What should you do at Epiphany and what should you not do? Epiphany prayers. We are treated with Epiphany water

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To be treated Epiphany water, you need to know the basic rules of healing.

First of all, remember that consecrated water is a church shrine, which must be treated very carefully, with care and with faith in success.

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What you need to know about Epiphany water

Water that has been blessed is not used for cooking or bathing. In case of illness, a person is given it in the form of a drink, smeared on the face, but not washed or bathed.

  1. When you bring blessed water into the house, leave it near the icons. The refrigerator is not suitable for storing healing liquid.
  2. Water is collected and stored only in a glass container, which must be washed clean and dried. The same way we sterilize jars. Then the water will remain clean and odorless. It won't bloom and long years will remain crystal clear, and therefore healing.
  3. If, due to careless storage or for some other spiritual reasons, the liquid begins to become cloudy and smell musty, then it is either watered with flowers, or poured outside the house under plants, and washed into the sink along with running water. In this case, the jar is immediately washed or, generally, disposed of.
  4. Epiphany water, like any other consecrated item in churches on major holidays, is not used for household needs, it is not given to animals, much less washed dishes. Because the water will go into the sewer, and this cannot be allowed.

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Epiphany is a holiday that is one of the main ones in Christianity. It was and remains one of the most beloved in our country.

The date of celebration is January 19, and the day before, believers celebrate Epiphany Eve (second Christmas Eve). It has long been known that John the Baptist baptized the people in the Jordan, thereby calling everyone to repentance and cleansing the soul from sins. Jesus, at the age of 30, being sinless, was the first to be baptized, sanctifying the Jordan River. In honor of this event, the holiday was called Epiphany, and people call it Jordan (Ordan).

This same day is notable for the feast of Epiphany. Epiphany has its own traditions. The day before Epiphany, believers fast, and on January 18 they celebrate Epiphany Evening. There is a custom for the whole family, as at Christmas, to gather around the table.

Cooking for dinner Lenten dishes, kutya and compote. The main tradition of the holiday is the blessing of water. On the day of Epiphany, water is blessed in all churches, and all sources of water, such as rivers, ponds and lakes, are also subject to consecration - an ice hole is cut into them, into which the clergy lower the cross.

There is a belief that holy water cleanses and heals. Therefore, people line up to stock up on holy water for whole year. If you attend the ritual of blessing the water, you can receive healing of your ailments. You can get Epiphany water after the holiday or take it from a regular source, because, according to legend, on Epiphany night even simple water has healing power.

Epiphany bathing

On the day of Epiphany, believers bathe in an ice hole to recover from ailments. The tradition of bathing at Epiphany exists in all Christian countries. Priests and believers go to a pre-cut ice hole, which they associate with the Jordan River. After the priest sanctifies the water in the ice hole, immersing the cross three times, lighting the fire and reading a prayer, those who wish to immerse themselves in the water with their heads three times, crossing themselves and saying a prayer. The meaning of the ritual is that believers are ready to follow Christ by accepting baptism and the Christian faith. This ritual is entirely voluntary, since there is no indication anywhere that it is necessary to immerse yourself in cold water on this day.

But swimming on Epiphany day will be proof of love for God. Traditions say that when Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit descended from heaven in the form of a dove to him. Therefore, the holiday, as usual, ends with the release of doves.

Modern holiday of Epiphany

This day is traditionally widely celebrated among the people and is the final one in a series New Year's holidays. Even deeply religious people consider immersion in ice water during the winter cold, after which they experience a great surge of positivity, good emotions, and talk about health for the whole year. By the way, there is a belief that it is impossible to catch a cold in the cold Epiphany water. That's why even children swim.

There are rituals that will help get rid of ailments, attract good luck and prosperity, and get rid of bad habits. If you suspect that your child has been damaged by vodka and you want to help your child free himself from alcohol addiction and at the same time he also wants this, the following ritual will help.

A ritual to free a child from alcohol addiction

After dinner on January 18th you need to take glass jar, quickly go to the nearest well and break off a piece of ice. Place this ice in a glass container and quickly go home without looking back. You can't talk to anyone.

It is advisable to choose a path so as not to meet anyone, or, in extreme cases, not to greet anyone. Then, for 7 days in the morning before sunrise, read three times on melt water:

“Cold, hard ice makes you shiver, causes chills, so that my flesh and blood, servant of God (the name of the child), becomes cold from the hops, my heart freezes towards him. I forgot my bad passion, I didn’t grab a glass, I didn’t swallow mash, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Let your child drink this water and wipe him with this water up to his waist. You can carry out this ritual three more times after Baptism, when the Moon has subsided.

To get married or get married

In order to improve relationships in the family, get married or have a successful marriage, you need to go to church on January 18th and attend the evening service, buy 7 wax candles and give the same number (sincerely, without skimping) to the altar. In the evening at home, before kutya, light all seven candles; let them burn to the end. During this time, calmly think about your life and think about your plans for the year, make a wish to get married. Single men and women can repeat this procedure and carry it out on February 15, Candlemas.

Conspiracy for good luck and prosperity On January 19, read a special conspiracy for good luck and prosperity. When you leave the temple with blessed water, you need to say:

“I’m going home with holy water, and you, money and luck, follow me. All troubles and losses, go to the other side. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Plot for an easy life for a baby

Infants under the age of one year at Epiphany can be spoken in easy life. To do this, you need to attach part of the candle with which you blessed the water to the diaper, while reading the following words:

“Lord, the child lives for the first year, give him many easy paths in life. Give the best Savior Angel, Guardian Angel with your holy hand. Bless the servant of God (name) for a good hour, for a good minute. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Hide the charmed diaper so that no one can see it.

Ritual to remove damage

At Epiphany, with the help of miraculous Epiphany water, severe damage was removed, using miraculous Epiphany water in treatment. To do this, you need to bring water from the temple (or better from 7 temples) and, standing in the bath, pour yourself over from head to toe with the words:

The Lord was born, baptized in Baptism, and glorified in the name of Jesus Christ. How this water flows from me, So that all the damage leaves me. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

For good health

Holy water for Epiphany has healing power. You must drink holy Epiphany water on an empty stomach. It is believed that it is under this condition that she has greatest strength. TO magical properties Holy water is credited with the ability to suppress passions, drive away evil spirits from the house, and give the patient recovery - often even from incurable diseases. Some priests are convinced that there is no better medicine for holy water.

