How and how to heat a home greenhouse. Instructions: how to heat a greenhouse in winter

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Greenhouses are used to grow and harvest heat-loving crops. all year round. Such structures can be of various sizes: from small country houses to large industrial ones. In each individual case, different equipment can be used to heat greenhouses. So, if people are hired to equip industrial buildings special organizations who deliver and install heating systems, small private greenhouses can be equipped with your own hands. We will describe below how to do this.

Heating using solar batteries

The simplest and cheap way greenhouse heating - using solar energy. To use it, you need to install the greenhouse in a place that receives enough sunlight during the day. The material from which the structure is made is also important. To use solar heating for the greenhouse, polycarbonate materials are used. It helps create great Greenhouse effect because it has a cellular structure. Each cell stores air, working on the principle of an insulator.

Another good material, from which it is better to make a greenhouse if you plan to heat it with sunlight - this is glass. 95% of sunlight passes through it. To collect maximum amount heat, build a greenhouse with an arched structure. At the same time, it should be located along the east-west line, especially if you plan to install a winter version of the structure.

Additionally, a so-called solar battery is installed around it. To do this, dig a trench 40 cm deep and 30 cm wide. After that, insulation (usually polystyrene foam) is laid on the bottom, covered with coarse sand, and covered with plastic film and earth.

Did you know? It is best to use extruded polystyrene foam as a heat-insulating material. It is not afraid of moisture, does not deform, has high level durability and excellent heat retention.

This design, at night, allows you to retain the heat that has accumulated in the greenhouse during the day. The disadvantage of this method is that it can only be used during periods of high solar activity, and in winter it will not give the desired effect.

Another long-standing method of heating a greenhouse is the use of biological materials. The principle of heating is simple: during decomposition, biological materials release a large amount of energy, which is used for heating. Most often, for these purposes they use horse dung, which can warm up to a temperature of 70°C within a week and maintain it for at least four months. To reduce temperature indicators, it is enough to add a little straw to the manure, but if cow or pig manure is used, then straw is not added to it. By the way, straw itself can also be used as a material for bioheating.

How else can you heat a greenhouse using this heating method? Sawdust, bark and even household waste. It is clear that they will provide much less heat than manure. Although, if you use household waste, which consists of 40% paper and rags, then it may well reach the performance of “horse” fuel. True, this will have to wait quite a long time.

Did you know? Experienced gardeners They use so-called artificial manure. They lay layers of straw, cut to about 5 cm (10 kg), lime-ammonium nitrate (2 kg), superphosphate (0.3 kg). The layer of compost soil should be up to 20 cm, biofuel - up to 25 cm.

Also, you can take care of vegetable humus in advance, which is also perfect for the role of biological fuel. To do this, freshly cut grass is placed in a box or barrel and filled with nitrogen fertilizer, for example, a 5% urea solution. The mixture must be closed with a lid, pressed with a weight, and after two weeks the biofuel is ready for use.

Important! Biological heating has a positive effect on the microclimate of the greenhouse. It saturates the air with microelements, carbon dioxide, while maintaining the necessary humidity, which cannot be said about technical methods heating

Biofuel is used as follows. The entire mass is laid to a depth of approximately 20 cm, while the total thickness of the installation should be approximately 25 cm. Then nature itself carries out all the necessary processes. You only need to water the soil occasionally to keep the decomposition processes active. One such bookmark is enough for at least 10 days, maximum for four months. It all depends on the type of biological materials used.

Installing a stove in a greenhouse

A good answer to the question “How to heat a greenhouse efficiently?” - installation of metal or brick stove and chimney pipe systems around the entire perimeter of the greenhouse with access to the outside. The heat comes both from the stove itself and from the smoke that comes out through the chimney. Any fuel material can be used. The main thing is that it burns well.

Gas heating

Another popular way to heat greenhouses is to use heat from burning gas. True, heating a greenhouse with gas is considered a rather energy-intensive method. Its essence lies in the fact that infrared panels are installed along the perimeter of the greenhouse. gas-burners or air heaters. Through flexible hoses They are supplied with gas, which releases a huge amount of heat during combustion. The advantage of this method is that the heat is distributed evenly throughout the room.

True, in this case, you need to take care of a good ventilation system. During combustion, a huge amount of oxygen is used, and if there is not enough of it, the gas will not burn, but will accumulate in the greenhouse. To avoid this, gas heating greenhouses are equipped with automatic protective device, which regulates all ongoing processes.

