What does the abbreviation kiss mean in a business letter? What is IOU? Translation of FYI into Russian

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Translation and meaning of FYI in English and Russian languages

For your information_n. for your information

English-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary, a collection of the best dictionaries. English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries. 2012

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More meanings of the word and translation of FYI from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is the translation of FYI from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for FYI in dictionaries.

  • FYI
    Dictionary English - Merriam Webster
  • FYI - abbreviation for your information
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • FYI - for your information.
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • FYI - just so you know, for your own knowledge (Internet abbreviation)
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • FYI - for your information
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • FYI — ■ abbreviation for your information.
    Concise Oxford English vocab
  • FYI — abbreviation used in writing to mean "for your information"
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • FYI — FYI BrE AmE , fyi (for your information) used especially in short business notes and emails, when you are telling …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • FYI — - Internet abbreviation for for your information: used when you send someone an announcement or tell them something that you …
    Cambridge English vocab
  • FYI - For Your Information
    FOLDOC Computer English Dictionary
  • FYI — For Your Information I wrote FYI on the information bulletin and sent it to the other members of the staff.
    English Idioms vocab
  • FYI - For Your Information G Giga
    Computer Acronyms English vocab
  • FYI - Acronym for "For Your Information"
    English Dictionary of Automotive Terms
  • FYI — For You Indirectly For Your Information Forget You Idiot (polite form) For more possible definitions for FYI, click here …
    Most Common Acronyms and Abbreviations English vocabulary
  • FYI - for your information
    Sean Woo's Finance, GIS and Real Estate English Glossary
  • FYI - For your information. Used in E-mails
    English Glossary of Internet and PC Terminology
  • FYI - (For Your Information) KTY (Kwa Taarifa Yako)
    Kiswahili IT English Glossary
  • FYI - For Your Information
    Acronyms - Misc English vocab
  • FYI - See: For Your Information
    Internetworking Terms English vocab
  • FYI - For your information.
    English Glossary of Computer and Internet Terms
  • FYI - for your information
    Chatroom Directory English vocabulary
  • FYI - For Your Information
    English Chat Abbreviations
  • FYI - (abbreviated network communication) for your information
    English-Russian dictionary Tiger
  • FYI - abbr. from for your information
    English-Russian Dictionary Tiger
  • FYI - FYI
  • FYI - FYI
    English-Russian-dictionary - Bed release
  • FYI - abbr. from for your information; for information
    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
  • FYI - abbr. from For Your Information "for your information" (an Internet e-mail message containing important information and accessible via...
    English-Russian dictionary on computers
  • FYI - abbr. from For Your Information (an email message containing important information and accessible using the command ftp:ds.internic.net/fyi/).
    English-Russian dictionary computer technology and programming
  • FYI - For Your Information (a message in Internet e-mail containing important information and accessible using the command ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Computer Terms

The fashion for abbreviating phrases came to us from foreign languages. This was facilitated by numerous foreign companies that began to open in Russia in Lately. Abbreviations are very convenient to use; with the help of a few letters you can convey the meaning of a phrase that consists of two or more words. The article will discuss the abbreviation FYI. What does this abbreviation mean? Where did she come to us from? What does FYI mean in email correspondence? How does this abbreviation stand for? How and where is it used?

On the Internet, it has now become very fashionable to use abbreviations. This method of transmitting information is used by programmers, office workers, gamers, and forum participants.

Scientists divide abbreviations into abbreviations and acronyms:

  1. The first is when several letters are removed from a word without losing the meaning. For example, a very common one is “cu” - this is nothing more than “see you,” that is, “see you soon.” But it would be correct to write “sy”, but in this case there was a reduction, according to the rules of pronunciation of English words, and spelling was not taken into account at all
  2. The second method of abbreviations is when letters are replaced with numbers. For example, b4, which stands for “before” and is translated “before”.
  • Acronyms are abbreviations that are formed from the first (capital) letters of the words included in the phrase. They are pronounced not by letters, but by the whole word. For example, TBC, which is derived from “to be confirmed” and is translated as “will be approved.”

The fashion for downsizing has become firmly entrenched in the lives of young people. Russian words and phrases began to be written in abbreviations. For example, "TPS", which means in modern language“thank you”, “pzhl” - “please”, “np” - “no problem”. There are also intricate forms of abbreviations, for example “pff” - means a way of expressing emotion, and everyone interprets it in their own way.

The article will discuss one of the English acronyms, its meaning, use and interesting facts. So what does "FYI" mean?

