What to cook during Lent: recipes for Lenten dishes for every day. Holiday recipes for Lenten dishes

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Working housewives are familiar with the annoying thought drilling into their heads: what to cook for dinner today? So that thoughts don’t drill into your head, but soar, waving culinary passion like a flag, we offer an approximate Lenten menu for the week - only ideas, no exact proportions or recipes, just pure inspiration that you can use at your own discretion.

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Lenten coffee pancakes


Pancakes for Lent – ​​quite real story with aroma home comfort, grandmother's hands and memories of sweet childhood. All that is needed for this delicacy to appear on the table during Lent is to replace the milk with any other drink ( mineral water, fruit juice or even regular strong tea), and instead of eggs, add a little more flour or starch. Let the dough sit, then bake the most ordinary thin pancakes. Delicious, tender and lean.


This time, try using strong, freshly brewed coffee as a base - the pancakes with it will have a very unusual taste, the color will be caramel-cream. The drink should be warm - it will brew the flour, making the dough elastic and strong. Fragrant Lenten pleasure!


Alternative: Lenten pancakes with tea




Lenten borscht with mushrooms
Thick and rich vegetable broth, thinly sliced ​​beets, finely grated carrots, bell pepper cubes, tender strips of cabbage and many, many thin slices of mushrooms - only for the sake of such borscht can one dream of Lent!


So, take out your proven borscht recipe, take vegetable broth instead of meat broth, cook as usual, and at the end add a couple of handfuls of finely chopped and fried champignons in vegetable oil or pre-boiled and then fried to the pan forest mushrooms. Amazing result! By the way, this borscht tastes much better on the second day.


Alternative: lean borscht with prunes

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The vinaigrette
This undeservedly forgotten dish will come in handy during Lent. To make your vinaigrette as tasty as possible, do not forget to buy unrefined sunflower oil, which smells like seeds and contains much more useful substances than its purified "relative".


Alternative: “white” vinaigrette without beets (potatoes, beans, sauerkraut, onion, sunflower oil).

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Lean Banana Smoothie
Peeled banana, some berries (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries or cherries from the freezer), half a glass of any fruit juice or compote, a pinch of cinnamon, a minute in a blender - and you have an amazingly delicious lean smoothie in a glass! Thick smoothies without cream, milk or yogurt are just what you need to make Lent enjoyable.


Alternative: mango or pineapple smoothie,

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Pilaf with seafood
Lightly fry the carrots and onions in vegetable oil, add mussels and squid rings, then add rice, add water and simmer until the cereal is ready - this is a great Lenten dinner.


Alternative: risotto with spinach or beets (don't forget to exclude cheese and cream from the recipe).

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Yeast pancakes
Lush, thick, soft pancakes accompanied by amber apricot jam and a cup of chamomile tea... yes, just for such a breakfast you can fast!
We remind you of the recommended proportion for preparing lean yeast pancakes - 250 ml of warm water will require 1 tsp. dry yeast and 2 cups flour. Don't forget to add sugar, salt and a little vegetable oil to the dough.
Alternative: lean oatcakes.


White bean soup
100 g of beans contains up to 10 g of protein - it is for this reason that legumes are indispensable during Lent. It’s great if you have a supply of young beans in the freezer - it’s very convenient to add them to any vegetable broth and prepare the soup in literally 20 minutes. If you are unlucky, you can go two ways: pre-soak and boil dry beans or use ready-made canned ones.
Alternative: lentil soup.

Stuffed tomatoes
Not the most budget-friendly dish, however, if you don’t give yourself regular little joys, Lent will be a very difficult test. So, take a couple of tomatoes, cut off the “cap” and remove the core, put inside the filling of half-cooked rice, finely chopped and fried mushrooms, onions, carrots, herbs, spinach, celery and bake until done. Very juicy, tasty and aromatic!
Alternative: stuffed eggplants (just omit the cheese from the recipe).


Pumpkin-orange fresh
Get a juicer, or better yet, two: a classic one (for pumpkin juice) and one for citrus fruits (for fresh orange juice). Mix two drinks, add a drop of olive oil and enjoy the taste, color, smell, life!
Alternative: vitamin pumpkin drink.