Heating with electrical appliances

Due to the availability of electricity, this method has become one of the most popular among summer residents and farmers. Especially those who are involved in greenhouses and winter time. Its main advantage is its availability all year round and the ability to easily adjust temperature regime. Among the disadvantages are the high cost of installation and purchase of the equipment itself. To use electric heating in a greenhouse, you must install a special heating device. What it will be like depends on the heating system you choose. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Convectors and infrared heaters

One of the safest and most effective methods electric type heating The essence of this method copies the method of solar heating of a greenhouse. Ceiling-mounted polycarbonate infrared greenhouse heaters warm the plants and soil. The latter accumulates heat and returns it to the greenhouse. The advantage of this method is that such heaters are easy to install and reinstall under different needs, and also consume relatively little electricity. At the same time, they do not take up working space, since they are mounted on the ceiling.

Among other advantages, the lack of air movement is noted, since some plants are very sensitive to this. If you install the heaters in a staggered pattern, you can heat the greenhouse evenly. At the same time, adjusting the temperature is very simple.

Cable heating

Another heating method that does not take up any working space is cable heating. A heat cable installed on the principle of underfloor heating in houses warms the soil, which releases heat into the air. The main advantage of this heating method is maintaining the required soil temperature at different vegetative stages of plants, which has a positive effect on productivity. The system is easy to install, the temperature regime is also easy to regulate, and very little electricity is required.

Most often, such a heating system is used in the construction of industrial greenhouses. It is calculated during the design of the structure and laid down during its construction.

Installation of heat guns

One of the most simple ways heat the greenhouse without installation complex structures- put a heat gun inside. It can be used immediately after purchase by hanging it from the greenhouse ceiling. This way the hot air will not harm the plants. Another advantage is the presence of a fan. During operation of the unit, it distributes warm air throughout the greenhouse and does not allow it to accumulate under the ceiling.

There are many varieties of such guns: electric, diesel, gas. Which one to choose depends on the specifics of the greenhouse and the plants being grown. For example, there are guns that can operate in conditions high humidity, at large quantities dust in the air and other harsh conditions.

Using an electric heater or water heating boiler

Greenhouses can also be heated using boilers that run on electricity or solar power. wind energy. They have high efficiency - up to 98%. You can also make water heating for a polycarbonate greenhouse using a stove by installing a water heating boiler on the stove. A pipe system should extend from it to the water intake thermos tank. Hot water will flow from it into the greenhouse through pipes. At the end of the system, the pipes branch, going down the walls and returning to the boiler.

This maintains constant circulation of hot water, which releases heat into the air through the pipes. Depending on how the entire system is laid out and where the boiler is installed, the air can be heated more or the soil of the greenhouse can also be captured.

Did you know? For such heating, you can use a central heating system. It applies if the greenhouse itself is located no further than 10 m from your home. Otherwise, this method will be ineffective due to large heat losses during the transportation of water from the central system to the greenhouse. Remember that you must have the appropriate permission to do this.

This principle is based on the use of any heating boilers described above, to which a heat pump is connected. For example, when used together with a water boiler, the water in the pipes around the perimeter of the greenhouse can be heated to 40°C. It can also be connected to other heating devices. As a rule, it turns on and off automatically, and therefore saves energy.

In addition, such a unit eliminates harmful emissions into the atmosphere, because the pump does not use open gas mixtures or other sources of fire. The unit itself takes up little space and looks neat. Another advantage of the pump is that it can be used not only for heating in winter, but also for cooling in summer.

The operating principle of the device is quite simple. The unit is connected to a route or collector where the heat will flow. A collector is a long pipe through which liquid flows smoothly. This is usually ethylene glycol, which absorbs and releases heat well. The heat pump drives it around the perimeter of the pipes in the greenhouse, heating it to 40°C, provided that the water boiler is running. If air is used as a heat source, it can be heated to 55°C.

The most primitive, and therefore few effective method heating of the greenhouse - air. It involves installing a pipe, one end of which goes into the greenhouse, and under the other, outside, a fire is built. The diameter of the pipe should be approximately 30 cm, and the length should be at least 3 m. Often the pipe is made longer, perforated and carried deeper into the room in order to distribute heat more efficiently. The air that rises from the fire enters the greenhouse through the pipe, heating it.

Important! In this case, the fire must be maintained constantly. Therefore, this method is used mainly as an emergency method when the main one breaks down.

The system is not very popular because it does not allow the soil to warm up well. Usually the pipes are installed under the ceiling to prevent the heat from burning the leaves of the plants. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly monitor the humidity level, since with such heating it drops significantly and has a bad effect on the plants.

Another way to heat a greenhouse with air is to install a fan that circulates warm air. In this case, there is no need to install a branched pipe system. The air heats up quickly, and the mobility of the fan and its lightness allow it to be used at various points in the greenhouse. In addition, a fan can be used not only for heating, but also for normal ventilation of the room, which is also necessary for normal plant growth.

