Is the experience cancelled? Continuity of work experience after dismissal

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Dismissal by at will- one of the most common methods of termination labor relations. Many people wonder how long after the contract is terminated there is continuity length of service? You will learn about the legal significance of this concept today and how this period is calculated from this article.

The value of continuous service

This term was enshrined in Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers dated April 13, 1973 No. 252 and was used to determine the amount of benefits paid in case of temporary disability of an employee. Thus, until 2007, the percentage of these payments depended on the duration of work without breaks and was calculated as follows:

  • up to 5 years - 60% of the average monthly salary;
  • from 5 to 8 years - 80%;
  • from 8 years and more - 100% of salary.
  • However, in 2006, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, by its Resolution No. 16-O dated March 2, 2006, ruled that establishing a relationship between length of service and rights to benefits contradicts the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In this regard, Federal Law No. 255 was adopted, according to which payment of sick leave and maternity benefits now depends on insurance (rather than employment) length of service. That is, in accordance with current legislation, only those periods when the employee or his employer paid insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund are now taken into account.

    As for dismissal and maintaining continuity of service, Soviet legislation established a rule according to which, in the event of dismissal on one’s own initiative, the length of service was not interrupted if the employee:

  • got a job at new job within three weeks after dismissal;
  • resigned due to the transfer of the spouse to another locality;
  • resigned due to retirement;
  • has children under 14 years of age (suspended only after they reach 14 years of age).
  • Today, continuity of service upon dismissal at one's own request has lost its legal meaning.

    Does it affect your pension?

    Before answering this question, it is necessary to clarify that the current legislation neutralizes the value of continuity of service and takes into account only the employee’s insurance experience (Parts 1, 3, 4, 6 of Article 7 and Article 11 of Law No. 255-FZ), which is determined as a result addition of periods:

  • a person’s work under employment contracts;
  • state civil and municipal service;
  • during which the person was subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity.
  • As for pensions, after entry into force Federal Law“On Labor Pensions” dated December 17, 2001 No. 173, and then “On Insurance Pensions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 400 began to be applied in Russia new model pension provision of the population, according to which, when assigning pensions, insurance contributions and the total term are taken into account labor activity.

    Thus, continuity of work does not affect either the size of pensions or the amount of social benefits - official work activity is always taken as the basis, regardless of the intervals between employment.

    Is it in use today

    Despite the fact that work continuity has now lost its legal meaning, some employers continue to use it to further reward their employees. For example, some organizations enshrine in their internal regulations norms according to which an employee who has worked for a long time, may qualify for extended leave, an additional bonus, increased pay, etc.

    In this case, length of service is calculated according to work book, based on the rule that each month is counted as 30 days, and each year as 12 months. Also counted is the time when the employee:

    • was on maternity or child care leave;
    • took leave to care for a sick relative;
    • improved his qualifications;
    • was registered in the employment service.
    • Continuous work experience upon dismissal at will

      What benefits does continuous service provide to employees?

      Continuous work experience is the duration of a citizen’s work in one or more organizations, if the period of unemployment in the intervals between employment did not exceed deadline.

      To maintain continuous service, you need to know the following nuances:

      if within one year the employee changes his place of work, then it is interrupted, even if all deadlines are met.

      if a citizen is fired “under an article”, the period will be interrupted, even if the deadlines for placement with another employer are met;

      if an employee was forced to interrupt her work activity due to maternity leave, this period is considered a valid reason for maintaining it.

      Continuous service after voluntary dismissal allows employees to count on some benefits, unlike those for whom it was interrupted for a long time:

      the opportunity to receive regular salary increases for continuous work in state budgetary institutions;

      increasing the amount of social benefits;

      receiving bonuses and additional holidays, established by the employer for long service.

      During what kind of break in work is uninterrupted service maintained?

      Continuous length of service after voluntary dismissal is maintained during a break in work activity of 1 to 3 months. To save it, you must follow the following rules:

      one month after leaving the organization, you must find a job in a new company;

      for persons living in areas Far North, this period has been increased to 2 months;

      the period can be increased to 3 months for persons dismissed from work due to reorganization/liquidation of the enterprise or temporary disability.

      In what cases is seniority maintained regardless of the break?

      Maintaining seniority after voluntary dismissal with a longer break is possible in the following cases:

      when finding employment in a new place after dismissal by one’s own decision in connection with the transfer of a spouse to work in another area;

      when employed after dismissal by one’s own decision in connection with old-age retirement.

