobrolyubov, Flerovsky, Chernyshevsky, various journal articles on the labor issue, about associations, etc., and most of all, conversations with others - it became more and more clear to me the vaguely - vague at first goal: the people's good. At the beginning of 1873, through students from Saratov living in St. Petersburg, I became acquainted with social revolutionary literature for the first time: several books published abroad were brought to Saratov, handwritten copies of small articles, etc. In the spring of the same year, I accidentally managed to meet one “propagandist” who arrived from St. Petersburg. But all my relations with him were limited to general conversations and the transfer of books, which later appeared in abundance. I also met other people who arrived after. The pogrom of the shoe workshop on Tsaritsynskaya Street, the arrests and flight of the revolutionaries who worked there separated me for some time from my new acquaintances. But soon, having met the students of the Saratov Theological Seminary, who until that time had no relations with the gymnasium students, through them I restored the broken connection with the agitators; Having learned from them many new things for me about the international, the commune, about their own plans for propaganda and agitation among the people - which, of course, I understood very vaguely at that time - I and a few of my fellow high school and seminarians - we enthusiastically surrendered to new views . A circle was formed, the meeting place of which was mainly my apartment.
In the spring of 1875, I left the gymnasium, foreseeing imminent expulsion for “disrespect,” and in the fall I entered the veterinary institute in Kharkov, where I stayed until the spring of ’76. Living in Kharkov, I had almost no contact with local revolutionary circles, although I was familiar with several members of the group that was entirely captured in the workshop on Peski; from them I received issues of the magazine “Forward” and other social revolutionary publications that appeared at that time. Having rarely attended lectures, I then took up political economy and, by the way, seriously studied Marx’s “Capital”. In May 1876, with a significant baggage of prohibited publications, I returned to Saratov. First of all, I had to worry about my livelihood - I took several lessons that gave me income that allowed me to save something “for a rainy day.” Of my former comrades, some had already been arrested, others had gone home for the holidays; I found a few in Saratov, by the way, Sergei Bobokhov, with whom I settled. During my absence, relations were established with local artisans, mainly shoemakers and bookbinders, and it was to them that I now turned my attention. A mixed circle of gymnasium and seminary students and artisans was formed; gatherings took place on the Volga islands; They set up a common cash desk, a library, etc. But then some disagreements arose in our circle and the business collapsed, thanks to several crappy individuals who got in: the circle was liquidated temporarily. I remained almost idle. In addition, some failures in the search for personal happiness made my life in Saratov difficult. I decided to go somewhere far away. I almost went to Serbia as a volunteer, but the company I wanted to join was upset. I wanted more theoretical knowledge, more everyday experience and encounters with good people, I wanted to acquire the habit of work, to learn skills. And so I decided to try my luck abroad."

Head of the Saratov gendarme department:

“In 1876, Stepan Shiryaev lived here in Saratov, did not have a permanent apartment and lived with different people, some of whom were brought to inquiry in 1874 and 1875 in the case of revolutionary propaganda. In the same year, the head of the Kharkov The provincial gendarmerie department notified me, dated May 1, No. 164, that the III department informed him that Shiryaev was one of the active propagandists, that Shiryaev was expecting anti-government books from St. Petersburg, that Shiryaev, having departed from Kharkov, did not receive money for listening to lectures contributed. About Shiryaev, as a propagandist, in the same year, on March 16, No. 930, the III department informed me and ordered me to keep an eye on him."

S. Shiryaev:

“Having left Saratov in October 1876, I stopped in Kaluga for a short time. First I went to London, where I was given a recommendation to join a Russian family; here I met P. L. Lavrov. This time I didn’t have to stay in London for long - there was no work and no work was in sight. In January 1877, I left for Paris and, fortunately, a few days after arriving here I got a job in the laboratory of Mr. Yablochkov. Although neither special knowledge nor exertion of strength was required from me, but, consuming a lot of time, my work left me almost no leisure for reading, making acquaintances, etc. And Parisian life at that time was not particularly interesting - “MacMagony” triumphed. Of the Russian emigrants, I became closest to Lavrov, who moved shortly after me to Paris, and with A.L. Linev, the latter, as an engineer, also worked for Yablochkov.
In the spring of 1877, Ivanovsky and Plekhanov arrived in Paris, having left Russia a few months before. My acquaintance with them, although short this time, was very useful for me later. Even after I parted with Ivanovsky, I maintained constant contact. In October of the same year, I moved again to London, where Linev had left before me. And there I had to work, also in electric lighting, in the Anglo-Russian workshop of Reed and Renyev. My financial situation improved; good earnings allowed me to save about 15 pounds sterling over the course of a year; during the work itself I acquired useful scientific -technical information and gradually learned the plumbing trade. In my free time, I diligently studied English, and quite soon began to read. Most of all, I was interested in the literature of the labor question, although until now English works had not solved it in a socialist spirit. For the same purpose, I I tried to get acquainted with the current activities of the sections of the international in Belgium and Switzerland, the German Social Democrats, with the rich literature about the Paris Commune, etc. In general, I spent this year with great benefit for myself, attended English rallies and various clubs, where debates took place on social and political issues, meetings of French emigrants-communards. I became acquainted with Russian affairs mainly thanks to the obligatory assistance of Ivanovsky and Lavrov.
The news from Russia was getting darker and darker. Political trials followed one after another, the cruelty of the sentences for which increased.
I was drawn to Russia, I wanted to work for a common cause, but in London I lived only for myself, because I could not take an active part in local events, not having direct blood ties, knowing little about the new environment and not sympathizing with the narrow formulation of the labor question by the British , whose socialist tendencies began to manifest themselves more sharply only recently, just before my departure. In the summer, on business with my patrons, I visited the World Exhibition in Paris. Here I met Klyachko, a former Chaikovsky member who had recently returned to Europe from America, Presnyakov and several other compatriots who had recently arrived from Russia... Their stories about Russian affairs accelerated my decision to leave for Russia.