Spaghetti with champignons
Place some onions, cut into half rings, in a frying pan and fry until golden. Champignons in stripes - there too. A couple of spoons soy sauce- to mushrooms and onions. Salt, pepper, parsley, add spaghetti boiled al dente... magical! Allow yourself half a glass of wine with today's dinner, and then the feeling of a fairy tale will be complete and all-encompassing.
Alternative: pasta with chickpeas and tomatoes.





Lavash with vegetables
Unroll a sheet of thin lavash bought in the evening on a board, grease with any lean mayonnaise (for example, apple or nut). Place vegetables on one edge - tomatoes, Korean carrots, fried or pickled champignons, lettuce, greens. Roll it up and have a tasty and healthy breakfast.
Alternative: Instead of pita bread, you can use tortillas.


Cream of mushroom soup
Mushrooms are what give any dish a special touch of satiety and solidity, so soup prepared with the addition of butter or champignons will be especially appropriate during Lent, when the calorie intake to which you are accustomed is reduced. Do not spare the vegetables - thanks to them the first dish will be even more flavorful.
Alternative: dried mushroom soup (just replace butter vegetable).

Sea kale salad with celery root
Healthy, vitamin-packed and simple. Pickled celery root goes well with the distinctive flavor of seaweed and is something worth trying.
Alternative: tapenade.


Sesame milk
Pour a couple of handfuls of sesame seeds hot water and leave to brew for 3-5 hours, after which thoroughly chop the mass with a blender and pass through a piece of linen cloth. Add honey, cinnamon or vanilla - a delicious drink is ready!
Alternative: almond milk.


Stuffed bell peppers
You definitely have a supply of frozen bell peppers, right? Boil some rice, mix with sautéed onions, carrots, parsley and celery root, add salt, stuff peppers and lightly simmer in the oven or steamer. No more boredom, dinner is ready!
Alternative: ratatouille





Toast with fruit Nutella
Place lightly dried nuts and pitted dates in equal proportions into a blender bowl, add a little citrus zest for flavor, and, if desired, a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder and sugar. Grind everything into a homogeneous, rather thick, lumpy mass, then, without turning off the blender, add a little vegetable milk (sesame, pumpkin, poppy seed, almond or any other), achieving a smooth structure and the desired consistency. This paste is an excellent spread on dried pieces of toast bread. Accompanied by a cup of coffee, this is the most elegant lean breakfast that will energize you for the whole day.
Alternative: baked apples.


Assorted vegetable soup
Take a large, capacious saucepan and heat it a large number of vegetable oil (olive would be great!), sauté onions, carrots, parsley root, add diced bell peppers, divided into florets cauliflower and broccoli, don’t forget about peeled tomatoes, add a handful of green peas, don’t be greedy and add a little corn. We sauté, sauté... and then - oops, a little bit of white wine and regular boiling water, spices and herbs, salt and pepper. When serving, be sure to sprinkle with herbs. Consolidation!
Alternative: tomato soup (don't forget to replace meat broth with vegetable broth).

Bean pate
Mix the boiled beans with onions, carrots, fried until golden brown, and dried walnuts, grind with a blender into a homogeneous paste. The hearty Lenten pate is ready! Fast and very thorough.
Alternative: hummus.


Cranberry jelly
Good old jelly that smells of childhood and naivety... Why not? All you need is sugar, starch and some cranberries.
Alternative: nut milk cocktail.


Potato dumplings
Unleavened dough mashed potatoes with fried carrots, pot-bellied dumplings, golden onion sauce... Be careful: it’s so tasty that you might burst!
Alternative: lentils with sun-dried tomatoes.





Tofu salad
Isn't it time to have some salad for breakfast? Inspect the refrigerator: put some cucumbers, tomatoes, iceberg leaves or Chinese cabbage, an apple or a pear will do, then chop the onion and herbs, add a little vegetable oil and be sure to lay out a few cubes of tofu. Bright, juicy and nutritious. Breakfast is ready!
Alternative:"winter salad.

Lenten pickle
A simple science - take a thick vegetable broth, boil pearl barley in it, add diced potatoes, striped carrots and finely grated pickles. Nourishing, rich, tasty.
Alternative: gazpacho.

