Angelina meaning of the name character according to the church. The secret and meaning of the name Angelina

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Angelina is an original person. Her name can create the impression of the angelic character of the owner. But don’t be mistaken about this. Such a girl is eccentric, hot-tempered and persistent. At the same time, she lives in her own little world, which she created for herself. It's full bright colors, love and peace.

Origin of the name Angelina

From ancient Greek, Angelina is literally translated as “angelic”, “like an angel”, “foreshadowing good”. The word “angelus”, from which the name takes its origin, denoted the greatness and power of Zeus and Artemis.

The name Angelina came to Rus' from Byzantium. It underwent changes several times, transforming either into or into Angelica.

The name Angelina is translated from ancient Greek as “like an angel”

Forms of the name Angelina

Shortened forms of the name:

  • Gel;
  • Liina;
  • Gelina;
  • Angela;
  • Gela;
  • Angela.

Options for affectionate address to Angelina:

  • Angelinka;
  • Angelica;
  • Gelyusya;
  • Angel;
  • Angel;
  • Gelichka.

Related names are Angela and Angelica.

When writing poems about Angelina, you can use such beautiful rhymes: ballerina, avalanche, raspberry, picture, peak.

Photo gallery: forms of the name Angelina

Angelina - the full form of the name Gel - one of the most popular short forms of the name Angel - nice option appeals to Angelina

IN Orthodox calendar there is a name called Angelina, which is why newborn girls are baptized that way.

Transliteration for international passport - ANGELINA.

Table: name in different languages

Middle names that go with the first name

The following middle names are best combined with the name Angelina:

  • Alexandrovna;
  • Victorovna;
  • Vladimirovna;
  • Pavlovna;
  • Yuryevna.

Nickname options for social networks

For a personal channel on Youtube or an Instagram account, you can use the following nicknames:

  • gelina;
  • angie;
  • angel;
  • gelya.

Patron Saints of Angelina

The Angelinas have several patroness, but the most famous of them is Saint Angelina of Serbia. According to legend, she came from an aristocratic family and was the daughter of an Albanian prince. At a young age, her uncle married her to the Serbian ruler Stefan Brankovic.

When their lands were captured by the Turks, Angelina’s husband lost power and became blind. The family hid for a long time in the wife’s family estate. To protect themselves from Turkish raids, they had to leave their native land and go to Italy. There Stefan Brankovich died.

At the end of the 15th century, John, the son of Angelina and Stephen, became the ruler of Serbia. The people treated him and his mother with great respect. She was kind and merciful, helped families in need, restored destroyed churches and holy monasteries. In 1509, Angelina took monastic vows and founded a monastery. She did not hesitate to ask for help from those who could contribute to the realization of her good intentions.

Angelina Serbskaya is one of the patron saints of girls with this name

Girls named Angelina celebrate their name day:

  • July 1, 14 and 30;
  • 12th of August;
  • 12-th of September;
  • December 10 and 23.

Characteristics and influence of the name

According to Boris Khigir, Angelina is distinguished by stubbornness, a desire for leadership and the habit of relying only on own strength. In order to achieve the goal, she is ready to be cunning, show deceit, and weave intrigues. At the same time, such a girl is a wonderful hostess; she loves to receive guests and shower them with her attention.

Positive qualities of Angelina:

  • pronounced leadership qualities;
  • sharp mind;
  • energy;
  • perseverance.

Negative features:

  • narcissism;
  • the tendency to impose one's opinion on others.

How does a name affect a child's character?

As a child, Angelina was willful, decisive, capricious, prone to frequent changes in mood. Parents have to deal with their daughter’s willful character; she takes any requests and comments with hostility. The girl’s character can also be affected by the breakup of her parents’ marriage; she tends to blame herself for what happened.

This is a very smart girl, she likes games related to development. Gelya is indifferent to soft toys and dolls; the baby prefers active activities, so she prefers to play with boys. Angelina is a loyal friend and does not forgive betrayal.

Little Angelina likes educational toys

Despite her varied interests, the girl has a hard time studying. She can become an excellent student only in those subjects that she likes the most.

Lina doesn’t need anyone’s support; she’s used to deciding everything on her own since childhood. The owner of this name often takes a leadership position. Already in childhood he knows how to convince people and push them to do the right thing.


During adolescence, Angelina’s actions become more meaningful, she becomes more serious and restrained. However, her hot temper sometimes comes out. The girl often acts cruelly towards her friends.

Lina does not want to listen to the wishes of others, preferring to do as she pleases. Few people can withstand such pressure, and friendship with such a girl does not last long. This doesn’t upset her at all; Gelya can easily compensate for the absence of friends with activities that she likes.

How a name affects the character and fate of an adult

In Angelina’s adult life, there is a constant struggle between kindness and despoticism, eccentricity and foresight. The girl wants to be responsive and sincere with others, but realizes that this can bring her not only joy, but also suffering. The owner of such a name should find a balance in which she could be herself and feel confident while in society.

