March 8th in the preparatory group. Scenario of the holiday in the preparatory group “March 8 is a special holiday”

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Bonjour madame, bonjour monsieur

Glad to see you in all your glory

And on this bright spring day

To all women, my respects

Boys - princes - enter to the music

King: My respects gentlemen

It was not in vain that I called you here

I announce to the whole hall -

There will be a royal ball here

Dance: “Kings of the night Verona”

King: I want them to come here

All the Cinderellas from all over the world

1st prince: Will all Cinderellas come here?

2nd prince: Oh, Lord! What a miracle?

3rd Prince: Is it our role to entertain them?

All together: Vivat! Long live the king!

(the boys stand in a semicircle, the Cinderella girls enter the hall to the soundtrack of I. Reznik’s “Cinderella”, walk through and stand in pairs with the princes and start a circle)

Dance: "Waltz"

King: Oh my respects to all the young ladies

Oh, this is the best ball in the world

And you all know that he

Today is dedicated to the ladies.

1st prince: Today is a holiday of beauty

2nd prince: Today is a holiday - Women's Day

3rd prince: Let boredom and laziness go away

4th prince: May your every day be clear

5th prince: Be healthy and beautiful

6th Prince: We are happy to congratulate all mothers

And we give this song to you

Song: “Bouquet for Mom”

King: Please sit down, gentlemen,

Attention audience here!

I declare without praise

Today is an unusual ball

Here are our Cinderellas, all of them

We came here in all our glory.

1st Prince: And this is the task for us

Miss Cinderella title!

One of all we need

The crown will be her reward (showing crown)

2 Prince: Oh! Our task is not easy

How to choose the one that is the most beautiful

And she would be kind and brave

A dancer and skilled at work

3 Prince: Look nice and neat

Girls want it - that’s understandable

We are starting the first competition

We invite you to show yourself

(to the music, the girls walk in a circle and show themselves how beautiful they are)

1 Cinderella: I got up so early today, I was so worried in the morning

She sewed me a new dress, my beloved mother

2 Cinderella: And we are at the hairdresser with grandma

We stayed all evening yesterday

So as not to spoil my curls

I couldn't sleep all night

3 Cinderella: And my mother and I learned the words

So that I can read them without hesitation

4 Cinderella: And we repeated all the movements with her,

So that I can dance them beautifully in the hall

5 Cinderella: Like Alla Pugacheva’s daughter

I will soon become a singer

Raw eggs ready to drink

Even though I really don't like them

6 Cinderella: And we have cool hairpins

They didn’t search in vain!

Female beauty items

You should see everything on me

7 Cinderella: How fashionable and good we are

We dance for you with all our hearts

Take a look at our dresses

Outfit from Slava Zaitsev

8 Cinderella: Hairstyles are also top class

They were made to order

9 Cinderella: We knock our heels to the beat

And we want you to like it

For dresses, shoes and makeup

We thank our mothers

King: Well, now it’s time to start our ball

Cinderellas can't stand still

It's high time they started dancing

Stepmother enters

Stepmother: Spinning in a dance?

Well, are you a king?

Is this the role of Cinderella?

Cinderellas together: Mother we...

Stepmother: Oh, you mind me

Do you want to run away to a ball in the palace?

And who will do the work for you?

Here's what you should do now:

Sweep the floor and wash the dishes

Cooking borscht and compote is tastier

Take apart the bag of peas and beans

And of course, yarn

And don't forget to hang up your handkerchiefs,

So that you have time to dry before night!

Cinderella: Mother! We're not too lazy to work

But it takes all day

An hour is not enough for us.....

Stepmother: Come on! Don't argue! Otherwise, don’t dream about the ball at all.

(leaves, and Cinderella is sad)

King: Wait, don't be sad

Let's prepare a surprise for her

We have many Cinderellas

We will do everything in an hour

Who cooks, who does the laundry

Someone is washing, sweeping

Well cooks, start

Don't waste your time!

Presenter: And now our Cinderellas will tell us how they help their mothers at home

1 Cinderella: I am to my beloved mother

I will give gifts:

I'll embroider her a scarf.

What a living flower!

I'll clean the apartment clean -

And there will be no dust anywhere.

I'll bake a delicious pie

With apple jam...

Only mom for the pie -

Congratulations here!

Here is my mommy,

I congratulate you:

Happy holiday

Happy spring,

With the first flowers

And with a good daughter.

Knock - knock - knocking on our doors.

He only comes to that house,

Where they help mom.

We'll sweep the floor for mom,

We'll set the table ourselves.

Let's help her cook dinner,

We will sing and dance with her.

We paint her portrait

We'll draw you as a gift

3 Cinderella: Mom has been doing laundry all morning today,

Little daughter helps her mother do the laundry:

They hang cleverly

Linen on a line -

Nine shirts

Eight pants

Two Cheburashkas,

Three teddy bears,

Four scarves,

Shoes for the doll,

Stockings -

For mother and daughter.

Let them dry quickly!

Dance: “Let’s help mothers”

King: How skillfully you work, and now this is the case

We need to hang the handkerchiefs out to dry overnight.

Therefore, to help you, I will call your mothers

Moms will hold the ropes for you, Cinderellas will show dexterity

And let's see whose daughters will hang out their handkerchiefs first

Game: “Who will hang out the laundry sooner?”

King: Thank you, we were surprised, we deserve applause!

