Business idea: how to open an MFO business. How to open a microfinance organization

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The microcredit market is growing at an enviable pace. During a crisis, financiers diversify their risks and refuse loans to unreliable borrowers. Microfinance organizations cover risks differently - by urgently issuing small amounts at 700-900% per annum.

The total volume of microloans issued in 2017 exceeded 100 billion rubles. 4 thousand organizations are employed in the field of microcredit, and, according to statistics, 10 million Russians received loans. 45% of term loans were payday loans ( the average size- 10,000 rubles), 55% - consumer loans (18,000 rubles).

Main areas of work of MFOs:

  • urgent microloans for household purposes (repairs, medicines, medical services);
  • small consumer loans for a short period;
  • urgent lending to small and medium-sized businesses (not all organizations offer this service).

Important information! MFOs operate within the legal framework and are subject to mandatory registration at the Central Bank of Russia. Data about the organization is entered into the State Register, which is freely available. The work of a credit institution is regulated by the Law “On Microfinance Activities and Microfinance Organizations”.

Procedure for obtaining a loan

Microfinance organizations are disingenuous, promising to consider the application and issue money in 5 minutes. But the speed of their work is slightly higher than in a bank. Competition in the market is enormous, and the institution will not allow a profitable client to go to fill out an application elsewhere.

Advantages of urgent loans:

Disadvantages of urgent loans:

  • draconian conditions;
  • delay in the consideration of the application (contrary to the promised conditions);
  • large penalty in case of delay even by 1 day;
  • incorrect presentation of information that misleads customers;
  • tough ways of dealing with defaulters.

Important information! Each microcredit organization proprietary algorithms, assessing the visitor’s solvency. The main parameters are a good credit history and socialization (having friends, parents, family). Some organizations ask to provide a VKontakte or Odnoklassniki account, phone numbers of friends and relatives. Employees will also check your credit history - in case of outstanding loans from other institutions, the application will be rejected.

Required documents and certificates

The domestic microcredit market is developing at a fairly rapid pace and its future prospects are very optimistic. In 2011, the issuance of microloans increased by 34%, in 2012 - by 50%. And at the beginning of 2013, the microloan market was estimated at as much as 36 billion rubles.

Almost any entrepreneur who has the necessary funds to open this type of business can try himself in the microloan business.

Its attractiveness lies in the fact that it is very profitable business. And you don’t have to be a banking specialist or a professional economist to calculate your benefits. Thus, the profitability per month is 60%, and per year - already more than 700%.

To open your own microloan organization, you must first draw up a business plan.

The procedure for creating a microfinance organization

The activities of these organizations are regulated by the Russian Federation Law “On Microfinance Organizations”, according to which this business consists of issuing Money to the population on the basis of a concluded loan agreement up to 1 million rubles. The loan agreement is governed by the legal norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Creating a microfinance organization is not that difficult. To do this, you first need to register the company as an LLC. You will then need to register with state register microfinance organizations. Without this registration, the activities of the created microfinance organization will be considered illegal and in this case you will have to pay a fine of about 30 thousand rubles.

In order to register in the state register, the following documents must be provided to the Ministry of Finance:

  • application for registration;
  • copies of the LLC registration certificate and copies of the company’s constituent documents, certified by a notary;
  • a copy of the protocol where the founders decided to create the organization;
  • copy of the appointment decision general director as the head of a company;
  • information about the founders of the LLC;
  • information about the legal address of the organization and its actual location;
  • an extract from the register of foreign legal entities, if the founder is a legal entity from another country;
  • a receipt of paid state duty in the amount of 1000 rubles.

Samples of filling out documents and forms are attached in the appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Finance dated 03/03/2011.

Within 14 days, the organization’s information is checked and entered into the unified state register, after which a corresponding certificate is issued, on the basis of which the established microfinance organization can begin to carry out its activities.

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Basic principles of operation of a microfinance organization

In accordance with the law, a microfinance organization can attract deposits from the population only in the amount of up to 1.5 million rubles under an agreement.

