Toothache: how to remove, alleviate, calm or stop. How to relieve or relieve toothache at home How to relieve toothache after tooth extraction

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When a tooth starts to hurt, it is always sudden, and almost always predictable - the pain will get worse if it is not relieved immediately. It will grow and interfere with a full existence, focusing all thoughts on one problem - how to stop the pain. It’s great if a toothache overtook you on the way to the dentist, or you have the opportunity to call your dentist and within half an hour you’ll be sitting in the dental chair, waiting for relief from the pain. But more often than not, this insidious pain strikes at the most inopportune time, for example, late in the evening, or deep at night, or at a countryside tourist campsite, which is located deep in the forest.

Toothache - what to do

To effectively soothe a toothache at home, you must first follow several rules.

  1. Pain appears while eating - stop eating immediately.

  2. The pain starts from hot/cold/sour/sweet foods (tea, ice cream, lemon, candy) - stop taking the irritant.

  3. A tooth hurts after mechanical action (it sounds stupid, but many people, especially young citizens, open bottles with their teeth or crack nuts) - stop the action you were doing.

  4. Rinse your mouth with clean water, not cold or hot.

  5. Remove food particles from between your teeth with floss.

  6. Take a toothbrush and toothpaste and brush your teeth thoroughly.

  7. Rinse your mouth with mouthwash.

Now the easiest way is to take painkillers. But it is not always at hand, and not all people are ready to take pills without understanding the cause of the disease.

Before you radically start swallowing painkillers, you can use one of the gentle home methods for relieving toothache. And before any procedures, it doesn’t hurt to figure out exactly why your tooth hurts.

Table. Making a preliminary diagnosis based on the nature of the pain

How it hurtsWhat could it be

The integrity of the enamel layer is damaged (increased sensitivity of the enamel). In this case, after the irritant ceases and the mouth is cleaned, the pain subsides.

Caries - food particles get into the carious cavity. The pain is acute. Continues until you remove food from the problem area. Then the pain may go away, or it may continue.

Acute or pleural pulpitis. Painful sensations do not depend on your actions to cleanse the mouth and stop chewing. The pain continues in paroxysmal mode.

This is probably acute purulent pulpitis. The pain will increase even if contact with the cold stops.

Use of pharmaceutical analgesics

Having found out what happened to your tooth, you decide to take the medicine. What pharmaceutical drugs will easily and quickly relieve toothache.

By the way. For mild cases of carious lesions, an effective analgesic may be sufficient. If there is acute inflammation of the pulp or other serious problems, additional measures may be necessary.

In order of decreasing strength of influence, the following medications are recommended for self-relief of toothache.

  1. Nurofen - quickly relieves pain of any origin.

  2. Ketanov is a powerful analgesic drug; its potency is compared to morphine.

  3. Ketonal is a strong medicine that has not only an anti-pain, but also an anti-inflammatory effect.

  4. Ibuprofen is an analgesic that blocks the sensitivity of pain receptors.

  5. Nimesil - helps with chronic and long-term pain.

  6. Analgin - can relieve mild pain.

  7. Paracetamol - will relieve mild pain and inflammation.

  8. Spasmalgon – relieves mild and moderate pain syndrome of an inflammatory-infectious nature.

  9. Baralgin helps little, has many contraindications.

  10. The top five remedies are potent. The rest are much less effective, although it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Only Baralgin helps someone with toothache, but Ketanov “doesn’t help.” Monitor your feelings and strictly follow the instructions for use.

    Advice. If you have an ampoule of novocaine or lidocaine in your home medicine cabinet, you can moisten a cotton pad with the solution and apply it to the disturbing tooth. The “freezing” effect will relieve painful sensations. Applicable only to people who are not allergic to drugs.

    For allergic manifestations and other contraindications to taking pharmaceutical analgesics, for example, pregnancy or childhood, you can use dental drops and anesthetic gels. Gels for teething in infants, with an analgesic and cooling effect, when applied topically to a slightly painful tooth, will have the same effect as analgin taken orally. Drops based on essential oils will also help to get rid of pain in the short term.

    Important! Do not apply analgesics to the mucous membrane near the affected tooth. Almost all tablets, and especially aspirin, will cause a burn if they come into contact with the gum for a long time.

    Alternative Pain Relief Methods

    In addition to tablets, the range of which is quite limited, there are many other ways to relieve toothache, which are not inferior in effectiveness to pharmaceutical products.

    Essential oils

    The following will definitely help with toothache:

  • camphor oil;

  • clove oil;
  • chamomile oil;
  • myrrh oil;

  • lavender oil;
  • fir oil;
  • tea tree oil;

  • peppermint oil.
  • Oils must be natural, not synthetic fakes. Yes, these products are very expensive, but to relieve the average pain syndrome, one drop on a cotton swab applied to a sore tooth is enough. If the pain is severe, the dose is doubled. Leave for about a quarter of an hour.

    Alcohol tinctures

    This type of folk painkiller works on the principle of freezing. From the alcohol contained in the tinctures, or rather, from the tannins included in its composition, the gum and tooth tissue becomes numb, and the pain ceases to be felt. Plus, the cavity is disinfected.

    The following alcohol tinctures are used:

    Take about 20 ml of undiluted tincture into your mouth. It shouldn't be cold. Hold on the painful side so that it covers the problematic tooth for about two minutes. Spit it out.

    By the way. If there are no herbal tinctures, you can use medical alcohol diluted in half with warm boiled water, or any strong alcohol. Of course, this method, although safe for adults, is not suitable for relieving childhood toothache.


    A very “folk” and popular way to relieve toothache. Suitable for temporary pain relief in most cases. You can rinse with different ingredients. The simplest ingredients that are easy to find in every home are the following:

    • salt;
    • soda;
    • herbal decoctions.

    Salt – sea or iodized. Add iodine to soda. You can mix the first three components in one rinse.

    The herbs are the same as those listed above, in tinctures. Plus oak bark (tannins). In principle, you can use any herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. The rules are as follows: rinse warmly, do it as often as possible (once every quarter of an hour), and prepare a fresh herbal decoction every two hours. A tablespoon of herbal mixture is poured into a glass of water. Add a teaspoon of soda or salt to the same amount of water.

    By the way. Rinsing, due to the absence of contraindications, is recommended even for pregnant women. Baking soda and salt are 100% safe. There may be an allergy to herbal components.


