What can happen if you play video games for too long? Computer games: a psychoanalyst's view.

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Greetings gamers, I would like to discuss with you latest events and their consequences in. Personally, I played this game for quite a long time and I really regret wasting my time on it. It was difficult to imagine that after such heights as overcoming 1 million online in 2014, wargaming would go into a wild decline in popularity. There was already a lot of toxicity in the game - now there is even more of it. In addition to this, “tanks” no longer attract new users with anything special. Why is this happening?

Let's start with the fact that one of the largest areas in the game was clan battles. I remember how I played on the global map in the top 2 alliance and almost my entire clan was included in the list to receive the IS-3 with MZ. But even then, Wargaming began to give up on this mode - with each new update, players hoped for innovations for the clan mode, but they never came... At some point, the leading clans, eSports shifts and ordinary players understood that something had to be done about this and they decided to go on a “strike”. 30,000 players took part in the movement called CONTRAS, which consisted of top WoT clans and alliances of the RU region. It was difficult not to react to such actions and the developers began to accept suggestions from players to improve the situation.

In addition to all this, Wargaming’s policy regarding in-game currency is completely disapproved of by players. I personally remember how angry everyone was when it was allowed to buy gold shells with increased penetration for ordinary silver, and not gold, which is bought for real money... Now what? In 2018, it is planned to introduce 18 new premium tanks into the game. The greed of Viktor Kisly, the creator of World Of Tanks, is ruining his project.

One of the main problems of World Of Tanks is the excessive toxicity of players. The main tank community is the Ru-region, and we all understand how difficult it is to please us... Even the developers’ decision to disable chat between teams did not bring the desired effect, swearing and bans still did not decrease.

About cheats. They have never been in WoT and never will be - for that we thank them very much! It is thanks to their servers that miscalculations regarding the movement of a tank on the map or a shot with penetration numbers are checked through the server, and only then are returned to the player’s client. Thus, it is impossible to fake the characteristics of the tank. But banned fashions are another matter... There’s no escape from them. They really give huge advantage over honest players. WG have already made several attempts to reduce the population of such mods - they themselves allowed the camera to follow the trajectory of a projectile for art, or some processes were completely transferred to the servers so that some mods did not work.

I would like to summarize the current situation in World Of Tanks. Has it gotten worse compared to 2014? I think so. I remember how good everything was in 2012 - 2014, then the developers were working on the game to attract more and more new players. But now that they have become independent large company, they got a little impudent. Maybe this is due to upcoming updates with HD cards or the technical component of the client. Let's hope that the guys from Wargaming will come up with new ideas to revitalize the game as a whole. In the next article I will tell you about subsequent updates that should improve the game. In the meantime, follow us on in social networks and don't miss new news!.


The title of this article is deliberately slightly provocative. Although, for many unclear, question-raising shadow algorithms in the game, it could be applied much more, however, in the absence of direct evidence, we have to beat around the bush, not stating anything for sure, but only hanging some inconvenient questions in the air, stating some inconvenient, for the guys from Wargaming, facts. So, let's immediately decide that we will not indiscriminately accuse anyone here, but with the force of a couple of article pages we will present here a few, not exactly facts, but conjectures, assumptions and hypotheses. General meaning They will be that the gameplay in the popular MMO game is not at all so explicit and fair. In other words, World of Tanks is an arena for fraud on the part of developers. But, let's take it in order. Maybe everything is not like that at all.

Banned for asking.

Perhaps it’s worth remembering that this tank action game comes from Belarus, where the deservedly cool morals of the local Old Man were, in part, passed on to some of its citizens. In general, the fact remains: for the slightest hint of foul play or an “inconvenient” question asked on the official gaming forum, the questioner is banned in the shortest possible time, and they do it, sometimes indefinitely. The ban, however, applies not only to the forum, but also to the game. What is the hidden meaning of such harsh treatment of tank fans? Is it possible that the saying comes into force here: - if he is afraid, it means he hears the truth. It is clear that forum provocateurs and rude people need to be punished mercilessly, but when a forum member opens a topic where he asks a simple question about the strange failure of a projectile to penetrate an enemy, or, conversely, about the strange penetration of a loved one, then such a topic will be immediately deleted, but the player may be forgiven for for the first time, but more often you hear stories about unprecedented bans for such questions. A little strange, isn't it?