Angelina also has a strong sense of justice, but over time she realizes that there is too much untruth in the world, and changing it is beyond her strength and capabilities. But in her soul, a girl can cope with her feelings, find peace and tranquility that will help overcome temporary life difficulties.

Talents and hobbies

Often free time Angelina prefers to spend time at home watching movies or reading. Frequent walks with friends tire her. The owner of this name does not take the initiative in planning a vacation with friends and is not prone to spontaneous decisions.

Angelina prefers to spend time in a quiet environment reading books or watching movies

Professions, business and career

Professional development and career growth do not attract Angelina. Her main goal is a successful marriage and building happy family. She prefers being a housewife than sitting in a stuffy office every day from morning to evening.

It’s hard for Lina to find colleagues mutual language. She is very demanding of others, but she herself is not inclined to answer for her own misdeeds. The girl finds monotonous actions difficult at work. She lacks attentiveness and concentration. The owner of this name prefers activities in which she can show her activity; she likes to travel and communicate with people.

Angelina is great for activities related to travel and communication.

Angelina can become an excellent entrepreneur. Her self-confidence and tenacity of character help her to successfully conduct business. The girl’s leadership qualities will contribute to the creation of her own business project. But it is important for her to learn to listen to the opinions of partners and employees.


Angelina is not particularly attentive to own health. Incorrect posture and unhealthy food can bring consequences in the future in the form of various diseases. High risk of problems with nervous system, after 30 years, a girl is prone to depression and insomnia.

Love, sexuality, marriage

Bright, emotional Angelina dreams of extraterrestrial love. At the same time, she prefers not timid and romantic representatives of the stronger sex. She likes serious, purposeful men who easily overcome any obstacles on the way to the desired result. A girl is capable of sacrificing a lot for the sake of her chosen one.

Lina strives for an ideal relationship, but over time she becomes disappointed and changes her mind, as she realizes how far from ideal she herself is. Men pay attention to such a girl, but due to her frequent mood swings, Angelina’s partner is in no hurry to legitimize the relationship.

Angelina dreams of ideal relationship, but is not always able to build them

In her intimate life, the owner of such a name is multifaceted. She is not against experiments and prefers experienced partners. Angelina always strives to get unforgettable sensations from a physical relationship; in case of failure, she can grumble about any little thing in a man’s behavior. If something in intimacy does not suit a girl, she can easily break off the relationship and find a more worthy life partner.

Angelina strives to get rid of parental care as quickly as possible, so she often gets married very early. True, her first marriage rarely lasts long. After this, the girl is in no hurry with a second marriage; she carefully thinks through her decision, choosing a patient and strong-willed partner as her husband, with whom she can be happy.

Lina, in a happy marriage, becomes a wonderful housewife, loving wife and a caring mother. The well-being of a family usually depends on itself. By replacing stubbornness and irascibility with prudence and prudence, she will contribute to building harmonious relations in family. The husband must also show patience with his wife, since Angelina does not realize many of her mistakes immediately, but over time.

Table: compatibility with male names

DmitriyAngelina and Dmitry may have a very bright and passionate romance, but such an alliance is unlikely to lead to marriage. They are both stubborn and have leadership qualities. If they learn to tame their egos and make concessions, it is quite possible that the couple will be able to create a happy family.
AlexanderThis union is good because the partners complement each other perfectly. Every day they spend together resembles a bright celebration. Harmony and mutual understanding reign in the family of Alexander and Angelina. Such a marriage will be successful and happy.
EugenePartners with similar characters, but sometimes they have difficulties in relationships. However, this does not prevent them from finding compromises and providing each other with timely support.
SergeyThe wayward and power-hungry Angelina will constantly monitor Sergei’s every move, trying to keep abreast of all his affairs; her desire to command and impose her own opinion can lead to a quick breakup.
AndreyBoth partners are ambitious and want to achieve high goals without special effort. But the lack of variety in a couple's life and financial problems can lead to a break in the relationship.
AlexeiThe relationship between Angelina and Alexey is very complicated, since the wife is trying to take a leadership position in the house, and the husband does not agree with this state of affairs. Lack of mutual understanding is unlikely to lead to a long union.
YuriThis relationship can be strong, or it can be upset at the very beginning. Independent and powerful, Angelina and Yuri find it difficult to compromise. If spouses learn to do everything together, they will be able to overcome any difficulties.
MaksimThe emotionality of Angelina and Maxim brings brightness and pleasant enthusiasm to the relationship. But over time, lack of stability can lead to scandals that will cause a breakup.
VladimirDespite Vladimir’s diligence and determination, financial position family will not always correspond to the level of needs to which Angelina is accustomed. Because of this, quarrels may arise between spouses, which will lead to divorce.
DenisAt the very beginning of the relationship between Angelina and Denis, one cannot help but note their coherence, mutual understanding between partners and the desire to be a reliable support for each other. But over time, the spouses will begin to conflict due to the desire of each to take the place of leader.
ArtyomThe relationship of this couple is based not only on love and understanding, but also on friendship. The spouses respect each other's opinions, and over the years their union will become more and more united.
AntonHot-tempered and often prone to changing his decisions, Anton finds it difficult to win the trust of the strong-willed and prudent Angelina. In addition, she cannot stand lies and betrayal. Such a union does not bode well.
IgorIgor’s wayward and self-centered character will irritate the purposeful and strong-willed Angelina; she will not forgive deception and betrayal. The girl will insist on divorce, despite having children together.

