And for me when the world ends. Ends of the world that never happened

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After the general madness regarding the fatal 2012, which pessimists around the world pinned big hopes, people are becoming less and less interested in when the world will end. However, this topic has a long history, and many of its aspects have a strong scientific basis.

What is the end of the world?

The term “end of the world” usually refers to a catastrophic event that:

  • Will strike humanity on a global scale;
  • It will destroy the foundations of civilization and set back the development of people many millennia ago;
  • Will cause mass extinction of the species Homo Sapiens (sharply or over a period of time).

Apocalyptic scenarios can come from completely different sources:

  1. Almost every self-respecting religion has its own opinion regarding the end of times and the rebirth of the sinful human race. The transition of the world to a qualitatively different state cannot but be accompanied by cataclysms and catastrophes;
  2. The clergy is echoed by specialists in esoteric and occult knowledge. The idea of ​​otherworldly forces unleashed and destroying everything in their path has become a popular plot in popular culture;
  3. UFO researchers often provide “irrefutable evidence” of the imminent death of intelligent life on Earth from encounters with much more intelligent aliens;
  4. Respected scientists also admit the hypothetical possibility of the destruction of all things.

Global catastrophic risks

The threat to world civilization today is lower than during the confrontation between the two superpowers in cold war, but still persists.

According to the Oxford Future of Humanity Institute, the list most likely causes of extinction as follows:

  1. Artificial intelligence. The technological singularity scenario implies that in the future Homo Sapiens will be replaced by self-learning computers or robots. Stephen Hawking, Vernor Vinge, Nick Bostrom and others were inclined to this point of view;
  2. Biotechnology. Careless human intervention in the laws of nature can lead to the emergence of new microorganisms (viruses, bacteria or plants) that pose a pathogenic threat or disrupt the natural ecosystem (for example, weeds);
  3. Global warming. The risk of global climate change has worried scientific minds since the 19th century. It has been suggested that the temperature on Earth could become the same as on Venus;
  4. Ecological disasters. The term covers a wide range of disasters: deforestation, lack of drinking water, overpopulation, desertification, extinction of the honey bee, etc.;
  5. Nanotechnology. Back in 1986, American engineer Eric Dexler suggested the appearance of the so-called “gray goo” - a molecular self-replicating robot that absorbs the entire biosphere.

What does the church say about the end of the world?

Eschatological constructs are present in every religious denomination, but they differ in the degree of pessimism of the scenario for people:

  • Baha'is They believe that everything has neither beginning nor end. However, from time to time the Creator sends prophets bearing progressive revelations;
  • Central event Christian teaching about the end of the world is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Until the Messiah appears, pain and suffering will reign on earth. Virtuous people after this significant event will go to heaven, and sinners will suffer in hell;
  • The idea of ​​Doomsday is also close Islam. The approach of this event will be indicated by the following signs of the times: the power of the unworthy, universal lies and the construction of majestic buildings;
  • Chronological views Hindus bear the imprint of cyclicality. Each cycle, or kalpa, lasts from 4 to 8 billion years and goes through the stages of birth, development and decline. The coming transformation awaits the Universe when Kalki (the current avatar of the deity Vishnu) is reincarnated into Shiva;
  • For Jews the end of times means the unification of the diaspora scattered around the world and the coming of the Messiah.

Probable date of the apocalypse

Neither the clergy, nor sectarians, nor ufologists can agree on the exact chronological framework for the onset of the apocalypse:

  • 2020 American psychic John Dixon tied the Second Coming to this date. This is not his first prediction: he previously spoke about the coming of Judgment Day in 1962;
  • 2021 Pastor Kenton Beshore predicts the coming of Christ between 2018 and 2028, 70-80 years after the founding of Israel in 1948;
  • 2060 According to the writings of Isaac Newton, it is then that Jesus will be reunited with the church and Jerusalem will return to Israel;
  • 2239 According to the Talmud, the Messiah will come 6,000 years after the birth of the first of people, Adam. In 2239-3229 the world will face a period of catastrophes.