Pronunciation of the word

The use of such English abbreviations in oral speech- a very rare occurrence. But if you suddenly had to do this, then it is better to spell the word, that is, “Ef Vai Ai.” And you shouldn’t modify and come up with your own “creative” options, like “Fooey”. But we are more interested not in the rules of pronunciation, but in what FYI means in a letter, why and why such a mark is placed.

Interpretation of the abbreviation

So what does FYI mean? On English language This abbreviation is derived from the stable expression “for your information,” which translated means “for your information.” There is a version that FYI comes from the expression “for your interest,” that is, “you will be interested” or “you will be interested.”

This abbreviation appeared due to the very frequent use of expressions, the desire to save time and write shorter.

What does FYI mean? This is a mark; it serves to highlight some information that is very important or previously unknown to the reader. That is, FYI has an introductory and cognitive function in the letter.

Examples of using FYI. What does this word mean in business correspondence?

The abbreviation was originally used in emails to attract the recipient's attention.

The FYI mark is used in both business and informal correspondence. It is especially convenient to use it in large texts that are overloaded with information in order to highlight the main points, findings and conclusions.

Gradually, the word FYI began to be used everywhere on social networks, blogs, websites and forums. It has become very common, along with Ps, OK, Re.

But most often this abbreviation is used in business correspondence. What does this mean - FYI - and how to respond to a letter with such a note? Typically, company employees respond to such letters very succinctly - “OK,” which means “the information has been taken into account.” Often this type of correspondence occurs between remote employees or those who are not in the same office.

The abbreviation came to the Russian language from Canada and was initially used only in business correspondence. After a while, it began to be used in correspondence on all social networks, including VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. Gamers often use the abbreviation.

English letters are so firmly entrenched in Internet slang that the English artist TroyBoi dedicated a song to them.

Modern fashionable abbreviations of English phrases

In general, it should be noted that abbreviations in English and other languages ​​are a very popular phenomenon. The purpose of such abbreviations is to simplify and speed up the communication process and to attract the interlocutor’s attention to the necessary information. Typically, the abbreviation FYI is used in the subject line of the email.

Here are the most common abbreviations and their meanings:

  • ATN - means “attention”, which means that the information is very important and needs to be given attention first. Emails marked ATN and FYI must be responded to.
  • TY - a letter with this note means “thank you.”
  • YNK - means "you never know". Most often used in informal communication.
  • LOL means "laugh out loud". A very popular abbreviation among young people.
  • BTW - means "by the way".
  • OMG - used very often on social networks and forums, means “Oh, God!”
  • SY means “see you” or “see you soon.”

These abbreviations are used in emails in the FW or RE column. They carry a semantic load, so it is important to know and correctly understand their meaning.

In the 21st century, brevity has become the closest sister not only to talent, but also a close friend to most Internet users. Brevity is sometimes a close relative of saving time and money. If Pushkin were alive, he would go broke sending sms, write every time “I remember wonderful moment, you appeared before me...” instead of the modern “ILY” (I Love You).

Be sure when sending the next “SY” (see you) that the interlocutor will understand you correctly. We also advise you not to write such messages to older people and do not forget that in oral speech such words sound, at a minimum, strange, and even intimidating for your grandmother.

How not to get lost in the world of abbreviations and acronyms, read below and right now!

The most common and short ones do not need a long introduction. For those whose eyes are bothered by “many letters,” Anglomaniacs have adapted the following spellings of common words:

b- be
asap- as soon as possible
bout- about
C- see
day- they
idk- I don't know
gr8- great
str8- straight
ttyl- talk to you later
wht- what
w8 - wait
u2- you too
gd- good
luv- love
n- and
r- are
1t- want
2 - too, to
2day- today
4 - for

Do you still think that IMHO is a brutal “I have an opinion, you can’t argue with it”? Then we come to you with clarifications. The Russian “IMHO” has become an echo of the English “IMHO”, which is not at all distinguished by pretentious insolence, but politely reminds that it is only “in my humble opinion” - “In My Hummble Opinion”. The abbreviation "FYI" (For Your Information) means "for your information."

This is not a clothing or car brand. There is no brand of anything here at all: the familiar expression of gratitude “thank you” from childhood is reduced by Russian-speaking abbreviation lovers to “SPS”, while English-speaking “thanks” is most often converted to “tnx”, “thx” or “thanx”. “Thank you” is often written with the acronym “ty”, which has nothing in common with the Russian “you”.

“LOL” has nothing in common with the similar-sounding Russian word. This is just an acronym for “laughing out loud” or “lots of laughs,” which literally translates as “laughing out loud.” Be careful, because some may interpret an innocent “LOL” as a stupid laugh like “gee-gee-gee” or a skeptical “ha-ha, how funny.”

