Online dating: pros and cons. Dangerous dating on the Internet Dangerous dating on the Internet stories

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People are designed in such a way that one of their essential needs is communication. Hundreds of thousands of Internet users actively communicate on dating sites and do not even suspect that they are being watched by scammers. Statistics show that the majority of victims of virtual dating are representatives of the stronger sex.

Many people do not consider the danger of dating on the Internet as a real threat, thereby exposing their lives to certain risks. Standard scheme deceiving people - a casual or even frank conversation ensues, thanks to which it is possible to inspire trust and interest a person.

After this, it is suggested to perform various actions and under the pressure of his own sympathy, the victim is no longer able to refuse, obediently doing absolutely everything that he is told.

Online dating scammers

Fraud on dating sites is quite common, and on the Internet you can even find girls who systematically use virtual dating for commercial purposes.

What do they need? Just chat with a man and interest him in your person, presenting a real chance to become a life partner, and then come up with a way to empty his wallet.

To present the problem of fraud in online dating, we found several real stories deceptions that happened to people:

  1. Lend, give, help out. Most often, scammers (scammers using women's profiles) ask for money from their interlocutor. After a long conversation and seemingly building warm relations, they are ready to shed tears and invent non-existent problems, just to beg as much as possible more money from his victim. You may be kind and sympathetic, but this does not mean that you are a fool and will transfer money to someone without personally observing the problems.
  2. Free holiday. Going to a restaurant, go-karting, visiting a bowling alley and many other types of recreation require mandatory expenses. It’s not uncommon for girls to use virtual dating in order to relax for free and then quietly disappear from sight. What does a young man hope for when making an appointment and calculating possible expenses? For further relationships, good performance time or for an exciting night? None of this may happen, even if you spend several tens of thousands of rubles.
  3. Theft. Next view fraud is the most dangerous and, unlike others, is punishable by criminal law. Fraudsters who want to steal can do anything, even have an intimate relationship. Once in your apartment, she may express a desire to eat something and invite you to walk to the store. When returning from shopping, it is quite possible that you will discover the absence of a new friend in the apartment, and at the same time the absence of some valuable things.

Should you exclude online dating from your life? Not at all necessary, just Don't take correspondence too seriously. If you saw a person for the first time, then treat him the same as a stranger on the street, because all virtual communication could not be real and it is impossible to be sure of the opposite.

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Before visiting a new dentist or, God forbid, a hairdresser, we read reviews on the Internet a million times and almost conduct a survey: “So how? Liked? Beautiful? Surely it won’t ruin anything?” But for some reason, having met a wonderful stranger on the Internet, we don’t even remember the rule “Trust, but verify.” So all sorts of unpleasant things happen... Here are just three of the most typical situations.

1. Fake photos

Some steal photos from other people's social media accounts, others blatantly copy-paste photos of celebrities and impersonate another person. You end up wasting your time mental strength, you even fall in love and when the truth is revealed, you feel, to put it mildly, not very well. Why they do this is difficult to say. I knew only one such friend - the girls didn’t like him, but he wasn’t going to do anything about it in real life, so he had a lot of fun online, uploading a photo of a little-known black model to Tinder. Trusting Tinderels told him secrets, shared erotic fantasies, and some even shared their photographs. After a couple of days he simply disappeared. Well, at least he didn’t lie that he was dying of cancer (yes, there are such people).

Life story:

Masha had a business trip to Australia, and she decided to meet someone local in advance. Not to be alone on the weekend, but to drink lemonade on safari in a cultured manner. A week later, Masha was telling me with a breathy voice and full of goosebumps about a certain Ryan. “Widower, teaches at the University of Perth, understands me perfectly.” Photos of the villa, two children, and of himself - just not in full height. Masha was just worried about her height, but she was embarrassed to ask directly. And we decided to Google it - he must have other photos! Ryan wasn't on social media (he's so busy, so busy!), so we looked at the website of the university where he supposedly taught. There was no such professor there. But Google has another cool feature - photo search. It was then that the truth was revealed - the wonderful Ryan borrowed the photo from an Australian TV presenter. He responded to Masha’s angry letter that everything was true, except for the photo, and blocked her in all messengers.

How to avoid this:

- Google the photo.

– Offer to talk on Skype with video.

– As a last resort, ask to take a selfie with a piece of paper on which the word “love” is written (if your new friend doesn’t send you after that, then there really is a chance for love).