A microfinance organization does not have the right:

  • issue microloans to the population in foreign currency;
  • act as a guarantor;
  • carry out its activities on the securities market;
  • take interest on early repayment of the loan;
  • demand from the borrower more than one million rubles, taking into account all penalties and accrued interest.

For the above violations, the organization will have to pay a fine of 30 thousand rubles. In addition, the requirements for the borrower may be considered illegal and the loan invalid, and then it will not be possible to collect interest on the loans issued.

There are certain risks in this business that must be taken into account and included in the business plan. These risks include:

  • non-repayment of loans;
  • administrative liability for violation of legislative acts;
  • challenging interest rates for issuing a loan judicial procedure if the accrual of interest is recognized as unlawful.

Microloans are issued to citizens of the Russian Federation from 18 to 60 years of age. When applying for a loan, you only need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The maximum loan amount is usually 30 thousand rubles for 15 days. The rate is 2% per day.

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Further steps to open a microfinance organization

After registering the organization and registering it with the state register, you can start searching suitable premises. It is best to locate the office in a large shopping or business center. You will need a room of 30 square meters. m.

You will also need to purchase the necessary office furniture and equipment - computers, copier, printer, telephones, Consumables and stationery.

At the initial stage of work, you will need 2 employees for processing and issuing loans and a security officer.

And the most important and necessary thing in this business is advertising. You should not save on it, because the organization’s revenue depends on it. Therefore, a significant portion of advertising costs should be included in the business plan. You can advertise a microfinance organization by submitting advertisements in local newspapers and radio, and distributing flyers. In addition to advertising, provision should be made for the production of prints and signs.

Initial expenses include funds for issuing microloans to the population, the minimum amount of which is one million rubles. This amount is enough at the initial stage of work, without opening additional branches in the city.

Perhaps each of us has encountered a situation where a certain amount of money is urgently needed. And these funds are needed right now, immediately. Someone's only working computer has broken down, and now they need to quickly purchase a new one. Someone urgently needs to give it away old debt, the payment period of which has already arrived. Someone is looking for funds for an unplanned, but very important trip, which fell out of the blue and which cannot be cancelled. And you need very little - 5,000, 10,000 or 20,000 rubles. But the bank account is completely empty, since a large purchase was recently made, and there are still two whole weeks until salary.

What to do in such a situation?

There are actually several options. You can ask your relatives or friends for help. Perhaps they will borrow the necessary amount for required deadline. The second way is to borrow money from a bank, as everyone does in similar situations. But your friends and family may not have the required amount, and to obtain a loan you need to prepare a whole bunch of papers. Therefore, getting money at the right time can be very problematic.

Fortunately, there is a way out - contact an office that deals with it. Similar organizations in Lately have become quite popular. For the population this is convenient way“intercepting money before payday,” and for entrepreneurs this is a new promising area of ​​business.

How does the business of issuing microloans to the population work?

First you need to understand how this service works. The operating principle is reminiscent of a credit institution. The difference lies mainly in the fact that in order to receive money, the client does not need to collect a whole package of documents. Just enough. In addition, money can be borrowed for a short period of time - from one week to a year. Financial resources are provided to the client on the basis of a loan agreement, and the activities of such an office are regulated by the Federal Law “On Microfinance Organizations”

As for the entrepreneur providing such a service, he receives his benefit in the form of good interest. Each week of loan costs the client 15-20%. That is, if you borrow 10,000 rubles for a month, you will have to return 16,000 rubles. We receive a profit of 60% per month. Not bad, isn't it? But, of course, not everything is so simple and easy. Otherwise, every enterprising resident of our country could provide such services (and make good money from it).

How to open your own service for issuing microloans to the public?

The very scheme of operation of such institutions is not anything complicated. But registering such an institution is not so easy. Only legal entities registered in a special state register of microfinance organizations can issue microloans. That is, first of all, you need to register entity at the tax office. And only after that proceed to the next step.