The meaning of each letter of the name

A - purposeful activity, continuous improvement in spiritual and physical terms, leadership.

N - criticality, high requirements to others, honesty, hard work.

G - scrupulousness, intelligence, desire for knowledge.

E - independence of judgment, openness, sociability, determination.

L - bright Creative skills, discriminating taste; They appreciate beauty and love delicious dishes.

And - spirituality, grace, directness of statements.

The name consists of eight letters. This means that such a woman will not be content with what she has, she will constantly look for something even brighter and more admiring.

Table: name matches

CharacteristicMeaningImpact on humans
PlanetVenusPeople who are under the protection of Venus are romantic and temperamental. They try to base relationships on sympathy and trust, both personal and work.
Zodiac signCancerSensitive and naive natures take criticism too personally. Prone to depression. The advantage of such people is that they are not vindictive and quickly forget grievances.
ElementFireEccentricity and constant struggle for primacy make it difficult to communicate with “fiery” people. They are imaginative and creative and love to be the center of attention.
Number2 Responsible and practical people, polite and delicate in communication. Valuable employees, they are respected by their colleagues, you can always rely on them. They often achieve great success in their careers.
ColorBlueLoyalty, responsiveness, goodwill, responsibility. You shouldn't expect such people to open up to you from the moment they meet. They are extremely distrustful, their trust must be earned.
Totem animalTroutA symbol of wealth, knowledge, wisdom. Since trout lives in flowing waters, it is associated with chastity, freedom and infinity.
TreeApple treeIn some cultures it is considered a gift from the gods. Symbolizes happiness, prosperity, youth and prosperity.
PlantCornflowerIn Orthodoxy, cornflower is a symbol of tenderness, fidelity, mercy, and invulnerability.
StoneLapis lazuliA symbol of success, prosperity, youth.
MetalSilverSymbolizes peace, innocence, purity of thoughts, bliss, peace, faith and wisdom.
Auspicious dayMonday

When was Angelina born?

Winter Angelina is persistent, unshakable, true to her beliefs and principles. It is difficult to call such a girl a moral person, since in order to get what she wants, she is capable of much, even deception. At the same time, Lina, born in winter, can be responsive and show compassion towards others.

Spring Angelina is arrogant, selfish and power-hungry. These qualities help her always stay on top and achieve her goals. However, such a girl is a wonderful conversationalist, knows how to sympathize and rejoice for another person, and in the family she manifests herself as a loving wife and caring mother.

Summer Lina is naive, optimistic, but very vulnerable. She trusts others too much, and many take advantage of this. Angelina, born in the summer, should be more prudent and cautious about letting new people into her life, otherwise she may become a victim of someone’s cruel manipulation.

Autumn Angelina is purposeful, prudent, and sensible. In professional activities, he can cope with the position of a manager, as it is responsible, fair and demanding. In love, luck rarely smiles on such a girl. on her life path There are men who want to live at the expense of their spouse.

Name horoscope

Aries - optimistic, friendly, responsive, sociable. Prefers to be in society, in constant communication. The soul of the company is rarely alone, this is not typical for her. Often deceived in people.

Taurus - responsible, prudent, devoted. True friend. Will always come to the rescue in difficult times. Such a girl can be entrusted with any secrets, she will be able to keep them.

Gemini is a woman with a rather complex character. She is very hardworking, but will not devote a minute of her personal time to work. He plans his weekends in advance and usually spends them in the company of friends.

Angelina-Gemini prefers to spend her free time in the company of friends

Cancer is a meek, shy, sweet and attractive girl who can charm any man. But to earn her trust - not an easy task. Only the one who will surprise you with his good deeds and similarity of beliefs can win the heart of such a girl.

Leo is bright and charming. Knowing about her attractiveness, the girl skillfully uses it to achieve what she wants. Angelina-Leo is quite selfish and strives to take the best from life.

Virgo is a versatile personality. Strict and fair leader. He is very worried about his mistakes and missteps, spinning the situation in his head for a long time. Often negative thoughts lead a girl to depression.

