Soundproofing materials types and properties. Soundproofing material for an apartment or house

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Today you can purchase soundproofing materials at almost any hardware store. They are presented on the market in a huge variety from foreign and domestic manufacturers. And those who decide to purchase these materials for the first time face a rather big problem. the right choice. It’s difficult to understand all this, and you can’t do it without the help of a specialist. Therefore, our article is to help those who want to figure it out.

So where do you start? Firstly, it should be noted that the variety of modern soundproofing materials threw aside the old methods of sound insulation. These include the use of insulation different types. Practice has shown that mineral wool in slabs was most often used for these purposes. It performed the functions of both heat and sound insulation.

Secondly, the process of laying sound insulators has become much simpler. And this is one of important criteria choice, because nowadays consumers are trying to carry out some construction work with their own hands in order to save the budget allocated for repairs. And modern soundproofing materials make it possible to do this.

The third selection criterion is the cost of materials. Although it should be noted that in in this case The price range is not very wide, so it is best to choose based on other criteria.

Classification of soundproofing materials

Soundproofing materials are divided into three main groups:

  • Sound-absorbing.
  • Soundproof against shock vibrations.
  • Soundproof against air vibrations.

What is the difference between these groups? Let's start with the fact that sound is energy. When it falls on the enclosing structure, it is partially reflected from it, partially absorbed by it and partially passes through it. So, those representatives of the group that mainly absorb sound energy are called noise-absorbing materials or sound-absorbing materials. Those that mainly reflect sound waves are called soundproofing.


Sound-absorbing materials

There is such a thing in acoustics as a sound field. Essentially, this is the area of ​​propagation of sound waves from the source. So in the field there are two types of sound - direct from the source and reflected from various objects. So the latter are distorted, their intensity is increased, and the sound character goes into a worse range. Noise-absorbing materials reduce the energy of the reflected signal to a minimum. That is, the sound field is stabilized.

Important. Materials of this type must therefore be porous. And the higher this indicator, the better. And if, in order to retain heat, it is necessary to use materials with closed pores, then in sound insulation, on the contrary, they must be open (communicating). Plus, heat is retained better if the pores are large, and sound is absorbed better if they are small.

Why is this happening? The thing is that a wave passing through the air located in the pores of the soundproofing material causes this air to vibrate. Small pores create better resistance to them than large pores. This is the first one. Secondly, the noise flow is inhibited inside the material. The friction of air against the pore walls converts mechanical energy into heat. That is, the intensity and power of noise decreases.

There is another indicator of soundproofing materials - elasticity. If the soundproofing structure has a flexible frame, then this is another noise reduction barrier. The waves hitting it do not transmit vibrations to the entire material. This means the noise level is reduced.

Absorption coefficient

Absorption coefficient

Materials for sound insulation of the absorbing type are determined by efficiency, or more precisely, by absorption coefficient. The coefficient itself is the ratio of the absorbed energy to the energy of the entire incident sound on the material. This indicator is based on one square meter of open window. This is "1". All soundproofing materials with a coefficient below “0.4” are sound-absorbing. In this case, the condition is set that the noise frequency should not exceed 1000 Hz.

There is another value - noise level. Essentially, this is the time during which the reflected wave sounds. This indicator is otherwise called reverberation time. For example, we can give the following test. If you create a signal in an empty room with bare walls, the reverberation time will be about 8 seconds. If soundproofing material is laid on the walls, this indicator will be reduced to one second.

Soundproofing against shock sound vibrations

This type of soundproofing materials is a porous product with a low elasticity coefficient. Essentially, these are noise-insulating cushioning materials that also retain heat well.

But their main purpose is to prevent shock vibrations. Therefore, their production is based on the technology of creating a structure in which the speed of sound propagation was the lowest. Everyone knows that the denser the material, the faster sound travels through it. Eg:

  • In metal, the propagation speed is 5050 m/s.
  • In concrete – 4150 m/s.
  • In a tree – 1550 m/s.
  • In porous type rubber, only 30 m/s.

Therefore, this type of soundproofing gasket material is mainly used as gaskets. They are most often laid between finishing structures and load-bearing elements of the building, between the building elements themselves, between floating floors and walls.

Soundproof against air waves

Firstly, it must be said that the house structures themselves can act as sound insulators. The greater the density of the product, the greater its mass, the greater the soundproofing properties they have. True, all this increases the cost of the building, so experts recommend installing multilayer structures with air gaps. It is the gap that must be filled with sound-absorbing insulation, that is, filled or installed with porous materials. By the way, such a soundproofing system perfectly retains heat.

Advice. The optimal option for a soundproofing design is a system consisting of different materials, which have different densities, rigidity, and tightness.

Other classification criteria

By appearance:

  • Piece - slabs, panels, mats, rolls and so on.
  • Bulk.

By porosity:

  • Cellular.
  • Fibrous.
  • Combined.

Soundproofing products must be non-flammable, with low water absorption, low hygroscopicity, and bioresistant. The thing is that sound insulation is practically a finish installed from the inside of the premises. So she is also subject to quite stringent requirements.

The main feature of acoustic materials is high porosity (up to 98%). Their structure can be cellular, granular, fibrous, lamellar or mixed. The pore size varies widely and usually does not exceed 3-5 mm. Porosity can be adjusted within certain limits by changing the influence of technological factors during production, thereby making it possible to obtain materials with specified properties: medium density and thermal conductivity coefficient.

High porosity is obtained by the following methods: gas formation, high water mixing, mechanical dispersion, creation of a fibrous frame, swelling of mineral and organic raw materials, burn-out additives and chemical processing.

The classification of acoustic materials is based on the principle of the functional purpose of these materials. According to this principle they are divided into:

- sound-absorbing , intended for use in the structures of sound-absorbing cladding of internal premises and for individual sound absorbers to reduce sound pressure in industrial and public buildings;

- soundproofing , used as gaskets (interlayers) in multi-layer enclosing structures to improve the insulation of fences from impact and airborne sounds;

- vibration-absorbing , designed to attenuate bending vibrations propagating through rigid structures (mostly thin) to reduce the sound emitted by them.

Sound-absorbing materials, in accordance with the current standard, are classified according to the following main characteristics: efficiency, shape, rigidity (relative compression value), structure and flammability.

Based on their shape, sound-absorbing materials and products are divided into:

For piece pieces (blocks, slabs);

Rolled (mats, strip pads, canvases);

Loose and free-flowing (mineral and glass wool, expanded clay, expanded perlite and other porous granular materials).

By hardness These materials and products are divided into soft, semi-rigid, hard and hard.

Based on their structural characteristics, sound-absorbing materials and products are divided into: into porous-fiber, porous-cellular (from cellular concrete and perlite) and porous-sponge (foam, rubber).

Based on flammability, like all building materials, acoustic materials and products are divided into three groups: non-combustible, non-combustible and combustible.

Comparing the classification characteristics of sound-absorbing and heat-insulating materials and products, one can see their commonality, which once again emphasizes the identity of the tasks in the production of these materials. However, it should be noted that in order to impart high levels of functional properties to the materials and products under consideration, it is necessary to use various technological techniques that make it possible to form the porous structure necessary for a particular case.

Based on their effectiveness, sound-absorbing materials and products are divided into three classes:

1st class - over 0.8;

2nd class - from 0.8 to 0.4;

3rd grade - from 0.4 to 0.2.

Soundproofing materials are divided into piece (tape, strip and piece gaskets, mats, slabs) and bulk (expanded clay, blast furnace slag, sand).

According to their structure, soundproofing products (materials) are divided into:

Porous-fiber made from mineral and glass wool in the form of soft, semi-rigid and rigid cushioning products with an average density of 75 to 175 kg/m 3 and a dynamic modulus of elasticity of no more than E (w) = 0.5 MPa at a load of 0.002 MPa;

Porous-sponge, made from foam plastics and porous rubber and characterized by E (w) from 1.0 to 5.0 MPa.

The dynamic modulus of elasticity of granular backfills should not exceed E (w) = 15 MPa.

Dynamic modulus of elasticity E (w). Modulus determined by the ratio of stress to that part of the deformation that is in phase with the stress. Matches expression

E (w) = E n - (E n - E r)/(1 + (w t2),

Thus, sound-absorbing and sound-proofing materials must have an increased ability to absorb and dissipate sound waves.

In addition, sound-absorbing and sound-proofing materials and products must have stable physical, mechanical and acoustic properties throughout the entire period of operation, be bio- and moisture-resistant, and not emit harmful substances into the environment.

Sound-absorbing products, as a rule, must have high decorative properties, since they are also used for finishing the internal surfaces of building fences.

Soundproofing cushioning materials and products with a porous-fibrous structure made from various types of soft, semi-rigid and hard wool with E not more than 0.5 MPa or 5 10 5 N/m 2 have a load on the soundproofing layer of 0.002 MPa (2 10 3 N/m 2).

Soundproofing materials are used:

In floors - in the form of solid loaded or unloaded (carrying only their own weight) gaskets, piece loaded and strip loaded gaskets;

In partitions and walls - in the form of a continuous unloaded gasket at the joints of structures.

Vibration-absorbing materials. Vibration-absorbing materials are designed to absorb vibration and noise caused by the operation of engineering and sanitary equipment.

