The meaning of the female name Lada is character, destiny and origin. The meaning of the name Lada

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Version 1. What does the name Lada mean?

Lada - from other Russian. darling,

Derivatives: Ladonka, Ladusya, Ladushka.


She’s sweet, smart, charming, but perhaps that’s why she’s very capricious and very

She takes special pleasure in always being the center of attention. For this reason maybe
allow yourself anything: shocking behavior, extravagant outfit, etc. Be friends
It’s not easy with her: she’s touchy and vindictive. But to love... Lada is sensual,
tender, capable of sacrificing everything in the name of love.

3 version of the meaning of the name Lada

- sweet, good (Staroslav.).

Zodiac sign
- Scales.

- Venus.

Color -

Auspicious tree
- Rowan.

Treasured plant
- rowan berries.

Patron name
- kingfisher.

Talisman stone
- coral


Lada is very
capricious. She is, of course, charming and smart, but she is very self-confident and loves
attract attention either by emphatically relaxed behavior or by exotic
toilet and even sudden illness. Lada is vindictive and touchy, so
It's not easy to be friends with her. But in love she is transformed. Sensuality and sensitivity
make her irresistible to men.

4th version of the interpretation of the name Lada

Principled, shallow, stubborn. Painful in
In childhood, caressed by their parents, they grow up to be self-confident and capricious “ladies.”
They love to attract attention, often through exotic clothing and emphasized
uninhibited behavior.

Vengeful. They bring great benefits to family and friends
in difficult moments. Starting from school, they study mediocrely - they are only interested in
labor and physical education. In her youth, Lada loves to do needlework, sexual games,
noisy companies where you can brag about your victories.

5 version of the meaning of the name Lada

Lada Slavic name, meaning: sweetheart, wife.

Principled and stubborn, but shallow. Sick in childhood, caressed by their parents, they grow up to be self-confident and capricious “ladies.”

They love to draw attention to themselves, either by emphasizing their relaxed behavior or by their bright, sometimes exotic, attire. They are vengeful and do not forgive insults. Communicating with them, much less making friends, is not easy. Most of all goes to family and friends. Starting from school, Lada studies mediocrely and good education don't get it. When they are young, they love to do handicrafts and love big, noisy companies where they can brag about their successes.

Numerology of the name Lada

Name number: 2

Those lucky enough to be born under a deuce will not have to worry about having good friends and public recognition - personal talents, diligence and the ability to understand people will certainly lead a deuce to personal success. Violence and rudeness are alien to her, but she easily finds her way to the hearts and souls of people through understanding and goodwill.
When you meet a person under the sign of two, take care of him: most likely, you have found a good friend, a mentor, and in some cases, quite possibly, a life partner.

Do not rush to judge the deuce in a modest manner, because the deuce does not reveal to everyone what is inside.

The meaning of the letters in the name Lada

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided in their actions logical thinking. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

D- stubbornness, pride, isolation, complexes and limitations. These people, before doing something, think everything over several times. In all actions they are guided by common sense and logic. They will always help in difficult situations. They are characterized by excessive talkativeness. They do not accept criticism, they very rarely listen to other people’s opinions and therefore often make serious mistakes.

Name as a phrase

  • L- People
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • D- Welcome

Name Lada in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Lada in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

Short form of the name Lada. Ladochka, Ladusya, Ladka, Ladusenka, Ladusechka, Laduska.
Synonyms for the name Lada. Ladislava, Vladlena, Hellas, Vlada, Milada, Pallada, Vladislava.
Origin of the name Lada. The name Lada is Russian, Slavic, Orthodox.

The name Lada is a Slavic name, meaning “sweetheart”, “wife”. IN Slavic mythology Lada was the goddess of love and beauty. In the Old Russian language, the word “lada” meant “spouse”; this is exactly the interpretation given to this word in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” In Great Russian songs, “lada” is used in feminine(“I’m looking for my sweetheart”) or something like neuter gender(“my palm is jealous”). Later it was also interpreted as “wife”, “darling, dear”.

