What to do to make the tree stand for a long time. What you need to do to make a living spruce last longer

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An artificial tree does not lose its appearance for a long time, while a natural tree suffers from home conditions and quickly begins to lose its appearance and crumble. But before you install your Christmas tree in the water, you should familiarize yourself with some rules for purchasing a Christmas tree and storing it before installing it in your apartment.

  • Alternative options

Rules for purchasing and storing a Christmas tree

1. Choosing the right tree is not difficult; you should examine it carefully. The Christmas tree should be fluffy and have many branches on the trunk. A healthy tree has strong, flexible, elastic branches and green, non-falling needles.

2. There is such a secret. A Christmas tree will last longer if its trunk is also covered with needles. By the way, it is worth inspecting the top of the tree, because a broken top of the trunk will cause the tree to dry out quickly and the needles to fall off quickly. You should not break off the top when decorating it.

3. The Christmas tree should not be stored on the balcony for a long time; purchasing a forest beauty in advance will not benefit it appearance.

4. If there is no balcony, then you can leave the tree for several days in the hallway, wrapping the tree trunk from below with a damp cloth and wrapping it in plastic bag.

5. Before installing the Christmas tree in the apartment, you need to saw off the trunk a little, sharp knife Remove the bark by two decimeters to open additional channels and fresh pores for water to enter the trunk of the tree.

6. To install the Christmas tree indoors, you can use a container with sand. Sand is heavy, so the tree will stand firmly in it. In addition, it is convenient to pour water into it, which is necessary in order to add substances in the form of fertilizer that help the needles not fall off for a long time.

Note! Installation of Christmas trees around heating devices and systems is strictly prohibited. Dry hot air negatively affects the appearance of needles.
In order for the tree to stand longer and not fall off, you can add folk remedies to the water.

Types of nutrient mixtures for Christmas trees

1. Take 2 liters of water and add 2 tablespoons of salt and sugar, as well as a crushed tablet of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). Such a solution will nourish the tree and protect against mold and bad odors in the container with sand.

2. Half a teaspoon of powder citric acid, thoroughly mix a tablespoon of crushed chalk in 3 liters of water and pour the mixture into the sand. Later add only clean, slightly sweetened water.

3. You can use this solution. For 1 liter of water, take 1 aspirin tablet and 3 tablespoons of sugar. As necessary, add water with part of an aspirin tablet and several crystals of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

4. As the sand dries, you can add a solution to the vessel in a ratio of 2:0.5:1, respectively, of ammonium and potassium nitrate and superphosphate.

5. Add 1 tablespoon to 2 liters of water table salt and slurry of slaked lime.

6. It is enough to dilute 5 grams in 3 liters. citric acid powder, 6 g. dissolved gelatin and 16 g. chalk powder.

Important! Almost all fertilizers that are used in winter time for feeding indoor plants, can be used to maintain the forest beauty in in a great mood, because in these special mixtures there are all the substances for nourishing and strengthening the green mass of plants, including conifers.

Here are several options for feeding that can be added to the water for the Christmas tree so that it stays fresh longer and does not crumble. All these substances can be found in everyone, so it turns out that the problem is not so difficult to solve.

To feed the needles, it is recommended to spray the branches with water from a spray bottle once a day.

Alternative options

Today on the market you can find live Christmas trees at pre-holiday sales in tubs or with roots carefully packed in film. This option is especially suitable for those who live in private houses.

After the holidays, the purchased beauty can be planted in the soil, but this option is not suitable for the northern regions. But even if in the middle climate zone several hundred coniferous trees are planted in the ground near the house, in the nearest forest or park, this will be a huge contribution to the restoration of the green coniferous nature park.

Firstly, as soon as you bring the felled tree home, it must be placed in the coolest place in the house, since a sudden change in temperature can significantly shorten its remaining life. The best place for the Christmas tree for the first couple of days there will be a room in which the temperature ranges from 4 to 10 degrees. In addition, when you bring the Christmas tree home, try to saw a couple of centimeters from the bottom of the trunk, since the resin accumulated on the cut can significantly impede the flow of power from the water to the entire tree.