I arrived in St. Petersburg at a rather stormy time in the life of students: frequent gatherings took place, responses to Tsitovich’s dirty libels were drawn up, then, when rumors about the Kharkov story reached me, I read the correspondence received by various people from Kharkov, composed collective responses, and developed an action plan for myself , in case it was found necessary to actually declare my solidarity with the Kharkov students, In a word, the social life of the students was in full swing, and I could not wish for better conditions for getting to know it. I began diligently attending academic and university gatherings, listening to debates, and making acquaintances.
...Then I spent a significant part of my time in the Public Library, reading diligently. The hardest thing for me was to establish relations with the radicals...
Not getting along with the Lavrists, I began to seek rapprochement with the Narodniks, whose program became a little known to me from the first issue of Land and Freedom, published before my arrival in St. Petersburg. The rapprochement, as it turned out, was not easy - among my first acquaintances there were no people who could recommend me to the populists... Only later, having become familiar with the living conditions and activities of the revolutionaries in my homeland, could I come to terms with such distrust and suspicion and I personally approved this system. The fact is that our emigrants too quickly forget about the difficult conditions in which the social revolutionary party in Russia is placed, and are not prudent enough in their recommendations. That is why, they say, there have been cases of more than suspicious individuals being infiltrated into Russian circles.
I participated in a demonstration of address submission; and before my eyes, the arrest of students took place in the library and in the courtyard of the academy and the outrageous scenes accompanying this event, when Cossack whips were used. I attended subsequent gatherings and twice during this time I was only saved from arrest by some miracle.
..There were, however, “green youth”, newcomers to the social revolutionary cause, mostly first-year students who, having mastered the basic principles of the Narodnik program, were looking for something to do for themselves. It was then that the idea arose about the formation of a new circle with the special purpose of agitation among St. Petersburg workers, supporting strikes, organizing separate small workers’ circles in different parts of the city, forming private circle funds and a general strike fund, etc. Among others, in May it was proposed to take part in this circle. This was around mid-January 1879. The circle recognized its solidarity with the program put forward by the newspaper "Land and Freedom", did not enter into any formal relations with the populist organization, and, strictly speaking, it itself was not an organized circle, i.e. e. did not have its own detailed program and charter, did not impose any obligations on its members and did not have an administration at all.
I accepted the offer to join this circle, without tying myself with any obligations for the future, so I had not yet given up the idea of ​​leaving for the province, and only the failure of my search for a suitable place kept me here now.

At the beginning of 1879, I joined the newly formed populist circle for agitation among the workers. This activity absorbed most of my time until my departure from St. Petersburg, which was caused mainly by the need to rest after a hectic four months, the fear of being arrested, since after Mirsky’s assassination attempt police surveillance intensified, many searches and arrests took place, and I risked being arrested more than once; Moreover, some new, even more stringent measures were expected, and finally, my money was running out. Taking my literary work with me, I left St. Petersburg in early April, accepting the offer of an acquaintance to stay with him in the village. Returning to St. Petersburg at the end of the same month, I found here only 2-8 of my circle comrades - legal ones left St. Petersburg after April 2, and even those who remained stopped communicating with the workers and were more engaged in preparing for exams, since they were students.

I tried to restore my previous connections with the workers, but it turned out that many of them were arrested or deported to their homeland, many dispersed to the villages, and those who remained in St. Petersburg were in very unfavorable conditions for maintaining relations with me."

V.I. Dmitrieva:

“Stepan Grigorievich, this blond, feminine-handsome young man, was an exceptional man, and if Petya Polivanov was the personification of the revolutionary impulse, then Shiryaev was the personification of revolutionary action. It seems to me that he never knew moments of doubt and resignation, and if he accepted any decision, he carried it out without any hesitation. When he sat among us, so quiet and thoughtful, dreamily looking somewhere into the distance with his large, gray, slightly pensive eyes, no one would have thought that this quiet boy contained so much composure and determination, so much indestructible will to action. It is clear that with such a character he could not join the ranks of the Black Peredelites, but irrevocably joined Narodnaya Volya and became its active member."


"...In my views, since returning from abroad, and especially after the assassination attempt by Solovyov, a very sharp change has occurred. Firstly, I quite quickly abandoned that tendency to theorize and attach too unconditional importance to the harmonious, complete in all details of systems, as a result of observations of life from a beautiful distance. Secondly, having come into personal collisions with Russian reality and becoming more familiar with the facts from the relations of the party, government and society, I paid serious attention to the questions that had previously avoided me: is a fruitful "The activities of a social revolutionary party under existing political conditions? How strongly are the influence of these conditions reflected on the results of the party's activities? These questions had to be taken into account at every step in practical activity, and the facts spoke eloquently for themselves."
I came to realize the need for that approximately system of terror, which was published only after the assassination attempt on November 19 as included in the program of the Narodnaya Volya party.


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