What to do if tomato seedlings do not grow: main reasons. Why tomato seedlings grow slowly Weak tomato seedlings what to do

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Every gardener is concerned with the question of why tomato bushes grow poorly. This one is everyone's favorite vegetable crop needs special care, so even the most insignificant detail can negatively affect the growth and quality of tomatoes

Poor growth of tomatoes due to unsuccessful planting experiments

They harm tomatoes by slowing down their growth and reducing yields, woe to the breeders. Often, lovers of vegetable plants, in particular tomatoes, some out of economy, others out of curiosity, others perhaps out of habit adopted from grandparents, are engaged in the fact that from year to year they select only the largest fruits, isolate and sow the seeds collected from them. Most often, gardeners focus on two, or at most three, positive properties of a variety: large fruits, taste and ripening period. When choosing large fruits that ripen earlier or later than others, we often do not pay attention to the fact that the variety has damage from pests, manifestations of diseases, even in the initial stages, weakened growth or loss of part of the ovary. Thus, by selecting seeds from year to year, we consolidate these characteristics; as a result, we get weak, slow-growing varieties that can produce large fruits, but their quantity will most likely be small. Therefore, do not be lazy and do not save on yourself; update your variety stock at least once every 2-3 years.

Poor growth of tomatoes due to improper picking

If the plant stops growing after the dive, then the roots were damaged. It is important to thoroughly water the soil before replanting. Once the water is completely absorbed, you can begin the process of planting the plant in new soil. Wet soil is taken in a lump to protect the roots from damage. For the picking process to be successful, the hole must be made as deep as possible so that the long root system of the tomatoes does not bend.

Poor growth of tomatoes due to low temperatures

Before the fruits are formed, there are several stages of formation. The plant blooms and an ovary forms from the buds. They are already producing the long-awaited harvest. But often the flowers and ovaries fall off, and barren flowers appear on the first clusters.

The main reason may be too low temperature. Tomatoes do not grow well if the temperature is below 28°C. To avoid this, it is recommended to plant seedlings in small greenhouses.

The presence of windows and doors will allow you to maintain desired temperature, if necessary, ventilating or, on the contrary, completely closing the greenhouse. Create a small draft in the greenhouse. It has a beneficial effect on plant pollination.

Poor growth of tomatoes due to incorrect watering technique

Another reason for poor harvesting is excess moisture. The soil must be moistened in moderation during fruit growth and when tomatoes are set. During this period of time, the soil needs constant moisture. I love tomatoes exclusively warm water. To heat water, you can use a barrel painted in dark color. During the day, the water will infuse and become favorable for the life of the plant. It must be remembered that in the heat, during bright sun Watering tomatoes is not permissible, as this can cause damage to the root system.

In addition, tomatoes should not be watered once a week to prevent the seedlings from burning. Long breaks can have a detrimental effect on plant health. Tomato fruits may begin to crack. You should try to water the plants after a long break in small portions so as not to damage them. root system. You can grow tomatoes using low-volume technology using mineral wool.

Poor growth of tomatoes due to lack of nutrition

The reason may be due to insufficient nutrition. If the stems and leaves of the seedlings are stunted, thin stems, small pale leaves, then there is not enough nitrogen in the soil. If the underside of the leaves turns red-violet, then there is not enough phosphorus. A lack of potassium is indicated by yellowness along the edges of the leaves and their curling. With a lack of iron, tomato seedlings stop growing, the leaves become yellow and discolored. If the picking was done incorrectly, the seedlings stop growing due to damage to the roots. There may not be enough oxygen and the soil may not be suitable. And seedlings may be susceptible to diseases if a lot of water was poured at an insufficiently warm temperature. Then the roots need to be washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and transplanted into fresh soil. And the seedlings also begin to develop poorly if pests have infested them - wood lice, spider mite, earwigs. Then the seedlings urgently need to be treated with phytoverm.

