Bentonite for clarifying mash: instructions for use, proportions, reviews, pros and cons. What litter is best for cats? What cat litter contains bentonite?

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Since the invention of hygienic cat litters, the lives of pets and their owners have become easier. Fillers cope with the natural needs of animals without unnecessary hassle. In some mysterious way, cats determine which litter is best for them. Let's take a look at the diversity of this product. Based on recommendations and reviews, we will choose the right filler, taking into account the preferences of cats.

Key selection points

The litter should, first of all, motivate the animal and help it decide where to go to the toilet. Cats reason like this: “If there is nothing to rake and nowhere to rummage, perhaps this is not a toilet at all.”

Before choosing, highlight your priorities too, take into account the following points:

  • the ability of the filler to remain clean and hygienic for as long as possible (minimizes cleaning of the tray);
  • the ability to throw sewage from the tray directly into the toilet;
  • good absorption of unpleasant odors;
  • profitability - using a portion of filler for a long time (it should last for a long time);
  • the filler should not be carried around the apartment on the animal’s paws and fur.

Classification of cat litters

The fillers differ:

  • by type of fraction (size, flowability, pressing method);
  • according to the degree of adhesion (absorbability).

Depending on the raw materials used, fillers are divided into three main groups:

  1. Mineral (bentonite, sepiolite, zeolite).
  2. Woody.
  3. Silica gel (silicate).

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at these groups separately.

Bentonite filler

Bentonite is a natural substance, clay, the advantage of which is its high hygroscopicity and odor absorption. Fillers made from this material are the most common.

The most popular: Catsan, Fresh Step, Certech, Murka, Super Benek, Bars, Hilton, Standard, Jimpet Biocats, Vitakraft, Siberian Cat, etc.

Bentonite cat litter

When in contact with cat urine, the bentonite litter clumps, forming a dense mass that can be easily removed from the tray with a special spatula. The rest of the filler remains in the tray.

Available in the form of grains similar to gravel. They can be unscented or flavored, for example, with a sea scent, lavender, wild strawberry, powdery and even peanut.

Advice. What's for you pleasant aroma, for cats, it may not be so. Experiment in this regard carefully so as not to cause allergies in your pets!
The finer the bentonite filler (the packaging contains the definition “compact”), the more effective it is!


  • affordable price;
  • cats accept it easily;
  • excellent absorbency;
  • may contain odor neutralizers or be used in a perfumed version;
  • prevents the proliferation of microorganisms, bacteria and fungi.


  • spreads on the cat's paws beyond the tray, for the same reason it is not suitable for long-haired breeds;
  • generates dust when poured into the tray;
  • is not thrown into the sewer (in combination with water, it sticks together and forms something like cement, clogs pipes, and leaves marks that are also difficult to remove on tiles and the walls of the tray);
  • not suitable for kittens, they swallow litter granules, which leads to intestinal blockage;
  • heavy, which complicates transportation (a 10 liter package weighs ~ 8 kg);
  • ineffective, requires frequent replacement (one package is enough for about 7-10 days and 14-21 days for the best quality filler).

Advice! Throw used litter into the trash bin at plastic bags. Remember - after a large amount of used litter accumulates in the basket, it emits an unpleasant odor.

Fillers made from other porous minerals, such as sepiolite (“meerschaum”) and zeolite, are similar in characteristics to bentonite. Sepiolite fillers are marketed under the Sanicat brand.

Wood filler

These are properly processed 100% plant fibers.
Fillers of this type may have the form of sawdust different sizes, or wood pellets egg pods. The main advantage of wood filler is the ability to remove it directly into the sewer, without the risk of clogging the pipes. Wood fillers, in addition, have a natural, resinous odor and themselves absorb it perfectly, similar to clumping ones.

Depending on the behavior of wood fillers in contact with moisture, they are further divided into:

  • clumping;
  • absorbent.

Clumping wood litters work on a principle similar to bentonite litters - they bind urine into large or small balls, which are removed from the tray, leaving the rest of the litter unchanged.

Examples of wood fillers of this type: “Certech” Super Pinio Kruszon, Cat’s Best Eco Plus, Cat’s Best Nature Gold (for long-haired cats), PrettyCat.

Absorbent wood fillers - granules in the form of capsules. Under the influence of moisture, they disintegrate into a fraction that sinks to the bottom of the tray. According to user reviews, this litter is much less convenient when cleaning cat litter. When in contact with water, it forms mucus that spreads along the walls of the tray.

