Bohemian grove. Bohemian Grove

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Alex Jones, a controversial journalist and anti-globalist, with the help of local residents, was able to secretly make his way to the Bohemian Grove - the site of the annual meeting of the Bohemian Club. The club is a closed men's community, including the most influential politicians, businessmen, media and show business figures. The Club includes such personalities as Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr., George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, James Baker, Henry Kissinger, Paul Volcker, David Rockefeller. American presidents are members of the club either before or after their presidency.

Alex was able to film the ritual, which involves burning an object called Care at night at the foot of a more than 10-meter owl statue. The ritual is accompanied by music. The ritual is followed by drinking alcoholic beverages and, according to some evidence, orgiastic actions.

The ritual is similar to the ancient Canaanite and Phoenician rites of Baal (Moloch) and Astarte (Ishtar), whose symbol is the owl. The owl symbol itself is one of the oldest religious signs and dates back to the veneration of the World Mother in preliterate cultures. In this regard, members of the Bohemian Club incur various suspicions, for example, of Satanism or of organizing the war in Iraq in order to gain access to the relics of ancient Mesopotamia, where Ishtar was revered.

Astarte was widely revered ancient world. The Greek Cybele and Hecate and the Hindu Kali have clear similarities to Astarte-Ishtar in iconography and rituals. The American Statue of Liberty has clear attributes of Bhaal's wife Astarte-Hecate.

The Bohemian Grove consists of sequoias - long-lived trees that live more than 100 years and grow more than 100 meters tall. Redwoods can symbolize in ritual practice the World Tree, which is another ancient religious symbol that is present in all religious cultures of the world.

It is interesting that the object that was sacrificed was called Care (in English Care). In 2007, Alex Jones interviewed renowned director Aaron Russo (creator of the film Trading Places starring Eddie Murphy), who knew lawyer Nick Rockefeller from the banking family. Aaron described Rockefeller's views on ordinary people as "lack of care." This may be a coincidence, but there is a possibility that the Bohemian ritual aims to destroy precisely this concern for ordinary people. A few months after this interview, Aaron died of cancer.

Location: Bohemian Grove
Path: Pacific Ocean
Subject: Alex Jones
Country: USA
Geographic coordinates: 38.46194,-122.99222
Year: 2000
Subject Age: 26

18 May 2011, 19:03

Bohemian Grove is an 11 km² vacation spot located at 20601 Bohemian Avenue in Monte Rio, California. She belongs to a private men's arts club known as the Bohemian Club, which is located in San Francisco. Every July since 1899, the world's most influential people have come here for a two-week summer vacation. The Bohemian Club has many artists, especially musicians, as well as many high-ranking business leaders, government officials (including American presidents) and media publishers. An exceptional feature of the club is that the waiting list for club members is about 15 years. Club members can invite guests to the Bohemian Grove who, in turn, will be carefully checked. These guests come from all over America and other countries of the world. The heraldic motto of the grove is “Spiders that spin webs come not here,” which implies that all problems and commercial transactions must be left outside. Contrary to the motto, there is evidence of political and commercial transactions made in the grove. Bohemian Grove is especially famous for the Manhattan Project, which was discussed there in September 1942 and subsequently led to the creation atomic bomb. Visitors to the grove, in addition to Ernest Lawrence and military officials, include the president of Harvard and representatives of Standard Oil and General Electric. The Bohemian Grove was founded over a long period of time, immediately after the Bohemian Club was founded in 1872. Over the course of several years, early members of the Bohemian Club camped at various locations, including what is now Muir Woods National Monument and Samuel Taylor State Park and the redwood groves near Duncans Mills, across the river from Bohemian Grove. Permanent summer races in July, like today's, began in 1899. The first part of the forest was purchased from a local entrepreneur who was successfully logging in the area. Gradually, over the following years, club members purchased the land surrounding the original location. After San Francisco journalists attracted the attention of local businessmen, the latter invested the money needed to acquire further land and buildings in Bohemian Grove. Artists and musicians still retained the status of "Bohemians" - since the original purpose in building the resort was to provide entertainment for the club's foreign members and guests (reporters were subsequently excluded from membership). The grove itself consists of redwoods over 1,500 years old. Bohemian Grove is a breathtaking nature reserve, untouched by logging and with many trails preserved. The longevity of redwoods symbolizes untouched nature, far from the modern vulgarity of life.
Bohemian Club is a private club closed to the public; Only club members and their guests can visit Bohemian Grove. These guests are known to have included political figures and prominent figures from countries outside the United States. Especially during the summer holidays at the height of summer, the number of guests is strictly limited due to a lack of facilities. However, up to 2,500 people can live in Bohemian Grove at the same time. The lists of guests and members of the Bohemian Grove Club are kept secret, but several researchers have gained access to some of them. Of these various sources The following visitors to the Bohemian Grove are known. Dick Cheney (former Vice President); Donald Rumsfeld ( former minister defense); Karl Rove (Chief of Staff spokesman and senior advisor to George W. Bush); Jeb Bush; American presidents - George W. Bush, George W. Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, Dwight Eisenhower, Harry Truman, Herbert Hoover, Calvin Coolidge, William Taft and Theodore Roosevelt; Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, Earl Warren (Chairman Supreme Court), Robert Kennedy, David Rockefeller (Sr. and Jr.), Nelson Rockefeller, James Wolfensohn ( ex-president International Bank), Alan Greenspan (former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank), Paul Volcker, Colin Powell, Jack Welch (current chairman of General Electric), David Packard; Prince Philip, John Major, Helmut Schmidt, Lee Kuan Yew, James A. Baker III, Triton Gingrich; Arnold Schwarzenegger (actor, governor of California), Bob Novak (political commentator), Malcolm Forbes, David S. Broder (senior Washington Post commentator), Mark Twain, Francis Ford Coppola, Charlton Heston, Clint Eastwood and Walter Cronkite.

