How to whiten yellow stains on the ceiling. How to remove yellow stains on the ceiling after a leak

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I greet the distinguished meeting and ask for advice. Just recently made good repair in the apartment, in particular, I leveled and painted the ceilings with rather expensive paint. And now, due to a burst of pipes in the upper neighbors during the heating startup, all my work and expenses were in vain. On the surface in one of the rooms there are large yellow stains. Tell me how to remove yellow spots at minimal cost?

I don’t want to quarrel with my neighbors and I won’t – these are very elderly people. They don’t have the money to pay for compensation, and they won’t do the work themselves. You'll have to do everything yourself again.


How to remove yellowness and stains after flooding

Hello, Alexander. You were unlucky in particular, we sympathize with you. And it will take a lot of tinkering to return the ceiling to its previous appearance.

The main thing is that this situation does not happen again, so it is advisable to get management company audits and overhaul all old pipes in the house.

Ways to eliminate yellow spots

The nature of the spots may vary. If it's just dirt from washed-out cement, then it will be the easiest thing to get rid of. It’s worse if water seeped through old rusty pipes, metal fittings and fittings, causing them to corrode and washing all of the above to the surface.

It is important. There are several ways to get rid of yellow stains on the ceiling, but before you apply them, you need to wait until the ceiling has completely dried and clean it down to the base of the old coating.

Method one - putty

Whatever your ceiling is finished with, the coating from the damaged area will have to be mercilessly removed using a spatula or power tool. It is advisable to free the ceiling even from plaster. After which it needs to be washed clean water and let dry.

Remove the consequences after flooding and whiten the surface

Further instructions are as follows:

  • Treat the exposed area with primer deep penetration;
  • After it dries, level the surface with putty. Its type and number of layers depend on the thickness of the finish in undamaged areas, since you need to bring the entire ceiling to one level. In any case, the last one is applied thin layer finishing putty;

  • Sand out minor imperfections plaster mesh or sandpaper;
  • Apply primer again;
  • Paint the repaired area the same color as the rest of the ceiling.

Knowing the answers to questions about how to remove yellow stains on the ceiling will be useful for residents apartment buildings, and owners of private cottages. In the first case, the cause of the appearance of unsightly stains and stains is most often the neighbors or faulty plumbing system. Secondly, it malfunctions roofing system, especially during periods of heavy rainfall.

There are a few effective ways, allowing you to remove yellow stains from the ceiling without replacing the coating. The choice of method depends on the type of ceiling.

Plastered ceiling - simple ways to get rid of yellowness

An emergency situation that causes a flood and, as a result, rusty streaks on the surface of a plastered ceiling is not a death sentence. To assess the extent of the damage, you need to wait until the coating dries.

Typically, yellow marks do not appear over the entire surface, but in separate areas:

  • joints between the ceiling and walls;
  • electrical wiring outlet areas;
  • placement of batteries, etc.

These areas will need to be worked on, returning the ceiling to its former aesthetic appearance. You can restore the coating and remove stains by proceeding in the following sequence:

  1. The area with the rusty stain must be removed from the plaster dry, carefully working with a spatula. The stain is cleaned down to the very base of the ceiling.
  2. Turn off the electricity if you have to work with the electrical wiring outlet area.
  3. The cleaned area is additionally sanded sandpaper, achieving a perfectly flat surface.
  4. Remove dust from the cleaned surface with a soft brush, using a respirator.
  5. To increase the adhesive properties of the base, it is primed with deep penetration mixtures on water based in several layers with breaks for each layer to dry for at least three hours.
  6. Prepare a mixture for finishing the ceiling, apply it as a test layer on small area for quality assessment.
  7. Cover the entire prepared area with the finishing mixture in several layers.

After the plaster has dried, the yellow stains should disappear. To consolidate the effect, the area to be restored is sanded and painted to match the color of the ceiling.

You can try to remove minor, barely noticeable marks on a plastered ceiling with white. To do this, the product is applied to the surface of the ceiling to whiten the stains, after which the damaged area is sanded and painted.