    These include various lotions. A tampon with a pain reliever is applied to the disturbing tooth.

    Various mixtures can be prepared for applications.

  1. Table salt (20 g) + ammonia (10 ml) + camphor alcohol (10 ml). Dissolve everything in a liter of water, moisten the swab and make an application. Repeat until pain disappears.

  2. Validol solution. Everyone knows this popular medicine that older people like to put under their tongue “from the heart.” But few people know that if you crush a Validol tablet into powder, dilute it with two tablespoons of water, soak a cotton swab or gauze pad in the resulting solution and apply it to a sore tooth, you can get a powerful analgesic effect, albeit short-lived.

  3. Vanilla extract. You need to wet a swab or disc in it and apply it to the tooth. It especially helps with aching pain, reducing its intensity.

  4. Garlic. The issue of using garlic as a dental pain reliever is quite controversial. Many people strongly advise applying garlic to the wrist opposite the side on which the tooth hurts. Others believe that it is not only useless, but also harmful. Garlic can cause harm only if the peeled clove is cut and applied directly to the skin, and even left for several hours. The clove needs to be cleaned, wrapped in several layers of gauze and tied to the hand in the pulse area on the wrist for 30-45 minutes. Under no circumstances should cut garlic be applied to a gum or tooth - the burn will be monstrous.

  5. You can also make the all-important garlic applique. Crush the clove and onion ring (you can grate it on a fine grater), mix them in equal proportions with table salt and dilute with three parts of water. It is not recommended to keep this application on the gum mucosa for more than a quarter of an hour.

  6. Unofficial medicine also recommends pain relief with lard. If the medical world has at least some explanation for garlic and onions (the presence of phytoncides that kill microbes), then the analgesic effect of lard can only be explained by a placebo. However, there are many people for whom a strip of frozen lard applied to their gums has helped relieve pain.

By the way. You can use apple cider vinegar for rinses or lotions. A swab soaked in undiluted vinegar is applied to the disturbing tooth, or a rinsing solution is prepared from 200 ml of water and 20 ml of vinegar.


Pain relieving pastes that are applied directly to the aching tooth are organic and safe. Apart from individual intolerance to the components, they have no contraindications.

  1. Paste of salt, iodine and pepper. Black pepper, table salt and a few drops of iodine. Everything is mixed, water is added drop by drop to give the mixture a paste-like state. It is applied to the tooth or placed in a carious cavity.

  2. Potato paste. Grate raw potatoes to a pulp and apply to the tooth.

  3. Clove paste. This spice is the best at relieving tooth pain. If you don’t have clove oil on hand, you can simply chew two pieces of dried cloves and put them on the aching tooth. You can crush the spice in a mortar and add vegetable oil to the powder until it becomes a paste.

  4. Onion paste. Unlike garlic, onions will not burn the mucous membrane. You can simply chew a piece of raw onion and leave the paste on the tooth immediately if pain occurs, especially if it occurs while eating.

  5. Spinach pasta. Chew or crush raw spinach leaves. Apply to the tooth.

  6. Sprouted wheat pasta. Only young shoots are taken. Grind into pulp. They have many antibacterial properties that inhibit the development of bacteria.

  7. Plantain paste. The plantain leaf needs to be washed well and turned into a paste. Apply to the tooth.

  8. Mumiyo. This healing substance is a very good remedy, repeatedly tested in practice by thousands of patients, helping to soothe toothache for quite a long period of time. The mummy should be placed in the problem cavity, or applied to the tooth.

Video - How to relieve toothache quickly

What else can you do to relieve toothache?

If pain has just arisen and is of low intensity, you can immediately use ice. A piece of ice or some frozen product is placed in a bag, wrapped in a towel and applied to the cheek where the sore tooth is located. This method, of course, will not completely eliminate pain, but it will help to muffle them.

Important! If you have an inflamed nerve, you cannot use this method. In this case, exposure to cold will not relieve, but rather intensify the pain.

If you practice massage to relieve various pains, you can try it to relieve toothache. The points that interact with the chewing-speech apparatus are located on the pads of the thumbs and index fingers. A small ice cube should be held, lightly rubbing, between these fingers of the hand on which side of the body the problem tooth is located for seven minutes.

If you use homeopathy, you can use the following remedies:

You can cope with toothache on your own outside the clinic and without a dentist. There are many ways - you just need to find the right one. But even if you managed to quickly overcome and completely drive away the toothache, call the dental clinic as soon as possible and make an appointment without waiting for it to return.

Video - How to quickly relieve toothache at home

It’s not for nothing that toothache is considered one of the most severe: you can’t sleep or eat normally with it. Ideally, you should immediately seek advice from a dentist, but this is not always possible. How to relieve toothache at home?

There are several rules that must be followed when dealing with toothache:

  1. Clear your mouth of food debris. Sometimes meat fibers or apple pieces stuck between the teeth cause toothache.
  2. Do not heat the painful area. Warm compresses cause additional blood flow, which will only increase the pain.
  3. Lie down less. Rest in a horizontal position activates blood circulation in the periodontal tissues, increasing the pressure on them. As a result, the pain becomes even more intense.
  4. Do not chew food with a sore tooth.
  5. Take a break. The more a person thinks about the pain, the more intense it becomes. You need to try to come up with an interesting activity for yourself and immerse yourself in it.
  6. Visit the dentist. Treating toothache at home is a futile task, since only a doctor can determine and remove the cause of the pain. You can only dull the pain for a short time on your own.

How to relieve toothache with medications

A fast-acting pain reliever for toothache is the best way to improve your condition. The following drugs have proven to be the most effective:

1. For mild or moderate toothache:

  • Askofen: tablets – 30 rub. for 10 pcs. The main active ingredients are aspirin, paracetamol and caffeine. Should not be given to children under 15 years of age;
  • Spasmalgon: tablets – 130 rub. for 20 pcs. The active ingredient is analgin. Not used to treat children under 6 years of age;
  • Baralgin: tablets – 150 rubles. for 20 pcs., ampoules – 215 rub. for 5 pcs. The main component is analgin. Give with caution to infants up to 3 months;
  • Nurofen: tablets – 150 rub. for 20 pcs., candles – 115 rub. for 60 pcs., children's suspension - 190 rubles. for 150 ml. The main component of the drug is ibuprofen. Can be used from 3 months of age. Contraindicated for diseases of the blood, kidneys and liver.