They are practicing in the Bohemian Grove different things, known about expensive entertainment such as the Bohemian Grove theatrics (known as "Rough Fun") and the musical comedy ("Low Tricks"), where female roles are played by male club members. Thus, most of the buildings are places for various types of entertainment among giant red trees. There were also sleeping houses built there, scattered throughout the grove; as of 2005, there were more than a hundred of them. These cabins are organized into camps, which in turn are formed depending on who lives in them. For senior corporate executives, the camps are said to be the “top” of the U.S. sociopolitical organizational network. The camps are divided into sectors: Mandalay(private property, investors; military contractors; politicians; presidents); Hill Billies(owners, investors; bankers; politicians; scientists; MASS MEDIA); Cave Man(“think tanks”; oil companies; universities; media; bankers; military contractors); Stowaway(family companies of the Rockefeller family; banking; oil companies); Owls Nest(presidents; armed forces; military contractors); Hideaway(foundations; armed forces; military contractors); I sle of Aves(military contractors; armed forces); Lost Angels(bankers; media; defense industry); Silverado squatters(large capital; military contractors); Sempervirens(California corporations); Hillside(Joint Chiefs of Staff) Bohemian Grove Stadium is an amphitheater with seating for 2,000 people, used primarily for theatrical performances. The dining circle accommodates about 1,500 diners at a time. The Owl Shrine and Lake is an artificial lake in the middle of the grove used for organized gatherings, as well as the site of a sacrificial ritual that takes place during the first week of the July holidays.
Since the founding of the club, the symbol of the Bohemian Grove has been the owl, which symbolizes drowsiness and inaction. The 12 m (40 ft) tall owl, made of cement, stands in front of the lake in Bohemian Grove and has served as the site of an annual sacrifice since 1929. On July 15, 2000, Alex Jones and Mike Hanson placed two hidden video cameras in Bohemian Grove and filmed the sacrifice ritual. In his documentary, Jones states that large group members participate in the "ancient Luciferian, Babylonian Ritual of worship of the Owl statue." The co-author of the video who recorded the ritual on film, John Hanson, later made a film. Hanson's interpretation of the ritual was more cheerful; he argues that this was a strikingly immature and uncanny way of behaving, uncharacteristic of world leaders. He does not support Jones's view that they were witnessing Satanism.
The private life of the club and its members has attracted a lot of attention and suspicion. Over the years, several curious people have entered the area and recorded video with a hidden camera. German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt wrote about the Bohemian Grove in his autobiography. He stated that Germany had similar institutions, some of which included such rituals, but that his favorite remained the Bohemian Grove. There have been controversies surrounding allegations of homosexual behavior among holidaymakers. Commenting on the number of homosexuals in the San Francisco area who are members of the Bohemian Club, former US President Richard Nixon remarked: But this is not only the rat part of the city. The entire upper class in San Francisco are also rats. Bohemian Grove, which I visit from time to time - they come here from the East and beyond - but it's the gayest damn thing you can imagine, this crowd from San Francisco that comes here; she's just terrible! I mean, I won't shake hands with anyone from San Francisco. According to the New York Post on June 22, 2004, several pages of an article titled "Gay Porn Star Serves Tycoons" were removed from their website. Gay porn star Chad Savage reportedly worked as an anonymous valet at Bohemian Grove. During the sacrifice, the effigy doll representing the “sacrifice” is set on fire to symbolize the purification of the ritual participants. In the 1989 scandal, investigators discovered that Paul A. Bonacci wrote in his diary that he flew to Bohemian Grove with Republican leader Lawrence King and was forced to have sex with other men and watch films where victims were killed and then raped. Paul Bonacci later testified about these allegations in court and won his case against King. Spy Magazine wrote about Bohemian Grove in 1989 and how homosexual prostitutes were brought there from nearby towns. Statements So, there I saw something straight out of the Visions of the medieval painter Hieronymus Bosch - Hell: burning metal crosses, priests in red and black robes with a high priest in silver robes with a red cape, a burning body screaming in pain to a giant stone great-horned owl . And world leaders and bankers took part in all this. It was complete madness.- Alex Jones, describing the ritual of sacrifice at Bohemian Grove in 2000 The world is divided into three classes of people: a very small group of people who do things, a larger group who watches things get done, and the majority who never know what is happening.- Bohemian Club Member Nicholas Murray Butler (President, Columbia University, 1901-1945)