Presenter: And our prince boys also help their mothers at home, and now they’ll tell you how they do it

1 boy: I'm doing housework today

Helped mom:

Washed dishes, vacuumed

And I bathed the cat.

There was a lot of dust in the house -

Dried, cleaned, washed!

And while I was vacuuming,

The baseboard was fixed

Oh! Mom will see this

He will say: “That’s it son!

Oh, what a hard worker!

The best of men!

Boy 2: We decided to help mom -

Let's cook dinner ourselves!

To wash dishes less

I'll cook everything together -

Taking a large frying pan,

We cooked herring there

And potatoes with milk,

And cod, and then...

Then the cats are in the yard

We ate fish and mashed potatoes...

Boy 3: Mom goes to work,

And my grandmother and I together

All household chores

We take it from her.

I'm my mother's best,

Best boy I'm with mum.

I'm an adult, I can -

I'll help my mother.

You, grandma, cook the soup.

Do not say anything,

I can wash the floors

I need to pour some water.

I won't forget anything!

To wash the dishes?

But the plates are the problem

They ran away - in all directions!

Only one fought with me...

Then it also split.

There are so many things to do in our house,

I barely managed to do everything.

I am the best son.

I helped my mother a lot.

King: Our Cinderellas only have to work a little

Take the brooms and sweep the floor cleaner

Game: “Who can sweep the most garbage into the hoop?”

Prince: How they tried the king

Even we got excited

And as a reward for this

We give you applause

King: I’m looking at you and wondering

Everyone can do it, everyone knows it

And cook and wash

Sweeping the floor with a broom

And when I don't understand

You have learned everything

(the girls go to the center of the hall and read one by one)

1 Cinderella: And we should say thank you to our grandmothers

2 Cinderella: We always take our grandmothers as an example in everything

3 Cinderella: They work all day, driving laziness out of the house

4 Cinderella: Grandmothers we love you, this song is for you

Song "About Grandma"

1 Prince: Spring sings with a ringing drop

Awakening nature from sleep

And the girls give you a dance

which is called spring

2 Prince: For our beloved grandmothers

The kindest and most beautiful

Let's dance from the heart

What are our girls like?

Those wreaths are good

Dance: “The name of spring”

King: Yes, our Cinderellas can dance!

However, it's time to get down to business

Game: “Who is most likely to sort out peas and beans with mothers”

Educator: And now Cinderella for you, the boys will sing now


1 Dear girls, congratulations on Women's Day

And now we’ll sing ditties for you very loudly

2 In our group the girls are smart and beautiful

And let us boys admit, we really like it

3 You are always beautiful, ponytails, braids

We sometimes pull for them, only out of habit

4 Today we promise to pay you compliments

When you grow up a little, we will give you flowers

5 Let's dress up for the holiday and show a master class

We can sing and dance non-stop for an hour

6 We won’t let our girls be harmed today

We won’t even allow anyone else close to them

7 We sang ditties for you, but we still want to say

We will boldly protect you always, everywhere and anywhere.

Prince: The next competition calls us forward,

Which of the Cinderellas will sing better?

You dance, don't stand

And sing ditties to us


1 We’ll sing ditties for you to congratulate you on Women’s Day

Our dear mothers, hello to you hot helmet

- Okay, okay, and of course grandmothers -2 times

2 Dad and I brought gifts for everyone from the cruise

Mom has a new TV, and dad has an Audi

- Ladushki, okay and toffee for grandma -2 times

3 Our group once held elections

We elect mothers to parliament, dads are assigned to the Duma

- Okay, okay, grandma for president -2 times

4 My mother whole year lives on TV series

I told her stubbornly

- Ladushki, okay and the second grandmother -2 times

5 Mom washes here and there, scrubs the taps until they shine

Mice and cockroaches run away from her

- Okay, okay, grandma doesn’t like them -2 times

6 Oh my legs, what should I do with you

For the good ones, for the guests, dance yourself

- Okay, okay, clap for us grandmothers -2 times

Game: “Who can quickly put a scarf on a ball and draw a child’s face on it?”

Presenter: And now I’ll tell you a wish puzzles, and you tell me the answer:

1) Which hero has a long nose?

2)Which heroine flies in her foot with a broom?

3) Name three heroes whose noses are pointy

4) Which hero really loves jam?

5) Name the girl with blue hair

6) Which hero has three heads?

7) Name the heroine who visited Wonderland

8) Which hero loves neither chocolate nor marmalade, but only loves small children?

King: And now friends everyone should dance

The time has come

Stretch your legs and arms

We dance "Boogie-Woogie"

Dance: "Polka"

King: Our ball continues

And mothers are invited to the beauty contest

Presenter: And Cinderellas should decorate our mothers

1 Cinderella: I, girls, will tell you a secret

There is no more fashionista than mom, mom has dresses

You can’t even count them, there are even gold earrings

2 Cinderella: And my mother has lipstick!

3 Cinderella: And my hair is like that!

4 Cinderella: Very beautiful mother my

She paints my nails sometimes too

5 Cinderella: Stiletto heels on mom's feet

I even looked a little like them

6 Cinderella: We need to dress up like mothers,

To turn into moms for a minute

Presenter: And now we invite our mothers to a disco ball

King: Well, our ball was wonderful

Here everyone sang and danced

It's time to choose

Who should be called Miss Cinderella?

