What does the little finger on the hand mean? Decoding by phalanges

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Many people know that the lines of the hand carry certain information, which palmists have learned to decipher over time. But we often forget that the shape of the hand, the position of the fingers, their shape and flexibility, length and width are no less informative. So what can our fingers tell us? Today we will look at the smallest of the fingers - little finger.

In palmistry, the fifth finger or little finger, as well as the hill below it, as well as the line to it, are attributed to the planet Mercury. As you know, the first planet from the Sun was named after one of the gods of the Roman pantheon because it moves faster than other planets across the sky. In my deep conviction, in order to correctly understand the influence of this planet on us, and therefore, to understand the information that the little finger carries, it is necessary to find out mythical meaning god Mercury (Hermes). This helps not only to correctly understand the meaning of this finger, but also to remember its main qualities.

Mercury was the god of merchants and trade as such. More telling is the value greek god Hermes is the patron of trade, profit, rationality, dexterity, trickery, deception, theft and eloquence, giving wealth and income in trade, the god of athletes. In addition, he is credited with the discovery of measure, alphabet and number, which he taught to people. This is the essence of the Mercury finger. Indeed, from this finger one can tell about a person’s relationship with the outside world, a craving for freedom, enterprise, perception of information, the gift of eloquence, success in science, as well as deceit, fraud and theft (according to myths, Hermes committed his first theft while still in diapers) . In addition, the little finger shows how important sexual life is for a person, the diversity in it (Hermes is a phallic deity, often depicted by herms - pillars with a human head and a phallus at the bottom of the pillar).

The main indicators of the little finger are length, shape, phalangeal ratio, and fit on the palm.


The little finger should reach the nail phalanx of the ring finger. With such a length, the Mercury finger shows the eloquence of a person, he will not be talkative, and will be harmonious with others.
A long little finger (reaches the middle of the nail phalanx of the ring finger) indicates incredible eloquence, the importance of communication for a person, and social looseness. Therefore, such people will willingly become politicians, diplomats, and lawyers. Besides, long finger Mercury carries the ability for scientific activities and business. But excessive finger development may also indicate negative qualities- talkativeness, resourcefulness, sexual perversion.

Short little finger(does not reach the nail phalanx of the nameless) expresses the opposite qualities - problems with a sense of humor and communication, learning is difficult for such people. If the little finger is significantly short, that is, it barely reaches the middle of the second phalanx of Apollo or even less, and if it is also set low, this is a clear sign of a person’s immaturity, and this immaturity can manifest itself in many ways and differently for each person. It is difficult for such a person to restrain his own emotions.

As for the position of the little finger, if it joins the palm below the other fingers by about half of the phalanx, this indicates a person’s complexes, most often manifested in the sexual sphere, the reason for this may be childhood complexes or difficult relationships with parents.


Mercury is responsible for the speed of information perception; an indicator of this quality is the thickness of the little finger. So, if the finger is thickened, it is difficult for a person to quickly perceive information; it takes him more time to do so.

Often on the Mercury finger you can notice a bend towards the ring finger, less often towards the edge of the palm. A curved little finger towards the ring finger speaks of cunning, resourcefulness, diplomacy, and the ability to find a way out. difficult situation, knows how to solve problems of others, help.

If the bend of the little finger is directed towards the outer edge of the palm, the person is active, gifted, but often fussy, although independent, does not try to impose his opinion on others.

Speaking about the shape of the finger, do not forget about the generally accepted classification of nail phalanges. Thus, people with a spade-shaped little finger are realists, pursue economic interests, are self-confident and ready to act.

An angular little finger indicates prudence and common sense; such people are good managers and organizers.
The conical finger of Mercury reveals a person striving for self-realization, dexterous, but with a strong pointed finger - insecure, unable to withstand pressure.

Finger phalangeal ratio

The predominance of the nail phalanx over the rest indicates the importance of the spiritual sphere for a person. Such a person is destined for scientific, intellectual or creative activity. Receptive, sensitive.

The predominant middle phalanx indicates the direction of human life in the practical sphere. Most often, such people are realized in trade or entrepreneurship. They know how to make something work, how to organize or manage.

The root phalanx demonstrates the material sphere of human life. With a long molar phalanx, a person can realize himself in sports; often this person is smart, but at the same time he can be deceitful and use deception to achieve his goals. A thickened third phalanx may also indicate that a person has achieved material success.

