What does the name Rais mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and destiny. The meaning of the male name Rais

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The male name Rais has Arabic roots and means “chief”, “leader”. It is found not only in Arab countries, but also among the Uzbeks and Tatars, however, with the meaning “warlike”. In Russia, the name Rais is rare.

Characteristics of the name Rais

Rais's character is, as a rule, freedom-loving, but overall quite pleasant. IN childhood is energetic, curious and very smart child, who uses charm in every possible way in order to extract all sorts of benefits for himself. His kindred spirits dote on this boy, and he also doesn’t cause his parents much trouble, since he obeys them in everything, loves to help with housework, and is very independent in everyday life. Adult Rais is also very independent, and also freedom-loving, law-abiding and upholding justice. Most often, he automatically takes the place of a leader in his environment, as he simply radiates self-confidence, inner strength, and also has the gift of an organizer. He is very sociable, so he has many friends. But he has few real friends, since Rais is not ready to open his soul to everyone.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Rais is suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign Aries, that is, from March 21 to April 20. Aries is similar to Rais in that he always fights against injustice, values ​​comfort, and feels even more than he thinks. Under its influence, the owner of this name will be impulsive, direct, optimistic, generous and enterprising.

Pros and cons of the name Rais

What positive and negative aspects can be noted in the name Rais? A definite advantage of this name is its rarity and unusual sound, although this same fact may seem like a disadvantage to many parents. And yet, the name Rais combines quite successfully and interestingly with Russian surnames and patronymics, has several harmonious abbreviations and diminutions (for example, Rai, Raisik, Raichik), and the character of most owners of this name leaves behind more pleasant than unpleasant impressions.


Rais's health is quite good. He is energetic and resilient, but may have metabolic problems or skin diseases.

Love and family relationships

Rais finds it difficult to see himself in family relationships, so he may be married several times. The owner of this name always shows some independence, which does not allow him to create a warm, sincere relationship with his wife. But he loves children very much and never leaves them without his care and attention.

Professional area

IN professional field Rais can prove himself as a talented engineer, architect, carpenter, military man, cook, massage therapist, accountant, entrepreneur.

Name day

Rais does not celebrate her name day, since this name is not on the church calendars.

IN early childhood Rais suffers from respiratory diseases, but even with high temperature you can't keep him in place. Very mobile, energetic, restless. He is interested in everyone, sticks his nose in everywhere. He often hurts himself and gets burned, but he still has to check everything himself; does not react to prohibitions, although he respects the opinions of his parents. Smiling, friendly baby.
IN adolescence There are more worries with him: he always defends justice, he will never remain silent if someone has been wronged undeservedly. Rais is an average student, although he is very smart and quickly grasps everything. He gives preference to subjects that interest him more than others, and pays little attention to the rest. It is enough for him to listen to the teacher in class to be ready to answer; he does not study at home. He is well versed in technology and loves to tinker. His hands are golden; this quality lasts for life.
Adult Rais knows how to do everything around the house himself, but does not bother himself much if he is financially secure. He has an inventive, tenacious mind, an enterprising and calculating nature. Rais will not do anything without first thinking it through, without calculating all the options. He is a leader in any team; friends and colleagues willingly recognize his leadership, because they all benefit from it. Rais's biggest drawback can be considered uncompromisingness. He makes concessions with great difficulty if he knows that, in his opinion, this does not have good reasons. He is very picky about partners, appreciates the good attitude of old and trusted friends, and makes new acquaintances carefully. He has many friends, but only lets selected, time-tested people get close to him. You shouldn’t prove your loyalty to him, he doesn’t tolerate it. He himself determines who is his friend and who is his enemy. Rais is lenient with his enemies, he will not interfere with them, he simply becomes more vigilant.
Raisa's character is freedom-loving and independent; he does not tolerate any kind of prohibitions or restrictions in the choice of actions, but he himself does not violate the laws or the framework of morality. With women, Rais is polite and helpful, but does not give any of them hope for something serious. He manages his own life and does not allow anyone to interfere with it. He is very sexy, can satisfy the needs of the most demanding woman, but will never give her a reason to hope for something more than a friendly relationship.
In his personal life, Rais is not always successful, he may be in several marriages, but he loves their children equally, cares equally, and tries to help arrange his personal life.
Short form of the name Raisa. Raya, Raechka, Rayusya, Rayusha, Russia, Isa, Raiska.
Synonyms for the name Raisa. Raisya, Raisa, Raisat, Raisat.
Origin of the name Raisa. The name Raisa is Russian, Orthodox, Muslim, Greek.

The name Raisa has several versions of origin. According to one of them, the name has Greek origin. IN Orthodox calendar The name Raisa corresponds to the name Iraida, so it is possible that Raisa is one of the forms of the name Iraida.

According to another version of the origin, perhaps the name Raisa has Arabic roots, coming from the Arabic “rais” - “chief”, “leader”. Among the Tatars, a variant of this name is used - Raisya.