Vibration-absorbing materials include some types of rubber and mastic, foil insulation, and sheet plastics. Vibration-absorbing materials are applied to thin metal surfaces to create an effective vibration-absorbing structure with high frictional energy.

To eliminate the transmission of impact sound, “floating” floor designs are used.

Elastic pads are placed between the load-bearing floor slab and the finished floor. It is also necessary to use elastic gaskets to separate the floor structure from the walls along the perimeter of the room. The types and properties of some soundproofing gaskets are presented in table. 3.

Effective soundproofing materials are semi-rigid mineral wool and glass wool boards and mats with a synthetic binder, as well as pierced glass wool mats, fibreboards, porous rubber, polyvinyl chloride and polyurethane foams. They produce tape and strip gaskets with a length from 1000 to 3000 mm and a width of 100, 150, 200 mm, piece gaskets - with a length and width of 100, 150, 200 mm. Products made from fibrous materials are used only in a shell made of waterproof paper, film, or foil.

Acoustic panels . Structurally, acoustic panels are constructed in the same way as conventional wall panels, except that one of the panel covers is perforated.

Fig. 12.1 Acoustic sandwich panel

Perforation of metal facings in acoustic sandwich panels increases the sound-absorbing properties of the panels, and also gives the panels an additional decorative effect. The percentage of perforation and the diameter of the holes in the perforated sheets comply with the requirements of GOST 23499-79 “Sound-absorbing and sound-insulating construction materials and products. Classification and general technical requirements."

Perforation percentage, no less than 20; hole diameter, mm. - 4.

Application of acoustic sandwich panels:

For the construction of enclosing structures, ceilings, internal walls and partitions in industrial buildings and structures where protection from the influence of industrial noise is required;

For the construction of soundproofing screens (including mobile ones) in residential areas in order to reduce noise pollution of the environment;

For the construction of noise barriers on highways and railways within city limits, near populated areas and protected areas;

Noise protection from diesel generators, sound insulation of chiller units, sound insulation of transformer substations.

Soundproofing and noise insulation common wall . Street noise can pass through the common wall of adjacent houses, the sound insulation of the common wall can be improved, but the effectiveness will depend on the design of the wall, the presence of a fireplace and the electrical equipment located on it.

Photo. 12.1 Mineral wool and plasterboards

The second method of soundproofing a shared wall involves lining with acoustic mineral wool and lining with double plasterboard on metal strips.

With this method, the sound does not pass directly, but is scattered.

Initially, the lathing is installed, for which 50x50 mm laths are attached vertically to the wall, with a distance between them slightly less than 600 mm, so that the roll sound insulation from mineral wool 50 mm thick. fit tightly to the laths and to the wall.

Next, at a distance of 100 mm from the floor, elastic strips are attached across the lathing in a horizontal position across the lathing, the distance between the planks is from 400 to 600 mm, the last plank is attached at a distance of 50 mm from the ceiling.

The wall is lined with 19 mm thick acoustic plasterboard; to attach the panels to the planks, 32 mm long screws are used; they must pass through the plank, but not touch the wall or battens.

It is necessary to leave a gap around the perimeter of the room from 3 to 5 mm. A second layer 12.5 mm thick is attached on top of the first layer of plasterboard; the joints should be shifted in relation to the first layer.

Using sound-absorbing sealant, the gaps are sealed and the baseboard is installed.

Photo. 12.2 General view of sound and noise insulation of a brick wall

Choice of sound-absorbing material. Tools that allow you to effectively regulate the acoustics of a room are decorative and finishing sound-absorbing materials and structures. In this case, soundproofing materials must perform two main functions - to prevent the sound wave from vibrating an obstacle (for example, an interior partition), and also, if possible, to absorb and dissipate the sound wave. In principle, all of the listed materials are recommended for use as soundproofing of office premises. But I would like to dwell on some nuances. Until recently, cork was widely used as a sound insulator. However, according to experts, in fact, cork is only effective against so-called “impact noise” (arising as a result of mechanical impact on elements of building structures), and does not have universal soundproofing characteristics. The same applies to various synthetic foam materials. They are quite attractive in terms of ease of use, but for the most part they do not respond modern requirements to soundproofing of public buildings, and in addition, often do not meet fire safety requirements. Therefore, at present, universal soundproofing materials based on natural raw materials, for example, products based on stone wool, are coming to the fore. Their excellent soundproofing properties are determined by their specific structure - chaotically directed thin fibers, when rubbing against each other, convert the energy of sound vibrations into heat. The use of such insulation significantly reduces the risk of vertical sound waves occurring between wall surfaces, reducing reverberation time, and thereby reducing the sound level in adjacent rooms.

Fig. 12.2. Thermal and sound insulation of entrance doors

WITH specifically to ensure acoustic comfort in own home, in public places, in the workplace, ROCKWOOL has developed a new product - sound-absorbing boards made of stone wool ACOUSTIC BUTTS.

In the form of slabs of various thicknesses, they are used for soundproofing rooms of all types. Among them there are universal materials for increasing the sound insulation of walls, floors and ceilings. For example, ROCKWOOL ACOUSTIC BUTTS with a density of 40 kg/m 3; designs using which provide a sound insulation index of up to 60 dB.

Rice. 12.3. ACOUSTIC BUTTS slabs

1. Plasterboard sheet; 2. Ceiling profile; 3. Guide profile; 4. Straight suspension; 5. Sealing tape; 6. Dowel; 7. Self-tapping screw; 8. Self-tapping screw; 9. Acoustic Butts

Plasterboards placed between the rack profiles of the frame of plasterboard walls significantly increase the sound insulation index of interior partitions in an office or apartment.

They are also used when creating a floor on reinforced concrete or beam floors. To soundproof the ceiling, the material can be mounted directly on the ceiling under the surface of suspended or suspended ceilings.

Flame retardancy of stone fiber material able to withstand temperatures above 1000 °C without melting. While the binder evaporates at 250°C, the fibers remain intact and bonded together, maintaining their strength and providing fire protection. ROCKWOOL products are non-flammable material (fire hazard class KMO). This property allows them to prevent the spread of flames during fires, as well as delay the process of destruction of load-bearing structures of buildings for a certain time.

D additional insulation from airborne noise of interfloor ceilings on a reinforced concrete slab.

Resistant to deformation. This is, first of all, the absence of shrinkage throughout the entire life of the material. If the material is not capable of retaining required thickness under mechanical stress, its insulating properties are lost. Some of the fibers of our material are located vertically, as a result of which the overall structure does not have a specific direction, which ensures high rigidity of the thermal insulation material.

Fig. 12.4. Acoustic plates

laid between the joists on the slab


Soundproofing. Thanks to its structure - an open porous structure - stone wool has excellent acoustic properties: it improves the airborne sound insulation of a room, the sound-absorbing properties of the structure, reduces reverberation time, and thereby reduces the sound level of noise in neighboring rooms.

Water repellency and vapor permeability . Stone wool has excellent water-repellent properties, which, together with excellent vapor permeability, allows you to easily and effectively remove vapors from rooms and structures to the street. These properties allow you to create a favorable indoor climate, as well as the entire structure as a whole and thermal insulation in particular to work in a dry state. After all, as you know, moisture conducts heat well. Getting into the thermal insulation material, it fills the air pores. In this case, the heat-shielding properties of the wet material deteriorate noticeably. And moisture that gets on the surface of the material does not penetrate into its thickness, due to which it remains dry and retains its high heat-shielding properties.

P suspended, acoustic ceilings.

1. plasterboard sheet

2. ceiling profile

4. Acoustic plates

Acoustic slabs are installed in the space between the suspended ceiling and the floor slab. The slabs are laid behind a suspended ceiling, or mounted to floor slabs using fastening dowels.

Rice. 12.5. Acoustic plates

mounted above suspended


Plates "Akminit" and "Akmigran" - acoustic materials made on the basis of granulated mineral wool and starch binder compositions with additives. The slabs are produced in sizes 300x300x20 mm, density 350... 400 kg/m 3 and bending strength 0.7... 1.0 MPa, with a high sound absorption coefficient - up to 0.8. These slabs are intended for sound-absorbing finishing of ceilings and upper parts of walls of premises, public and administrative buildings, operated with a relative air humidity of no more than 70%. The front surface of the slabs has a texture in the form of directed cracks (cavities), similar to the texture of the surface of weathered limestone. The slabs are fastened to the ceiling using metal profiles; they can also be glued with special mastics directly to a hard surface.

The unique texture and wide range of colors add variety to the interiors of premises with the massive use of decorative acoustic slabs “Silakpor” and gas silicate slabs.

Silakpor slabs made from lightweight aerated concrete of a special structure with a density of 300...350 kg/m 3. The front surface of the slabs can have longitudinal slotted perforations, which gives it not only a better appearance, but also increased ability to absorb noise. The sound absorption coefficient of Silakpor slabs in the frequency range from 200 to 4000 Hz is 0.3 - 0.8.