In Monte Rio, north of San Francisco, there is a certain Bohemian Grove nature reserve. This is one of the oldest forests remaining on the planet. According to scientists, this area is one of the most environmentally friendly. Wildlife, ocean, rocks...probably these beauties were able to attract the top of the world government. For 113 years since 1899, the heads of the largest corporations, world rulers, presidents and the most influential people have gathered in this place. Former and current heads of intelligence services, presidents and senators are members club located in the relict redwood forests of Northern California. Candidates for joining the club are ready to wait for this event for several decades. Here, in an environment that clearly does not correspond to the seriousness of the situation (the inhabitants of Bohemian Grove live in tents, do not use toilets and abuse alcohol), many of the most important issues of the world order were resolved. Here they spend about two weeks. They claim that it is simple a good place rest for them, but why do they all come at the same time and get together? Many Americans believe that this is where key decisions are made, such as fighting wars, creating weapons, and managing finances.
Peter Phillips, a Project Censored activist, insists that the Grove must be taken over. He demands democracy.
The closed nature of the territory gives rise to a lot of rumors about what is really happening there. After all, some mysterious rituals are held there, one of them is called “Burning of Cares,” during which members of the order burn a coffin in front of a 12-meter statue of an owl.
Almost the entire “Bohemian Grove” is surrounded by police. They protect the chosen ones of this world and suppress any attempts to break through. They have order, in case invasion of people, open fire to kill.

Nixon and Reagan at Bohemian Grove
It is in this club, living a “wild life”, that decisions on a global scale are made. It is decided where there will be a war, where a crisis needs to be made, where an epidemic is needed...

The Bushes perform at Bohemian Grove

Bohemian Grove occupies an entire valley that overlooks the mountain Russian River. This area was even more Russified than Alaska. The idea of ​​​​creating Bohemian Grove belonged to five journalists from San Francisco, who opened the Bohemian Club in this city in 1872, which, as planned, its founders, was intended to serve as a “refuge from the rough cowboy culture.”
The club now numbers about 2,000 people. They get together every year at the end of July.

Bohemian Grove", 1915, standing Harry Leon Wilson, Frank Pixley, Jack London, Edwin Markham, seated Charles Field, Richard Milton Tully, George Ed, Ernest Reiscotto, Rufus Steele, seated George Sterling
The club consists of most of the Republican “hawks” who control The White house: former President George H. W. Bush, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, former Secretaries of State Colin Powell and James Baker, America's top diplomat Henry Kissinger, former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker - the list goes on. In general, since the beginning of the twentieth century, every Republican US president ended up in Bohemian Grove - although after presidential term.