Angelina-Virgo is an excellent leader, but has a hard time with failures

Libra is sociable, delicate, and gets along with people easily. Very accommodating, it is difficult to piss her off or make her angry. Such a girl feels comfortable in any company. Married - a wonderful housewife and loving wife.

Scorpio is secretive, modest, and sometimes complex. Doesn't like noisy crowds of people. At work she is demanding, purposeful and efficient. Angelina-Scorpio is of little interest public opinion, she is always true to her principles.

Sagittarius - energetic, responsive, cheerful, hospitable. There are often guests at her house. She is very trusting and doesn't understand people well. Many can take advantage of a girl’s good nature for selfish purposes.

Angelina-Sagittarius - hospitable hostess

Capricorn is prudent, purposeful, and responsible. I'm used to planning everything. It is not typical for her to fly in the clouds and dream about something unearthly; all the desires of Angelina-Capricorn turn into real and achievable goals.

Aquarius is a woman with excellent manners and a sense of tact. Grammatically correct speech helps her not only in her professional activities, but also in society. Angelina-Aquarius is respected and appreciated by her colleagues.

Pisces are creative, diversified. Real world it seems boring and gray to her. Most often he is in his dreams and daydreams. She does not strive to find her purpose and purpose in life, and she often lacks perseverance to succeed.

Famous people with this name

Famous women with this name:

  • Angelina Madeleine Poisson de Gomez - French writer;
  • Angelina Vovk - Soviet and Russian film actress and TV presenter, Honored Artist of Russia;
  • Angelina Bulycheva - Russian poet and journalist;
  • Angelina Waleskaya - Belarusian model, girl with disabilities, with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy;
  • Angelina Jolie is an American film actress, winner of a Golden Globe, an Oscar and two awards from the Screen Actors Guild of the United States, a goodwill ambassador to the UN.

The name is mentioned in the songs “Lina” by Willy Tokarev and “Angelina” by the Avangard group.

Photo gallery: famous Angelinas

Angelina de Gomez - French writer Angelina Vovk - Honored Artist of Russia Angelina Bulycheva - Russian poetess Angelina Waleskaya - Belarusian model with cerebral palsy Angelina Jolie - American film actress

Despite her cute name, Angelina is eccentric, unpredictable and bright. It is difficult to communicate with such a girl, and even more so to live together. But if you get to know her better, you will be able to discover a completely different Lina, who will surround you with love and care.

The name Angelina evokes associations with the appearance and character of an angel. You should beware of such comparisons, as they have nothing to do with reality. The characteristics of the name Angelina speak of the weaknesses inherent in many representatives of the fair sex - stubbornness, irritability, reluctance to let in their inner world outsiders. Surprisingly, her soul is filled with love and harmony.

The meaning of the name Angelina in short form

Origin of the name Angelina

The appearance of this name in Rus' is associated with baptism. Origin of the name Angelina- Ancient Greek. It came to us from Byzantium and has undergone many changes over many centuries.

The version according to which meaning of the name Angelina- this is a messenger, messenger, angel - is considered the main one. According to another version, it comes from male name Angelus, which was called ancient greek gods, giving them my praises.

The patron saint of this name is Angelina of Serbia. By church calendar all Angelinas celebrate their name days several times a year:

In daily communication, other forms of this name are often used: Angelinka, Angelya, Lina, Gelya, Angela, Gelina, Ela, Elya, Gela, Alina, Gelyusya.

Declension by case

Angelina is a feminine noun, 1st declension. The changes by case are as follows:

Letter decoding of the name Angelina

Perhaps the secret will be revealed if you try to spell out the meaning of the name Angelina:

A – aspirations for new beginnings and spiritual comfort

N – ability to analyze a situation, unwillingness to take everything for granted, work only for results

G – conscientiousness, knowledge of the secret meaning

E – need for self-expression, talkativeness, insightful mind

L – love of beauty, desire for spiritual intimacy with a partner, search for one’s true purpose

And - high spiritual qualities, romanticism under the guise of practicality

N – repeat (increase value)

A – repeat (increasing meaning)

Based on this decoding, we can say that girls with this name are characterized by tenderness and care for their neighbors, but they can be reckless and irrepressible in their desires. Finding your true purpose is the path of every Angelina.

Character of a girl named Angelina

When choosing a name for a newborn daughter, parents should at least ask what the name Angelina means. This choice must be carefully thought out, because girls wearing it are capricious, capricious, and irritable. Each little Gelya strives for complete independence. Her reactions to adults' requests are always unpredictable. It is difficult for parents to raise such a wayward child. And if there is a divorce in the family, then it will certainly be complicated by the unpredictable behavior of the baby. Gelya will blame both herself and her parents for the discord that has occurred.

Girls with this name always reject all support from loved ones. Gelya shapes her own character and chooses her destiny. Despite her outward toughness and inaccessibility, there is always a place in her heart for love and warmth, but only for those closest to her.

