100 working diagram of a mosquito repeller. Ultrasonic mosquito repeller

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Ultrasonic repeller You can make your own mosquitoes yourself, following the diagram. You need minimal knowledge of physics, a little time and effort.

Operating principle


The mosquito repellent device produces sound waves similar to the vibrations of a dragonfly's flight, bat or repeats the sounds of the male. Females pose a particular danger to humans. They are there to give life to new offspring. After fertilization, females try to avoid meeting males, so they are scared away.

Calculate what kind of ultrasound will be produced homemade device It’s not easy, but according to users, the design of the ultrasonic mosquito repeller is correct and effective.

Circuit example

Physicists can make a device that produces sound of a certain frequency. But using their drawings, it will be possible to make an effective device within an hour.

The electronic circuits of the ultrasonic repeller show the chain along which the components of the device should be connected.

The symbols on the chip mean the following:

  • R1-R5 – resistors direct current with a power of 0.25 W;
  • VD1 – diode to protect the device from short circuit or incorrect connection;
  • BQ1 – emitter producing ultra-frequency sound;
  • VT1-VT2 – bipolar transistors;
  • R6 – variable resistor;
  • C1-C2 – capacitors;
  • S1 – toggle switch for turning on and off.

All components of the drawing are located on printed circuit board, you will need batteries or rechargeable batteries to use it outdoors. Power supply with voltage up to 12 V.

You can adjust the sound frequency using variable resistor R6. A homemade repeller is used indoors or outdoors.

You can use the K555LA3 microcircuit with good frequency characteristics and low consumption electrical energy. There are only 4 parts in the diagram.

The designations are similar. Assembled on a breadboard. The signal is generated by capacitor C1; if it needs to be changed, it is regulated using a variable resistor R6. An ultrasonic repeller can be made in a few hours with minimal knowledge of physics.

On a note!

Flaw homemade devices lies in the minimum range of action, a narrow range of generated frequencies.

If someone is interested in whether it will work or not, you can spend a few hours of your free time making an ultrasonic repeller. But, it is much easier to buy a ready-made device for affordable price with the same, and even more best action.

Every year we buy many products that can protect us from mosquitoes. These are all kinds of creams, ointments, sprays, sockets, spirals, etc. However, all this costs a lot of money. To save a little money, we suggest you make your own mosquito repeller using available materials. Without spending a lot of time.

For the first version of the repeller we will need:
- matches;
- metal plate;
- mosquito repellent;
- round flat candle;
- pliers.

The first option works well at home or outdoors in the complete absence of wind.

We take a metal plate and use pliers to bend it on both sides at an angle of 90°. So that we get some kind of street bench without a back.

Then on one side we fold one edge again. We will get an inclined plane.

After this, we place our curved metal plate on the metal body of a lit candle and place a mosquito repellent plate on top.

For the second version of the repeller we will need:
- a box with a metal lid;
- metal plate;
- ferrite ring:
- mosquito repellent;
- round flat candle;
- pliers;
- matches;
- glue gun:
- bolt and nut.

The second method can be used outdoors even in windy conditions.

We take a metal plate and make a small hole at one end. Then use pliers to bend it. After this, we make another bend on the same side so that our mosquito repellent plate fits on the remaining part of the plate. Once again we bend the ends of the plate so that it fixes it.

Cut out the middle of the metal lid round hole, as well as another small one on the edge.

Now we need to glue the ferrite ring onto the lid, aligning big hole. You can use a narrow piece of any plastic pipe as such a ring.

We glue the metal candle stand inside the body of the box exactly in the middle. We insert the candle, close the lid and check how accurately the candle wick fits into the center of the hole. While the glue is not completely dry, center the candle body.

Then we take our metal plate, insert a bolt into the hole and secure it to the lid with a nut.

After this, light the candle and close the lid. If the candle goes out, make several holes in the lid.

Which evaporate repellent from liquid or special plates. Once in the zone of toxin evaporation, the mosquito will not survive even a few minutes. It's all because of the poison, which penetrates through the spiracles on the insect's abdomen and paralyzes its central nervous system. The mosquito loses the ability to attack a person, fly and breathe.

In open spaces where people and animals suffer from mosquito bites, fight the help of fumigators not effective. For these purposes, developed powerful installations from mosquitoes, which are placed on the site to protect against insects. During operation, the device evaporates carbon dioxide and an odorous substance reminiscent of human odor. Powerful trap attracts and kills mosquitoes.