1 Prince: We discussed and decided that all our Cinderellas receive a score of 25 points

2 Prince: Let's greet our Cinderellas

3 Prince: All participants were awarded titles

4 Prince: MISS SMILE

5 Prince: MISS CHARM




9 Prince: MISS CHARM

1st Prince: We are happy to congratulate you

You are all very good

And a gift for every Cinderella

Ready to give from the heart

2 Prince: You are the first breath of joy

You are the best, no doubt

Please accept our congratulations

Success, happiness and victories!


1 girl: I smile like my mother

I frown just as stubbornly

I have the same nose

And the same hair color!

I'm shorter, but still

Both eyes and nose are similar

Mom and I walk in step - they say

Only mom looks straight

I am left and right

And I'm still looking back

Boy: I don’t want to argue with you

Believe me so much

My mom is the best

Best in the world

Mom fries pies

Mom glues masks

And tells me

Every evening fairy tales

Girl: Let's build a robot like this for mom

So that he does the work everywhere efficiently

And washed, and ironed, fried and boiled

And I swept and washed the kitchen floors

So that he can mend his torn pants

So that he reads at night

Books for us sister

And when she comes home from work, mom will be surprised

No work, you can go to bed!

Girl: Who do we learn from?

The blueberries have a smoky

On a bush

At the starling flying

With a worm

By the meadows, combed


At the ears of corn ripening

On the fields,

The rain has arrived

In the clouds,

At the jester giving

People laugh

And by the gentle sun

For all,

The big nods

We need elephants

And daddy's song,

What without words -

Everything is open

Around us

But first - at my mother's

Good hands.

And I thought for a long, long time

What should I give her?

Dad and I got together

In the kitchen in the evening

And quietly conferred

Secretly from mommy

Let's give mom some weights - she won't be able to lift them.

And she has no time to play with a soccer ball

Donating a computer is not enough money for us

Give her a spinning rod - I love fish myself

Suddenly dad perked up and gave practical advice

Better than a car

There is no gift in the world

Stop walking for her

Carry bags full

Of course, we can’t save money for a Mercedes

We decided to give “Zaporozhets” to my mother

Although he is old, he roars like a beast

Wherever mom needs it, she’ll bring it right away

Girl: Mom is a faithful friend

It's already getting dark outside the window,

And the evening yawned as we walked.

I'm in a hurry from kindergarten,

I'm going to my beloved mother!

Mommy will smile

And brighter all around.

Because mommy -

Most best friend!

It was a happy and sad day,

So much happens during the day

And mommy really, really needs me

Tell me everything quickly.

My mother understands everything

With her, even trouble is not a problem.

And if it happens that he scolds me,

So this is always the case.

It's completely dark outside the window,

But we don't turn on the fire

Mom sat quietly next to me

And he only listens to me!

1 child. Today is our happy holiday, we congratulate our mothers

Health, happiness and good luck, we sincerely wish you

2nd child. Warmed by the spring sun

Happy streams are running

Greetings from young spring

They convey to all of us

3 child. Comes to visit us in the spring

Our holiday is the brightest

We congratulate our mothers

We send warm greetings to them!

4 child. Among the first days of spring

All over the earth for all people

Spring and woman are alike

Children take turns

MOTHER is the first word in the world!

MOTHER is the main word!

MOTHER is the sun and the sky!

MAMA is the taste of fragrant bread!

MOTHER is the rustle of a leaf!

MOTHER is a son or daughter!

MOTHER - this is your dear song to sing!

MOTHER – both beloved and dear!

Song "MOM"

Children enter the hall in pairs under“Spring is red” (TRACK 1) dance and stand in pairs facing the guests

Leading Good afternoon, our dear guests! We are glad to see you again in our festive hall

1 child Happy wonderful spring holiday

We congratulate everyone today.

And the main news for everyone

We inform you first

2 child Spring has come to us in Russia,

The weather is wonderfully clear!

And the flowers bloom

Well, just amazingly beautiful.

3 child Starlings chirp songs

Drops are ringing in the morning.

It's cheerful, bright,

Wonderful mother's day!

Children sing the song "Spring is coming (drip-drip-drip))(Track 3)

1. Winter old woman hides in snowdrifts and in the forest
I don’t want to let Spring-Red into our region again
She will let in the cold with a burning breeze,
And we will sing her our spring song

Chorus. Drip-drip-drip! The icicles are jingling merrily!
Drip-drip-drip! Spring is coming!
Drip-drip-drip! Celebrate the Holiday with songs!
Drip-drip-drip-drip-drip! Mom's Day is coming!

2. Small birds began to sing outside the window of the house
Spring is coming! Spring is coming! We sing her praises!
The days are getting longer, the darkness and night are getting shorter!
Grandfather and dad are getting ready to help mom and me!


3 . The Sun will shine on the Earth stronger and brighter for us!
Rather, melt the snow and ice with your warmth!
So that spring streams ring here and there!
And they sang with us a song for grandmothers and mothers!


After the song, the children sit on chairs

4 children :

Mom is loved by everyone in the world,

Mom is your first friend!

Not only children love their mothers,

Loved by everyone around.

5 reb. :

If anything happens

If suddenly there is trouble,

Mommy will come to the rescue

It will always help.

6 children :

On the day of your holiday

We wish you long and joyful years,

Take it from your bullies and pranksters

Big and hot...

Hi everybody!

7 children :

May our mothers today

It will be fun and light.

We want mothers to know:

We love them dearly!

Leading Look, mothers, how your children smile at you, and you will smile back at them. After all, a kind smile adorns a person most of all.