Red General.

Personally, I heard a legend from a person who heard from another person, who heard from an acquaintance who knows one of the Wargaming programmers who participated in the development of World of Tanks, who allegedly talked about what is often and densely in the form of “red” The commands that are moving towards you are not real players at all, but the most real and official gaming bots. Allegedly, several players there may still be real, but it will be the bots led by the Red General who will set the tone. According to all this word of mouth, the Red General is easy to identify. It is always a heavy tank, always in camouflage, always shoots gold, always penetrates everyone and everything, and it, in turn, is almost impossible to penetrate. But the most important thing is that such a General amazingly illuminates almost half the map. Partial proof of this is that it is impossible to engage such a General in a conversation for the simple reason that he is a robot controlled by a system from a fake account. The presence of the Red General and bots on the enemy side can be proven a little this way: take it and agree with the whole team to organize a “rush” along the flank of the map. If bots play for the Reds, then on that “unexpected” flank they will take you and meet you, almost with the whole team. They will meet you and smash you to pieces.

The classic version of the Red General’s participation is to lose with a score of about 2:11 in the first 2-3 minutes of the battle. Moreover, such battles can be repeated 5-10 times in a row. A player caught in such a situation has no choice but to simply disconnect from the game and change the game server, in the hope of a better attitude towards him. Actually, all other complaints not only from paranoids, but also from completely sane tankers boil down to the fact that very often, especially with the release of the latest patches, extremely strange non-penetrations, ricochets and suspicious “one-shots” from very weak opponents began to happen. But more on that a little later.

World of Tanks: scandals, intrigues, investigations.

If you follow the trend that the developers promote with the release of each new patch in World of Tanks, it is an increase in randomness in the form of strange projectile flight trajectories, supposedly for the benefit of physics, as well as a gradual decrease in accuracy. While working on new models of vehicles and new maps, the developers specifically increased the spread when conducting aimed fire. And the accuracy of self-propelled guns has been reduced to the point of impossibility. Now even the most accurate guns with a pumped-up gunner cannot properly hit an enemy tank. More precisely, it’s possible to hit, but the hit/miss situation rests entirely on the shoulders of the hidden game mechanism of “random numbers.” In-tank mechanics, which, as it were, does not exist, takes upon itself the right to determine the accuracy of a projectile’s flight. The situation is very reminiscent of how UEFA does not want to introduce video replays, supposedly due to the fact that the spectators, seeing the wrong decision of the referee on the scoreboard, will go wild, but in reality, citizens from UEFA, and FIFA, simply do not want to lose another lever for controlling the game in the form of resolving a refereeing issue. It’s the same here: so that there are no unnecessary questions like: “What is this, I aimed accurately, but the projectile flew into the distance?” Therefore, the players' sights have been expanded. If earlier the enemy’s equipment completely fit into the sight circle, now, not at the greatest distance, 3-4 such tanks can be placed in the sight “point”. Here's another reason for you to think.

Strange lack of penetration and light.

To begin with, let's talk about glare. Even if we put aside the semi-mythical Red General, the problem with incomprehensible lights has continued to escalate for more than one month. The most typical situation looks something like this: for example, there is a Stug with full optics, crew, illumination, etc. Everyone died, he was alone. Here, as if on command (none of the dead prompted) one of the tanks breaks towards the Stug. And the Stug itself, it must be said, is standing in a hole that is not subject to gunfire. There is no art in the game. In general, first the tank lights up the T-34-85, although the Stug itself does not see it, although it should, and then a deadly blank from the KV-2 arrives with a 152-mm cannon (which has no accuracy at all), which stands half a map later. But this is not enough: the shell hit the Stug with a canopy, because there is no other explanation for HOW the shell could have hit the tank standing at the bottom of a deep hole. Asking questions on a gaming forum is to your own detriment. And there are many such examples. A whole book could be written.

Now for the penetrations. Example: Bat Chat is standing in the bushes, and an IS-8 comes sideways. The chat puts 6 shots from the side from the drum. 5 of them are penetrations. Recharging. Waiting. The same IS-8 is leaving (it’s still a piece of cardboard, I must say). The chat also begins to hit the side. As a result, 0 penetrations out of 6. The chat is drained. There is only one conclusion: the limit of penetrations issued by the system has been “exhausted.” Naturally, the team flies in at 3:15.

