Groceries. How to increase store profit by selling groceries

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Grocery is the name of a group of food products, which currently includes a wide range of different food products. The word grocery is borrowed from Turkish, where a vegetable seller is called bakkal. Initially, groceries meant dry food products, such as nuts, dried fruits, and smoked meats.

Over time, other goods began to be classified as groceries, such as flour, tea and coffee, as well as spices, herbs, sugar, salt and other food products. Grocery refers not only to food products, but also to the store where they are sold to consumers. A seller who deals in groceries is called a grocer. In the broadest sense of the word, grocery is a group of food products that have undergone preliminary culinary processing and can be eaten or used as an ingredient in the preparation of other culinary products.

Groceries differ from other food products by having a fairly long shelf life. Among grocery products, several groups of food products can be distinguished. The grocery group boasts the widest range of products: leguminous crops and grain. This group includes such food products as: all kinds of cereals, as well as flour and pasta.

The second large group of goods that are classified as groceries includes different kinds culinary vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, rapeseed, corn, butter, etc.), as well as fats (lard, duck, goose, beef and others) and their substitutes (margarine, spread). Sauces also belong to groceries and constitute another large group of food products with a fairly impressive shelf life and shelf life.

Spices and herbs, by their characteristics, fall under the concept of grocery. In addition, grocery products include all the dry ingredients necessary for preparing culinary products and baking, such as baker's yeast and baking powder, various types of ready-made confectionery and culinary mixtures. Products instant cooking(soups, cereals, muesli, cereals) also belong to groceries.

Snacks, dry concentrated drinks, various dried fruits, nuts, seeds, dried and dried fish, as well as meat are classified as groceries. In a word, groceries in modern trade mean a wide range of food products that are sold through the distribution network.

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We are all familiar with such concepts as grocery store, grocery product and grocery in general, but who knows for sure what they mean? Often this group refers to the entire range of retail outlets, regardless of the product range of a particular store. Although the grocery list includes a fairly extensive and varied list of food products, it is not endless, and the range of groceries can be classified.

What is grocery?

A buyer, coming to any grocery store, simply cannot help but purchase something from the grocery category. Products falling under this category make up the lion's share of the entire assortment of counters. Of course, among other departments, the store will have a confectionery, a dairy, a gastronomy, and a display case with alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, but still grocery is the basis of any retail or wholesale store.

In dictionaries and manuals on organizing retail outlets it is stated that grocery is that assortment of food products that does not require the creation special conditions for their sale and storage. Mainly this is a “dry” product with long term suitability.

The word “grocery” itself came to us from overseas Turkey (bakkal is the original, in some sources it is interpreted literally as “a product in person - look and take”). Grocers were those sellers in whose windows you could buy whatever your heart desired. We can conclude that at one time the food group called “groceries” presented on store shelves was even more diverse than it is now, but this is most likely not an omission or shortcoming modern market, but an exaggeration of past years.

List of goods

At the moment, customers have access to a much wider range of products than several centuries ago, and it would be ridiculous to compare the variety of even the largest nineteenth-century store with a modern supermarket. In addition, current sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements for sellers have become incomparably stricter, and therefore the classification of assortment in retail outlets has become more regulated and unambiguous.

The grocery group of goods is rich in the following items:

  • coffee, tea, cocoa, including packaged and instant concentrates;
  • all kinds of cereals, pasta and their derivatives (mixes, porridges, muesli, flakes, ;
  • flour from different varieties grains, pancake mixtures;
  • spices and seasonings, also salt and sugar;
  • food additives, such as gelatin, lemon acid, dry yeast, etc.;
  • hermetically sealed dressings (sauces, ketchups, mustard, horseradish, tomato paste);
  • vegetable oils;
  • soups, potatoes, cereals and instant noodles.

Little thing and "bulk"

As you can see, grocery is a rather diverse concept. However, it can be classified according to one more principle. Most of the groceries are single units, already packaged in small packages of food portions. Manufacturers offer their customers the most optimal and convenient weight of packs, in addition to the fact that this speeds up the sales process, because the seller does not need to use scales every time and make complex calculations; each packaging has its own price and mass justification.