In order to successfully register in the register of microfinance organizations, it is necessary to collect and submit the following documents to the Ministry of Finance:

  • Photocopies of the legal entity registration certificate, as well as all constituent documents. All papers must be certified by a notary.
  • Application for registration of your legal entity in the register.
  • All necessary information about the organization - location address, details of the founders.
  • A photocopy of the founders’ decision to create a microloan organization and to appoint the management of the future company.
  • Receipt of payment state duty in the amount of 1,000 rubles.

If the founder is a foreigner, then in addition to all other documents, you will need an extract from the register of foreign legal entities.

After the package of documents is collected and registered, the Ministry of Finance is given two weeks to consider the decision. If the decision is in favor of the client, then the legal entity is issued a certificate and assigned the status of a microfinance organization. From this moment on, the organization receives the right to issue microloans to the population in the amount of up to one ruble.

Another way to organize such a business is franchising.

We live in amazing times for business. Today, thanks to the development and popularization of franchising, almost anyone can become an entrepreneur. All that is required from an applicant for the title of businessman is desire and a certain amount of financial investment. The company takes care of all other issues. This also applies to services for issuing microloans to the population. Recently, many companies have appeared in this area that offer to organize their business on a franchise basis.

For example, the companies “Money to Payday” and “Money to Home” can become a strategic point for the development of your microfinance business. The advantage is that you get everything for a confident start - a marketing model, famous name, constant support.

Whatever method of organizing this business you choose, it is important to remember the main thing. About risks. After all, you have to work with people. WITH different people. And many of them may turn out to be unscrupulous. Therefore, immediately think about how you will “knock” money out of careless debtors. Otherwise, there is a risk of becoming bankrupt at the very beginning of your activity.

Many novice entrepreneurs want to know how to open a microfinance organization from scratch, as they consider it a profitable business. It became relevant back in 2011. Loans have become a popular service, which has allowed the MFO sector to actively develop. In addition, the state does not impose strict requirements for the implementation of this activity, unlike banks. An entrepreneur who wants to open an organization of this type can receive a good profit in the future. However, it is worth considering that it will have quite a lot of competitors in this sector.

MFO has the following advantages as a business:

  • quick registration and absence of excessive requirements from government agencies;
  • there is no need to make insurance payments;
  • To start activities, you need to fulfill a number of simple conditions;
  • There are no requirements for the volume of capital of the enterprise, which allows you to open it without investments or spending a minimum of funds.

Opening an MFO is quite simple. At correct execution All actions will make this business profitable.

Principle of operation

The main difference between MFOs and traditional credit structures is the presence of a lending limit of about one and a half million. The basis of the organization’s work is to provide loans on terms of repayment and urgency for individuals. IN mandatory an agreement is concluded containing important conditions transactions. MFO has the following features:

  • the loan can only be provided in national currency;
  • impose minimum requirements on borrowers;
  • cannot participate in transactions for the purchase/sale of securities;
  • do not have the opportunity to change the terms of the contract after it has acquired legal force;
  • cannot charge penalties for early repayment if the borrower has warned about his intentions in advance.

These features should be taken into account when opening a microfinance organization.

Stages of building a business

Will help those who want to learn how to open an MFO step-by-step instruction:

  • Registration. It is carried out at the tax authorities at the place of registration. It is recommended to choose the LLC form if the entrepreneur has no plans for the global development of the company in the future.
  • Obtaining MFO status.
  • Choosing a location for an office. The number and type of clients will depend on this, which will affect your income. The office should be located in a location with good transport links that is frequently visited by people. To do this, just choose a room with an area of ​​about 20 square meters. m.
  • Recruitment. An MFO requires a director, two credit managers and a specialist responsible for security. Employees must be professionals who meet the requirements of the activity.
  • Advertising. Competition in this area is high, so you always need to be one step ahead. It is recommended to carry out various promotions, increase the limit or reduce the interest rate. Classic methods will also be useful, and advertising costs will be fully recouped.

When performing the above actions, it is worth remembering that the organization’s work must be conscientious and of high quality. Otherwise, you can’t count on attracting more clients.