If you are going to put the Christmas tree in water, then you need to prepare a feeding composition for the Christmas tree water. For small pines or spruces, the optimal amount of water is about 6 liters, for larger trees no less than 10. So, to 6 liters add three aspirin tablets, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 1 tsp. salt. If the volume of water is from 10 to 15 liters, then the above ingredients should be twice as much. It would also be a good idea to add a couple of tablespoons to the water. mineral fertilizer. This composition must be renewed every five days.

But it is worth considering that the most favorite soil for coniferous trees is sand. Therefore, you can safely bet New Year's beauty with a bucket of sand and fill it with several liters of fertilizer. The Christmas tree needs to be watered once every two days. Under such conditions, the tree will retain its freshness for at least two weeks.

What else needs to be taken into account to make the spruce last longer?

First of all, you need to choose a place to plant the tree. Under no circumstances place a pine or Christmas tree near a hot or even warm radiator. A nearby TV can also cause needles to fall out quickly, so try to choose a location taking these factors into account. Once a day conifer tree needs to be sprayed warm water from a spray bottle.

If you see that a branch has suddenly begun to dry out, it must be cut off immediately, otherwise the process of withering may also affect other parts of the tree. It is advisable to lubricate the cut area with Vaseline or grease.

Also, if possible, try not to overdo it with Christmas tree decorations, since excessive load on the branches can greatly reduce the nutrition of the needles. It is not recommended to hang old-style electric garlands on the Christmas tree, because their heating can cause rapid shedding.

Today you learned how to make your Christmas tree last longer. If you follow these recommendations, then it is likely that the tree may also bloom, which is considered a very favorable omen. Let your Christmas tree become worthy decoration New Year's holiday!

Having bought a cut down Christmas tree at the market, each of us wants it to look fresh and attractive throughout the holidays. We offer several simple tips that will help preserve live Christmas tree at home longer. This does not require any special means, just a grain of knowledge on choosing, installing and caring for a Christmas tree.

From the article you will learn:

  • 1 How to preserve a Christmas tree so that it does not fall off?
    • 1.1 Choosing a quality tree
  • 2 Correct installation live Christmas tree
    • 2.1 Installation of the Christmas tree
    • 2.2 Several recipes nutrient solution to extend the life of the tree
  • 3 The Christmas tree is installed. What to do next
    • 3.1 We also recommend reading:

How to preserve a Christmas tree so that it does not fall off?

Choosing a quality tree

Let's start by choosing a Christmas tree. If you buy a tree that has been sitting for a month from the seller, believe me, no matter what you do with it later, trying to maintain its appearance, the tree will not stand beautiful for long. The needles will fall off simply from time to time.

choosing a Christmas tree

When buying spruce or pine before the New Year, check with the seller about the time of felling, asking for documents for the goods.

If they are not there, first of all pay attention to the color of the needles. A yellow tint will indicate that the tree is far from young and will soon begin to crumble. Experts also advise running your palm forcefully along the branch: if needles remain in your hand, the tree was cut down a long time ago and it is better not to pick it up. When running your hand along the branch, the needles should be flexible and remain on the tree.

To preserve your Christmas tree for as long as possible, pay attention to the trunk and branches of the tree. The branches should be elastic and unbreakable. The surface of the trunk should be covered with needles; there should be no wide dark border on the cut.

The freshness of the Christmas tree is evidenced by the elasticity of its branches and the bright, rich green color of the needles. If you rub several needles in your fingers, a strong spruce smell should appear, and the surface of the skin will become oily.

Proper installation of a live Christmas tree

If you decide to keep a live Christmas tree at home longer, do not rush to install it indoors immediately after purchase. Allow the tree to acclimate slightly. A sharp change in temperature can cause the tree to lose all its needles. For successful acclemation, place the tree in a cold garage or balcony.

installation of a live Christmas tree

While the Christmas tree gets used to the change in temperature, we will prepare a place for its installation. First, the tree should be kept away from open fire or heat sources that could dry it out prematurely. Secondly, place the tree out of the reach of pets.