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Almost every summer cottage There is a greenhouse in the private sector garden and garden. They are mainly used in spring-summer period for growing seedlings and summer heat-loving vegetables. And sooner or later, every greenhouse owner begins to think about its profitability. You can increase its efficiency only when you use it all year round, or when growing very early products, when everything is very expensive on the market and in the store. Now it has become fashionable to create winter gardens and grow greens, radishes, cucumbers in the cold season. New Year and flowers on March 8th. Of course, it’s great to have fresh produce from your greenhouse for the holidays in winter, but for this you need to make it heated, because our winters are long and harsh.

- means increasing its efficiency

But for early or year-round use of the greenhouse, heating is needed, because outside in winter very coldy, and sub-zero air temperatures are not uncommon. And then the question arises of which heating to choose, which is personally acceptable for your household, because any of them requires a financial investment. Here you need to figure out what you have enough money for and which heating will be less expensive to maintain. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the durability and efficiency of the selected type of heating.

Heating a greenhouse is the most important part of the microclimate in the life of plants, as is watering. It is advisable to think about what it will be like before construction begins. It’s better to do it right away, as it should be, so as not to have to redo it later. Let's consider different ways heating, the pros and cons of the selected options and choose what is most convenient and least expensive.

How to heat a greenhouse in early spring?

It is not necessary to use any heating to grow seedlings and early summer produce. To do this, it is enough to make greenhouse beds on rotted manure. It is necessary to remove the fertile layer of soil; instead of beds, you will get trenches. It is advisable to make the sides for future ones from boards or other available materials. Place a thick layer of rotted manure mixed with straw or peat on the bottom. Pour a fertile layer of soil on top. Manure rotting below will release heat and moisture. Plants planted on high, warm ridges will feel comfortable.

When it’s still cold outside, you can put a second layer of film over the greenhouse. An air pocket is formed between the main layer and the additional layer, which will also retain heat. The greenhouse should be positioned so that it is exposed to the sun as long as possible. The sun's rays will penetrate the film or cellular polycarbonate and heat the surface of the earth in the greenhouse. Thus, natural heat will condense in it. This is how you can “naturally” heat a greenhouse, just don’t make the roof too high, then it will warm up more. Experience has shown that greenhouses with an arched structure have the highest efficiency in terms of heat retention.

But there are some disadvantages. If you don’t have your own manure, you will have to buy it, and this is now quite expensive. In addition, it must be stocked in the fall. And make the ridges anew every spring. This is very labor-intensive process it turns out. Making heated greenhouses with your own hands is not easy. And in winter such “heating” will not be enough.

Stove heating

How to heat a greenhouse without gas and electricity? One of these methods is to make an ordinary stove, and run a chimney from it horizontally along the walls of the greenhouse. It should gradually rise up and finally come out. This way the greenhouse will be heated. The firebox must be made so that it opens outside the greenhouse, because soot and smoke cannot penetrate into it. Then the quality of vegetables will suffer.

You can install a stove with a boiler in which water will be heated, and then it will circulate through pipes that will be laid on the ground along the length of the greenhouse. Hot water will heat the air.

While the efficiency of such systems can satisfy the user, the complexity of the process is very tiring. The point is that you need to constantly monitor the temperature and add solid fuel often. Not everyone can quit their job and be a fireman in their greenhouse all winter. And is it worth it?

When building heated greenhouses with your own hands, you should keep in mind that film and glass do not retain heat well, and therefore they need to be heated better. Cellular polycarbonate, due to its design, retains heat well, and therefore heating costs will be lower.

Heating with heat generator boilers - also good view. Unlike simple ovens, heat generator solid fuel You need to charge no more than 2 times a day. Diesel fuel systems are available. The efficiency of such heating is not the highest.

Gas heating

Gardeners are interested in how to make a heated greenhouse using gas. If it is small, then you can use bottled gas. If the greenhouse is of an industrial scale, then you need to take a permit and use a natural one. For this purpose burners of conventional heating and infrared are used. A conventional water heating system based on AGW is also used. Gas, of course, is profitable because it is cheaper than electricity.

When using such heating with burners, it is necessary to provide ventilation, and this already reduces Heating efficiency. If you make water heating based on heating water with gas, then the system can be fully automated. Without constant human control, the microclimate in the greenhouse will be maintained. The main thing is that it is profitable from a financial point of view, and the costs can soon be recouped.

Heating by heating air

How to heat a polycarbonate greenhouse by heating air? This heating can run on liquid fuel or electricity. Most often used in large greenhouses. The unit heats the air, which is directly blown out in the center of the greenhouse and circulates through polyethylene perforated hoses laid out along the length of the building. Thus, the air inside is heated.

Convectors will also work

You can heat the greenhouse electric convectors. They are installed on the walls of the structure and on the floor. Convectors heat the air well, they have timers that can be set to a certain temperature, and they will turn on and off themselves. One drawback is that they are quite energy-consuming, and electricity is now expensive.