At first glance, Raisa is an angel in the flesh, she looks so charming, calm and sympathetic. In fact, Raisa’s character resembles flint - practical, independent, efficient, wise, decisive, independent, but irritable and hot-tempered. Raisa has the ability to calm quarrels and conflicts, she looks at life soberly, you will never find emptiness in her actions, she does everything as it should. Raisa's temperament is choleric, but she knows how to keep her feelings and emotions in check.

The most important thing in Raisa’s life is work. She has an enviable ability to work and loves to teach everyone. That is why the best professions for this woman will be a teacher or educator. Raisa, born in winter, can try his hand at programming and mathematics. A woman named Raisa will make an excellent tour guide, journalist, medical worker. In professional relationships, Raisa considers her colleagues to be serious opponents, and sometimes even enemies. Purposeful, she always achieves her goals. Raisa is independent in her judgment and will never bend to people who are higher in rank than her. This woman is very reliable and always finishes what she starts.

In family relationships, Raisa, as a rule, occupies a dominant position. This is a neat housewife whose home will always be cup full. She is an excellent cook and enjoys taking care of her children. IN good relations with all my loved ones, even my mother-in-law. Raisa will be a faithful and devoted wife who will never forgive her partner for deception; her developed intuition allows her to accurately distinguish lies from the truth. She will not deceive and dodge herself, preferring to simply remain silent. Raisa knows how to understand her husband at a glance; one glance is enough for her to guess state of mind partner. If family relationships do not go well, it means that Raisa’s husband is to blame, since she herself does everything possible for peace in the family. IN family life Raisa is a typhoon, her capabilities have no limits. In relationships, he seeks variety and new sensations, often making up for the shortcomings of his emotional life in this way.

Living next to Raisa is quite difficult; her despotic character often leads to the fact that those around her try to communicate with her as little as possible. Raisa experiences open hostility towards women, and sometimes even aggressiveness. Raya is usually friendly with her loved ones, but as long as her interests are not infringed. Raisa's environment consists of people whom she can use for her own purposes. Raisa's husband and relatives must come to terms with her unpredictability in behavior. Provided that those around her respond to Raisa’s friendliness with the same warmth, she will always be attentive to them.

Raisa's name day

Raisa celebrates her name day on March 18, August 7, September 5, September 18, September 23, October 6.

Famous people named Raisa

  • Raisa of Alexandria, Iraida of Alexandria, Antinopolis (martyr)
  • Raisa Gorbacheva (wife of USSR President M. Gorbachev)
  • Raisa Lemberk (née Lifshits; Russian writer, publicist, translator, wife of translator Mikhail Lemberk)
  • Raisa Akhmatova ((1928 - 1992) Chechen and Russian poetess, People's poetess Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1977))
  • Raisa Kudasheva ((1878 - 1964) Russian and Soviet poetess, writer; author of the lyrics of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)
  • Raisa Lintser (Russian translator, specialist in Spanish and French literature)
  • Raisa Etush ((born 1955) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia)
  • Raisa Mamentyeva ((1927 - 2001) Soviet basketball player, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1952), four-time European champion (1950, 1952, 1954, 1956), USSR champion)
  • Raisa Struchkova ((1925 - 2005) Russian Soviet ballet dancer, People's Artist of the USSR (1959))
  • Raisa Bogatyreva (nee Laktionova; Ukrainian politician and statesman)
  • Raisa Mukhametshina (parodist)
  • Rita Wright-Kovalyova ((1898 - 1989) real name - Raisa Chernomordik; Russian Soviet writer and translator. In her translation in the USSR, Russian versions of many works by G. Böll, F. Kafka, J. Salinger, W. Faulkner, Kurt first appeared Vonnegut, Nathalie Sarraute, Anne Frank. Translated into German Vladimir Mayakovsky (including “Mystery-bouffe”). Author of the artistic biography “Robert Burns” (1959), memoirs of Mayakovsky, Khlebnikov, Akhmatova and Pasternak.)
  • Raisa Sazonova ((born 1931) film actress)
  • Raisa Aronova ((1920 - 1982) senior pilot of the 46th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Taman Red Banner Regiment (325th Night Bomber Aviation Division, 4th Air Army, 2nd Belorussian Front), Guard Lieutenant)
  • Raisa Frichinskaya ((1924 - 2010) editor of the Soyuzmultfilm film studio, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR (1987))
  • Raisa Kotova ((born 1939) Russian singer, mezzo-soprano, in last years- contralto)
  • Raisa Kirichenko ((1943 - 2005) famous Ukrainian singer)
  • Raisa Bloch ((1899 - 1943) married to Gorlin; poetess of Russian emigration, wife of the poet Mikhail Gorlin)
  • Raisa Borovikova (Belarusian writer and poetess, Chief Editor literary magazine "Maladosts"
  • Raisa Shabanova (Russian radio presenter)
  • Raisa Oblonskaya ((1924 - 2010) full name - Volshonok-Oblonskaya; Russian writer, translator from in English, Member of the USSR Writers Union (1964))
  • Raisa Belyaeva (née Gurina; Ukrainian writer, memoirist and film critic)
  • Raisa Esipova ((1906 - 2004) Soviet theater and film actress)
  • Raisa Ryazanova (Russian actress, Honored Artist of Russia (1993), People's Artist of Russia (2005))

According to the first version, female name Raisa comes from the Arabic word "rais" and means "boss" or "leader". According to the second, this is a variant of the name Iraida, which, translated from ancient Greek, takes on the meaning of “heroine” or “daughter of a hero.”