Plasterboard surfaces - how to update

For plasterboard ceilings Floods are comparable to a real natural disaster. It will take some effort to get rid of yellow spots on their surface. The sooner you can begin to restore color, the greater the effect you can expect. Clean drywall from stains according to the following scheme:

  1. The place where the leak formed is opened, removing any remaining moisture inside.
  2. The moisture-saturated area is cut off construction knife, shining a flashlight through the flooded area to assess the damage caused.
  3. Replace damaged sheets of drywall with new ones, observing all the details of installing the material with priming, puttying and finishing painting.

You can try to disguise barely visible stains on a plasterboard ceiling using regular paint water based or acrylic compounds for the ceiling. That's just to achieve maximum effect Painting only yellow spots will not be enough. In order for the coating to look harmonious and uniform, the entire surface of the ceiling will have to be updated.

Traditional stain removal methods

To remove yellowed stains from the ceiling, you can prepare working solutions and pastes from available products. So, for example, it could be a herbal solution based on a liter of water, a glass copper sulfate, a glass of bone glue and 250 g of grated laundry soap mixed with 40 g of drying oil. All ingredients are mixed and dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:10, and then used to treat stains.

An easy way to get rid of yellow spots is a paste of lemon and chalk. For this citric acid mixed with chalk in a ratio of 1:2, applied to the contaminated area and left for half an hour, after which the mixture is removed along with the rust with a sponge soaked in water.

The situation is more complicated when solving the problem of yellow spots on suspended or suspended ceilings. Fabric sheets It can only be restored with the help of specialists; stretched PVC films can be processed independently, but again, to return them to their previous appearance, you will need a special hot air gun, so without professional help, it is most often impossible to solve the problem efficiently.

Living in an apartment always involves the risk of it being flooded by neighbors above. Of course, not all owners have to deal with such problems, but if the apartment is already flooded, then they have to figure out how to eliminate the consequences of this unpleasant factor. The most noticeable part of the problem is the appearance of streaks or damage on the ceiling. This article will discuss how to remove stains on the ceiling after an apartment is flooded.

Concrete floor with whitewash

Regular concrete slab ceilings very often act as the main ceiling in an apartment. Finishing material in in this case is whitewash. Repairing the ceiling after a flood under such conditions will be quite problematic, but still possible.

To remove yellow spots on the ceiling after flooding, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Mechanical repair of the ceiling;
  • Chemical repair;
  • Combined method.

The last option is quite relevant - flooding often leads not only to the appearance of stains, but also to other damage, so to restore ceiling decoration a complex of operations may be required. Of course, before you remove smudges from the ceiling, you need to consider available methods, used in such cases.

Mechanical repair of the ceiling after flooding

Restoring the ceiling after flooding is carried out as follows:

  • Before you remove stains on the ceiling after a flood, you need to assess the extent of the damage. If, as a result of flooding, the putty or plaster has crumbled, then this layer of coating must be removed. The resulting bubbles are broken with a hammer, and all flaking elements are removed using a spatula. Stains that have reached entire areas of the coating will also have to be completely scraped off or cut down. The cleaned ceiling must be left to dry completely.
  • In ceilings that have undergone leakage, there may be metal elements. Of course, exposed fittings located next to the rust must be restored and must be separated from the ceiling finish. It is recommended to carefully tap the concrete with the sharp edge of a hammer to find delaminations.

  • Metal elements discovered during the inspection must be cleaned with a steel brush or sandpaper to remove rust from the ceiling. Subsequently, the metal is covered with two layers of paint, and it is advisable to select compounds that can neutralize rust. Protecting the ceiling reinforcement will prevent further staining on the ceiling, which can occur due to moisture remaining in the concrete.
  • When the paint has hardened, the damaged areas of the ceiling must be treated with a primer. Suitable for this different compositions– for example, an aqueous latex solution in a ratio of 1:3. In the absence of visible metal parts the repair technology does not change - the ceiling is still primed, since in the future it will be covered with a finishing finish, for the application of which the structure must have good adhesion.