Atomic project manager Lawrence lunches at Bohemian Grove with future President Eisenhower and past President Hoover, July 23, 1950.

The list of business elite is no less impressive - David Rockefeller, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ExxonMobil Ed Galante, one of the main shareholders of ChevronTexaco Samuel Armacost, representatives of the family that founded Hewlett-Packard, Arthur and Walter Hewlett - and so on. After spending several hours checking the existing list of inhabitants of Bohemian Grove with the list richest people USA Forbes 400, we can come to the conclusion: most of the owners of companies from the “old” sectors of the economy - defense industry, real estate, raw materials - belong to the same society and regularly meet under the Californian redwood trees.

Ritual performed in Bohemian Grove, 1909

Burning ritual in 2000

It is not surprising that in the United States, which is trying to convince the whole world of the existence of an absolutely transparent system of business and government management, as well as equality of races and genders, the activities of Bohemian Grove are not advertised in any way. In order to get into the club, even as a guest, you need to have a very influential patron here, who will announce your candidacy to a special council, collect recommendations and convince his associates of your usefulness and safety for Bohemian Grove. Journalists, with the exception of the leadership of American media empires, who have not yet uttered a word about the activities of the club, are not allowed anywhere near Bohemian Grove. The “Bohemians” themselves also never tell anything about themselves: when joining the club, they sign a non-disclosure agreement about everything that happens there.

"Bohemian Grove", 1908, second from left Herman George Schaeffer
The club's emblem is an owl, its images can be found, for example, around the Capitol building and on dollar bills, and this symbol itself supposedly personifies the cult of Moloch. In addition, you can find comprehensive information that the club has preserved the long-forgotten cult of the Canaanites, Druids, as well as fragments of the ancient Egyptian civilization and Babylon. The inhabitants of Bohemian Grove are also suspected of committing human sacrifices, organizing homosexual orgies, kidnapping children and much more.

Journalists who managed to film some of the rituals of the Bohemian Grove talk about Masonic rituals performed by torchlight around a 15-meter stone owl on the shore of the lake. About a special program to “zero” the memory of strangers who managed to penetrate the forbidden grove, the connection of the Grove with the Skull & Bones society.

Bohemian Grove clearly demonstrates the peculiarities of the structure of American society. Despite loud statements about equal opportunities, business transparency and political system, despite all the talk about democracy, the United States itself lives in a clan-oligarchic model of capitalism. The active work of the Bush clan, which started the war in Iraq and then distributed lucrative contracts to related companies, is only the most obvious example. America remains a country where the rich increase their wealth many times faster than the poor. According to a recent study by the British magazine The Economist, since 1979 the average income of the average American family has grown by 18%, while the wealth of the richest 1% of the country's population has tripled.

"Bohemian Grove", 1926

It is therefore not surprising that most issues in the country are decided not at public sessions of Congress or shareholder meetings, but during informal meetings like the events at Bohemian Grove. The club, for example, regularly hosts Lakeside Talks, which are thematic meetings of interest groups. Sitting on the grass, everyone first listens carefully to the main speaker, then begins the discussion. This is how the idea of ​​the Manhattan Project was born, which laid the foundation for the US nuclear program. Moreover, according to authoritative researchers, the American system of relationships within the business and political elite is painfully reminiscent of the “Asian” model. And documents popular in the West, which thoroughly describe the rights and obligations of the parties, at a certain level no longer play a big role. The main argument when making decisions is the recommendations and strong word of someone from the crowd.

Ritual at the Bohemian Grove, 1906

For the first time, the secrets of “Bohemian Grove” were filmed by journalist Alex Jones, who managed to get there thanks to an employee hired for the service, and were shown in the film “Dark Secrets of Bohemian Grove” and “Death Order”, where he showed the connection between Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones and other occult societies . The author of the film claims that the “End Game” is just the beginning for the New World Order, for the world government. The author claims that the "elites" plan to destroy 80% of the world's population, while they themselves plan to live forever with the help of advanced technologies.