And if you remember a lot of incomprehensible incidents that happened with damaged tanks, which in observation mode were quite realistically highlighted to their remaining allies. You can remember a lot, but the main difficulty is that there is no evidence that the developers of World of Tanks are dishonest, and it is unlikely that there will be unless one of the people involved and offended tells a story in the spirit of “I was fired from MTS, so I’ll tell you now...” In the meantime, all that remains is to build hypotheses and wait for WoT fans to come running and explain to you that you are a deer.

If you don’t know what the point is, then know: the point is money.

Having made simple conclusions based on the type of journalists from RenTV, we can firmly say that all the above-described cases may well pursue one single goal - to pump out more money from the players. With the release of the latest patches, which clearly demonstrated that this is how much you earned now, but this is how much you could earn if you played in the “prem”, many strange things began to happen. Many players began to complain that if previously, according to statistics, a specific tank, for example, accounted for about 53% of victories, then over the past few months, victories have dropped to 42% on the same tank. Wild cases of 10-13 terrible drains in a row, etc., have become more frequent.

All these difficulties with aiming, difficulties with penetration, and so on, can be directly related to forcing the player to open a wallet and pay real money for a premium tank, or purchase a premium account more often. After all, games are made in order to make money from them, so why can’t developers “stimulate” purchasing power a little. It is no secret that during the game at the “premium” level the number of leaks radically decreases, statistics improve, and the player more often ends up in the top. And without a premium, the player is thrown for the amusement of the “premium” tankers, just as they used to throw a boar under the drunken shots of the master. But the boar had no choice at all, but the player does.

So think about it now. On the one hand, there seems to be faith in the pure, eternal and good. It is supported by the lack of material evidence. Convicting developers is not so easy. And on the other hand, the understanding that almost everything in this world is done because of money. So why not tweak a couple of options in order to hurry up the embittered and dissatisfied player a little, and quickly start pouring money into the project in order to increase comfort. Although premium, of course, is not a complete panacea for gaming arbitrariness, when the T 34-85 cannot penetrate the side of the T-50 with its top gun, when you, with optics, a walkie-talkie and a pumped-up “light bulb”, do not see the enemy’s light, and it is you who are being killed along it, without any tracers. Moreover, a characteristic feature of particularly zealous lawlessness is that such symptoms appear when the team is clearly going to waste. It is not beneficial for the system for the team to resist for a long time. The servers are overcrowded, you should die quickly and give way to someone else, and not cling to life with all your might. At the same time, when you see similar symptoms with non-penetration, strange lighting, etc., you immediately realize that you are being “dumped.” As a rule, this idea turns out to be 100% correct.

Not a spiteful afterword.

In general, comrades, this article does not pretend to be the ultimate truth. Moreover, the author in no way pursued the goal of denigrating or slandering anyone there. One could even say that this article contains some of the most striking examples of the ambiguity in the interpretation of game processes in World of Tanks, game physics and other similar things.

Play and win, and if you suddenly start losing, then add a little money to your account and you will immediately see that life will become better, life will become more fun. To the cabins!

psychoanalyst's view

This is far from the first, and, of course, not last article O psychology of computer games, which was written for a psychological site. The topic is fertile - computers have become an integral part of life, and computer games are a seductive way to spend free time.

  • Why do people play computer games?
  • Computer game: is it good or bad?
  • How to get rid of gambling addiction?

Thousands of people ask Yandex these and other similar questions every day. Considering these questions through the prism of psychoanalytic experience, I will try to give my answers to them.

People who play games

There is a common misconception that computer games are played mainly by teenagers. This is not entirely true. Rather, teenagers discuss their games more openly. Adults often find the fact that they are attracted to certain computer games somewhat embarrassing or even shameful. And they continue to play them, without advertising this fact among friends and strangers. In fact, computer games can captivate a person of any age, gender, family and professional status.

Why are computer games attractive?

The game can take quite a lot of time (and not always free time). However, many people prefer to spend time in front of the monitor. Why is this happening?