Absorbent wood fillers: Clean Paws, Super Cat, Hilton, Quince.


  • environmentally friendly, biodegradable product;
  • Possibility of use as compost;
  • absorbs odors well;
  • can be thrown into the toilet;
  • Suitable for most cats;
  • pleasant natural smell of wood;
  • light weight, which simplifies transportation;
  • harmless to the animal if it enters the stomach.


  • complicated tray cleaning process;
  • uneconomical (high consumption);
  • particles of filler are spread throughout the room (many cats play with granules and roll them on the floor).

There are other eco-fillers available on the market, mainly from Japanese manufacturers. The simplest one is a filler made from corn kernels, as well as:

  • clumping filler made of starch and paper with color indicator;
  • clumping litter made from corn starch with crushed cypress wood;
  • tofu filler - from compressed soy fibers;
  • clumping filler made of cellulose and charcoal.

All of them are hypoallergenic, both for animals and owners.

Silica gel filler

This filler is the most expensive, but very effective. Made from hydrated silica. Looks like glass crystals, hard, irregular shape, but feel like plastic. Due to their specific structure, they absorb urine and accumulate it inside the granules. A color change from clear to yellow indicates that the filler needs to be replaced. The entire contents of the tray are changed to the new substrate at once.


  • does not require frequent replacement, the tray does not need to be cleaned after each use, only excrement requires daily removal (manufacturers guarantee that 4 liters is enough for a month, practice shows, however, the need for replacement after 2-3 weeks);
  • increased hygroscopicity;
  • applicable when keeping several cats in the house;
  • high efficiency, excellent odor absorption;
  • Possibility of discharge into sewer;
  • antiseptic properties.


  • Expensive;
  • heavy weight;
  • a loud, rustling sound often scares away animals (the process of kittens getting used to the toilet becomes more difficult);
  • difficulty accepting (not all cats like coarse, hard grains);
  • filler performance decreases when high humidity indoor air (recommended for use in closed trays and ventilated apartments);
  • harmful if ingested.

Advice! If your cat eats silicate litter, possible reason- deficiency of silicon in the body.

Examples of the most popular silica gel fillers: Smart Cat, Barsik, Zoonic, Fresh Step, Clean Paws.

In any case, a cat is a conservative animal and we select the filler, first of all, taking into account its preferences. Now you know what she will like and what you can offer.

Choosing cat litter - video

Making homemade moonshine always starts with mash. The taste of the future product largely depends on the quality of this drink. Therefore, you need to pay due attention to its preparation. One of important points This process is recognized as clarification of the mash. This is a mandatory step to prevent the yeast from burning. As a result, the moonshine turns out tastier, and unpleasant odors and there are no aftertaste.

There are many methods for cleaning mash. Some people resort to cold, others use gelatin. In today's article we will talk about how to use bentonite to clarify mash.

general information

Bentonite is a finely porous clay that has long been used in winemaking. This natural substance helps clarify homemade alcohol, significantly improving its taste. Bentonite is also an adsorbent and absorbs metal ions. They are always present in moonshine. It is impossible to imagine an apparatus for distilling mash without steel parts.

In nature White clay lies in shallow layers of soil. It contains a large number of microelements and mineral salts. This material is even used to treat bone pathologies. With its help, they carry out healing procedures for the skin, eliminate pain due to inflammatory processes. Powdered bentonite is a type of white clay. This is what is usually used to produce long-aging wines. We’ll talk about how to use bentonite to clarify mash below.

Where can I buy it?

You can purchase ready-made and pre-purified powder in wine shops. The cost of 100 g varies between 250-300 rubles. If there are no such points of sale in your city, you need to look on the Internet.

However, it is much easier to buy a regular one. Don’t be afraid, because it is based on It perfectly absorbs not only moisture, but also odor. It is recommended to choose packaging that does not contain any inscription about aromatic additives. Otherwise, the taste of moonshine will be unpleasant. The cat litters we are interested in are produced only in Russia. Import suppliers use silica gel and other additives in the production of this product.

If the options presented above are not suitable for some reason, you should go the third way. You can buy bentonite for clarifying mash at a pharmacy. IN pure form it does not go on sale. You need to choose cosmetic clay. It also contains the necessary powder. However, you should study the composition of the product in advance and make sure there are no additional flavors.