NP and YW
Polite people respond to “thank you” with “please.” In the whirlpool of events, the solemn “You"re welcome” is shortened to “yw” - “you are always welcome” or “contact.” “NP” has nothing to do with what you already thought about in Russian - just a light and carefree “no problem" - "you're welcome", "no problem".

Let's continue the lesson of English computer-sms politeness: “PLZ” and “PLS” stand for “please” / “please”.

What does XOXO mean?
“XOXO” is not the laughter of good Santa. Use as much imagination as you need to understand Malevich’s “Black Square”. “XOXO” is a symbolic image of the action “hugs and kisses,” which in Russian sounds like “kiss and hug.” Where is the logic? The letter “X” resembles lips folded in a bow and means a kiss. Some people consider the “X” to be a symbol of two people kissing, then the left and right halves are represented as separate lips. The letter "O" symbolizes an embrace between kissers.

Do you know what it's like to laugh until your abdominal muscles hurt? Figuratively speaking, rolling on the floor laughing. In English "ROFL" means the same thing: Rolling On the Floor Laughing.

You don’t understand what’s happening, you’re taken aback by what you see, you’re sincerely perplexed? "WTF" to help you! The phrase “What the fuck?” translates as “what the hell? ” or even “what the hell?”, having compact version"wtf"

This phrase can accommodate a huge range of emotions from joy to disgust. "OMG" stands for "Oh, my God!" or “Oh my God!” in Russian.

Your lively conversation is interrupted phone call? And “no time to explain, I’ll be there soon” is packaged in three letters “brb” - short for the phrase “be right back”. Thus, the interlocutor reports that he left, but promised to return. Usually after “brb” they write the reason for absence, for example: “brb, mom's calling” or “brb, someone at the door.”

The already short word “Really”, meaning “truth”, “really”, began to be shortened in messages to “RLY”. Perhaps, so as not to once again make a mistake in the number of letters “l” in a given word?

By the way, the acronym “BTW” stands for “By The Way” or “by the way” :)

AFK or g2g
Are you facing a temporary separation from your favorite computer? Need to look up from your keyboard? Hurry up to communicate this in 3 characters "AFK" (Away From Keyboard) or "g2g"/"GTG" (Got To Go) - it's time to go.

Do you want to express your opinion with some uncertainty? Then feel free to use the tactful acronym “AFAIK” (As Far As I Know), which in Russian sounds like “as far as I know.”

The hard rock band AC/DC and the official physics abbreviation “alternating current/direct current” can go rest for now. In slang the expression " AC/DC" means bisexual. The reduction added scandalous rumors about the members of the famous group. If you're interested in another slang expression for the word "bisexual" in America, here it is - "each way."

Is there an incomprehensible “BYOB” at the bottom of the party invitation? The owners politely warn: the appetizer is at their expense, but take care of the drink yourself. "Bring Your Own Bottle" means "bring your own bottle."

Do you see a friend with his trousers unzipped? Tell him "XYZ" and he will understand. "XYZ" - instead of a thousand words. Translated as “Examine Your Zipper” or “check the zipper on your fly.”

“SY” is not “si” or “su”, but a farewell phrase “See you!” or in English “See You”. Why bother with the whole 6 characters? “SY” or “CYA” or even “CU” is just right!

We hope the article clarified for you what you have long wanted to ask the all-knowing Google, but did not dare to spend a couple of minutes. Abbreviations and acronyms, like everything in this world, are good in moderation. THX, GTG, SY!

For most people who are over 30 years old, and for those who are much younger than this category of the population, modern borrowed (most often from English) expressions in the field of Internet resources are incomprehensible. Rather, we can say that these buzzwords, abbreviations and other designations throw inexperienced users into shock, making them feel out of place or feel unnecessary pressure of age. This strength lies in the omission of something important, laziness, lack of youthful courage and the desire to improve. However, everything can be fixed, you just have to show a little interest and desire to keep up with the times, and with the youth, of course.


The topic that we will discuss today will concern three mysterious and incomprehensible letters. Moreover, these are not at all the letters that some inquisitive readers were thinking about at this moment, and others - How to decipher a three-letter rebus? Where can such a combination be used (so that it is appropriate)? The answers to all these questions are below.

Let's sort it out in order

In order to understand what FYI means, you need to go back to the very beginning. People have always written letters to each other: first with pen on paper, then with a fountain pen, and then via the Internet. By the way, the electronic version of correspondence has been familiar to you and me for a long time, and even people of the older generation skillfully use these benefits of civilization.