Review of popular and effective models of mosquito exterminators

The mosquito repellent installation is designed specifically to attract mosquitoes to the site constantly and reduce their number in the environment, preventing the growth of the population. Several thousand mosquitoes are destroyed per day of operation of the device. Among the dead insects big number females that lay up to 150 eggs every 2 days.

And now it’s worth moving on to a review of the most popular and effective mosquito traps for large open areas operating on CNG gas. Mosquito installations are designed to protect an area of ​​40 to 50 acres (4000-5000 m2). To select a model, the consumer should decide in advance and pay attention to the trap’s power source, equipment and complexity/cost of maintenance.

Mosquito Magnet Independence

The system is developed and produced in the USA. It operates autonomously, using a propane gas cylinder, which allows it to be placed in remote areas from a source of electricity.

The total weight of the device (without cylinder) is 17.4 kg. The platform is equipped with wheels for easy rolling of the unit on the ground. The device attracts insects due to a cloud of carbon dioxide, the same as that emitted by humans when breathing. Additionally, an Octenol tablet is installed, which releases environment odorous particles reminiscent of the body odor of humans and animals.

Reacting to the smell and carbon dioxide, the mosquito flies up to the trap and is sucked into the system by a powerful flow. Insects are killed electric shock, which is fed to the mesh membrane. Dead mosquitoes accumulate in the storage tank. Its maximum filling is possible after 3 weeks, so it is recommended to check the contents of the collection for cleansing.

Main characteristics:

  • device weight without gas cylinder - 17.4 kg
  • large coverage area of ​​4500 m2 (up to 45 acres);
  • quick start (pressing one button);
  • independent energy source– a catalytic generator, the charge of which is enough for period from 3 to 5 months work
  • Various operating modes allow the device to operate on one propane cylinder up to 30 days
  • consumption of Octenol tablets - 1 tablet/21 days (3 pieces included) - cost of spare tablets 6300 rubles
  • The cost of the device is from 55,000 rubles

In addition to installation, a storage case is offered. Replacement cartridges and bait tablets.

SkeeterVac SV-3501

Mosquito repellent installation, which is most often chosen for a summer residence. The device looks uncluttered and is smaller in size compared to the previous version. It works on the same principle, releasing a cloud of carbon dioxide into the environment. However, unlike the previous device, here insects are attracted by carbon dioxide and stick to a special adhesive tape.

Main characteristics:

  • device weight -17 kg;
  • does not require a network connection
  • coverage area - 40-45 acres.
  • Overall dimensions of the package - 50x50x65 cm, in assembled form: 105 by 40 by 40 cm.
  • Consumption of adhesive tape - 1 tape is enough for 10-14 days (depending on the insect population)
  • octenol consumption - one cartridge for 30-50 days (cost of a spare cartridge - 1800 rubles / adhesive tape - 900 rubles)
  • Propane consumption: about 1 liter per day
  • The cost of the device is 38,900 rubles

Reviews about mosquito installations are so different that it is difficult to decide to purchase this device. Some consumers claim that the device is completely useless and has no effect on the number of insects in the area, while other reviews confirm the benefits of these devices.

The fact is that although the device is ready for use immediately after purchase, it is necessary to adjust its operation so that enough carbon dioxide is released to attract mosquitoes. Important point- pick up optimal location to set a trap for efficient work. And, of course, you shouldn’t expect instant results. It will take some time to evaluate the performance of the device. When purchasing a mosquito trap, ask the seller about the possibility service and setting up the device.


“On the eve of summer, we were concerned about purchasing a mosquito trap. The choice was long. They took into account not only specifications devices, I was more interested in the price and reliability of the unit. We settled on the model "SkeeterVac SV-3501" I liked its design and the after-sales service offered. The result was noticed after 2 weeks. There are significantly fewer mosquitoes, which is good news. We hope that soon we will be able to forget about them altogether.”

Marina, Moscow region

Video - Mosquito Magnet vs SceeterVac - which is more effective?

The previous two exterminator devices, Mosquito Magnet and SceeterVac, operate on a propane-butane mixture and are completely autonomous; the traps below use CO2 (carbon dioxide) and require constant power from a 220 V network. Electricity for their operation is generated through the operation of a catalytic gas generator.