Rituals and spells for beekeepers

On the Lord's evening, the beekeepers tried to draw water first, and as they collected it they said:

“As this evening people crowd and rejoice in holy water, so let my bees crowd and rejoice, carrying thick honeys, yellow wax, and just as a person cannot do without this water, so my bees cannot do without my apiary.”

Bee owners, trying to ensure that bee swarms did not run away from their apiaries, but multiplied and were healthy, performed appropriate ritual actions at Epiphany - they sprinkled them with holy water, which was considered a panacea for all kinds of ailments and the evil eye.


It is necessary to sprinkle the housing with a pinch right hand, crosswise, going around the room clockwise. That is, starting from the entrance, go deep into the house on the left side and go around all the rooms. You should finish sprinkling in the same place where you started, at front door. When sprinkling, the door or window must be open or slightly open.

Sprinkle your house with holy water with words

“By sprinkling this holy water, every unclean and demonic action may be put to flight.”

The fact is that all our thoughts and emotions have their own energy. Thought is material, no matter what skeptics say. All our quarrels at home, squabbles, minor conflicts leave their energetic trace in the house. This negative energy accumulates in the corners of the apartment and has no intention of just up and disappearing.

There is a version that this negative energy, like a spark, tries to ignite a flame. That is, it will influence the people living in this room with the aim of provoking them to new scandals and anger. And so on constantly until it becomes so strong that the life of people in such a house becomes a nightmare. Therefore, after each more or less serious quarrel, it is necessary to clean your home, which is enough to do once a week. I would like there to be no quarrels and troubles at all, but that doesn’t happen.

Therefore, if you still have a conflict with your loved one, try not to give in to emotions. The more negative emotions, the greater the release of negative energy. You not only disrupt the structure of your home, which leads to even stronger scandals, fatigue, apathy, and reluctance to do anything around the house, but you also disrupt your energy structure, which is fraught with illness and the rapid fading of youth. The apartment needs cleaning.

To cleanse your home of negativity, use basic, but effective methods. Firstly, ventilate your home at least once a week. The air contains charged particles that are good at destroying clots of negative energy and thereby cleansing your home.

Moreover, without going into the teachings of Feng Shui, I will say that stagnant air in the house interferes with your material and financial well-being. Try to do it once a week wet cleaning. Add a tablespoon of salt to a bucket of water. It is believed that God has the properties of stability and constancy, and the devil of destruction and chaos. According to magical analogies, salt is a substance with positive energy, since, being a preservative, it prevents destruction. This means he resists the devil.

I will not prove whether it is positive or not, but over all the years of my work, and there have been several dozen home cleansings, including poltergeist cleansing, salt has shown its effectiveness. Naturally, it must be used wisely and should not be used for wiping furniture that does not like salt. If it is possible to do silver water, then you can use it for cleaning.

Be sure to keep a geranium bush at home. There is no hassle with it, and the protection is excellent. Light up natural ones more often wax candles. Unlike paraffin and stearin candles, wax contains a large charge of pure positive energy, which will be absorbed by your body and cleanse your apartment.

When walking around an apartment with a candle, which many people do, always move in the direction of the sun. You should end your walk where you started. Hold near the corners and, crossing them with a candle, say

“Let all unclean and demonic power, black thoughts, dark energy burn out.”

Traditionally, the round is done three times. When walking around, be sure to open the window.

Negative force needs a way out of the room. If you don’t open the window or another way to the street, then it will simply be a matter of moving the negative through the rooms, stopping in the same place. There is no need to collect a lot of Epiphany water, as you can add more as you use it. plain water. According to legend, even one drop of Epiphany water can sanctify the ocean.

Illuminated water for a happy life

When you come home with sacred water, do not forget to perform a ritual for a happy life in your family.
You will need to make a small panicle out of sargo; for this you can buy a new broom and make a panicle out of it, but it is better if you take care of this in the fall and weave such a panicle from grown sargo.
Next, pour it into a saucer, or take a deeper cup and, dipping a broom in holy water, sprinkle the cross in each room, saying the following words:

“Holy water brought health, happiness, light to our home and will protect our hearth from the dashing and the evil. And it will be so Amen!”

It will be good if your household also gets under these sprays. Try to use up all the water that you poured into the cup, and use the whisk as a talisman against dark forces Place it next to the front door.

This ritual will help you not only find happiness and respect between family members, but will also cleanse your home of dark forces and bad energies that have accumulated over the whole year, or maybe brought into your home specifically by your ill-wishers.

Conspiracy for success at work

If you want things to go well at work, for the work to be successful all year, for the team to be friendly, and for the bosses not to grumble for no reason, then find time for this simple ritual. You will need to collect holy water between 12 am and 5 am on January 19th. It is advisable to collect water from the church or from natural sources: wells, columns, boreholes. Start the ritual on the very first working day after Epiphany night.
Immediately pour a little water into a separate glass container and read the words of the spell, leaning the water as close to your lips as possible:

“From the evil eye, from damage, from human envy and anger, save me, servant of God (name), Amen!” Then close this jar and leave it in your room, in dark place, until you get ready to go to work. Come to work before everyone else and sprinkle this water around your workplace, saying the following words:

“I came to work, brought sacred water for good deeds, I won’t take it for granted, everything is success and recognition, understanding from colleagues, respect from superiors, words to the letter, words to action, but growth and career to me, Amen!”

Repeat three times, and if there is some water left, just drink it.

Sacred water - a helper in the home

Is it possible to drink holy water?

You can and should drink holy water. Christians believe that water consecrated in the temple retains the grace of God. They drink holy water with reverence and prayer. It is customary to drink holy water on an empty stomach, but if necessary (in difficult circumstances) you can drink it after meals. The main thing when using it is not to forget that this is a shrine.

Is it possible to pour out holy water?

You can throw away holy water if it has spoiled. Although the holy water remains fresh for a long time, and believers usually store Epiphany water for a whole year, and sometimes even for several years, but it still happens that it becomes unfit for consumption. But if you have to pour out holy water, then you need to find something that is not trampled on (on which they do not walk) clean place.

Is it possible to pour holy water into a sink?