Expensive spices and seasonings are sold in small portions of 5-15 grams, but you can always purchase large packages if necessary. Cereals, sugar and flour are another matter - often each package contains a standard portion of one kilogram, but the constant increase in prices forces manufacturers to resort to cunning and a large number of packaged cereals and other bulk goods presented in supermarket and store windows can weigh 750 or 900 grams.

Despite the widespread use of self-service stores, in which it is much more convenient for customers to buy packaged goods. Many stores still sell goods by weight, and in markets you can even buy vegetable oil in bulk; coffee, teas and spices are also weighed and sold by the retailer in the quantities the buyer needs. This method of selling groceries has big advantage, because the client can always reliably assess the quality of the purchase based on its appearance, consistency and smell.

Grocery store or department only?

Despite the wide range of groceries in the store, it is simply impossible to find a retail outlet that does not sell products that do not fall under the category of groceries. Discerning buyers they want to come to one store and buy everything they need there, avoiding going from one seller to another.

Modern trading conditions are such that the owners of food pavilions are forced to provide consumers with the full variety of products they require, so groceries in a store are sold only in one of the departments, along with other product groups.

Note to the grocery seller

The big advantage of selling groceries is that products from this group have a long shelf life and do not require the creation special conditions for their storage, and also do not force sellers to equip technologically complex warehouse premises.

Groceries should be stored in a cool room (no higher than 18 degrees Celsius), with low humidity. If the warehouse is damp, the products will become unfit for consumption, because cereals, spices and coffee tea absorb moisture from the atmosphere, in addition, they can become saturated with foreign aromas, which will also greatly damage their quality. An important requirement to those intended for storing groceries, is that the racks on which the goods will be laid out should not touch the walls.

Groceries - a fairly extensive list of products on which the food trade is based. In any store, this type of product will occupy most of the shelves. Groceries are no less important for catering establishments.

Due to the wide variety of grocery products, it is quite difficult to clearly classify them. Most of these products are sold in dry form, but there are liquid products (for example, vegetable oils or ketchup).

Therefore, it will be easier to say about groceries that they are all the products that a thrifty housewife stores outside the refrigerator.

Although groceries are sensitive to temperature changes, especially increases, they can easily withstand long-term storage in normal indoor conditions.

The following products are usually classified as groceries:

  • Tea and coffee. These drinks, beloved by many, are separated into a separate subgroup due to the wide variety of varieties and their
    complex classification.
  • Flour and flour mixtures intended for baking pancakes, pancakes, muffins and other types of baked goods. Here
    include all varieties of wheat and rye flour, as well as their mixtures used for the production of bread and bakery products.
  • Cereals. This is a fairly large subgroup, products from which are included in the daily diet of most people. To that
    The product type includes the following types of cereals: polished wheat, semolina, wheat flakes, barley,
    buckwheat (kernels, prodel, flakes), rice (crushed, polished, polished), millet, oatmeal (including
    rolled oats), corn, legumes (polished, split peas), lentils, as well as beans (white for the first, colored
    for second courses).
  • . The subgroup includes products different shapes: feathers, Italian pasta, horns, vermicelli, noodles, curly
  • Vegetable oils: traditional sunflower, dietary olive, corn, rapeseed, palm.
  • Spices. The subgroup includes sugar, vinegar, salt, citric acid, vanilla sugar.
  • Spices and herbs: ground pepper (red, black) and whole pepper grains, coriander, Bay leaf, ginger – one
    in a word, everything that gives dishes a piquant or spicy taste.
  • Seasonings in finished form. A fairly popular list of food additives among culinary experts includes horseradish, mustard,
    ketchup, adjika, mayonnaise and sauces created according to national recipes.
  • Dry ingredients for baking or cooking. Such as gelatin, raising agents, yeast.
  • Nuts, seeds, dried or dried fruits and vegetables.
  • Snack products: popcorn, crackers, chips.
  • Groceries also include modern dry semi-finished products and products: instant dishes (soups, purees, cereals),
    ready-made breakfasts (cereals, muesli), instant drinks (milk and cream in dry form, concentrate for cooking

Are all products necessary?