The smallest finger on the hand is considered to be the little finger. In palmistry it received another name - the finger of Mercury. This god is considered the patron of merchants and speakers. Despite its small size, this finger plays important role in influencing a person's character. The little finger also corresponds to the line of the same name on the palm - the line of Mercury.

A finger can have different lengths, curves and shapes, depending on which its owner will be endowed with certain qualities. It is worth noting that professionally the little finger brings labor activity elements of creativity, and in interpersonal relationships gives compassion and a desire to help those in need.

The connection between the structure of the finger and the possibilities of human socialization

Palmistry considers the little finger responsible for identifying the characteristics of relationships with the outside world. Like any other, this finger has a certain structure, which includes 3 phalanges (ungual, middle, molar). Its form makes it possible to reveal the style of contacts with others, to reveal the emotional component of a person, his sexuality.

The nail phalanx is responsible for the development of spiritual inclinations, human receptivity, and sensitivity. The pointed one symbolizes interest in metaphysics, the conical one warns of callousness in relationships, the angular one crosses out all the most strengths, for which the little finger is responsible in character. In addition, the angular shape of the finger and nail communicates well-developed abstract thinking.

The non-standard shape of the phalanx warns of impaired perception in religious matters.

The meaning of the middle phalanx is the development of the individual's talents. The longer it is, the greater the talent hidden in a person. A long phalanx is a symbol of well-developed abstract thinking. People with this indicator are endowed with excellent organizational skills. Average length distinguishes a person - a born specialist in the field of economics. Short - portends failures in your personal life. The root phalanx of the little finger has the following meaning: it is responsible for the practical implementation of the properties of this finger of the left and right hand.

The little finger has its own imprint, in other words, an “antenna”. Most often it contains ulnar loops, curls and simple vaults are much less common. Elbow loops symbolize the diversity of communication. If there are curls in the print, then the person is undoubtedly endowed with originality of thinking. He is a lover of non-standard communication, loneliness, and is accompanied by difficulties in love. Simple vaults indicate the poverty of thinking of the owner of such a design.

In addition, the little finger may have a “ring” of Mercury, which is commonly called the widow’s sign. He warns about the difficulties of getting married, possible emotional turmoil V family life, difficult divorce or other unpleasant events. The sign appears throughout life equally in both men and women.

Long fingers of Mercury - for speakers

The length and shape of the little finger reveals a person’s communication and organizational abilities. Thus, a long finger belongs to people who are relaxed, sociable, well-read and eloquent. They are excellent humanists with a good knowledge of history. In addition, long little fingers often distinguish literary and artistic figures.

Compared to long fingers, short fingers dull all of the above characteristics. At the same time, owners of a small little finger are distinguished by frivolity, suggestibility and susceptibility to hypnosis. The exact sciences are easier for them, while the humanities are extremely difficult to study.

The finger of medium length ends with the beginning of the upper phalanx of the ring finger.

Among other things, the curvature of the little finger plays an important role. If it tilts towards the nameless, this indicates the person’s cunning and resourcefulness, the possibility of participating in financial scams. At the same time, such curvature gives the owner diplomacy and the ability to find a way out of difficult situations.

Treatment of heart diseases with finger massage

Each finger is responsible for one or another internal organ or an entire human system. Thus, the little finger is an indicator of the condition of the heart, small intestine and nervous system. There is a whole system of healing using massage of fingers and hands, which can quickly bring the body into shape. Pale little fingers, which often go numb, signal that not everything is okay with the cardiovascular system.

In India it is called the finger of Buddha, the Romans called it the finger of Mercury, and palmists associate the little finger with all kinds of communication. Little finger (or both, as they come different lengths and shapes of one person) can tell a lot about what kind of person you are!

Medium length little finger

A little finger whose length reaches the upper phalanx of the ring finger is considered normal. People with this length of the little finger are distinguished by their maturity, well-formed character, and well-established life principles. They very rarely change their views. A person with a medium-length little finger that extends to the first knuckle of the ring finger tends to have easy contact with others. The longer the little finger, the better the communication ability.

Long pinky

If the little finger is slightly longer than the line that divides the upper and middle phalanges of the ring finger, this is a sign of a charming, charismatic person who never gives up. The talent and hard work of such a person work wonders... A person with long little fingers has the potential gift of eloquence, he communicates with pleasure and is able to easily convince his interlocutor. Such people make good speakers and traders. It’s especially good when you have such a long little finger on your right hand.