You cannot pour holy water into the sink. This is a sacred thing - and even if it has lost its freshness, it cannot be poured into the sewer, where all kinds of sewage are poured. You can always find a clean place that is more suitable for pouring out the holy water.

Where can you pour holy water?

Holy water can be poured into a so-called untrodden place where the shrine will not be trampled underfoot: into a reservoir with running water or into flower pots. You can also pour holy water under a tree, near the trunk of which no one walks and no dogs run.

When can you collect holy water for Epiphany?

Holy water for Epiphany can be collected after the Divine Liturgy and the Great Blessing of Water on January 18 and 19. On the eve of Epiphany, on Christmas Eve, January 18, the water is blessed for the first time and begins to be distributed to believers. The water is blessed for the second time after the festive Liturgy, which takes place at night and/or in the morning of January 19. In some temples, water is distributed to these two the day goes by day and night, with breaks during services, and you can collect holy water for Epiphany almost around the clock. In other churches, where there are not so many people, water is distributed only immediately after the service and consecration or during the hours when the temple is usually open. It is better to clarify in advance how the distribution will be organized in the church where you are going to collect holy water for Epiphany.

When can you get holy water in church?

You can collect holy water in the church throughout the year. Small blessings of water can be performed in churches almost every day, which is why there is almost always holy water in the church. But the more solemn Great Blessing of Water occurs only twice a year - on the eve and on the feast of the Epiphany itself. Epiphany holy water can be collected from all operating Orthodox churches in these two days.

The water consecrated on January 18 and 19 is called Great Agiasma, and there is a special attitude towards it. But both consecrated during the year and baptismal water are holy water, during the consecration of which the priest and believers prayed for God’s mercy, and it is impossible to compare which water is more blessed.

Is it possible to boil holy water?

There is no need to boil holy water. Holy water becomes holy after the blessing of water - small or great - that is, after the priest reads special prayers over it and lowers the cross into it. Drinking water is usually used for this purpose. During the rite of consecration, water receives God's grace, which keeps it fresh and clean for a long time. If the holy water has spoiled, which also happens, then it should not be boiled, but poured into some clean place.

But you cannot brew tea or use it for cooking: holy water is a shrine, and the attitude towards it must be appropriate.

Is it possible to drink holy water during menstruation?

You can drink holy water during your period. According to pious tradition, women during menstruation do not approach Communion, but there are no prohibitions on receiving holy water and prosphora on these days.

Even people who have been temporarily excommunicated from the Holy Body and Blood of Christ for some very serious sins are allowed to drink holy water. And menstruation is a natural process in a woman’s body, and it is not her fault, and therefore there is even more reason not to drink holy water during “critical” days.

Is it possible to wash your face with holy water?

You can wash your face with holy water - that is, take a little into your palm and wipe your face. But there is no need to wash your face with holy water, as if it were water in a washbasin, splash it in all directions and pour the excess into the sink. This is a shrine, and it should be treated with care.

We need to wash ourselves with holy water not in order, for example, to “remove damage” (as people sometimes think), but in order to come into contact with the source of God’s grace given to us.

Is it possible to wash a child with holy water?

You can wash your child with holy water by gently rubbing a small amount over his face. But this should be done not “from the evil eye,” as parents sometimes think, but with faith that holy water gives us the opportunity to come into contact with God’s grace.

Is it possible to wash an unbaptized person with holy water?

It is possible to wash an unbaptized person with holy water. Anyone who believes in its beneficial effects, but who does not treat holy water as some kind of amulet, can drink or anoint themselves with holy water. Holy water is not a magical medicine, but a shrine, which, if a person himself strives for God, can give him some support on this path.

Is it possible to wash floors with holy water?

You cannot wash floors with holy water. Even old, unsuitable holy water is poured into the so-called “untrodden place,” that is, where no one will walk, where the shrine will not be trampled.

In addition, there is absolutely no need to wash the floors with holy water, especially since any magical actions with a shrine. It is enough to sprinkle a small amount of the room if necessary.

Is it possible to consecrate a cross with holy water?

It is possible and necessary to sanctify the cross with holy water. Usually the consecration is performed by a priest during a water blessing prayer according to a special rite.

Basically, the crosses in church shops have already been consecrated. Crosses found, purchased in secular stores and made to order need to be blessed. Then you need to contact the priest in order to clarify whether the purchased cross corresponds to the Orthodox canons.

If there is no way to ask the priest in the temple to consecrate the cross, then you can sprinkle it with holy water yourself with a prayer for the consecration of any thing:

To the Creator and Creator of the human race, the Giver of spiritual grace, the Giver of eternal salvation, Lord Himself, send Your Holy Spirit with the highest blessing on this thing (this cross), as if armed with the power of heavenly intercession, those who want to use it will be helpful for bodily salvation and intercession and help, in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen. (And sprinkle the item with holy water three times).

Is it possible to have holy water before communion?

They usually do not drink holy water before communion, since it is customary to keep the Eucharistic fast - that is, to abstain from any food and drink from 00.00 o'clock if the Liturgy is in the morning, or for 6-8 hours if the Liturgy is at night. But it happens that a person feels unwell or for health reasons cannot stop drinking at all. In this case, the believer may be allowed to drink a little holy water to maintain strength. But such a decision can only be made with the blessing of the priest!

How long can you store holy water?

You can store holy water for a long time. She has amazing property don't spoil. Thus, believers usually store Epiphany holy water for a whole year, until the next Epiphany. There are cases where holy water remained fresh for several years.

But holy water is a gift that must be used. That is, there is no point in accumulating bottles of water in the house; you need to accept this God's blessing with faith and prayer.

Is it possible to dilute holy water?

You can dilute holy water; even a few drops of holy water impart its properties to a large volume. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to carry huge bottles of holy water home from the temple and fill your containers to the very top, “over the top.”

We need to dilute holy water with prayer and reverence, believing that we are in contact with God's wonderful gift.

Is it possible to consecrate an apartment with holy water yourself?

The consecration of an apartment (house) is a requirement performed by a priest according to the special rite of blessing the home. He says special prayers calling for God's blessing on everyone living in this house. Then the priest prayerfully sprinkles the house with holy water and makes crosses on the walls of the house with blessed oil. The apartment is blessed once (except for special cases).