More realistic forecasts are being made by scientists who threaten general destruction within the following periods:

  • In 500,000 years, our planet could collide with a colossal asteroid 1 km in diameter;
  • In 1 million years, a huge volcano will probably erupt;
  • In 500 million years, carbon dioxide levels will drop sharply, making the planet uninhabitable;
  • In 600 million years, a supernova gamma-ray burst will burn out the entire ozone layer.

The phenomenon of global disasters in Russia

The fear of a universal end visited from time to time the inhabitants of the vast expanses of our country:

  • The first mass panic on religious grounds dates back to 1037. It was at this time that Rus' was expecting the onset of Judgment Day and the coming of Christ;
  • For the second time, the inhabitants of the East European Plain fell into eschatological ecstasy almost five hundred years later - in 1492. In anticipation of a catastrophe, many villages did not even sow fields;
  • Another hysteria in 1524 in Muscovy and Europe occurred in anticipation of catastrophic floods and an eclipse. In this situation, the Pskov elder Philotheus developed the concept of “Moscow - the third Rome”. The capital of the kingdom, in his opinion, acted as a stronghold of divine will on the eve of the apocalypse;
  • The year 1666 became much more significant, due to the symbolism of the combination of numbers for the Christian consciousness. Patriarch Nikon initiates church reform, which led to the most significant schism in the entire history of Orthodoxy;
  • The above list is not exhaustive. Almost every significant social or natural disaster provoked apocalyptic thinking. They raved about Doomsday during all the peasant uprisings (from Stepan Razin to Emelyan Pugachev) and destructive wars (the adventures of Peter the Great, the invasion of the French army of the “twelve tongues”).

Mikhail Zadornov joked in one of his monologues that in Russia they won’t even notice when the world ends. And indeed: power outages, lawlessness and inaccessibility of the basic benefits of civilization have become commonplace in a number of regions of the country. Perhaps this is why the idea of ​​the apocalypse is not nearly as popular here as in the prosperous West.

Throughout its conscious existence, humanity has been awaiting its destruction with a shudder. Some versions of the end of the world are quite logical and are associated with real threats to the Earth in the form of global cataclysms or the results of human activity destructive to the planet. Others, on the contrary, are far from common sense and only cause a smile.

What is the end of the world?

In a broad sense, the end of the world means the interruption of the existence of humanity, the planet, or the entire Universe. Some versions of what the end of the world is means the disappearance of life on the planet.

What is the end of the world from a scientific point of view?

The closest to reality are scientific versions of the unenviable future of the Earth. According to scientists' forecasts, the death of all living things may be associated with global wars: nuclear, biological or chemical. They can destroy humanity various diseases and epidemics, famine and the emergence of new strains of common diseases that are insensitive to drugs and antibiotics.

Scientific versions of the end of the world include a possible uprising of machines or experiments related to nanotechnology going out of control.

The natural version of the impending global catastrophe seems quite real. All life on Earth could die as a result of global warming, the onset of an ice age, or the complete destruction of the ozone layer, which would make the atmosphere unbreathable. Tsunamis and terrible hurricanes can destroy humanity as a result of changing magnetic poles, and such possible situations, like an explosion of the earth’s core or the fall of an asteroid, can completely destroy the planet entirely. By the way, not soon, but most likely, the Sun will reach too large a size and humanity simply will not be able to exist at such a temperature.

There are versions that predict supernova explosions, asteroid falls, magnetic storms, acid rain and temperature changes that are destructive to all living things.

If religious versions of the end give humanity a chance to move to another state and characterize it as something borderline between two worlds, then scientists argue that humanity will be able to answer the question of what the end of the world is only on the verge of its own destruction.

The end of the world from a religious point of view

Mentions of the coming apocalypse are found not only among the statements of scientists, but also in numerous religious texts.

For example, Buddhists believe in the cyclical nature of life. According to their teaching, when a cycle ends, all worlds begin to collapse one by one, and then, after a certain period of time, everything begins anew. Therefore, such completion can be considered conditional.