Gas silicate slabs have good operational, architectural and construction properties and represent a special group of sound-absorbing materials, including those with a macroporous structure. Gas silicate is used to make slabs with dimensions of 750x350x25 mm, density 500...600 kg/m 3 and compressive strength 1.5...2.0 MPa, sound absorption coefficient in the frequency range from 500 to 4000 Hz for microporous slabs 0.2 ...0.3, and for macroporous ones 0.6...0.9. The technological process for producing boards consists of mixing raw materials - lime, sand and dye; pouring the prepared solution into molds and autoclave treatment, after which the products are milled and calibrated. Acoustic perforated slabs made of dry plaster and gypsum perforated slabs with a mineral wool sound absorber have good appearance, sufficient fire resistance and high sound-absorbing properties. They are widely used for interior decoration of walls and ceilings in cultural, domestic and public buildings.

Constant noise is an indispensable companion for residents of big cities. Some people get used to knocking doors, steps overhead and working TVs behind the bedroom wall, but most city dwellers try to protect themselves from too aggressive acoustics by installing a soundproofing system in their apartments. Modern soundproofing materials for houses and apartments can counteract almost all types of noise: airborne, impact and structural.


What brings discomfort to a person is not the presence of noise as such, but the excess of permissible sound power levels. At a noise level of 25-30 dB, the human body feels most comfortable; as sound stimuli intensify, the attitude towards noise changes to tolerant, which it remains until the power reaches 60 dB. When this index is exceeded, noise becomes an aggressive irritating factor that can significantly affect the state of the psyche.

In modern cities, noise can have a different nature:

  • Airborne noise includes barking dogs, voices, medium and high frequencies music, car noise, etc.
  • Impact noise includes low frequencies of music (subwoofer), the sounds of rearranging furniture, walking in rooms, the operation of a hammer drill and other construction tools.
  • Structural noise is a mix of the above listed noises, which represents the transmission of vibrations from all types of sound influences through building structures.
  • Acoustic noise occurs in half-empty rooms, this is a familiar echo to everyone.

Accordingly, to protect against each type of noise, soundproofing materials with certain physical characteristics: sound absorption and sound insulation.

One of the most important is the sound absorption coefficient, which is determined based on acoustic tests carried out for each building material. The maximum is 100% sound absorption, which is characterized by a coefficient value of 1. This indicator is directly related to the degree of density and allows us to distinguish the following categories:

  • Solid materials, which include granulated or suspended mineral wool, as well as vermiculite, perlite or pumice. These materials have an average absorption coefficient of 0.5 and a fairly high bulk density - approximately 400 kg/m3.
  • Semi-rigid: slabs made of mineral or fiberglass wool, as well as materials with a cellular structure, for example, polyurethane foam, etc. The sound absorption coefficient varies between 0.5-0.75, weight can range from 80 to 130 kg/m3, depending from variety.
  • Felt, fiberglass and mineral wools that are not pressed into slabs are considered soft. They have a high absorption coefficient - 0.7-0.95 with a volumetric mass within 70 kg/m3.

In order to successfully combat noise, it is also necessary to take into account such an indicator as the sound insulation index of the material. It is measured in the same quantity as noise - in decibels (dB) and is calculated for each type of building materials: concrete, plasterboard, brick, foam blocks, mineral wool, etc. Monolithic slab ceiling, which has a thickness of at least 200 mm, has a sound insulation index of 74 dB. For a new brick wall with a thickness of half a brick (150 mm), the maximum index is 47 dB, which decreases over time due to the appearance of cracks and cracks.

To prevent human speech from being heard, the wall must have a sound insulation index of at least 50 dB. Respectively, thin walls in panel houses that do not satisfy this indicator, it is necessary to further strengthen them.

You can do this in several ways:

  • build additional dense and massive walls or ceilings, for example, from foam blocks, while maintaining maximum tightness;
  • create a multi-layer structure from several sound-proofing materials, alternating soft and hard types for maximum suppression of all types of noise and observing the rules of tightness;
  • use ready-made soundproofing panels made from materials various densities and structures and designed for a wide frequency range of sound waves.

Due to the fact that the construction of powerful walls/partitions made of brick or concrete requires an appropriate foundation capacity, these indicators must be included in architectural calculations at the stage of drawing up construction and design documentation.

In cases where it is necessary to enhance the soundproofing qualities of an already built wall or to erect soundproofing partitions in an apartment, either ready-made soundproofing panels are used, or prefabricated structures from various modern materials are installed directly on site.


Modern types of materials for sound insulation are usually considered from the point of view of resistance to one or another type of noise.

Materials that successfully resist impact noise are called sound repellent because they repel sound waves rather than absorb them. Most often, such materials are used in “floating floor” structures as a substrate.

Modern industry provides huge selection insulating substrates:

  • Staple fiberglass. The material belongs to the durable class, has a high impact noise reduction index - 42 dB, and is not flammable. This category includes material such as “Noise Stop - C2”.
  • Polymer-bitumen membrane. The base is a soundproofing layer made of non-woven polyethylene, on the surface of which a coating of bitumen with plasticizers-polymers is applied, fiberglass reinforced. The material is resistant to decomposition and rotting, vapor permeable, and has an impact noise reduction index of 26-39 dB (depending on thickness). Flammability group – G2. A striking example is FonoStop Duo and Isolontape.
  • Glass felt canvas with one-sided bitumen impregnation. Designed for long term operation, waterproof and fire-resistant material. The noise reduction index is within 23-29 dB. This variety includes fiberglass of the “Shumanet” brand, as well as “Isofon-super”.

  • Extruded polystyrene foam. This durable material(designed for 50 years), which has a noise reduction index of 25 dB, is characterized by low water absorption and high compression resistance, the disadvantage is the high fire hazard index - G1. These are brands such as “Fombord”, “Penoplex”, “TISplex” slabs, etc.
  • Composite This material consists of three layers: between layers of polyethylene or aluminum film there are polystyrene foam granules. The peculiarity of the composite is that the bottom film has the ability to allow moisture to pass through inner space, from where it is discharged along expansion joints. Thus, the space is ventilated. The service life is 20 years, the noise reduction index is within 18-20 dB, the material is not flammable. These are brands such as Tuplex, TermoZvukoIzol, Vibrofilter.
  • Cork rubber backing. These are mats made of rubber granules and cork crumbs. The material has average fire safety (combustion class B2), but can contribute to the appearance of mold in structures, and therefore requires additional waterproofing. Noise reduction index – from 18 to 21 dB. These are materials such as UZIN RR 188, “Utsin RR 188”, Ibola.

  • Cork backing. The material, which is produced from pressed cork chips, is not susceptible to rotting and fungus, and its service life reaches 40 years. Allows you to reduce impact noise by 12 dB. An example would be roll material Cork Roll, Corksribas, Ipocork plates, etc.
  • Polyester foam. The material is made of synthetic fiber, impregnated on both sides with a reinforcing fiberglass composition, has high vapor permeability, allowing surfaces to “breathe”, the sound insulation index is 8-10 dB. Flammable (class G2).
  • Polyethylene foam ( foamed polyethylene). There are non-crosslinked polyethylene foam, which has the least soundproofing effect; physically cross-linked and chemically cross-linked, the sound insulation quality of the latter type is the highest. The material has a high flammability class - G2, is destroyed when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, sags under prolonged loads, and is not resistant to mold. The sound insulation index varies from 12 to 15 dB. These are brands such as “Isopenol”, “Plenex”, “Izolon” ​​and many others.
  • Tecsound. Thin synthetic material with elastic polymer based, used to isolate two types of noise: airborne and vibration (shock). It is a self-extinguishing and moisture-resistant material, has a sound insulation index of 25-30 dB. Effective in suppressing noise from metal roofing.

It is also worth considering materials that dampen impact noise and are used for installing acoustic ceilings:

  • Perforated sound-absorbing Knauf plates. This is a plasterboard-based material, on one side having a synthetic fabric backing with resonator holes. Thickness 8.5 mm, fire hazard class - NG. As test tests show, these plates are designed to absorb low-frequency waves.
  • Ecofon slabs, which are a “sandwich” of high-strength fiberglass, additionally reinforced with a textile mesh. Available in thicknesses from 15 to 40 mm, non-flammable.

In the case where the main concern is airborne noise, it is worthwhile to identify gaps and cracks in the wall structure and eliminate them. If, ensuring the maximum possible tightness existing wall, it is not possible to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to create additional sound insulation.

Modern noise-absorbing materials:

  • Mineral (basalt) wool. This material is the result of melting rocks of the basalt group, metallurgical slag, and their mixtures. Available in the form of slabs (mats). Having a fibrous structure and short fiber length (15 mm), mineral wool provides a high absorption coefficient of sound waves - from 0.87 to 0.95; has good vapor permeability and is classified as a non-flammable, inert and biologically passive building material. The most popular brands are: Rockwool “Acoustic Butts”, “Shumanet”, “Izolight”, “Basaltin”, “TermozvukoIzol”.

  • Glass wool. A material based on fiberglass (the average fiber size is 50 mm), having a sound absorption coefficient from 0.85 to 1 (for the Knauf “Insulation” acoustic partition, which is distinguished by a special combination of fiber lengths). Available in the form of slabs, it is non-flammable, vapor permeable, biologically and chemically inert. Compared to mineral wool, glass wool has less weight. In the Russian Federation, such varieties as “Knauf Insulation”, Ursa “Pureone 34 PN”, Isover, etc. are presented.