So you won’t be able to consecrate an apartment on your own without a priest, but you can simply sprinkle holy water on your home. There is even a tradition of doing this, bringing holy water home from the temple on the feast of Epiphany. In this case, you can read the following prayer:

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; just as wax melts in the face of fire, so let demons perish in the face of those who love God and sign the sign of the cross, and say in joy: Rejoice, most honorable one and life-giving Cross Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has fallen into hell and trampled upon you the power of the devil, and who has given us His honorable Cross to drive away every adversary. O most honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

or troparion for the holiday:

In the Jordan I am baptized to You, O Lord,/ Trinitarian adoration appeared:/ For the voice of your parents testified to You,/ naming Your beloved Son,/ and the Spirit in the form of a dove/ made known your word affirmation./ Appear, O Christ God,/ and an enlightened world, glory to You.

Is it possible to put holy water on the floor?

Holy water is not placed on the floor, showing reverence and respect to the shrine. At home it is kept in a specially designated place, often next to icons, and certainly not on the floor. But when a believer pours it in the temple and on the way home, it may happen that he has to put the holy water on the floor. If this is done not with disdain, but forcedly, then there is nothing wrong with it.

Is it possible to give holy water to animals?

You cannot give holy water to animals, because you need to take it with faith and reverence, asking the Lord for forgiveness of sins and liberation from passions. It is unlikely that animals can understand the meaning of this action and feel that they are in contact with a shrine.

You can sprinkle holy water on animals. This tradition has existed since ancient times, when livestock was sprinkled with holy water with prayers, asking the Lord to protect it from pestilence. The disease and death of animals was dangerous for humans because a family without livestock could be left without food.

Can a dog have holy water?

You should not give holy water to your dog. The Gospel says: “Do not give holy things to dogs.” These words are allegorical, but they are based on the realities that existed at that time - in Old Testament times, a dog was considered an unclean animal. Today, the attitude has changed, but according to church canons, animals are still not allowed to enter the church, and this church rule applies primarily to dogs.

It is forbidden to give holy water to a dog to drink, but it is permissible to sprinkle it with prayer, just as Christians sprinkle their home and household items, asking the Lord for help in all their affairs and needs. After all, a dog is often a person’s helper, and you need to treat this God’s creature with love.

Can a cat have holy water?

A cat cannot drink holy water, but it is possible to sprinkle a cat with holy water, as believers often sprinkle everything around them. Christians treat animals with warmth and care, since they are all creatures of God, but not on equal terms. And although many consider cats to be very smart animals, they cannot accept holy water as they should receive a shrine.

Is it possible to take tablets with holy water?

You can wash down the tablets with holy water, but think about why we are doing this. Holy water is a gift from God, and in order to accept it, we need to take our minds off at least for a minute from the everyday bustle, turn to God, and feel His presence in our lives.

Sometimes believers wash down the tablets with holy water when they do not want to break the Eucharistic fast before communion, but need to drink medicine. Sometimes - hoping for God's help in recovery. But under no circumstances should you take the tablets with holy water in the hope that it will enhance their effect. Holy water is not “church medicine”, it is a shrine.

Is it possible to drink holy water every day?

You can drink holy water every day. This action cannot be turned into some kind of magic ritual. Holy water is a gift that strengthens us on our path to the Lord, but its beneficial properties are manifested only when a person accepts this gift with a pure heart, prayer, and a sincere desire to be closer to God.

Is it possible to wash with holy water?

There is absolutely no need to wash with holy water. This is a shrine, and it should be treated with care. They drink holy water, sprinkle it on people, animals, homes, objects, they can anoint themselves with it, but they do not need to wash themselves with holy water.

Holy water is the source of God's grace. But using more of it will not increase grace. One drop is enough if a person’s faith is strong.

Is it possible to drink holy water on an empty stomach?

You can't drink holy water on an empty stomach. But it is still worth remembering, if possible, the pious tradition of consuming it before meals. Two days a year - on the eve of the holiday and on the day of Epiphany itself (January 18 and 19) - everyone drinks holy water without restriction at any time of the day.

At the same time, it is wrong to refuse holy water when there is a need to drink it (in illness, with some kind of mental or spiritual illness, under difficult life circumstances), only because he had already eaten that day. The Divine Service Charter even specifically clarifies that those who refuse holy water only for the reason that they have already “tasted the food” are wrong.

However, we need to understand that we do not drink holy water to quench physical thirst. We come into contact with a shrine that contains the grace of God, capable of helping us quench our spiritual thirst.

Is it possible to add holy water to a bath?

There is no need to add holy water to the bath. There is no point in immersing yourself in holy water in the hope that it will wash away all sins and all illnesses. With God's help, a person can only get rid of sins himself by sincerely repenting of them. Medicine, and not a bath with holy water, helps to get rid of diseases, but the Lord can grant a person healing through his faith and prayers.

To come into contact with God's grace, a drop of holy water is enough. The shrine must be treated with reverence, and it must not be poured down the drain after taking a bath.

Can holy water be added to tea?

You cannot add holy water to tea. Holy water is not a food or flavoring additive, nor a homeopathic medicine. This is a shrine. You should drink it not casually, but at least briefly turning to God, with prayer, with faith that the Holy Spirit Himself came into contact with this water and God’s grace was preserved in it.

How long can you keep holy water at home?

You can store holy water at home for long term. Holy water does not spoil. Typically, Christians keep Epiphany holy water for a year - from Epiphany to the next Epiphany. And water blessed with a small rite on other days of the year can almost always be collected in the temple, so there is no point in saving it for a long time instead of drinking it.

There is no sin in keeping holy water at home for too long. But you need to understand that it is important not to drink water, but to participate in church life, go to church, pray, confess and receive communion. And if a person visits the temple, then he will not have problems replenishing his supplies of holy water.

Is it possible to cook with holy water?

You cannot cook with holy water. This is a shrine, and the attitude towards it should be reverent. Christians believe that during the blessing of water, the Lord Himself blesses the water, imparting His grace to it. And it’s strange to make soup from such a gift from God.

Can a drunk person drink holy water?

There is most often no need for a drunk person to take up holy water. Although there are situations when relatives try to bring a drunken man out of his mind with the help of holy water, and through their prayers and the grace of God, contact with the shrine benefits him, sobers him up, and protects him from committing some greater sin.

