What to do when indoor plants are flooded in summer. How to revive a flower after a long drought? How best to water plants

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Dear flower growers, please give me some advice! I left for 2 weeks and left flowers for my husband. He says he watered it, but still several dried up, among them - favorite plant, which I really want to save. This tree, it is 2 years old, has grown to 30 cm and could grow further, no one knows the name, it looks like a persimmon. The leaves have not fallen, but have dried out and drooped, and break when bent. Is it possible to do something?!

Various experiments in laboratories in many countries around the world have accumulated many facts that firmly prove: plants are as sensitive as animals and people. V.V. Mayakovsky, based on his own experience, warned: “Don’t trust your cats and dogs to anyone” (the author’s style is preserved in the quote) - not because someone will not take care of them at your request and in accordance with your instructions, but because that they need you.

Inexperienced and novice flower growers, who have not yet developed a “sense” for the frequency of watering and the amount of water needed for irrigation, make standard error: seeing that the plants are drooping due to the drying out of the soil, they strive to “quickly correct the situation” - they are watered very generously several times in a row (the ground becomes too wet). Other beginners, fearing that the plants will not have enough moisture, consider it necessary to water them a little “just in case” every day or very often - beyond the need, forgetting that the roots of plants need air as well as water. The result of such excessive care is the same: the roots rot and the plant dies.
If plants that have lost their leaves still have living roots, they can be helped to recover (most perennial plants has "dormant" buds).

To save plants, remove them from the pots, remove the soil from the roots with a stick (or carefully rinse with water) and carefully inspect them; cut off all rotten roots and sprinkle the cut areas with charcoal (or dip living roots in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour). Plant the plants in fresh loose soil in a smaller pot with good drainage(V big pot with a small number of living roots, the soil becomes acidified), water lightly (keep the soil slightly moist, water again only after the top layer of soil has dried). After removing dried leaves from the plants (carefully cut off the dried leaf blades from the tree with scissors, keeping the petioles on the branches), build mini-greenhouses over the plants in each pot. Once a day, open the greenhouses and ventilate the plants by spraying the stem and branches. Add "Epin" to the water for spraying (according to the instructions on the package). Spray the plants with Epin and keep them in the greenhouse until complete recovery (the appearance of young shoots). Fertilizing plants during the recovery period is contraindicated.


Deterioration of the plant's condition can be caused by stress due to rapid changes in conditions. This happens when, at the end of summer, plants are moved from the balcony to the room or, conversely, moved to open air. At the same time, citus and ficus trees can shed their leaves. Hibiscus and ficus plants can shed their leaves simply by moving within a room and changing light conditions.

In order for the plant to survive without loss stressful situation, the conditions of detention should be changed gradually. When moving outdoors, they will need to be shaded from too bright light. This is especially true for flower buds that need to lower the night temperature.

If it was not possible to mitigate the stressful situation for the plant, spraying with Epin-extra solution will help. For five liters of soft water you will need one ampoule of this drug.

One of the many reasons that a plant has to be saved is non-compliance with agricultural technology: excessive moisture, sometimes combined with hypothermia of the roots and lack of light. Most often, succulents, dracaenas and dieffenbachias suffer from this.

You can try to save the plant by limiting watering and providing additional lighting. If a flower stands on a cold windowsill in winter, it is worth placing it on a layer of insulating material, which is a good choice of packaging foam.

If, due to excessive watering, the roots of the plant have rotted, you will need to replant the plant in new soil by cutting off damaged roots. Sprinkle the cut areas with charcoal after trimming. You can add a small amount charcoal into the new soil mixture.

It may happen that the deplorable state of the plant was noticed too late, and the flower lost its roots completely. In such a situation, you can try to save what is left. Cut off sharp knife healthy part of the stem, dry the cut and sprinkle it with activated carbon. Depending on the type of plant, the resulting cuttings can be rooted in water, wet sand or perlite.

You can carefully break off several leaves from the shoots of the Crassula and spread them on the surface of the moistened soil. Even if the large cuttings do not root, you will get several young plants from the leaf cuttings.