Chinese vegetables in sweet and sour sauce
In a wok frying pan, fry coarsely chopped carrots, onions, bell peppers, pumpkin, celery root, add a little soy sauce, garlic, salt, pepper, and then pour in half a glass of a weak solution of starch mixed with sugar and lemon juice. A couple more movements and the magnificent vegetables in sweet and sour sauce are ready.
Alternative: pickled pumpkin


Fruit salad
This is where the freedom is! Finely chopped mother-of-pearl cubes of apples, velvety banana slices, peeled orange slices oozing amber, emerald kiwi slices, full-breasted grapes, tender halves of canned peaches - all in a plate, mix and realize that life is beautiful and amazing!
Oh, and don’t forget to take a few strawberries out of the freezer – they’ll make a great salad dressing.
Alternative: pears in syrup.


Vegetable cutlets
Grind boiled broccoli, cauliflower, sauteed carrots, fried onions in any way convenient for you, add herbs, spices, sun-dried tomatoes, add a couple of tablespoons of starch, form cutlets and fry them until golden brown. Delicious!
Alternative: vegetable stew.


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Lenten potato pancakes
A couple of potato tubers on a grater, a little dill, a spoonful of flour, salt, pepper and a frying pan with vegetable oil- that’s probably all you need to get a wonderful and delicious Saturday breakfast. Of course, fast.
Alternative: lean zucchini pancakes.


Thick rice soup
The basis of all lean soups is vegetable broth. If you take care in advance to cook a large amount of such useful workpiece and freeze it in portions, the process of preparing the first dish will be reduced to a minimum. Saute the vegetables, add rice and potatoes, dilute everything with broth, don’t forget about spices and salt - the soup is ready. When serving, crush a clove of garlic into a plate - you won’t regret it!
Alternative: lentil soup.

Rice with vegetables
Fry onions, carrots, bell peppers, green beans, stem celery and everything else you have in your refrigerator and freezer, then add a glass of rice and simmer until done. A colorful lunch lifts your spirits!
Alternative: bulgur with vegetables.


Candied pumpkin
Snacks are, of course, evil, but if we agree to them, they should be tasty and healthy. Give preference to candied pumpkin today: it is not only very bright and positive, but also very rich in vitamins.
Alternative: apple chips.


Country-style potatoes in the oven
Well, who can come up with something more appetizing than oven-baked potato slices, sprinkled with aromatic herbs and seasoned with garlic? Don't forget to take a jar of pickles out of the pantry - you're in for a great dinner.
Alternative: lean potato zrazy with mushrooms.





Homemade Lenten buns
Take any recipe as a basis yeast dough which you always succeed in, place the dough and wait for it to grow. Knead lean dough, add dried fruits and herbs, poppy seeds and nuts, berries and candied fruits, form balls - and delight your family with hot homemade breakfast buns.
Alternative: carrot buns.


Classic Italian minestrone is cooked in vegetable broth, so it is quite suitable for a Lenten menu. Translated from the original language, this is “big soup” or “soup with a lot of vegetables” - so you should make sure that there is a sufficient selection of products in the refrigerator.
First on olive oil simmer onions or shallots, then put carrots, celery, fennel, zucchini, pumpkin, garlic into the same pan - all one by one and each time simmering the next ingredient until soft. Sometimes cauliflower, bell peppers, tomatoes, green beans, and corn are added to the famous Italian soup.
The key to successful minestrone is unhurried preparation, so Sunday - a day when there is no need to rush anywhere - is ideal for this dish.
After the vegetables are ready, add vegetable broth, aromatic spices and spices, add salt, bring to a boil, reduce heat, simmer on low for about 10 minutes and turn off. Lenten minestrone is ready!
Alternative: minestrone with noodles.

Eggplant caviar
Peel the baked eggplants, add some nuts and garlic, herbs and bell peppers, grind with a blender into a paste - you have an excellent vegetable snack on the table.
Alternative: baked pepper pate.


Rice ice cream
You'll be surprised what regular rice porridge can do. If you mix it with sugar and apple marshmallow, add a little lemon zest and vanilla, and then grind everything with a blender, freeze, stirring occasionally, you will get amazing ice cream that melts on the tongue, leaving a delicate aftertaste. And yes, it’s absolutely lean!
Alternative: oat smoothie.


Lenten vegetable pizza
Classic pizza dough is prepared lean, that is, without the addition of milk and eggs. Great, that suits us! Everything else is the same as always, except for one thing: we remove the cheese, but add a lot of different vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, and onions. Bake and enjoy with a glass of dry wine.
Alternative: Lenten Greeks.