Hot air heating

There are many other ways to heat a greenhouse in winter. Some heat with portable heat guns (fans) or heaters. These devices actively blow out hot air, quickly heating the room. The main thing is to arrange them so that they do not dry out or burn the plants. It's good if they are equipped with thermostats. Then you don’t need to constantly monitor them, just install desired temperature which they will support.

Warm floors in a greenhouse

A do-it-yourself heated polycarbonate greenhouse can be made with complex heating. After all, it is necessary to heat not only the air, but also the soil in which the plants grow. To do this, some use the “warm floors” design. Lay a sand cushion, a protective net on it, then a heating element or cable, then again a protective mesh and a sand cushion on top. Then the soil is poured in a layer of up to 20 cm. It is necessary to install a thermostat so that the soil does not warm up more than 45 degrees, otherwise the roots of the plants may be damaged. This method electric heating very economical, with high efficiency. The sun warms the greenhouse from above, and the cellular polycarbonate retains heat. The soil below is also warmed up, and the heat from it rises.

The most efficient heating method

There is another way to heat a polycarbonate greenhouse in winter. These are infrared electric lamps and heaters. These devices are good because they do not dry out the air and act like solar energy. As is known, the sun's rays, reaching the surface of the Earth, heat objects and are reflected by heat. Lamps and heaters with infrared radiation. If they are placed along the entire length of the greenhouse, under the ceiling, then they will heat the soil, plants, walls, and, being reflected, the heat will accumulate in the room. They are absolutely harmless, with very high efficiency. Because they provide a lot of heat, but the energy consumption is small. Such heating can be very easily adjusted to create the desired microclimate in the greenhouse.

Perhaps, today this is the safest and most profitable method of heating a greenhouse in winter.

It is important not only to heat the greenhouse, but also to save heat

In order to be profitable, you need not only to heat the greenhouse well, but also to use all possible means to retain this heat as best as possible.

To do this, it is good to apply all knowledge in a complex. Well chosen place to build a greenhouse, no shade, all day under solar lighting. The greenhouse should be located so that the wind does not blow away the heat. Good, warm foundation. Greenhouse covering is better from cellular polycarbonate. There should be no gaps in the structure: in the cold winter, any draft is destructive.

You can use warm raised beds with manure, which will also accumulate heat. You can grow seedlings on shelves. It is good to combine heating of the greenhouse: increasing the temperature of the air and soil. By the way, you can use waterproof mats to create the effect of warm floors. They are convenient to use in greenhouses with shelving, placing heating mats underneath them. Heat always rises from below, heating the trays with plants and the air.

Should you make the heating yourself or order a ready-made one?

You don’t have to invent a bicycle at all, but when ordering a greenhouse, immediately buy a heating system and fully maintain the microclimate. Specialists will deliver the structure and install it in the shortest possible time. They will equip it with all the necessary options, which is called “turnkey”, and will also give a guarantee.

Everything, of course, depends on your financial capabilities and desires. Every year, new products appear on the market that will help make the greenhouse pay for itself all year round. What kind of heating you want depends, of course, on how you want to use it: to grow something all year round or in the early spring and summer.

In winter? Now there are many ways to do it in a greenhouse heating with your own hands. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so to choose perfect option For greenhouse heating with your own hands, you need to pay attention to following criteria choice:

  • greenhouse size;
  • financial opportunities;
  • climatic features of the region;
  • heating needs of different greenhouse plants.

Heated winter greenhouse - projects, photos:


This is the most natural way heating. In order for the sun to better heat the greenhouse, you need to place it in the very sunny place and choose the appropriate covering material. Ideal coverage counts glass.

The sun's rays pass through the coating, heating the earth and air. The heat is transferred back much less due to the density of the structure and covering material. The greenhouse is best heated in the form hemispheres or arches.


  • efficiency;
  • environmental friendliness.


  • in winter, this method can only be used in the southern regions;
  • At night, the temperature can drop sharply, causing the death of plants.


How to heat a greenhouse in winter? The next way to heat a greenhouse in winter is electric. For a small and hermetically sealed structure this would be an ideal option.

There are different ways electric heating greenhouses in winter:

  • convection systems;
  • water heating;
  • air heaters;
  • cable heating;
  • Heat pump.

Heaters for greenhouses have different mechanism of action.

The common advantage of such structures is that they respond to temperature changes and automatically create ideal microclimate. At correct placement Electric heaters will heat the greenhouse evenly, which will significantly improve plant growth.


  • efficiency;
  • mobility (most of these devices can be adjusted to the parameters of any greenhouse);
  • ventilation.


  • if there are not enough heaters, the air will warm up unevenly;
  • The possibilities for warming up the soil are very limited.


System air heating installed during the construction of the greenhouse. Its installation is very complicated, so this matter must be handled by a specialist.

How to do heating in a greenhouse? Special heating and ventilation devices are installed at the base of the foundation and in the frame of the building, which distribute warm air at the top of the greenhouse. Thanks to this, hot air does not reach the plants themselves and does not burn the tender leaves of the seedlings.