GAME "Fairytale Mom"

Now let's remember fairy tales in which mothers are mentioned. And there are many such tales. Do the guys remember them? Do their mothers and grandmothers remember them?

1. In which fairy tale did the mother send her daughter to her grandmother with a basket of pies? (Little Red Riding Hood)
2. Which mother sang a song to her children at the door so that she would be allowed into the house? (A goat to seven kids)
3. In what fairy tale did mother say in a rough voice: “Who ate from my cup?” (Three Bears)
4. In what fairy tale did mom and dad, leaving home, tell their daughter to look after her younger brother? (Swan geese)
5. In what fairy tale did the princess give birth to a hero to the Tsar-Father? (the tale of Tsar Saltan, Pushkin)
6. In what fairy tale did the mother send her daughter to the store to buy some bagels? (Seven-flowered flower)
7. In what fairy tale was the mother looking for a nanny for her child to sing him a lullaby? (The Tale of a Stupid Mouse, Marshak)

Sounds like "Gypsy"(TRACK4)

The gypsy woman brings out the "bear".


Make way, honest people,

Little bear is coming with me!

He knows a lot of fun,

There will be a joke, there will be laughter!(The bear bows to the audience.)


Show me, Mikhailo Potapych, how our girls get ready for kindergarten?

(The bear paints his lips, twirls, preens.)

What are the boys like in our group?

(The bear fights and growls.)

How did Vanya oversleep and be late for the garden?

(The bear is “sleeping”, jumps up, runs.)

How does our teacher get around the group?

(The bear walks importantly across the stage.)

How does Dunyasha dance?

(The bear puts out his leg.)

Yes, not the same Dunyasha that was before, but the present one!

(The bear turns its back.)

- Well done! Now take a bow and walk to the music!

(The bear bows and leaves, dancing.)

Competition for mothers "who can push the stroller the fastest"

(Track 5)

2 k Teams of 4 mothers, pushing a stroller with a child, whoever is faster.(Receive medals)

While the music is playing, Mary Poppins suddenly appears in the hall with an open umbrella, as if she’s flying onto the stage..(TRACK 6)

Mary Poppins . Hello! I am Mary Poppins - Lady Perfection of education and beautiful manners. I love order and discipline everywhere. What is all the noise you have here, who are you applauding so loudly?

Presenter . We're having a spring ball

Mary Poppins. Well! I think I'll stay a little while in your garden and help the girls become real ladies of perfection and good manners. I'll give you some lessons. Lesson one - etiquette.

Answer me, girls and boys, what will you do if a friend invites you to his birthday party? (The texts of some of the children’s answers are taken from G. Oster’s book “Bad Advice.”)

The first boy.

If a friend's birthday

I invited you to my place,

You leave the gift at home -

It will come in handy yourself.

Second boy.

Try to sit next to the cake,

Don't engage in conversations.

You're talking

Eat half as much candy.

Mary Poppins . Horrible! Are all guys really going to behave like this at a friend's birthday party?

Girls' answers

Mary Poppins . Another question: what polite words do you know?

Third boy.

If you came to see your friends,

Don't say hello to anyone

The words "please", "thank you"

Do not tell anybody,

Turn away and ask questions

Don't answer anyone's questions

And then no one will say

About you, that you are a talker.

Mary Poppins.

I'm about to faint!

Children, listen and remember

And choose your own polite words.

Mary Poppins.

You will act politely and nicely,

If you wake up and say...

The children say “thank you” in rhyme, and Mary Poppins corrects them.

Children. Good morning!

Mary Poppins.

It's not too lazy to talk during the day

When meeting people...

Children. Good afternoon

Mary Poppins.

And if I meet a friend in the evening,

I'll tell him...

Children . Good evening!

Mary Poppins.

The night has come, I really want to sleep,

I wish...

Children. Good night.

Mary Poppins . Now I’m happy with you, my little ones, and I can move on to the second lesson - I’ll teach you to be artists. Now I will wave my wand, and we will find ourselves in a school of songs and dances. One two Three...) (TRACK 7)

The first girl.

Artist's profession

So romantic -

Fans, concerts,

Travel abroad.

Second girl.

Artist's profession

This is not so simple

After all, you need to be talented,

Beautiful - I know it!

Third girl.

I'm glad to work hard

Ready to study

So that with song and stage

I will never be separated in my life.

Dance-song “Once palm, two palms”(TRACK8)

/at the end the children sit down/

1. I go on stage
I don’t look into the hall out of fear
It's easy for you to watch from the audience
I'm shaking on stage

The pen goes the wrong way
The leg goes in the wrong direction
Our aunt is a choreographer
He says it's no problem.

Chorus. One palm, two palms
I'm not a star yet
If you like me, at least a little
You clap then!

One palm, two palms
I'm not a star yet
If you like me, at least a little
You clap then!

2. The notes jump in the wrong direction
Sometimes I don't remember words
Our aunt is a vocalist
He says it's no problem

If everything in me sings
There will be a song if there is a mouth
But what about the fact that I'm a baby
This will pass with age!

Chorus 2 times.

Mary Poppins. Well, Dear guests, Did you like our pop concert? For some reason I didn’t hear shouts of “bravo”... Now let’s play a game"Tulip, snowdrop, mimosa."

Mary Poppins shows cards with pictures of flowers, each of which corresponds to a specific action.

Tulip - shouts of “Bravo!”