Financial part (approximate investments, profits and payback)

To achieve a quick return on investment, it is worth drawing up detailed business microfinance organization plan. Opening this business will require the following costs:

  • Capital investments:
  • Capital used to provide loans - 900 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​100 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of additional equipment – ​​50 thousand rubles.
  • Current expenses:
  • Office rent is 20 thousand rubles.
  • Salary for four employees is 120 thousand rubles.
  • Organization of advertising – 50 thousand rubles.
  • Additional expenses – 30 thousand rubles.

As a result, the amount of capital investments will be equal to 1 million 50 thousand rubles, and current costs will be 220 thousand rubles. This amount will depend on the specific case, but an example will help calculate all the costs without missing out on details. If you want to save money, you can open a franchise microfinance organization with favorable conditions. Similar offers from large companies not much, but an entrepreneur can choose the best option for himself.

To create an accurate business plan, it is necessary to take into account about 50% of non-return of funds issued. To cover the costs in full, you need to issue monthly loans in the amount of about 700 thousand rubles. If the business develops successfully, payback will be achieved after one month. At the same time, within a year it will be possible to cover all expenses and receive capital for business development.

The organization's total income will be about 500 thousand rubles for one month of work.

Required documents

To register an LLC, you will need to prepare the following documents:

  • decision to establish an MFO in the form of an LLC;
  • articles of association;
  • application for a resolution to register with the tax inspectorate (choice of simplified tax system and special tax system is available);
  • order on the appointment of a manager;
  • a receipt indicating payment of the state duty.

Direct registration of an MFO requires:

  • copies of: constituent documents, decision to create a legal entity. persons and the election of their bodies, registration certificates;
  • application for inclusion of an organization in the state register;
  • information about the founders and their place of residence;
  • description of the attachment.

After the tax authorities have completed the inspection, a decision will be made. If approved, the entrepreneur will receive permits and can begin doing business.

Disadvantages of opening an MFO

This business has the following disadvantages:

  • Issuing loans has a high risk due to possible non-repayment. This should be taken into account when planning expenses and making profits.
  • If violations are committed at the time of carrying out the activity, sanctions and fines are imposed.

To minimize risks, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the legal aspects of your activity and carefully read the information about each client. In this case, the business can become truly profitable.