Of course, there is no need to go drunk for holy water or plunge into an ice hole on Epiphany night. If a drunk person simply picks up a container of holy water, then he will not “spoil” the shrine. If he took it upon himself to pour it out or commit other blasphemous acts, then this is a sin, and one must try to stop him.

Holy water is a shrine; the grace of God is preserved in it. One must approach the shrine with a sincere desire to live a Christian life.

Is it possible to drink holy water from a bottle?

You should not drink holy water from a bottle. There should be an appropriate attitude towards the shrine, and drinking it “from the throat” will not be very impious. But there are different situations in life, and if a person, with the feeling that he is touching a shrine, still drinks holy water from a bottle, then this will not affect the quality of the water or the quality of his spiritual life.

Can a Muslim drink holy water?

A Muslim by birth, but interested in Christianity, may drink holy water if he does so with faith and due reverence. If a person who considers himself a Muslim wants to turn to Christ and come into contact with the grace that the Lord gives through holy water, then why not? If he is a Muslim who strictly observes all the rules of Islam, he is unlikely to have such a desire. If a person who calls himself a Muslim wants to drink holy water with some evil intent, with ridicule or out of some superstitious ideas, then, of course, this cannot be done.

Is it possible to make holy water at home?

It is impossible to “make” holy water at home. Holy water is water that has been blessed according to the established rite by a priest. Blessing of water can be great or small. Great things happen only twice a year in a church (sometimes on a pond) - on Epiphany Eve (January 18) and on the day of Epiphany itself (January 19). Prayers with a small blessing of water can be performed on almost any day of the year and not only in the temple, but also in other suitable places when circumstances require it. That is, for some reason, a prayer service can take place in a Christian’s home, but the priest will perform the consecration during it, and the Lord God Himself will make ordinary water holy through the prayers of believers.

Prayer for accepting holy water

There is a general prayer for receiving holy water and prosphora. It is read when a Christian just drinks holy water:

Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities, according to Your infinite mercy through the prayers of the Most Pure One Your Mother and all Your saints. Amen.

Blessed water is a church shrine, therefore it must be treated properly.
Unfortunately, many housewives collect water for Epiphany for cooking and bathing children. This should under no circumstances be done. If a person is sick, he should be given it to drink, wet his face, but not wash in it.

You need to store holy water in an appropriate place, preferably next to icons, and under no circumstances in the refrigerator. It is best to collect Epiphany water in glass containers, which must be washed clean.
With reverent attitude, Epiphany water does not bloom or rot for many years. But if this happens (most often due to careless storage or for spiritual reasons), then the water must be poured either into indoor flowers, either under plants outside the city, or into running water.
Under no circumstances should water be used for household needs, given to animals, or poured into the sewer.
Epiphany water is a great shrine, by touching which we touch the Lord himself, Divine grace.

Prayer read while eating prosphora and holy water _________________

“Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities, according to Your infinite mercy through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints. Amen."
Rules for treatment with Epiphany water:

On the night of January 18-19, Orthodox Christians all over the world celebrate one of their most revered holidays - the Baptism of the Lord, also called Epiphany.


So, if you are tormented by illnesses, stock up on healing Epiphany water. This water, collected on the night of January 18-19, from 0:10 am to 1:30 am or a little later, has been considered miraculous since time immemorial. At this time, “the sky opens” and the prayer addressed to God will be heard.

Our grandparents used it for treatment, cleansing, expelling evil spirits and bad thoughts, splashing it on a person’s face or in the corners of the house.

Want to check it out? It is not hard. Just try to do everything exactly according to the rules, carefully preserved in people's memory.


On Christmas Eve, January 18, you cannot eat anything until the first stars appear in the sky. Drink only clean water, try to spend the whole day quietly and calmly, without getting irritated, without entering into conflicts, bring cleanliness and order to the house. In the evening, after the first star, you can have dinner. Prepare glass containers with lids, such as 3-liter jars or bottles. Sterilize them thoroughly.
After 0 hours 10 minutes, fill this container with water from a well, spring or other clean source. You can just do it from the tap. It is advisable to pass it through a cleaning filter, but this is not required condition. Take at least 3 liters and close the jars with lids.

It is better to store Epiphany water in a cool, dark place. And if in the future for some reason you want to pour this water, then under no circumstances pour it into the toilet or sink.

Dilute with plain water and then pour or water the plants (by the way, it has been noted that undiluted Epiphany water has different effects on plants: some bloom, others, on the contrary, die. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and act carefully).


This night, pour yourself with Epiphany water three times or take a bath. Between 0:10 a.m. and 1:30 a.m., fill the bathtub cold water from the tap. Cross the water and yourself three times, read the prayer and hit the chest with the fist of your right hand three times to cause a body vibration that is in harmony with the vibrations of the water.

Then, without screaming or making noise, sit in the bath and plunge your head three times, hitting your chest each time.

Silently leave the bath (if someone else in your household wants to swim in Epiphany water, fill the bath with new water).

Do not dry yourself immediately; let the water absorb into the skin. At this time, perform self-massage or vigorously tap your fingers all over your body from head to toe. Then put on warm clothes, underwear, socks, everything is new and always washed and ironed. Drink herbal tea with honey.


Does cold water scare you? Are you afraid of a cold? Then dilute the cold Epiphany water with hot water to the temperature you can withstand. Children and the elderly can take a warm bath during the day rather than at night, but water still needs to be drawn from 0:10 a.m. to 1:30 a.m.

While bathing, pay attention to how the water behaves in the bath. If, when immersed in it, the water “boils” or bubbles appear, it means that the cleansing process is very active, the evil eye is removed, and negative energy comes out.


Epiphany water stored in glassware, can be used for a year or even. This is a very strong energy water, so drinking it constantly is not recommended. But to take it as a medicine, if you are unwell, add it to the bath (from one teaspoon to one glass per bath), rinse your mouth, wash your face, spray your face, eyes, whole body - it is very useful.

I remind you: there is no need to dry yourself. To cleanse the home, baptism water is sprinkled in the corners of the rooms, and then a small part of the water is poured into glass vessel, without closing the lid, and leave it indoors.