Short pinky

Those with short little fingers are very attentive and friendly! They are characterized by some shyness, but this is not a disadvantage at all. Eloquence and the ability to build diplomatic relations are their strong point. If the little fingers are noticeably shorter than the average length, one can almost unmistakably conclude that the person has difficulty formulating his thoughts. In addition, this is a sign of excessive impulsiveness and willingness to take unjustified risks.

For many people, the little finger is located noticeably lower than the other fingers, which is why, even if it is of average length, it may appear short.

Pay attention to the line connecting the fingers and palm: it is either a soft arc or a straight line. The little finger, located noticeably lower than the other fingers, is called prolapsed. Its owners face many obstacles in their life path, learning tough lessons. To determine the length of the “dropping out” little finger, you need to mentally raise it to the level of the other fingers. Such a little finger usually indicates shyness, which a person is trying to hide from others. Pointed little finger The pointed tip of the little finger speaks of an ability for languages ​​and an incredibly creative nature! A rounder top of the little finger is a sign of a phlegmatic, imperturbable person.

Curved pinky

A curved little finger indicates a person’s ability to quickly adapt to change. People with this characteristic feature- born peacemakers.

Wide joint of the little finger

Slightly protruding to the sides, the wide joint of the little finger is found in people whom you can always rely on. They know a lot about the world around them, sometimes they remember their past lives and will never refuse help!

Upper phalanx of the little finger,

usually longer than the others. This is the area verbal communication, and since most people find it easiest to express their thoughts and feelings through words, it is not surprising that this phalanx is the longest among them.

Particularly elongated upper phalanx of the little finger

occurs in those who make a living using their voice or communication skills, such as entertainers, television presenters, auctioneers, and dealers.

Middle phalanx of the little finger

characterizes written communication skills. For most people, it is shorter than others, meaning they find it difficult to express their thoughts on paper. If the length of this phalanx is approximately the same as the length of the others, it means that the person has some abilities in writing - for example, he can compose a competent letter or report. Naturally, in almost all writers this phalanx is longer than the others.

Lower phalanx

associated with material world. If it is longer than the others, it means that in order to achieve his goals, a person is inclined to move mountains at any cost.

The little finger is commonly called the finger of Mercury. It symbolizes relationships with the outside world. Its size and shape characterize the peculiarities of information perception, the gift of eloquence, interest in science and communication.

Distinctive features Mercury fingers reveal the style of contacts with the outside world and adaptation to the outside world. In addition, the little finger is closely related to emotional response and sexual attitudes. In a deeper understanding of the potential of the little finger, it is necessary to take into account “its” perception of metaphysical influences. That is why the popular proverb says well: “Let’s see what my little finger says.” Let's find out what the little finger on the hand means.

What does the little finger tell you about in palmistry?

This is the smallest finger on the hand. It indicates talent in doing business and practical attitude to life in general.

In the astrological tradition, Mercury is considered the ruler of two zodiac signs - Gemini and Virgo. The astrological symbol is the rune - a cross (matter) on a circle (Sun or male principle) with a cup on top (Moon or feminine principle), which indicates the double gender of Mercury. That is why the androgyne Mercury is so versatile and diverse. It is compatible with any of the planetary principles dominant in the birth picture and accepts the qualities of the planets with which it happens to be associated with aspects. The same applies to the horoscope house in which he finds himself. The mount and finger of Mercury are similar in influence to the “planetary” Mercury in the initial chart (birth horoscope). Additionally, the more Mercury is associated with Neptune, the more cone-like the shape of the little finger becomes. The astrological dominants for the little finger are Mercury/Gemini/3rd house; axis of thinking 3/9th house; The axis of existence between houses is 6/12. Mercury manifests its properties in the “water houses” - 4, 8 and 12, which symbolically correspond to Cancer and Scorpio. Pisces and their rulers Moon, Pluto, Neptune.

The little finger of normal length reaches the beginning of the nail phalanx of the ring finger. At the same time, it must correspond to the length of the thumb.