2. For severe toothache:

  • Nimesulide: tablets – 100 rub. for 20 pcs. Dispensed with a doctor's prescription. The main active ingredient is nimesulide. Not suitable for children under 12 years of age. Also contraindicated for heart, liver and kidney failure, exacerbations of intestinal and stomach diseases;
  • Ketanov: tablets – 65 rub. for 20 pcs., ampoules – 120 rub. for 10 pcs. The drug contains ketorlac, which has a strong analgesic effect. Quickly relieves pain for 3-5 hours. Contraindicated in children under 16 years of age, patients with ulcers and asthma;
  • Pentalgin: tablets – 110 rubles. for 12 tablets. The drug contains paracetamol, naproxen and caffeine. Does not apply until a person reaches 18 years of age. Also contraindicated for ulcer sufferers, asthmatics and those suffering from severe hypertension;
  • Ketorol: tablets – 50 rub. for 20 pcs., ampoules – 160 rub. for 10 pcs. Analogue of Ketanov. Contraindicated for children under 16 years of age, as well as for ulcers, kidney and liver failure.

All of the above drugs should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Before taking any medicine for toothache, you should carefully read the instructions.

What helps with toothache during pregnancy?

Pregnant women often experience severe toothaches. This is due to hormonal changes occurring in the pregnant woman’s body, in particular leading to disruption of normal blood flow in the oral mucosa. An expectant mother should take painkillers for toothache with extreme caution, since the wrong medicine can negatively affect the health of the fetus:

  • in the first trimester it is forbidden to take any medications;
  • in the second trimester it is allowed to take a tooth pain reliever;
  • in the third trimester, it is better to abandon drug therapy so as not to provoke premature birth.

To relieve toothache, a pregnant woman can turn to one of the following medications:

  1. No-spa: tablets – 220 rub. for 100 pcs., ampoules – 500 rub. for 25 pcs.
  2. Paracetamol: tablets – 20 rub. for 20 pcs., rectal suspension – 50 rub. for 500 mg;
  3. Ibuprofen: tablets – 20 rub. for 50 pcs. Contraindicated in the third trimester;
  4. Analgin: tablets – 10 rubles. for 10 pcs., ampoules – 100 rub. for 10 pcs.

When choosing a painkiller, a woman should definitely consult a doctor. It is also necessary to take into account the presence of diseases that the pregnant woman suffers from. Many medications are contraindicated for asthma, kidney problems, liver problems and blood disorders.

When getting rid of toothache in a pregnant woman, the main emphasis should be on folk remedies that do not require taking medications. An interesting and completely harmless method suitable for cat owners. This animal perfectly senses the ailment of its owner, moreover, it is able to relieve pain. Usually cats themselves come to a suffering person, lie down on his stomach and rest his muzzle on his chin. Over time, the pain subsides. To enhance the effect, pet the cat.

How to quickly relieve toothache using folk remedies

There are many ways to forget about toothache without going to the pharmacy. The simplest and most effective methods are as follows:

  • wash and dry the plantain root, then carefully place it in the ear from the side of the painful tooth;
  • Before going to bed, rinse your mouth with a warm solution of sea salt. You just need to add 2 tbsp of water. l. salt;
  • lightly crush the ear on the side on which the tooth hurts;
  • wipe the gums with alcohol tincture of propolis. As an option, soak a piece of cotton wool in the tincture and place it near the painful tooth for 20-30 minutes. You can also use propolis in plates: they should be used to plug holes in teeth affected by caries or simply placed in the mouth near the problem tooth. This method is contraindicated for people allergic to honey;
  • pour 1 tbsp. l. sage 200 ml of boiled water, boil them for 15 minutes. and cool slightly. You need to take a little warm broth into your mouth and hold it near the sore tooth for 30-40 seconds. This procedure must be repeated 4-5 times every 30 minutes;
  • prepare an infusion of oregano, add 1 tbsp. l. herbs with a glass of hot water. You should rinse your mouth every 2-3 hours;
  • Rub the gums near the sore teeth with a piece of ice. For greater benefits, ice should be prepared by freezing an infusion of chamomile or other medicinal herb;
  • lightly massage the area between the thumb and index finger. You can also wipe the area with an ice cube;
  • Lubricate the affected tooth with clove oil. You can drop the oil directly onto the tooth or apply a moistened cotton wool;
  • rinse your mouth with soda solution. You will need to pour 2 tbsp. l. soda with boiling water and let it cool to room temperature. Soda has a well-defined antiseptic property and perfectly soothes inflamed gums around sore teeth;
  • in case of pronounced caries, you need to prepare a mixture of chopped onion and garlic. The ingredients must be taken in equal proportions. The resulting pulp should be lightly salted, mixed well and placed on the cavity affected by caries. The top should be covered with a cotton swab and lightly pressed with your teeth;
  • rinse your mouth with vodka without swallowing the drink. Due to the fact that some of the alcohol is absorbed into the gum, it will become numb and stop hurting;
  • You will need to find a pulsating place on your wrist and rub it with garlic. If a tooth hurts on the left side, then it is necessary to treat the right wrist, and vice versa.

Sooner or later, toothache still forces its “owner” to see a doctor. Therefore, it is better to go to the dentist right away: no pills or folk remedies can relieve pain for a long time.

After tooth extraction, patients may feel unbearable aching or sharp pain. Not everyone can tolerate this, but there’s no reason to.

Many people wonder how to relieve pain after tooth extraction? Various painkillers will help relieve pain on the first and second days.

If the pain remains for a longer period, then this is a reason to visit the dentist again.

Causes of pain syndrome

Since tissue trauma occurs during tooth extraction, there can be pain after this procedure.

During this process, the gingival tissue, nerve endings and periosteum are disrupted - all this leads to pain.

This is considered a normal postoperative occurrence. If everything goes according to plan, the pain goes away after two days. If the wound gets infected, the discomfort remains much longer.

If the tooth extraction was difficult, then the postoperative period may be prolonged. When a patient seeks help from a specialist and has a missing crown or uneven roots, the doctor must cut the gum.

In this case, you should expect swelling not only of the gum tissue, but also of the cheeks. This discomfort goes away after two to three days, but if it gets worse, you should go back to the dental clinic. The doctor may diagnose “Alveolitis” or “Osteomyelitis”.