Poor growth of tomatoes due to disease damage

Fuarioz ( fungal disease) contributes to yellowing and wilting of tomatoes. The plant looks like it is not getting enough water. At the same time, cracking and blackening of the stem is observed. The disease is easier to prevent: treat tomatoes prophylactically with chemical agents (Trichodermin, etc.). Brown spots and yellowness of the leaves, their drying out is caused by late blight. The disease is considered the most dangerous and difficult to treat. The pathogen lives in the soil and on plant debris throughout the winter, and with the beginning of the new season it infects young bushes. As a preventive measure, treat tomatoes with biologically active solutions, do not allow humidity to increase (water the tomatoes at the root, use drip irrigation), choose neighbors for tomatoes that belong to the nightshade family (for example, it is unacceptable to plant potatoes next to tomatoes). If the disease develops, use “chemistry”: “Ridomil Gold”, Bordeaux mixture.

Poor growth of tomatoes due to pest damage

Aphids can cause tomato seedlings to lose blooming species, will become pale and sick. In order to know how to fight aphids on tomato seedlings, it should be noted that aphids respond well to chemical treatment with preparations both based on natural substances and with strong chemical composition. The fight against aphids involves treating tomato seedlings with Akarin, Ratibor, Proteus, Fufanol, and organic oils. Chemical treatment is done only in dry, warm weather.

Among many garden pests, spider mites on tomato seedlings are considered one of the most dangerous, since they are quite invisible due to their microscopic size. The experience of many gardeners in combating mites suggests that it is worth promptly removing old plants on which these insects can overwinter. In the fall, it is worth digging up the ground, and also taking protective preventive measures by fumigating the ground or spraying it with a limestone solution. Periodically visually check the seedlings for damage and mechanically remove leaves with cobwebs, also use chemicals: Fitoverm, Actellik, sulfur.

Tomatoes, although not the most fastidious plant, sometimes cause some problems like experienced gardeners, and, naturally, for beginners. Tomatoes require special individual care and care, because if some nuances are not taken into account, the seedlings may begin to grow much worse or stop growing altogether. In this article we will look at the “requirements” for maintaining tomato seedlings and try to figure out what to do to avoid similar problems in the future.

Conditions of detention

Like most types of plants, tomatoes require strict adherence certain conditions, in order to grow and give good harvest fruits The first of these is worth highlighting temperature regime. At different stages of seedling life, tomatoes require different temperatures. When the first leaves appear, it is best to remove the seedlings to a cool place with a temperature of about 16 degrees. At night the temperature should not drop below 13 degrees.

After this, the temperature can be raised to 20 degrees during the day and 16, respectively, at night.

Proper watering of seedlings is one of the key things that must be observed when caring for them. Tomatoes should be watered regularly, but rarely. Even though they love water, the main thing is not to overwater them, because if you water too much, the plant may stop growing due to the lack of sufficient air in the soil.

Causes of poor growth

The reason for the poor growth of tomatoes after picking can be, oddly enough, a poor-quality picking process. This is one of the main reasons why tomatoes stop growing.

Picking, although not difficult, is a very important moment in the life of seedlings and therefore you need to approach it carefully. The greatest attention should be paid to the root system of seedlings. Big problems this could turn out to be:

  • Bent roots during tomato transplantation
  • Severe damage to the root system during picking
  • Poor compression of roots when planting in the ground, which creates air pockets next to them, which leads to stunted growth of tomatoes

It is worth remembering that poor growth can also be caused by external factors that may not have existed before planting in open ground. These include diseases and pests.

If tomato seedlings are exposed to disease, they will naturally re-grow. Among the most common diseases it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Root rot. It occurs if you overwater tomato seedlings at low soil or air temperatures. If you have identified this disease in your seedlings, you should immediately find plants with healthy roots and transplant them into new, fresh soil, but before doing this, wash the roots with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Blackleg is another common tomato disease. This infection develops very quickly, so it is worth responding to it as soon as possible. Its symptom is the darkening of the root collar of the plant.

Tomatoes also have “enemies” among pests. Woodlice, spider mites, earwigs - all of them can have a very negative impact on the growth of tomato seedlings after picking. Therefore it should be processed by special means from pests.