  • To fix potholes and dips ceiling structure, you can use moisture-resistant cement-based leveling compounds. A good option for this composition would be tile adhesive. In any case, the composition is prepared for work in accordance with the instructions attached to it and applied in layers to the ceiling. After applying each layer, you need to give it time to set, but you shouldn’t wait until it hardens completely.
  • After preparing the ceiling, all that remains is to carry out final work, covering the ceiling with a fine finish. Typically used for this gypsum putty. It is applied in several (usually two) layers, leveled and left in this form until it dries. In the future, you will need to sand the coating so that it is as smooth as possible.
  • Before painting over the stains on the ceiling, it will need to be treated with a primer again. Of course, to completely eliminate stains and provide uniform coverage, the ceiling will have to be covered with several layers of paint, the number of which directly depends on the saturation of the composition.

As one can conclude, the repair technology is quite complex, and such restoration will require a lot of effort and financial costs. But these shortcomings are compensated for high quality such repairs.

How to remove stains on the ceiling using a chemical method

In the presence of high-quality waterproofing floor in the apartment from above and if the flooding was eliminated as soon as possible, then it will be easier to solve the problem of damage to the ceiling. The thing is that under these conditions the risk of damage to the finish is not so high. That is why it is likely that the only damage will be red spots on the ceiling and characteristic stains.

You need to understand that washing stains from the ceiling is not one operation, but a whole set of measures. The problem is that the characteristic yellow spots that appear on the ceiling after flooding are not uniform damage, so choosing a universal solution to this problem will not work. When deciding how to fix a leak in the ceiling, it is worth considering that mechanical method repair is more effective, but with the help of chemistry you can achieve the right result.

Ceiling stain removal technology chemically consists of the following steps:

  1. Before cleaning leaks on the ceiling, you need to remove a layer of paint from the surface of the ceiling. Since the ceiling is already wet, this operation will require minimal effort. There is no point in hoping that wet paint is not damaged - its structure is guaranteed to be destroyed when exposed to water, and further coverage it will simply peel off, so it would be much safer to completely renew it.
  2. The dried ceiling must be degreased to remove from the surface various oils that have entered the ceiling along with water. For this operation you can use any suitable composition– for example, a nitro solvent. Degreasing will make it possible to remove contamination on all layers of the structure, and not just on its surface. A clean piece of cloth is quite suitable as a tool for applying solvent.
  3. Next, the prepared ceiling needs to be rid of coloring pigments, due to which stains appear on the ceiling. Any will do household chemicals, intended for cleaning. The main condition is that the substance must contain chlorine. Since chemicals discolor any colors, before work you need to make sure that the floor is not damaged due to the product dripping down. The ceiling is cleaned using a sponge. You should not keep a sponge soaked in bleach on one area for too long - as a result, the putty may begin to crumble, and the ceiling will have to be refinished.
  4. At some point in the process, the stain will stop losing color. As soon as this happens, you will need to stop the operation and leave the ceiling in a soaked state for about an hour - thanks to this, the chlorine will stop interacting with the stain. This important point, which must be taken into account before whitening yellow spots on the ceiling.
  5. After an hour, the ceiling can be washed further, but this time you need to use ordinary detergents - for example, laundry soap or washing powder. This operation allows you to solve two problems at once - firstly, to remove all usual contaminants from the ceiling, and secondly, to wash out the chlorine remaining on the ceiling.
  6. Final stage work - washing the ceiling with clean water. As a tool, you can use a sponge or a piece of foam rubber. At this stage, it is necessary to completely remove all traces of detergents from the ceiling surface.

Of course, the result of cleaning the ceiling will not be noticeable immediately. It will take a couple of days for the structure to dry completely. Moreover, the probability complete removal yellow spots using chemical method minimal in at least one stage. However, if you mask the damaged area with paint of the right color, you can postpone more radical methods until the next time. full repair. That is why, before painting over a leak on the ceiling, you need to select suitable paint– even a temporary solution should be of sufficient quality.