The process of alveolitis development

Alveolitis can occur due to:

  • the rapid disappearance of a blood clot, the formation of a dry socket (this is what prevents infection of the wound and allows it to heal faster);
  • residues in the socket of a foreign body (fragments of a tooth, root, instrument, cotton wool, etc.);
  • drinking hot drinks and food;
  • poor oral hygiene.

If pus appears on the hole, body temperature rises, inflammation increases and all this is accompanied by unbearable pain, it means that the wound has become infected.

Soreness and poor healing of the wound can be the result of pressure on it from a neighboring tooth (if it is loose), or the entry of rough food into it. You should not chew on the side where the area of ​​the extracted tooth is located.

If during removal the doctor touches the trigeminal nerve, this also leads to severe pain.

How long can the pain last?

Typically, pain after tooth extraction is felt for 3 to 6 days, and its severity becomes less pronounced every day.

If the pain does not go away or, on the contrary, becomes even greater, then this indicates that it has begun.

In such cases, you should go to the dentist as soon as possible. If complications arise after the manipulation, discomfort may be felt much longer.

If all is well, swelling, inflammation and redness will gradually decrease. It will be especially pronounced on the first and second days. Everything will go away completely on its own, without any special treatment. The patient will feel the peak of discomfort after the anesthesia wears off.

There will be pain in and around the area of ​​the extracted tooth for five days..

If a six, seven or eight is removed, the ear and the entire jaw may hurt, it hurts for a person to chew and even open the mouth.

All this is normal if the discomfort decreases every day, and not vice versa.

If the pain syndrome intensifies every day, the wound is bleeding, covered with a white coating and all this is accompanied by swelling of nearby tissues, do not hesitate, go to the hospital.

How to reduce pain at home?

In order not to aggravate the situation, but on the contrary, you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. do not use a toothbrush in the area where the wound is located;
  2. do not drink alcoholic beverages for 3-4 days after surgery;
  3. do not drink or eat hot foods;
  4. do not eat rough, solid food;
  5. do not use hot water for bathing, postpone visiting the sauna and bathhouse;
  6. rinse the mouth with a special solution after each meal;
  7. do not violate the integrity of the hole, do not remove the blood clot under any circumstances;
  8. Do not heat the area where the wound is located.

In addition to all the above mandatory points, you can use medications and folk remedies at home that will reduce pain and relieve inflammation.

With the permission of a doctor, the following can be used:

  • cold compresses to stop bleeding and reduce pain;
  • analgesics in the form of tablets, capsules, drops, in some cases even injections;
  • antibiotics for concomitant infections;
  • decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs;
  • antiallergic drugs that will help reduce tissue swelling;
  • antiseptics.

In order to relieve pain, reduce swelling and stop bleeding (if any), it is advisable to apply cold. Any frozen product from the refrigerator or ice cubes pre-wrapped in a soft cloth will do for this.

You can apply cold for 5-7 minutes, and no more than every 5 hours, to avoid hypothermia. This manipulation is carried out for the first time in 24 hours, then it will no longer make sense.

If the operation was complex, then the pain after the anesthesia wears off will be significant. In such cases, the dental surgeon himself prescribes painkillers. They should be started before the injection wears off.

The most commonly used drugs are in capsules or tablets:

  • You can take simple traditional analgesics. Such as: “Analgin”, “”, “Tempalgin” or “Spazmalgon”;
  • Drugs from the NSAID group (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) help well. They relieve pain and relieve inflammation and swelling. These are: “Nurofen”, “Ibuprofen”, “Ketone” and others;
  • In dental practice, medications such as Ketorolac and Ketanov are popular. They are among the most powerful painkillers that perfectly relieve toothache. They have a prolonged effect, provide pain relief for about eight hours;
  • "Nimesil" and "Nise" are widely used. These anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs relieve pain of any etiology. Unfortunately, they are contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, kidney and liver diseases, and erosions of the gastrointestinal tract.

You should not get carried away with analgesics, as this can lead to negative effects on other organs.

To relieve swelling and reduce the inflammatory process, it is recommended to take antihistamines. They are also indicated immediately after the removal procedure, since the body may react to anesthesia. In such cases, the following are suitable: “Loratadine”, “Diazolin”, “Suprastin”, “Eden”, etc.

If there is suppuration in the hole or there is any infection, the doctor will definitely prescribe a course of antibiotics. Each case is individual, so you should not neglect the advice of a specialist.

You can use various decoctions to rinse your mouth; herbs such as:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • Oak bark;
  • mint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • sage;
  • yarrow;
  • plantain.

All of the above medicinal plants will help reduce inflammation, swelling, pain, and stop bleeding. They can be used either individually or in combination.

For 200 ml of boiling water, it is enough to add a tablespoon of dry raw materials. After straining and cooling completely, you need to rinse your mouth several times a day.

Golden mustache leaves have a positive effect on the wound after tooth extraction.

The leaves should be mashed so that the juice appears.

Then pour boiling water over everything and leave.

Do mouth baths 3 times a day.

Eucalyptus tincture has good anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. A teaspoon is diluted in 100-150 ml of water. The solution can be used for both rinsing and bathing.

Rinsing is used for:
  • reducing swelling of gingival tissue;
  • reducing the risk of developing secondary infection;
  • destruction of pathogenic microflora;
  • speedy wound healing;
  • washing away saliva and food residues from the wound, which cause bacterial growth and infection;
  • reducing the activity of bacteria present in the mouth.

The use of soda solution for rinsing the mouth remains relevant today. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to 200 ml of water. This remedy promotes speedy recovery, disinfects and relieves inflammation.

You can use ready-made pharmaceutical products, these include:

  • "Chlorhexidine";
  • "Miramistin";

Chlorhexidine is almost always prescribed by dentists after tooth extraction. This drug has a detrimental effect on the infection. It has antiseptic, bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects.

Furacilin is an antimicrobial drug that allows you to fight against most known gram-positive and negative bacteria, these include salmonella, streptococci, staphylococci and others.


Miramistin is an antiseptic that kills both fungi and viruses. It also promotes wound healing and normalizes local immunity in the mouth. It is advisable to use it even during suppuration.