How to find out a person's character by his little finger

  • If the Mercury finger on the hand is straight, the person is open, and, although insightful, is not capable the best way take advantage of opportunities. In order for a person to make the best use of the opportunities, this finger should be slightly curved towards the Sun finger.
  • Crooked finger bad hand speaks of a calculating criminal or a quick-witted scoundrel. It is of normal length if it reaches the joint of the second and upper phalanx of Apollo's finger.
  • If the Mercury finger on the hand is long, the person enjoys life, loves his mother and has sex with her. a good relationship. This man especially loves women.
  • A short little finger with a pointed tip indicates a weakened sexual desire and an underdeveloped uterus in a woman, while an elongated finger indicates a strong sexual desire, that she has a successful sex life and well-developed sexual organs.
  • People with a long little finger are successful in communication, they are able to convince members of the opposite sex regarding sex and thus get complete satisfaction from sex. People with long little fingers are not only excellent sexual partners, but also good spouses.
  • People with a moderately developed Mount of Venus, a well-developed Mercury finger on the hand and a well-defined heart line turn out to be good spouses.

What diseases are identified by the little finger?

From a biological point of view, the little finger is related to the activity of the thyroid and gonads, and in addition, to the activity of the pituitary gland and the functions of the lymphatic system. The short finger of Mercury clearly indicates infantility and various kinds problems of social adaptation.

The little finger indicates sexual problems. The organs for which it is responsible belong to the abdominal area. This is the uterus, ovaries, testicles, bladder and kidneys. Diseases of the uterus, such as its deformation or displacement, can be diagnosed by a depression on the second phalanx of the Mercury finger. A very thin second phalanx also indicates tuberculosis. In general, in tuberculosis diseases the middle phalanges of all fingers are affected. If the first phalanx of the Mercury finger is unusually long, this indicates schizophrenia, hysteria, insanity and similar mental and mental illnesses. A very thick lower phalanx indicates ovarian diseases. Problems with bladder and kidneys are expressed in the upper phalanx curved inwards, and also if this is the only finger without a hole on the nail.

How the little finger affects character

  • A normal straight little finger, reaching the beginning of the nail phalanx of the ring finger, speaks of harmony, a sense of proportion, command of speech, sanity and prudence in relations with the outside world.
  • If the little finger is longer, this indicates mobility of intellect, spiritual orientation, eloquence and generosity.
  • What does a very long little finger on the hand mean - a sign of exceptional resourcefulness in the ability to present oneself, bordering on talkativeness, deception and the art of “talking one’s teeth”, diplomatic flexibility. We can say that a person with such a little finger often wants more than he deserves. This same feature also speaks of a person who is lonely or unable to support harmonious relationships with the world and others.
  • A short little finger on the hand indicates that a person perceives what is happening too superficially. It is difficult to say for sure whether the decisions he makes are the result of instinctive impulses or reasoning. With this feature of the hand, to check mental capabilities, it is necessary to focus on the drawing of the line of the Mind.
  • Too short a little finger on the hand is evidence of spiritual immaturity and problems in social communication. He talks about people who do not have real opportunities to oppose themselves to the difficulties of the outside world. Many of them cannot cope with their negative emotions and adequately perceive disappointments; they are often not capable of lasting friendships and friendships. love relationship. And almost all of them, even in adulthood, are somewhat infantile.
  • A crooked Mercury finger reveals impracticality, special views on life and flawed sensitivity in a person.
  • A slightly spaced little finger on the hand indicates good orientation in the surrounding reality, opportunism (Mercury/Gemini/3rd house) and reveals originality of views and judgments.
  • Very large distance between the little finger and ring finger(the principle of the collective unconscious. Venus/Libra/7th house) indicates a tendency towards solitude or problems in partner communication. In my experience in graphology, this symptom manifests itself in large spaces between words.

The little finger almost always starts below the other fingers. But a too low beginning and a large distance from the beginning of the ring finger are a sign of serious problems in childhood with one of the parents. On their part, there was no feeling of closeness to the child, they communicated little with him, and deprived him of spiritual warmth. It is possible that he was often left to his own devices.

Phalanges of the little finger

Nail phalanx of the little finger

The nail phalanx symbolizes the highest degree of development of spiritual inclinations, as well as increased sensitivity and receptivity, which undoubtedly has its own characteristics. If the pointed nail phalanx is longer than the rest, this reveals an interest in the field of metaphysics. The conical nail phalanx of the little finger creates a certain callousness in communication, and fingers and nails of an angular shape often negate all the strengths of the little finger itself. The owner of a conical finger with an angular nail is obliged to organize his impressions of life and learn a more sober view of what is happening. An angular finger or nail reveals the ability to abstract thinking. If the little finger with the large nail phalanx is slightly distant from the ring finger, such a person is able to trust his intuition.