So the Christmastide ends - folk festivals. But they end for a reason, and we receive holy baptismal water as a result of the great purification of water on Earth. Baptism - “immersion in water” - is one of the important Christian sacraments. From January 18 to 19, on Epiphany night, the greatest miracle happens in the world - the Spirit of God descends on all the water on Earth and it becomes healing, bringing harmony.

Doctors don’t even deny Epiphany water. It normalizes the immune, endocrine and nervous system. Heals the brain area and respiratory system. Improves the distribution of energy throughout all organs and systems of the body, improves balance between the right and left sides of the body. There are known cases when a few drops of it, poured into the mouth of an unconscious patient, brought him to consciousness and dramatically changed the course of the disease to improvement. Therefore, the healing power of Epiphany water can be used for the benefit of your invaluable health. To do this, as a preventative measure, take it orally on an empty stomach for all diseases, most often with a piece of prosphora. IN large quantities It is not recommended to drink it every day as Epiphany water is a strong energy water. In the morning you need to get up, cross yourself, ask for a blessing from the Lord for the day that has begun, then wash, pray and take a sip of the great agiasma. If the use of medicines on an empty stomach is prescribed, then first drink holy water, and then the medicines. There is no need to add holy water to medicines; it is better to take medicines with prayer. In fact, it is advisable to start every morning with water to activate the body after sleep.

Women wash themselves with Epiphany water and wipe their entire bodies to make themselves attractive. The clergy recommend sprinkling food with it, and during illness use it as medicine, taking a tablespoon every hour. It is necessary to drink holy water with prayer “so that we may receive from God the power that supports health, heals illnesses, drives away demons and turns away all the slander of the enemy.”

Holy prayer

“Lord, my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities according to Your infinite mercy through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints. Amen".

It is recommended to drink holy Epiphany water for nine days. To relieve headaches or other pains, apply a compress soaked in holy water to the sore spot. It is useful to rinse your mouth with Epiphany water, sprinkle your eyes, face, and whole body.

It is very effective to drink a glass in the morning on an empty stomach, cooled to room temperature boiled water, to which a tablespoon of Epiphany water is added. This procedure is a useful preventive measure and helps remove toxins from the body. If you have conjunctivitis, rinse your eyes with Epiphany water and everything will go away.

Epiphany water is a very good psychotherapeutic remedy for relieving irritability and increased anxiety. After a nervous, hard day, drink 0.5 glasses of holy water, making a mental attitude: “My irritability, tension and anxiety are going away. I am calm,” and you will feel how the tension, irritability goes away, peace and tranquility come.

With the help of Epiphany water they will drive out demons, demons, and evil spirits by sprinkling it on people, homes, furniture, and every thing. If you place a bucket of this water on the negative zone, it will become neutral. But Epiphany water heals only when we drink it with prayer and try to live according to God’s commandments.

True, it is not advisable for women to take Epiphany water on menstrual days. But if a woman is very sick, then this circumstance does not play a big role. May Epiphany water help her!

They also collected snow for Epiphany. According to legend, lowered into a well, it could retain water all year round, even in the driest times. Also, various ailments were treated with this snow: dizziness, convulsions, numbness, etc., girls bleached their underwear for beauty, and women bleached their underwear. And in order to see the Baptism of the Lord in reality, they put a bowl of water on the table and said: “at night the water itself will sway,” - this was a kind of sign. And if at midnight the water in the bowl really swayed, everyone ran to look at the “open heavens” and make a wish. So, whatever you pray for at this time to the open sky, then... Also, everyone believed that on the night of Epiphany, water itself is sanctified in all sources, regardless of church rites, since Christ Himself plunges into it again on this night.

Rules for handling Epiphany water. Epiphany water is a shrine!

Attention!!! It must be remembered that Epiphany water is a shrine touched by the grace of God, and therefore a reverent attitude towards it is necessary. Only with this attitude does it remain fresh and pleasant to the taste for a long time. It is advisable to store it in a dark place, and most correctly under the home iconostasis

You can only pour holy water into a certain place that is not trampled underfoot. Therefore, it is not recommended to pour water into the infant bath. It is better to let your child drink holy water and give him communion regularly. You should not dilute the water in the bathtub with holy water, since after this it is drained into the sewer, and this is simply unacceptable. You should also not water plants with holy water. Some of them simply dry up.

Hundreds of people decide to take the cleansing ice font at Epiphany: after all, Epiphany water washes away the sins a person has committed over the course of a whole year. It is simply impossible to get sick at Epiphany.

We are treated with Epiphany water. How to cleanse yourself with Epiphany water at home?!

But whoever is afraid of the ice font, douse yourself with Epiphany water three times or take a bath. To do this, at 00.10 minutes and until 1.30 minutes, you can fill the bathtub with cold water from the tap. Then, having crossed the water and yourself three times, read the prayer (see above). Then hit your chest with your right fist three times, causing your body to vibrate in harmony with the vibrations of the water.

Without noise or screaming, sit in the bath and plunge your head three times, remembering to hit your chest each time. If during bathing the water begins to “boil” or bubbles form, the purification process is underway, negative energy is released, and the evil eye is removed.

Then silently leave the bath. Don't dry off immediately; let the water soak into your skin. While doing this, massage your body or vigorously tap your fingers from head to toe. Then put on underwear, a warm robe, socks, preferably all new, but washed and ironed. Relax, drink herbal tea with honey.

If one of your loved ones wants to swim in Epiphany water, fill the bath with fresh water.
And if you are afraid of panic cold water? Then dilute the Epiphany water hot water. You can take a bath during the day, but you need to fill it with water at night between 12.10 and half past two.

Do not take Epiphany water in buckets or bottles. You can use a small amount of it before your next Epiphany.

After all, when added to ordinary water, it gives it the same beneficial properties. Therefore, if you have little holy water, add it to plain water - “a drop of holy water sanctifies the sea.” Do not be upset if you did not collect holy water at Epiphany. In every Temple it is always there.

If your baptism water has spoiled, it means you have sinned greatly. Pour it into running water: into a stream, river. When collecting holy water, it is strictly forbidden to swear, quarrel, commit ungodly acts, or entertain bad thoughts. In this case, holy water loses its holiness, and most often is simply poured out.

Therefore, bless the baptismal water and let it bring you healing.

Be healthy!

What should you do at Epiphany and what should you not do? Epiphany prayers. Water spells for well-being.