The end of the world according to the Bible is described in the revelation of John the Theologian and is associated with the coming of the Antichrist to Earth. According to the Christian religion, all living things will be destroyed. Some Protestants, in turn, talk about the death of the planet itself.

Representatives of various sects are breaking records for predicted ends. Expecting imminent death, they arrange mass suicides and bury themselves in the ground. One of the most notorious cases was the self-immolation of members of the “White Brotherhood”, organized in 1993 by Maria Tsvigun, who declared herself a descendant of Christ. Another famous sect was the Japanese Aum Shinrikyo. Its representatives expected the end in 1999. In 2012, sectarians in different parts of the world simply went crazy due to the incorrect interpretation of the Mayan calendars.

The least terrible end of the world is predicted by Kabbalah. According to the teaching, when the plan and purpose of its creation is revealed to humanity, the lower will merge with the higher, and everything will become one with the Creator.

The true date of the next end of the world is unknown to anyone for certain. Every few years new versions appear, which so far turn out to be false.

Ends of the world that never happened

According to the versions of various would-be scientists and false prophets, over the past 30 years, humanity should have died at least ten times. Some versions were quite logical, but a few were simply mind-boggling.

On this date, the American preacher Harold Camping appointed the second coming of Christ with all the bonuses in the form of the Last Judgment and the destruction of all living things. However, when nothing like this happened, the “prophet” moved the date to 05/21/2011.

According to US clairvoyant Sheldon Needle, right before Christmas, a strange team of angels and aliens will descend to Earth to incinerate humanity.

For this year, stern Chelyabinsk forecasters planned a collision with a comet, which was supposed to destroy all living things. The predictions turned out to be false, and the Earth survived.

The smart guys from the Molebkin Triangle, led by Pavel Mukhortov, distinguished themselves with special imagination. They claimed that in the constellation Canis Major There is a planet called Tron, and the Earth is just an experiment of its inhabitants. Its inhabitants are dangerous to humanity. Due to the fact that, according to the Tronians, the experiment turned out so-so, it was decided to curtail it, destroying the Earth.

Humanity survived in spite of Nostradamus at the turn of two millennia, and after June 6, 2006, and contrary to the predictions of the bloodthirsty Mayans. And even the launch of the Large Hadron Collider in 2008 could not destroy the planet. There was no contact with the planet Nibiru in 2011, which all the inhabitants of the Earth had been waiting for.

By the way, after Harold Camping’s prediction about the end of the world in 2011 did not come true again, he was not at a loss, but explained that humanity still died. Not just physically, but spiritually.

The coming ends of the world

The closest of all the predicted apocalypses is planned for the year 2017. The end of the world on August 19 was predicted by Saint Matrona. She argued that at sunset people will fall, and in the morning they will rise and the world will be transformed. This did not happen. However, it is too early to relax: more than one day of judgment is planned for the near future. However, most likely this prediction is false, and the end of the world will not happen in 2017.

Taking biblical texts as a basis, Isaac Newton promises the end of all life in 2020. In 2023, according to the prediction of Michel Nostradamus, the Earth will leave orbit. However, his previous predictions did not come true. Therefore, most likely, humanity will survive this year too.

In 2036, an asteroid should fly past the Earth, but it is unlikely to collide with the planet.

Based on the Revelations of John the Theologian, Elias Otis predicted a catastrophe on a cosmic scale in 2098.

The icons of the late 18th century encrypted information according to which the end is planned for 2780.

Scientists from Oxford predict a meteor shower that will destroy not only the Earth, but the entire solar system.

It is believed that the fresco " last supper", written by Leonardo da Vinci, contains a code according to which the end of the world will occur on November 1, 4006.

The end of the world in popular culture

The relevance of the theme of the end of the world became the reason for the emergence of the post-apocalyptic genre. In numerous films and literary works hypothetical disasters are described, close to real or completely unimaginable. The end of the world in cinema and literature is caused by various reasons: nuclear wars, natural disasters and alien invasions. The opinions of writers and screenwriters about what the end of the world is are at odds with the predictions of scientists. As a rule, after a catastrophe the world does not perish, but continues to exist in post-apocalyptic conditions.