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TOMATO SEEDLINGS DO NOT GROW, WHAT TO DO Even experienced gardeners very often encounter the problem that tomato seedlings suddenly stop growing. If this happens, then there is no need to panic. It is necessary to find out as soon as possible what the reason for such a sudden stop in growth lies, and there may be several of them: 1. Insufficient nutrition If the plant grows and develops poorly, most likely it does not have enough nutrition. Symptoms of a deficiency of one or another element may be as follows: - With a lack of nitrogen, plants look stunted with a thin stem and small pale leaves. The appearance of a red-violet hue with bottom side leaves indicates phosphorus deficiency. Lower leaves yellowed at the edges and curled, which means there is not enough potassium. The absence of an element such as magnesium is manifested by marbling of the leaves. In these cases, treatment of seedlings consists of carrying out the necessary fertilizing. - If there is a lack of iron, tomato seedlings do not grow because they develop chlorosis. Plant leaves become discolored and turn yellow. If such symptoms are present, immediately stop illuminating the seedlings. In advanced cases, feed and spray with iron-containing preparations. 2. Incorrect picking Another of the most common reasons for stopping the growth of seedlings is incorrect picking, namely: - The roots are bent. - The roots are too severely torn or damaged. - When planting, the roots were poorly compressed by the soil, which created air cavities next to them. 3. Poor care - Flooded seedlings suffocated from lack of oxygen. - The soil is not suitable. In the first case, you need to clean drainage hole, and in its absence, replant the remaining plants. Secondly, change the soil as soon as possible. 4. Diseases. The most common diseases that inhibit its growth are: - Root and basal rot, which is caused by overwatering of seedlings at low air or soil temperatures. Urgently save the remaining seedlings by transplanting them into fresh soil. Pre-rinse the roots in a solution of phytosporin or magrants. - Blackleg is a common infectious disease that develops very quickly in unfavorable conditions. Symptoms: darkening of the root collar, its softening and death of the plant. Control measures: the affected seedlings are watered with a weak solution of potassium manganese. Then it hills up and is placed more rarely. The room must be systematically ventilated. However, plants can only be saved at the very first stage of the disease, so inspect the seedlings every day. - Pests The most common pests are spider mites, earwigs or woodlice. Treat the seedlings with phytoverm. Having figured out why tomato seedlings do not grow, you can begin to eliminate the reasons.

Even experienced gardeners very often encounter the problem that tomato seedlings suddenly stop growing. If this happens, then there is no need to panic. It is necessary to find as soon as possible what the reason for such a sudden stop in growth lies, and there may be several of them:

  • Malnutrition,
  • Incorrect picking
  • Poor care
  • Diseases,
  • Pests.

Having figured out why tomato seedlings do not grow, you can begin to eliminate it.

Lack of seedling nutrition. How to eliminate the consequences?

If a plant grows and develops poorly, it most likely does not have enough nutrition. Symptoms of a deficiency of one or another element may be as follows:

With a lack of nitrogen, plants look stunted with thin stems and small pale leaves. The appearance of a red-violet hue on the underside of the leaves indicates a phosphorus deficiency. The lower leaves have turned yellow at the edges and curled, which means there is not enough potassium. The absence of an element such as magnesium is manifested by marbling of the leaves. In these cases, treatment of seedlings consists of carrying out the necessary fertilizing.

If there is a lack of iron, tomato seedlings do not grow because they develop chlorosis. Plant leaves become discolored and turn yellow. If such symptoms are present, immediately stop illuminating the seedlings. In advanced cases, feed and spray with iron-containing preparations.

Wrong pick

Another of the most common reasons for stopping the growth of seedlings is improper picking, namely:

  • The roots are bent.
  • The roots are too severely torn or damaged,
  • When planting, the roots were poorly compressed, which created air cavities next to them,

Errors in care

The growth of seedlings may stop for the following reasons:

  • The flooded seedlings suffocated from lack of oxygen.
  • The soil is not suitable.

In the first case, it is necessary to clean the drainage hole, and if there is none, replant the remaining plants. Secondly, change the soil as soon as possible.