Commercial offers

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    The provision of financial services organized by small businesses is a relatively recent phenomenon. However, it is already quite dense and, probably, has finally fit into our domestic business environment. It is precisely because of its maximum accessibility and ease of registration of services that the field of microfinance has become more and more discussed in recent years.
    At the same time, most often, the greatest resonance is caused not by facts, but by extremely exaggerated “horror stories”. This happens due to the lack of reliable information about this type of occupation. As a result, most active young people who could apply themselves in this field are faced with a serious question: is it worth opening their own business? own office MFO?
    In order to give the most detailed and comprehensive answer to this question, I will try to break it down into blocks, each of which illuminates a specific facet of this business.
    Is there a risk of suffering losses during periods of financial instability?
    Everything is exactly the opposite. The fact is that for such an activity as microfinance, the crisis is the period of the most dynamic development. This happens, first of all, because large credit institutions, trying to maximally protect their assets from financial risks, usually reduce the volume of loans issued to both individuals and legal entities that have not yet proven themselves during such periods. Moreover, as practice shows recent years, most banks even curtail their activities in medium-sized settlements during the crisis, leaving large offices only in megacities.
    At the same time, the need for real currency among potential clients in economically unstable times is naturally only growing. As for microfinance centers, they can easily satisfy this need. In addition, the format of such organizations makes it possible to cover even the most remote areas from the center of any region with their activities. settlements.
    As for the specifics of the client, here, unlike managers of large credit institutions, each individual founder of a microfinance center has every right to independently choose criteria for limiting the clientele, or to provide their services to each person who applies for them.
    Despite the fact that in every major city you can find a lot of microfinance organizations, based on even the most superficial analysis, their number does not yet fully satisfy the demand for such organizations among Russian citizens. The fact is that most of the founders of microfinance centers do not even try to engage in the most basic monitoring, and simply fill all the more or less crowded places in regional and district centers with their quick lending points. As a result small towns and urban-type settlements, as a rule, are not filled with such organizations, despite the fact that they are no less promising for such businesses.
    What are the prospects for the opening MFO center?
    As recently as two years ago, the industry described underwent quite noticeable changes, which could even be called revolutionary - all such organizations migrated under the control of the Bank of Russia. Without going into the legal details of such a (very significant) event, we can confidently say the following: this industry will not be liquidated. Moreover, a very promising future awaits it under the auspices of a powerful organization. However, all positive forecasts concern only the legal side of this business.
    On endless forums, the purpose of which is to exchange “authoritative” opinions and “real” experience in this or that business, there is an opinion that you can start a microfinance business for clients with a relatively small amount - from 300 to 500 thousand rubles. However, this is not true. The smallest amount that will be needed to organize the work of a small office in an average city with a population of several hundred thousand people is no less than 1 million rubles. It is worth noting that with great demand, even this money may not be enough. Special attention You should pay attention to the necessary tools and hiring qualified specialists who can properly ensure the operation of your MFO. In addition, very close and regular cooperation with the so-called external services - BKI, collection, FSSP, etc. organizations cannot be avoided. Currently, the legislator is also considering the procedure for MFO holders to join the Self-Regulatory Organization, designed to unite entrepreneurs by industry.
    It should be remembered that in practice there is no ideal assessment of the borrower. That is, no matter how careful the owner of a microfinance center is, he will not be able to avoid unscrupulous clients in any case. To these natural losses, when analyzing your financial capabilities, you should add the inevitable costs of rent, taxes and other expenses that will inevitably follow from ongoing operations.
    Be that as it may, starting your own microfinance business with insufficient starting capital It's just pointless.
    Percentage of non-refundable funds in microfinance organizations
    The level of fraud in the microfinance market is very high. This is primarily due to the characteristic characteristics of clients. The fact is that this whole business is based on lending to those people who are denied this by large banks. That. at its very core there are high risks of non-return of funds, which determines high cost services expressed at an extremely inflated interest rate. IN major cities criminals work in groups, taking a lot out of microfinance centers large sums. Therefore, using the most simple techniques analysis, it is quite possible to predict where and under what circumstances the percentage of loss of funds will be higher and, if possible, significantly reduce it. However, it is impossible to predict all possible losses that will be incurred due to default.
    You can significantly reduce the risks when working in the field of microfinance by paying more due attention to the procedure for visual and statistical assessment of clients (the so-called scoring). You should definitely use the rich experience of other companies as fruitfully as possible, gain access to the ratings of other borrowers, access the archives of the BKI and other databases. In the process of work, you also need to maintain your own detailed client statistics.
    As established practice shows, the greatest success in the field of microfinance is achieved by the entrepreneur who accompanies his client at all stages of interaction with the company. This includes a reminder about the payment date, standard for all serious credit institutions, and work with defaulters during the first delay, and cooperation with collection agencies.
    Payback and real profit
    The income of a microfinance company depends on several components. Generally speaking, everything is quite simple - you need to issue as many loans as possible and repay as many as possible more money. However, it should be taken into account that microfinance services are quite expensive. Therefore, a significant (although not the majority) part of clients, having used it once, refuse to contact the MFO center again. It inevitably follows from this that the customer base must be constantly replenished. At the same time, the package of services should be periodically modified in accordance with existing realities. “A regular client of an MFO” is a myth.
    Today, holding a separate office alone is extremely unprofitable, since the income from the enterprise will only cover current expenses, and the payback period will be as high as possible. You can shorten it in several ways. The main ones include:
    consolidation of several microfinance organizations into a group of like-minded companies;
    work under franchise rights;
    initial careful planning and subsequent opening of a network of MFO offices.
    The amount of profit, naturally, depends on the amount of starting capital. Centers opened as a franchise with a start-up capital of about 1 million provide an average income of 150 thousand rubles. The time period during which such an enterprise pays off completely takes at least one and a half years.