Using grocery products is vital to most food service kitchens. Of course, not all subgroups of grocery products are necessarily used.

Fast food establishments, cafes, bistros make do with a minimum set of products, focusing on frozen semi-finished products and confectionery. Grocery is widely used in. But for establishments with own kitchen, such as restaurants, kebab shops, pancake shops, snack bars, you will need a significant part of the goods from the extensive list of groceries.

Storage Secrets

The main advantage of groceries is the ease of storage

In fact, no special conditions are required for these products. However, dry products still have several features of maintaining freshness and presentation.

Doesn't like groceries high temperatures air. This especially applies to flour, pasta and cereals. The ideal temperature is considered not to exceed +8 degrees. In practice, maintaining this temperature in a restaurant or diner pantry is difficult to achieve. Therefore, a simpler rule is followed - the maximum temperature limit of +18 degrees should not be exceeded. An ordinary air conditioner is suitable to maintain this temperature.

Triple required condition storage – low air humidity. The indicator should not exceed 60-70%. Dry products that are not hermetically packaged can absorb large amounts of moisture, which significantly reduces the shelf life of some types of products. But there are also pleasant exceptions to this rule. For example, sugar and salt will lose their presentation, but will retain all their physical qualities and taste. And tea, coffee and flour, in addition to the fear of moisture, are also sensitive to strong odors. These are real sissies!

Packaging that is opened and left unsealed is an almost 100% guarantee that tea or coffee will develop bad smell and the taste will change

In addition to all of the above, groceries require a good ventilation system or frequent ventilation rooms. Access fresh air will help fight dampness, odors and insect pests of grain stocks.

And the products on the shelves should not come into contact with the walls or ceiling.

Minimum distance from the floor to the first shelf is twenty centimeters.

Attention should be paid to compliance sanitary standards. The premises are regularly cleaned and insects and animal pests are controlled. The integrity of the packages must be checked.

You hear this word in everyday life quite often. Everyone knows that this term refers to gastronomy, but not everyone knows what exactly it means. And to ask such questions, it would seem, simple questions not always convenient.

Grocery - what is it?

There are two theories regarding the origin of the word:

From the Arabic "bakkal", which means spice merchant.
. From the Turkish "bakal". This phrase is translated roughly as “look and take”, “product in sight”.

So, grocery is a wide group of food products. In addition, this is the name of the department (or the whole store) in which these same products are sold. Previously, there were special shops selling products from this range, and the seller was called a “grocer”. Today, the largest and most diverse department of a supermarket is grocery. This photo below shows the picture in full.

Groceries - what products are these?

In the generally accepted understanding, grocery is foodstuffs, which have undergone special culinary processing and therefore are subject to long-term storage under normal conditions. This series includes all cereals, pasta, tea, coffee, spices, vegetable oils, sauces, dried fruits and more.

Products in this category can be sold by weight or in packaged form. Perishable food (fish, meat, cheeses, sausages, vegetables, etc.), as well as juices and alcohol, are not considered groceries.

Bulk products

Bulk food products include the following:

1. All types of flour and special flour mixtures for preparing certain baked goods (muffins, pancakes).
2. Pasta of different varieties (vermicelli, horns, noodles, feathers, spaghetti, etc.).
3. Cereals. This section includes rice, buckwheat, semolina, wheat and oatmeal.
4. Various varieties tea, as well as cocoa, instant and natural coffee. Usually, for convenience, this entire range of products is placed in a specific department.
5. Legumes (beans, peas, soybeans, lentils, etc.).
6. Spices. Salt, sugar, citric acid, vanillin are in this category.
7. Spices. This list includes ground pepper, bay leaf, saffron, cloves, cinnamon, coriander, ginger and other substances that add spiciness and piquancy to dishes.
8. Food additives, such as gelatin, baking powder, yeast and other dry concentrates.
9. Dried fruits, seeds, nuts, dried vegetables.
10. Powdered instant drinks, as well as packaged instant meals and breakfast cereals.
11. Packaged snack foods. These can be crackers, chips, crackers, popcorn, dried small fish, squid rings, etc.