Books about the end of the world

This list included:

  • Stephen King's The Stand;
  • Kobo Abe "The Fourth Ice Age";
  • Cormac McCarthy "The Road";
  • Sergey Lukyanenko “Atomic Dream”;
  • Jose Saramago "Blindness";
  • H.G. Wells "War of the Worlds";
  • Rick Yancey "The 5th Wave";
  • Stephen King "The Fog";
  • Zotov “Apocalypse Welcome”;
  • Alan Weisman, "A Land Without People."

Movies about the end of the world

You can look at this topic:

  • "2012";
  • "Armageddon";
  • "War of the Worlds";
  • “The day the Earth caught fire”;
  • "Interstellar";
  • "Geostorm";
  • "Road";
  • "The Omen";
  • "The Book of Eli";
  • "Melancholy".

Despite the huge number of predictions, the Earth still exists, and humanity continues to live. It is impossible to say for sure whether aliens will arrive to destroy all life, and whether the Sun will explode. People can only stop the endless barbaric actions that are destructive to the planet, so as not to end their existence with their own hands.

The end of the world is approaching. Will the world end? Perhaps in our time there is no person who would not be affected by this topic in one way or another. Facilities mass media This event is so thoroughly exaggerated that there is simply no chance of passing it by. Almost all of humanity is divided into two camps:

  • some believe and calculate with horror the exact date this end;
  • others don’t believe it and laugh.

Meanwhile, both of them are wrong. Why? Because the end of this world (this interpretation is considered correct) is really coming. Humanity is inevitably approaching global catastrophe. But neither the ancient tribes, nor the prophets, nor the astrologers know when the end of the world will happen, and they cannot know the exact day and hour. The Bible says that even the angels of heaven do not know this, but only God.

Here we come to the third category of people, who, unfortunately, are in the minority. They are sure that the end of the world will definitely come. They know that life on the planet is coming to an end. They know about terrible disasters and other sad events that will accompany the end of the existence of our civilization. But these people not only are not in fear, but are cheerful and active. Who are they, and what dictates such calmness, which seems simply inadequate amid all this hype?

These people are Christians. Not by nationality, but by vocation, by way of life. They not only know about God, they know Him, and therefore His Word, the Bible. They don't stare at the TV screen when the end of the world is mentioned, don't wonder about means of survival during a disaster, and don't look forward to the end every year. They simply have no reason to do this! After all, God already said everything about this, several thousand years ago.

The Bible describes in detail not only what exactly the end of this world will be, but also the events that will precede it. Therefore, you don’t need to be a scientist or a predictor, it’s enough to know the Bible to understand that everything is coming to its end, and very quickly. But the main thing is that Scripture gives clear instructions on what needs to be done to avoid eternal destruction. This is the case when knowledge truly saves lives. So what does it take to be saved? The first step is the simplest, but the most important - to make peace with God. Confess. And then get to know the Lord by studying His Word. It is worth remembering that only the righteous will inherit heaven.

Don’t be fooled, no “rescue” capsules or bunkers will help. It's not even funny. The only way of salvation is God. Considering the fact that it is impossible to name the exact date of the disaster, it is worth seriously thinking about your last day. After all, it can come at any moment, long before the end of the world. So isn’t it better, instead of dubious media information, to turn to the primary source of all truth - Scripture? And ask yourself an honest and direct question: “If the end comes for me tomorrow, where will I end up? In heaven or...?”

Maybe it's time to finally grow up and become wise? After all, the clock of history really points to Lately. And who else but God, who created the earth and everything living on it, knows the best remedy for salvation. Think about who you should trust with your safety and life? People or the Creator? False prophets or the Lord, whose word is unchangeable and true? Choosing in favor of God is not only peace of mind now, but also eternal life in the future. And every Christian knows that the so-called end of the world is not the end at all, but the beginning. The beginning of a new life with the Lord in eternity.