    The microfinance market is a more dynamic system than the banking market. According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the volume of microloans increases annually by at least a third. More and more Russians prefer MFO centers to large credit companies. In 2011, I had the idea to create a company that would engage in online lending. Until then I'm quite for a long time worked in retail banks. Thoughts on innovation, use modern technologies I was always visited.
    In my opinion, at a certain point the banking industry (in terms of technology and development) somewhat stopped in its development. In the realities of new times, people clearly have a need for new financial instruments that are available to everyone at any second of the day or night. This is how our project was born.
    Today we have a huge database, about 150 thousand loans have been issued. Many clients stay with us. On average, a client uses our services about 8 times a year.
    There has long been an opinion that the demand for the services of microfinance centers increases at a time when the crisis is gaining momentum. In my opinion, this is not so, or not entirely so. A microloan is, first of all, convenience, accessibility, and ease of obtaining funds. Recently, the requirements for microfinance organizations have been tightened. Limitations on the maximum rate appeared, which helped to perceive organizations like ours no longer as a kind of moneylenders, but as more serious companies.
    Our clients are people who have bank cards. The first thing we decided to rely on was transparency. On the very first page of the site there is a calculator, on which the first scale is the amount that the client wants to receive. The second is the period within which he must pay back the money. The box below immediately indicates the amount that the client will ultimately pay. Everything is clear, simple and straightforward, without tricks and veiling the truth into mythical interest rates, which everyone is already quite tired of.
    The second advantage of online lending is convenience. Money is transferred to and withdrawn from the card completely freely and free of charge, whereas with the vast majority of banks, withdrawing cash from a credit card is a rather expensive service.
    Our average loan is 7.5 thousand rubles. Most large banks in our country provide loans from 10 thousand rubles. However, to obtain this modest amount, it is necessary to collect many certificates, documents and generally perform many actions. In order to receive money from us, you can submit an application without leaving your home.
    Negative attitudes towards MFOs have developed for a number of reasons.
    1. Negative advertising, which was created by collectors working with some microfinance centers.
    2. The second is illiterate work with interest rates.
    3. Third, the instability of most companies. Many microfinance organizations close almost a month after opening. As a rule, they work poorly and do not behave in good faith towards borrowers.
    Based on all this, anyone who wants to achieve serious success in this market should pay a lot of attention to their reputation and not once again confirm the established negative opinion regarding MFOs.
    Last spring, the number of microfinance centers that ceased to exist exceeded the number of operating ones, as a result of which many people had the opinion that this business had become unprofitable. In fact, we are witnessing how the market puts everyone in their place. In previous years, many companies were created for the short term, and the central bank did not control our activities as actively as it does now. Since September 2015, liquidity standards have been introduced, minimum dimensions initial capital, etc. Further changes are coming in the future. Many arrogant participants in our market simply cannot cope with the requirements of the Central Bank and leave the race. Based on this, I strongly recommend adequately assessing your strengths before trying to work in this field. Many companies are excluded due to lack of financial statements, non-compliance with Federal Law No. 115.
    As for competition between MFIs operating online, there is no such competition yet. There are currently a little more than ten such companies. So the road is open.