We are all people, weak and mostly greedy for goodies, and therefore it is worth making sure that during Lent you always have small amenities for snacking on hand.

The simplest option is a secret jar with your favorite dried fruits: fill a beautiful container with nuts, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dried cherries and open it when you have a very strong desire to “break away” from your chosen diet and eat a cake with butter cream or buy three kilograms of “Doctorskaya” and make yourself such a sandwich.

Lenten cookies help: a little sweet - and everything seems simple and real again.



Study carefully the composition of the chocolate offered in stores.– among the “black joy” bars there are often those that are made without milk and dairy products.

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Many caramel candies are also suitable for a Lenten menu, and therefore can lift your spirits and help you not succumb to quick temptation.

Have a light and delicious Lent!

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During Lent, the Orthodox world follows the rules prescribed by the church, limiting itself in food and entertainment. This is a time for prayer and abstinence, which helps souls free themselves from accumulated negativity.

Lent precedes the holiday Happy Easter, the main event in Orthodox world. Many are trying for the first time to adhere to the Lenten menu, which is recommended by clergy. In 2018, Lent will begin on February 19 and last until April 7. Do not equate the abstinence prescribed by the church with a regular diet, otherwise your efforts will be in vain. These days, pay attention to your emotions and try to bring them into harmony, ask for forgiveness from everyone you offended, and let go of your own grievances.

Menu during Lent

Do not forget that only physically healthy people can adhere to such a menu. Children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with chronic diseases you can make concessions. The purpose of fasting is not to harm your body, but to cultivate fortitude and fight temptations and negativity.

The first week of Lent, like the last, are the strictest. These are days of abstinence and prayer, with the help of which everyone cleanses the soul.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday you can eat foods that are not exposed to heat treatment. These are fruits, vegetables, bread, herbs, nuts.

Tuesday and Thursday eat food in the evening. After traditional prayer, hot food is allowed, but without adding oil.

On Saturday and Sunday The church allows concessions. Believers can sip dry red wine, add vegetable-based oil to their food, and are also allowed to eat dried fruits and nuts.

Last week of fasting, nicknamed Holy Week, is as strict as the first week. On Friday, believers abstain from eating, consuming only yesterday's bread and water. On Saturday, eating is completely prohibited.

You can try a new combination of foods every day so that abstinence doesn't become too difficult for you. You can use the recommendations provided and also add to the menu own recipes Lenten dishes.

1 Week

Monday: time to refuse food.

Tuesday: black bread, preferably yesterday's bread or dried, kvass, water, fruit drink or compote. Sugar should not be consumed.

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday: time to eat without cooking. Fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, dried fruits, herbs, bread or crackers. On Saturday you can add to the menu grape juice, which contains reduced sugar content.

Sunday: you can prepare porridge or light soup with cabbage, adding vegetable-based oils is allowed, as well as a glass of dry red wine.

2-6 weeks

IN Monday For breakfast you can cook buckwheat porridge in water, for lunch you can cook soup with cabbage, potato cutlets, and eat any fruit. For dinner you should only drink tea without sugar or water.

In Tuesday In the morning, prepare oatmeal and fresh vegetable salad. For lunch, pamper your loved ones with noodle soup, and for the main course - pearl barley porridge, seasoned with mushrooms. It is recommended to abstain from food for dinner.

IN Wednesday the first meal may consist of rice porridge, lunch is hodgepodge with mushrooms and cabbage salad with carrots, and dinner should be skipped.

IN Thursday start the day with corn porridge, adding dried fruits to it. For lunch, cook cabbage soup with sauerkraut rye bread, prepare a vegetable or fruit salad, and for dinner make mashed potatoes with homemade ingredients.

IN Friday housewives can try barley porridge, cook pea or lentil soup, and prepare a fruit salad with the addition of vegetables. For dinner, enjoy buckwheat with mushroom sauce.

Saturday You can start your meal with a vitamin vinaigrette, then prepare millet porridge with rice for lunch. Use the oven to prepare it and pottery, add dried dried apricots, raisins or prunes. For dinner, cook pasta and season it with homemade preparations, for example, lecho made from tomatoes and peppers.