Thanks to her leadership qualities, Gelya can always convince her peers of anything. The baby is characterized by sociability and the ability to manipulate feelings.

Among her friends there are many boys. This is due to the fact that the girl is characterized by curiosity associated with activity and the search for adventure. Gelya will never forgive her offender and will always give a worthy rebuff, which is rather inherent in the boy’s character. But quiet girlish games with dolls are alien to her.

Developed intelligence and natural intelligence do not always contribute to Geli’s good studies. Good grades will be obtained only in those subjects that arouse keen interest.

How do Angelina's teenage years develop?

With age, the young lady outwardly becomes calmer. But the secret of her character can manifest itself at any moment in a violent outburst of anger.

The girl has few friends. Not everyone will tolerate her despotism and extreme rigidity in relationships. Gelya prefers to command, but any submission is abhorrent to her temperament. The lack of friends, however, does not bother her at all. She even loves loneliness.

Despite her tough character, those around her respect her for the fact that she will never intrigue, gossip or “six” in front of her elders. The girl never compromises. Gelya resolves all issues without any diplomacy, only with pure force of character. She hides her gullibility and vulnerability under the mask of a fighting character.

The girl always tries to act according to her conscience. Although there are situations when she is capable of serious deception in order to achieve her goal. Gelya will not feel any remorse about this.

Such a determined young lady expects the same assertiveness of character from her companion. But she will never tolerate falsehood or betrayal, so she can spend a long time searching for a suitable life partner.

Destiny of a woman

Having matured, Gelya rushes between the need to be tolerant, practical, sweet in communication and the unwillingness to put up with the oppression of her violent temperament. She is afraid to open up to the world, to show all her best qualities to others, because she believes that this could cost her dearly. She finds it difficult to communicate with others while remaining true to her principles of behavior.

The woman believes that her destiny is the fight for justice. True, this fervor goes away with age. She just begins to understand that she cannot change the whole world. Gelya strives to find harmony in her soul in order to feel happier.

A woman with this name always demands a lot from others, although she herself cannot be called ideal. That's why professional destiny It doesn’t always work out well, given the woman’s natural laziness.

The secret of her family happiness lies solely in the understanding that with her husband she will have to curb her character. If she can give up her ambitions and leadership positions in the family, she may well become a good wife and a wonderful mother.

The influence of the time of birth on a woman's character

All Angelinas born in winter are distinguished by a stubborn and intractable character. In any situation they have their own opinion. “Winter” bearers of this name are not distinguished by morality. They are able to deceive without feeling any remorse about it. The best character traits are always hidden from prying eyes, and only the closest people know about their manifestations.

A “spring” woman always achieves her goal because she has healthy ambition and the ability to set realistic goals for herself. At the same time, she can surround loved ones with warmth and care. Gelya, born in spring, may not get married for a long time. But with the advent of a family, she becomes the standard of an exemplary wife. But it is important for her that her life partner is not only a husband and father of her children, but also a true friend for her.

Anyone can offend “Summer” Gelya, because she is especially vulnerable and trusting. In relationships with men, a woman is guided solely by her feelings, which is why she usually fails in marriage. She should be more selective about her surroundings and learn to be more firm in her decisions.

A woman born in autumn is sensible and practical. She always achieves success in her professional field, but in relationships with men she is catastrophically unlucky. Angelina literally attracts those who want to make money at someone else’s expense.

Famous people

History knows many names of women who bear the name Angelina:

Varganova, Stepanova, Chernova - famous actresses

Before proceeding to a detailed consideration of such an issue as the meaning of the name Angelina, it should be noted that this female name is characterized by the presence of ancient Greek roots. According to translation from Greek language, the name Angelina means “messenger”, “messenger”.

In addition, there is also the same root name “angelos”, which in a mythological sense represents the meaning of the union of the gods Zeus and Artemis. Some linguistic experts express the opinion that this female name can also be translated as “like an angel.” Orthodox religion behind centuries-old history This name was somewhat modified by the name Angelina.

However, the maximum variety of word forms on behalf of Angelina was achieved during the USSR era. This is due, first of all, to the penetration of Western trends into our country, even despite existing prohibitions. As a result, there are currently a significant number of names that are derived from the female name Angelina. These include Angelina, Angela, Angela, Angelica, Angelica.

Characteristics of the name Angelina

Starting to look in more detail at the meaning of the name Angelina, it should be noted that revealing the characteristics of this name for women perfectly explains all the pros and cons of the character of its bearer. To some extent, this will allow the parents of this person to find out the meaning of the name Angelina and choose this name.

In general, a woman bearing the name Angelina is a freedom-loving, stubborn person with a pronounced, strong willpower. Most often, all women named Angelina struggle with the need to remain patient, reasonable and sweet in the process of communication with the simultaneous lack of desire to come to terms with curbing their own explosive temperament.