Snowdrop - clapping.

Mimosa - silence.

Everyone is doing the task.

Mary Poppins. Well! I see my lessons were not in vain. I wish you good luck and victories. It seems that the wind is fair, and it’s time for me to go to another kindergarten. Goodbye!

Children. Mary Poppins, goodbye!

Mary Poppins opens her umbrella and flies away. to the music(track9)

Child Today all the songs are for mom,

All dancing, smiling and laughing.

You are dearer and more wonderful than everyone else,

Dear, golden man.

Child We are your kind smiles

We'll put it together in a huge bouquet.

For you, our dears,

We'll sing a song today.

“My only mother” Muz. And words by Z. Root(Track 10)

Lyrics of the song "My Only Mother"

1. Who cares about us?
Mom, of course!
Who's patting us on the head?
Gently gently?
Who walks with us?
Go for a walk on the weekend?
Well, of course, mom,
Mommy again.

Who heals us?
What if you suddenly get sick?
This is our mother -
The closest friend!
Who cooks delicious food
Holiday dinner?
This is our mother
There is no better one!

My only mother
My brightest light
My only mother
You are my Flower,
You are my Flower,
You are my Flower.

2 Who teaches us to learn?
Dear mother!
Who has good tales
Knows a lot
Who will love us?
What if we get sad?
We return all the love
We'll give it to mom

Who teaches us to love?
Mom, of course!
Who loves us very much
Gently gently?
Who has a smile
Very light?
Our mother -
The most wonderful!

Chorus (2 times)

Children sit on chairs

GAME "COLLECT A FLOWER" (girls team and boys team)

Track 11

6 child To congratulate mommy

And also for mom

Sing and dance a song

7 child So let's have fun

Sing songs, play, dance.

Just don't be lazy

Bringing joy to the heart.

8 child We make this dance fun

We composed it ourselves.

And now we’ll give it away

To our dear mothers.

Dance (track 12)

After the dance, the children sit on chairs

Shapoklyak music sounds(TRACK #13)

Shapoklyak Oh, how many beautiful mothers there are,

And elegant and happy!

Answer, honest people:

Is there a beauty contest going on?

I really, really need it

Win the title of "Miss Kindergarten".

Why is the Kindergarten so beautifully decorated?

Leading Mom's holiday for the guys!

Shapoklyak A celebration of women in this hall?

You didn't invite me?

I'm a lady too!

You are downright ignorant!

I'm offended by you

I'll let the rat out now. /scares children with “rat”/

Leading Shapoklyak, why are you so harmful?

Shapoklyak Everyone congratulates today

Their mothers and grandmothers.

Well, am I worse than them?

Leading Aren't you going to spoil our holiday?

And will you forget about the harmfulness?

Don't be offended by us,

Stay in our hall.

Let's continue the celebration

Play different games

Shapoklyak Well, come out quickly, beautiful mothers and their naughty children. Let's see how you cope with my task.

/ Shapoklyak theme sounds. She throws candy wrappers everywhere and knocks over toys./ (TRACK #13)

Leading Shapoklyak, how can this be? You said that you wouldn’t be mischievous or play dirty tricks, but you knocked over all the toys and scattered candy wrappers all over the room.

Shapoklyak And I did this on purpose. You said it yourself, stay and play different games. So let's play. Listen to my command: 1-2-3 - put away all the toys!


/mothers are arranging toys, children are collecting candy wrappers/

Shapoklyak What nice guys!

It’s immediately obvious that the assistants are growing.

Great help for mothers

How quickly the trash is removed.

And now I tell you guys

I want to make riddles:

You need to listen to them carefully

And then answer in unison.

1 riddle Who goes to bed later than everyone else?

And gets up earlier than everyone else?

Spends the day in worries

And very tired? /Mother/

2 riddle Mom's ears sparkle

And they don't melt at all

Crumbs of ice turn silver

In mom's ears / Earrings /

3 riddle These balls on a string

Would you like to try it on?

For all your tastes

In a small box / Beads /

4 riddle Its edge is called fields,

The top is decorated all over with flowers.

The headdress is a mystery

Our mother has it / Hat/

Shapoklyak There are clues on the table.

Isn't it time to play?

Which one of you guys wants

Decorate your mother?


Several pairs of people are invited to play (children with mothers)

Leading Look, the guys tried very hard to dress up their mothers as brightly and variedly as possible. After all, every child considers his mother the most beautiful. Let's applaud them./Mom fashion show/ (TRACK No. 16)

Shapoklyak You guys are great!

Moms were pleased - they dressed up for the holiday!

Are all the mothers smiling?

So your efforts were not in vain.

How I like fun.

I like to drink tea with cake,

To talk about this and that.

Leading And we have a surprise for you! Every mother or grandmother always bakes a cake for the holiday. Now let us, together with our mothers, in front of everyone, prepare a birthday cake, and not just one.


Mothers and children are invited to the tables where PLATES and marmalade are prepared, tangerines, bananas

Attraction “Decorate the festive TABLE”

Shapoklyak And I have a surprise.

A prize for culinary moms!

(small souvenirs - MEDALS)

Leading Look what your mothers have skillful hands, rich fantasy and imagination. In just a few minutes they performed a miracle.

Shapoklyak: Do we have any grandmothers in the hall? As beautiful as me?

1 child Who loves us, adores us?

Who buys toys?

Books, tapes, rattles?