2. Threat of information leakage

Before you send your boyfriend, or even more so a recent virtual acquaintance, a photo of yourself in just panties or talk about another BDSM fantasy at three in the morning after 3 glasses of martinis, ask yourself the question: “What if my mother sees this?” (sister, grandmother, boss, husband - underline as appropriate). After all, taking a screenshot of the correspondence and then sending it to someone who doesn’t need it as revenge or just out of spite is a simple matter. It’s even easier to save the photo and post it on the Internet. Of course, this can happen after real acquaintance. Just realize that there is no reason to think that a person who comes across as decent actually is.

Life story:

Christina met Miguel on Tinder and initially was just going to have a good time with the hot Spanish fireman (the guy actually puts out fires in his homeland!). But he spoke so sincerely about carrot love and a wedding in Tenerife that the young lady seriously fell in love. Literally before his departure, bombarded with promises to “invite her and introduce her to my mother,” she got up at night to drink water and saw... his glowing phone. Then you probably guessed it. The girl's soul could not stand it, and decided to take a look at who was writing to him in the middle of the night. It turned out to be his wife. Why a married man voluntarily complicated his life with romance and promises of eternal happiness is still a mystery to us. And Christina, without leaving the cash register, forwarded all the correspondence to this same wife and silently walked away into the night. She herself is now an ardent opponent of sexting and, if she really wants, she offers an erotic conversation over the phone. In this story, intimate correspondence helped punish the scoundrel, but you must admit that in any other situation it could work against you.

How to avoid this:

3. Deception and self-deception

Are you aware that we perceive only 20% of information verbally, that is, using words? And the remaining 80% is due to gestures, facial expressions and body position in space, that is, non-verbally. When texting or talking on the phone, you are deprived of this opportunity, so the chance of making a mistake and believing a lie increases many times over. Even if a person does not intentionally deceive you, you unwittingly put the desired image on him and invent the missing qualities. Ladies with a “big and clean” mindset are especially susceptible to this.

Life story:

– Check all the information, ask specific questions: “Oh, do you have your own business? What project are you working on now? Who are your clients? Show me your website” or “So you teach at a university? Which department? How many students do you have? What was today’s lecture about?”

– Listen carefully to the person and immediately find out if something seems suspicious, take time, do not make quick decisions.

Safety rules for dating in any conditions

I once attended a conference dedicated to the problem of human trafficking, and believe me, the scale of this problem is enormous. And besides those who are ready to exchange you for a camel, there are many scammers and swindlers. So get this on your nose:

1. Never, under any pretext, give money to new acquaintances.

2. Do not disclose where you live or other personal information (how much you earn, whether you live alone or not, credit card number).

3. When going to a meeting, be sure to tell someone where you went, who you went with, and when you plan to get in touch.

4. When going abroad to visit a potential groom, be sure (!) to ask him to send a scan of his passport, exact residential address and telephone number. Come up with a neutral password word that will let your loved ones know that you are in trouble. Agree to get in touch at least once a day.

5. Keep in mind that the chance of meeting a worthy man is just as great as the risk of running into a maniac and pervert.

6. Don't take dating too seriously and don't fall in love too quickly.

And most importantly, do not confuse trust and gullibility. Trust is a wonderful feeling, but it takes time to earn it. Don’t be fooled by the classics: “You trust me,” “I immediately felt that you were the one!”, “It’s like I’ve known you all my life.” This is just an optical illusion, an illusion inspired by hormones and the desire to be loved. For real honest man will wait and be able to prove his reliability with his actions. And gullibility is a very dangerous quality. Be healthy!

P.S. Lest you think that everything is completely bad: I know at least 4 couples who met on the Internet, got married and are happy.

Today, more and more married couples admit that they found their soulmate thanks to the World Wide Web. Social media, dating sites, chat rooms and ICQ - all this helps ensure that the one and only one is finally found. However, along with real men who want to find a wife, there are scammers operating online. Let's learn from someone else's example what signs of dangerous online dating should alert a lady.

Larisa, 34 years old, manager : “By the age of 30, finding a husband became an obsession for me. My friends got married one after another, but I was still left alone. Home-work-home - this is how my life unfolded. Realizing that I was no longer a girl and I wouldn’t be able to meet people on the street, I posted my profile on a dating site. After some time, the “prince” was found. A correspondence began, I was impressed by his photographs, he wrote me tender words, but complained that he could not get through to me. I decided to make the first call myself. Having chatted nicely with him on the corporate mobile phone, I discovered that more than 300 UAH (about 1,200 rubles) had been debited from the account. “I realized that I had fallen into the clutches of scammers and I no longer make dangerous acquaintances on the Internet.”