      What happens if work is interrupted?

      If the duration of a break in work without good reason exceeded the deadlines established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then the length of service is considered interrupted. A person loses the right to all benefits until the period of his continuous work from the moment of placement in a new place again reaches the value established for receiving them. Continuity of work is important for employees who receive benefits, allowances and compensation for length of service based on their occupation.

      How many days is the work experience uninterrupted after dismissal from the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

      In view of the new reforms in the pension system, such a concept as continuous experience work has lost its former significance for most categories of workers. However, representatives of public sector enterprises and the public sector should know when seniority is interrupted. This is due to the fact that they may be deprived of government benefits.

      Continuous length of service means long-term professional activity without significant breaks.
      According to the Labor Code, continuous service after leaving work continues to be considered for a month.
      If the employee was dismissed due to serious violations, then continuous service is not maintained. Such violations are defined as:

    • Absence from work without good reason;
    • Theft or damage to production property;
    • Depending on whose initiative the resignation occurred, you can determine how many days of service is not interrupted after dismissal:

    • At your own request, with clarification of valid reasons, one month;
    • When reducing the workforce, three months.
      • If a valid circumstance was not indicated in the application for leave, then this period is equal to three weeks;
      • If dismissal at the request of the employee is repeated several times during the year, then continuity of work is not maintained.
      • You can avoid interruptions if you search for a new place of work while on vacation.
      • Duration of continuous work experience after dismissal by agreement of the parties

        The possibility of dismissal by agreement of the parties is provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In most cases, the contract between the parties can be canceled by agreement of the parties. However, another contract may be terminated in the same way. Consent must be provided in writing. If an agreement to terminate the contract has been reached, then the period of continuous work experience after dismissal will be equal to one month.

      • When canceling a contract by women who are pregnant or have children under 14 years of age or a disabled child under 16 years of age. The period of service will not be interrupted until the child reaches the specified age;
      • For working citizens of the northern regions, breaks from work should not exceed two months;
      • Maternity leave, including parental leave;
      • Termination of the organization's functioning;
      • The period after retirement;
      • There are situations when, for some reason, you have to leave your place of work. Then the question of breaks in work experience after dismissal becomes most relevant. To obtain as much information as possible on the relevant topic, you should refer to the provisions of labor legislation.

        When is employment interrupted after dismissal?

        Since January 1, 2007, a slightly different procedure has been in force for determining the continuity of a citizen’s work experience. Before this, if 3 weeks did not pass when moving from one place of work to another, then the length of service was not interrupted. Since 2007, the Constitutional Court has abolished this provision.

        On January 1, 2007, Law No. 255-FZ came into force, according to which sick leave payments are now calculated. Before this law came into force, sick pay depended on continuity of work experience. Now it depends on the duration of the total insurance period.

        Continuity of work experience today does not affect pension payments. Pension and disability benefits are calculated based on the length of insurance coverage. He should not be interrupted to pay sick leave.
        If a citizen has more than 8 years of continuous insurance experience, then his sick leave is paid in the amount of 100% of his average earnings. If the length of service is from 5 to 8 years, then sick leave is paid in the amount of 80%, if from 1 to 5 years, then in the amount of 60%. If the length of service is less than 1 year, then depending on the minimum wage, depending on the region of residence of the working citizen.

        Work experience is considered continuous if a citizen changes his place of work for a good reason, and 1 month has not passed before the conclusion of a new employment contract. For example, when moving to another area for permanent residence, an employee quits his old job. If he gets a new job within 1 month, then his work experience is not interrupted.

        If an employee resigns from his previous place of work on his own initiative, the period for continuity of service is reduced to three weeks. That is, having left his previous job of his own free will, a citizen must get a new job within three weeks.

        Service in the army under a contract does not interrupt the length of service if between dismissal from armed forces and the conclusion of a new employment contract “in civilian life” has passed a period not exceeding 1 year.
        Continuous work experience includes the period of caring for a child until he turns 3 years old.

        If within 1 year the employee quit of his own free will, then his length of service is interrupted, even if the deadlines for interrupting his work experience are observed. If an employee is fired “under an article”, then his length of service is also interrupted, despite meeting the deadlines for finding a new job.

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        How long does it take to interrupt work experience after dismissal in 2018?