The woman Angelina, the meaning of the name, whose character and fate is being considered, is constantly afraid to open up to the world around her, to flaunt her most ideal qualities of her character, since she assumes that this can backfire on her. A woman named Angelina finds it difficult to communicate with strangers, while feeling the need to remain faithful to her own behavioral principles and beliefs.

Characteristics of Angelina

Angelina is sure that the main principle of her entire destiny is the struggle for fair treatment. However, over the years, such zeal comes to an end. This is due to the fact that a woman named Angelina is convinced that she will change the world she can't do it. A woman named Angelina tries to find harmony in her own soul in order to achieve a feeling of happiness in her life.

Continuing to describe the meaning of the name Angelina, it should be noted that such a woman throughout her life demands quite a lot from those around her, while she herself does not fit the description of an ideal personality at all. For this reason, a woman named Angelina does not always do well at work, since this nature is characterized by natural laziness. Every woman bearing the name Angelina and born in winter time has a stubborn, intractable character.

Absolutely in every life situation Angelina is characterized by having her own opinion. The winter woman, named Angelina, does not fit the description of a highly moral nature. Such a person can easily deceive, while being completely unaffected by the pricks of his conscience. Most often, a woman named Angelina hides the main advantages of her character from the eyes of others, and only those closest to her have an idea of ​​their presence.

Angelina's childhood

Continuing to describe the meaning of the name Angelina, it should be noted that the secret of the future success and happiness of such a child will be the parents’ mandatory combination of strict education methods and positive, meaningful joint communication. Such a child feels quite strongly the family atmosphere, as well as the relationships that reign between parents.

With such a child, there is no need to quarrel and make trouble, say any words that could offend, or make minor comments. This is precisely the most important condition for the correct development of little Angelina’s full-fledged worldview. If little Angelina’s dad and mom regularly argue and don’t get along very well with each other, then the child will eventually turn into a conflict-ridden, stubborn woman. Usually the character traits of a woman named Angelina correspond to the character traits of her mother.

Such a child simply loves to give orders, but is very reluctant to make concessions. Even a small trifle can “make” a child. Training in school years Angelina is practically not interested, she is not at all enthusiastic about the learning process. Such a child loves independent development and education more. Little Angelina is characterized by having a large amount of independence, i.e. she was used to relying solely on her own strength.

Besides this, the girl is not very active. She does not like to visit, but she is happy when guests come to her house. For this reason, the parents of the future girl should know the meaning of the name Angelina in order to have an idea of ​​​​what is expected of them in the future when choosing it.

Angelina's love relationship

It should be noted that in terms of intimacy, Angelina is a fairly versatile, passionate and loving person. This is confirmation that a woman named Angelina loves to experiment in sex, however, sometimes she is capable of experiencing a lack of emotions and inventions. A woman named Angelina is often capricious, domineering and very impatient in intimacy; all that is important to her is her own pleasure.

Very often, in order to receive a portion of fresh emotions, she is capable of betrayal. Angelina places increased demands on her significant other; if she doesn’t like him sexually, she will immediately leave him. In turn, a woman named Angelina knows the art of intimacy very well and always tries to improvise, which she also demands from her partner.

In general, the name Angelina, the meaning of the name and the fate of which is described, suggests that such a nature tries not to limit sex to direct intimacy and is completely immersed in love games. The woman named Angelina does not like partners who want to have sex immediately, she needs to first a large number of pleasures and obligatory foreplay. The most important thing for such a woman is to receive the highest pleasure, and not the standard relief of stress.

As for intimacy, a woman named Angelina is an egoistic person and tries to achieve only satisfaction for herself. But only then will he think about his own partner. From intimacy, a woman named Angelina wants to get a rise in her emotions, achieve harmony, happiness, and a feeling of joy.

Such a woman is capable of talking completely openly, without the slightest embarrassment, with representatives of the stronger sex about sex. Her love is an exciting, all-consuming feeling that also becomes available to Angelina’s partner. Such a nature knows perfectly well its own capabilities and abilities, and also masters the art of using them correctly.

Angelina's family life

When the meaning of the name Angelina for a girl was described, it was indicated that the character of this person is almost a complete copy of her mother. It is for this reason that there are certain subtleties in her family relationships. Angelina tries to subordinate everything that relates to the family sphere to her own leadership and can experience great disappointment if suddenly she is unable to do this.

A woman named Angelina strives to devote every free minute to her own family. In addition, such a woman will prove herself very well in terms of household chores, in other words, she does not at all mind spending a lot of time cooking at the stove. At the same time, a woman named Angelina is able to hire a housekeeping assistant.

As a mother, this woman loves her own children very much, for this reason she always spoils them greatly. Angelina wants to be an ideal wife for her husband, treats him with the utmost respect, and is a faithful, reliable intimate partner for him.