To heat the soil, you can install around the perimeter of the greenhouse perforated heating hose.

Winter greenhouses with heating - photo:

Winter greenhouses made of polycarbonate have long ceased to be a rarity: modern technologies allow you to create the necessary microclimate in them and grow herbs, vegetables and even berries for your table or for sale. In heated greenhouses you can also make a greenhouse or winter Garden. The main task when building a winter greenhouse is to choose the right design and equip the heating system.

In many ways, design requirements depend on the region. In areas with a mild, warm climate, where the temperature in winter rarely drops below zero, a polycarbonate greenhouse does not need to be insulated; it is enough to install temporary heating sources in it and use them as needed. Polycarbonate itself retains heat quite well due to its internal cavities, and while heating up during the day, the greenhouse does not have time to cool down to critical temperatures for plants.

Important! To preserve the thermal insulation properties of polycarbonate, its ends must be closed with special plugs. This will prevent cold air from entering the cells.

In areas with temperate and cold climates, the thermal insulation properties of polycarbonate are not enough to maintain a stable positive temperature in the greenhouse, and they have to be equipped with a constant heating source. Moreover, to improve thermal insulation characteristics must be included in the design standard greenhouse a number of changes.

Insulation from cold winds

To do this, the greenhouse is placed in the direction from north to south; main wall, and even better - a vestibule made of bricks, blocks or timber. The entrance to the greenhouse is through the vestibule, and the southern end wall make it continuous. The design of the vestibule makes it possible to prevent the greenhouse from blowing out through the cracks in the doors and vents. In addition, it acts as a thermal curtain: when the doors are opened, the plants will not be affected by the flow of cold air.

In the vestibule you can mark out heating equipment - a stove, a boiler. In this case, the chimney is brought out through the north wall, and the polycarbonate will be insulated from the hot chimney pipes and possible sparks. When heating with electricity, an electrical panel is placed in the vestibule. In addition, the vestibule can be used as a storage room.

Foundation and insulation of the blind area

The greenhouse is placed on strip foundation, concrete or made of blocks, and an insulated blind area is made around it. This will protect the soil inside the greenhouse from freezing.

The blind area is made as follows.

  1. The turf around the foundation is removed to a width of 50 cm and formwork is made from boards.
  2. Cover with a leveling layer of sand.
  3. Insulation is laid - polystyrene.
  4. Fill the blind area with concrete over a reinforcing mesh or lay paving stones on a layer of sand.

Soil insulation

Insulating the soil from below allows you to isolate the fertile layer in the greenhouse from the colder underlying layers. At the same time, heating will be more efficient and heating costs will be reduced.

A popular method of soil insulation.

Step 1. At the site of future ridges, a pit is made at least 60 cm deep, and a layer of sand 5 cm thick is poured onto the bottom.

Step 2. Lay the insulation boards, aligning the grooves at the joints.

Step 3. A layer of expanded clay about 10 cm thick is poured on top of the slabs. It acts as drainage and at the same time protects the polystyrene from damage when digging.

Step 4. Lay out on top fertile soil or arrange a warm bed.

Note! In particularly cold regions with high levels of snow cover, the bottom of the greenhouse can be made of foam concrete, brick or wood for effective thermal insulation.

The bottom of the greenhouse is made of blocks

Greenhouse heating systems in different climates

The choice of heating in a greenhouse has a great influence on the region in which it is installed. So, in the south there is no point in installing an expensive heating system with a boiler - it will be used for several weeks a year, and the costs of its installation will not pay off soon. In the northern regions it is impossible to do without constant heating.

Winter greenhouses in warm climates

For the southern regions, it is often enough to build warm beds with bioheating and install a backup heating source in case of frost - for example, electric convectors.

The main source of heat in such a greenhouse will be solar energy. Warming up during the day, the air and soil in the greenhouse gradually cool down overnight. When the minimum permissible temperature is reached, convectors are turned on, supplying warm air to the plants. The soil is additionally warmed due to the processes occurring in the warm bed: it is filled with organic residues, which actively release heat when decomposed.

The cost of installing such a greenhouse is not too high. Important to follow correct installation polycarbonate and insulate the north side, especially in regions with strong winds. The greenhouse must be equipped with a ventilation system, since in bright sunshine, even in winter, the temperature in it can rise significantly.

Winter greenhouses in temperate climates

In regions with temperate climate Solar energy in winter is not enough to warm up the greenhouse, so you have to resort to insulating the blind area and installing heating devices. A budget option– stove using wood or other fuel. It is installed on the north side of the greenhouse or in the vestibule; heating of the entire area is carried out due to natural convection or air ducts laid along the ridges. Heat the stove in the evening and when the outside temperature drops.

