Quick preparation for the OGE in social studies. Oge social studies

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About 50% of schoolchildren in their senior year choose to take the Unified State Exam in social studies in 2019 as an optional subject. Partly, the guys believe that this is an easy discipline; other teenagers need the subject in order to score a certain number of points and enter the university. Naturally, there are pitfalls here; you need to prepare well, study new areas, and also focus on complex topics in order to ultimately get a decent number of points.

Changes in social studies planned for 2019

There will be quite a lot of changes in the rules for taking the OGE in 9th grade. This is explained by the fact that the leadership of our country is puzzled by the gradual weakening of the younger generation’s interest in the history of their country and the structure of the society in which young people will live and work. Simply put, applicants leaving their home school do not know enough about the history of Russia and do not understand the basic structure of society in our country. This trend could not go unnoticed and caused concern in government circles due to the fact that young people in Russia are becoming easy prey for various international organizations, criminal structures and religious sects who want to reformat the public consciousness of the citizens of our country.

It is not surprising that the emphasis in such attempts is placed on young people, who, having little knowledge of history and social studies, are easily suggestible, believe the words of their ideological inspirers, without even realizing that their consciousness is being manipulated and outright lies are being instilled in them. Understanding the danger of gaps in the education of students in our schools, the Russian Ministry of Education and Rosobrnadzor are preparing an entire program to change the approach to testing knowledge in humanities subjects. The changes will especially affect social studies and history, which directly shape the completeness of our children’s worldview.

The essence of the changes will be that examinees will have to speak more and write less. Previously, the OGE in social studies boiled down to the fact that the student received an option form, where it was necessary to mark the correct answers, choose the correct one from several options and silently submit the completed option to the examination commission. Now everything will change and, along with the written part of the exam, the student will have to talk with the examiner and explain to him why the student answered this way and not otherwise. Oral arguments and justification for the answer marked on the examination sheet will be required.

In other words, the OGE in social studies in 2019 will become more like a classic school exam, which was introduced back in Soviet system education. This decision of the Ministry of Education and Science caused a positive reaction in society, because everyone still remembers that Soviet education was, indeed, one of the best in the world.

the date of the

In the 2017-2018 academic year, social studies was taken at the very end, which, on the one hand, provided graduates additional opportunity prepared well, but on the other hand, it made me worry while waiting for the exam date. In 2019, the OGE in “society” will be taken on the following days:

*the 2019 OGE schedule has not yet been approved

Features of the social studies exam

We decided to take the OGE in social studies in 2019 based on the fact that this is the easiest subject - get ready to update your knowledge in key areas such as philosophy, sociology, economics, culture, politics and law.

Of course, in KIMs for the 9th grade, students will encounter only those concepts that they should have become familiar with in the lessons as part of the study of the relevant disciplines. But, to successfully pass the OGE you must:

  • Possess a sufficiently large amount of information.
  • Be able to describe social objects, evaluate and compare them.
  • Give examples of social relationships.
  • Solve assigned problems based on studied material and experience.
  • Be able to express your thoughts, justifying your choice with examples.

At first glance, there is nothing complicated, but many ninth-graders are faced with problems such as a lack of life experience and a lack of understanding of the processes taking place in the political and social spheres of life, which is the main difficulty when passing the OGE.


The social studies exam card consists of 31 tests, among which questions from 5 main sections are evenly distributed:

  1. Human and society. Spiritual culture.
  2. Sphere of politics and social management.
  3. Social sphere.
  4. Economy.
  5. Right.

Possible different variants formation of the OGE in social studies, but as in the last season, in 2019 KIMs will consist of 2 parts and include:

  • 16 basic tasks;
  • 13 tasks of increased difficulty level;
  • 2 high level tasks.

Ninth-graders are given 180 minutes (3 hours) to complete the work.

Brief answers to the tasks of the 1st part must be transferred to a special form, taking into account established rules registration It is very important to adhere to the requirements for filling out the form, because this part of the work will later be checked electronically, and the system simply will not accept an incorrectly filled out form.

It is worth allotting more time to complete the second part of the OGE in social studies, because it will require:

  • work with the text, highlighting the main semantic fragments;
  • organize information by making a plan;
  • express your own opinion, giving reasons for it and logically justifying your choice;
  • explain the author’s idea based on your knowledge and life experience.

Work evaluation

As in other subjects, when testing the OGE in social studies in 2019, 2 main methods will be used:

  • electronic;
  • manual.

It is quite difficult to challenge a machine check, and if a graduate has completed the answer form incorrectly, he will have to try his luck again by retaking the exam in an additional period.