How much bentonite is needed to clarify mash? If you don't have a cat at home, you can buy the smallest package of litter. For 1 liter of mash, only 2-3 g of bentonite is required. This is about half a teaspoon. For 10 liters of drink you will need about 20 g of powder. This corresponds to the volume of a full tablespoon. When clarifying a large amount of mash, starting from 10 liters, the portion of the substance should be increased to 5 g per liter.

Bentonite preparation

The bentonite preparation process consists of several stages.

  1. First, the material must be broken into small pieces and then crushed into crumbs. The resulting raw materials are sent to the oven for 45 minutes. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe temperature regime. Otherwise, the result will not meet expectations. To dry bentonite, you need to set the temperature to 120 degrees.
  2. After this, the clay pieces should be ground again to a powder state. For this you can use a regular kitchen blender or a drill with a special attachment.
  3. Bentonite is almost ready. Now you need to prepare a solution from it. To do this, heat a liter of water in a saucepan and pour the powder into it. The mixture must be stirred periodically to prevent lumps from forming. The entire process usually takes no more than five minutes.
  4. At the final stage, the solution must infuse. After this, it is thoroughly mixed again. The consistency of the resulting product should resemble fatty kefir.

In fact, the whole process takes little time.

If the powder clumps...

To preparatory stage no lumps formed in the solution; experienced winemakers advise boiling it like semolina porridge. The powder must be introduced into heated water gradually, preferably in a thin stream. In this case, it is recommended to constantly stir the solution with a stick. You can also artificially create a kind of whirlpool in the container. To do this, spin the pan.

If after these tips lumps still form, don’t despair. However, such bentonite is not suitable for clarifying mash. It must be passed through the blender again or use a drill with a special attachment.

Preparing the mash

Before you start cleaning, you need to make sure that the drink is completely fermented. Depending on the quality of the components and environmental conditions, this process may take up to two weeks. The readiness of the mash for further processing is determined by its appearance, characteristic smell of alcohol, sour taste. In addition, there should be no carbon dioxide bubbles on the surface of the liquid.

Experienced winemakers recommend using a saccharometer to be 100% sure that the product is ready for clarification. For this purpose, approximately 1.5 liters of the drink are taken and then filtered through cheesecloth. The mash is poured into a transparent container with a wide neck. A regular one is suitable for this. three liter jar, which is in every home. Then a saccharometer is released into the solution and its readings are recorded. You must wait until the device is installed in one position.

If the sugar content level does not exceed 2%, you can begin clarifying the mash with bentonite. The instructions below describe this process in detail. Before adding the powder solution, it is recommended to drain the fermented wort through a thin hose and warm it slightly.

Beverage purification technology

To clarify the mash, bentonite must be thoroughly shaken to lift the settled clay particles. The same procedure should be repeated with a vessel for a homemade drink so that a kind of funnel is formed on its surface. This can be done using a long spoon or spatula. Then the bentonite solution is quickly poured into the center of the funnel. High-speed manipulations help to instantly distribute the clay powder throughout the entire volume of the drink. Sometimes mash is prepared in a container with a narrow neck. In this case, it is recommended to simply pour in the bentonite solution. Then close the neck with a cork and shake the drink.

The rate of precipitation can vary from 15 minutes to several days. It all depends on external factors and the quality of the raw materials themselves. A precipitate forms most quickly in a completely fermented mash. On next stage It is necessary to very carefully collect the clarified drink and pour it into another container. During this procedure, it is important not to disturb the formed sediment. To collect and transfer alcohol, it is recommended to use a regular hose or a siphon specially designed for this purpose.

It is worth noting that the remaining sediment from yeast and bentonite should not be poured down the drain. Clay can tightly clog pipes, and it is very difficult to clear the resulting blockage. What to do in this case? Leftover food can be placed in a tight bag or plastic container and then thrown into the trash.

Bentonite for clarifying mash: advantages and disadvantages

Bentonite is a clayey material with a spongy structure. It is absolutely harmless to the body, non-toxic and neutral towards alcohol compounds. The listed properties make it an ideal tool for cleaning mash.

Among other advantages of this substance, winemakers note the absence of foreign odors in the finished product. In addition, when using bentonite, the time for preparing the wort for distillation is significantly reduced.

There are practically no disadvantages to this method of clarifying mash. Its only drawback is the reduction in the volume of the drink due to the settling of dense sediment by about 10%.