Dinner circle in Bohemian Grove. 1926

Bohemian Grove is an 11 km² vacation spot located at 20601 Bohemian Avenue in Monte Rio, California. She belongs to a private men's arts club known as the Bohemian Club, which is located in San Francisco. Every July since 1899, the world's most influential people have come here for a two-week summer vacation. The Bohemian Club is full of artists, especially musicians, as well as high-ranking business leaders, government officials (including American presidents) and media publishers. An exceptional feature of the club is that the waiting list for club members is about 15 years. Club members can invite guests to the Bohemian Grove who, in turn, will be carefully checked. These guests come from all over America and other countries of the world. The heraldic motto of the grove is “Spiders that spin webs come not here,” which implies that all problems and commercial transactions must be left outside. Contrary to the motto, there is evidence of political and commercial transactions made in the grove. Bohemian Grove is especially famous for the Manhattan Project, which was discussed there in September 1942 and subsequently led to the creation of the atomic bomb. Visitors to the grove, in addition to Ernest Lawrence and military officials, include the president of Harvard and representatives of Standard Oil and General Electric.

The Bohemian Grove was founded over a long period of time, immediately after the Bohemian Club was founded in 1872. Over the course of several years, early members of the Bohemian Club camped at various locations, including what is now Muir Woods National Monument and Samuel Taylor State Park and the redwood groves near Duncans Mills, across the river from Bohemian Grove. Permanent summer races in July, like today's, began in 1899. The first part of the forest was purchased from a local entrepreneur who was successfully logging in the area. Gradually, over the following years, club members purchased the land surrounding the original location. After San Francisco journalists attracted the attention of local businessmen, the latter invested the money needed to acquire further land and buildings in Bohemian Grove. Artists and musicians still retained the status of "Bohemians" - since the original purpose in building the retreat was to provide entertainment for foreign club members and guests (reporters were subsequently excluded from membership). The grove itself consists of redwoods over 1,500 years old. Bohemian Grove is a breathtaking nature reserve, untouched by logging and preserving many paths. The longevity of redwoods symbolizes untouched nature, far from the modern vulgarity of life.

Bohemian Grove is an 11 km 2 vacation spot located at 20601 Bohemian Avenue in Monte Rio, California. She belongs to a private men's arts club known as the Bohemian Club, which is located in San Francisco. Every July since 1899, the world's most influential people have come here for a two-week summer vacation.

The Bohemian Club has many artists, especially musicians, as well as many high-ranking business leaders, government officials (including American presidents) and media publishers. An exceptional feature of the club is that the waiting list for club members is about 15 years. Club members can invite guests to the Bohemian Grove who, in turn, will be carefully checked. These guests come from all over America and other countries of the world.

The heraldic motto of the grove is “Spiders that spin webs come not here,” which implies that all problems and commercial transactions must be left outside. Contrary to the motto, there is evidence of political and commercial transactions made in the grove. Bohemian Grove is especially famous for the Manhattan Project, which was discussed there in September 1942 and subsequently led to the creation of the atomic bomb. Visitors to the grove, in addition to Ernest Lawrence and military officials, include the president of Harvard and representatives of Standard Oil and General Electric.


The Bohemian Grove was founded over a long period of time, immediately after the Bohemian Club was founded in 1872. Over the course of several years, early members of the Bohemian Club camped at various locations, including what is now Muir Woods National Monument and Samuel Taylor State Park and the redwood groves near Duncans Mills, across the river from Bohemian Grove. Permanent summer races in July, like today's, began in 1899.

The first part of the forest was purchased from a local entrepreneur who was successfully logging in the area. Gradually, over the following years, club members purchased the land surrounding the original location.

After San Francisco journalists attracted the attention of local businessmen, the latter invested the money needed to acquire further land and buildings in Bohemian Grove. Artists and musicians still retained the status of "Bohemians" - since the original purpose in building the resort was to provide entertainment for the club's foreign members and guests (reporters were subsequently excluded from membership).

The grove itself consists of redwoods over 1,500 years old. Bohemian Grove is a breathtaking nature reserve, untouched by logging and preserving many paths. The longevity of redwoods symbolizes untouched nature, far from the modern vulgarity of life.
Club visitors

Bohemian Club is a private club closed to the public; Only club members and their guests can visit Bohemian Grove. These guests are known to have included political figures and prominent figures from countries outside the United States. Especially during the summer holidays at the height of summer, the number of guests is strictly limited due to a lack of facilities. However, up to 2,500 people can live in Bohemian Grove at the same time.