If you plan to use garlands to decorate your tree, place the tree close to an outlet. If this is not possible, you will need to use an extension cord. Make sure that the extension cord runs along the wall and does not come into contact with moisture and does not pose a fire hazard to the wiring.

If you want to keep your live Christmas tree fresh for a long time, forget about metal and plastic cross stands into which the wood is secured with nails or screws. Buy a special stand into which you can pour water or select a deep container where you can pour water, pour wet sand or put pebbles. It should be deep enough so that the tree does not fall or tilt to one side.

Keep in mind that you will need some form of water to keep the wood fresh. So that she doesn't harm you floor covering and furniture, cover the area where the Christmas tree will be installed with cloth or light paper. You can also cover the container in which the Christmas tree is installed with something. With the help of tinsel, rain and others New Year's decorations everything can be organized as a great Christmas tree decoration.

Christmas tree installation

When installing the tree, remove the lower branches (they are perfect for a New Year's wreath or bouquet for decoration festive table). Clean the trunk by 10–20 cm. Be sure to renew the cut area. This is necessary so that the trunk can absorb moisture.

Note! On some sites you can find a recommendation to drill several holes in the barrel before installing it in water. It is assumed that this way the tree will absorb moisture better. However, experts do not recommend doing this - no particular benefit has been noticed from this, but such experiments can damage the stability of the tree.

Place the tree in the container

Place the tree in a container filled with damp sand or water. Instead of sand, you can collect small pebbles, install a Christmas tree in them and fill them with water. You can also wrap the cleaned part of the trunk with any loose cloth and regularly moisten it with water or a specially prepared solution.

In any case, no matter which way you choose to keep a living Christmas tree at home longer - in water, among pebbles or in sand, make sure that the tree stands stable. Stores sell special stands that contain a container for water. If there is no such stand, take an ordinary bucket, only make sure that the tree rests against the edges with its lower branches or secure it with rope guys. They are easy to hide under New Year's decor.

Several recipes for a nutrient solution to extend the life of a Christmas tree

To extend the life of a New Year's tree, make its water more nutritious and take measures to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Here are a few simple recipes that will help you with this:

  • The simplest option is hot water and acetic acid. Boiling water will open the pores of the wood, and vinegar will protect against pests that live under the bark. In addition, the essence will act as a preservative, prolonging the life of the tree.
  • The second option is a solution of water and 2-3 tablespoons of liquid glycerin. This solution will protect the trunk from rotting.
  • The third method is a solution of cold water, sugar (2 tablespoons) and aspirin (2 pcs.). Sugar will feed the tree, and asperin will act as a preservative for the water. It won’t bloom, it won’t smell bad, and the tree will last longer.

Note: as folk remedy To replenish the Christmas tree, you can find advice to add cola or lemonade to the water. This product of the chemical and food industry, according to folk chemists, should extend the life of the Christmas tree. I don’t know how effective this is, but if you decide to try this remedy, be careful not to flood the Christmas tree, furniture and floors with sweet water. In addition, you should not use this product if you have a small dog or other sweet-loving animals in the house. They will definitely want to know what smells so delicious there and you will be tormented to drive them away from the tree.

The Christmas tree is installed. What to do next

So you've done everything necessary measures to keep your Christmas tree alive at home longer. Now all you have to do is monitor the water level in the container with the tree, if it is installed in water, or the humidity of the sand, if the tree is installed in a container with sand. To do this, look into the container and add water. The sand should be moist and the water level should not fall below the base of the tree.

In addition to feeding the tree from the trunk, it is advisable to spray the branches of the tree from a spray bottle from time to time. This should be done a few hours before turning on the electric Christmas decorations.