  • ZIPS(soundproofing sandwich panels). These are frameless systems that can be purchased at finished form, effective against all types of noise. The composition is usually the same: GVL + fiberglass (mineral wool) + attachment points to the wall. These systems have a high noise insulation index, which largely depends on the thickness of the structure (ZIPS can have sizes from 40 to 130 mm). When using a panel with a thickness of 70 mm, this is 10 dB. At the same time, the panel has a high sound absorption coefficient due to the presence of mineral wool or glass wool inside. The disadvantage is the significant weight, requiring partitions with high load-bearing capacity.

The next type of soundproofing materials are those that “work” against the spread of structural noise. They are gaskets or compositions used during the installation of adjacent structures: ZIPS systems, wooden or “floating floors”, frame partitions and facings. Among them:

  • Fiberglass. Manufactured from superfine fiber in the form of strips of various widths. It has a high impact noise reduction index - 29 dB. An example would be a material such as “Vibrostek M” or “Vibrostek V300”, as well as stitched fiberglass mats “MTP-AS-30/50”.
  • Vibroacoustic sealant. Most often it has silicone base, can be either non-hardening or hardening. It has excellent adhesion to all types of building materials, and when filling joints it reduces the spread of structural noise. The following brands are most familiar to domestic buyers: Green Glue, Vibrosil, Bostik 3070, Silomer, as well as vibration-absorbing mastic.

  • Self-adhesive elastomeric gaskets for doors and windows. They are produced from porous rubber, microporous polyurethane, etc. in the form of plates or tapes, installed between structural elements and along the perimeter of openings to reduce vibration, and have a noise reduction index of 23 dB. As an example, we can name such brands as Varnamo, ArmaSound. IN Lately similar materials began to be actively produced and Russian enterprises, for example, Obninsgazpolymer LLC.
  • Silica fiber. This material is as fireproof as possible, while having a high noise insulation index of 27 dB. Available in mats and rolls. The most popular brands are: Vibrosil-K, Supersil, Ekowoo.

Scope of application

The properties of noise-insulating materials have the widest range of applications. Most of them are used not only for their intended purpose, but at the same time as insulation. Basically, this applies to all types of mineral wool, glass wool, fiberglass, polyester foam, sandwich panels and cork substrates.

How exactly to use this or that soundproofing material so that it “works” as fully as possible should be decided by a professional who is able to competently assess the acoustic features and problems of a particular room. Perhaps the room needs a sound-absorbing floor covering to avoid conflicts with neighbors below, or the walls need to be completely insulated when installing a home theater. It may be necessary to protect the bedroom from noise coming from the street.

Therefore, it is recommended to seek advice from a construction and repair company that deals with sound insulation issues at a professional level, because it is easier to pay for the services of a competent expert assessment than to invest in repairs without being sure of the final result.

The greatest effect can be obtained by integrating this or that material into building structures directly during the construction of buildings, the construction of floors, walls and partitions:

  • when laying mineral wool slabs into the cavity of partitions;
  • by installing plates or strip gaskets between elements of building structures to absorb structural noise;
  • when installing soundproofing panels on the surface of walls and then plastering them;
  • when installing “floating floors”, at the base of which there is soundproofing material, followed by installation of reinforced cement-sand screed.

To improve sound insulation in already built premises, the following methods are used:

  • Creating a soundproofing layer on the surface interfloor ceilings by placing mats of mineral wool (glass wool), covered with either a cement or prefabricated screed.
  • Installation of soundproofing frame structures, representing an alternation of gypsum plasterboard, mineral wool or glass wool slabs, as well as a superdiffusion membrane (if necessary), damper tape and vibroacoustic sealant.

  • Placement of soundproofing sandwich panels on the walls. These are frameless systems that are sold ready-made. They usually consist of gypsum plasterboard sheets, between which there is fiberglass (mineral wool) and units for fastening to the load-bearing walls. The structure is sealed using damper gaskets and sealant.
  • Arrangement of “acoustic ceilings”, which are mounted on a frame made of galvanized metal profiles. The structure consists of sheets of plasterboard and mineral wool slabs and is fixed on vibration-isolating hangers. For sealing, gaskets are used in combination with vibration sealant. It is also worth considering the possibility of installing suspended ceilings with a soundproofing effect.
  • Installation of a “ventilated facade”, which is carried out on the outer wall of the building and also performs a heat-saving function.

How to choose?

The choice of any building material must be approached rationally. This fully applies to sound-absorbing materials, the properties of which must best correspond to the tasks that need to be solved. At the same time, it is desirable that the cost of the work does not unnecessarily “strain” the wallet of the apartment owner.

When arranging sound insulation, you should either trust a time-tested (and reviews of friends) repair company, or study the issue yourself or follow the recommendations of sales consultants. You can save money with each of these options.

Advantages of hiring a construction and renovation company:

  • an assessment of the problem and ways to eliminate it is carried out by a repair specialist (foreman), who recommends certain soundproofing materials;
  • serious repair companies provide a guarantee for the work performed (usually 3 years), so they offer materials and technologies in which they are confident;
  • when contacting the company at a time of year that is not considered a construction season (late autumn, winter, early spring), the customer is offered a discount on the cost of work;
  • Large companies usually have trusted suppliers who often sell materials to customers at a discount.

The advantages of independently selecting materials and carrying out work:

  • in the process of studying the issue, useful knowledge is acquired that can be useful in the future;
  • the buyer saves a significant amount on workers' compensation;
  • You can spend the savings on using more expensive soundproofing materials.

When analyzing the noise problem yourself, it is worth finding out what its nature is and whether the noise is airborne or impact.

These types of noise can be eliminated in almost any room and at any stage of repair/construction, in contrast to structural noise, which must be insulated at the stage of building construction.

Most often, both types of noise are present in residential areas. For example, in the apartment below there is an office, whose visitors are constantly slamming doors and talking. In this case, we can talk about the combination of all three types of noise, which can be extinguished using floor soundproofing, which includes the use of two types of material - noise-absorbing and noise-repellent, with the obligatory use of damper pads, which can partially dampen structural noise. This involves the installation of acoustic “floating floors” with at least a 100 mm layer of mineral wool at the base and a mandatory powerful screed on the surface.

Soundproofing "cardboard" walls is usually required to protect against airborne noise. This issue is resolved through the use of frame or frameless systems from gypsum plasterboard and mineral wool, the thickness of which is greater, the stronger the sounds disturbing the residents. In the case where music is heard from behind the walls, a noise-repellent material should be added to the design, for example, extruded polystyrene foam or staple fiberglass.

You can also enhance the effect by increasing the layers of gypsum plasterboard. In the case of using factory-produced ZIPS, it is necessary to select a brand with high noise-repellent characteristics. Such structures have significant weight, so you need to make sure in advance that the walls are able to withstand such a load.

For wooden house materials are used that have the lowest flammability class (NG), resist the appearance of mold and mildew, are resistant to rodent attacks and, of course, are vapor permeable.

How to do it yourself?

It is necessary to understand that the purchase of even the best soundproofing materials alone will not ensure silence in the room if the technology for their installation is violated. To achieve this goal it will be necessary correct installation, which can be provided by acoustic professionals. In the event that for any reason an appeal to construction company impossible, you should carefully study the recommendations in order to carry out soundproofing work with your own hands. Using improvised means as an insulating material will most likely not give the desired result.

For proper installation of soundproofing cladding, you need exactly those materials that are provided by the technology.

Necessary materials:

  • guide and rack galvanized profile, which can be replaced by wooden blocks;
  • suspensions (preferably the use of vibration suspensions);
  • self-tapping screws that better sound insulation structural noise must be equipped with rubber washers;
  • damper pads in the form of a tape;
  • vibroacoustic sealant;
  • gypsum plasterboard or gypsum plasterboard sheets with a thickness of 12.5 mm;
  • fiber boards: mineral wool, glass wool, 50 mm thick.

Soundproofing walls “at a distance” will take up from 50 to 120 mm of free space, which will have to be sacrificed in order to obtain acoustic comfort.

The sequence of work on the installation of soundproof frame-sheathing partition structures:

  • Installation of a spacer (damper) tape with a thickness of at least 4 mm along the contour of the mounted partitions. The gaskets are glued to the walls, floor and ceiling using sealant.
  • The frame is installed level, the guide profiles are placed at a distance of at least 10 mm from the surface of the insulated walls.
  • Rack profiles are mounted in increments of 600 mm, their length should be 10 mm less than the height of the room.
  • Vertical racks intended for a doorway must be strengthened by means of a locking connection between two elements of the rack profile; It is possible to use wooden blocks for these purposes.

  • The internal space in the rack profiles is filled with mineral wool or glass wool slabs, and the slabs must be inserted as tightly as possible to avoid gaps.
  • The frame is sheathed with gypsum board sheets in increments of 500 mm. In the case when 2 or 3 layers of sheathing are installed, it is recommended to choose a more load-resistant gypsum fiber sheet for the primary layer. The finishing cladding is installed in increments of 200-250 mm.
  • A technological gap is left between the sheathing sheets and the ceiling/floor, which is filled with vibration sealant.
  • The excess damper tape is trimmed flush with the finishing layer of gypsum board sheets.
  • When installing a door, the joints between the frame and door frame filled with sealant, a sealing tape must be installed on the surface of the frame in places of contact with the door leaf.