The lists of guests and members of the Bohemian Grove Club are kept secret, but several researchers[who?] have gained access to some of them. From these various sources the following visitors to the Bohemian Grove are known: [source not specified 475 days]

Dick Cheney (former Vice President);
Donald Rumsfeld (former Secretary of Defense);
Karl Rove (Chief of Staff spokesman and senior advisor to George W. Bush);
Jeb Bush;
American presidents - George W. Bush, George W. Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, Dwight Eisenhower, Harry Truman, Herbert Hoover, Calvin Coolidge, William Taft and Theodore Roosevelt;
Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, Earl Warren (Chief Justice), Robert Kennedy, David Rockefeller (Sr. and Jr.), Nelson Rockefeller, James Wolfensohn (former President of the World Bank), Alan Greenspan (former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank), Paul Volcker, Colin Powell, Jack Welch (current chairman of General Electric), David Packard;
Prince Philip, John Major, Helmut Schmidt, Lee Kuan Yew, James A. Baker III, Triton Gingrich;
Arnold Schwarzenegger (actor, governor of California), Bob Novak (political commentator), Malcolm Forbes, David S. Broder (senior Washington Post commentator), Mark Twain, Francis Ford Coppola, Charlton Heston, Clint Eastwood and Walter Cronkite.

The buildings

The Bohemian Grove does a variety of things, including expensive entertainment such as the Bohemian Grove theater show (known as "Rushing Fun") and a musical comedy ("Low Tricks"), where female roles are played by male members of the club. Thus, most of the buildings are places for various types of entertainment among giant red trees.

There were also sleeping houses built there, scattered throughout the grove; as of 2005, there were more than a hundred of them. These cabins are organized into camps, which in turn are formed depending on who lives in them. For senior corporate executives, the camps are said to be the “top” of the U.S. sociopolitical organizational network.

The camps are divided into sectors:

Mandalay (private property, investors; military contractors; politicians; presidents);
Hill Billies (owners, investors; bankers; politicians; scientists; media);
Cave Man (“think tanks”; oil companies; universities; media; bankers; military contractors);
Stowaway (Rockefeller family companies; banking; oil companies);
Owls Nest (Presidents; Military; Military Contractors);
Hideaway (foundations; military; military contractors);
Isle of Aves (military contractors; armed forces);
Lost Angels (bankers; media; defense industry);
Silverado squatters (large capital; military contractors);
Sempervirens (California corporations);
Hillside (Joint Chiefs of Staff)
Bohemian Grove Stadium is an amphitheater with seating for 2,000 people, used primarily for theatrical performances.
The dining circle accommodates about 1,500 diners at a time.

The Owl Shrine and Lake is an artificial lake in the middle of the grove used for organized gatherings, as well as the site of a sacrificial ritual that takes place during the first week of the July holidays.
Symbolism and rituals

Since the founding of the club, the symbol of the Bohemian Grove has been the owl, which, by the way, is associated with the goddess Ishtar. The 12 m (40 ft) tall owl, made of cement, stands in front of the lake in Bohemian Grove and has served as the site of an annual sacrifice since 1929.


On July 15, 2000, Alex Jones and Mike Hanson placed two hidden video cameras in Bohemian Grove and filmed the sacrifice ritual. In his documentary, Jones claims that a large group of members participate in the "ancient Luciferian, Babylonian Owl Statue Worship Ritual." The co-author of the video who recorded the ritual on film, John Hanson, later made a film. Hanson's interpretation of the ritual was more cheerful; he argues that this was a strikingly immature and uncanny way of behaving, uncharacteristic of world leaders. He does not support Jones's view that they were witnessing Satanism.

In 2004, a man calling himself "Kyle", who worked at the Bohemian Club, managed to film more than Jones and Hanson did when they broke into the premises in 2000. "Kyle" managed to capture the interior of the owl statue.

The private life of the club and its members has attracted a lot of attention and suspicion. Over the years, several curious people have entered the area and recorded video with a hidden camera. German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt wrote about the Bohemian Grove in his autobiography. He stated that Germany had similar institutions, some of which included such rituals, but that his favorite remained the Bohemian Grove. There have been controversies surrounding allegations of homosexual behavior among holidaymakers. Commenting on the number of homosexuals in the San Francisco area who are members of the Bohemian Club, former US President Richard Nixon remarked:

But this is not only the rat part of the city. The entire upper class in San Francisco are also rats. Bohemian Grove, which I visit from time to time - they come here from the East and beyond - but it's the gayest damn thing you can imagine, this crowd from San Francisco that comes here; she's just terrible! I mean, I won't shake hands with anyone from San Francisco.