The word "baptism" is translated from Greek as "immersion." Once upon a time, the Jews, according to the commandment of their God the Father, had to come to the Jordan River and wash away their sins in order to appear before the Messiah renewed and pure. This term was first mentioned in the Bible in close connection with the name of John the Baptist. Further in the article we will understand in detail what needs to be done on Epiphany and how exactly this holiday is celebrated in Russia.

History of the sacrament

According to the plan of God the Father, the Messiah, before beginning his journey dedicated to the salvation of the world, had to, like all Jews, wash himself in the waters of the Jordan. John the Baptist was sent to earth to perform this sacrament. When Jesus was 30 years old, he came to the Jordan River. At first, John the Baptist refused to perform the ceremony, considering himself unworthy. However, Jesus insisted, and the sacrament of Baptism was performed on him. When Christ emerged from the water, the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in the form of a dove. In honor of this event it is celebrated religious holiday Epiphany.

Fasting before Epiphany

First, let's look at what needs to be done before Baptism. eleven holidays Christmas Eve, preceding Epiphany, according to church tradition, is considered fast. That is, at this time you can take any food you want. The last 12th day - the eve of Epiphany itself - is fast. On January 18, you cannot eat fast food, and you are also supposed to pray fervently.

Blessing of water before Baptism

On the eve of the holiday, according to tradition, the church holds a very important preparatory sacrament. On the evening of January 18, at the end of the liturgy, the rite of blessing of water is performed. This tradition also has ancient roots. According to the views of the church, by entering the Jordan, Christ forever sanctified all the water on earth. However, since humanity continues to commit sins, periodic cleansing by the church is still necessary.

Therefore, you can even collect holy water from the tap late in the evening of January 18th. The second great blessing of water takes place on Epiphany itself - during the procession of the cross. what to do at baptism

How is the holiday celebrated?

Now let's figure out what needs to be done at Epiphany. Unlike Christmas, there are no noisy celebrations, songs and dances associated with this holiday. Almost all baptismal rites are based on the tradition of consecrating water in lakes, ponds and rivers. Before Epiphany, a hole in the ice is made in the form of a cross, called the Jordan in memory of past biblical events. The church service in honor of the holiday begins at approximately 12 o'clock at night on January 19 and continues until the morning. You can defend it, or you can just come to the ice hole in the morning. On Epiphany, priests and residents of a city or village gather around it. Usually an ice hole is made at the one closest to the church or locality body of water A procession of the cross takes place around it, and then a prayer service is served. This is followed by the blessing of water. Then the believers collect it directly from the ice hole into the containers they brought with them. Epiphany water is considered healing. It is given to sick family members to drink, pets are treated with it, and premises are sprinkled with it. It is also believed that Epiphany water is capable of driving away evil spirits, removing evil eyes and damage. what to do before baptism

What else should you do on Epiphany?

Modern believers, as in past centuries, very often plunge straight into the ice hole, even despite the frost. Of course, it is not necessary to do this according to church traditions. Typically, such a procedure is performed only by sick people who want to be cured.

Of the healthy people, traditionally only those who have performed any fortune-telling, ceremonies or rituals during Christmas time, dating back to pagan times, are plunged into the ice hole. Blessed water washes away all sins associated with communication with evil spirits.

Of course, you need to be a very brave person to decide to plunge into an ice hole in the cold. However, as many have noticed, not one of those who have ever bathed at Epiphany has ever gotten sick.

What to do after Baptism

After the end of the ceremony, the believers go home, taking with them what they collected from the ice hole into the water. What to do upon arrival from church service? When you come home, you must first sprinkle all the corners in the room with the water you brought. According to the old belief, such an action will help rid the home of negativity and bring order and peace to it. Those who live in the village should also sprinkle everything outbuildings. It would be a very good idea to pour some blessed water into the well. what to do after baptism

There is another pretty interesting tradition. On the eve of Epiphany, especially believers buy a couple of doves somewhere. Having returned from service, they release the birds to freedom. This rite is performed in honor of the descent of the Holy Spirit on Christ during his Baptism in the Jordan. If you have the heart to carry out such a ceremony, it will certainly also be an excellent answer to the question of what needs to be done at the Epiphany of the Lord.

It is traditionally believed that the water in the ice hole, near which the religious procession was held, remains consecrated for another week after the holiday. If desired, you can plunge into it during this time to relieve illnesses and failures.

How not to behave

So, we found out what needs to be done at Epiphany and after it. A believer should fast on May 18 and go to church by 12 o'clock. Now let's see what you absolutely cannot do on this holiday. Let's start with the fact that on Epiphany you should not draw too much water from the ice hole. A can or a couple will be enough plastic bottles. You should also not quarrel or swear during a service, religious procession or prayer service. The collected water should be brought home and used only for treatment and removal of negativity. It must not be diluted with any other liquids. Including ordinary water. This counts bad omen. It is also worth knowing that, due to very ungodly thoughts, Epiphany water brought from the ice hole may, after some time, lose all its healing properties.

Sacrament of Baptism

You now know what to do on Epiphany. Next, we will consider what rules exist for conducting the ceremony of accepting children into Christianity. Baptism, as already mentioned, dates back to ancient times. Go through this ritual in mandatory everyone who wants to become a Christian should. Young children are baptized very often these days. Therefore, below we will give some advice to parents on how to properly prepare for this sacrament, how to behave during it and how after it. baptism of a child what to do


Some time before the appointed day of the sacrament, godparents should be chosen for the baby. These can be absolutely any people, at the parents' choice, except:

  • planning to get married;
  • young children;
  • Gentiles;
  • complete strangers;
  • women who are about to enter their period at the time of the ceremony.

Before the sacrament, the chosen godparents must undergo a three-day fast. They also need to confess and receive communion. The godmother traditionally buys a new shirt or undershirt for the baby, and Godfather- cross. Parents will need to purchase a rizqa. This is the name given to the baptismal swaddling cloth with lace in which the child is received after he is immersed in the vat. The rozqa is not washed after the ceremony. It is folded and put in the closet. Traditionally, it should accompany a Christian throughout his life.