Most likely, “lada” is related to such words as “lad”, “okay” in the meaning of “good, kind”. In modern times, they continue to use the word “lady” when they say that they have decided some important matter, but in ancient times, “ladnik” was the name for a dowry agreement. In ancient times, the following words were also used, which have now fallen out of use in the Russian language: lady - engagement, ladylo - matchmaker, ladkanya - wedding song.

The first mention of the name Lada (as given name) was in the dictionary of ancient Russian names by N. Tupikov. The name Lada was listed as male name or as a nickname - Lada, Ladka and Latka, and in the Name Book of M. Moroshkin the female name Ladka, used in the Czech Republic, was recorded.

The goddess Lada was known to many European peoples. In the 12th century BC. Greece was conquered by the Dorians, and after this conquest, the cult of Lada appeared among the Greeks, where the name of the goddess meant “mistress.” Since then, Lada has firmly settled in ancient greek mythology. The cult of Lada was bifurcated, two of its incarnations, two goddesses, appeared. First of all, it was the Titanide Leto (in Rome she was called Latona), the mother of Apollo and Artemis. Then she began to appear in the form of Zeus’s beloved Leda, who gave birth to the Dioscuri twins.

There is something in common between the characters Leto, Leda and the Slavic goddess Lada. The first similarity is that all three goddesses were associated with the cult white swan, which was the sacred animal of Lada, whose name meant, among other things, “swan”. To seduce Leda, Zeus used this image when he appeared to her in the form of a white swan. The Lithuanians sacrificed a white rooster to Lada as a substitute for a swan. The second similarity is that both Greek women, Leto and Leda, gave birth to divine twins, and Lada also had twins - Lel and Polel.

Information has been preserved that in pre-Christian times, in the lower part of Kyiv, on Podol, there was a majestic Lada temple. It was built according to the traditions of that time: from “living” material - wood, which was completely covered with silver plates. Mythologists of the late 18th and first decades of the 19th century (Popov, Chulkov, Kaisarov) had no doubt about the existence of the goddess Lada, having accepted without verification the testimony about her by Innocent Gisel in his “Synopsis”, who drew his information from pagan gods from the books of Polish historians Kromer and Stryjkowski.

The name Lada has become an independent name, but is often used as an abbreviation of various names. The name Lada is a diminutive form of not only female (Vladlena, Ellada, Vlada, Milada, Pallas, Vladislava), but also male names (Vladimir, Laodicea, Virilad, Palladium, Elladius). The name Lada is often considered short form named after Ladislav.

It turns out that Lada is a long-awaited child in the family, so her parents care for and cherish her. They are ready to lay all the treasures of the world at her feet, to move all the mountains on the way. Since childhood, Lada has gotten used to this state of affairs - everything is best for her - and cannot change her attitude towards this. And having matured, she will be stubborn and, at times, even very cruel in achieving her goals.

Perseverance and determination are excellent qualities, but vindictiveness, capriciousness, and intractability are the other side of the coin. Communicating with Lada is very difficult and difficult if your paths diverge. But you will be charged with such colossal energy and strength from it if you are doing a common cause.

Lada has deep sensuality and emotionality. For her there are no half measures: if you love, then to the grave, if you hate, then to the end. Such a woman always remains a child who needs attention, love and understanding.

Ladas are often very enterprising, this is how they can attract the attention of other people and get a share of fame.

Name day Lada

Famous people named Lada

  • Lada (Slavic goddess of beauty, love and marriage, personifying both happy and unrequited love)
  • Lada Volkova ((born 1972) pseudonym - Lada Dance; popular pop singer)
  • Lada Zadonskaya (athlete, member of the Russian Olympic team in speed skating at the Olympics in Turin)
  • Lada Luzina ((born 1972) real name - Vladislava Kucherova, Luzina - mother’s surname; Ukrainian Russian-speaking writer. Tops the list of the most successful writers of Ukraine 2011-2012. She became known as the most scandalous journalist in Ukraine. In 2002 she released her first book “My Lolita." Most of Lada Luzina's books are illustrated graphic drawings author. Head of the Kyiv Witches Club.)