Remember 2012? Do you remember how all ten years before this very year the world almost every month predicted the “end of the world” for 2012? But then the chimes struck, several disaster films came out and... nothing happened. The world hasn't ended. Do you think failed astrologers have drawn conclusions? No matter how it is.

Yet knowing how much humanity has left is important for planning social life. Therefore, here are ten dates that will tell you when the Earth will end its existence. Or not.

Great Tribulation

According to the Bible, the Great Tribulation will be the worst period in human history, followed by the end of the world. Christian apocalypse theorists believe that the fall of 2017 will mark the beginning of this seven-year period of excruciating suffering.

It took a lot of people, complex Bible verses, and calculations to arrive at this date, but basically the theory revolves around important dates concerning Jerusalem. In 1217, a rabbi named Judah Ben Samuel made a series of predictions regarding Jerusalem and the end of the world. First, he declared that the Turks would control the area for eight jubilees. (A Jubilee is a 50-year period that ends with people being forgiven, debts forgiven, and God's mercy). According to the rabbi, 1217 marked the beginning of the Jubilee cycle, as did 1517, when the Turks invaded Jerusalem, 300 years after his prediction. In 1917, eight anniversaries later, the Turks were expelled from Jerusalem on Hanukkah.

Ben Samuel then predicted that the city would become a no man's land on the ninth jubilee, that is, just under British rule when it was considered a corpus separatum (a separate body) and an international territory. The city was then divided between Israel and Jordan in 1948 and returned to Israeli control in 1967, at the end of the Ninth Jubilee.

2017 marks 50 years since Israel regained full control of Jerusalem. This Last year tenth anniversary. According to the rabbi, it is then that the Jews will rule Israel and the end of the world will come.

Ninth prediction

The Hopi are a Native American tribe living in Arizona. As of 2010, 19,327 people lived on the 6.6 million square kilometer reservation—the Hopi tribe is one of the largest in the United States. And this culture has a long history.

Like many Indian tribes, the Hopi faced the cruelty of the Spanish conquistadors, although they saw glorious victories in 1542 and 1680. Finally, in 1882, President Arthur gave them a reservation, but they had already been in contact with the American government for years before that. One of the most important meetings took place in 1958 between Minister David Young and Hopi Elder White Feather. During this meeting, White Feather gave Young several ancient Hopi predictions.

The first two predictions were about white-skinned people and spinning wheels filled with voices, which the Hopi said would result in the arrival of Europeans and the conquest of the Americans. Next was a "strange monster like a buffalo" crossing the earth, signifying a warning on the scale of modern Agriculture. The next three predictions were about iron snakes, a giant web and stone rivers: railways, telecommunication wires and roads.

These six predictions were fulfilled before they were told to Yang. But the last three are not.

The first prediction of the future made by White Feather was about the sea turning black, bringing death to everything in it. Many attributed this forecast to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. The next prediction spoke of long-haired youth seeking to learn Indian customs, which could well be attributed to the hippie movement. And here is the ninth prediction:

“You will hear about a dwelling in the heavens, above the Earth, which will fall with great destruction. It will appear as a blue star. Soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease."

The easiest way would be to assume that a comet will crash to Earth, and while many believe that this is what this prophecy is about, others believe that the “blue star” could be something else. China's Tiangong-1 space laboratory lost contact with Earth in 2016. It is now orbiting the planet and will continue to do so until it falls to Earth. Will she become the blue star of the White Feather prophecy? Or will it be some kind of experiment that will end humanity? Let's wait until October 2018, when the laboratory re-enters the atmosphere. If we survive, we will wait for the comet.

Second coming

Jean Dixon is considered one of the most important figures among fortunetellers of the 20th century. In addition to working closely with US Presidents Nixon and Reagan, Dixon wrote a newspaper column and wrote several books, including a horoscope for dogs.

In 1973, Dixon published her most famous book, "Call of Glory", which her followers consider prophetic. In it, the Catholic clairvoyant claimed that the beginning of the end would come in 2020, starting with a voice that would be heard around the world saying, “It’s over.” This will signal the Second Coming of Christ, who will fight Satan until the end of the world in 2037.