Chlorophyllipt has a gentle effect on the mucous membrane. Kills pathogenic microflora and promotes rapid healing of wounds. Ways to relieve pain after wisdom tooth removal are no different from those listed above.

Be aware that vigorous rinsing may flush out the blood clot, which may interfere with normal wound healing. In the first two days, it is advisable to do oral baths.

When should you see a doctor?

If after three to four days the symptoms do not decrease, despite taking medications, actively rinsing the mouth and using baths, then there is a need to consult a dentist.

If the pain becomes more unbearable every day, pulsates and increases, body temperature rises, swelling increases, you need to visit the dentist immediately.

Such symptoms indicate a secondary infection and complications that could arise due to insufficient qualifications of the specialist or non-compliance with the doctor’s instructions.

Pain always comes in all cases in the postoperative period, and tooth extraction is no exception. The intensity will depend on the pain threshold and the difficulty of removal.

Each case is individual, so you should not immediately go to extremes. In some cases, even a weak analgesic will not be needed, but in others, only a strong long-acting painkiller will help relieve pain.

But it is worth remembering that only strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations will speed up recovery and relieve postoperative discomfort.

Useful video

So, you had a tooth removed. What should you do now? Leave it as is? Should I install a crown or choose a prosthesis? Discussion of these and other important issues in the “Live Healthy!” program:

Have you ever encountered the problem that a tooth in which the nerve was removed long ago begins to hurt again?

And not just constantly whine, but remind yourself 1-2 times a year and calm down again?

And yet your whole consciousness tells you that this cannot happen. But no, maybe! And it happens very often.

So, let's talk about what periodontitis is. We analyze the symptoms, treatment, and consequences of the lack of treatment for this disease in detail.

Acute periodontitis

The acute form of periodontitis often develops in decayed and neglected teeth. If your tooth has long been destroyed, the pulp has died by itself, then one “fine day” the microorganisms that lived in the canal will move into the ligamentous apparatus of the tooth (periodontium). After this, an inflammatory process will develop there - periodontitis. The symptoms of the disease are quite specific. You will be bothered by severe, constant pain in the tooth.

But unlike pulpitis, pain does not radiate throughout the jaw, but appears directly in the affected tooth. If the tooth is still used for chewing (closes with opposite teeth), then biting on it will cause a sharp increase in pain. Often patients say that the tooth seems to have grown in their jaw and it is almost impossible to clench their jaws.

Symptoms of periodontitis can often be noticed when examining the oral cavity. There will be swelling and redness of the gums around the affected tooth. Feeling the gums in this place will cause pain. Tapping on the tooth will also be painful, and if you press your finger on the chewing surface of the tooth, you can feel its mobility.

If treatment of periodontitis is not started during this period, the amount of inflammatory exudate in the periodontium gradually increases, it suppurates and begins to spread into the surrounding tissues. If the circumstances are unfortunate, pus can spread to the periosteum and adjacent teeth, which will lead to a severe inflammatory process and, most likely, to urgent tooth extraction.

The most favorable outcome is usually observed if the exudate comes out through the open canals of the tooth, after which the pain gradually goes away on its own. This is where patients usually calm down. But periodontal inflammation does not disappear anywhere and the process enters a chronic stage.

Treatment of periodontitis at home

Of course, you cannot cure the disease on your own. You can try to soothe your toothache at home before you see a doctor. If you are sure that you have the symptoms of periodontitis, soda baths for your teeth should help you.

How to make them? You need to take a teaspoon of soda for about 150-200 ml of warm water. Take a small amount of solution onto your cheek or gum (depending on where the tooth is located), hold it for a while, then spit it out and take the next “bath”.

If the tooth is open (destroyed or unfilled), you can simultaneously try to “suck” the pus out of it. The essence of this procedure is that the inflammatory exudate (according to the relevant laws of chemistry) must turn into a more concentrated liquid - a soda solution.

Toothache, in principle, weakens if the tooth is warmed - with your hand or a warm bandage.

Do you remember how in the movies - if your teeth hurt, you always tie a handkerchief around it.

Pay attention : the pus will move into the bone and periosteum, leading to more serious complications.

  1. Do not heat! Warming bandages, hot bags (socks) with calcined salt or sand will cause blood flow to the sore spot and will only increase the pain. It is much more effective to apply a piece of ice to the sore cheek at home for 5-10 minutes.

  2. Don't lie down! In a horizontal position, blood flow to the jaws is activated, increased pressure is created in the tooth tissues, nerve endings are irritated, and pain only intensifies.

  3. Warm (not hot!) rinses will help remove food debris from the carious cavity, reduce inflammation and swelling of tissues, and temporarily calm toothache. You can rinse your mouth with a solution of tea soda, infusions of sage, St. John's wort, chamomile, eucalyptus or mint.

Before relieving acute toothache at home with soda rinses, keep in mind a small nuance - soda is not diluted in warm water, but brewed with boiling water, at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass of water.

While rinsing your mouth with warm solutions and periodically applying ice to your cheek, do not forget to simultaneously flip through the phone book (call information) in the hope of finding 24-hour dental care, especially if you are trying to relieve a toothache in a child.

Traditional methods for acute toothache

Clove oil, tea tree oil, camphor and fir oils are used for acute toothache either in the form of oil applications to the sore spot, or a cotton swab soaked in oil is placed in the carious cavity for 10-15 minutes.

This is a good way to relieve acute toothache tinctures of propolis, valerian and eucalyptus. They are also used in the form of applications or to treat a hole in a diseased tooth. You can try using a clean one propolis as a temporary filling.

The use of these recipes is not without meaning, since these substances have proven anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic effects. And some of the above have been used successfully in dentistry for a long time.

At home a piece of unsalted lard is placed in the mouth between the cheek and the sore tooth. The pain should go away in about half an hour.

The methods are simple and the number of positive reviews can probably serve as recommendations on how to relieve acute toothache. However, their mechanism of action is extremely mysterious.

Alcohol as a gargle appears in folk recipes for relieving acute toothache at home. Basically it's vodka with salt. Probably in order to “deceive” the mind, since pure vodka is alcoholism, and with salt it is already a medicine.

Indeed, if you hold a sip of vodka in your mouth on the painful side, you can achieve a certain analgesic result. The main thing is that local anesthesia does not smoothly turn into general anesthesia - the absorption of alcohol into the blood from the oral mucosa is very active.