The list presented is far from complete; it is only a brief excursion into the field of bulk grocery, the range of which is extremely wide.

Canned food and liquid products

This category of goods can be presented for sale in sealed bottles plastic bags, in tin, plastic and glass jars. First of all, mention should be made of vegetable oils(olive, sunflower, cotton), which you will certainly find in the grocery department.

Groceries also include all types of canned food: fish, meat, vegetables, legumes, etc. In addition, this section of the supermarket contains various ready-made seasonings, such as mayonnaise, ketchup, adjika, mustard, all kinds of sauces, and vinegar.

Very often on shelves grocery department You can see household goods for small household needs. This could be soap, candles, matches, napkins and similar little things.


Despite the fact that products in this category belong to durable goods, they are also subject to a number of requirements. The quality of products must comply with GOST for this group of goods. The packaging must be sealed and not damaged. The package, bottle or jar must contain detailed information about the weight, composition, shelf life and conditions, release date and details of the manufacturer.

Today, packaged products are massively replacing bulk sales in stores. Packaged groceries are, no matter what conservative citizens say, very convenient, hygienic, and also attractive. This method also significantly reduces labor and time costs, thus increasing

Various types of food suitable for cold appetizers. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. GROCERY equal edible goods, all kinds of snacks, dry fruits, jam, etc. Complete dictionary of foreign words, ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

GROCERY, groceries, grocery goods, dried fruits: raisins, prunes, dates, figs, nuts, preserves, honey, molasses, etc., this also means: cheeses, herrings, balyk, caviar, sometimes wine. Bakala Turkish. look and take, i.e. the stuff is there, the goods are there, take it... ... Dictionary Dahl

Groceries; shop Dictionary of Russian synonyms. grocery noun, number of synonyms: 1 store (67) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin... Synonym dictionary

- (from Arabic bakkal seller of food supplies) some food products: cereals, flour, salt, tea, coffee, spices, etc.... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (collected) various edible goods (all sorts of things). Wed. In these streets there were... shops with groceries, old iron and various junk... Gorky. Varenka Olesova. 2. Wed. On the trading side? “Never mind! Let’s do the groceries!” Boborykin. Vasily... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

GROCERY, groceries, many. no, female, collected (from Arabic: bakkal spice merchant). Snack and dessert edible goods. Here they sold dried fruits, sugar, tea and other groceries. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

GROCERY, and, women. 1. collected Dry edible goods (tea, sugar, coffee, flour, cereals, pepper, spices, etc.). 2. A store selling such goods (colloquial). Buy coffee at the grocery store. | adj. grocery, oh, oh (to 1 value). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

From the Arabic "bakkal" - seller of food. A set of piece, packaged and canned products that are subject to relatively long-term storage, without special temperature conditions. Typically grocery items: salt, flour, cereals, spices... Culinary dictionary

grocery- Persian – baggali (grocery). Turkish – bakkaliye (grocery). Arabic baql (herbs, plants). In Russian, the word “groceries”, as well as the adjective “grocery”, have been used since the mid-18th century. Found in dictionaries since 1847. In Russian... ... Semenov Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language

AND; and. [from Arabic bakkal food seller]. collected 1. Some (dry) food products (tea, coffee, flour, cereals, spices, etc.). Deliver groceries. Sale of groceries. 2. Unwind Department of a grocery store or grocery store... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

grocery- Borrowing. in the 19th century from Turkish language, where bakkaliye suf. derived from bakkal “seller of vegetables and fruits” (primarily dried), dating back to Arabic. bakl “vegetables, fruits” (mostly dried). Grocery is literally “a greengrocer’s shop”... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language


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