        Every citizen cares about ensuring his old age. However, there are times when a person, due to dismissal, cannot continue professional activity. In such a situation, the question arises: is the work experience interrupted or not? If you are concerned about this issue, pay attention to the contents of the article.

      • Failure to fulfill assigned duties;
      • And other violations provided for by law.
      • If you leave at your own request and there are no serious circumstances, this period is three weeks;
      • By agreement of the employee and employer, one month;

      When is the length of service interrupted after voluntary dismissal?

      If you have a desire to leave your place of work, you should know how long your work experience will be interrupted after dismissal. The period during which the duration of continuous service upon dismissal at one's own request is maintained is short-lived.

    • If appropriate reasons are indicated, this period can be extended by a week;
    • In what cases is work experience not interrupted after dismissal?

      The exchange did not provide a new job, otherwise it may be interrupted. You need to get on it immediately after breaking the employment relationship;

      • the new employer is required to officially employ the employee within a 30-day period, since at this time the length of service is still considered continuous.

      Despite the simplified calculation procedure in 2018, there are some areas where it is determined according to outdated rules. Often, seniority is not interrupted after dismissal, but is not taken into account:

      • sending a military family member to study at domestic or foreign universities - if the period from graduation to employment is no more than 2 months;
      • a break in a seasonal type of work if a contract is signed and the employee worked last year and returned this year.

      In these situations, the continuous period is not taken into account.

      When is employment interrupted after dismissal?

      You need to pay attention to the nuances that will not allow you to interrupt your work experience:

      • If it is necessary to terminate an employment agreement in order to get a new job, it is recommended that you initially take leave (it is better not to quit right away). Thus, citizens have the right to begin fulfilling their obligations in a new place from next day and do not stop working.

        If you are fired more than once in a year, the period is automatically considered intermittent;

      • if parental leave has been issued for a child up to 3 years old, but there is a desire to go to work, the husband can receive it in order to purchase benefits. Upon completion of the pregnant woman’s employment contract, the employer is obliged to extend maternity leave, since dismissal is possible only upon liquidation of the company;
      • in case of bankruptcy of an enterprise during maternity leave, a 3-year period is included if the woman was registered as unemployed.

      Continuous work experience upon dismissal at will

      When is the length of service interrupted after voluntary dismissal? Continuous service after voluntary dismissal is 30 days. The length of service after dismissal by agreement of the parties. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the period is 3 weeks - in the case of mutual consent.

      Upon completion of the specified time, it acquires intermittent status. What could be the consequences? If a worker is dismissed before amendments are made to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and the period is interrupted due to exceeding the unemployment limit, then his benefits will be canceled if:
      • he was entitled to length of service, and it was accrued;
      • for the new workplace, payments are restored.

      If, before the introduction of the latest amendments, continuous experience was extremely important, then from now on most of the calculations are carried out on the basis of insurance.
      The pensioner should build on it.

      Continuous service after voluntary dismissal in 2018

      Continuous work experience is the length of service of an employee during which the breaks between transitions from one organization to another due to dismissal do not exceed the duration established by law. In fact, continuous service upon dismissal is calculated in the same way as before: in order to maintain it, no more than one month must pass between the termination of the employment contract with the previous employer and employment in a new job.

      It often happens that after being fired, a person registers with the Employment Center and is looking for a new job, but suddenly falls ill and due to illness there is a break between dismissal and subsequent employment increases. In this case, the length of service is not interrupted, because illness is considered a force majeure circumstance and in order to maintain the length of service, it is enough for him to obtain the appropriate medical certificates.

      How long does it take to interrupt work experience after dismissal in 2018?

      • Duration of work and leaving work
      • Conclusion

      What it is? Experience is the periods of time, days, weeks and years that a person devoted to work. Employment contract, entry in the Book, all necessary formalities must be strictly observed, because only this indicates that for a person every penny of insurance premiums must be transferred to Pension Fund RF, it “dripped” into the personal account of the future recipient.
      In this way, a certain amount was accumulated, which in the “age of survival”, or simply put, retirement, or after an illness, injury from which it is impossible to fully recover, is paid monthly. The total duration of activity, both labor and socially useful, which is called seniority, has the most direct impact on the amount of temporary disability benefits and pension benefits.

      How long does your work experience last after dismissal?