Aching, exhausting, drilling, shooting, painful, tearing. This is all about her (it won’t be mentioned by night) - about toothache, which, as always, is inappropriate, suddenly and by surprise. A sort of grimace of the “law of meanness.”

The pain that makes them climb the wall, look for the fifth corner, experience hellish torment and swear to regularly visit the dental office. What should you do if you have a toothache, but as luck would have it, you don’t have the coveted “toothache” pill? How to relieve acute toothache at home?

Acupressure for acute toothache

Methods for relieving acute toothache using acupressure have been tested over hundreds of years and millions of teeth. With only one caveat - acupressure will not cure a sore tooth, but the pain will subside and give you time to get to specialized medical care.

Mentally draw straight lines on the inner side surface of the hand along the thumb and index finger - where the lines intersect, massage the point until you feel a slight pain. You need to massage this point with extreme caution to relieve toothache during pregnancy, since too much pressure can trigger premature birth.

Feel the corner of the lower jaw on the sore side, clench your teeth and in the place of the formed “nodule”, find a sensitive point and massage it.

To relieve acute toothache apply a targeted effect on the area located in the middle of the distance from the upper lip to the base of the nose.

Another massage point is located at the intersection of the pupil line and the zygomatic arch.

Acupressure massage at home is carried out using the fingertips, without sharp pressure, in a circular motion, first counterclockwise and then clockwise.

Improvised versions of acupressure include the recommendation to hold the earlobe with a clothespin (on the side opposite the painful tooth), as well as the use of garlic or onion, which is rubbed on the inner surface of the wrist in the pulse area.

Especially for

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Everyone knows how a tooth hurts: from adults to children. Dull, aching, sharp, shooting, sharp - in any case, these are very unpleasant sensations.

Pain signals an inflammatory process, so the first thing to do is consult a doctor. But what to do if your tooth hurts at night or on the weekend? There is no strength to endure, and every minute seems like an eternity. How to stop these tests?

We will tell you how to relieve toothache at home with the help of pharmaceutical drugs and without pills.

You will need:

What to do if you have severe toothache

Sometimes the simplest actions significantly reduce pain:

  • Brush your teeth with a cooling toothpaste and rinse your mouth well to remove any remaining food. If a piece of food gets stuck in the hole, carefully remove it with a toothpick or dental floss.
  • Prepare a soda solution: a teaspoon of soda and salt per glass of water at room temperature. Rinse your mouth, holding the solution on the problem area - it will relieve pain and inflammation due to caries.
  • A peroxide solution also helps relieve pain. To do this, pour 1 teaspoon of the product into 200 ml of warm water (not vice versa!). Rinse the tooth for about 10 minutes.
  • Hold a sip of cold water or a piece of ice on your tooth - it will freeze it for a while. But there is no need to wrap and warm your cheek - the pain will only intensify.
  • Massage your hand with ice in the hollow between your index finger and thumb for 5 minutes - this technique surprisingly helps quite often. In this case, the hand should be on the opposite side of the tooth. That is, on the right, if the left side of the jaw hurts, and vice versa. The movements are smooth and circular.
  • There are many nerve endings on the ears, including those that relieve toothache. Massage the upper edge of the sink for 5-7 minutes, and then smoothly move to the lobe.
  • Take a break - watch a comedy or thriller that will make you forget about the pain. And if you cry during a melodrama, you will be able to lower the blood pressure in the gums and the pain will be felt less.

Some cities have 24-hour dental clinics. If an unbearable toothache bothers you at night and you don’t know where to go, call an ambulance - they will tell you the address of the clinic.

Frequently asked questions and answers

    Does cold or hot water soothe toothache?

    Only cold water or ice helps with toothache.

    How to soothe an ear tooth?

    When toothache radiates to the ear area, but the ears are fine, you can use cold compresses (especially after tooth extraction). Cold soothes pain.

    If the pain started at home, then before visiting the dentist you can take a painkiller, rinse your teeth with a soda solution, and for chronic otitis media, drop the drops you usually use into your ears.


You probably have some kind of painkiller in your home medicine cabinet. However, do not forget that the drug will ease your suffering, but will not eliminate the problem.

The choice of product is individual. What helps one person may not help another. Before use, read the instructions, in particular, contraindications and possible side effects. You cannot take medications on an empty stomach.

The most effective remedies for toothache:

    Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Ibufen, Ibuprom, Nimesil, Nise, No-Shpa

    These tablets can soothe the tooth for 4-8 hours. Suitable for nursing and pregnant women.


    At the same time, it will relieve inflammation and high fever from moderate pain. Also suitable for children and pregnant women.

    Ketanov, Ketorol, Ketorolac

    Even very severe pain is relieved. The effect of the product begins within the first hour after administration and lasts for 8 hours. Toxic, therefore recommended in the most extreme cases.


    Guarantees quick relief from toothache, suitable for all ages. However, if taken frequently, it has a bad effect on the heart.

    Tempalgin, Spazmalgon

    Relieves moderate pain. The contraindications are the same as for Analgin.


    Helps relieve mild pain after 20-30 minutes. Recommended when a tooth needs to be removed.

    Validol, Valocordin, Corvalol, Valerian

    Apply a tablet or cotton wool with the product to the affected area. This will cool the gums and the pain will subside.

Painkillers must be taken orally. You can’t apply it to a sick tooth - it won’t speed up the process, but will only increase the pain. The dental nerve will react to the acidity of the tablet.

Frequently asked questions and answers

    Nighttime sedative for toothache?

    While there are still a couple of hours left until the morning, you can relieve the pain with Paracetamol (if not in pure form, then as part of other medications as the main active ingredient). Prostaglandins are responsible for the sensation of pain in the body. They send a signal to the brain when something goes wrong. Paracetamol successfully combats these substances. Inflammation in the tooth progresses further, but the brain does not know about it, which means the process is painless.

    What remedy can be used to numb a tooth?

    Apply fresh or dry cloves to the painful tooth, bite gently and hold for 30 minutes. If the pain allows, then chew it. Cloves contain analgesic substances that will cause a numbing sensation. You can also apply clove oil for 3 minutes, but do not get it on your tongue or gums.
    To temporarily numb the tooth, take 20-30 ml of vodka in your mouth and hold it on the affected area. The alcohol will be absorbed into the gums and begin to act on the nerve. As a result, you will feel a slight numbness.
    A crushed toothache tablet can be placed on the area of ​​the painful tooth to numb the dental nerve. Aspirin should not be used. Lidocaine can be used in the form of an aerosol or gel.