To ensure that the resulting product delights you with its taste, pay attention to the following tips:

  1. Bentonite must be perfectly clean and odorless. Flavored additives often spoil the taste of a drink made at home.
  2. It is necessary to clarify the mash with bentonite according to the instructions. The proportions recommended in our article will help you achieve the desired effect from the drink.
  3. Do not overexpose the product, otherwise it will acquire a sourish tint.
  4. Before starting the clarification procedure, you need to make sure that the drink has passed the fermentation stage to the end. If the distillation process starts earlier, there will be less liquid at the exit, and the sugar will partially disappear.

Bentonite is not a modern invention. ABOUT healing power Avicenna mentioned unusual clay in his works. Ancient healers used bentonite to heal wounds and treat poisoning.

The food industry uses natural product as safe for health.

Currently, sandalwood is not used as a dietary supplement. Why - read in.

Main manufacturers

In Russia, the production of the E 558 additive is carried out by the Bentonite Company LLC holding, which includes the following enterprises:

  • LLC "Bentonite Khakassia" (city of Chernogorsk);
  • LLC "Bentonite Kurgana";
  • JV "AzRosPromInvest" (Azerbaijan);
  • Glinopererabotka LLC (Bryansk) produces granules for cat litter.

Leading global manufacturers:

  • Bassermann minerals GmbH & Co.KG (Germany);
  • Qualimet GmbH (Switzerland);
  • Pointner & Rothschädl GesmbH (Austria).

Interesting fact! The development of bentonite deposits raises concerns among environmentalists: the quarry method of extracting the mineral destroys vegetation and disrupts the biological balance. The German company Gimborn (the company produces cat litter) came up with an interesting way out of the situation. Employees regularly plant hundreds of trees in the sites of already developed quarries.

Pee Pee Bent Deluxe Classic

We present a new product on the bentonite litter market for cats - a line of super-premium quality products in an exclusive design.

The classic litter is fragrance-free, has a small granule size and will appeal to all cats who prefer softness and special comfort when visiting the litter box.

Suitable for animals with sensitive paws.

Pee Pee Bent Deluxe Pure cotton

The series of litters with increased attractiveness of scents for animals opens with a litter with a subtle aroma of clean and fresh linen - the aroma of pure cotton, which cats love so much.

The soft, warm and natural aroma of pure cotton appears when granules interact with liquid and additionally protects the home from unpleasant odors.

Presented in packaging: 5 kg box

Pee Pee Bent Deluxe Fresh Herb

The clean and light aroma of freshly cut grass, Fresh grass filler, received the highest ratings and positive reviews exhibition visitors Interzoo(Nuremberg, Germany), ZooShow(Russia, St. Petersburg) and Royal Canin Grand Prix(Russia, Moscow), perhaps, will become one of the leaders in the market of flavored clumping fillers in Russia.

Presented in packaging: 5 kg box

Natural clumping litter made from bentonite clay. Environmentally friendly product. Pi-Pi Bent Classic allows your cat to feel closer to nature.

Most animals enjoy using the toilet from the first day of use. Safe for humans and animals through contact and accidental ingestion. Pi-Pi Bent Classic absorbs a large amount of moisture, forming strong clumps. Throughout the entire period of use, Pi-Pi Bent Classic effectively neutralizes unpleasant odors.

Presented in packaging: craft bags 10 kg and 5 kg, printed bag 3 kg

Natural clumping litter with a delicate aroma of fresh herbs and flowers, made from environmentally friendly bentonite clay, designed specifically to combat strong odors.

Active components, introduced into natural bentonite, enhance its properties of absorbing moisture and neutralizing unpleasant odors. Pi-Pi Bent Sensation of Freshness absorbs large amounts of moisture, forming strong clumps.

Presented in packaging: craft bag 10 kg and 5 kg

Cat owners and their pets will appreciate the new product with a popular scentPi-Pi Bent Sea Breeze- filler with bright and rich aroma morning freshness of the sea. It has all the qualities of the Pi-Pi Bent line of clumping fillers, and the additionally used encapsulated aroma technology ensures that the aroma from the capsule is released only when exposed to liquid. Active components introduced into natural bentonite eliminate unpleasant odors in the tray and give your pet a feeling of purity and true harmony with nature.

For lovers of more refined scents, we present a filler with the delicate aroma of the lavender fields of Provence.has all the qualities of the clumping fillers of the Pi-Pi Bent line, and the additionally used encapsulated aromatic technology guarantees the release of the aroma from the capsule only when exposed to liquid. Active components introduced into natural bentonite additionally block unpleasant odors and create a feeling of calm, comfort and harmony in the home.