Fortunately, like most other psychics, Dixon was wrong. But unlike most other psychics, the phenomenon of ignoring incorrect facts was named after her and is now known as the Jean Dixon effect. Dixon argued that the information she received was always good, she simply interpreted it incorrectly.

Second Coming (One More Time)

If you do not trust psychics and prefer to receive information about the apocalypse directly from the Bible itself, then you should contact Kenton Beshore. The President of the World Bible Society, Beshore, is convinced that Armageddon will happen “no later than” 2021. One of the main reasons for his forecast is the interpretation of the parable of the fig tree.

The parable went like this: the owner of the vineyard was angry that his fig tree had not produced figs for three years. Then he came to the gardener and said: cut it down, since it does not bear fruit. The gardener prayed: sir, give me a year, and after a year we’ll see. Most interpret it to mean that God is preparing to strike down the unbelievers, but Jesus gives them a second chance.

However, since the fig tree is often taken as a metaphor for Israel, Beshore and others believe the parable means something completely different. In his book When, Beshore states that the parable means that Jesus will return one generation from the founding of Israel, and this will happen in 2028. Since Jesus will fight Satan to earn the respect of the good guys, this means real chaos and anarchy will begin in 2021.

An asteroid that brings death to the world

The International Messiah Foundation was founded in 2002 and operates as a kind of spiritual meat grinder. The Foundation seems to believe in all theistic religions, but the main ones are Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism.

The Messiah Foundation believes that scientists are well aware of a giant asteroid hurtling towards our planet, which it will collide with in 2026. But while these unnamed scientists believe we will have the technology to destroy it by then, the foundation disagrees. The asteroid will end humanity.

The Foundation claims that when this happens, the messiahs will arrive and save everyone worth saving. Needless to say, Jesus is among those expected. For those who are not waiting for Jesus, the Mahdi, Avatar of Kalki, His Exalted Eminence Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, who founded the Messiah Foundation, will arrive. What is noteworthy is that the latter is also expected, despite the fact that he has not yet died.

Newton's prediction

When you remember Newton, his name is inevitably associated with science and thought, but, as it turned out, a man who had an apple fall on his head would do well to descend to Earth himself, at least a little. It's no secret that Newton was a strong believer in God, but few will remember that his faith in the Bible was as strong as his faith in science. He believed that the Bible contained hints about the end of the world; one just had to read it carefully.

Newton's calculations were long and complex, but essentially he believed that the end of the world would come after long period troubles in catholic church. Newton believed that the year 800 marked the beginning of this period of decay and papal supremacy. The Book of Revelation mentions "time, times, and the division of time," which Newton interpreted as a year, two years, and half a year, or 3.5 years in total. 42 months is also mentioned. 3.5 years and 42 months represent 1260 days in the old Hebrew calendar, and since days often represent years in the Bible, Newton concluded that the world would end in 2060.

However, Newton noted that he sees no reason for the end of the world to come before 2060. Ironically, he hoped that his prediction would help “put an end to the rash speculations of cranks who often predict the end of the world.” Nothing worked out for him.

Islamic second coming

Before comics and movies, parallel universes existed only in a religious sense. Technically, Jews, Christians and Muslims all worshiped the same God. These religions, along with several smaller ones, are known as Abrahamic religions and comfort half of the world's believers. Therefore, if Christianity became a sequel to Judaism, Islam will be an offshoot, a spin-off, in which Jesus appears as a respected prophet, not a messiah. As if Iron Man appeared in the new Spider-Man film.

According to a number of Islamic hadiths, the apocalypse will not happen overnight, but gradually. It will begin with the world plunging into a war against Muslims, which, in principle, is already partly happening. In response to this, Madhi, who is awaited, will unite all Muslims and prepare them for the return of the prophet, who many believe may be Jesus. Because the hadith says that the son of Mary will break the cross and kill the pig. The cross will be broken - this, of course, means a break in Christianity, which has followed a path that was not close to Jesus. Killing a pig means restoring rules of Judaism that were abandoned in Christianity, such as the ban on eating pig meat.