Warm beds with manure or compost as biofuel are also effective for heating the soil. A properly laid warm bed warms the soil for 5-8 years, and heating costs are significantly reduced. Plant roots remain warm, and most crops tolerate even significant fluctuations in air temperature.

In case of peak temperature drops, additional heating can be installed. Ideal for ground heating infrared lamps or heaters: directed radiation warms the soil surface and the plants themselves, while the objective temperature in the greenhouse may be low. The air is heated using convectors or fan heaters.

Winter greenhouses in cold climates

In cold climates, winter daylight hours are short and the sun does not have a significant effect on the temperature in the greenhouse. Its heating must be continuous. This task is best accomplished by a water heating circuit laid around the perimeter of the greenhouse. It may consist of registers or radiators connected by pipes. At the same time, a curtain of warm air is created along the walls; the plants do not experience the effects of cold from the walls of the greenhouse.

Heating the soil using biofuels in cold climates may be ineffective: when the beds freeze once, the activity of soil organisms stops and the release of heat stops. Therefore, the beds in winter greenhouses northern regions are insulated and equipped with artificial heating using an electric cable or heating pipes, which are placed at the bottom of the ridges and covered with soil.

Additionally, during peak frosts, infrared heaters can be used to heat the soil; convectors are more effective for quickly heating the air. With properly installed water heating, you usually don’t have to resort to them.

In addition to the region, the choice of heating system also depends on the crops that you plan to grow. If the winter greenhouse is intended for cold-resistant herbs and greens, you can get by with soil heating and backup electric heaters. Heat-loving tomatoes and peppers require a stable microclimate, constant heating and additional lighting.

Heating a greenhouse with solar energy

The space inside the greenhouse is traditionally heated solar energy. The walls of greenhouses are made of light-transmitting materials. The soil and air in the greenhouse heat up during the day under the influence of radiant energy and cool down at night. In spring and summer, this heating is quite sufficient for efficient heating greenhouses

In autumn and winter, sunny days are shortened, and the sun is low above the horizon. As a result, the penetrating ability sun rays decreases, they illuminate the soil at an angle and it heats up worse.

To improve efficiency solar heating winter greenhouses do the following.

Solar heating is used as independent system heating, and in combination with other systems. At the same time, the costs of artificial heating are significantly reduced.

Biological heating

The second type of natural heating of greenhouses is the arrangement of warm beds from organic components. Under the influence of soil microorganisms, organic matter begins to decompose with the release of heat.

Step 1. At the site of future beds, trenches are made with a depth of 0.5-0.7 m. They are enclosed with walls made of boards, bricks, blocks or slate. A drainage made of stones or expanded clay or a layer of sand is placed at the bottom.

Step 2. First layer warm bed made from large pieces of wood: logs, logs, stumps. Between them fall branches, sawdust, and tree bark.

Bottom layer - wood and branches

Step 3. Lay a layer of manure or compost and spill it with water containing biobacteria. Cover the bed with cardboard or several layers of paper.

Step 4. The next layer is a mixture of dry leaves, weeds, and mown grass. The thickness of this layer is at least 30 cm.

Step 5. Fertile soil is filled to the top of the fences, leveled and watered with warm water.

Step 6. Cover the beds with covering material or film for 3-7 days.

Within a few days, soil bacteria begin active work by the decomposition of organic matter, and the bed begins to generate heat.

Electric heating

Heating a greenhouse using electricity is available to every gardener.

Electric heating can be implemented in several ways:

  • using a heating cable buried in the ground;
  • using electric heaters or convectors;
  • infrared heaters or lamps;
  • using an electric boiler.

Advantages of electric heating:

  • availability of electricity;
  • ease of installation and operation;
  • low price of heating devices;
  • rapid heating of air and soil;
  • high level of automation.


  • high price of electricity;
  • It is not always possible to connect devices of the required power.

A special heating cable is laid inside heated ridges and is used to heat the soil and protect it from freezing in the northern regions. The cable laying diagram is shown in the figure.

Convectors or radiators are placed along the main walls - the devices create protection from cold air currents. It is better not to install them in the immediate vicinity of polycarbonate - during operation, the body of the convectors heats up, so the material may melt.

Infrared heaters do not heat the air, but the surfaces on which the rays fall. As a result, the soil and the plants themselves, paths, ridge fences, equipment and irrigation systems heat up. Heaters are mounted on brackets or hangers to the greenhouse frame. Emission spectrum infrared heaters close to solar and beneficial for plants.

Electric boilers for heating greenhouses are quite convenient, but require the installation of a water circuit, which increases the cost of installation. At the same time, their efficiency does not exceed that of other types of electric heating.

Note! Despite the large list of advantages, due to high price for electricity, electric heating is often used as a backup heating source.

Another option is a film heater

Stove heating

Stove heating allows you to heat the air to required temperature in any weather, the main thing is that the thermal power of the stove corresponds to the volume of the greenhouse. The stove is usually installed in the coldest place - near the north wall.