The country of production of previous models is the USA, those listed below are Russia.

Mosquito.net KRN-5000 Turbo PRO

Russian development of a trap that takes into account all factors for effective fight with flying bloodsuckers. The model was equipped with a powerful motor capable of sucking not only small mosquitoes, but also large flies and horseflies into the structure.

We optimized the operation of the mosquito trap due to several operating modes that allow you to change the retracting force depending on the weather conditions and time of day and save consumables.

The Komaram.net KRN-5000 Turbo PRO model is made of a monolithic rack. This made it possible to increase the strength of the structure and reduce the weight of the unit for greater mobility. The manufacturer took care of the consumer by improving the high-voltage grid for killing mosquitoes. Now there is no need to clean the device; all mosquitoes that get inside the device die either from an electrical discharge or from dehydration.

Order now for RUB 39,900

Main characteristics:

  • The device operates from a 220V 50Hz network.
  • impact area 50 acres (5000 m2);
  • The consumption of the Nonanal bait is 50 days with round-the-clock operation or a whole season when the trap is operated in night mode.
  • Gas consumption - 40 l cylinder - 120 days / 10 l cylinder - 33 days
  • The mass of the trap without a cylinder is 24 kilograms.
  • Operating temperature range - +10...+50 °C.
  • The intelligent system allows you to automatically change modes when mosquitoes increase/decrease on the site;
  • "floating" temperature regime, which simulates being on the territory of a person or animal;
  • Life time— at least 3 years / manufacturer’s warranty 12 months
  • Cost - from 45,000 rubles

At correct operation The Komaram.net KRN-5000 Turbo PRO trap gets rid of bloodsuckers 2 weeks after installation and operation. The model is equipped with a carbon dioxide cylinder, which is not dangerous when used. The backlight sensor helps reduce its consumption at night.

A carbon dioxide cylinder must be purchased separately. At the consumer's choice, the device can be equipped with a 10 or 40 liter cylinder. To connect, use an adapter (included). The large capacity is enough to operate the trap continuously for 4 months. There are no problems with filling a gas cylinder; many companies provide a similar service. A bottle of Nonanal bait is enough for 50 days of round-the-clock use, in the economical mode of operation of the trap for the whole season. No special skills are required to change the bottle.

The device is powered by the network. The manufacturer guarantees trouble-free use of the unit for 12 months.

ElectroFrog Security

The device is from a Russian manufacturer. The trap attracts bloodsuckers by releasing heated carbon dioxide and odorous substances of the attractant Octenol. The device operates when connected to the mains.

  • System equipped with a timer. You can independently set the time to turn the device on and off (depending on the activity of insects)
  • There is a pressure sensor for monitoring carbon dioxide in the cylinder.
  • Built-in protection against voltage surges in the network

The weight of the trap without a cylinder is 14 kg, the curb weight is 25 kg.

Main characteristics:

  • Coverage area 50 acres (5000 m2)
  • power supply - 220V network / power consumption - 150W
  • weight with stand (without cylinder) - 18 kg
  • low noise level (65 dBA);
  • Bait - Food or technical purified carbon dioxide
  • Gas consumption - 10-15 days on one 10 liter cylinder (can be equipped with 10 or 40 liter cylinders)
  • Exterminated insects: mosquitoes, midges, gadflies (all blood-sucking)
  • there is no need to clean the electrical membrane;
  • Cost - 40,000 rubles

When choosing an ElectroFrog Security trap, the consumer should take into account that a carbon dioxide cylinder is purchased for a separate fee and is not included in the kit.

And the last device in our review is

Mosquito trap ANS-A6

The device is designed to protect an area of ​​20 acres. The trap uses carbon dioxide and the attractant Octenol as bait. To operate the device, power supply from a 220V network is required. Made in China / homeland of the brand - USA

Order now for RUB 21,990

Main characteristics:

  • light weight (5.5 kg);
  • informative LCD display;
  • 2 operating modes - automatic: setting on/off time. Manual adjustment of carbon dioxide flow.
  • Main working element: Food carbon dioxide (CO2) / additional use of attractant is possible
  • Gas consumption - 10l cylinder - 7-15 days of operation
  • Installation Recommendation: 5-10 meters from the protection zone.
  • The cost of the device is 22,000 rubles

The active phase of mosquito life begins in mid-spring. The first insects wake up in ventilation and sewer rooms apartment buildings and begin to literally terrorize the residents. Moreover, it is not so much the painless bite that is annoying, but the unpleasant sound that the mosquito makes as it moves, which is unpleasant to the ear. Therefore, many repellents for these insects have been invented.