Soundproofing the ceiling requires sufficient height in the room, since the structure occupies approximately 120 mm of the height of the room. Stages of work:

  • Damper tape is glued to the surface of the walls adjacent to the ceiling.
  • A guide profile is temporarily fixed along the perimeter of the walls with dowels and nails.
  • Vibration-isolating suspensions are attached to the ceiling surface, the pitch is 800-900 mm. There should be no more than 150 mm from the wall to the first hanger.
  • The supporting frame profiles are fixed to the hangers, the distance between which should not exceed 600 mm.
  • Secondary profiles are mounted on the first-level profiles, ensuring the presence of an air gap between the floor slabs and the insulating material.
  • The dowel-nails that held the guide profile are removed (this is done to avoid the appearance of noise bridges).

  • Sound-absorbing plates are installed in the frame.
  • The first layer of ceiling cladding is made, using gypsum fiber board sheets 10 mm thick.
  • The seams between the sheets are filled with vibroacoustic sealant.
  • A second layer of sheathing is installed using gypsum plasterboard, which is mounted with joints spaced apart.
  • Excess damper tape is trimmed with a construction knife, and the seams are filled with sealant.

When installing floor sound insulation, several different technologies can be used depending on the materials used. The most popular technologies are “floating floors” Rockwool and the method of the Acoustic Group company, based on the use of “Shumostop” slabs.

Soundproofing of the floor (according to the “Noise Stop” system):

  • The surface of the floors is prepared: uneven surfaces are smoothed out, construction debris is removed, adjacent communications are insulated using elastic gaskets or tape.
  • Soundproofing slab material of the “Shumostop” brand is laid along the perimeter of the walls to prevent the leveling screed from coming into contact with the enclosing structures. The height of the edge should slightly exceed the thickness of the screed. It is permissible to use a damper tape to minimize the thickness of the seam between the screed and the wall.
  • A layer of denser material is laid around the perimeter of the room - this is “Noise Stop K2”.
  • The floor surface is covered with the main working material - “Shumostop C2”. Laying is done as tightly as possible, without cracks or gaps.

  • The surface is covered with reinforced polyethylene film, which is also raised along the wall to the height of the edge. The joints are overlapped and taped.
  • A solution of sand concrete mixture of a grade no lower than M-300 is laid out on the film, which is then reinforced with reinforcing mesh (fragments of the mesh in mandatory fixed to each other).
  • Filled on top of the mesh concrete mortar, which is leveled using a plaster rule.
  • After the screed gains strength (on average, it takes 28 days to dry), the edge layer of the film and the damper strip are trimmed to the level of the screed.
  • The resulting seam between the wall and the screed is filled with vibroacoustic sealant.

There is no point in taking such statements at their word, and it is even more unreasonable to test fashionable innovations from your own experience, since the cost of such soundproofing materials is usually quite high.

  • If the size of the room allows, then it is better to use a frame soundproofing system as it has the largest number of positive reviews.
  • In the case when frame-sheathing partitions are being built in a room, you can also worry about soundproofing equipment in advance: in this case, mineral wool slabs are mounted inside the partition and do not take up additional space.
  • In cases where it is necessary to save as much space or height as possible in a room, it is worth using ultra-thin materials from trusted manufacturers, for example, Rockwoll “Acoustic Butts Ultra-thin” or ultra-thin ZIPS sandwich panels.

  • ​​When carrying out work, it is necessary to achieve maximum tightness of structures, which will prevent both the appearance of sound bridges and the entry of the smallest dust particles of mineral wool or fiberglass into the respiratory system.
  • To fix vibration suspensions to the ceiling, it is advisable to use a special type of fastener - a wedge anchor with a plastic attachment.
  • When connecting communications, they must be tied with sealing tape in order to avoid the preservation of so-called “sound bridges”.
  • IN wooden buildings It is not recommended to erect soundproofing partitions earlier than a year after the construction of the building. This is due to the process of primary shrinkage of the house, during which it is impractical to carry out work.

When purchasing materials through online stores, you should not rely on the rating; it is better to compare the characteristics given in the tables that are present on the pages of all major trading platforms.

Everyone who lives in a house located in close proximity to highways, industrial enterprises, railways, etc. knows very well what noise is and how much it affects the human nervous system. Noise is an inharmonious phenomenon, the chaos of sounds and their combinations cause irritation in people at best. defined in decibels (dB). Sanitary standards recommend noise levels within 40 dB during the day and 30 dB at night.


The purpose of soundproofing is to reflect sound and prevent it from passing through the wall of the room. The characteristic structure of soundproofing materials creates an obstacle to the passage of sound and reflects it. The sound insulation of a wall and any other building structure is determined, first of all, by mass - the more massive and thicker the wall, the more difficult it is for sound vibrations to rock it. The sound insulation ability of enclosing structures used in construction is assessed by the value of the sound insulation index. The sound insulation index is measured in dB, and optimally it should be from 52 to 60 dB (for enclosing structures). Soundproofing materials include dense materials such as concrete, brick, drywall and other materials that can reflect sound.

Sound absorption

The purpose of sound absorption is to absorb noise and prevent it from being reflected from the obstacle back into the room. Sound-absorbing materials have a fibrous, granular or cellular structure. The sound absorption characteristics are assessed by the sound absorption coefficient. The sound absorption coefficient varies from 0 to 1. With a zero sound absorption coefficient, sound is completely reflected; with complete sound absorption, the coefficient is equal to one. Sound-absorbing materials include those that have a sound absorption coefficient of at least 0.4.

It is believed that people feel most calm at a noise level of 25 dB, but if its value is below this value, then a feeling of ringing silence arises, which brings discomfort. Usually, up to 60 dB, a person reacts to noise tolerantly; with prolonged exposure to noise of 90 dB, a person may experience a serious nervous disorder: insomnia, hysteria and other diseases. Sound levels of 100 dB or higher can cause hearing loss.

To protect against noise, various materials are used to create a barrier in its path. The principle of choosing materials for protection from extraneous sounds depends on the task at hand.

Sound absorption or suppression circuit

According to the degree of rigidity, sound-absorbing materials are: hard, soft, semi-rigid.

  • Solid materials.
  • are produced on the basis of granulated or suspended mineral wool; materials that include porous aggregates such as pumice, expanded perlite, vermiculite. Sound absorption coefficient: 0.5. Volumetric mass: 300-400 kg/m3.
  • Soft sound-absorbing materials are made based on mineral wool or fiberglass; as well as cotton wool, felt, etc. Sound absorption coefficient: from 0.7 to 0.95. Volumetric mass: up to 70 kg/m3.
  • Semi-rigid materials - these are mineral wool or fiberglass boards, materials with a cellular structure - polyurethane foam, etc. Sound absorption coefficient: from 0.5 to 0.75. Volumetric mass: from 80 to 130 kg/m3.

In private homes, it is more profitable to use materials that have a maximum sound absorption coefficient and less weight, that is, soft ones.

The choice of material for creating sound comfort in a room also depends on the nature of the sound itself. Working electrical appliances, TV, receiver, loud conversations, sounds from animals, sounds of cars and so on create airborne noise. If there is an impact directly on the floors: drilling walls, hammering nails, walking, sound from rearranging furniture, etc., then we are talking about impact noise. When the load-bearing structures of a house are rigidly connected to each other without the use of soundproofing elastic gaskets, then noise of any nature spreads through the structures of the house and turns into structural noise.

To combat impact noise, elastic materials, mainly with a closed cellular structure, are used. And porous or fibrous ones with a high sound absorption coefficient cope with airborne noise. Structural noise can be combated by using cushioning material to protect the joints of load-bearing elements.

Airborne sound insulation

The main characteristic of materials for protection against airborne noise is sound insulation index (Rw), expressed in dB: in order to prevent human speech from being heard behind the wall, it must be at least 50 dB. Another characteristic is sound absorption coefficient: from 0 to 1. The closer the sound absorption coefficient is to 1, the higher the protective qualities of the material.

One of the ways to protect against the penetration of extraneous sounds can be the installation of dense and massive walls and ceilings. It can be monolithic reinforced concrete, expanded clay and foam concrete blocks etc. The main thing is that they, together with the binding solution, form a sealed structure without cracks and holes. In one partition, a combination of several dense materials is possible if there are rigid connections between all structural elements: for example, a wall made of pumice concrete blocks on cement-sand mortar, lined with brick. However, increasing the massiveness of walls and ceilings is a rather complex and ineffective task, since doubling the mass of a structure leads to an increase in the sound insulation index by only a few decibels.

A more acceptable way to protect against airborne noise is to create a multilayer structure consisting of several alternating layers of hard, dense and soft building materials.

Scheme of a multilayer wall structure as additional noise protection

Dense materials such as concrete, brick, plasterboard, etc. can be used as a rigid layer. They exhibit sound insulation properties, and the greater their density, the higher the sound insulation. Layer soft material has a sound-absorbing function. Materials with a fibrous structure are used as a sound-absorbing layer: mineral wool, glass wool, silica fibers. In this case, the thickness of the sound-absorbing material in the structure matters; the effective thickness starts from 50mm. The thickness of the absorbent layer must be at least 50% of the internal space of the partition.

Currently, the most effective materials with high sound absorption coefficients are products made of mineral wool and fiberglass.