Important! When choosing garlands for the New Year tree, buy those equipped LED bulbs new sample. They will not dry out the tree much during operation and it will last longer.

Spruce is best decoration rooms, office, premises. The Christmas tree attracts everyone's attention. No matter what age we are, we all want to put up a Christmas tree and admire it on long winter evenings.

At this unique time, it seems that the Christmas tree gives miracles. This is some kind of special psychotherapy for each of us. We love winter and the Christmas tree for its unique appearance, multi-colored glass decorations and the positive energy that it distributes into the space.

We all want the Christmas tree to last longer and make us happy. Many people don’t throw away their Christmas tree until February, and some manage to enjoy its appearance until Valentine’s Day.

How to make a Christmas tree stand for a long time? There are a sufficient number of ways, let's look at them.

Step #1. Buy only fresh spruce

There is a certain difficulty here, because where is the guarantee that the seller did not deceive and did not sell stale goods? By the appearance of a spruce, it is sometimes quite difficult to determine its true age, calculated in days. If you trust the seller, then purchase only freshly cut spruce.

Step #2. Putting a tree on the balcony

The Christmas tree should certain time stored on the balcony. For what? This is necessary for adaptation from the cold to occur. Let it sit for at least a day.

Step #3. Watering the spruce with water

The spruce from the balcony should be taken into the bath, washed thoroughly in the shower, and all harmful substances and dirt should be washed off. Then leave to stand in the bath until it becomes dry.

Step #4. Place the dry spruce in a container or tree stand

Pour water into the container. If the tree trunk does not fit into the container, then it needs to be sharpened with an ax and sawed deep. This should be done so that the wood subsequently absorbs moisture and that’s it. useful material, which will be contained in the solution in which it will stand.

Step #5. Water and aspirin

Many people wonder what to do to Christmas tree stood for a long time. And at the same time, do not put it in liquid with water. It is usually worth adding an aspirin tablet to the water. In this case, the tree will last much longer.

Step No. 6 Sand solution

You can also place the Christmas tree in a bucket of sand. To do this, take clean sand, add it to the water, add sugar and several aspirin tablets. Then, after a while, water is added to the sand to refresh the solution. In this case, the question of how to make the tree stand longer will not arise.

Step #7. Place the tree away from radiators and heating devices

The room should be cool. Moreover, it needs to be ventilated all the time. In the cold, the spruce will stand for a long time.

Step #8. Dissolve chalk and citric acid in water

Dissolve chalk and citric acid in water. We use this solution so that the Christmas tree stands in it long time.

Let's summarize, what should I add to the water to make the tree stand for a long time?

  1. Aspirin.
  2. Sugar.
  3. Salt.
  4. Sand.
  5. Citric acid.

This is necessary so that the tree can receive a vitamin bonus for a long time and not dry out.

Is our holiday tree will delight us for a long time, which means that the holiday will last along with it. This is what both parents and children want.

The best thing you can do for a Christmas tree is to decorate it with garlands and toys, throw some rain on it, put gifts under it and rejoice in the fact that it can give positivity, energy and a good mood.

The New Year is approaching, stores are filled with all kinds of holiday attributes, including artificial Christmas trees. The existing selection of green beauties, it would seem, should satisfy a wide variety of tastes. In the windows there are fir trees and pine trees, large and small, of different shades and different fluffiness. Some people even want to go up to them and touch the twig to check if it’s real, it looks so believable.

Ksenia Shardina

However, many people try to buy a live Christmas tree. The smell of pine needles relieves stress, transports you to childhood, evoking positive emotions, and for some it is also a tribute to family tradition.

What to do to make the tree stand for a long time? After all, you don’t want to throw it away the day after the holiday! And only because the needles fall off without touching the tree. Decorating the Christmas tree correctly is half the battle. The life of a New Year's tree can be extended if you use the following tips.

Live Christmas tree or pine: so that it lasts a long time!