The bite of even the most seemingly harmless mosquito can cause unpleasant consequences. Mosquito bite– this is not only an obsessive and difficult to stop itching. During intensive scratching of the affected area, there is a possibility that it will be carried into the wound. various kinds infections. And sometimes, these insects are carriers of a terrible disease - malaria.

It is extremely necessary to combat mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects. The mosquito saliva that he injects into human skin may contain not only dangerous infections, a female insect is capable of laying eggs in human skin. Therefore, the use of reliable protective equipment in the fight against mosquitoes will be the key to your health and comfortable existence.

These insects primarily choose the thin skin of children and the too sweaty skin of adults as their victims. Mosquitoes are especially active when the ambient temperature is 16 degrees Celsius, but they are powerless at 28 degrees Celsius. In a room with dry air, mosquitoes lose moisture and, accordingly, their activity.

Nowadays, people have learned to deal with squeaky pests; this is also evidenced by the presence of a variety of mosquito protection products on store shelves. According to their type, such funds can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Fumigants. Liquid, gaseous or solid chemicals, which destroy insects by penetrating their respiratory tract. Such products are strong insecticides for insects and are practically non-toxic to people and animals. Some species can partially cause stomach upset in humans and nervous system disorders.

Fumigants include compounds such as sulfur dioxide and sulfur oxide, naphthalene, ethylene oxide, and preparations containing hydrocyanic acid. In stores, fumigants are sold in the form of smoking spirals and insecticide-impregnated plates. Such plates are set on fire and the room is treated with smoke. Smoke with a pungent odor is not to the liking of insects, as it has a detrimental effect on them. Experts recommend using fumigants indoors.

  1. Repellents are deterrents that are available in the form of creams, wipes, lotions and gels.

Based on the type of effect, repellents are classified into the following groups:

  • capable of changing smell human skin and thus confuse the orientation of insects;
  • repels mosquitoes and prevents them from landing on the skin.

These means can be used to protect both an entire group of people and one person. Outside, the surrounding bushes are being processed. If it is a tent, then the entrance holes are processed.

There is also special protective clothing for people who often or constantly have to stay in the mosquito zone. Such underwear is made of very dense material, which is extremely difficult for a mosquito to bite through.

Certain types of repellents are intended for application to hair, clothing, hands and face, avoiding the area around the eyes and getting into the mouth. It should be remembered that repellents cause a burning sensation on freshly shaved skin. It is worth noting that mosquito repellent creams protect more effectively than fumigants that smoke plates. Irrigation skin produced by aerosols that contain repellents. Such products are ineffective in the fight against fleas, flies, bedbugs, ants and moths. Repellents are recommended for use on hikes, picnics and walks.

  1. Folk remedies. It is not necessary to use chemicals to fight mosquitoes; you can use traditional methods. There is a set of certain plants whose smell cannot be tolerated by mosquitoes and other insects:
  • tomato seedlings. Mosquitoes are repelled by this smell;
  • cloves, anise, eucalyptus;
  • cedar oil, valerian, and tobacco smoke also repel insects from the house;
  • if you spray a small amount of carbolic acid in the apartment, then long time you can forget about the presence of intrusive mosquitoes in your apartment.

  1. Ultrasonic repellers. An effective remedy in the fight against ubiquitous insects.

Mosquitoes are repelled thanks to the low-frequency sound (up to 7 KHz) that the device produces. This sound imitates the buzzing of male mosquitoes and scares away the females, who directly drink the blood. The frequency of the device can be adjusted individually. The electronic mosquito repeller has a short range of action, and therefore it is better to use it in individual cases, for example, by attaching an ultrasonic keychain to clothing. With such a device you can walk outside in the evening, relax in summer gazebo and not be afraid that your leisure time may be ruined blood-sucking insects. When choosing an ultrasonic mosquito repeller on the market, you should pay attention to its range of action and purpose.

Insect repeller or exterminator

All existing mosquito control devices differ in design, size and range. Some are aimed at repelling insects high frequencies, and others - to destroy them electrical discharge or by dehydration.