Said Nursi studied these hadiths and decided that he had determined the schedule of these events. According to his interpretations, the world will end in earthquakes, fire and the battle of a one-eyed monster who will fight the messiah when Gog and Magog descend to Earth. Gog and Magog appear in the Torah, Koran and Bible, sometimes as humanoid beings, sometimes representing hostile peoples. Whoever they were, Nursi believed that all of this would happen in 2129, so most of us would probably be able to watch all of this from the hellish cauldron of course.

Messiah Clock

It is known that Jews are waiting for the Messiah - this is one of the central beliefs of Judaism. Therefore, it is not surprising that many have tried to calculate exact time his arrival. Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna was an 18th century scientist who developed a clock (not a physical one, but as a method of timekeeping) to count down the time until the arrival of the messiah. Psalm 90:4 says that every 1000 years is but a day in the eyes of God, so Eliyahu applied this to the six days of creation. It turns out that on the seventh day, Saturday, God will begin to rule us forever. This time is also known as the Messianic Age.

Jewish days are structured slightly differently than Gregorian days, with new days beginning at sunset rather than at sunrise. Therefore, the Messianic Age will begin in the year 6000, not 7000. The year 6000 will see sunset on September 30, 2239. Thus, this is the last possible date for the Messiah's arrival before the Sabbath, although he may appear earlier to help us prepare for the new Kingdom of Heaven.

Unfortunately, although the eternal Sabbath will bring harmony and tranquility to the world, it will only come to those who are actively preparing for the coming of the Messiah. Even if you are a Jew, you will not see the Messiah unless you contribute to his arrival.

Koranic code

Rashad Khalifa was an Egyptian biochemist and a divine messenger of God, as he himself proclaimed. In the late 1960s, Khalifa began using computers to find mathematical codes hidden in the Quran. By the mid-1970s, he found them. His research was devoted to the frequency of words, letters, poems, numbers, etc. It turned out that the number 19 reveals the secrets of the ancient text.

Some evidence for this is that the first verse of the Quran has 19 letters, just like the first verse last revelation. The number of chapters between the famous “missing message” and the additional message is 19, and these edits were made by scholars 19 years after the death of the prophet. If we break down the name of Rashad Khalifa (for example, A = 1, B = 2), the numbers somehow add up to 19, revealing the harbinger of the apocalypse. There are many other proofs, but this is enough for you.

The Koran, like most holy books, tells us to look for several things that will alert us to the end of the world. Among them are the division of the Moon (believers believe that when people brought moon rocks to Earth, this happened); opening the secret code (the aforementioned code 19); the creation of “earthly creations” that will reveal to us the existence of our creator, that is, computers.

Using these codes and clues, Khalifa deduced that the world will end in 2280, so we still have some time on Earth. When the end comes, a beep will sound and the Earth will be crushed, “truly crushed,” just like the heavens. Fortunately, a second Earth and Heaven will be created for believers.

The problem with mathematical codes is that they are quite easy to make to fit your prediction. Most evidence includes things like the total number of verses in the Qur'an being 6,346 (334 times 19). Thus, the most convincing argument in favor of this prediction is a criminal offense: the murder of Khalifa. Khalifa was assassinated by his former student in January 1990. Nineteen years later, the killer was extradited from Canada to face trial and ultimately convicted. December 19, 2012.

Sermon of the Seven Suns
Approximately 84517

Of the approximately 4,200 known religions that have existed throughout human history, Buddhism is considered the most widespread and respected doctrine among non-believers. But beyond peace politics and self-reflection, most people know nothing about Buddhism. Just a belief in reincarnation and jokes about the Dalai Lama asking him to make him a pizza “with everything.” How does the religion of serenity and rebirth see the end of the world?

To understand the Buddha's statements about the end of the world, you first need to know that the Buddha who founded Buddhism on Earth was Siddhartha Gautama. Gautama Buddha lived from 563 to 483 BC. e. and claimed that his teachings would be forgotten 5,000 years after his death, or around 4517 AD. e. By this point, we will all be living in selfish and sinful ways. Another Buddha - Maitreya - will descend and revive the religion in the next 80,000 years. This is how long people will live by then.