How P.S. stands for is no longer a secret to anyone, but what FYI means is a more difficult task. It seems that those who received a letter marked with these three letters for the first time had to rack their brains a lot about the meaning before understanding the meaning. And it is quite simple. The abbreviation FYI means that the interlocutor simply wants to draw your attention to the information written after it. In other words, the three-letter designation encourages you to read your opponent’s opinion, but not do anything about it. If such an explanation is not completely clear, then we will talk in more detail about decoding FYI in the next paragraph of the article and show with an example in which case it is most appropriate to use it.

From English with a specific meaning

Let's look at three foreign words:

  1. For, which can be translated from English as "for" or "to".
  2. Your - “yours”, “yours”.
  3. Information, literally meaning “information” and sometimes interest (“interesting”).

So, the capital letters of these English words, that is, FYI, means that the interlocutor made a note with the meaning “for your information” or “you might be interested in.” Let's look at a live example. Let’s say two friends are texting, whom we’ll call √1 and √2.

√1: Hello, did you see the new Mercedes at the car exhibition?

√2: Hello! FYI, it has 306 horsepower...

From this simple example you can easily understand what FYI means in a letter. Moreover, this meaning remains unchanged both in friendly correspondence and in business. Use it in communication through letters - the best option and the most acceptable.

At first, the abbreviation FYI, which migrated into our lives from Canada, was used only in electronic correspondence. But then it began to be used almost everywhere, including Viber, WhatsApp and even VKontakte. And also thanks to the fact that three english letters so firmly entrenched in the Internet Olympus, some musical groups began to dedicate songs to them. Among the pioneers is London-based artist TroyBoi.

- Everything is fine, thank you!

- Please.

Example: MYOB = mind your own business (mind your own business)

Below you will find a whole list of English abbreviations (in SMS, social networks, forums). Study it thoroughly to understand what English-speaking interlocutors want from you.

As a preface: colloquial abbreviations in English

Of course, it is advisable to use abbreviations of English words only in informal correspondence (personal messages, chats). At the same time, there is a known case when a 13-year-old girl wrote a school essay, almost entirely based on English abbreviations. Here is an excerpt from it, try to read and understand the meaning of what is written:

My smmr hols wr CWOT. B4, we used 2go2 NY 2C my bro, his GF & thr 3:- kids FTF. ILNY, it's a gr8 plc.

Happened? Now read the “translation”:

My summer hols (abbreviated as holidays) were a complete waste of time. Before, we used to go to NY (New York) to see my brother, his girlfriend and their 3 kids face to face. I love New York, it’s a great place.

As you see, English abbreviations built on the letter:

  • on the use of numbers (4, 8)
  • on letter names (R = are, C = see)
  • on vowel ejection (smmr = summer)
  • on acronyms - a type of abbreviation formed by initial letters (ILNY = I love New York).

So, let's move on to our dictionary of English abbreviations.

His Majesty Slang: deciphering English abbreviations

The article will indicate the translation of abbreviations from English into Russian. But where additional clarification is required, we will provide that too. Enjoy!

0 = nothing

2 = two, to, too (two, preposition to, too)

2DAY = today (today)

2MORO / 2MROW = tomorrow (tomorrow)

2NITE / 2NYT = tonight (tonight, tonight)

2U = to you (to you)

4U = for you (for you)

4E = forever

AFAIK= as far as I know (as far as I know)

ASAP = as soon as possible (at the first opportunity, as soon as possible)

ATB = all the best (all the best)

B = to be

B4 = before (before)

B4N = bye for now (bye, see you)

BAU = business as usual (idiom meaning that things continue as usual despite the difficult situation)

BBL = to be back later (come back later, be later)

BC = because (because)

BF = boyfriend (young man, guy, boyfriend)

BK = back (back, back)

BRB = to be right back (back soon). For example, you are “chatting” with someone, but forced to leave for a while. BRB (back soon), - you write, and go about your business.

BRO = brother

BTW = by the way (by the way, by the way)

BYOB / BYO = to bring your own booze, to bring your own bottle (“with your own alcohol”). Indicated on the invitation when the party host will not provide drinks for guests. By the way, the band System Of A Down has a song B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Bombs instead of Bottle).

C = to see

CIAO = goodbye (goodbye, bye). This abbreviation for correspondence in English is derived from Italian Ciao(and it is pronounced exactly like this - ciao).

COS / CUZ = because (because)

CUL8R = call you later / see you later (I'll call you later / see you later)

CUL = see you later (see you later)

CWOT = complete waste of time

D8 = date (date, date)

DNR = dinner

EOD = end of debate. Used during an argument when you want to stop it: That's it, EOD! (That's it, let's stop arguing!)