Cacti that have rotted due to waterlogging can be saved by cutting the plant back to healthy tissue. Lightly trim the cut, if the size of the remaining part of the plant allows this, and dry it for several days. To root, place the cutting vertically in a container with a layer of crumpled, loose paper at the bottom. To prevent the cuttings from stretching, place them in a well-lit place.

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  • Caring for indoor plants

Sometimes people are afraid to have flowers at home because they tried to do it once, but the plants died from something.

The most common causes of plant death are:

  1. Lack of lighting. If you absolutely want to keep the plants in a dark room, then place the pots once a month for 2 weeks on a light windowsill.

  2. Excess sun can also be harmful, so during periods of its greatest activity (spring and summer), cover the plants in the window with gauze.

  3. Yellowing and falling leaves and appearance on the inner walls of pots indicate waterlogging of the soil. Watering should be temporarily stopped.

  4. Shriveled and browning leaves indicate insufficient soil moisture. Increase watering and spray the plants with a spray bottle. You can also pour fine expanded clay or other natural porous material into the pan. When watering it will absorb excess moisture and humidify the air around the plant.

  5. Flowers do not like drafts. Therefore, when opening the window, cover them with newspapers and make sure that the gaps between window frames were well closed.

  6. If plants develop slowly, look weakened, stunted, this may be due to a lack of nutrients. Use special fertilizers and strictly follow the instructions. You can also try feeding the flowers with the water left after boiling the potatoes (peeled or peeled - it doesn’t matter, as long as there is no salt). After this, in a week or two you will see young shoots on the plants.

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Bay of soil- this is the most common reason death indoor plants. It is best, of course, not to let the soil flood, but since this has happened, I will tell you how to save the plant.

All plants need moisture to live and grow, but too much moisture can be fatal to a plant. When a plant is flooded, the roots cannot breathe and rot. Soil flooding can also lead to fungal diseases and mold. As soon as the roots rot, the plant begins to die, but if you catch it in time, the plant can still be saved. The main signs of soil flooding are: plant wilting, leaves turning yellow, the stem becoming soft, mold on the soil surface. Below are 5 steps to help your flooded plant survive.

Step 1. The first thing to do if you have overwatered a plant is to remove it from the pot. The soil should be very moist. If the roots look healthy, wrap the root ball thin layer paper towels and let the water absorb. When the towels become wet, replace them with a dry layer of towels. As soon as the second layer absorbs moisture, you can remove the towels and return the plant to the pot, preferably with new soil or dried old one. Do not water until the soil is 2-3 cm dry.

Step 2. If the roots are brown and/or soft when you remove the plant from its pot, it will need minor surgery. Clean the roots from any remaining soil and inspect them more closely. Healthy roots are often white/green and hard. But there are some exceptions: for example, the roots of Sansevieria are orange. If some of the roots are soft or brown, use a sharp knife or scissors to cut them off. After this, plant the plant in fresh or dried soil. Do not water the soil. If you have removed too many roots, you can compensate for the voids in the pot with soil.

Step 3. Check the soil, change it if it smells rotten or moldy. Don't worry if a few leaves fall off after you fill the soil. In most cases, new leaves will appear very soon.

Step 4. To avoid soil flooding in the future, check with your home. For example, the pachypodium succulent requires much less water and watering less often than wet willow. Simply watering all the plants every 2 days will inevitably lead to the death of one or more of them. Do not buy plants unless you know how to care for them or read the information about caring for them carefully.

Step 5. Purchase a soil moisture meter. These devices are not expensive, easy to use (just insert into the soil and see the readings) and often have a scale of divisions from 1 to 10, where 1 is absolutely dry soil, 10 is very wet. Many of these meters are sold complete with a list of plants and corresponding humidity readings for them. Soil moisture can also be tested with a finger at a shallow depth or with a pencil. Insert the pencil into the soil and pull it out; if the pencil is clean, the soil is completely dry.

What to do with a flooded plant. Save the flower before it's too late

Soil flooding is the most common cause of death of indoor plants.