Well, of course, our GRANDMOTHERS!

2 child Happy holiday,

Spring holiday

All the grandmothers in the world


3 child They are not old ladies at all,

They love us very much, our grandchildren.

They buy us toys

And they take us for a walk in the garden.


Dear granny,
How I love you!
You and I are together
More than family!
Mom and dad too
I love you, but still
It's sad that
They have no time for me.

You are my best friend!
Well, put your ball aside!
Tell me, my dear,
How young you were...

Together with grandma
We're making dough
For everyone's dinner
Bake some pies.
And then with grandma
Let's wash the pots.
Even her and I
No time to lie down.


It was a great day's work!
Well, we're tired!
We're going to rest
To get up early.
I'll sing a song
I'll kiss you on the cheek,
Let grandma dream
A wonderful dream again.

Children sit on chairs

Shapoklyak. And now a competition for grandmothers and grandchildren.

Cinderella (TRACK 19)

As you know, all girls should be good housewives and help mothers in the kitchen.

The players’ task is to, blindfolded, determine by touch what kind of cereal is poured into the saucers: buckwheat, rice, semolina, millet, oatmeal, etc.

Shapoklyak goes to the music(Track20)

Leading Our dear guests.

We are finishing our holiday.

Happiness, joy, health

We wish you with all our hearts!

May the sun shine brightly for you,

Let the gardens bloom for you,

Let children not know grief

And they grow up happy.

Leading And now, so that our bright holiday will be remembered,

We give you all gifts!

Children give gifts/(TRACK 21)

The children have prepared cards for you with their own hands. And with these gifts the guys want to tell you, dear mothers and grandmothers, that they love you very much

Children with flowers enter the hall to the music

1) “Dance with Flowers”

(They give flowers to mothers.)

Leading : Dear women: grandmothers and mothers!Congratulations on the holiday - gentle, kind, glorious.All our guests are smiling, which means the holiday has begun!Today is not a simple holiday, such a bright, affectionate one -He flies all over the planet, their children congratulate mothers!

1 child

What suddenly happened today? What suddenly happened today?

Look how many guests there are in the hall today!

With every spring ray, with the ringing song of a nightingale

The holiday of grandmothers and mothers comes to us in every home.

2 child

I have prepared a surprise for my beloved mother.

I will wash all the dishes, even the brand new set!

I’ll clean up the house, wipe off the dust, water the flowers.

Mom will happily tell me: “Well done, what you are!”

3 child

I'm making a red cat out of plasticine for my mother.

And then the mother will exclaim: “Oh, what a beauty!”

The sun is playing, the rays are sparkling.

Congratulations to mom on the spring holiday!

4 child

The sun shines joyfully with wondrous, wonderful beauty.On Women's Day - March 8, flowers bloom.We want to congratulate all mothers on International Women's Day!
We are glad to entertain you with a song from our cheerful children's choir.

2) “Song about Mom”

Leading: Our mothers are the most beautiful and kind, the most affectionate and caring. And now we invite our mothers to play a little - to compete.

Competition with hoops (for mothers)

(Music starts)

Leading: It seems that guests are rushing to our holiday

(girl dolls included)

5 child

We are little dolls and can dance.

Shake your head, blink your arms and eyes

We were lying in a box and no one knew us,

He didn’t put on our dresses, he didn’t curl our curls

But this morning we came to kindergarten,

There are so many toys here, so many kids here!

Leading: Our dolls are princesses, our dolls are lovely.
The crystal sound of heels in the dance is heard knock-knock!

3) Dance " Living doll»

6 child

Now let's talk about mom

You can give your mother a “hero of labor” medal without shame

There are so many things she has to do, she doesn’t even have time to sit down.

He cooks, does laundry, and reads bedtime stories.

7 child

And when we grow up, we’ll go to serve in the army,

We will serve in the army, love mothers and grandmothers.

We will grow up strong and brave,

We will protect our mothers and grandmothers!

8 child

Admire our mothers,how we matured:They pulled themselves up, grew up,the muscles are pumped up.We may be a little short,but brave as soldiers.beloved homelandwe will protectSunshine, happiness on earthwe will protect

4) Song “We will serve in the Army”

5) Dance with flags.

Leading : And now we will see how our children help their mothers.



Leading: The task of each team is to remove the garbage - cubes - as quickly as possible. We don’t touch the cubes with our hands, we sweep them with a broom and put them in a bucket with a dustpan. The team that removes the trash the fastest wins. Reade set Go.

Leading: Well done! What helpers mothers have growing up! Grandmothers also help mothers. Let's see how well they can tie bows.

    Game "Tie a bow".

Leading: For the next game we need grandmothers. Your task is to tie the bows as quickly as possible. Get ready, march to the start.

(Ribbons are tied on the rope. Grandmothers on both sides begin to tie bows. The one who reaches the middle first wins).

Ved: Who caresses you the most, who loves you, adores you? Buys you toys, books, ribbons, rattles? Who bakes pancakes?

Children: These are our grandmothers!

9 Child

My granny has the kindest look

EIf everyone is asleep, her eyes do not sleep.She sews and knits, bakes pies,

He will tell me a story, he will sing me a song.He will take snowdrops from me as a gift,

He will smile silently and hug me close!

10 child

My granny is simply beautiful.

We live happily with her, we want to sing songs.

Let's play different games or take a walk in the park

We can drink Coca-Cola with her, because we live with her for fun

Grandma is still so young

Can run and dance and even play with a ball

I love my grandma and will give her a gift.