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Discussion of the description of the name Lada

Lily (guest)

Added 02/13/2019 at 17:32

This is the most beautiful and gentle name, easy to pronounce - LADA! In Europe, children are called differently, and they are not ashamed to give names such as Yara, Samira, Francesca, Federika, Clarissa, Leda, Lida, Jasmine, Prishilla, Sveva. Nobody asks the priests.

One of the most beautiful Slavic female names is Lada. Translated, it means “sweet” or “good”. In mythology there was such a Goddess who guarded the hearth and the tender relationship of spouses.

Love me for who I am

For all its beauty, the meaning of the name Lada is difficult not to appreciate. Their owners are distinguished by their stubborn, capricious and self-confident character. These girls often love to be noticed, and use creative ways for this purpose: with the help of fancy clothes or a special, sometimes cheeky, style of behavior. Ladas are vindictive and do not forgive insults. First of all, parents and loved ones get it from them.

As a teenager

What is the meaning of the name Lada for a teenage girl? This girl doesn't like to study. But he enjoys attending physical education and labor classes. She is more interested in the company of her peers, where she can show her nature. Nevertheless, Lada is a good craftswoman: she sews and knits with pleasure.

This is character - a stronghold

Ladushka has a complex set of qualities: an open, persistent, strong-willed girl is so energetic that she gets her way, if she wants, with ease. Her pride and determination amaze people who are around her or work with her. Beautiful Lada - the name is unusually suitable for a woman for whom overcoming an obstacle is a kind of game that spurs self-esteem and sets her apart from the crowd. She has every chance of achieving the success she strives for. But life is a struggle for one’s self and for one’s dreams. And also for your love.

Maybe this is love

Is the name Lada important in her love horoscope? For Ladushka, love has great meaning. for some it is steel or granite, but not for your loved one. With him she is all tenderness and charm. Lada needs to learn to control her attitude towards others and to a loved one, because passion cools down, giving way to respect and trusting relationships. Those around you should not forget that in front of them is a flint woman, so it is better to step aside temporarily and give her way. This is especially true for those people who find themselves on the path to her happiness or people dear to her heart.

Interpretation: the meaning of the name Lada (spell by letter)

The letter “L” means a subtle sense of beauty, creative nature, artistic abilities, and the letter also sets the direction for its owner to find his true self. life path, purpose.

The letter “A” is the beginning of beginnings, a craving for one’s physical and spiritual development and comfort.

The letter “D” means logic, thinking before taking an action, and also the desire to help your neighbor. Sometimes people with the letter "d" in their name have

And again the letter “A”, that is, the presence of a desire to start, do, fulfill something, for example, a cherished dream.

Final part

Ladushka celebrates her name day on August 7th every year. Successful Lado. The meaning of the name is great for her, since with it she comprehends the essence of her true purpose. And what could be more valuable than knowing in the name of what you live and create!

Having studied the meaning of the name Lada, it is easier to form an idea of ​​the personality. In the Old Russian language, the interpretation of the name had the meaning of “wife”. As a rule, he is the only and long-awaited child in a wealthy family. Parents try to fulfill any whims of their charming and gentle daughter. Sometimes it’s too late for close people to realize that they have spoiled the girl. The meaning of the name Lada for a child is inextricably linked with selfishness; only proper upbringing will teach a girl to take care of others and show mercy.

There must be pets in the house, which the growing girl will take care of. This female name is associated with strength and confidence; indeed, its owner with early age Shows determination and perseverance in any situation. She is often the only girl in a group of boys; she is not inferior to them in ingenuity; she has a unique ability to organize pranks.