Computer games allow you to be transported to “another world”. They, like nothing else, allow you to immerse yourself very deeply in this world, and even at the body level to feel its virtual reality. The situation of the game allows you to be as free within it as “real reality” will never allow. The worst consequence of a mistake or failure in a game is having to close it and start over.

Games are attractive because they allow feel something what is missing in everyday life. Or, on the contrary, NOT feel something that life has in abundance. In addition, some games allow you to to be someone another, someone attractive, someone one would like to feel like.

Example 1: Being Lara Croft?

A number of games, especially role-playing games, provide an opportunity feel like a different person than in reality. For example, a fearless, courageous, strong savior of an innocent victim of terrible monsters, or a beautiful, smart, athletic, exceptionally attractive female archaeologist, ready to risk her life to acquire incredible artifacts.

The ability to feel own strength, attractiveness, fearlessly taking risks, successfully unraveling ingenious mysteries - almost a drug. And the stronger it is, the fewer opportunities a person has to feel the same in his real life.

Example 2: Kill the monster!

Many games have a strong aggressive context: kill as many enemies as possible! crush the terrible monster! gain strength and become invincible! The player feels excitement, strength, power, and deep satisfaction from the mass destruction of virtual creatures. It may seem that the game causes aggression that the person did not have before - a compelling argument against computer games?

Why do these games turn out to be so attractive to seemingly completely peaceful people, sometimes even timid in everyday life? Because they allow the expression of what he has repressedand aggression. They help to express what a person does not allow himself to express in reality - because the more a feeling is suppressed, the stronger and stronger it becomes somewhere deep inside. The virtual situation is safe, it makes it possible not to experience fear and guilt - those feelings that form the basis for suppressing aggression.

Passion for aggressive games is attempt get in touch with your aggression and, perhaps, learn to manage it. True, this attempt is not always successful, because virtual reality is still very different from the real one.

Example 3. Playing solitaire...

A whole layer of computer games (for example, logic games) were created in order to pass the time in situations of forced waiting. But sometimes it turns out that time is not at all unnecessary, and it is impossible to tear yourself away from a simple and fairly monotonous game. It would seem, well, what’s so addictive here?

Occupying your attention, focusing on solving problems of varying degrees of complexity, observing a series of attractive visual images, going into the simple virtual world of colored balls, cards, beautiful schemes, man for a while moves away from the state of anxiety. By rearranging cards, grouping balls by color, or assembling words from letters, a person temporarily stops the flow of disturbing thoughts and images. But returning to reality also brings back anxiety.

Computer games: pros and cons?

Computer games can look like a completely pointless pastime if you look at them only from the perspective of external reality. For her, a person who spends hours in front of a monitor is practically lost. But since people are doing something, it means it has some kind of mental meaning. Which?

From the point of view of internal (mental) reality, computer games represent a kind of method of mental self-regulation. Game process helps relieve mental stress(to some extent). So they “go away” into the game from stress, dissatisfaction with their life and themselves, from the inability to show any strong emotions in real relationships.

This way of dealing with difficulties is similar to the use of alcohol as a way to regulate one’s state: playing (like alcohol) allows you to quickly (but only a short time) change internal state and relieve tension. When games are often resorted to as a means of achieving internal balance, it is possible gaming developmentdependencies. The mechanism of formation of alcoholic and gaming addiction similar: when mental tension is very high, there is a simple and rather pleasant way to quickly relieve it. This method does not require much high costs time, energy, money... In the case of alcohol, chemical dependence also comes into play. Computer game creators fight for their clients using various psychological techniques, schemes, tricks, they try to create games that touch really deep strings in the human soul.

It is believed that online games are the most addictive. When a person comes into contact with other players in his virtual image, he experiences an illusion real relationships, real life. Then it's easy to lose track of the hours and sometimes the days. Physical needs, obligations to others, life circumstances fade into the background, and “the figure turns into the background” - virtual reality becomes more real for the player than “offline reality”.

Virtual Reality: In and Out

If computer games became something more than convenient way while away his free time, a person is faced with the fact that his passion for the game begins to disrupt his progress Everyday life. The desire to get into the game becomes very demanding, even obsessive. And then the understanding may arise: “the games are over”, the gaming addiction. What to do?