Presented in packaging: kraft bag 5 kg

Natural clumping filler made from fine bentonite clay. Environmentally friendly product. Using Pi-Pi-Bent for kittens does not require special litter box training.

Small granules of the filler do not harm the delicate paws of kittens and are safe if ingested. Pi-Pi-Bent For kittens absorbs a large amount of moisture, forming strong clumps. Throughout the entire period of use, Pi-Pi-Bent For kittens effectively neutralizes unpleasant odors.

Presented in packaging: kraft bag 5 kg

Natural clumping filler with light aroma ripe banana, made from bentonite clay, is designed specifically to combat strong odors. Environmentally friendly product.

Active components introduced into natural bentonite enhance its properties of absorbing moisture and neutralizing unpleasant odors. Pi-Pi-Bent Banana absorbs large amounts of moisture, forming strong clumps.

Presented in packaging: 5 kg box

Cotyar's bentonite filler with the "Natural Mineral" formula is made exclusively from natural bentonite clay. Mineral composition This clay began to form in the deep layers of the earth's crust more than 34 million years ago, during the Cenozoic era. The ability to absorb liquid and clump, fight against the growth of bacteria - that's all natural properties filler. No chemical components or substandard breeds.

Used in the production process special technology high-temperature treatment and dust removal for the purpose of cleaning and disinfecting granules. Durable bentonite granules “Natural Mineral” are specially selected for their granulometric composition - no more than 3.2 mm. The filler does not hurt the animal's paws and does not stick to the fur.

Kotyar's bentonite filler provides natural control over the cleanliness of your home 24 hours a day.

Presented in packaging: plastic bag 5 kg

Filler properties:

  • made from natural blue clay
  • one package absorbs 5.3 liters of liquid
  • bad odor blocked
  • economical consumption
  • 100% natural
  • protection against bacteria
  • softening effect
  • regenerating effect
  • new stylish packaging

Presented in packaging: plastic bag 5.3 l

Economical and easy-to-use litter for professional breeders. Natural product made from natural bentonite clay.

Main advantages:

100% natural product from natural bentonite clay;
cats do not require special litter box training;
upon contact with liquid, strong lumps are formed that are easy to remove from the tray;
neutralization of unpleasant odors;
economical product, no need complete replacement filler;
environmentally friendly.

Presented in packaging: craft bag 15 kg.

With more detailed description, methods and places for purchasing products you can find on the website of our trading house LLC "Leading"

Pet lovers know firsthand how much joy and trouble taking care of them brings. Caring for animals is made easier by special cat litters. Therefore, if a cat, cat, or several pets live in your house, make sure that each of them has their own litter tray.

Why you should buy bentonite cat litter

You will feel the benefits of such an acquisition immediately, and they are obvious:

  • no smell;
  • the animal quickly and easily gets used to the tray;
  • fillers are always on sale in any nearby supermarket;
  • different types of fillers, which will allow you to choose the most suitable one for you.

Bentonite filler is one of the best

Bentonite is a material of natural origin with a wide range of applications. Bentonite litter is one of the best litters used in cat litter. When exposed to moisture, it forms lumps, which is why it is called “clumping”. Lumps are easily removed from the tray with a special spatula. The rest of the filler remains dry, clean and suitable for further use.

Due to the unique structure of bentonite, moisture and unpleasant odors are retained in it. After removing the lumps, which must be done in a timely manner, all you have to do is pour a small amount of the mixture into the tray. This use of filler is economical and will not cause unnecessary trouble. Once a week you will still have to replace it completely.

Animals easily get used to a tray with bentonite filler. They like to burrow in it like they would burrow in sand or soil. In order for the conditions for using the filler to be as close as possible to the natural environment, its layer must have a thickness of at least 5 cm. This is also necessary to ensure that lumps do not stick to the tray.

Features of the raw materials from which bentonite filler is obtained

Bentonite clay is a natural mineral from which bentonite filler is made. The process of hydration, when water molecules combine with molecules of a substance, leads to swelling of the latter. At the same time, its volume increases by 14-16 times. The ability to swell has expanded the scope of use of the material. It is used in foundries, in the iron mining and oil refining industries, in construction, in agriculture, V Food Industry, in winemaking, in the pet industry and in many other industries. Bentonite is also widely used as a drilling fluid used during drilling to cool the bit. Of the total mass of mined mineral, only a small part is used for the production of filler. But this is quite enough for cat lovers to feel relief while caring for their pets.


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