EZ = easy (easy, simple, convenient)

F2F / FTF = face to face (face to face)

F8 = fate

FYI = for your information

GF = girlfriend (girlfriend)

GMTA = great minds think alike (the saying “Great minds think alike”). Something like ours “fools think alike” just the other way around :)

GR8 = great (wonderful, excellent, etc.)

GTG = got to go (got to go)

HAND = have a nice day (have a nice day)

HB2U = happy birthday to you (happy birthday)

HOLS = holidays (vacation, vacation)

HRU = how are you (how are you? How are you?)

HV = to have

ICBW = it could be worse (could be worse)

IDK = I dont know (I don’t know)

IDTS = I don’t think so (I don’t think so, I don’t think so, I don’t agree)

ILU / Luv U = I love you (I love you)

IMHO = in my humble opinion (in my humble opinion). Expression has long migrated to our Internet in the form of transliteration IMHO.

IYKWIM = if you know what I mean (if you know what I mean)

JK = just kidding (just kidding, it's a joke)

KDS = kids

KIT = to keep in touch (stay in touch)

KOTC = kiss on the cheek (kiss on the cheek)

L8 = late (late, recently, recently)

L8R = later

LMAO = laughing my ass out (so funny that I laughed off my ass).

LOL = laughing out loud (the meaning is identical to the previous one). This popular English abbreviation is also borrowed from our Internet slang in the form of transliteration LOL.

LSKOL = long slow kiss on the lips (French kiss)

LTNS = long time no see (long time no see)

Example from stickers for Viber

Luv U2 = I love you too (I love you too)

M8 = mate (buddy, friend, dude). Slang word mate- about the same as dude (dude, boy, etc.): Hey, mate, what’s up? (Hey man, how's it going?)

MON = the middle of nowhere (idiom meaning “very far away, in the middle of nowhere”)

MSG = message (message, message)

MTE = my thoughts exactly (you read my thoughts, I think exactly the same)

MU = I miss you (I miss you)

MUSM = I miss you so much (I miss you very much)

MYOB = mind your own business (mind your own business, don’t meddle in other people’s business)

N2S = needless to say (it goes without saying, it’s obvious that...)

NE1 = anyone (anyone, anyone)

NO1 = no one (nobody)

NP = no problem (no problem, no problem)

OIC = oh, I see (I see; that's it). Used in a situation when you want to show your interlocutor that you understand the subject of the conversation.

PC&QT – peace and quiet (peace and quiet). An idiom that is most often used in the context of wanting more peaceful life: All I want is a little peace and quiet (All I want is a little peace and quiet).

PCM = please call me (please call me)

PLS = please (please)

PS = parents

QT = cutie

R = are (form of verbs to be)

ROFL / ROTFL = rolling of the floor laughing (rolling on the floor laughing)

RUOK = are you ok? (Are you okay? Is everything okay?)

SIS = sister

SKOOL = school (school)

SMMR = summer

SOB = stressed out bad (feel very stressed)

This video has subtitles.

SOM1 = someone

TGIF = thank God it’s Friday (Thank God, today is Friday)

THX = thanks

THNQ = thank you (thank you)

TTYL = talk to you later (let's talk later)

WAN2 = to want to (want)

WKND = weekend

WR = were (form of the verb to be)

WUCIWUG = what you see is what you get (what you see is what you get)

The phrase was used for creative posters for Heinz ketchup

The expression has several meanings:

  1. Property application programs or web interfaces in which content is displayed as it is edited and looks as close as possible to the final product (more details).
  2. A definition that is used when the speaker wants to show that there is nothing hidden, there are no secrets or pitfalls.

Can be used as a definition an honest and open person:

He is a what-you-see-is-what-you-get kind of person. (He is a “what you see is what you get” type of person)

The idiom can also be used, for example, by salespeople in a store when they assure us that the product we are buying is looks the same as on the display:

The product you are looking at is exactly what you get if you buy it. What you see is what you get. The ones in the box are just like this one. (If you buy this product, you will receive exactly what you see now. The items in the boxes are exactly the same as this one).

X = kiss

XLNT = excellent (excellent, excellent)

XOXO = hugs and kisses (hugs and kisses). More precisely, “hugs and kisses”, if you follow Internet trends :)

YR = your / you’re (your / you + form of the verb to be)

ZZZ.. = to sleep (sleep) The abbreviation is used when a person wants to show the interlocutor that he is already asleep / falling asleep.

Finally: how to understand modern abbreviations in English

As you can see, all English abbreviations on the Internet follow a certain logic, the principles of which we discussed at the beginning of the article. Therefore, it is enough to “scan through them with your eyes” several times, and you will easily be able to use and, most importantly, understand them. CUL8R, M8 :)


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