      Download the application form What is continuous experience? Continuous experience is a set of periods of continuous work with one employer and work with others, subject to established by standards law of downtime periods. Therefore, in the event of voluntary resignation, the employee must, under certain circumstances, comply with the conditions of continuity. Subscribe to our channel in Yandex.Zen! Subscribe to the channel From 1973 to 2010, the concept of continuity of work experience was enshrined at the legislative level. Rules for its calculation during the appointment process state benefits and social payments were approved by Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers dated April 13, 1973 No. 252 (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”).

      What benefits does continuous service provide to employees? Continuous work experience is the duration of a citizen’s work in one or more organizations if the period of unemployment in the intervals between employment did not exceed the established period. To maintain continuous service, you need to know the following nuances:

      • if within one year the employee changes his place of work, then it is interrupted, even if all deadlines are met.
      • if a citizen is fired “under an article”, the period will be interrupted, even if the deadlines for placement with another employer are met;
      • if an employee was forced to interrupt her work activity due to maternity leave, this period is considered a valid reason for maintaining it.
      • public types of work for a set fee;
      • being in prison with further reinstatement due to an acquittal.

      Continuity of service upon dismissal directly depends on the type of severance:

      • by mutual agreement of the parties, the duration is 3 weeks;
      • due to production needs to reduce the number of employees – 3 months in case of reorganization or liquidation of the company;
      • by mutual or personal consent – ​​1 month.

      In 2018, there are other periods for forced cancellation situations. labor agreement to some citizens:

      • for contract service - 12 months;
      • if military personnel have 25 years of service - continuously;
      • civil servants – six months.

      Continuity of service for doctors is calculated in the same way as insurance.


      If the period between dismissal and new employment does not exceed a year;

      • Maternity leave, including parental leave;
      • Termination of the organization's functioning;
      • The period after retirement;
      • Upon dismissal in regions with a high percentage of unemployment;
      • When returning to office after the removal of an unjustified sentence;
      • Carrying out paid public works.

      There are situations when, for some reason, you have to leave your place of work. Then the question of breaks in work experience after dismissal becomes most relevant.

      To obtain as much information as possible on the relevant topic, you should refer to the provisions of labor legislation.

      When is work experience interrupted after dismissal 2018

      Only after 8 years of work in one place or by changing jobs not by dismissal, but by transfer to another place, you could provide yourself with a guaranteed 100% salary if you got sick, couldn’t work, or were caring for a small child. Today, continuity of seniority has lost its former meaning, the concept itself is gradually becoming a thing of the past.


      Now the question of how long you can not work so that your work experience is not interrupted is no longer very relevant. Only in some organizations, where this is stipulated in the Charter, the duration of vacation, the amount of severance pay, bonuses, and other payments depend on the continuous period of work.

      Why is it needed? The duration of work allows you to correctly and accurately determine the size of your future pension, which depends on the amount in the personal account of a person insured by the Pension Fund. All citizens receive a social pension upon reaching a certain age.
      For men today it is 60 years old, for women – 55.

      Thus, continuity of work does not affect either the size of pensions or the amount of social benefits - official work activity is always taken as the basis, regardless of the intervals between employment. Is it used today Despite the fact that work continuity has now lost its legal meaning, some employers continue to use it to further reward their employees.

      For example, some organizations enshrine in their internal regulations norms according to which an employee who has worked for a long time can apply for extended leave, an additional bonus, an increase in wages, etc. In this case, length of service is calculated according to the work record book, based on the rule that Each month is counted as 30 days, and each year as 12 months.
      If the enterprise is liquidated, then while on maternity leave, the length of service will include a period of up to 3 years, provided that the employee was registered with the Employment Center, but could not get a suitable job. If an employee resigns due to transfer to another organization, new employer obliged to employ him within a month: this is precisely the period of continuity. Despite the fact that now the procedure for calculating seniority has been significantly simplified, there are still some areas in which it is carried out according to the old rules established by the regulations of organizations.

      Continuous work experience before 2007 was an extremely important indicator.

      It influenced future pensions and made it possible to receive significant additional payments to your salary. Today this concept has practically lost its relevance, but nevertheless in some areas it is still considered not only important, but also decisive.

      Many citizens believe that working within one organization is an uninterrupted length of service, but in reality this is not the case. You can change employers and even professions, but your experience will remain the same. But for this it is necessary to observe several important conditions.