Angelina's career

Revealing the details of the life of the woman described, it should be noted that the secret of the name Angelina indicates the possibility of such a person mastering absolutely any field of activity. This, in turn, means that a woman named Angelina is not able to stop in the face of emerging difficulties, although she tries to do all the work on her own, in splendid isolation.

A woman named Angelina does not welcome the rise in collective spirit, as well as its great cohesion. Such a woman could easily become an excellent boss, since she has the ability to both organize the work of a team and convince her subordinates of the correctness of her point of view. Angelina scares off other women with great ease, while among her male colleagues she very easily takes the position of leader.

What to name a girl so that this name brings her only success in life? How not to make a mistake with your choice? Let's find out more about such a beautiful and quite popular name as Angelina.

Origin and forms of the name

The origin of the name Angelina is usually associated with Ancient Greece. Having heard it, it is not at all difficult to guess its meaning. Translated from Latin, it means “angelic” or “messenger”, since it is the angels who foretell favorable events. Later, the name Angelina became widespread in European countries, where such analogues as Angela, Angelina, Angelica and Angelin arose. Most common short forms are: Gelya, Lina, Ela and Alina. The phonosemantics of the name are very positive, because its sound evokes only pleasant emotions in people and puts them in a good mood.

Name days and folk signs

The patron saint is the Venerable Angelina of Serbia. After the death of her son, she devoted her entire life to Christianity and helping the poor. She suffered for her faith from Muslims in the 15th century. Also revered by the Russian Orthodox Church. Her memorial day is celebrated on the fourteenth of July. By folk calendar On this day, weeding of vegetable gardens and collection of root vegetables begins.


Often, when a child is born into a family, parents want to name him some unique and euphonious name. In such a situation, a good option would be a name for a girl, Angelina. Its owners are already in early age start talking and walking. They love to explore their surroundings, so parents should constantly be aware of their actions. They are interested in everything around them. As a result, a child left unattended for a minute can break something or get injured. A girl may prefer boyish fun to playing with peers. This is how she gets rid of energy, which she has plenty of. In the company of girls, Angelina becomes calmer and more detached, which gives her a reputation as an uncommunicative and silent child.

The meaning of the name Angelina also has some negative aspects. So, the girl is sometimes very stubborn and irritable. You can often see little Angelina bossing other children around. The girl goes to school without much desire. This is primarily due to the fact that she does not like being told what to do. She doesn’t want to obey anyone and listen to other people’s orders. Entries with comments often appear in the schoolgirl's diary, and parents are often called to the principal. At the same time, the girl herself does not see anything wrong in her behavior.


Despite the exalted origin of the name Angelina, the character of its owner is far from angelic. Behind the external calm and wide smile hide a sharp mind and thirst for power. Angelina loves to be the center of everyone's attention and does not tolerate other people's pressure on her. Anyone who angers her will regret it for a long time.

The favorable meaning of the name Angelina also lies in the fact that its bearer is an ideal housewife who welcomes guests into her home with great joy. However, she herself does not like to visit. A woman has a wonderful sense of humor and healthy optimism. She has many friends who often turn to her for help and support. Angelina does not like empty chatter and frivolity. At the same time, she herself is incredibly responsible and punctual - she is unlikely to ever be late for an important meeting.

Angelina is often fickle in her tastes and views. Her behavior is contradictory and depends on her mood. Can be withdrawn and distrustful. Sometimes notes of sentimentality and melancholy appear in her character. In life, she tries not to count on anyone’s help, but to completely rely on her own strength.

Love and family

In love relationships, the meaning of the name Angelina is not entirely favorable. Often its owner experiences some difficulties when communicating with the opposite sex. Men are put off by Angelina's excessive authority. To form a strong relationship, she needs to be more patient. A woman often changes men, which leads to numerous marriages and, accordingly, divorces.

The secret of the name Angelina lies in the contradictory feelings and actions of its owner. If she still manages to create a strong relationship, Angelina becomes an excellent housewife. She loves to cook and do housework. But her character manifests itself here too - she tries to involve all family members in this process. The woman plays the role of mother especially well. She loves and takes care of children. To maintain harmony in the family, Angelina needs to listen more to her family and yield to them in some matters. You can't try to bend everyone to your will. Full blossoming as a woman occurs around age 30.

Profession and career

In terms of career, the meaning of the name Angelina can bring great success to its owner. As a rule, a woman with this name works a lot and devotes herself entirely to her chosen profession. It seems to Angelina that her energy and strength could be enough for several people. Often such self-confidence lets her down.

The name Angelina gives its bearer a strong and independent character, so she often chooses a field of activity where she can control the process. If the work gives a woman pleasure, she will do it responsibly and in a timely manner, which will contribute to career growth. Significant professional success The owner of the name will be able to achieve in trade, administrative activities or in the service sector. Angelina makes good teachers and actresses. The determining factor when choosing a profession can be the position that the girl will occupy in society.