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Virgo
  • Patron Planet: Mercury
  • Talisman stone: sapphire
  • Color: gray
  • Wood: pine
  • Plant: tulip
  • Animal: lark
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

As a child, Raisa is a quiet girl who prefers quiet activities. She almost never takes part in noisy games and is not the leader in children's tricks and pranks. However, with her departure, all games stop, and the company goes home. There is something about a girl with this name that attracts others to her. From a very early age she is distinguished by her independence and self-confidence. She is able to argue even with elders. Confidently defends his innocence. If someone allows himself to treat her rudely and infringes on her rights, he may be rude in response.

The secret of the name Raisa hides a realist who looks at life soberly and does not harbor any illusions in relation to others. This is a very practical person. She rarely has her head in the clouds, preferring to do real things. When communicating with loved ones, he absolutely cannot tolerate omissions and lies. To deceive Raya means to lose a friend in her forever. TO negative traits girls can be attributed to excessive vindictiveness. She remembers insults for a very long time and almost never forgives her offenders.

Autumn Raisa cannot get married for a long time. This especially applies to those born in September. Winter often finds herself involved in numerous problems of her relatives, which she is forced to solve even to her own detriment. Born in the spring, she is overly vulnerable and withdrawn. As for the summer one, she is usually a wonderful housewife and wife.

Interests and hobbies

Raisa has an analytical mind. She is calm and assiduous. Thanks to these features, she is good at exact sciences. She often chooses handicrafts as a hobby, and those that require a lot of attention and perseverance - for example, knitting or beadwork.

Profession and business

Raisa can choose any profession - from a saleswoman in a store to a programmer. It all depends on life circumstances and the education received in youth. If necessary, even with higher education, may agree not very much prestigious job(if they pay well for it). This shows the practicality of a woman with this name. She would never allow her children to have nothing to eat.


Raisa may have problems with her kidneys and pancreas. She needs to monitor her diet, avoiding excessive consumption of fried and fatty foods. Obesity is another problem that often overtakes her in adulthood. With the birth of a child, she often gains extra pounds, which can be very difficult for her to get rid of.

Sex and love

Raisa is a passionate and temperamental lover. But at the same time, he approaches the choice of a sexual partner with great caution. Most often, it turns out to be only the person she would agree to marry. If she makes a mistake in choosing such a man, then she endures personal disappointment in her soul for a very long time and does not trust others. The next gentleman must seriously try to make the owner of this name believe in feelings.

Family and marriage

Raisa is usually a patient and devoted wife, faithful to her husband. She can put up with her husband’s stinginess and even despotism, adapting to his difficult character. Family relationships very important to her. No matter what happens to the spouse: loss of job or serious illness, he will always find support and consolation in his wife. Raya can get a divorce only as a last resort. In a marriage, she often has two children, and usually boys are born.

It is important for you to stand out from the crowd. However, you should not use flashy colors or flashy accessories for this. This should not be understood in the sense that bright, cheerful colors are not for you. It’s just that the general style of clothing should be correct, good taste, and respectable. Clothing should be of high quality and fit you well. Appearance, meeting these criteria, inspires favor and trust. These principles should be followed not only in the process of assembling your wardrobe, but also when choosing the design and furnishings for your home or office.

Compatibility of the name Rais, manifestation in love

Love for you is an urgent, everyday necessity, sometimes unconscious. Therefore, your attitude towards your partner is dominated by tenderness, often quite burdensome, and caring, sometimes bordering on obsessive servility. However, you remain in unshakable confidence that you are doing everything right and demand an adequate, from your point of view, reaction to your actions - gratitude and admiration. Rais, you are easily vulnerable, suspicious and touchy, often getting into a state of irritation for no apparent reason. When your partner is not “within reach” for a long time, you experience a feeling of abandonment, uncertainty that you are happy. All you really need is to find a person who will appreciate both your touching affection and your selfless devotion. Then the union will be long-lasting and harmonious.


You are attracted to beauty and harmony in all its forms. Therefore, the fundamental basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to keep them around you. Consequently, any actions that may result in a violation of the usual order of things are contrary to your nature.

But you won’t “fight” with someone who is trying to create such an imbalance. A “bad peace” is always “better than a good quarrel” for you, which means you should turn an enemy into a friend, showing tact and diplomacy.

And there is nothing surprising in the fact that you have many friends, but practically no enemies. You are always able not only to find a compromise solution, but also to “awaken the best feelings” in a person who is negatively disposed towards you.

However, simply knowing what to do in a given situation is not a choice. Opinion must be supported by action. And this is where your indecision often lets you down. This is not timidity or fear of consequences. Just hesitation in the search process the best option. Life experience will help you get rid of them.


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