    If you are going to open a microfinance organization as a franchise, then most likely you will come across many offers that you should not accept. The fact is that among the huge number of proposed MFO business models, there are very few working options. Strictly speaking, today they can be counted on one hand. The entire mass of unwanted offers can be divided into the following groups.
    1. The first consists of organizations that are not actually operating yet; however, their founders already know what their models will be like. When starting a new business, owners are faced with the rather difficult problem of finding funds. The franchise is the first thing in which they seek and find their salvation. The result is that in offices operating under such a franchise, practically no analytical activity is carried out and full control is not exercised. In general, the work of such offices is not supported in any way by the parent organization. The main disadvantage stems from the lack of analytics: ignorance of the specifics of the local market leads to the almost complete inability of the company to adapt to the local market. There is no understanding whatsoever regarding the scope of work and the list of required financial instruments.
    2. The second is represented by non-functioning companies. Typically, such proposals come from companies that were initially in the category described above. Having distributed the rights to conduct business to their franchisees, they are faced with a number of troubles caused by the peculiarities of the market. The destinations represented by such companies will soon be closed. The only thing left of them is advertisements on Internet resources. Often, along with them, offers appear from those companies that cannot find franchisees on their own. Characteristic feature Such advertisements, unfortunately, are the top places in the search feed.
    3. Actually, scammers.
    A truly operating franchise can be distinguished from a advertised unpromising company or even a “dummy” by the following parameters.
    The official website of such a company certainly contains comprehensive legal information. In particular, on the first page of the site, as a rule, there is a link to a complete list of already existing franchisees with their full details, addresses, phone numbers, etc. I note that such information is not disclosed at will - this is an indispensable requirement for every microfinance organization , organized by all established rules. If the necessary information is not available, then you can safely draw the appropriate conclusions.
    The same applies to documentation. Often, unscrupulous companies simply post fake links that, when clicked, do not open any documents. Don’t be lazy, it’s best to check each tab for activity and see:
    Are there scans of the submitted documents?
    Is the list of available documents exhaustive?
    Next, you should check whether the MFO you are interested in is included in the register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This is quite easy to do. To do this you need to download latest edition register and use it to check the OGRN or TIN of the company, checking them with the information in the list. Very often, in the top offers there are companies removed from the register or those that were never there.
    In addition to all of the above, the company’s website must contain information about the beneficiaries and other partners of the MFO. This advice, of course, will be useful for the most meticulous and meticulous entrepreneurs. The fact is that very often, trying to give their very mediocre brainchild as much significance as possible, the owners register each of the modest number of franchisees several times. The result is the appearance of a solid network.

If you decide to open an MFO, then you probably know that recently information about such organizations must be included in the state register. In addition, a distinction was introduced between the concepts of MFO and MCC: the main difference is that microcredit companies do not have the right to attract investment from outside - exclusively from their founders.

Given the fewer restrictions, registration of microfinance organizations is now more in demand. Even if you already have a business plan ready, it is best to open an MFO knowing exactly the sequence of necessary actions. Registering an MFO step by step will help you avoid unnecessary difficulties and achieve your goal as quickly as possible.

Procedure for opening an MFO

If you are thinking about how to open an MFO from scratch, but at the same time you understand that you do not have the time required to go through the full registration procedure, use the turnkey MFO registration service. In this case, minimal participation on your part will be required, but you can be sure that all legal details will be observed.

If you decide to find out for yourself how to open a microfinance organization, step-by-step instructions will not hurt you: by adhering to it as precisely as possible, you will achieve your goal. Despite the apparent mass of difficulties, there are not many nuances when registering. You will need:

  1. Prepare constituent documents.
  2. Register with the tax office.
  3. Open an account.
  4. Register the status of the created organization.

As you can see, registration of an MFC or MFO does not provide for any insurmountable obstacles. It is enough just to adhere to the indicated scheme and follow the points listed in it.

How to prepare documents

Most often, the reason for refusal to enter a new microfinance organization into the register is inconsistency with the Charter necessary requirements. An MFO is not just a legal entity: it in this case must adhere to 151 Federal Law. To ensure that you do not receive a refusal, the following should be included in the Charter:

  • List of planned activities;
  • A note that any transaction the cost of which exceeds 10% of the value of the company’s property must be pre-approved;
  • The name of the body that will develop rules for providing loans to the population and monitor their implementation;
  • The procedure for the management of an MFO in the event of a need to disclose information about persons who can influence decision-making on the activities of the MFO.

In order not to unexpectedly encounter any restrictions and to work fully in the future, it is advisable for the organizer of an MFO to include clauses in the Charter on the following types activities:

  • Work in the insurance industry;
  • Providing advice on financial intermediation issues;
  • Providing microloans to individuals, legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs;
  • Processing of data provided by clients within the framework necessary to provide the highest quality services.

Attention! When developing the Charter for registering an MFO in 2017, do not forget to carefully think about the size of the authorized capital! Having indicated the minimum wage in your documents, you will have to face inconvenience when approving each microloan.

For the full functioning of the future MFO, it is best to indicate in the documents authorized capital, the size of which is at least 10% of the maximum planned loan.