All plants need water to live and grow, but too much moisture can be fatal to a plant. When a plant is flooded, the roots cannot breathe and rot. Soil flooding can also lead to fungal diseases and mold.
As soon as the roots rot, the plant begins to die, but if measures are taken in time, the plant can still be saved. The main signs of soil flooding are: plant wilting, leaves turning yellow, the stem becoming soft, mold on the soil surface. It is important not to waste time. It is best, of course, not to let the soil flood, but once this happens, you need to know what to do with such a plant.

Take cuttings from a flooded plant; if you are unable to save the plant itself, you can grow a new one.

The first thing to do if you have flooded a plant is to remove it from the pot and inspect the root system.

If the roots are hard, then the damage to the flower is reversible. Wrap the root ball in a thin layer of paper towels and allow the water to soak in. When the towels become wet, replace them with a new, dry layer of towels. Change towels until they are dry.

If the roots become soft and change color. This means that the process of decay has begun. But even in this case, it is worth trying to help the plant recover.
First you need to clean the roots from the remaining soil, and then trim the damaged rotten roots to healthy dense tissue. The rotting process is gradual, so it is important to stop it. The cut must be dried (for several hours), then processed disinfectant. This can be potassium permanganate (weak solution), ash, crushed charcoal (if not, then activated) carbon.

For transplant take new pot, which should be 2-3 cm more than root system plants (never plant plants in large pots; it is easier to overwater a plant in a large pot).

It is necessary to plant in new, dry soil. The soil can only be slightly moistened. You can dry out old soil, but it is difficult to check it for remaining rot or mold. Fresh drainage must be added to the bottom of the pot.

After transplanting, do not water the plant for several days. The transplanted plant must be watered very carefully. Before the next watering, the soil should dry out 2-3 cm.

A plant transplanted in this way can be helped to adapt and quickly grow new roots by using “Zircon”: 4 drops per 1 liter of water (used in dark time days, decomposes in the light) or solution " Succinic acid": 1 tablet per 1 liter of water.

If the plant begins to drop its leaves, you can make a greenhouse that needs to be ventilated.

To avoid flooding, it is necessary to take into account the plant’s need for water and follow the correct watering regime.

A common cause of fungal diseases in indoor plants, which can lead to death, is soil flooding. You will learn: how to save a flooded plant, and quickly dry the soil in the pot.

When indoor plants are flooded, the roots cannot breathe and rot. The plants gradually wither, the leaves turn yellow, the stem becomes soft, on the soil surface mold appears. It is better to avoid overwatering the soil, but if this has already happened, it is necessary to correct the situation correctly and save the plants.

The very first thing to do is remove the plant from the pot. The soil should be moist, but if the roots look healthy, wrap the root ball in a thin layer of paper towels and let the water soak into the paper.

When the paper towels become wet, replace them with a dry layer. When the second layer absorbs excess moisture, you can remove them and return the plant to the pot.

In this case, it is advisable to replace the soil or dry the old one well, and do not water the plant until the soil has dried out by 2-3 cm.

If you took a plant out of a pot and saw that roots are brown and soft, it is necessary to perform a small operation on them. Clean the roots from the soil and inspect them carefully.

Healthy roots are solid, white, but there are exceptions, sansevieria roots orange color. If the roots are soft or brown, you need to cut them with a sharp knife or scissors to a healthy area, and then plant the plant in fresh, well-dried soil. Do not water the plant yet. If the soil smells rotten or moldy, be sure to change it.

If a plant has dropped several leaves, this happens after flooding the soil, new ones will soon grow, so you should not pay attention to this.

To avoid soil flooding in the future, find out features of watering each plant. Do not buy plants if you do not know how to care for them or read the information on plant care carefully.

One of good ways avoid overwatering the soil - buy and install. Such sensors are very easy to maintain; you simply stick them into the ground and you can always find out the soil moisture.

Soil moisture can be tested with a finger at a shallow depth or with a pencil. Insert a pencil into the soil and pull it out - if the pencil is clean, then the soil is completely dry.

You can save a flooded plant by following these recommendations, but the 100% way to save it is to avoid flooding.

Video - How to save a flooded plant?


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