Plasterboard ceilings and stains after the flood

To equip ceiling structures, moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets are often used, designed for use in conditions high humidity. However, if we are talking about flooding, then even protected sheets will not be able to remain intact - gypsum tends to absorb water, so the structure will have to be repaired. There is no clear answer to the question of how to remove stains from a plasterboard ceiling after a flood.

If the volume of water was not very large, and the ceiling structure did not interact with it for long, then the repair technology will directly depend on finishing plasterboard ceiling:

  1. Dye. The wet layer of paint must be removed before it dries. You need to work carefully - the sharp edge of the spatula may well damage the sheet of drywall if you do not use it carefully. The dried finish is primed with a water-latex solution, and gypsum putty is applied on top of it (after the next hardening). Next, the coating needs to be sanded, treated with a primer and covered with new paint. It is worth remembering that even with the right paint, the damaged area will still be noticeable.
  2. Ceiling wallpaper . When the ceiling is flooded, the wallpaper glued to it usually peels off and becomes covered with red spots. It will not be possible to restore their original appearance using any methods, ranging from simply trying to remove stains to replacing the damaged area. The simplest solution is to return the dried wallpaper to the repaired plasterboard ceiling and paint it.

Sometimes plasterboard ceilings are used without finishing. Of course, such situations are extremely rare, but you need to be aware of them. In case of flooding, the primary task is to restore the original technical characteristics drywall, and not its visual data.

When figuring out how to remove rust from a ceiling after a leak, you need to immediately pay attention to the most obvious way to solve the problem - complete replacement damaged sheet. However, you can also replace a separate piece of drywall, for which you will first have to cut out the damaged area and fix it on the ceiling wooden blocks(or metal profiles), to which you can attach a patch.

The patch is cut so that after installation there is a gap of about 5 mm around the entire perimeter. Having secured this fragment with wedges, you need to align it with the level of the rest of the ceiling structure. To fill the joints around the perimeter of the patch, use special mixture. After the mixture has completely hardened, the wedges are removed, and all remaining irregularities are filled with putty.

Repair of PVC tiles

PVC tiles themselves have good resistance to water, so flooding of the ceiling will not affect the performance characteristics. This statement does not apply to the visual side of the issue - stains appear on tiles in the same way as on other materials. It will not be possible to wash the tiles, since contaminants are absorbed into them due to the low density of the material.

However, you can get rid of the problem even in this case - all you need to do is perform the following series of operations:

  • First you need to thoroughly wash the tiles using foam rubber and detergents (compositions with chlorine can also be used);
  • Then the tile is primed with a latex compound, due to which a protective film layer is formed on the material;
  • When the primer is dry, the tiles can be coated water-based paint suitable color.

The technology is quite simple and almost completely copies the algorithm for conventional painting. ceiling tiles. To understand the details, it is worth studying the article on this topic.

Repair of suspended ceilings

It also happens that the suspended ceiling is flooded by neighbors, and something needs to be done about it. Stretch ceilings, although considered one of the most leak-resistant, are still susceptible to water. Even if the volume of water was not very large, and all the consequences of flooding have long been eliminated, yellow spots on the stretch ceiling may still appear. The fact is that water marks do not appear immediately, but gradually appear on the canvas.

The most common conditions look like this: a special elastic film is used as a canvas, and the cause of the appearance of red spots is water entering from above the apartment. The simplest option for eliminating damage would be a suitable means for cleaning a stretch ceiling. Such products are produced in the most different formats– gels, sprays, various solutions, etc. The cleaning agent must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions.

If there is no opportunity to use such means, then you will need to think about how to bleach the ceiling using improvised means. For example, you can make a tampon from gauze and cotton wool. Such a tampon is wetted in a 10% solution ammonia, after which they need to wipe the stain, going into clean areas. To complete the work, you will need to wash the entire ceiling with ordinary detergents - then the ceiling surface will look uniform.

Another good option is soda ash. It is diluted with water to a 5% solution, after which the resulting composition is applied to the contaminated areas of the ceiling. The dried solution is washed off from the ceiling surface with warm, clean water. However, if we are talking about using film ceilings for cleaning, then most will do. suitable means– you can’t use aggressive compounds. It's all about smooth surface stretch ceiling, which is quite easy to clean.