Glass wool

This material is based on fiberglass, has increased elasticity and strength, as well as high vibration resistance. Good sound absorption occurs thanks to a large number voids between fibers that are filled with air. To her positive qualities can be attributed: fire safety - NG (non-flammable), light weight, elasticity, non-hygroscopicity, high vapor permeability, it is chemically passive and does not cause corrosion of metals in contact with it. Acoustic partitions are made from glass wool in the form of slabs and rolls to create an intermediate soft layer in multilayer sound-absorbing structures.

Mineral wool

This is a fibrous material obtained from silicate rock melts, metallurgical slags and their mixtures.

Positive qualities: fire safety - non-flammable - NG; is chemically passive and does not cause corrosion of metals in contact with it. Good sound absorption is ensured by the fact that the fibers are randomly located in horizontal, vertical directions, at different angles to each other.

Note: DThe fiber length of mineral wool and glass wool is different: the average length of glass fiber is 5 cm, and the length of stone fiber is 1.5 cm. At the same time, glass wool is a lighter material (see table above).

You can increase the sound insulation of the floor using a device acoustic ceiling - a multilayer structure that will reduce the energy of reflected sound and absorb noise.

The air space between the ceiling and the ceiling plane is filled with sound-absorbing materials, for which compressed slabs of thin mineral fiber or fiberglass are used.

Multilayer panel

For sound insulation, ready-made ZIPS soundproofing systems have recently been used. ZIPS structures are one of the effective means of additional sound insulation of a single-layer partition (brick, concrete wall, etc.). ZIPS consists of sandwich panels and finishing plasterboard facing sheets with a thickness of 12.5 mm. A sandwich panel consists of a combination of dense (gypsum fiber) and light layers (mineral wool or glass wool) of varying thickness. Depending on the model, the thickness and type of material in the layer may vary. The advantages of the design include the absence metal frame, and fastening to the wall is done through special units that are made during the production of panels. The ends of the ZIPS panel system are adjacent to the side surfaces (floor, walls, ceiling) through vibration-isolating gaskets. Fire safety ZIPS - G1 (hard-to-burn material).

Layout of a multilayer panel

The thickness of the ZIPS, depending on the model, can vary from 40 to 130 mm. Increase in sound insulation index depending on the thickness of the structure: from 9 to 18 dB. Example: when using a four-layer ZIPS panel with a thickness of 70 mm, the overall sound insulation index increases by 10 dB, that is, when strengthening a 70 mm thick ZIPS on a wall with a sound insulation index of 47 dB, the overall sound insulation index rises to 57-58 dB, and if the thickness of the ZIPS is be 133 mm, then the overall sound insulation index rises to 63-65 dB.

Note: The condition for the applicability of ZIPS structures is the sufficient load-bearing capacity of the original partition, since the weight of one panel of size 1500x500 mm ranges from 18.5 to 21 kg, depending on the model.

Impact sound insulation

The materials that are used to insulate impact noise do not absorb the sound wave, but repel it, causing it to lose energy. To insulate from impact noise, porous materials with a low dynamic modulus of elasticity are used, since the attenuation of the sound wave is explained by the fact that sound energy is spent on elastic deformations of the material.

One of the options for protection against impact noise is laying pads made of soundproofing materials under the “finished floor”. One of the important comparative characteristics of materials that protect against impact noise is index of reduction in reduced impact noise level Lnw.

Sheet pressed from natural cork chips

Examples: cork rolls from IPOCORK (Portugal). It has a thickness of 2 and 4 mm, sold in sheets measuring 915x610 mm, and rolls. The reduced impact noise level reduction index is 12 dB. The cost of a technical roll cork with a thickness of 2 mm is 2 dollars/m2.

Other examples: plates of the CORKSRIBAS trademark, rolled cork "Cork Roll".

Polyethylene foam

Laminate manufacturers often offer it complete with their products. In the construction industry, polyethylene foams (foamed polyethylenes) having a density of 20 to 80 kg/m3 are mainly used.

Types of material:

  • non-crosslinked polyethylene foam,has an unbound molecular structure (polymer molecules are not linked to each other by chemical bonds).
  • physically cross-linked polyethylene foam. It has a modified molecular structure, thereby increasing sound insulation properties.
  • chemically cross-linked polyethylene foam. The method of chemical cross-linking of polyethylene foam strengthens the intermolecular bonds of polyethylene, and due to this increases the sound insulation properties.

Polyethylene is used in the construction of interfloor concrete screeds, floating floors (see below), as a substrate for parquet, laminate and other floor coverings; when sealing joints. It has good contact with cement, concrete and other materials, and is resistant to most solvents, gasoline and oils. Fire safety - G2. Not resistant to UV radiation. Under prolonged loads, it loses up to 76% of its thickness, deteriorating its insulating properties over time. When moisture gets into the space under the parquet, conditions are created for the spread of mold. Cost for a thickness of 3 mm. - 3 dollars/sq.m.

Examples of polyethylenes: “Izolon”, “Izonel”, “Plenex”, “Teploflex”, “Porilex”, “Energoflex”, “Stizol”, “Izocom”, “Jermaflex”, “Steinofon”, “Isopenol”, etc.

Cork rubber backing

It is a mixture of granulated cork and synthetic rubber. The material reduces impact noise and dampens vibration of electrical appliances. Can be used as a lining under textile, elastic and hard floor coverings, PVC/CV coverings, linoleum, parquet, ready-made parquet, ceramic tiles, slabs natural stone, as a spacer for carpets on stretch marks. Fire safety - B2. Substrates based on cork-rubber mixtures require additional moisture insulation with polyethylene film, when excess humidity they can be a breeding ground for mold.

Examples: UZIN-RR 188. Thickness - from 3 to 5 mm. The reduction index for the reduced impact noise level is from 18 to 21 dB. Price (3mm) - 2 dollars/sq.m.

Another example: Ibola material (made in Germany). This is a substrate consisting of pressed cork and rubber granules.

Bitumen-cork substrate

It is made on the basis of kraft paper with bitumen impregnation and sprinkled with cork chips. It is laid with the cork side down, and thanks to this, moisture will be removed from under the laminate. The use of waterproofing is not necessary. Fire safety - G1. Bitumen impregnation gets dirty during installation, cork chips can fly off the canvas, and the substrate can rot if there is excess moisture.

Examples: Parkolag material from ICOPAL (Denmark, Finland). The roll weight is a little more than 10 kg. Thickness - 3 mm. The reduced impact noise level reduction index is 18 dB. Price - 3.5 dollars/m2.

Composite material

Composite is a multi-component material. It consists of two layers of polyethylene film, between which there are polystyrene foam granules. The top film, made of polyethylene, protects the floor covering from moisture. The bottom film allows moisture to pass into the space between the films, from where it is discharged outside along the perimeter of the room through expansion joints, and thus the space is ventilated. During operation, the composite substrate is almost not deformed, it is durable (20 years). Installation of the composite substrate is carried out using the free-laying method, without the use of adhesive compositions. Fire safety - NG.

Examples: Tuplex from TUPLEX (Finland). This is a new generation insulation material; many flooring manufacturers (UPOFLOOR, TARKETT, KARELIA, KAHRS) use it with their products. Thickness 3 mm. The reduction index for the reduced impact noise level is 18-20 dB. Price - 3 dollars/m2.
Other examples: TermoZvukoIzol material; composite "Vibrofilter" (synthetic rubber and aluminum foil).
Materials such as extruded polystyrene foam and special soundproofing films can also be used as substrates.

Extruded polystyrene foam

The coating has high compressive strength (0.32 MPa) and low water absorption - 0.1%, which means it does not need protection from moisture. Convenient to use: ease of cutting, simple and quick installation with a small amount of waste, the cost of work is minimized Durability - 50 years. Fire safety - G1.

As an example, we can cite Foamboard-5000 from FASAD STROY (Russia), in sheets 2, 3,5 cm thick. The index for reducing the reduced impact noise level is 25 dB. Price (2 cm) -1.1 USD/m2.
Another example: extruded polystyrene foam of the FOMBORD brand; extruded polystyrene foam boards "TISplex" (TU 2244-009-55182353-2007).
Also used cushioning materialstype "Schumanet-100". With a thickness of 3 mm when laid under a screed with a thickness of 60 mm, the reduction index for the reduced impact noise level is 23 dB. The material “Shumanet -100C” with a thickness of 5 mm has a reduced impact noise reduction index of 27 dB. The material “Shumostop - C2” made of staple fiberglass with a thickness of 20 mm has an impact noise reduction index of 42 dB. When laying near walls, it is recommended to leave gaps of 10-15 mm to ensure moisture removal.

Note: When insulating impact noise, the thickness of the ceiling must be taken into account. In luxury housing, the norm for the reduced impact noise reduction index is 55 dB. If the floor slab has a thickness of at least 200 mm (index - 74 dB), then a substrate with an index of 20 dB is sufficient. If the floors are thinner, then the sound insulation should be enhanced.

Impact noise protection option: create a multi-layer structure - .
The floating floor design is a layer of sound-absorbing material, closed concrete screed thickness of at least 6 cm; substrate and finishing coat.
Values index of reduction of reduced impact noise level Lnware also quite high for thin (3-4 mm) cushioning substrate materials. And to block access to airborne noise, a layer of sound-absorbing material (for example, mineral wool) with a thickness of at least 50 mm is required.
The soundproofing substrate can be made of various materials.