IN Sunday Boil oatmeal in water, and then add fresh fruit, for lunch - lean borscht with fried potatoes, and for dinner - boiled rice with onions and carrots.

week 7

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday- days of eating food without cooking. For snacks, use your favorite fruits, vegetables, and dry foods, such as nuts.

IN Thursday It is allowed to cook lean porridge in water with the addition of dried fruits. One meal.

IN Friday The only food allowed is bread, which can be washed down with water.

IN Saturday you must refuse to eat.

IN Sunday You can prepare a low-fat variety of fish, for example pollock, and add vegetable oil to the food. Allowed to drink half a glass church wine- Cahora.

What foods are allowed during fasting?

IN modern world The abundance of products allows housewives to diversify the menu throughout Lent. Only products of animal origin are excluded, which include eggs, dairy products, meat, and fish.

Among the permitted products you can consume the following:

  • cereals;
  • egg-free pasta;
  • fruits and dried fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • greenery;
  • nuts;
  • homemade pickles and other preparations.

Despite the fact that many are accustomed to using animal products, during Lent you can easily do without them. So, regular milk can be replaced with soy milk, and ketchup can be made from tomatoes with spices.

During Lent, you can try all the variety of cereals that your household will definitely like. Cooked in water, the cereal does not lose its useful properties. Add a handful of nuts and dried fruits to get a complete meal that contains a ton of vitamins.

Housewives can turn to the original Russian menu, prepare cabbage soup from fresh or sauerkraut Not in the usual way, and then put them in the oven. A rich and aromatic broth with the addition of herbs will be an excellent replacement for meat soup.

Don’t forget about mushrooms, which can be compared to meat in terms of satiety. These products will be an excellent alternative and addition to hot food. Mushrooms can be added to both soups and porridges, and they can also serve as a separate dish.

If you decide to fast for the first time, then seek help from a clergyman. He will tell you all the rules and concessions that are allowed for those who are just starting to get used to religion. Don't forget that fasting is

Our body experiences the greatest stress precisely in winter time. The cause of internal stress is not only temperature changes (cold outside and the warmth of our home), but also viruses, and heavy foods high in animal proteins, starch, and fats. Force negative impact like heavy artillery. Lenten food helps to cope with such “bombardment”, partially relieving the load and cleansing the organs (vessels, liver, kidneys and even lungs).

Creating the right menu for the day is not so easy. This should be done by your nutritionist. There are a lot of little things to consider here. And not only in complex calculations of components, in calorie calculations and strict adherence to the schedule, but also in the time of year and in the state of the body.

Suggested for every day) will become an indispensable lifesaver. The word “lenten” in itself already causes a grimace, since it excludes what we usually love (meat, fish, and with a more strict approach, even eggs). But lean doesn’t mean tasteless. With a skillful approach, you can prepare a dish that is both tasty and quite economical at the same time. The menu for every day can be varied and nutritious. With us it is far from monotonous. To begin with - a few detailed descriptions preparing some Lenten dishes.

1. Mushroom soup. Ingredients: greens, mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms - 300 g), onion, carrots, two large potatoes, vegetable oil (1/2 cup). Designed for 2 liter capacity.

Cooking process. We start with cereals and potatoes. Pour the cereal and peeled, diced potatoes into the pan. Leave to cook (15 minutes). In the meantime, fry the washed, dried and chopped mushrooms until lightly browned (the specified mushrooms in the recipe do not require as long processing as others), add the chopped carrots to the mushrooms and fry until the oil in the frying pan turns golden. Pour the contents of the pan into the pan and cook for about 5 minutes. Spices are inappropriate here - they will drown out the mushroom aroma. Add salt before removing the pan from the heat. Add the greens immediately or directly to the plates. The soup turns out quite rich and flavorful.

2. Lean meatballs. Ingredients: greens (any), a glass of rice, a glass of beans, an onion, carrots, bell pepper (sweet), ready-made mushroom sauce (to taste), ketchup (in the absence of regular will do tomato), curry, white or black pepper (ground), salt.

Cooking process. Boil the beans, previously soaked overnight, in 1.5 liters of water. When the beans are cooked, pour the water into another container and leave. While the beans are cooling, boil and wash the rice. While the rice is cooking, fry the grated carrots, chopped peppers and onions. Then pass the cooled beans through a meat grinder and mix, adding salt, with fried vegetables. Form meatballs, place in a greased pan and bake for 15 minutes.