Interaction with the tax office

In order to register with the relevant authorities as a legal entity, it is necessary to prepare a number of documents:

  1. Depending on the number of founders - a decision of one person or a protocol of a meeting of a group of persons confirming consent to state registration.
  2. Developed charter, which lists all the above points.
  3. Order approving the appointment of the general director.
  4. Completed and notarized application (form 11001).
  5. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  6. Application to receive a copy of the charter after its certification by the Federal Tax Service.

In general, the registration of MCC and MFO is no different from the procedure for creating any other organization: after a five-day period from the date of submission of all documents, the founders can receive all the documents necessary in such cases.

Why open a bank account

A legal entity that has barely completed registration has no right to engage in microcredit. First, you need to register an MFO in the register of the central bank. There is a fee for this procedure.

Attention! The state fee for registering an MFC with the Central Bank must be transferred from the account of the organization itself and will not be accepted in any other way!

That is why one of the items on the list of how to open a microfinance organization yourself is to create a bank account. The procedure also provides for a certain sequence of actions:

  • Choosing the bank that is most convenient for you;
  • Clarification of the terms of service and tariffs at which it will be provided;
  • Preparation of the necessary package of documents (copy of the adopted Charter, order conferring the powers of the General Director, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities).

Different banks may have different conditions for opening an account: in some, when registering an MCC in 2017, like MFOs, they require you to provide notarized copies of documents, while in others this procedure is carried out directly on the spot.

Also, for those who are to register an MCC with the Central Bank (or MFO), it is mandatory to have the organization’s seal, so you should take care of its production in advance. After providing all necessary documents the general director remains to sign an agreement with the cash and distribution department and draw up a card, which will contain samples of the seal and signature.

After a short amount of time (usually no more than three days), the account necessary for those who are interested in how to open a microfinance organization will be created. The authority of the organization’s directorate does not include notifying any authorities about an open account - this obligation is assumed by the bank. After opening an account with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, registration of the IFC can be considered completed; all that remains is to deposit into your account an amount sufficient to pay the state fee.

Completion of registration

Registration of a microfinance organization: what it is, how to ensure that everything goes well, how to avoid mistakes during registration - these and other questions are completely natural for those who are thinking about how to open a microfinance organization from scratch. The business plan has been drawn up, the main steps have been completed - what next? Remained last step: registration of microfinance organizations with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. To do this you need:

  • Statement from the CEO in free form;
  • Statutory documents;
  • Order regulating the appointment of the general director;
  • Documents on state registration and registration;
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities certified by the director’s signature and seal;
  • Data on all persons who are the founders of the MFO;
  • Legal address body managing the company;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

In principle, you don’t have to perform any particularly complex manipulations. Of course, registering an MCC on a turnkey basis is much easier in terms of time costs than opening microloans from scratch, but self-registration of an MCC is more profitable in terms of cost for its owner. If you have carefully read how to open a microfinance organization, and the step-by-step instructions are clear to you, feel free to go through all the authorities. Another option is to open a microfinance organization as a franchise.

Franchise for opening an MFO

Considering all the innovations that have come into force in the last two years, it becomes clear that the procedure for opening an MFO and/or MCC has become more complicated. Even knowing how to open a microfinance organization, step-by-step instructions in 2017 have become much more complicated. A microfinance franchise may be a solution. Its advantages are obvious:

  1. No difficulties associated with completing the registration procedure.
  2. Full support both before the opening and during the work process.
  3. Possibility of selling the business if necessary.
  4. Minimizing the risk of loan defaults by submitting a request for the client’s solvency to the head office.
  5. Reducing advertising costs and additional employees.
  6. Cooperation with collection agencies who are not very willing to interact with those who decided to open an microfinance organization without investments.

There are still quite a lot of positive aspects of opening an MFO as a franchise, but everyone has the right to decide for themselves exactly what to do. If you still doubt the best way how to open a microfinance organization - online consultation with specialists on this issue can be excellent option make the right decision.

We told you about several ways to open microloans and make a profit from this type of business. Each of them has its pros and cons, and also differs in material and time costs. Having delved into all the nuances, you can make the choice that is most suitable for your situation.


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