11 child

We wish our beloved grandmother good health, beauty.

May adversity fly by, may everyone’s dreams come true.For you dear grandmothers, only for you

We'll sing a funny song now.

6) Song “Grandma”

Contest "Bouquet for Grandma"
The girls are divided into two teams. And at a distance from each team there are tables on which there are flowers cut out of paper and glue. At the leader’s command, the children take turns running to the table, smearing the flower with glue, running up to the board, gluing the flower onto whatman paper on which vases and stems are drawn, and returning to the team. Then other participants also run. The first team to finish assembling a bouquet for grandma wins.

12 child

Long live girls with and without pigtails!May the sun smile on them from the blue skies!Long live the skinny ones, long live the fat ones,Those who have earrings and freckles on their nose.We congratulate you all and ask you not to be angry:Not everyone gets to be born a boy!

13 child Dear girls, you are like princesses!

Beautiful, tender, like a snowdrop!You are smiling, like the clear sun,

Never met more beautiful girls anywhere!And what eyes, what eyelashes!

It’s impossible not to fall in love with you, dears!We sincerely congratulate you

And we dedicate the dance to you.

7) Boys dance

14 child

Today is a special day, today is Mothers' Day.

Spring streams ring and sing along with us.

Agile rooks scream, scattered among the branches.

The sun is shining brighter in honor of our good mothers.

15 child

And it’s spring outside and the cat is purring.And the little midge woke up from sleep.And red freckles appeared on my nose.And the toy ships floated down the stream.The sunny little bunny began to play around.And a real clumsy bear woke up.

8) Dance “Crazy Spring”

Presenter - We would like in spring days

Take all troubles away from you,Give a cup of sunny mood to lovely women.So that under the dome of a clear sky, where the frost makes spring angry,Your children grew up beautiful, without sadness and without resentment.So that your eyes are filled with joy, new freshness for many years,And may your life shine brighter than a rainbow for the whole world.

Presenter1 : Spring has come again!

she brought a holiday,

joyful, light and gentle,

all our dear women.

Presenter 2 : May we all smile today,

Our children are for us tried,

accept ours,

Children's performance

Children come out to the music “Composition with mimosas”

Presenter:- Eighth March is a solemn day !
Day of joy and beauty!

He gives women his smiles and flowers to the earth!

- Dear girls,
mothers, grandmothers, women! Congratulations on the coming of spring and the first spring
holiday – 8 Martha!

Presenter2-And today we gathered in this elegant
hall to congratulate you dear women! And all today's congratulations
only for you!

Andrey Pershin:How beautiful mothers are

In that
sunny day!

they are proud of us:

here I am, your son!

Here I am, your daughter,

as I grew up,

And also
just recently

I was little.

Nikita: Here I am, dear grandmother,

on me!

Do you love
you me, I know


Miroslava: We are for you relatives, loved ones

we'll sing the best

We wish
happy days,

Happy Women's Day! (together)

Song "We are daughters and sons"

Ulyana:I love my mommy

I'll help mom.

bread shop bullet

I'll run today.

I'll wash the dishes

I will set the table for the guests,

With a rag
I'll wipe the dust everywhere

To celebrate
came to us!

I'll put the flowers in a vase

I'll write a postcard

offenses all at once

I'll tell mom.

I'll kiss mommy

I'll hug mommy

such a kind one

I won't give it to anyone!

"2 mommies"

the girl comes out to the music with a stroller, goes to the table and washes things in a basin.

Dasha.: I need to be on time everywhere,
do laundry, wash dishes.

Needs ironing, needs sewing, needs Masha
lay down

He doesn't want to sleep for anything!

It's hard to be a mother in the world if she doesn't
to help. (rocks daughter)

2 girls with a stroller come out to the music and come up to the table and stroke them.

Antoshka needs to be bathed,

Swaddle in a warm blanket

Tell a bedtime story,

And rock in the crib

All day long I'm spinning like a spinning top,

Wait Antoshka I need to call

by phone:

Hello, friend, how are you?

Diana: Oh, I can’t, I’m tired.

Oh, I'm tired myself, that's it
Rocked Mashenka

And let's go for a walk in the yard, we won't have time
There's no point in losing, let my daughter wait.

I'll hide Antoshka in
closet, let it wait for me. (they took the strollers)


Oh, how difficult it is for mom
be, why so much trouble?

Wash and change and sew.

Cook compote in the morning.

Teach, educate,

check lessons.

After all, you can simply
playing in the yard with my friends.

Dasha: Oh, how difficult it is to be a mother

How difficult it is to get everything done,

Let's help mothers and always help them
take care!

Game with moms

Look, our mothers
they sit and argue about something!

"Mom's Cares"

Ulyana in the evening with
walks came and asked the doll

Ulyana: How is your daughter doing?

Have you crawled under the fidget's table again?
Did you sit all day without lunch again? These daughters are just a disaster, soon you will
You’ll be like a matchstick, Sit down and have lunch, turntable!

Presenter:Ulyana's mother came home from work and Ulyana

Kate:How is your daughter doing? I started playing again
probably in the garden. Have you completely forgotten about food again? These daughters are just a disaster,
soon you will be like a matchstick. Sit down
dinner pinwheel.