If fabric was used to decorate the ceiling, the process of removing stains may take longer. The list of acceptable products is the same as in the case of film materials - but they can only be applied and washed off with soft bristled tampons. Detergents must be designed for delicate work. To get rid of very strong stains, it would be better to replace the canvas or contact a specialist.


Ceiling flooding is a serious problem that can cause characteristic yellow stains to appear on the surface of the ceiling. There are several ways to solve this problem, so before removing the stain on the ceiling, you need to take into account the features of the ceiling and finishing. If the ceiling itself remains undamaged as a result of the leak, then the problem will be purely cosmetic in nature, so you can get rid of it as soon as possible radical methods, and using temporary methods that only allow you to mask the damaged areas.

It can be a very annoying situation when, after a recently completed renovation, your neighbor drowns you and on the ceiling, even after it has completely dried, yellow spots suddenly appear, increasing in size.

The reason for this unpleasant event is the interfloor slabs that were not completely dry.

Even if the plaster on your ceiling has dried, stains may still appear after a while. If the house is old or even new, but the pipes engineering systems If the ceilings are touched by rust or the reinforcement in the monolith rusts, sooner or later it may also appear on the ceiling, especially if the corrosion process is accelerated by flooding.

Most The best way eliminate the consequences of this event - file a claim with the neighbor above and ask him to eliminate the consequences of the utility accident. However, it happens that you don’t want to spoil relations with your neighbors, and the trouble isn’t that great. In this case, you can try to eliminate the consequences of the flood yourself.

Let's figure out how to remove yellow spots, rust and smudges on the ceiling after flooding and leaks from careless neighbors.

So, what should you do if there are yellow spots left on the ceiling after a flood? When working on any damp ceiling, the first step is to turn off the electricity at the meter. You don't yet know where the water leaked or how close it got to the wiring.

Method 1 – mechanical

This is the most common method and does not require any chemicals. Clean with a spatula old paint, putty, plaster, until this is possible or until we remove the damaged surfaces. We wipe the exposed area with a damp cloth and wait a little until the ceiling dries. After this, apply a deep penetration primer with a roller.

We take the finishing putty and apply it to the ceiling with a spatula. We level the surface and wait for it to set. Using sandpaper, we sand surface defects, preparing the ceiling for finishing. Then we prime it again with the same primer.

At the end, we paint the ceiling again with a roller or brush. If there is any doubt that the shades old paint job and the new one are identical, you will have to paint the entire ceiling again. The ceiling is usually painted in 2 layers.

If you use whitewash, you need to apply it in 2 layers after preliminary preparation. You can simply whiten a stain if it is small: the area is washed away, primed, and whitewash is applied in 2 layers.

Method 2, chlorine-containing

So, the flood has stopped, the ceiling has dried out. How to get rid of traces of disaster and how to remove yellow stains on the ceiling after a leak?

You will need:

  • bleach or other chlorine-containing product (this could be ACE bleach or even toilet bleach Duck);
  • rubber gloves (wear old clothes so that drops of white, accidentally falling on them, do not spoil your home clothes);
  • 2-3 foam sponges or small foam roller for painting;
  • container for the solution (a paint container will do).

First you need to clean the ceiling from previous layers finishing materials and plaster. Then pour the white into the container, put on gloves, soak a sponge or roller in the solution and start processing.

Apply the sponge to the stain and hold in this position for 5 seconds. Then blot again and process again. In this way, go over the entire area of ​​the stain.

The moment the sponge turns red, it should be changed. Thus, the ceiling should be treated until the stains are as light as possible. After treatment, you need to wait until the ceiling is dry and carry out Finishing work.

Advice. If you have it on hand hydrochloric acid, you can carry out treatment with a 3% solution of hydrochloric acid heated to 40 degrees.