Distribution air masses can be done in several ways:

  • natural convection;
  • using fans;
  • through air ducts.

Firewood, branches, briquettes, and waste from wood processing industries are usually used as fuel for the stove.

Stove heating of greenhouses is popular among gardeners due to many advantages:

  • quick start of the furnace and warming up of the greenhouse;
  • inexpensive available fuel;
  • simple installation and operation;
  • the possibility of making a stove with your own hands from scrap metal or old bricks.

There are also disadvantages. The most significant of them is the impossibility of automating heating and the need for constant presence, especially in the northern regions, where heating of the greenhouse in winter must be continuous.

Stoves for heating greenhouses can be various designs. The most popular options are described below.

Potbelly stove

It is a metal stove with a direct chimney. It consists of a combustion chamber with a door for loading firewood. In the lower part there is an ash pan, separated from the firebox by a grate. When fuel burns, the walls of the potbelly stove become very hot and release heat into the greenhouse space.

Advantages of a potbelly stove:

  • fast warm-up;
  • simple design;
  • easy to do yourself;
  • Any fuel is suitable, including garbage.


  • high consumption of firewood;
  • low efficiency;
  • uneven heating of the greenhouse space;
  • dries the air in the greenhouse;
  • low heat capacity - the oven cools down quickly.

To improve the characteristics of the potbelly stove and increase efficiency, it can be equipped with a water circuit. It is made in the form of a tank installed on top of the stove and connected to a coil or to the heating system. You can improve the convection of heated air and protect adjacent beds from overheating using a fan: by blowing through the stove, it moves the heated air deeper into the greenhouse.

Buleryan stove

Improved potbelly stove industrial production. The difference between a buleryan and a potbelly stove is that it has built-in hollow pipes, through which there is constant movement of air. Cold air is drawn in through the bottom of the pipes, flows around the furnace body and exits at the top. At the same time, the air does not heat up to a hot state, but remains pleasantly warm and does not burn the plants.

Advantages of Buleryan:

  • high efficiency;
  • low fuel consumption;
  • compact dimensions;
  • The stove does not burn and heats the space evenly.


  • an industrial oven, making it yourself is quite difficult;
  • low heat capacity - heats only during combustion.

You can connect air ducts to the Buleryan pipes and use them to deliver warm air to remote parts of the greenhouse. There are also models with a water circuit.

Brick oven

A capital structure, it is installed in greenhouses for year-round use. The stove can have any size and design depending on the area of ​​the greenhouse. Usually carried out according to the laying schemes of bathhouses or heating stoves and placed in the vestibule or against the main wall.

Advantages of brick kilns:

  • high heat capacity, the oven does not cool down within 12-24 hours;
  • low wood consumption;
  • brick emits heat in a spectrum useful for plants, similar to solar thermal radiation;
  • heat distribution throughout the internal volume occurs gradually and evenly;
  • large selection of designs.


  • a foundation is needed for the stove;
  • laying a stove requires special skills or a master stove maker;
  • The design turns out to be quite expensive.

A brick stove is the most heat-intensive option of all mentioned; it is convenient to use for constant heating of winter greenhouses. Such a stove is heated once a day, in the evening, after which it heats the air until the morning. During the day, the greenhouse is additionally heated by the sun's rays.

Rules for installing stoves in a polycarbonate greenhouse.

  1. The stove must be installed on a solid horizontal base to prevent it from tipping over.
  2. Very hot parts of the oven should be located no closer than 60 cm from the polycarbonate, otherwise it will melt.
  3. The chimney is exhausted through one of the walls or the roof, and it is necessary to use heat-insulated pipes.
  4. The passages through the wall or roof are equipped with penetrations with thermal insulation, and the pipe is secured.

For maximum heat transfer, the pipe can be positioned at an angle and passed through the entire greenhouse. In this case, heating will be carried out not only from the furnace itself, but also from the pipe, which will increase efficiency.

Note! When choosing a stove, it is important to take into account the fact that the nominal volume of the heated room indicated in the passport is designed for a well-insulated building made of brick or wood. Thermal insulation properties polycarbonate is much lower, so a reserve of thermal power is required.

Water heating

Most reliable way creating the necessary microclimate in winter greenhouses made of polycarbonate.

Water heating represents a whole complex of equipment:

  • boiler;
  • heating circuit made of pipes, registers or radiators;
  • expansion tank;
  • circulation pump in case of using forced circulation;
  • security group.

Installation of such a system is expensive, so it is usually installed in greenhouses large area used for growing vegetables, berries or flowers for sale. If the greenhouse is attached to a house heated by a boiler, it can be connected to the home heating network. A separate building is usually connected to a separate boiler.

For water heating of greenhouses, you can use different boilers:

  • gas;
  • diesel;
  • solid fuel;
  • electric.