Presenter: Grandma is here, my mother’s mother has come
and asked my mother

Nastya:How is your daughter doing? Probably in the hospital for
the whole day, again there was not a minute to eat. You can't sit all day
Without lunch, I’ve already become a doctor and I’m still restless. These daughters are just a disaster, soon
you will be like a matchstick. Let's go have lunch, turntable!

Presenter: Three mothers are sitting in the dining room, three mothers are on
they look at their daughters. What to do with stubborn daughters? Oh, how difficult it is to be a mother!!!

Artyom:There are many mothers in this world, Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother, she is dearer to me than anyone else. Who is she? I will answer: This is my mom!

And our guys invite their mothers to dance.

Dance of children with mothers “Mom’s Heart”

Presenter 1- We continue our concert, have a laugh
we offer!

Who wants to laugh?
all year round, he lives for a very long time.

Presenter 2)-Artists will perform now, artists -

Coming out
five boys

Andrey:The holiday is coming, March 8th, well
give it to the girls?

Vania: Maybe we can give them some candy?

Andrey P.: C'mon, I'm giving sweets to Katya!

Seryozha: No, they don’t need caries! We'll eat the candy ourselves!

Nikita:The best gift of all candies is
good pistol.

Andrey: Understand, the girl is not a boy! How should she play with a gun? IN
Should she shoot some bears?

Vania:Let's pick them some flowers.

Andrey P.: So where will we find them in March?

Seryozha: What should we do then? There's a problem with girls!

Andrey: I know what we should do! Let's decide that in this women's
It's a holiday, no one teases them all day long! Pleasant moments in the morning, from us to them
compliments to everyone!

Andrey:What did you say? Well, repeat it!

Vania: Wow! How cunning you are! What's next?

Andrey.:Girl games!

Seryozha.: Should we play with dolls with them?

Nikita: Well, yes, you will have to suffer! Well, we are men, you
Do you agree?

Who's in favor? All:
raise their hands. Well! Unanimously!

Game: “Give a bouquet”

Dima: My grandmother is with me -

And that means I’m the boss in the house,

I can open cabinets,

Water the flowers with kefir,

Play pillow football

And clean the floor with a towel.

Can I eat cake with my hands?

Slam the door on purpose!

But this won’t work with mom.

I've already checked.

Vania:Grandma and I

After all, she's just like me -

Goes to the circus for performances

Loves fairy tales and jam,

Every year, with the beginning of March, a joyful and exciting holiday mood is in the air. And spring begins as if only from the 8th day, from the day of Femininity and Beauty.

Preparing for the holiday in kindergarten starts back in February. The March 8 scenario is developed in advance: this is a choice musical accompaniment, and rehearsals with children. Scenario of the matinee in preparatory group differs significantly from the scenario in the middle group. On March 8, it is better to spend time with younger children more games, learn dances, in senior group- poems and ditties.

And if you are looking for ideas for celebrating the holiday, then we bring to your attention a detailed scenario for March 8 in kindergarten.

Three grandmothers and mothers, as well as their daughters, are invited. Each trio is given yarn. One by one, the grandmother begins to wind it into a ball, and at a signal, she passes the skein on to the mother, and then to the daughter. Those who collect the ball first win.

Spring: Baba Yaga, did you like the helpers?

Baba Yaga:(respectfully) Good! And I had an idea-desire! Can I ring the bell?

They pass the bell to Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga:
I wish to hear many congratulations,
But everyone wanted to laugh without embarrassment!
Ring a wonderful little bell,
Make my wish come true!


Children in Russian folk costumes come out and tell ditties. There may be a musical passage between ditties.

1 Our grandmothers and mothers
Happy Women's Day!
Without embarrassment, without hesitation
We'll sing ditties for you!

2. An important holiday is coming,
Mother's day is dear.
Today, I won’t do that
Bring home frogs!

3. Once my brother and I became obedient,
They cleaned the house and washed the dishes.
Some house immediately became complacent,
We washed away all the sadness from the house with foam!

4. You, grandma, don’t get sick,
Don't go to the pharmacy
Better stop by more often
To the club for a disco.

5. And grandma is a champion!
After all, her “Napoleon”
Attacks all the guests.
The most delicious of all kings!

6. My sister and I decided to give grandma a gift,
Knit her a scarf from threads of all colors!
But the cat didn’t agree to help,
We had to sew a scarf from scraps!

7. We wish our beloved mother
Receive in gifts
A kilogram of sweets, and also cakes,
So that everyone can be treated!

8. We sang ditties for you
The best ones.
And they will also perform a dance
The boys are handsome!

Boys come out and dance, for example, the dance of gentlemen or knights.

Baba Yaga: Oh, guys, kittens,
I’ve been staying too long with you, it’s time to know the honor!
But before saying goodbye, I will reward you for your kindness and friendliness!

Hands out treats to children.

Spring: Goodbye, Grandmother Yaga, come visit again!

Baba Yaga waves to everyone and leaves.

1st child: Spring is red, open the gates!

Winter is leaving, the bird is starting a song!

2nd child: And we congratulate our grandmothers and mothers

And we wish them to live in goodness!

3rd child: For the dearest and most beloved

We made the gifts ourselves!

Children take out a basket with handicraft flowers and give it to their parents. The holiday ends.

Props for the holiday

  1. Costumes of Spring and Baba Yaga;
  2. Beautiful bell;
  3. Large hoop, 3 kg of oranges, tablespoons, 2 baskets;
  4. Yarn;
  5. Candy for treats;
  6. Handmade gifts for parents.


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