    How do dentists freeze teeth?

    Freezing is not a medical term; it is what people call anesthesia/numbing a tooth. In dentistry, liquid agents are used for pain relief, which are injected into the soft tissues surrounding a specific tooth. The mechanism is based on a significant decrease in the conductivity and excitability of the nerves through which the pain impulse passes. The patient feels absolutely calm and does not feel pain when a nerve is removed or a tooth is drilled.

    What kind of freezing for toothache is possible at home?

    If there are no special preparations for freezing, simply apply an ice cube to the sore tooth. This will give a temporary effect. Scientists from Canada have proposed a new method of pain relief at home. They conducted a study and claim that toothache can be reduced by rubbing an ice cube on the area of ​​skin between the thumb and forefinger. In 50% of the patients tested, pain decreased. The procedure is carried out for +- 7 minutes on the same side of the body where the diseased tooth is located, until the skin in this area becomes numb.

Iodine, salt, water

You will need:

  • Water 200 g
  • Iodine 5-6 drops.
  • Salt 1 tsp.

Dissolve 5-6 drops of iodine in digested water. Add 1 teaspoon salt. Stir until completely dissolved. Rinse your mouth with this solution.


Using a garlic press, squeeze out 3-4 cloves of garlic. It is advisable to use garlic that is hot and juicy. Apply the paste to the sore tooth. If the hole where the decay has started to form is easily accessible, place more pulp into it.

The feeling will not be pleasant. The garlic will burn the tooth, it will go numb and the pain will stop. Be patient for 2-3 minutes.
Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Siberians treat themselves with garlic a little differently. If a tooth hurts on the left, apply the paste or plate to the pulse of the right hand and wrap it with a bandage. You cannot hold it for more than 10 minutes - you can get a skin burn.

Garlic paste

A severe toothache will go away after you brush your teeth with a mixture of crushed garlic, salt and soda.

After this, rinse your mouth with warm milk.


This vegetable has an antibacterial effect.

Grate the onion or chop with a blender. Soak a cotton swab with juice and apply to the sore tooth.

Onion peels are also famous for their medicinal properties. Brew a handful in boiling water, and when the infusion has cooled, strain. Place the product in your mouth and hold it for 15-20 minutes. Then spit it out and repeat the procedure.


You will need:

  • Black radish 1 pc.
  • Water 200 g

Peel one black radish. Grate it. Place in an enamel bowl. Add a glass of water and bring to a boil.

After 5 minutes, remove from heat. Let the broth cool. We filter.

Rinse your mouth with the resulting juice. This relieves inflammation and toothache.


Fill half the jar with grated horseradish root, and then fill it to the top with water. Cover with a plastic lid and let sit for three days.

Rinse your tooth every time it starts to hurt.

The product must be stored in the refrigerator.


The juice of the fresh plant is used as a compress, applying the pulp to the tooth, or to rub the gums.

Repeat at least thrice daily.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs

The following have an analgesic effect: sage, chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot, oregano.

  • Herb 1 tbsp.
  • Water 250 ml

Brew 1 tablespoon of any herb with boiling water, heat in a water bath for 10 minutes, and then leave for another 20 minutes to infuse.

Rinse the tooth with warm broth for 15 minutes.

For greater effect, take a sip into your mouth and hold for as long as possible. The procedure can be carried out 4-5 times a day.


Pour a tablespoon of dry leaves into 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave for 30 minutes.

Add a little salt and rinse if your teeth hurt.

In summer, you can apply fresh plantain to your tooth after rinsing it under water.

Plantain root also fights toothache. Place a piece in your ear from the side of the tooth - after half an hour you will feel better.

Aspen bark

  • Aspen bark 2 tbsp.
  • Boiling water 1 tbsp.

Grind the bark. Pour two tablespoons of boiling water, cover with a lid and place in a water bath for 5 minutes. After this, the broth needs to stand for another 15 minutes.

When warm, strain and rinse your mouth if there is severe pain.

For the future, you can prepare a tincture of aspen bark. Fill it with vodka in a ratio of 1 to 10 and place in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking every day. Strain.

When an acute toothache occurs, soak a cotton swab in the tincture and place it in a hollow or on the gum.

Alcohol tinctures of willow bark, peony roots, lily, calamus, and violet are also used for diseases of the oral cavity and can quickly relieve toothache.


You can rinse your mouth with strong alcohol-containing unsweetened drinks.

No need to swallow. Some of the alcohol will be absorbed into the gum tissue and it will become numb. The toothache will decrease or go away altogether.

You can wipe your gums with an alcohol solution.

Essential oil

If your tooth hurts and there are no pills, essential oils of mint, clove, lavender, sage, basil, fir, pine, tea tree, and rosemary will bring salvation.

Eucalyptus, cypress, orange and geranium are good for gum inflammation.

Soak a cotton swab in one oil or a mixture of both and apply to the sore spot.


Apply a piece of fresh, unsalted lard to the tooth on the cheek side.

Hold until the pain subsides, but not less than 15 minutes.


Place several buds of the spice in your mouth near the sore spot. Chew them lightly and suck until soft, retaining saliva.

If you use ground cloves, keep a pinch of powder between your gum and cheek.

The released essential oils help to numb the tissues and pain is not felt.

Propolis and calamus

  • Propolis 20 g
  • Calamus root 0.5 tbsp.
  • Vodka 1 l

A piece of propolis the size of a large nut is infused in 0.5 liters of vodka for three weeks.

The same should be done with a glass of dry calamus roots.

In the morning and evening, rinse your mouth first with a tablespoon of calamus, then with a teaspoon of propolis. After a month, the cracks will heal and the tooth will no longer bother you.


The popular balm perfectly cools and soothes an aching tooth.

Apply “Star” to the outer part of your cheek near the sore area, and gradually the pain will go away.


A kind of compress is made with an ordinary attracting magnet.

Place the magnet on your cheek above the sore tooth and hold it there for about 30 minutes.

Instead of a magnet, you can use an ebonite plate.

How to quickly soothe toothache in a child at home

It is imperative to reduce pain. To do this, you can use antipyretic drugs, which should be in your home medicine cabinet (for example, Nurofen syrup or Panadol).