Prepare the sauce. Add ketchup (tomato), chopped herbs, sauce and spices to a glass of bean broth. Some more orange or lemon juice would be nice here. But this is at your discretion. Pour the prepared sauce over the meatballs and bake for another 10 minutes.

3. Lenten cabbage rolls. Ingredients: Cabbage (you need large leaves already separated from the stalk), 300 grams of prepared (fried) champignons, three peeled boiled potatoes, an onion, chopped herbs, vegetable oil, tomato juice.

Preparation. First, steam (dip in boiling water for 3-4 seconds) cabbage leaves, after cutting off a thick layer at the base. Fry peeled and chopped onions in oil. Mix it with potatoes and mushrooms (right in the pan). Salt the resulting minced meat and place it on cabbage leaves. We wrap it as we usually wrap cabbage rolls. Fry (5 minutes on each side, low heat), add juice and simmer for another 10 minutes.

4. Tagliatelle. Ingredients: spaghetti (small packet), 350 grams of champignons, tomato (juice or ketchup), onion, celery, chopped greens (assorted), vegetable oil.

Cooking process. Peel, chop and fry the onion and chopped celery (5 minutes, heat slightly less than medium). In a separate frying pan, fry the mushrooms cut into thick slices (20 minutes, over the same heat). Combine the mushrooms, basil and onions, simmer for another 7-10 minutes, but on the lowest heat (let it simmer). Add spices and tomato juice (or ketchup) and simmer for another 5 minutes. Boil the tagliatelle (or spaghetti) and mix with the newly prepared sauce. Ready.

5. Roll (baked goods). Well, where would we be without baking? It turns out that you can even afford this. Just don't get carried away - flour products in fair quantities will quickly affect the figure.

Ingredients: a glass of water, sugar (no more than 1/2 cup), a pinch of salt, vanilla, a couple of tablespoons of honey (tablespoons), flour (sifted twice, about 800 g), yeast (fast-acting, dry, a tablespoon).

Mix the dough from the indicated ingredients, place it in a pan and leave to rise, covered with a towel (in a warm place).

For the filling, you can use any fruit that is not too juicy, a mixture of dried fruits (ideally, the mixture is passed through a meat grinder), and cabbage. Or you can use cinnamon: roll out the risen dough (it should increase in volume at least 3 times), grease it with butter, sprinkle it with cinnamon sugar and roll it up. Pinch the edges of the resulting roll (otherwise the sugar will leak out and start to burn). Grease a baking sheet and place the roll on it. Leave until it increases in size (3-4 times). Grease the dough with oil and bake (40 minutes). We set the temperature to 200 C.

As you can see, it can even be tasty. And now - the promised detailed menu (lenten) for every day. The numbers 1 should mean breakfast, 2 - afternoon snack, 3 - lunch, 4 - dinner. So...


1) toast, coffee (possibly with sugar);
2) fruits, water;
3) lean borscht, with sunflower oil, sauerkraut, compote (cooked from dried fruits), bread;
4) lean meatballs, tea, bread.


1) a piece of roll, coffee;
2) fruits, water;
3) bean soup, rice porridge with stewed cabbage, bread, juice.
4) vegetable stew, compote, bread


1) oatmeal, carrot juice;
2) rice porridge with honey, apples, raisins and tea;
3) mushroom soup, buckwheat with vegetable salad, bread, compote;
4) lean cabbage rolls, tea, bread.


1) vegetable stew, bread, tea;
2) fruits, water;
3) bean soup, potatoes with mushroom sauce (or with mushrooms), salted tomatoes, bread, compote.
4) croutons, lightly toasted, salted and rubbed with garlic and sweet tea.


1) tagliatelle, bread, coffee;
2) fruits, water;
3) lean borscht with beans; vegetable stew, compote, bread;
4) roll (baked goods), juice.


1) corn flakes, croutons, tea;
2) fruits, water;
3) vegetable soup, porridge (any), pickled cucumbers, bread, compote.
4) muesli, water.


1) rice porridge with candied fruits and honey, coffee;
2) fruits, water;
3) lean borscht, seaweed with butter and potatoes, bread, compote;
4) roll (baked goods), tea.