The main differences between the two types of mosquito repellers are noted below.

  1. Indoor use:
  • a closed space does not provide mosquitoes with escape routes, therefore the repeller must be turned on at all times;
  • The exterminator destroys mosquitoes, after which it can be turned off.
  1. Outdoor use:
  • repeller. Insects will quickly leave the room;
  • fighter. At open windows mosquitoes will constantly fly into the room.
  1. Effect on insects:
  • repeller. Acts on both mosquitoes and beetles and spiders;
  • fighter. It has a detrimental effect only on flies, mosquitoes and other flying creatures.
  1. Operating radius:
  • repeller – up to 100 sq.m;
  • fighter - up to 1000 sq.m.
  1. Effects on mice and rats:
  • mice and rats are irritated by the ultrasound of the repeller;
  • the fighter has no effect.
  1. Effect on pets:
  • pets are frightened by ultrasound;
  • the fighter has virtually no effect.
  1. Impact on humans:
  • the repeller has an irritating effect on a person with a hearing aid;
  • the fighter has virtually no effect.
  1. Waterproof:
  • The repeller does not have this property;
  • Some fighter models have water protection.
  1. Periodic inspection:
  • the repeller does not need inspection;
  • After some time, the exterminator must be cleaned of insects.
  1. Need for repair:
  • Sometimes the electronics of the repeller break down. In this regard, it is necessary to purchase a new device;
  • The fighter lamp periodically burns out. It can be easily replaced.
  1. Outdoor work:
  • outdoor mosquito repeller does not lose its protective properties on open air;
  • The fighter works more effectively indoors than outdoors.

Choosing an ultrasonic mosquito repeller

Before purchasing an ultrasonic repeller, it is important to determine the task that the device should perform. Either it will be protection against insects in an apartment or a specific room, or you are going to use the device during street walks.

Each device performs different functions aimed at achieving specific goals: repelling mosquitoes, flies or dogs. Therefore, when choosing a product in a store, carefully study the instructions and the main purposes of electronic repellers.

The instructions must also clearly state whether the device is suitable for indoor use, or whether its operation is aimed at protecting against mosquitoes in outdoor conditions.

There are also universal repellers for use in industrial conditions. The range of such devices extends to several kilometers. The cost of these devices is much higher than household repellers.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing and provide yourself with the maximum comfortable conditions If you live in a room without insects, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with its purposes and operating principles before purchasing an ultrasonic mosquito repeller.

DIY mosquito repeller

If you do not trust industrial ultrasonic devices for repelling insects, and also consider chemical fumigants to be harmful to health, you can easily make a mosquito repeller with your own hands, especially since today this is no longer an outlandish invention, and the diagram of any device can be easily found on the Internet .

Below is a universal mosquito repeller diagram that you can use when creating your own device.

Together with the toggle switch and the protective diode, the diagram shows 13 elements:

  • resistor ( R1-R5);
  • variable (R6);
  • piezo emitter (BQ1);
  • transistor (VT1-VT2);
  • capacitor (C1-C2);
  • diode (VD1);
  • toggle switch (S1).

The frequency of the ultrasonic repeller is regulated using resistor R6. As a power source, you can use batteries or other storage device with a voltage of up to 12 Volts.

The assembled ultrasonic mosquito repeller looks like this in the photo.

Approximate acquisition costs necessary materials to create an ultrasonic repeller is about 420 rubles. Batteries are not included in the price. On the market you can buy such a device for 1000 rubles.

This homemade repeller can be an irritant not only for insects, but also for dogs and rodents.

Advantages of ultrasonic mosquito repeller

Electronic mosquito repellers, which operate by distributing high-frequency sound, are becoming increasingly popular today. Compared to traditional repellents and fumigants, ultrasonic devices have a number of advantages, such as:

  1. Small and mobile dimensions of the devices.
  2. The ultrasonic repeller is completely harmless to human health, as it does not contain chemical substances and poisons.
  3. The device is highly effective and guarantees 100% mosquito repellence.
  4. The human ear practically does not perceive faint sound device.
  5. The device is also available in the form of a regular compact keychain that you can carry with you everywhere.
  6. It does not kill mosquitoes, but only repels and muffles them.
  7. The device works efficiently in any conditions: both outdoors and indoors.


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