It is better to give proven medications that the baby has taken before.

After this, do not delay your visit to the dentist, who will fix the problem.

The painkiller does not treat the tooth, but only eliminates one of the symptoms.

Frequently asked questions and answers

    What to put on a child’s tooth to relieve pain at home?

    Apply a cotton swab dipped in dental drops, such as Dent, or peppermint oil to the sore tooth.
    Place a leaf of horse sorrel or valerian behind your cheek near the sore tooth.
    Let your child rinse his mouth with sage tincture (a tablespoon of dry leaves is thrown into a glass of boiling water), and thoroughly rinse the area near the damaged tooth.

    A four-year-old boy has a toothache, what can I do to calm him down?

    You should limit your baby's food intake so that hot, cold, sweet or salty foods do not affect the damaged tooth. It is recommended that the child rinse his mouth with a warm solution of soda, a decoction of chamomile, sage or oak bark - these plants relieve inflammation.

    My child has a toothache because of sweets, how can I calm him down?

    You can relieve pain after eating sweets in the same way as regular tooth pain.

Frequently asked questions and answers

    There is a rotten hollow in the tooth, how to soothe the pain at home?

    Place a cotton wool moistened with a 20% carbolic acid solution on the tooth, which will quickly relieve pain. Only the cotton wool must be closed immediately, sealing the hollows with at least wax, so that the carbolic acid does not get on healthy teeth and does not destroy them. After two days, take out the cotton wool with carbolic acid and if the pain has passed, fill the hollows with clean cotton wool. But a visit to the doctor is still necessary.

    There is a hole in the tooth, how to relieve the pain?

    A paste of onion, salt and garlic also helps with pain. To do this, you need to mix the ingredients in equal quantities, grind them to a homogeneous paste, and then put this medicine on the sore tooth, if there is a hole, then directly into it, and close the cavity on top with a cotton swab.

    How to cure toothache at home?

    - “Dawn, lightning, red maiden, midnight, in the field there is a hare, in the sea there is a stone, at the bottom there is a limar. Cover my sorrowful teeth, lightning, with your veil from the damned limar; behind your cover my teeth will survive. Enemy Limar, get away from me; and if you gnaw my white teeth, I will hide you in the abyss of the underworld. My word is strong!”
    - “You are a month, a month, your silver horns, your golden legs. Come down, month, take away my dental grief, take the pain under the clouds. My sorrow is neither small nor heavy, but your strength is mighty. I can’t bear the sorrow, but your strength can. Here's a tooth, here's two, here's three - all yours; take my sorrow. Month, month, hide dental grief from me.”
    - “Mother Nettle, holy tree! I have a servant of God (name), he has worms on his teeth, and you take them out; and if you don’t get me out, I’ll dry you up; and if you take me out, then I will let you go on the third day.”
    After reading the plot, you need to go outside, find a nettle growing freely, bend it to the ground and tie it. And on the third day, untie it.
    - “Cain! Cain! Cain! Tell your brother Abel to ask if his teeth hurt? No. So it would be with the servant of God (name), no. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen."
    - They take three strawberry roots, lower them into water and say three times: “As this strawberry dries up and withers, so will the servant of God (name)’s teeth become silent and numb to this day and to this hour.” Then the roots are placed on the sore tooth and the water is drunk.

    How to calm the dental nerve at home?

    Hydrogen peroxide is diluted in proportions 1:2 with water. The product disinfects well and relieves inflammation.
    - If the pain is very severe, you can soak a piece of cotton wool with iodine and apply it to the painful area.
    After using any of the above remedies, it is recommended not to eat or drink liquids for 1 hour. Also, smokers are not recommended to smoke at this time, as cigarette smoke irritates the inflamed area.

    How to quickly soothe a filled tooth?

    To relieve pain in a filled tooth, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence. If pain appears immediately after the filling is installed, then you should take a painkiller, but do not overuse it. If the pain is caused by improper placement of the filling, then the old filling is removed and a new one is placed. If the tooth was not completely cured before installing the filling, then the filling is opened, it is treated and filled again. Pain may be caused by an allergy to the material from which the filling is made. In this case, the filling is removed and replaced with a new one made of different materials.

    How to relieve acute toothache with swelling?

    You should immediately rinse your mouth with a saline solution and immediately go to the dentist to avoid infection.

    How to relieve acute toothache in the army?

    1) Massage the point above the painful tooth with your finger, and perhaps the pain will subside.
    2) Carefully rub the points along the edge of the nail bed of your thumbs. Look for the points responsible for the teeth located on the right side on the left finger. And vice versa.
    3) Press one by one on all points on your fingers and by their sensitivity you will determine which tooth needs help. Having found the right point, massage it vigorously and the pain will go away.

    How to stop temporary dental nerve pain?

    Rinse your mouth well with warm water. If the intensity of the toothache allows, then brush your teeth thoroughly. After all, pain can be caused by food debris getting into the carious cavity and their removal will bring relief. Solid food debris can be carefully removed from the carious cavity with a toothpick or a sharpened wooden stick.

    How to relieve pain after a frozen tooth?

    The pain should subside on its own after some time, but if this does not happen, then only pharmaceutical painkillers will help.

    How to soothe toothache with tobacco?

    Tobacco should be applied to the sore tooth, chewing a little.

    Can Lemon Juice Soothe A Toothache?

    Lemon acts as an antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory agent that heals the oral cavity, preventing the development of various types of infections.
    You need to squeeze the juice out of a lemon and apply it to the sore tooth. You can also mix lemon juice with a little salt and use this mixture as a gargle.

    Will a baking soda solution help calm the dental nerve?

    Certainly! Soda solution is used primarily to relieve pain. If the pain does not subside, then immediately contact your dentist.

    What solution relieves toothache?

    Saline, soda-saline solution, solution with salt, soda and iodine will help with toothache.

    Can ammonia relieve toothache?

    Dissolve 1 teaspoon of table salt in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth every 30 minutes. Add 10-15 drops of ammonia to the prepared solution, rinse your mouth vigorously, moisten a cotton ball and apply to the sore tooth.

    How to remove toothache pain?

    Propolis (bee glue), a piece of which should be placed on a tooth stump, helps relieve toothache. Biologically active substances of bee glue have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

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