Do not forget that the meaning of the name Lada for a girl reveals such a trait as selfishness, which is quite difficult to find mutual language with peers. Her friends should imitate her in everything, satisfying the self-confident girl’s self-esteem.

At school she proves herself to be a conscientious, responsible student, takes an active part in amateur performances, and enjoys the admiring glances of spectators. Artistic abilities cannot go unnoticed; during his student years he becomes a real star of the course.

The girl emphasizes her natural beauty with the help of cosmetics and fashionable things; her ability to create a wardrobe can only be envied; they predict her future as a designer. Appears with age a strong character, ready to cope with any life challenges. If you set a goal for yourself, you will stop at nothing. It is very important for a striking woman to learn to combine a successful career and family, otherwise she will not be able to feel happy. Financial situation matters, but does not bring happiness if an emotional woman is lonely.


A sensual girl cannot go unnoticed. This means that men have an irresistible desire to surround her with care and affection. He really remains a child at heart and can indulge in childish whims at any age. A liberated and self-confident girl finds herself in the center of attention.

Representatives of the opposite sex cannot resist the charm that nature has endowed on a girl, especially since a captivating person feels more than confident in any society. The financial situation of the chosen one matters; the girl is used to not denying herself anything, loves original, expensive gifts, and cannot imagine spending her leisure time without visiting luxury restaurants. Generosity is a trait that is crucial when choosing a future spouse. She is of the opinion that you should get married once, and is in no hurry to start a family.

A lady in love will turn life into a holiday, her chosen one will forget about gray everyday life and experience true happiness. Loneliness does not threaten the spectacular seductress; she endures separation hard, but very quickly finds solace in new relationships.


Creates a family with a person who is much older, does not experience financial problems. This means that she should feel confident in the future, the first years life together endures quite painfully, it is difficult to part with a free, carefree life.

With the birth of the child, she changes and becomes a caring and tender mother. There are always a lot of guests in the house; he cannot stand boredom and monotony. A creative person organizes unforgettable holidays, but does not like to cook. A faithful wife will not forgive betrayal; her husband’s passion will become a point in the relationship. After a divorce, he prefers proud loneliness.

We can say with confidence that the likelihood of betrayal in the family of a spectacular, fiery woman is minimized; the active lifestyle and passionate nature of the wife completely absorb any man. Special meaning As they grow older, they develop relationships with their parents and try to pay them as much attention as possible.

Business and career

She does not tolerate monotony, which means she will not agree to the role of a housewife. Already at school they predict a brilliant career as an actress; a lot depends on luck. Musical abilities allow you to become a famous singer. The life of a spectacular woman should be full bright colors, it is a real pleasure to work as a designer and takes a confident position in the fashion industry.

Income matters; a small salary is not compatible with the life of a woman confident in her own abilities. If the job does not bring the desired result, quit without hesitation and start life with a clean slate. He will definitely find his true calling, realize his abilities and receive recognition.

She can become a successful entrepreneur, is able to respond to unforeseen circumstances, feels confident in a male team, and does not react to criticism. Prefers to self-administer important decisions, ignores advice. Skillfully negotiates, leaving no chance for competitors. The choice of profession largely depends on the environment in which the girl was raised; if she grew up in a creative family, she will definitely become an actress; The daughter of a successful businessman cannot resist the temptation to try her hand at business.

Origin of the name Lada

Etymology gives a clear definition - the goddess of love and beauty, the origin of the name Lada has Slavic roots, which is especially important for believers. History contains facts about bright women whose names are worthy of emulation. In parallel with the search for an answer to the question of where it came from, the mystery of the name is of interest, revealing the secrets of choosing a talisman, a lucky number.