Method 3 to fight rust

It is much more difficult to cope with the consequences of a utility accident if the leak affects rusty pipes in interfloor covering, and along with ordinary water, rusty particles leaked onto your ceiling. How to remove rust from a ceiling after a leak?

To effectively process bright red stains you will need:

  • 10% copper sulfate;
  • ordinary red laundry soap;
  • bone glue;
  • drying oil;
  • latex gloves;
  • roller, sponge or brush.

To prepare the mixture, mix 250 g of vitriol, the same amount of soap shavings, bone glue and 40 g of drying oil.

You should also clean off the plaster and paint layer to the maximum possible depth. The mixture is poured into a container, the roller is dipped into the mixture and the entire area is processed.

You can simplify this method a little. That is, treat the affected area with copper sulfate, prime, putty, and after putty, paint over it with oil paint. Oil paint forms a fairly dense film on the ceiling, the stain will not appear through it again. Then, if the ceiling was previously painted with water-based emulsion, paint over the entire surface with it.

Important! If the stain appears again and again, until you create a waterproof film in this place, all efforts will be in vain: the yellow stain will appear again and again.

Method 4, to save tension fabrics

We cannot discount the situation when the ceiling is suspended and stains on the main ceiling, in principle, do not matter. But if there was a leak and the water was safely drained from the stretch ceiling, yellowness may appear on tension fabric. In this case, you should call the installer and ask what paint can be used to paint this canvas.

Depending on the type of fabric, processing can be carried out. Fabric canvases can be dyed up to 5, and sometimes even up to 10 times. You should try to clean PVC films with soapy water or ordinary detergent for dishes.

In the very difficult case You will need to treat with regular soda ash. A 5% solution that should be applied to the painted area, wait until it dries, and then rinse off will help clean the canvas. warm water. This procedure can be repeated several times until the stain completely disappears.

Method 5 to save plasterboard ceilings

The same misfortune can befall owners of beautiful, high-quality plasterboard ceilings. Unfortunately, moisture damage to drywall can be especially severe, because the moisture will spread inside the gypsum board. In this case, the sheet of drywall will not only turn yellow, but also swell and become deformed.

Important! If you suspect that the leak was severe, you will have to pierce the sheet with a knife or a long screwdriver and drain all the water. then proceed to reconstruct the ceiling.

Using the tapping method, you should determine the size of the affected area and try to replace part of the sheet. Most often you have to change the entire sheet completely(which, of course, is dreary and unpleasant, but still possible), and then carry out complete finishing work.

About yellow spots

The easiest way to solve the problem is if there is a leak in the finished ceiling. plastic panels PVC and they remained with a yellow coating. To eliminate these troubles, simply wipe the PVC panels with a damp cloth.

There are many different methods, tested and not so tested, against yellow spots. In some cases it may help water-based primer for painting over stains, which is sold in construction hypermarkets.

Someone simply paints over the surface with water-based emulsion latex paint Beckers Nondrop. Anyone will do paint material, which creates a durable dense film on the surface of the ceiling.

How to remove condensation on the ceiling

Condensation can form on the ceiling in a bathhouse, in a garage, on a loggia, and even in a living space if there is an unheated non-residential space above it. This is not a particularly good phenomenon and causes gradual corrosion and structural failure, which must be dealt with.

Condensation usually appears in poorly ventilated areas and, first of all, the ventilation system should be checked or installed. Ceiling insulation will help eliminate condensation. Insulation can be done with mineral wool insulation or extruded polystyrene foam.

If condensation appears on the ceiling of a cellar or garage and there is access from above, then you can sprinkle the floor with expanded clay, sawdust, or spread the same mineral wool material to insulate the floor.

The same method applies to the case if condensation appears on the ceiling of a room in a private house, and on top unheated attic. In this case, it is enough to insulate the attic floor.

Should know

When stains appear on the ceiling, the most important thing is to find the cause of their occurrence. Because if you think that your neighbor is flooding you, but in fact the leak is caused by a burst of pipes in the interfloor ceiling, no cleaning and finishing work will help you until representatives of the housing office repair the pipes.