A poorly formed, deformed nail phalanx may indicate strange religious beliefs. A pointed and too short nail phalanx may indicate religious fanaticism.

Middle phalanx of the little finger

What does the little finger on the hand mean? The middle phalanx speaks of the potential for the development of a person’s talents. If it is longer than the others, the person is endowed with undoubted abilities to embody himself in specific creativity. In addition, people with a long middle phalanx of the little finger have a tendency towards abstract thinking. They are talented organizers and know how to persuade; combined with their common sense and prudence, this can lead to favorable results. The long second phalanx of the little finger reveals abilities in a variety of scientific parts, especially if it is combined with a long nail phalanx. With a full and relatively long middle phalanx, a person embodies his activity in the economic sphere. A too short middle phalanx indicates an inability to organize personal life and ensure its economic well-being.

An unformed middle phalanx of the little finger usually indicates abnormalities in the genital area. A broken middle phalanx in women is a sign of uterine prolapse or impaired ovarian function. For men it has its own analogies.

Root or basal phalanx of the little finger

The basal phalanx is connected by the possibility practical implementation properties of the finger of Mercury.

If it is relatively longer, a person with such a little finger on his hand knows how to conclude trade deals, he has the talent of goal gel, he can achieve sports achievements. At the same time, the basal phalanx of the little finger speaks of homeliness, because from an astrological point of view it is similar to the influences of the Moon/Cancer/4 th house. It is also related to the functions of the lymphatic system. Many palmists determined the number of future children by strokes not on the Mount of Mercury, but on the first third of the radical phalanx of the finger of Mercury. A thickened root phalanx with a convex mound of Mercury indicates a person’s material well-being or the acquisition of it. These same features on a soft conical hand signify conformity and love of pleasure. The same length of the middle and radical phalanx of the little finger on an angular or spade-shaped hand indicates a favorable combination of the properties of both phalanges, that is a virtual reality finds its concrete embodiment.

What does the little finger mean?

The little finger is the most difficult finger to characterize because it is on the striking part of the palm, associated with instincts, but it characterizes the way people express themselves. Mercury's finger shows how people communicate: whether they are good storytellers, writers, or whether they have the ability to organize ideas and images into a logical chain. It indicates truthfulness or lack thereof. It can also be used to determine whether this person needs exciting events and excitement when making decisions. complex tasks in the field of finance or trade, or he prefers to work alone on a monotonous path familiar to him. Even such a thing as sexual communication is shown in this finger.

The placement of the Mercury finger on the hand can create the appearance that it is shorter than it actually is. A person who knows how to express himself has a long little finger. If Saturn's finger is also long and the line of the mind is straight and even with a firmly drawn line of fate, then he has the mind of a scientist. A person has a developed imagination and inventiveness if the Apollo finger is long and the line of the mind goes obliquely to the well-drawn Apollo line. These people have a very receptive mind because they strive to know what is going on in the world. They love communicating with other people and make excellent students and teachers because they cannot resist the opportunity to communicate and spread knowledge. They can be talkative, verbose and probably boring when their favorite topic is brought up if they lack a sense of humor, which is indicated by the loop between the mounts of Mercury and Apollo.

They are very attracted to smart and interesting people, anyone who needs to influence others, whether in politics, business, science, education, literature or the arts. A slight tilt in this finger indicates the ability to conduct business and treat money wisely. This guy has a pretty strong desire to pick up his weapon and finish where he started. Too much tilt indicates stubbornness. Interesting attitude towards sex. If the Mercury finger is long and straight, then the person can pursue those he likes. If the little finger is a little crooked, then he is a good family man and is quite picky about who he should marry. Small imprint on inside the third phalanx also indicates sexuality.

This is an indicator of severe shyness. Such a person will need a lot of time to gain self-confidence and develop as a person, and also to follow the one he likes. And all these qualities are especially strong if there are no gaps at the bottom of the nails. Such a person literally cramps if he needs to speak in public or stand under the spotlight. But this does not mean that he has low self-esteem; on the contrary, he may have a very high opinion of himself, but he simply does not want to be seen. He is easily embarrassed and quickly becomes tongue-tied. He prefers to lead a quiet lifestyle. One type with a short Mercury finger is a short man who is courting or marrying a tall, large, and dominant woman. Such a person may actually be quite stubborn and inconvenient to life together, because, in general, he is afraid of life and has many prejudices. He doesn't read much and is a creature of habit and craving security. He lives life to the fullest thanks to my wife! He may have strange sexual preferences.