The riddle of the name

Each name is accompanied by a certain secret. The name Angelina is patronized by the Moon. Favorable colors are light green, yellow-brown and red. The patron tree is the apple tree, and the plant is the water lily. A stone that can protect Angelina is chrysolite. It is recommended to carry it with you to protect against damage and the evil eye. The zodiac sign that patronizes the name is Cancer. Therefore, it is especially recommended to call a girl born under this zodiac constellation Angelina. Cancer has the same characteristics as Angelina - pessimism and secrecy. However, at the same time, he will add qualities to her that will help in work and in her personal life - affection and a cheerful disposition. Those with the names Boris, Igor, Victor and Vladimir may have the character traits that Angelina values ​​in representatives of the stronger sex. But with Stepan, Oleg, Anatoly and Leonid, she is unlikely to be able to build a long relationship.

Famous personalities

Among women well-known both abroad and in Russia, the name Angelina is often found. What other name can boast such a melodic sound? It seems to be created to attract the gaze of others. The most striking examples on domestic television are: the great actress Angelina Stepanova and TV presenter Angelina Vovk. Among foreign celebrities are the American actress, fashion model and UN Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. By the way, the latter became the youngest among female politicians and the most significant in the modern political arena.

The gentle female name Angelina comes from the ancient Latin name Angelus, which in turn originated from the Greek word “angelos”. It is translated as “angel”, “messenger”, “messenger”. It's very beautiful and pretty rare name for girls.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Leo
  • Patron Planet: Venus
  • Talisman stone: lapis lazuli, turquoise
  • Color: blue
  • Plant: cornflower, pansies, calamus
  • Animal: toad, owl
  • Favorable day: Monday

Character traits

By a strange coincidence, in a family where a girl is called this way, the parents do not get along well with each other and often get divorced. This is not a pattern, but a common occurrence. Little Angelina is very dependent on psychological comfort in the family. If parents know how to negotiate among themselves and do not quarrel in front of the child, then their daughter grows up calm and obedient. She adopts most of the qualities from her mother and carefully remembers how she behaves with her husband and others. Otherwise, he becomes a very irritable, stubborn person, often capricious, and in games with other children he always takes the position of leader and manipulates them.

The secret of the name is that Angelina herself shapes her character, depending on her upbringing. She lives in a world of illusions that she herself invented, and childish naivety often leads to the fact that the girl, and then the young lady, makes many attempts to change a crazy world full of injustice and cruelty. Growing up and changing ideals comes late. Only in adulthood does she finally refuse to remake those around her and begins to accept them as they are.

Slightly absent-minded and constantly in the clouds, the owner of the name Angelina does not tolerate pressure at all. She is burdened by obligatory actions, which often affects her studies. Parents should devote a lot of time to their daughter primary school, playing out the learning process to instill a desire to learn. Such a girl is very trusting and good-natured, but not at all harmless. Anyone who risks checking this will repent for a long time.

The winter representative named Angelina is somewhat cynical and has a masculine mind. She easily oversteps generally accepted moral standards if it benefits her. In addition, she is a very stubborn woman who simply cannot be convinced of anything. Summer is too trusting and simple-minded. A girl born in autumn has the calmest and most reasonable character. She often goes through life according to the turtle principle: slowly but surely and with her rear protected. Born in the spring, she is a pure and kind soul who tries to reconcile everything and everyone.

Interests and hobbies

A sociable girl named Angelina loves to be in the thick of things: going to various exhibitions, social events, but she prefers to receive guests at home. She has wonderful vocal abilities and good hearing, and often plays a musical instrument.

Profession and business

Independent Angelina can hardly stand being given orders. Therefore, she often quickly rises to the level of a manager or chooses professions in which she does not have to constantly implement other people's ideas. For her, a good option is to work as a flight attendant, journalist, designer, or creative activity. A girl with this name is a “free artist”, perhaps even running a shadow business.


Angelina’s health is very precarious due to constant anxiety and mood swings. As a child, she was prone to colds. If you do not learn to cope with increased emotionality, then by adulthood a set of chronic ENT diseases is possible.

Sex and love

Angelina is always demanding and independent in love. After spending some time with a man and completely enjoying communication with him, she can completely forget about his existence. Gives great importance details: romantic and comfortable atmosphere, additional surroundings, attentiveness and affection.

Family and marriage

Romantically inclined Angelina is capable of searching for her soul mate all her life. To start a family, she is looking for a man capable of reciprocal generosity of soul: attentive, gentle and caring. If in her first marriage she makes a mistake about the chosen candidate, she cannot live with him, but embarks on a new search. However, having found happiness in the family, a woman reveals herself in all her glory: she becomes an ideal wife - a loving, caring, devoted and magnificent mother.


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