Characteristics of the name Lada

First of all, the characteristic of the name Lada reveals such a trait as selfishness, although this quality is more or less characteristic of every spectacular woman. The female character harmoniously combines the pros and cons, difficulties in communicating with creative personality will not arise. Gives positive energy, lifts spirits, and is the life of the party. An indisputable advantage is the ability to independently find a way out of difficult situations.

The mystery of the name

  • The stone is coral.
  • Name day - September 22.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Libra.

Famous people

  • Lada Zadonskaya - athlete;
  • Lada Volkova (Dance) is a popular pop singer.

Different languages

The Slavic translation of the name Lada is “sweetheart”, “wife”. The question often arises: how to translate into foreign languages, for example, as it sounds in Japanese, in Chinese - 拉達, Lá Dā.

Name forms

  • Full name: Lada.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Ladochka, Ladusya, Ladka, Ladusenka, Ladusechka, Laduska.
  • Declension of the name – Ladoy, Ladu.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is not in the calendar, it will be offered at baptism.

The secret of the name Lada is that it is one of those few that are originally Slavic. Its origin is associated with the goddess of spring, plowing and sowing Lada, who patronized love and marriage, and also symbolized beauty (a kind of ancient Russian Aphrodite). In translation given name takes on the meaning “sweetheart”, “good”, “beloved”. In the Old Russian language this word was used to describe a spouse.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Taurus
  • Patron planet: Jupiter, Mars
  • Talisman stone: tiger eye, gold
  • Color: golden
  • Plant: calamus
  • Animal: duck
  • Favorable day: Monday

Character traits

The owner of the name Lada has a rather difficult character. He is very strong, active, energetic, persistent and open man, but all the positive aspects of these qualities are negated by exorbitant self-esteem. The rigor and complexity of the little girl’s character touches her family and friends. They strive to indulge her in everything, to please her, to get away with things that require a certain punishment. As a result, the parents realize too late that they have raised a very spoiled daughter who strives to get hers at any cost. Therefore, close people should instill in the girl respect for people from an early age, teach her to care for others and show mercy. Pets in the house that need to be looked after can help with this.

The meaning of the name Lada suggests that its representative is very attractive, energetic, principled, persistent, and firm. If she was not taught in childhood to take into account the interests and opinions of other people, she will use them for her own purposes, without a drop of sympathy. If someone dares to refuse her, the girl writes this person down as her enemy. Such a woman does not know how to win her over; she does not show courtesy in communication. Those who are friends with her often have some kind of selfish motive (otherwise, why tolerate such a person).

Interests and hobbies

Lada loves science. She is very interested in physics and mathematics, astronomy, law and medicine. Endowed with great energy potential from birth, she enjoys playing sports. Can also devote his free time communication with animals or nature.

Profession and business

Lada can achieve a lot in terms of her career, but here again she is often hampered by her inability to communicate with people, her inability or unwillingness to find a common language. She makes a good accountant, merchandiser, cashier, cook, store manager, lawyer, Bank employee. This woman has good Creative skills- she can try herself as an actress, singer or designer.


Lada is in good health. She is naturally hardy, which allows her to work for a long time without proper rest. A girl can undermine her natural health only through attacks of self-pity, during which she invents non-existent sores.

Sex and love

The bearer of the name Lada is a very attractive and sexy person. The guys are crazy about her unusualness, brightness and emotionality. She does not let her chosen one get bored. She doesn’t believe in true, bright love, because it is very realistic. But, nevertheless, her chosen one is always a real man: he can perform a feat for her sake, he is generous, because such a girl does not like to deny herself anything.

Family and marriage

Lada is looking for a lifelong companion, so she is in no hurry to run down the aisle. IN family relationships the girl is changing: now she is not a strict and cold woman, but good hostess, loving and faithful wife, caring and gentle mother. She is economical, neat, and her house is always clean. Loves to receive guests. It’s hard to imagine that her husband would cheat on her - spectacular and fiery, active and passionate, she provides her chosen one with a sea of ​​impressions, after which you no longer want to look for something on the side.


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