Exceptionally short finger of Mercury

The little finger on the hand indicates some type of sexual characteristics. Such a person often lacks self-confidence, especially when he is too tall or short, fat or thin, etc. He may have an attractive appearance, but he has the feeling that he is not attractive at all. It is difficult for him to express himself in sex, it is difficult to hold the attention of representatives of the other sex.

The Mercury finger can be located on the same line as the other fingers or below them. When it is located in a single line, then the person’s character is businesslike. He gets along with people easily. If the little finger is located lower, then it is endowed with talent, but this is expressed through work and study. Such people have a very developed imagination; they can be writers or artists, representatives of art. They dream too much, especially if their line of mind has a strong slope. They have a noticeable tendency towards self-deception and daydreaming if they have a long descending line of the mind and a large Mount of Neptune on their hand. They may have an unconventional attitude towards money and property, or an unconventional view of these things if the Mercury finger is too curved and twisted. Sometimes such a person treats his family members perfectly and is completely different towards others.

What does the curl on the finger of Jupiter mean?

This person has a very narrow view of life. A person with a curl on the finger of Jupiter is not able to accept other points of view or understand people leading a different lifestyle. It is possible that other people simply are not interested in him. He pays great attention to his own career and is completely focused on how it develops, without being distracted by potential and equally promising offers.

Such a person may be too serious, prone to loneliness, and have a depressive character. He has high self-discipline. He is very successful in the original sense of it. Can be enterprising and persistent, have a certain air of superiority, self-righteousness and be hard to touch. He chooses his marriage partner very carefully.

The curl on the finger of Jupiter indicates Creative skills and the desire to expand the capabilities of the mind, to engage in research. Journalists, reporters, announcers, people searching for the truth have such a curl. They are purposeful, successful, but shy and emotionally insecure.

This is the most common curl pattern on the little finger, in which the energy is shifted to one side. The loop is usually found on the Jupiter finger on the side of the striking surface of the palm; less often there are loops on the radial side. This person is friendly, adaptable and very responsive. He works well in a team, but needs variety in both work and social sphere. His mind is lively, quick, flexible and prone to humor. He is so interested in what is happening around him that he may miss opportunities to achieve success as a result of wasting time and energy on other people and their problems. Such a person quickly begins to get bored, and he has to make an effort to concentrate on each task and complete the work he has started. Because he is very careful about making commitments, he tries to avoid situations that threaten to become too burdensome.

Now you know what the little finger on the hand means.

The little finger can tell you about problems in relationships with people. In palmistry it is called the finger of Mercury. With it, you can find out about your hidden, and maybe even open, internal problems.

Three types of little fingers in palmistry

In hand fortune telling, there are three types of little fingers. Each type indicates a specific problem in relationships with other people.

Little finger too short. In palmistry, the Mercury finger is considered short if its length does not reach the bend of the first phalanx of the middle finger. If it is slightly shorter than this mark, then this is a normal phenomenon that should not be emphasized. special significance. But if the little finger is even shorter, then in this case the owner of such a finger has serious problems. People with a short little finger are childish and fickle. Even in adulthood, they behave like children and do not think about their future. It is very difficult for such people to create a normal, strong family. As a rule, their love and friendly relationships quickly end.

Low-set little finger. If the little finger is set low in comparison with the other fingers (usually in this case it does not reach the bend of the ring finger), then this indicates problems with relatives. Those with a low-slung little finger, according to , experienced family problems in childhood. This may be a sign of a difficult childhood or constant stress due to quarrels with one of the parents. Psychological problems in this case, the person carries with him through life. In most cases, he accepts the lifestyle of his parents and unknowingly repeats their fate.

Strongly protruding little finger. In palmistry, the distance between the ring finger and the little finger is considered normal. But if this distance is large, then the person has strong emotional and sexual problems. Owners of such a finger often suffer from unrequited love. This position of the little finger can also indicate a painful relationship with a partner, divorce, or severe disappointment in members of the opposite sex.

Of course, in order to identify the problem and solve it, it is necessary to conduct a full analysis of the lines on the palm. It is impossible to tell fortunes using just your fingers. But if you still find one of the types of little fingers, then you should think about solving your internal problems, since they, most often, are on the rise and there are more and more of them every year. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.06.2014 11:15

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