      Work experience is the total duration of work activity during which a citizen performed certain duties. All years of official employment are reflected in the work book, which is the main evidence of their existence. The length of service allows the employee to receive a pension benefit upon reaching a certain age or upon working out set quantity years. Besides, official work allows you to apply for subsidies, social benefits and other government guarantees.

      The concept of length of service has changed greatly in recent years, because a pension reform was carried out, which led to changes. Continuity of work is no longer an indicator for calculating pensions or other benefits.

      Currently, experience is divided into the following types:

      1. General, which includes all periods.
      2. Special, it is intended for certain professions and positions and allows you to count on preferential calculation of pension benefits.
      3. Insurance, which also includes non-working periods during which contributions were paid or social security was provided to citizens.

      Each type plays its own important role in a person’s life, therefore requires more detailed consideration.


      The concept of total length of service was retained solely to determine periods that were accumulated before January 1, 2002. Today, this indicator is not relevant in legislative standards, but in the common environment it is used everywhere, hence the confusion.

      For citizens who began their working career before 2002, the total length of service allows them to calculate how many years they worked before the start of this period. It includes:

      1. Years of work in the public service or in commercial structures.
      2. Time spent working as an individual entrepreneur.
      3. Creative activity of members of various groups.
      4. Completion of military service.
      5. Temporary disability that began while working.
      6. Exemption from work due to disability of the first and second groups, provided that it was received at work.
      7. The time when unemployment benefits were calculated.

      All these segments are added together, and the total total length of service is obtained.


      The insurance period is the indicator that is taken as the main one for calculating currently worked periods. It represents a set of segments during which insurance contributions to the social protection fund were paid.

      Insurance periods include:

      1. All days and years of work, provided that the employment was official under a contract.
      2. Military service or periods equivalent to it.
      3. Time of incapacity for work when cash benefits were accrued.
      4. Care for children under three years of age, but not more than 1.5 years for one child and 4.5 years for all in total.
      5. Segments when a citizen was registered at the labor exchange and received unemployment benefits.
      6. Moments when a person took part in community service.
      7. Time of imprisonment, provided that the charge is dropped for unfoundedness.
      8. Care for disabled children, disabled adults and elderly people over 80 years of age.
      9. No more than five years of absence from work if the military spouse does not have the opportunity to find work in the area of ​​residence.
      10. Years of being abroad without the opportunity to work when the spouse is a consul or diplomat. Also no more than five years.

      All specified deadlines apply if the citizen works immediately before their start or immediately after their end.


      Continuous experience, despite the limited use of this term at the present time, has not changed its essence at all.

      This concept implies that a citizen works constantly, without taking long breaks between dismissal from one job and employment in another. According to legal standards, to maintain continuity, a person should not exceed permissible limit when changing employer.

      The absence of breaks in work does not allow you to count on additional coefficients for pensions or receiving other benefits. But there are professions in which it is extremely important not to have breaks, for example, doctors, teachers, etc.

      Breaks in work activity

      Upon reaching adulthood, a citizen enters working age and can begin his work activity. For most people, it is put off until it is over. educational institution and received a profession. After the fact of the first employment is accomplished, a person works all his life until he reaches retirement age. However, life happens various situations who may temporarily interrupt their work activity. The reasons for such interruptions are classified as follows:

      1. Personal – the need for treatment or adaptation after an illness or injury, collecting and processing documents in connection with the death of relatives, studying, traveling abroad, moving to another area in the Russian Federation.
      2. Economic - staff reduction or complete liquidation of the organization, while it is impossible to find a new one workplace due to a general crisis or low demand for a person’s existing specialization.
      3. Professional – lack of official employment due to the temporary nature of the tasks performed or the inability to conclude an agreement with the employer.

      Each reason entails dismissal, and subsequently employment. Whether a break will be counted toward the total length of service depends on many criteria, including their duration.

      Is continuous experience so important?

      Rooted in the subconscious of people back in Soviet times, the concept of continuity of work haunts many citizens to this day. Let’s figure out whether its meaning is so relevant in 2018.

      The main priority of working without interruptions was previously considered to be the opportunity to get increased pension. Citizens who worked continuously for a certain number of years received additional payment. The new pension reform abolished this type accruals, therefore, regarding this type of benefit, you can forget about continuous service. However, many state and municipal employees receive salary bonuses for length of service, which is considered work within the same field of activity without interruptions. Dismissal from one organization and transfer to another interrupts the established countdown of years of service.