In a private house, yellow spots on the ceiling may form due to a leak in the roof. Then you should also find out the place through which water penetrates inside and carry out waterproofing work.

Likewise, if, tired of fighting the yellow stain that constantly appears as a result of leaking rusty pipes, you decide to make a stretch ceiling, this will not lead to anything good. Sooner or later, a fungus will appear at the site of the leak, which has the ability to quickly grow and spread.

Probably no one will be pleased if you know what your suspended ceiling blooming space. You will still have to find out the reasons for its appearance and eliminate the leak.


Watch a useful video on how to remove yellow stains after flooding on a ceiling covered with water-based paint:

Leaks on the ceiling formed after flooding with water top floor or a leaky roof, unfortunately, is not uncommon. The ceiling immediately loses its aesthetic appearance and requires repair. Before starting repairs, it is imperative to eliminate the cause of water leaks, otherwise the repairs made may be in vain, and the next rain may ruin all the work.

I also had the fate of doing repairs to eliminate smudges on the ceiling near the window as a result of a roof leak. Finally the roof was repaired and renovations could begin. This is what the ceiling looked like before the renovation.

First, you need to use a narrow metal spatula with a blade width of 4-5 cm to remove the damaged paint or whitewash to the plaster. Before work, the working edge of the spatula must be sharpened like a knife blade, with a block or sandpaper. Then the work will be easier. The steel plate of the spatula should be thin and elastic, bending during operation, as in the photo.

If the plaster moves in places, then it must be removed as well. There is a simple repair rule: everything that does not adhere well to the wall during its repair must be removed. If there are cracks on the surface to be repaired, but the plaster is holding firmly, then they must be expanded, that is, a rectangular groove with a depth of at least 5 mm should be made along the crack line. If the crack is simply erased and painted over, then after a while it will appear in the same place again.

Since after removing the whitewash the plaster had to be removed in some places, it was decided to first apply a layer of Rotband. This is an excellent leveling solution, which is recommended to be applied in a layer of 5 to 10 mm thick; it adheres well to the ceiling surface, is moisture resistant, and is suitable for leveling walls even in bathrooms. Although the recommended application layer is indicated by the manufacturer from 5 mm, as my experience has shown, Rotband, even when applied with a thickness of 1 mm, lays down perfectly and holds tightly. There were also traces of rust in several places on the wall. I didn’t have copper sulfate or other chemicals on hand, so I hoped that with the help of Rotband it would be possible not only to level the walls and ceiling, but also to get rid of rust stains.

But expectations were not met and in several places after Rotband hardened, traces appeared rust spots. While Rotband was liquid, the rust moved through the water into its layer.

The question arose again of how to get rid of rust stains. I came to the idea that if you cover the rust spots with a waterproof film, then the surface of the wall can be puttied with water putty without fear of rust stains penetrating into it.

I had PF paint and some epoxy resin available. I decided to use epoxy resin, since after a couple of hours after application it hardens and the repair can continue.

It is difficult to apply epoxy resin to Rotband, as it is very thick. But if after mixing the components you add a little acetone to the epoxy resin and mix it, then it becomes quite fluid and well absorbed by porous materials. All that remains is to paint over the rusty spots with a brush. If you dilute any paint or varnish of the NC or PF type with an appropriate solvent to a liquid consistency, then they are also suitable for isolating rust stains, but it will be possible to continue the repair only a day later, after the applied coating has completely dried.

After covering the rust spots with epoxy resin, they showed up even more, but were now securely covered with a waterproof film. After the epoxy resin has hardened, you can begin finishing putty these places without fear reappearance rusty spots.

Bye epoxy resin hardened, the obvious bumps and protrusions of the rotband on the surface of the walls and ceiling were removed with sandpaper.

By doing repair work on local areas of the ceiling, when removing a layer of paint, when sanding, to prevent the spread of dirt and dust throughout the room, I place a tray ( plastic cover from an old record player). It’s true that it’s not so convenient to work with, but almost all the dirt remains in the tray.

If you wish, you can not buy a new one, but make your own cornice to your liking, as described in the article on the site


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