After this, the sermon of the Seven Suns will rush forward. The first is about our Sun, which will see all plant life “dry up, wither and cease to exist.” When the second sun rises, all animal life will die. The third, fourth, fifth suns will dry up the rivers, lakes and oceans, in order, and the sixth will usher in an era of severe volcanic destruction.

Finally, the seventh sun will appear and blow up the Earth, burning it to the ground and into complete non-existence. One can easily say that they are used to measuring time by the sun, but supporters of this religion literally perceive prophecy as the appearance of new suns in our solar system or a supernova explosion. Fortunately, by the time all this takes place, we will have already achieved nirvana simply by achieving enlightenment. Obviously, if you have a Buddha and 80,000 years, this will not be difficult to do.

When will the world end? This question has troubled the minds of mankind since time immemorial. Bible prophecies, well-known and destructive human activities in recent decades increase anxiety and give reason to believe that the date of the end of the world is already very close. Will the world end, when and why will it happen?

To begin with, let us remember that humanity has already calmly “experienced” several predicted ends of the world more than once. There is no need to go far - the last cause for concern is Launch of the Large Hadron Collider a, which was also associated with the end of man’s stay on earth. And how many predicted collisions of our planet with various asteroids have occurred over the past 20 years, which also threatened to wipe out humanity from the face of the earth!

However, from one “unrealized” end of the world date to another, humanity is thinking with even greater panic about when the end of the world will happen. After all, scientists have recently joined the texts of the Bible and the predictions of magicians, declaring: humanity will not last long.

According to the Mayan calendar, humanity is waiting end of the world in 2012 is the closest predicted date when the world will end. However, there are no specifics about what awaits the Earth in December 2012 - a hurricane, a collision with an asteroid or rain of fire - ancient civilization She didn’t leave it for us.

If it turns out that the Mayan calendar is wrong, humanity will not have to live in peace for long. The unrealized potential of the Swiss collider can be taken over by the launch of a similar accelerator by Russian scientists in Dubna in 2013.

This same year it is expected solar explosion as a result of a significant increase in temperature inside the solar core. This forecast is quite justified, because last decade The temperature of the Sun doubled. Such rates of solar temperature growth have never been seen before.

year 2014 also does not have favorable prognosis. Why will the world end this year? NASA says the planet will be engulfed by acid fog, a cloud of cosmic dust originating from a black hole that extends 10 million miles.

IN 2016 A flood is expected due to melting glaciers. A significant part of the land will disappear under water, says climatologist James Hansen.

the 13th of November 2026, according to the calculations of the famous mathematician Heinz von Foerster, will be the day when the end of the world comes. It is on this day that the world's population will reach a level at which it will not be able to feed itself.

The next disappointing forecast for the Earth is April 2029. At this time, a collision with the huge 400-meter asteroid Apophis is expected.

IN 2035 the end of the world will happen according to one of Nostradamus' predictions. It will be the outcome of a long war of 27 years (it’s about time it started, right?)

Isaac Newton, who studied the text of the book of the Prophet Daniel, was sure that the end of the world would occur in 2060.

Optimists believe that neither they nor their children and grandchildren will experience the end of the world. Just for them - several dates of the end of the world quite distant from today.

In February 2622 years There will be another end of the world “according to Nostradamus.” 2666 seems dangerous, since it contains the number of the devil (something similar was apparently expected in 1666). IN 3000 The Tauris meteorite shower will pass through the solar system. A 3797 is last date in the prophecies of Nostradamus, so if none of the ends of the world predicted by him happen before this moment, then this year there will certainly be an Apocalypse.

However, the most truthful forecast is the end of the world, predicted by many scientists. However, we ourselves are witnesses to why the end of the world will come - painful and long, it has already begun. The culprit is not asteroids or floods, but reckless human activity. Global warming will lead to acute water shortages, famine, droughts, hurricanes, and incurable diseases. The third one will finish the job World War for resources.


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