The Lenten menu for every day presented here is an approximate template from which you can deviate. The menu is really lean and quite strict, since it does not contain dairy products or eggs. It deliberately does not indicate dosages, because for some one hundred grams of salad or porridge is enough, while others need more. Everyone has different needs and weight classes. The word “fruit” means any fruit that is available and does not cause allergies (this also applies to juices), and tea is healthier and tastier with the addition of lemon.

A lean menu for every day may contain seafood. But in (last week) this is no longer allowed. This week, like the first, is considered a “raw food” week.

Every year everything more people thinks about the need to fast. Unfortunately, not everyone manages to change their taste habits immediately. For those who fast for the first time, it can be difficult to resist and not violate food prohibitions in some way. Sometimes such violations occur due to a fairly common misconception that nothing interesting can be prepared from the lean products available at home. But you shouldn’t rush and put prohibited foods on the fasting table. Perhaps you just don’t know that there are a huge number of delicious and healthy recipes Lenten dishes, many of which were used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers.

Meals during Lent: what to cook?

Start studying recipes for lean dishes, compose your own cookbook. From the collected recipes, you can even develop a menu for each day of Lent in 2019. By the way, these same recipes will be useful to you during Petrov, Uspensky and Christmas fasts. They are less strict and lengthy, but this is not a reason not to comply with them at all.

To ensure that food during fasting is not only tasty, but also healthy, do not forget to diversify your diet. Soups, cereals, salads, vegetable side dishes and even pastries and desserts - all these dishes should definitely be on your menu. To make it easier for you to decide what to cook for Lent, check out our selection of interesting and delicious recipes Lenten dishes.

Breakfast recipes

What kind of lean dish can replace the familiar scrambled eggs for many? There are quite a few options: vegetable pancakes, fruit smoothies, sandwiches and even pancakes.

1) Zucchini pancakes

  1. Grate half the zucchini.
  2. Cut the green apple into strips.
  3. Pour 4 tablespoons of buckwheat or corn flour into a bowl and add a small amount of water.
  4. In a separate container, dilute baking soda with hot water (½ teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of water).
  5. Pour the resulting soda solution into the flour. Add grated zucchini, grated apple, salt. The mixture should turn out liquid, like sour cream.
  6. Bake pancakes in a preheated frying pan with vegetable oil until golden brown.

3) Banana smoothie

5) Lenten pancakes with filling

  1. Pour a glass of water into a bowl, add half a teaspoon of soda, salt and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  2. Gradually add a glass of flour, constantly stirring the mixture. The dough should be liquid.
  3. Bake pancakes in a frying pan until browned.
  4. For the filling, crush the boiled potatoes, add a spoonful of sunflower oil, finely chopped bell pepper and fresh herbs.
  5. Wrap the filling in pancakes.

Recipes for lunch

Traditionally, first courses are served during lunch. Below are simple recipes lean soups for every day.

1) Vegetable cream soup

2) Vegetable borscht in Georgian style

  1. Soak the beans in water for a long time.
  2. Start cooking by boiling the beans. It will take about 30–50 minutes, you need to check readiness.
  3. Add 3 pre-diced potatoes to the beans.
  4. Fry 1 onion and grated carrots in a preheated frying pan until the onions turn golden, then add the beets, also grated.
  5. Add khmeli-suneli spices, dry cilantro, tomato paste. After boiling, simmer covered for 5 minutes.
  6. Add the fry to the contents of the pan and immediately add a small amount of shredded cabbage, cook for 20 minutes.
  7. Salt the borscht, season with herbs, pepper, add a few whole peas of allspice and cook for a few more minutes so that all the ingredients absorb the smell of the spices.

Recipes for dinner

When thinking about what to cook for dinner during Lent, keep in mind that all dishes should be easily digestible. In addition, as a rule, it is during a leisurely evening meal that the desire to try something unusual arises. This means that recipes for meatless dishes for dinner should not only be healthy, but also especially tasty.

1) Red vegetable caviar

2) Lenten cutlets

  • Chop 400 grams of cabbage.
  • Boil it until tender, about 20 minutes and add a couple of tablespoons of semolina. Cook for another 10 minutes, stirring. Add salt.
  • After the cabbage has cooled, puree it using a blender.
  • Prepare cutlets from the resulting mass, roll in breadcrumbs and fry.