According to the New York Post on June 22, 2004, several pages of an article titled "Gay Porn Star Serves Tycoons" were removed from their website. Gay porn star Chad Savage reportedly worked as an anonymous valet at Bohemian Grove.

Ceremonies and customs


So, there I saw something straight out of the Visions of the medieval painter Hieronymus Bosch - Hell: burning metal crosses, priests in red and black robes with a high priest in silver robes with a red cape, a burning body screaming in pain to a giant stone great-horned owl . And world leaders and bankers took part in all this. It was complete madness.

Alex Jones, describing the ritual of sacrifice at Bohemian Grove in 2000

The world is divided into three classes of people: a very small group of people who do things, a larger group who watches things get done, and the majority who never know what is happening.

Bohemian Club Member Nicholas Murray Butler (President, Columbia University, 1901-1945)

This club became the prototype for the private club in Stanley Kubrick's film Eyes Wide Shut.

Bohemian="" grove="">

The world's most exclusive club occupies a mountain valley in Northern California. Here, between libations and caring for thousand-year-old redwood trees, the American elite makes important political and economic decisions.

Bohemian Grove occupies an entire mountain valley overlooking the Russian River. The area chosen by the American elite for countryside holiday back at the end of the 19th century, it was even more Russified than Alaska. Even today, thanks to immigrants from Russia, it is replete with names like Moskovskaya Street, the city of Sevastopol, and so on. The idea of ​​creating Bohemian Grove belonged to five journalists from San Francisco, who opened the Bohemian Club in this city in 1872, which, according to its founders, was supposed to serve as a “refuge from the rough cowboy culture.” As the establishment expanded, its activities began to attract too much attention, so its members decided to move to a quieter place, which was chosen in the vicinity of Monte Rio. For several decades, the “Bohemians” actively bought land in the area they were interested in and by the beginning of the 20th century they became full owners of a mountain valley with an area of ​​​​about 100 square meters. km. Today the club unites approximately 2,000 people who regularly spend time here free time, and at the end of July they definitely gather for the annual “walk”.

The list of all the members of Bohemian Grove, along with the map locations where they can be found, is amazing. The club consists of most of the Republican “hawks” who control the White House: former President George H. W. Bush, current Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, former Secretaries of State Colin Powell and James Baker, top American diplomat Henry Kissinger, former head of the Federal Reserve Paul Volcker - the list goes on. In general, since the beginning of the twentieth century, every Republican US president has ended up in Bohemian Grove - however, after the expiration of the presidential term.

The list of business elite is no less impressive - David Rockefeller, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ExxonMobil Ed Galante, one of the main shareholders of ChevronTexaco Samuel Armacost, representatives of the family that founded Hewlett-Packard, Arthur and Walter Hewlett - and so on. After spending several hours checking the existing list of Bohemian Grove residents with the Forbes 400 list of the richest people in the United States, one can come to the conclusion: most of the owners of companies from the “old” industries - defense industry, real estate, raw materials - belong to the same society and regularly meet under the Californian redwood trees .

It is not surprising that in the United States, which is trying to convince the whole world of the existence of an absolutely transparent system of business and government management, as well as equality of races and genders, the activities of Bohemian Grove are not advertised in any way. In order to get into the club, even as a guest, you need to have a very influential patron here, who will announce your candidacy to a special council, collect recommendations and convince his associates of your usefulness and safety for Bohemian Grove. Journalists, with the exception of the leadership of American media empires, who have not yet uttered a word about the activities of the club, are not allowed anywhere near Bohemian Grove. The “Bohemians” themselves also never tell anything about themselves: when joining the club, they sign a non-disclosure agreement about everything that happens there.

The club's emblem is an owl, its images can be found, for example, around the Capitol building and on dollar bills, and this symbol itself supposedly represents the cult of Moloch. In addition, you can find comprehensive information that the club has preserved the long-forgotten cult of the Canaanites, Druids, as well as fragments of the ancient Egyptian civilization and Babylon. The inhabitants of Bohemian Grove are also suspected of committing human sacrifices, organizing homosexual orgies, kidnapping children and much more.