Part 2 is checked by members of the expert commission. Simply put, by teachers who assign points based on tables of uniform assessment criteria developed for each of the 6 tasks of the block. Although each task has its own assessment criteria, in 2019 it is worth considering the following basic requirements for detailed answers to the OGE in social studies:

  • brevity;
  • content;
  • reliance on theory;
  • ability to use terms;
  • Availability real examples when revealing the topic.

In total, when completing the work, the student can score 39 test points, of which:

Starting from 2017, the result of the OGE has a direct impact on the certificate score, therefore the test points awarded when checking the work are transferred to the traditional five-point system according to the following correspondence table:

Thus, to overcome the minimum threshold for those taking natural science, it is enough to score 15 primary points, which is more than realistic for a child who listened carefully in class and has a good memory. It is much more difficult to get a high score, which gives the right to enter a specialized class or study at a college.

For social studies, the minimum profile level threshold is 30 points, for which, obviously, it will not be enough to simply answer all the test questions correctly.

What issues should you pay more attention to?

When taking the tests presented in the tickets, there are questions distributed across blocks, in particular:

  • section where it is important to demonstrate an understanding of interaction, communication, and complexities in social groups. Also take into account the understanding of the algorithm for the development of society, rationally demonstrate how well the teenager understands conflict aspects;
  • then we will talk about a person in society, the questions of the section return to the history of the biosocial development of citizens, in the end it will be possible to understand their place in modern world. The student must show that he knows a lot about the details of society, has understood the most important principles functioning of society, and must determine a personal place in it;
  • of course, one cannot do without politics, the structure of the country in the dynamics of prosperity, its current state, various kinds of regimes, administrative institutions, the essence of statehood and other nuances of the topic that are not enough to know, but should also be understood;
  • legal aspects will be touched upon, answers to this section provide specific data, knowledge from the scope of the country’s legislation, plus it is important to be able to operate in legal terms;
  • Finally, you should answer questions on economics; here, not only knowledge of theory in the field of market economics is demonstrated, but also the ability to analyze, read graphs, and predetermine the main economic indicators.

Summing up, it becomes clear that each ticket is designed for 29 questions, they are divided into blocks. For 20 tasks from 1 block you should give simple answers, sometimes these are words, numbers or phrases. Some of the questions are designed for a minimum level of knowledge, but some assume excellent preparation of teenagers. For the first part of the exam, it is most realistic to score 35 points.

The next block includes 9 questions, and detailed answers will also be presented there. You definitely need to pay attention to tasks 21-22, they are of a basic type, then there are questions of increased complexity, in particular the essay. Themes to choose from, 5 options in total. The designated part of the exam is worth 29 points.

How to prepare properly?

It is definitely important to decide on good literature; representatives of FIPI on the official portal give some recommendations. During the exam, one should show only knowledge, and arguing and debating could only be done in class. Sometimes questions provide a chance to reflect and express a personal opinion. There is a similar opportunity in an essay; the main thing is to choose a topic based on how you could reveal it, this allows you to count on the highest score.

Teachers often said that it is important not only to know the terminology, but also to understand it. Often a child cannot give the correct answer, because he does not see the connection with a specific scientific field, and uses the wrong analytical method. The discipline described covers several areas, but the main difficulty is the blurred understanding of adolescents on many topics.

Online video lessons will also help you prepare for the exam:

Any school subject, including social studies, can now be studied remotely. The advantages of this form of training are obvious: availability of materials, the ability to independently determine the time and sequence of classes, clarity. It should also be noted that such training is carried out.

What and how to study to prepare for the State Examination in Social Studies

Upon completion of the ninth grade of general education high school pass the State (final) certification exams. Exams in the Russian language and mathematics are mandatory; students choose two more school subjects to take independently, depending on their area of ​​interest and intended future profession. Quite often, the choice of schoolchildren falls on the State Academic Examination in Social Studies. This is no coincidence - a good certification in social studies is necessary for obtaining almost all humanitarian specialties of secondary technical and higher education.

Both students, their parents, and teachers are equally interested in successfully preparing for the State Examination in Social Studies. Here they can be of great help by studying materials on. Not everyone wants or can, for one reason or another, turn to the help of tutors, and such an innovative form of training will help to understand all the difficulties social studies free, but no less qualitative.

Video lessons for preparation and self-study for the State Examination in Social Studies are located on our website in accordance with school curriculum, that is, divided into classes and topics. This structure allows, in parallel with basic traditional training, to get acquainted with additional information on the subject, systematize and consolidate the acquired knowledge. When preparing for exams, this arrangement of video lessons makes it possible to quickly and conveniently find the necessary material.