      No breaks are important for medical workers, teachers, rescuers. Long-term absence from employment in a profession entails loss of qualifications, so constant work activity is encouraged.

      Continuity after dismissal

      Continuous work experience after dismissal is maintained only if the established deadlines are met. They differ depending on the reason for the termination of the relationship, working conditions and other aspects.

      Dismissal of one's own free will without specifying the reason for such a decision allows the employee to search for a new job for no more than three weeks. But if within one year he terminates the contract for the second time on his own initiative, then this benefit will be withdrawn from him. If the employer decides to dismiss an employee or a transfer is made from one organization to another, then a difference of one month is allowed. Citizens who worked in the Far North or in other countries with which special employment agreements have been concluded are allowed a break of a maximum of two months.

      1. Dismissed due to layoffs or company reorganization.
      2. Those who have lost their jobs due to temporary disability.
      3. Those left without a job due to the disability group they received.
      4. Those who left their position due to health conditions or due to inadequacy.
      5. For teachers primary classes who were laid off due to a decrease in the number of students.
      6. For combatants and former military personnel.

      Sometimes dismissal automatically interrupts the length of service; this happens if the employer initiated the termination, and the reason is the unlawful actions of the employee.

      How to calculate length of service

      When calculating length of service, only those periods that were worked, as well as those that are equivalent to them, are taken into account. It is necessary to calculate the segments according to official documents. Their list, in addition to the work record book, may include a military ID, certificates from the employment center and the social protection fund. If for some reason the data is not included in the book, then copies of orders for hiring and dismissal are provided.

      When talking about continuous work experience, it is necessary to take into account the reasons for interruption of work activity. If it allows you to add the next period, then it is calculated from the date of admission to the date of dismissal, and the break itself, which by law does not exceed the required standards, is, of course, not taken into account.

      Consequences of interruption of work experience

      Interruptions of work experience, despite the irrelevance of the concept at this time, still have their consequences for the employment side. As a rule, the subsequent employer is always interested in the reason for the lack of work during the specified period. This is especially true for specialists high level and managers. Long downtime entail falling out of the general rhythm, loss of qualifications and general disorientation in the labor market.

      The presence of breaks in work, in general, does not affect other indicators of the employee’s further social security. Although, for example, the same unemployment benefit will be greatly reduced if a person long time did not work, and went on sick leave in the first months of work. In this case, the insurance period will be considered, but the income for two last year labor will be minimal.

      Does continuous service affect the size of the pension?

      The pinnacle of every citizen's working life is retirement. Most often it is prescribed for old age. The following age limits have been adopted in the Russian Federation:

      1. For men 60 years old.
      2. For women 55 years old.

      You can work after the specified period, but if you wish, you have the opportunity to retire.

      Some professions in connection with special conditions labor allow you to retire earlier than the specified age. They take into account the accumulated experience, and sometimes the achievement of the retirement period is a combination of accumulated years and age limits.

      In neither case does continuity play any role in calculating benefits.

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      For every person, work experience is an important component. It affects many indicators. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at what seniority is and how does it affect a person’s life?

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      What is work experience?

      Under the concept " seniority» refers to the duration of a person’s working activity. This indicator is the main one for obtaining the right to pensions and disability benefits. A work record book serves as confirmation of an employee’s length of service. There are cases when the holder of this document has lost information about the primary activity, in which case it is possible to implement pension calculations.

      There are several types of work experience:

      1. Total length of service includes all years of the employee’s working life. In this case, it also includes periods such as military service, disability, maternity leave, caring for a disabled person and unemployment. The latter indicator is counted only if the person receives cash benefits from social services.
      2. Continuous experience includes the total duration of continuous work at one enterprise.
      3. Special work experience is intended for people holding relevant positions.

      Every person should know that a work book is an important document that confirms work experience. It is necessary to carefully monitor the correctness of filling it out and not to lose it. If the information is not true, then you need to request changes to the data from the employer.

      What influences its interruption?

      Currently, not every person can work continuously for a long time at one enterprise. There are always situations when an employee must cease his activities. There are several criteria that influence the interruption of seniority:

      1. Dismissal. If a person voluntarily quits his job or decides to change his occupation, then his work experience is interrupted. However, this rule does not include the reduction of workers and the liquidation of the organization. The period of employment is interrupted if the person does not find a new job within three weeks.
      2. Sick leave. We are talking about those sick days for which their payment does not correspond to the tasks social insurance or constitution.
      3. The departure of an employee from an official place of employment to an unofficial organization (private firm). In this case, it is generally accepted that the employee voluntarily left the enterprise and his work experience is interrupted.