All of them have their advantages and disadvantages, they are described in Table 1.

Table 1. Comparison different types boilers for heating greenhouses.

Boiler typeAdvantagesFlaws

Low fuel cost.
High efficiency.

Compact dimensions of the boiler.
Possibility of using a coaxial chimney.
Requires connection to a gas main.
Most boilers are energy dependent.
Enough high price boilers

High level of automation.
High efficiency.
High cost of fuel.
It is necessary to arrange a tank for diesel fuel.

Independence from communications.
Availability and low price of fuel.
Low cost boilers.
Energy independence.
Automation is only possible when using pellets.
Efficiency depends on the fuel.
A chimney installation is required.

High level of automation.
High efficiency.
No chimney needed.
High cost of electricity.
Energy dependence.
Over time, efficiency decreases due to scale.

The choice of boiler type is made depending on resources and personal preferences. Installation heating system while there is little difference, the only difference is that gas, diesel and electric boilers are often equipped with a built-in circulation pump and a safety group, so when installing them, connecting these elements is not required.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a water heating system are given in Table 2.

Table 2. Installation of water heating in a greenhouse.

Stages, illustrationsDescription of actions

To calculate required power boiler, you need to know the volume of the heated room. To calculate the volume of a greenhouse, you need to multiply its geometric dimensions: length, width and height. Dimensions are taken in meters, the result is obtained in cubic meters. Example: greenhouse with dimensions L=6 m; W=3 m; H=2.5 m. Volume V=6·3·2.5=45 m3

The boiler power is calculated using the given formula, based on the volume of the greenhouse. The specific power required for heating 1 m3 is taken equal to 50 W. The result is obtained in kW - it is in these units that the rated power of most boilers is indicated. Example: P=45·50/1000=2.25 W. The result obtained is rounded up to the nearest denomination, for example, 4 kW.

Radiators, depending on their design, have different thermal power. This indicator is usually indicated in the passport per 1 section for prefabricated models and for the entire radiator for soldered ones. Indicated in watts. The number of radiators is calculated based on the boiler power, taking into account losses - for this, a coefficient of 1.5 is introduced into the formula. The power of the radiator section is assumed to be 170 W. Example: n=4·1000/(1.5·170)=15.7 sections. The result is rounded to the nearest whole number and distributed over required amount radiators.

Foundation under floor standing boilers made from reinforced concrete 10-15 cm thick. To do this, soil from an area of ​​about 1 m2 is removed to a depth of 15 cm and a 5 cm layer of sand is poured. The sand is watered and compacted. Install wooden formwork 10-15 cm high, assembling the boards with nails or self-tapping screws. Reinforcing mesh is placed inside, concrete is mixed and poured into the formwork. Dry for 1-2 weeks.

The boiler, depending on its type and method of fastening, is installed on a pre-prepared foundation or hung on a solid wall. When installing, it is important to align it with the hydraulic level - misalignment can lead to the formation air jams in the heat exchanger. Volatile boilers are connected to the electrical network. Connect the expansion tank and, if necessary, a heat accumulator. If necessary, a hot water supply system is connected to the boiler.

The type of chimney depends on the type of boiler. For gas and diesel engines, a coaxial chimney is used, which is discharged through the wall. Coaxial chimney has a channel inside for inflow fresh air, That's why additional ventilation not required. For solid fuel boilers, a stainless steel sandwich chimney is usually used. It is connected to the boiler smoke pipe and discharged through the roof or wall. The pipe must be secured. A spark arrestor is installed on the top of the pipe - if sparks hit the polycarbonate, it can melt.

The water circuit is connected to the boiler according to the diagram shown. Install a safety group at the boiler outlet. Circulation pump placed at the entrance to the boiler on the return pipe. A bypass with a balancing valve is installed between the forward and return pipes. Before three way valve A coarse filter is installed on the return pipe.

Radiators are connected to pipes, shut-off valves and Mayevsky taps are installed on them to bleed air. If radiators are equipped with balancing valves, the latter are opened fully. Mayevsky's taps are turned on. Plugs are installed at free entrances.

Pressure testing is carried out with air from the compressor. The pressure test is usually indicated in the passports for the boiler and radiators. Apply pressure testing to the system. Joints and connections are sequentially lubricated with soap foam and checked for leaks, which can be detected by the bubbles that form. If air leaks are detected, the units are re-installed and sealed.

After pressure testing, the boiler is ready to be filled with water and started. The first start-up is carried out in accordance with the instructions in the technical data sheet for the boiler - depending on the model, they vary.

Video - Water heating of a greenhouse. Part 1

Video - Water heating of a greenhouse. Part 2

By installing a heating system in a polycarbonate greenhouse, you can grow herbs, vegetables and other heat-loving crops. Heated greenhouse – good help for the family budget and an exciting hobby for amateur gardeners.


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