Some people find it relatively easy to quit gaming. These are people with very great strength will and not very far-reaching passion for games. As a rule, such people, having realized their addiction, simply give up the game, removing it from the computer, and find something for themselves other, more suitable ways to cope with stress life.

Sometimes, friends who realize their addiction refuse to play together. A group effect arises: together it is easier to give up the formed habit, it is easier to find already half-forgotten activities in real life. And, of course, another person taken as an ally in the fight against addiction is controller(in front of whom it is a shame to break down), and support(so necessary sometimes in the fight with oneself). Of course, such a person could be someone close to you who does not suffer from gambling addiction. He can “strengthen” the player’s “I” captured by passion, offering his willpower and determination to help find a way out of the virtual trap. But this help is truly effective only if the player is aware of his addiction and wants to get rid of it.

Sometimes it is not possible to cope with addiction alone or even with the help of friends and family, despite all the efforts and desire. This is usually due to the fact that there is not just a habit, but a serious internal attachment to the game. This happens when the game “serves” some important psychological needs or distracts from serious psychological problems. Then it is impossible to simply close the game and turn off the computer - as long as there are problems, our psyche will look for their solution (and the easiest way is a virtual pseudo-solution - it has already found it and will simply repeat it!). Therefore, getting rid of gambling addiction often lies through reducing the level of anxiety, freeing yourself from internal conflicts, accepting yourself, self-esteem and increasing the ability to actively express yourself in the outside world, increasing the ability to build and maintain close relationships with other people, and finding meaning in your own life.

Training Analyst and CPT Supervisor

Video games are great! But what happens if you play them too much? This can give both positive and negative results. There are examples all over the world of gamers who played too long and literally did not live to see the credits roll. Overdoing it in video games can be a serious problem. As with all good things in this world, everything should be in moderation. Too much a large number of anything from sleep to water can lead to certain negative consequences.
But despite some tragic effects, video games aren't all bad. First of all, they are incredibly fun. Secondly, they can improve almost everything about you - from critical thinking to motor coordination.
Sometimes they can even make you smarter. Therefore, it is necessary to take a closer look at what effects video games can have on a person and what harm they cause to the body.

You may die from thrombosis

Long gaming sessions are not uncommon. But what if they threaten your life? Yes, then this is still too much. A condition known as deep vein thrombosis can develop if you sit still for long periods of time. long period time.
One British gamer died due to blood clots caused by thrombosis, which was caused by his lifestyle - he spent 12 hours a day playing computer games. A New Zealand gamer was hospitalized with blood clots in his legs after spending four days on his console while on holiday.

Your heart may fail

A 32-year-old man from Hong Kong was found dead in a computer club, where he stayed for three days in a row. The man entered the club on January 6, 2015, started playing - and was found already dead January 8. The cause of death was heart failure caused by lack of mobility, low temperature and complete exhaustion due to lack of sleep.
Club employees reported that the same man often stayed at the club for three to four days, and other gamers did not pay attention. special attention to what was happening when the body of the unlucky gamer was taken out into the street.

You may develop Nintendoitis

Even if you take breaks between gaming sessions, repeated use of a controller for hours, days, weeks, months, or years can take its toll. Negative influence. The game typically requires gamers to make repetitive, repetitive movements with their thumbs and fingers, and a 2003 study found that many gamers suffered from repetitive hand strains (called "Nintendoitis").

You may hurt your back

A 1999 study looked at back pain in schoolchildren and how it related to the activities children enjoy doing, including watching TV and playing computer games. The report found that there is a link between computer games and back pain. These pains manifested themselves in those children who told the researchers that they spent at least two hours a day at the computer.

You may harm your eyes

It should come as no surprise that prolonged staring at a screen, be it a TV, computer, smartphone or tablet, has no effect on positive influence to your eyes. There is even such a disease as computer vision syndrome. It manifests itself in people who spend several hours a day behind computer screens.

It Can Literally Affect Your Brain

If you like to play computer games for too long, it can start to affect your brain. Literally. Research shows that frequent gaming sessions can change your brain. If speak about specific examples, then young children who spent more than nine hours a week playing computer games had an enlarged reward center in the brain - which made them want to play even more.


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