      Each change associated with a change in the employee’s activity must be recorded in the work book. If activities are constantly interrupted, this may negatively affect the amount of pension benefits.

      How to make it continuous?

      The amount of benefit during the period of incapacity depends on continuous work experience. If you wish, you can save it; for this, you need to remember the following points.

      The period of service becomes continuous if:

      • A person voluntarily entered work after retirement.
      • A disabled citizen receives unemployment benefits. In this case, to prevent interruption of your work experience, you must queue up at the labor exchange while looking for a new job.
      • Less than three weeks have passed since the dismissal. Before leaving one organization, a person needs to find a new place of work.

      It is allowed to maintain continuous work experience for up to two months if:

      • After dismissal, a person goes to work of his own free will. For example, if the wife was forced to change organization due to her husband moving to another area.
      • The citizen retired due to age.
      • The man quit his job at an enterprise that was located in the Far North or abroad.

      It is allowed to maintain continuous work experience for up to three months if:

      • The citizen was fired due to downsizing or liquidation of the organization.
      • The employee was fired due to inconsistency with the position.

      If for some reason the employer does not maintain continuity of work experience, then his actions can be appealed in court.

      Legal framework and its changes

      From April 1973 until the end of 2006, the country had a law on calculating seniority. According to its terms, it was considered continuous if a citizen got a job less than one month after dismissal. Since 2007, this law has changed; the break period is now three weeks.

      Since 2007, temporary unemployment benefits have also changed. Today it is:

      1. Payment is 100 percent of wages with 8 years of experience.
      2. Payment is 80 percent of salary for 5 to 8 years of experience.
      3. Payment is 60 percent of salary for up to 5 years of experience.

      From January 1, 2007, changes were made to the calculation of disability benefits. Now, the insurance period is taken into account, which includes the amount from all periods.

      What does continuous work experience affect?

      Continuous work experience- this is the duration of an employee in one place or in several organizations, if the break does not exceed the established period. Based on this indicator, the amount of benefit during the period of incapacity is calculated; it can be 60, 80 or 100 percent of wages.

      Continuous work experience affects:

      1. the amount of old-age pension;
      2. the amount of disability pension;
      3. the amount of pension benefits in case of loss of a breadwinner;

      Each person can independently calculate his continuous work experience, for this he needs:

      • Prepare the necessary things: calculator, pen, paper, computer and work book.
      • To calculate continuous length of service, you need to find the 1C program “Salaries and Personnel”. If you wish, you can carry out this procedure yourself using a calculator.
      • The program requires you to enter all dates of employment and dismissal from work. After that, you need to click the “calculate” button and wait for the results.
      • When calculating independently, you first need to calculate the amount of labor activity. To do this, you need to subtract the date of employment from the date of dismissal. Next, you should add up those results, the gap between which was more than three weeks.

      You should not read the result if the employee was fired more than twice a year. You should also pay attention to exceptions in which the length of service is not interrupted.

      What is not included, but does not interrupt the experience

      There are some situations in which the length of service is not interrupted:

      1. While receiving secondary specialized or higher education the experience is not interrupted. This also applies to postgraduate and residency training. However, the break between leaving work and entering an educational institution should not exceed the established time limits.
      2. If a person has been abroad for a long time, gaining skills for work there. In this case, the time of his release from work should not exceed two months.
      3. Work experience is not interrupted if a person works at a seasonal enterprise. For example, its activities are related to the agricultural or shipbuilding industries. In this case, he needs to work completely for one season, after which he must enter into an agreement to return to work in the next period.
      4. An exception is the case if a citizen is serving time at correctional labor, however, we are not talking about deprivation of liberty at the place of his work.
      5. If an employee is declared incapacitated during the period between dismissal from one position and entry into another, then this period is extended. In this case, the person must provide a certificate.
      6. The period is also extended if additional time is needed to move to another location.

      The length of work experience is set by the employer in accordance with the norms of the Russian Federation. Each action must be written down in the work book.

      You should approach such an issue as seniority with responsibility. This indicator will be used when applying for a pension. In order to ensure a decent old age, it is necessary to maintain continuity of work experience.


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