There are also ready-made floating floor designs; among the layers they have a polystyrene sheet 20-30 mm thick, their impact noise reduction index Lnw is 20-30 dB.

Soundproofing of structural noise

To avoid transmission of structural noise through load-bearing structures, cushioning material is used to protect the joints of load-bearing elements.


Structural noise insulation is ensured due to the elastic properties of the porous-fibrous structure of the material. Gaskets are used in building structures during the installation of the ZIPS panel system, frame soundproof partitions and cladding, as well as wooden floors and floors. When installing ZIPS sandwich panels, the gasket is laid in two layers in the places where they rest on the floor, as well as in the places where the panels come into contact with the side walls and the ceiling. When installing frame partitions and claddings, gaskets are used between frame profiles, fasteners and load-bearing elements. building structures, in places where sheathing sheets of partitions or cladding adjoin other building structures. When installing wooden floors and floors, it is placed under the joists and under the floor beams in the places where they rest on the walls. In this case, the width of the strip of material on each side should be 10 mm greater than the width of the log or beam. The ends of beams resting on walls must also be insulated from hard contact with other building structures using gaskets.

Examples: tape gasket for structural noise insulation Vibrostek M. Reduced impact noise level reduction index - up to 29 dB . Cost: 6 dollars/m2.
Other examples: soundproofing substrate VIBROSTEK-V300 is used as an elastic soundproofing substrate; Fiberglass PSH-T 550, used in individual construction. Mats MTP-AS-30/50 are pierced from super-thin fiberglass.

Vibroacoustic sealant

Provides high vibration insulation of joints between building structures, reduces the spread of structural noise along them. It is used for filling joints in floating floor structures, ZIPS panel systems, frame soundproofing partitions and claddings. The material does not cause metal corrosion; it has good adhesion to most building materials: concrete, brick, plaster, glass, enamel, metals, ceramics, plastics, varnished or painted wood. Resistant to UV radiation. The cured sealant is odorless and safe to handle. But when working with it, you need to avoid getting the sealant in your eyes and skin, and work in ventilated areas.

Examples: vibration sealant Vibrosil, designed for sealing joints and connections in soundproofing structures. The cost of a 300 ml cartridge is 5.5 dollars/m2.
Other examples: Bostik 3070 sealant made of cork chips (Schrot) and elastic binder; Vibroacoustic sealant SYLOMER; vibration-absorbing mastic.

Elastomeric materials

Elastomeric materials are designed to reduce noise and vibration transmitted from different sources on elements of building structures, as well as to protect premises from structural noise coming from outside. Along the perimeter of the doors, to insulate against structural noise, sealing gaskets made of elastomeric materials are used, providing a high level of sound absorption. The gasket adheres well to most materials: wood, plastic, metal. Duration of work - up to 7 years. The reduction index of the reduced impact noise level is up to 22 dB.

Examples: gaskets with a self-adhesive base Varnamo (Sweden) made of EPDM porous rubber. The gaskets are available in packages of various lengths: 6, 16 and 24 meters. The cost of 6 m tape is 1.8 dollars.
Other examples: Elastomeric vibration damping plates (VEP) according to TU 2534-001-32461352-2002; ArmaSound - elastomeric sound insulator produced by Armacell (Germany); SYLOMER® from the Austrian company Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH - microporous polyurethane elastomers with a mixed cellular structure.

Silica Fiber Gasket Material

It is used in sound-absorbing and sound-insulating structures where high requirements to fire safety. Products made from silica fiber have good environmental performance: they do not contain carcinogenic, asbestos and ceramic fibers, as well as thin fibers with a diameter of less than 6 microns, and do not pose a respiratory hazard. Silica fiber material is used at the joints of load-bearing structural elements of a building.

Examples: Rolled silica fiber Supersil 6 mm thick. Reduced impact noise level reduction index Lnw 27 dB . Cost - 9 dollars/meter
Other examples: "Vibrosil-K" (Russia); trade marks Supersil, Supersilika and Silibas (Russia); Ekowoo silica fiber mats.
It should be noted that not all manufacturers provide a sufficient amount of information on the materials they produce, so we considered only those brands for which information is available. We are also unable to verify the reliability of this information, therefore, it is on the conscience of the manufacturers.

I would like to note that the presence of the highest quality soundproofing materials in your home does not guarantee sound comfort. It is very important to arrange them correctly into the desired design, so it is worth inviting acoustics specialists who will create a comfortable sound atmosphere for you.

Please note: Prices are valid for 2009.

Acoustic principles are often not quite correctly interpreted and, as a result, incorrectly applied in practice.

Much of what should be considered knowledge and experience in this field often turns out to be incompetence. The traditional approach of most builders to solving problems of sound insulation and correction of room acoustics is based on practice and experience, which often limit or even reduce the overall acoustic effect. Successful acoustic projects tend to be free of misconceptions and pseudoscientific conclusions, and their content is aimed at ensuring that the money and effort invested will produce beneficial and predictable results.

Listed below are some of the most common acoustic myths that we constantly encounter when communicating with our clients.

Myth #1: Soundproofing and sound absorption are the same thing

Data: Sound absorption is a reduction in the energy of a reflected sound wave when interacting with an obstacle, for example a wall, partition, floor, ceiling. It is carried out by dissipating energy, converting it into heat, and exciting vibrations. Sound absorption is assessed using the dimensionless sound absorption coefficient αw in the frequency range 125-4000 Hz. This coefficient can take a value from 0 to 1 (the closer to 1, the correspondingly higher the sound absorption). With the help of sound-absorbing materials, hearing conditions inside the room are improved.

Sound insulation - reducing the sound level when sound passes through the fence from one room to another. The effectiveness of sound insulation is assessed by the airborne noise insulation index Rw (averaged in the range of the most typical frequencies for housing - from 100 to 3000 Hz), and of interfloor ceilings also by the index of the reduced level of impact noise under the ceiling Lnw. The more Rw and the less Lnw, the higher the sound insulation. Both quantities are measured in dB (decibel).

Advice: To increase sound insulation, it is recommended to use the most massive and thick enclosing structures. Finishing a room with sound-absorbing materials alone is ineffective and does not lead to a significant increase in sound insulation between rooms.

Myth No. 2: The higher the value of the airborne noise insulation index Rw, the higher the sound insulation of the fence

Data: The airborne sound insulation index Rw is an integral characteristic used only for the frequency range 100-3000 Hz and designed to assess noise of domestic origin ( Speaking, radio, TV). The higher the Rw value, the higher the sound insulation exactly this type.
In the process of developing the methodology for calculating the Rw index, the emergence of home theaters and noisy noise in modern residential buildings was not taken into account. engineering equipment(fans, air conditioners, pumps, etc.).
A situation is possible when a light frame partition made of gypsum plasterboard has an Rw index higher than that of a brick wall of the same thickness. In this case, the frame partition isolates the sounds of a voice, a running TV, a ringing phone or an alarm clock much better, but a brick wall will reduce the sound of a home theater subwoofer more effectively.

Advice: Before erecting partitions in a room, analyze the frequency characteristics of existing or potential noise sources. When choosing design options for partitions, we recommend comparing their sound insulation in third-octave frequency bands, rather than Rw indices. To soundproof low-frequency noise sources (home theater, mechanical equipment), it is recommended to use enclosing structures made of dense solid materials.

Myth No. 3: Noisy engineering equipment can be located in any part of the building, because it can always be soundproofed with special materials

Data: Correct location noise engineering equipment is a task of paramount importance when developing an architectural and planning solution for a building and measures to create an acoustically comfortable environment. Soundproofing structures and vibration-proofing materials can have very high cost. Despite this, the use of soundproofing technologies cannot always reduce the acoustic impact of engineering equipment to standard values ​​throughout the entire audio frequency range.

Advice: Noisy engineering equipment must be located away from the protected premises. Many vibration-isolating materials and technologies have limitations in their effectiveness depending on the combination of weight and size characteristics of the equipment and building structures. Many types of engineering equipment have pronounced low-frequency characteristics that are difficult to isolate.

Myth No. 4: Windows with double-glazed windows (3 panes) have higher sound insulation characteristics compared to windows with single-chamber double-glazed windows (2 panes)

Data: Due to the acoustic connection between the glasses and the occurrence of resonance phenomena in thin air gaps (usually they are 8-10 mm), double-glazed windows, as a rule, do not provide significant sound insulation from external noise compared to single-chamber double-glazed windows of the same width and total glass thickness. With the same thickness of double-glazed windows and the total thickness of the glass in them, a single-chamber double-glazed window will always have a higher value of the airborne noise insulation index Rw compared to a double-chamber one.

Advice: To increase the sound insulation of a window, it is recommended to use double-glazed windows of the maximum possible width (at least 36 mm), consisting of two massive glasses, preferably different thicknesses(for example, 6 and 8 mm) and the widest possible distance bar. If a double-chamber double-glazed window is used, then it is recommended to use glass of different thicknesses and air gaps of different widths. The profile system must provide a three-circuit seal of the sash around the perimeter of the window. In real conditions, the quality of the sash affects the sound insulation of the window even more than the formula of the double-glazed window. It must be taken into account that sound insulation is a frequency-dependent characteristic. Sometimes a glass unit with a higher Rw index value may be less efficient compared to a glass unit with a lower Rw index value in some frequency ranges.