3) Lenten pilaf

  1. Rinse 2 cups of rice and leave in water for an hour.
  2. Chop vegetables: 3 onions and 3 carrots. The carrots are cut into thin strips, the onions into half rings.
  3. Fry the onion in a cauldron until golden brown and add carrots. Cover with a lid and stir occasionally until the carrots are soft.
  4. Pour 3 cups of boiling water into the cauldron. Salt the mixture and season with spices, preferably cumin.
  5. Place the rice in the cauldron so that all the browning remains at the bottom. Cook over high heat, gradually reducing heat to low for 13 minutes, then over low heat for another 20-30 minutes until the rice is cooked.
  6. Remove the pilaf from the stove and leave covered for 20 minutes.
  7. Add greens to the finished dish. Serve with a salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers with onions.

Lenten desserts

Even in Lenten menu there is a place for recipes for sweet dishes. Just remember that during Lent, desserts should be natural, light and not too sweet.

1) Pineapple sorbet with mint

  1. Cut the banana into slices, place in a bowl and leave in the freezer for a couple of hours.
  2. In a blender, mix frozen banana, 300 grams of pineapple, a tablespoon of honey, mint leaves and 3 tablespoons of water.
  3. Place in molds and place the sorbet in the freezer for another couple of hours.

2) Strawberry ice cream

  1. Using a blender, grind 100 grams of frozen strawberries, a banana and a tablespoon of sugar.
  2. Place ice cream in molds and place in freezer for a couple of hours.

3) Fruit salad

Even such a small number of recipes for Lenten dishes clearly demonstrates that during fasting, food can become varied, healthy and very tasty. The only rule that needs to be followed is that during fasting your diet should be moderate and not “weigh down” your thoughts and body.

Bon appetit!

The fast of the Holy Pentecost is called Great Lent due to the special importance of its establishment. Traditionally, Holy Pentecost and all services begin with Vespers of Maslenitsa (cheese day) week. During the evening service in Forgiveness Sunday, when there is a rite or ritual of general forgiveness in the temple.

Lent was established mainly in memory of the forty-day fast of Jesus Christ, who soon after His baptism withdrew into the desert and fasted there (Matthew 4:2), as well as in memory of the forty-day fast of Moses (Exodus 34:28) and Elijah ( 1 Kings 19:8).

There is evidence from ancient times that the fast was established by the apostles and lasted forty days almost from the beginning of its establishment, and the name “Quentary Day” itself is often found in ancient written monuments.

However, the fast of the Holy Pentecost (lasting 40 days everywhere) was not observed in the ancient Church at the same time. This depended on the unequal calculation of the days of fasting and the days when it was allowed. IN Eastern Churches The order of observance of Lent that exists to this day was established in the 4th century.

Great Lent consists of a forty-day fast (Four Days) and the fast of Holy Week “for the sake of the saving passions” of Christ. The Apostolic Decrees on Great Lent say: “Let this fast (Four Day) be accomplished before the fast of Easter (Holy Week)” (Book 5, Chapter I).

Ancient Christians observed Lent with particular strictness, abstaining even from drinking water until the ninth (third in the afternoon) hour of the day. They ate food after the ninth hour, eating bread and vegetables. Meat, milk, cheese, eggs were prohibited.

The rules for observing Great Lent are also reflected in the Church Charter. First and Holy Weeks Orthodox Church instructs to maintain a particularly strict fast. On Monday and Tuesday of the first week, it is prescribed to observe the highest degree of fasting: “It is not appropriate to eat at all.” During the remaining weeks of Lent, except Saturdays and Sundays, there is dry eating. On Saturdays and Sundays, cooked food with oil (vegetable oil) is allowed. And only on the Feast of the Annunciation, if it does not fall on Holy Week, eating fish is allowed.

The Church strictly condemns those who violate Lent, but, acting in the spirit of God’s love and mercy, does not impose the rules of fasting in its entirety on children, the sick, the infirm and the elderly, and does not exclude them from participating in the joy of communion and Easter. But those who are weak in body, like those who are healthy, are obliged to perform deeds of love and mercy during Lent and, just like during other fasts, to keep spiritual fasting from sins.

In numerous stichera and troparions of the services of the Holy Pentecost, the Church explains the essence of true fasting as a means of spiritual rebirth: a time of spiritual achievement, strengthening oneself in self-denial, and mortifying sinful desires. Therefore, in her hymns, the Church calls the Holy Pentecost a joyful time of fasting.


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