Seedling diseases

Tomato seedlings often do not grow due to disease. The most common diseases that inhibit its growth are:

  • Root and basal rot, which is caused by overwatering of seedlings at low air or soil temperatures. Urgently save the remaining seedlings by transplanting them into fresh soil. Pre-rinse the roots in a solution of phytosporin or magrants.
  • Blackleg is a common infectious disease that develops very quickly in unfavorable conditions.

Symptoms: darkening of the root collar, its softening and death of the plant.

Control measures: the affected seedlings are watered with a weak solution of potassium manganese. Then it hills up and is placed more rarely. The room must be systematically ventilated. However, plants can only be saved at the very first stage of the disease, so inspect the seedlings every day.


The most common pests are spider mites, earwigs or woodlice. Treat the seedlings with fitoverm, actellik or karbofos.

Seven reasons why seedlings may not grow

Many have had to deal with a situation where the growth of tomato seedlings suddenly stopped. The reasons for this were completely unclear, since visually no problems were noticeable. Every plant is a living organism that requires individual approach. Thus, if we want to get big harvest, we just need to study everything and understand what the plant is missing.

Growing conditions

The first and most important thing for a plant is the availability of light, water and nutrients. Temperature and air composition play an important role. By limiting tomato seedlings in at least one factor, we will literally force them to survive and adapt to conditions unsuitable for normal growth.

The situation will become more complicated if these conditions change: this can plunge the seedlings into deep stress, because in fact the plant uses all its energy to adapt to survive.

Responding to requests from farmers, I often come and see the following picture: the greenhouse is covered with three films, it is damp, and the temperature is about 15 degrees. Looking at what is happening, I literally begin to sympathize with the plants, because in such conditions the seedlings turn yellow, turn pale and stretch out.

Too much fertilizer

Application large quantity fertilizers interfere with development and limit plant growth, because mineral fertilizers are salts, and their excess creates unfavourable conditions for growing seedlings. A situation where one element dominates in large quantities can create a great danger.

In this case, the supply of other elements is blocked, which leads to stupor of the plant, because it suffers from an excess of one and a deficiency of other elements. In such conditions, plants turn yellow, develop poorly, and leaves become deformed.

Excess moisture

A large amount of moisture also negatively affects the plant:

  • the root system develops poorly;
  • oxygen access is limited;
  • nutrients are in low concentration;
  • Pathogenic fungi develop in the root zone.

Accordingly, when the sun comes out, our seedlings wither, even though the soil is quite moist.

Unsuitable temperatures

A sharp temperature change, soil temperature less than 15 degrees or a short-term drop in temperature in the seedling compartment below 5 degrees lead to a change in the color of the plant, partial growth cessation, and the manifestation of diseases. Under such conditions, the absorption of some elements is blocked (especially phosphorus). The seedlings are slightly colored purple, the leaves begin to bend towards the trunk.

Lack of light

An insufficient amount of light has an extremely negative effect on tomato seedlings, because the basis of the harvest is laid in the seedling compartment, and with minimal lighting, the first cluster is formed 3-4 leaves higher.

Even from the outside, the brush itself looks weak and sparse. Plants stretch out, get stressed and try to adapt to such conditions, hoping to produce as much harvest as the light allows. This is all formed at the genetic level, so supplementary lighting of the seedling compartment is extremely important.

Poor air circulation

A greenhouse or greenhouse in which there is no air circulation and a musty smell is felt or the boiler is smoking, plants cannot develop normally. Such conditions have an extremely negative impact on their growth and can lead to suffocation or other irreversible consequences. The seedlings take on a pale whitish hue, become very light, become thinner and look weakened.

Growth stimulants

Also important is the use of growth stimulants when soaking seeds. Their overdose helps to block the growth point of plants, so you can only observe the growth of cotyledon leaves without a growth point.

A plant is a very fragile and delicate organism that requires proper treatment. Any mistake or wrong action can reduce our harvest to a minimum. Therefore, it is very important to follow the growing technology and avoid mistakes. It is advisable to seek help from a specialist - this will be a big plus for you, because this way you will be able to avoid mistakes and increase your yield significantly.


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