The social studies course at school includes studying this subject for six years - from 6th to 11th grades. When preparing to take the State Examination, we recommend starting to review social studies material online from the very beginning—from 6th grade.

The 6th grade program includes an introduction to the basic concepts of social sciences, such as man, family, work, homeland, school, and virtues.

On next year Schoolchildren study the place of man in his relationships with other people and interaction with the surrounding reality - nature, laws, economics.

In the eighth grade, students are introduced in more depth to public institutions: culture, education, economics and entrepreneurship. At this stage, the choice of profession and life path, duty, science, religion and morality. And this can also be learned by watching lessons on social studies online.

Grade 9 is entirely devoted to the basics of state and law. The teacher talks about the theory of the origin of the state, different forms government and political regimes. Students gain an understanding of democracy political culture, the rule of law and the constitutional order. Is it possible to study these topics by free social studies? Of course, if you take advantage of the Internet.

In the 10th grade, in-depth study of jurisprudence continues. The lessons concern certain sections of law - labor, civil, family; students become acquainted with the history of the development of legal relationships in the process of the formation of human civilization. Much of the information received at this time is not only needed for passing the State Examination in Social Studies, but will also be useful in future life- after all, knowledge of one’s rights and the laws that protect them is necessary for every citizen.

The 11th grade social studies program is devoted to various spheres of society - economic, political, social. Schoolchildren study the concept and role of personality, its interaction with society in economic, political and legal aspects. And all this is very important for GIA in social studies.

The course of each class is divided into topics, including several video lessons. Each video lesson is dedicated to one specific phenomenon or concept, which makes it easier to learn the material, making it structured and systematized. This approach allows students to easily navigate rather complex issues of social science and makes studying social science online an effective and interesting activity.

We present to your attention a section on preparing for the OGE in Social Studies. This subject is the third most popular after compulsory ones and the first most popular among elective exams. We are pleased to provide you with the most useful and necessary material for each task with detailed explanations and theory. We are confident that this section will help you pass the 9th grade social studies exam with flying colors!

General information about the exam

The OGE in social studies consists of two parts, which in total contain 31 tasks.

First part contains 25 tasks with brief answer. Second part - 6 tasks with expanded answer.

The examination work in social studies is allotted 3 hours(180 minutes). Answers to tasks 1-20 are written as one number, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer. Answers to tasks 21-25 are written as a sequence of numbers in the answer field in the text of the work.

Part 2 includes the text and 6 tasks for it. To complete these tasks you must:

  • choose necessary information from the text
  • reveal (including examples) its individual provisions
  • correlate information from the text with the knowledge gained while studying the course
  • apply existing knowledge to analyze social situations
  • express and justify your own opinion.

Answers to tasks in Part 2 are written down on a separate sheet. When completing tasks Can use the draft. Entries in the draft are not taken into account when grading work.

Theory for the OGE in Social Studies

Brief theory for successful completion of tasks (recommended reading before analyzing the options).

Anastasia Grigorieva:

Social Studies exam - not very difficult

Passing the social studies exam was not very difficult for me. At the beginning of the school year, I bought a book with ten options for the OGE for preparation. In addition, every week at school we had additional classes on this subject, but I did not attend them due to lack of time and desire to stay late after school.

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I started preparing about six months before the exam: I decided on options and took advantage of consultations.

It was not very difficult for me in the exam, because the knowledge that I received in class and the information from the social studies textbook for the ninth grade was enough.

The only problems that caused difficulty were the tasks about government and the last two, which involved working with text. There was excitement, of course, but it didn’t interfere at all. I completed the exam in two hours.

Ksenia Bannikova:

The exam will contain what was discussed in class.

I went to consultations at school, solved tests on the “Solve OGE” website, and used the educational materials that social studies teachers gave us.

We were prepared very well, so I wrote the first part without any difficulties, but there were difficulties with the second. It seemed to me that there were a lot of terms in the text, and I didn’t even understand it. But I just found the same words in the text as in the question, re-read this fragment several times and got into it.

I wrote cheat sheets, but didn’t use them. I put definitions there for the entire ninth grade course because I thought it would be useful to me.

My advice is to solve as many tests as possible, because the first part is always repeated, no new questions are included. What you do in class is what will appear in the exam.

Tatyana Mironova:

I decided not to risk it

I prepared with a tutor. I bought a special book to prepare for the OGE FIPI - I prepared using it (there are about 30 options). In addition, the website “I will solve the OGE” helped - there are many tasks and options.

The exam itself was quite calm; there were no cameras. I read all the rules and started writing.

I didn’t make a cheat sheet, but I can say that you could go to the toilet as much as you wanted, so there was an opportunity to write it off. Many did just that. But I decided not to risk it.


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