1. The safety of the Christmas tree is greatly influenced by when it was bought and in what form, where it was stored before installation. The tree that lasts the longest is the one that was recently cut down. The crown must be whole, not broken off, not cut down, otherwise the tree will dry out quickly.

When purchasing, pay attention to the color of the needles, the flexibility of the branches, and the smell of the needles. A freshly cut Christmas tree has a rich green color, the branches do not break, the needles do not fall off and have a strong smell if you rub them with your fingers. Inspect the trunk, make sure there is no mold or breaks on it. A healthy trunk is covered with green needles, just like the branches. A trunk that is too thin indicates that the Christmas tree is weak, there is no reserve nutrients She doesn’t have enough, it’s unlikely she’ll be able to look fresh for long.

The type of wood also matters; it lasts longer than others in a warm room without special care fir - 2 weeks or more. Pine - a little less. And spruce usually lasts for about 10 days.

2. Before placing a Christmas tree brought from the frost in the house, you need to keep it in a cool place, for example, on staircase or a closed loggia. Otherwise, the branches will become brittle due to a sharp temperature change. the same goes for pine. In the room, do not place a tree near the radiator. It is better to choose a ventilated place and where there is enough light. Do not decorate the tree immediately after you put it up; give it several hours, or even a day, to adapt and straighten the branches. Do not overload the Christmas tree with toys.

3. If possible, make a new cut, 2-3 cm is enough, cut off the branches at the very bottom, remove the bark. These measures will help the trunk absorb more water, and the pine or Christmas tree will be able to stand longer. Try not to leave the tree with prepared bare trunk for a long time without water.

4. To install the Christmas tree, use either special device or a simple bucket. Devices for attaching a Christmas tree come with a vessel for water, but there are also ones without the ability to put the trunk in the water. When there is nowhere to pour water, wrap the bottom of the barrel with a damp cloth and make sure it doesn’t dry out every day.

5. The Christmas tree is preserved very well in a bucket of wet sand. You need to choose clean sand, preferably forest sand. Fill the bucket three-quarters full with sand. Secure the trunk of the tree so that it does not touch the very bottom, but at the same time, the entire bare part is in the sand. Add a new portion of water daily. Some Christmas trees, depending on their size, may require up to two liters of fresh water. Use settled, but not filtered, water. With such care, the tree often even begins to produce new green shoots and give roots.

6. Some available means can help the tree not crumble longer. Mix salt, sugar and one aspirin tablet in a spoon and add to the water if you put the Christmas tree in a bucket of water. Or dissolve aspirin and three tablespoons of sugar in a liter of water and pour into a bucket if the tree is in the sand.

Do not use only sugar as a top dressing, the water will quickly begin to go out. You can dissolve several crystals of potassium permanganate in sweetened water to prevent microbes from multiplying.

Some people use the carbonated drink Sprite as a top dressing.

Another recipe consists of crushed chalk mixed with ½ teaspoon of citric acid and a spoon of gelatin. All this dissolves in the water with which the tree is watered.

Glycerin added to water in an amount keeps the Christmas tree fresh. three dining rooms spoons

7. You can add the Zircon biostimulator or a similar fertilizer to the water in which the tree stands. It improves the penetration of water into the stem cells, making the plant more resistant to stress. Use according to instructions. Feed once every 2 days. Fertilizers for indoor plants are also suitable.

8. A humidifier will create a good climate that supports the life of the tree. If you don’t have such a device, you can spray the tree with a spray bottle. But this must be done very carefully so as not to get on the garland. It will be enough to spray on the lowest branches, as they begin to dry out first. Be sure to turn off the garland while watering or spraying.

9. Caring for pine is not much different from caring for spruce. Pine also prefers wet sand and additional feeding. There is only one caveat. As the pine trunk dries out, it quickly decreases in diameter. Therefore, when installing it in a cross or other fixing device, you need to monitor the stability of the tree and, if necessary, correct it. Pine is more drought-resistant than spruce and tolerates heat more easily, so it will require less water when watering.


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