Journalists who managed to film some of the rituals of the Bohemian Grove talk about Masonic rituals performed by torchlight around a 15-meter stone owl on the shore of the lake. About a special program to “zero” the memory of strangers who managed to penetrate the forbidden grove, the connection of the Grove with the Skull & Bones society.

Bohemian Grove clearly demonstrates the peculiarities of the structure of American society. Despite loud statements about equal opportunities, transparency of business and the political system, despite all the talk about democracy, the United States itself lives in a clan-oligarchic model of capitalism. The active work of the Bush clan, which started the war in Iraq and then distributed lucrative contracts to related companies, is only the most obvious example. America remains a country where the rich increase their wealth many times faster than the poor. According to a recent study by the British magazine The Economist, since 1979 the average income of the average American family has grown by 18%, while the wealth of the richest 1% of the country's population has tripled.

It is therefore not surprising that most issues in the country are decided not at public sessions of Congress or shareholder meetings, but during informal meetings like the events at Bohemian Grove. The club, for example, regularly hosts Lakeside Talks, which are thematic meetings of interest groups. Sitting on the grass, everyone first listens carefully to the main speaker, then begins the discussion. This is how the idea of ​​the Manhattan Project was born, which laid the foundation for the US nuclear program. Moreover, according to authoritative researchers, the American system of relationships within the business and political elite is painfully reminiscent of the “Asian” model. And documents popular in the West, which thoroughly describe the rights and obligations of the parties, at a certain level no longer play a big role. The main argument when making decisions is the recommendations and strong word of someone from the crowd.

For the first time, the secrets of “Bohemian Grove” were filmed by journalist Alex Jones, who managed to get there thanks to an employee hired for the service, and were shown in the film “Dark Secrets of Bohemian Grove” and “Death Order”, where he showed the connection between Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones and other occult societies . The author of the film claims that the “End Game” is just the beginning for the New World Order, for the world government. The author claims that the "elites" plan to destroy 80% of the world's population, while they themselves plan to live forever with the help of advanced technology.

Ritual cremation in front of an owl statue, 2000

During the sacrifice, the effigy doll representing the “sacrifice” is set on fire to symbolize the purification of the ritual participants. In the 1989 scandal, investigators discovered that Paul A. Bonacci wrote in his diary that he flew to Bohemian Grove with Republican leader Lawrence King and was forced to have sex with other men and watch films where victims were killed and then raped. Paul Bonacci later testified about these allegations in court and won his case against King. Spy Magazine wrote about Bohemian Grove in 1989 and how homosexual prostitutes were brought there from nearby towns.

Bohemian Grove from the inside

Independent American journalist Alex Jones posted his new job"Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove", which tells about a secret satanic democratic clan that worships ancient Babylonian pagan god Moloch.
The film shows real footage of an occult action produced by a hidden camera.
The cult is involved in the religion of the Druids, European Freemasonry and the worship of Moloch. The rituals are accompanied, according to the testimony of local residents, by sexual orgies with prostitutes, but this is not in the film. Rituals serve to compromise " powerful of the world this” to make them easily manageable.

At night, a group of cameramen from the USA and England, with the help of local residents, bypassed several security fences, including the FBI, and filmed the night ritual by the lake. In front of Satan worshipers and priests in black robes and hoods gathered with candles, a ritual of the descent of fire is performed. The Chief Priest speaks through a microphone on behalf of Satan in the form of an Owl (Satanists have owl figurines in their homes and worship it), a ritual song sounds, and music plays. The priest addresses the crowd (about 2 thousand people) as “brotherhood Eternal Flame" The main ritual fire, torches and adjacent bonfires are lit.

Secret filming was carried out from the opposite shore of the lake from the crowd of the public sitting on the benches. Indistinct figures of priests on the podium are visible, but the appeals and calls of the Chief Priest are clearly audible. The priest is dressed in white, pink and black clothes. An effigy of a man (?) is burned. Ashes from burned people are used in ancient cult in further satanic rituals. Perhaps it is for these secret rituals and artifacts are now being collected in the surrounding area ancient Babylon in Iraq, captured by the Americans.


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