Myth No. 5: The use of mineral wool mats in frame partitions is sufficient to ensure high sound insulation between rooms

Data: Mineral wool is not a soundproofing material; it can only be one of the elements of a soundproofing structure. For example, special sound-absorbing boards made of acoustic mineral wool can increase the sound insulation of plasterboard partitions, depending on their design, by 5-8 dB. On the other hand, covering a single-layer frame partition with a second layer of plasterboard can increase its sound insulation by 5-6 dB.
However, it must be remembered that the use of arbitrary insulation materials in soundproofing structures leads to a much smaller effect or does not have any effect on sound insulation at all.

Advice: To increase the sound insulation of enclosing structures, it is strongly recommended to use special slabs made of acoustic mineral wool due to its high sound absorption rates. But acoustic mineral wool must be used in combination with soundproofing methods, such as the construction of massive and/or acoustically decoupled enclosing structures, the use of special soundproofing fasteners, etc.

Myth No. 6: Sound insulation between two rooms can always be increased by erecting a partition with a high sound insulation index value

Data: Sound propagates from one room to another not only through the dividing partition, but also through all adjacent building structures and utilities (partitions, ceiling, floor, windows, doors, air ducts, water supply, heating and sewerage pipelines). This phenomenon is called indirect sound transmission. All building elements require soundproofing measures. For example, if you build a partition with a sound insulation index of Rw = 60 dB, and then install a door without a threshold in it, then the total sound insulation of the fence will practically be determined by the sound insulation of the door and will be no more than Rw = 20-25 dB. The same thing will happen if you connect both isolated rooms with a common one. ventilation duct, laid through a soundproof partition.

Advice: When constructing building structures, it is necessary to ensure a “balance” between their sound insulation properties so that each of the sound propagation channels has approximately the same impact on the total sound insulation. Particular attention should be paid to the ventilation system, windows and doors.

Myth No. 7: Multilayer frame partitions have higher sound insulation characteristics compared to conventional 2-layer ones

Data: Intuitively, it seems that the more alternating layers of plasterboard and mineral wool, the higher the sound insulation of the fence. In fact, the sound insulation of frame partitions depends not only on the mass of the cladding and on the thickness of the air gap between them.

Various designs of frame partitions are shown in Fig. 1 and are arranged in order of increasing sound insulation ability. As an initial design, consider a partition with double gypsum board cladding on both sides.

If we redistribute the layers of drywall in the original partition, making them alternate, we will divide the existing air gap into several thinner segments. Reducing the air gaps leads to an increase in the resonant frequency of the structure, which significantly reduces sound insulation, especially at low frequencies.
With the same number of gypsum board sheets, a partition with one air gap has the greatest sound insulation.

Thus, the use of the correct technical solution when designing soundproof partitions and optimal combination sound-absorbing and general construction materials has a much greater impact on the final soundproofing result than the simple choice of special acoustic materials.

Advice: To increase the sound insulation of frame partitions, it is recommended to use structures on independent frames, double or even triple gypsum board cladding, fill the internal space of the frames with special sound-absorbing material, use elastic gaskets between guide profiles and building structures, and carefully seal the joints.
It is not recommended to use multilayer structures with alternating dense and elastic layers.

Myth No. 8: Polystyrene foam is an effective soundproofing and sound-absorbing material.

Fact A: Polystyrene foam is available in sheets of various thicknesses and bulk densities. Various manufacturers They call their products differently, but the essence does not change - it is expanded polystyrene. This is wonderful heat insulating material, but it has nothing to do with soundproofing airborne noise. The only design in which the use of polystyrene foam can have a positive effect on noise reduction is when it is laid under a screed in a floating floor structure. And even then this applies only to reducing impact noise. At the same time, the effectiveness of a layer of foam plastic 40-50 mm thick under the screed does not exceed the effectiveness of most cushioning soundproofing materials with a thickness of only 3-5 mm. The overwhelming majority of builders recommend gluing sheets of foam plastic to walls or ceilings and then plastering them to increase sound insulation. In fact, such a “soundproofing structure” will not increase, and in most cases even reduce (!!!) the sound insulation of the fence. The fact is that facing a massive wall or ceiling with a layer of plasterboard or plaster using an acoustically rigid material, such as polystyrene foam, leads to deterioration in the sound insulation of such a two-layer structure. This is due to resonant phenomena in the mid-frequency region. For example, if such cladding is mounted on both sides of a heavy wall (Fig. 3), then the reduction in sound insulation can be catastrophic! In this case, a simple oscillatory system is obtained (Fig. 2) “mass m1-spring-mass m2-spring-mass m1”, where: mass m1 - plaster layer, mass m2 - concrete wall, the spring is a layer of foam.




Rice. 2 ÷ 4 Deterioration of airborne noise insulation by the wall when installing additional cladding (plaster) on an elastic layer (foam plastic).

a - without additional cladding (R’w=53 dB);

b - with additional cladding (R’w=42 dB).

Like any oscillatory system, this design has a resonant frequency Fo. Depending on the thickness of the foam and plaster, the resonant frequency of this structure will be in the frequency range 200÷500 Hz, i.e. falls into the middle of the speech range. Near the resonant frequency, a dip in sound insulation will be observed (Fig. 4), which can reach a value of 10-15 dB!

It should be noted that the same disastrous result can be achieved by using materials such as polyethylene foam, polypropylene foam, some types of rigid polyurethanes, sheet cork and soft fiberboard instead of polystyrene in such a construction, and instead of plaster, glued plasterboard boards, plywood sheets, chipboard, OSB .

Fact B: In order for a material to absorb sound energy well, it must be porous or fibrous, i.e. ventilated. Expanded polystyrene is a windproof material with a closed cell structure (with air bubbles inside). A layer of foam plastic mounted on a hard surface of a wall or ceiling has a vanishingly low sound absorption coefficient.

Advice: When installing additional soundproofing linings, it is recommended to use acoustically soft sound-absorbing materials as a damping layer, for example, based on thin basalt fiber. It is important to use special sound-absorbing materials, and not arbitrary insulation.

And finally, probably the most important misconception, the exposure of which follows from all the facts given above:

Myth No. 9: You can soundproof a room from airborne noise by gluing or attaching thin but “effective” soundproofing materials to the surface of the walls and ceiling

Data: The main factor that exposes this myth is the presence of the soundproofing problem itself. If such thin soundproofing materials existed in nature, then the problem of noise protection would be solved at the design stage of buildings and structures and would come down only to the choice of appearance and price of such materials.

It was said above that in order to isolate airborne noise, it is necessary to use sound-insulating structures of the “mass-elasticity-mass” type, in which between the sound-reflecting layers there would be a layer of acoustically “soft” material, sufficiently thick and having high values ​​of the sound absorption coefficient. It is impossible to fulfill all these requirements within the total thickness of the structure of 10-20 mm. The minimum thickness of soundproofing cladding, the effect of which would be obvious and tangible, is at least 50 mm. In practice, claddings with a thickness of 75 mm or more are used. The greater the depth of the frame, the higher the sound insulation.

Sometimes “experts” cite the example of soundproofing technology for car bodies using thin materials. In this case, a completely different noise insulation mechanism works - vibration damping, effective only for thin plates (in the case of a car - metal). The vibration damping material must be viscoelastic, have high internal losses and have a thickness greater than that of the insulated plate. Indeed, in fact, although car sound insulation is only 5-10 mm thick, it is 5-10 times thicker than the metal itself from which the car body is made. If we imagine an inter-apartment wall as an insulated plate, it becomes obvious that it will not be possible to soundproof a massive and thick brick wall using the “automotive” vibration damping method.

Advice: Carrying out soundproofing work in any case requires a certain loss of usable area and height of the room. It is recommended to contact an acoustics specialist at the design stage in order to minimize these losses and choose the cheapest and most effective option soundproofing your room.


There are many more misconceptions in the practice of building acoustics than described above. The examples given will help you avoid some serious mistakes during construction or repair work in your apartment, house, recording studio or home theater. These examples illustrate that you should not unconditionally believe repair articles from glossy magazines or the words of an “experienced” builder - “...And we always do it this way...”, which are not always based on scientific acoustic principles.

A reliable guarantee of the correct implementation of a set of soundproofing measures that ensure maximum acoustic effect can be provided by competently compiled recommendations by an acoustic engineer for soundproofing walls, floors and ceilings.

Andrey Smirnov, 2008


SNiP II-12-77 “Noise Protection” / M.: “Stroyizdat”, 1978.
“Manual for MGSN 2.04-97. Design of sound insulation of enclosing structures of residential and public buildings”/- M.: State Unitary Enterprise “NIAC”, 1998.
“Handbook for protection from noise and vibration of residential and public buildings” / ed. IN AND. Zaborov. - Kyiv: ed. "Budevelnik", 1989.
"Designer's Handbook. Noise protection” / ed. Yudina E.Ya. - M.: “Stroyizdat”, 1974.
“Guide to the calculation and design of sound insulation of building envelopes” / NIISF Gosstroy USSR. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1983.
“Noise reduction in buildings and residential areas” / ed. G.L. Osipova / M.: Stroyizdat, 1987.


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