Among other things, parents and godparents must learn the “Creed” prayer. In some churches, after baptism, priests give it to read from a piece of paper, but not in all. You can also make a “cheat sheet” yourself in advance. what to do for the baptism of the Lord

Carrying out the ritual

Now let's see what needs to be done at the Baptism of a child? This sacrament takes place in the following order:

The priest asks questions to the child for whom they must answer God-parents. Next, he anoints the baby with oil. The baptism ceremony itself is carried out. The girl must be brought to the font by the godfather, the boy - godmother. The second godfather takes the child from the hands of the priest after the immersion and dresses him in the purchased shirt. The priest performs the anointing with Chrism. A lock of hair is cut from the baby's head. She is subsequently left in the church. On final stage During the ritual, the prayer “Creed” is recited.

This is how a child is baptized. “What should be done?”, as you can see, the question is not too difficult. Parents just need to choose godparents and tell them what actions will be their responsibilities during the ceremony.

What to do after baptism

After the child officially becomes Orthodox Christian, he will need to receive communion regularly in church. Until the age of seven, this ritual is performed without confession. The sacrament of Baptism of a child itself, of course, should end with a solemn feast at home.

This holiday is actually very important for all Christians without exception - Epiphany on January 19th. You now know what to do on this day according to church tradition. We hope that our article will also help to properly prepare for the Baptism of a child. In any case, on such important sacred days, you need to try to throw away all negative thoughts and tune in only to the good.

What to ask for?

You know, it’s probably more important to understand exactly how to address the Almighty. The fact is that our education, to put it mildly, is far from ideal. Many people think that prayer for Epiphany (January 19) is almost like a magical conspiracy. And they generally don’t delve into the essence of the holiday and the rituals associated with it. It seems to people: you say a few special words at a certain moment, and life will become like in a fairy tale! But prayer is, first of all, the work of the soul. Naturally, it needs to be done. And don’t talk about time and a lot of things to do. You can find a couple of minutes in any bustle and read in detail about the source of the holiday, try to feel the state ordinary person who understood his Divine origin. This will be the preparation. Then any prayer will help. baptism prayer for holy water

For baptism on January 19, in order to answer the question posed, they ask only for good things. That is, it is not recommended to remember plans for revenge or insidious plans. Leave questions of reward and punishment to the Lord. He knows better.

When to pray for Epiphany

The holiday itself lasts the whole day. This confuses some comrades. In fact, it is recommended to pray when the soul is ready for this process. It is useful to go to bed later at night to get water. And they do this just after midnight. There is a legend that is indirectly confirmed by scientists. She talks about the heavens opening at midnight. From there the goodness of the Lord descends to earth. She makes all the waters that are in the open air holy. And science, for those who are interested, confirms this. Water collected on Epiphany night does not spoil. But you and I are wondering what needs to be said when we collect it or plunge into the hole.

Epiphany prayers

It is believed that when bathing you must say “Our Father”.

The process is as follows: go into the water, read a prayer, cross yourself and plunge headlong. This should be repeated three times. And if you don’t have enough health, you can douse yourself in the bathroom. But also pray before that. It would also be good to contact open skies. Say this: “Lord, my protection and support! Strengthen the faith in my soul, help me pass all the tests and appear before Your Throne at the appointed hour! God! Protect from misfortunes and enemy curses, from illness and unbelief, from the passions of the devil and despondency! Amen!" In addition, ask in your own words for what you want. Just remember to have positive intentions. You should not demand punishment from the Almighty for enemies or envious people. He'll figure it out himself.

Prayer for Epiphany using holy water

This ritual helps to bring prosperity into the home. They spend it with holy water. It is collected either in a church or in an open reservoir. At home, pour the water into a bucket. Attach a cross and three lit candles to it. Read these words: “On Epiphany night I will sanctify the house with holy water, I will let the Angels inside. Let them pray to the Most Holy Theotokos to remain here with her kindness. So that the Lord would not reject me, He gave me His intercession and sanctified my soul with the second baptism. Cleanse me from sin, sanctify me with Your light for centuries! Amen!" So let the water sit all night. And in the morning sprinkle all the rooms with it. Store the rest respectfully and carefully. You can drink Epiphany water or wash your face with it when you feel unwell.

Let's talk about conspiracies

People do not only pray at Epiphany. There are many folk traditions that are based on conspiracies. They came to us from our ancestors. Thus, it is believed that a conspiracy to attract money, pronounced on Epiphany night, will help to cope with many problems. Try it yourself, not forgetting the holiness of this holiday. After all, a person builds everyday events with his soul. If you get angry, you won’t expect any good, and vice versa. But you are probably more interested in exactly how to perform the rituals and what to say. Let's look at ways to attract money and good luck.

Conspiracy for Epiphany

On Epiphany night a stream of well-being is created for the whole year. Does it like this. After midnight you need to draw water from an open source. If there isn't one nearby, it doesn't matter. Place a bucket of water outside. And when the time comes, take it home. Take some holy water into a glass (many people perform the ritual with church water). Walk around all the rooms with it in your hands clockwise. Dip your fingers into the water and cross all the corners and openings. Spray the walls and floors while pronouncing the words of the spell. They are as follows: “Holy water came into the house! Joy will not be easy. Prosperity and good luck will be here, no other way! Prosperity will begin to arrive, we will no longer know poverty and evil in the house! Amen!" Don't skimp on the water. Let it remain on the floor and walls. Nothing bad will come from her. And in the morning, be sure to wash your face with the water you collected at night and drink. Keep the rest. When you feel that your wealth is leaving you, spray the house again in a cross shape, reading the words of the conspiracy

To prevent money from being transferred

There is a ritual with coins. They carry it out in different ways. However, in each option there is money conspiracy on Epiphany night. For the whole year, this ritual provides, so to speak, protection of income. For example, if one source dries up, another will appear. Or the one that now exists will become more powerful. Everyone has their own ritual. Practice it yourself and you will see. And you need to collect water from a river or lake immediately after midnight. Bring it home. Throw twelve coins into the container of different denominations. Light the same number of candles, placing them around the container. Say this: “The holiday is great! The moment of the Lord's presence has come! We'll bring holy water to the tower. Along with her, wealth will come to the house. Gold will grow and luck will bloom. I will pray to the Lord and confess my sins. I will invite wealth into the house so that it will remain in it forever! Amen!" Leave the coins in the water until the morning. Then dry and store, do not waste. They will protect you from loss and poverty.


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