Victoria, 37 years old, teacher : “Find a man for life together while working as a teacher junior classes, is almost impossible.
However, I succeeded. We met him in one of the online games. We corresponded in a chat, called each other by phone, he talked about his business - in general, everything was going towards us starting our Cohabitation. However, after two weeks of living together, he disappeared, not forgetting to grab my laptop, rings and limited savings. It’s good that I got off so easily (the money from the sale of my mother’s apartment is in the bank), but for the future it’s science for me - dating on the Internet is dangerous.”

Tatyana, 42 years old, entrepreneur : “We met Valera at one of the construction forums. At the same time, I was “hooked” by his professional knowledge of construction and finishing, and as a man he was very interesting: he showered him with compliments, was interested in my life, my business, and insisted on meeting in a restaurant. What a fool I was, flying to the ill-fated restaurant on the outskirts of the city! After waiting for him for about half an hour, I returned to a completely cleaned apartment.”

As you can see, all these stories are somewhat similar - the scammers managed to deceive their victims only thanks to the excessive gullibility of women. Therefore, you should be wary if.

Online dating for us like magic that can save us from problems in personal life, from loneliness, find your soulmate and much more. Internet dating to some extent they are able to diversify our lives with communication and emotions, but we should not idealize such communication online. Which ones can consequences of dating on the Internet, what is the danger?

No one will deny that in order to get to know a person, you need to communicate with him personally. For starters, see the person's eyes during a conversation. This can clarify a lot and tell us about true intentions of dating. Basically, the Internet is full of “time killers”. Many directly state that they are not looking for anything or anyone, but are simply “walking the streets of the Internet.” They need communication, and they are satisfied with virtual communication, virtual dating on the Internet. If you are looking in online dating not just virtual communication, I would like to wish that you come across as few such “time killers” as possible. Online dating crowd out real communication from our lives. A person begins to live a virtual life.

Consequences of online dating is that a person is not adapted to real dating and communication. After all, in order to get to know each other real life, the standard phrases “Hello, how are you?” are not enough. and exchange photos via email. So that the guy can get acquainted with beautiful girl , you need to show ingenuity and a non-standard approach.

Online dating tighten. They eat everything free time. From the first visits dating site We carefully choose our interlocutors for communication, we think about what would be interesting and original to write. After a week we usually go to meeting website, looking for friends online. More to come... In six months online dating will completely displace real-life communication from our lives. The name of the site is not difficult to remember

- it became the start page in our browser. The first hour is spent answering messages that came on the dating site. Then communication, searching again...

We may be exaggerating slightly, but the fact remains - online dating become our life.

Don’t be scared right away, as we have described one of the negative aspects online dating. Every business has its pros and cons. So there is positive side dating on the Internet. You can't even imagine how they can online dating change your life - facts from your personal life. For many, this will be a ray of light... But more on that in the next article.

Women often do not suspect the danger a dating site poses for them. It would seem such a harmless thing and registration is free!

However, practice shows that with the advent of such a service, the risk of girls “getting caught up in history” has increased many times over.

Why do you think? There are several reasons - let's look at them now. In addition to maniacs, drug addicts, alcoholics and mentally ill people, meeting whom you should a priori be wary of, keep in mind the following.

What should a woman be wary of on a dating site?

Alice's story (32 years old)

“I first registered on a dating site nine years ago. I even tried dating foreigners. One of them wrote that he was a descendant of aristocrats. I admit, I used to dream about this so much that I immediately imagined myself with my future husband at a diplomatic reception among the local elite. Do you know how far from reality the image of an overseas prince turned out to be? But I, as if under a spell, continued to believe in the fairy tale and lived with him for 3 years!

And another gentleman said that he was a sniper in Yugoslavia and a book was even written about him! After 2 years, in a casual conversation with his father, it turned out that these were just painful fantasies and a desire to create a heroic image out of practically nothing. How much time have I wasted by believing these liars!”

To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, remember that out of 100 representatives of the stronger sex from such sites, only two or three men will suit you - such is the sad statistics. D about how to go on a date, be sure to meet . Read each point carefully, pay attention to details - perhaps it will save your life, or at least nervous system from shocks.


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