What do lucky numbers mean in Feng Shui? What do numbers mean in feng shui practice?

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People born in the year of Gua number 9 are very humorous and have endless charm. Fire is the element of nines, which is manifested in their increased emotionality, temper and sociability.

People of the element of Fire are distinguished by their brightness, cheerfulness and fullness of ideas.

Gua Number 9 is a very hot-tempered person, her actions are closely related to her mood. And the mood in which a person will prevail will depend on family, friends and colleagues. Nines have good taste and prefer to spend their time in a pleasant environment. If they cannot complete a task within a certain time frame, their enthusiasm wanes. Such people often leave things unfinished. For a Nine to succeed, it always needs to be guided.

Gua Number 9 Personality

A person with Gua number 9 always stands out from the crowd. If the reason for this is not attractive appearance, then definitely great humor and charm. Such people give others the impression that they never have problems, even if this is absolutely not the case. Such individuals are not able to assess opportunities and plans; they constantly change their hobbies. And what they so passionately desire often remains beyond reality. Such people are sociable, they strive to make new acquaintances, and their attractive energy helps a lot in this.

The description of the number Gau 9 shows that nines will never be able to save the money they earn, but they can arouse the interest of a large audience and present the most boring material in an exciting way. An excellent memory helps nines learn easily. Although they do not delve too deeply into the very essence of things. But if there is always above them good guide, luck will never turn away from them.

Directions that will bring prosperity to life

The first favorable direction is South. It promises Gua number 9 good life, average luck and prosperity.

If your bed or front door is installed in this direction, then there will always be more boys in the family of women and men.

This side helps to increase personal capabilities and abilities.

Another favorable direction for Nine men is the North. It will help a person create a family, improve relationships and have a child. This is the side of goodwill, tolerance and harmonious relationships. Use it in areas of the home such as the living room, bedroom, dining room and meeting room.

In the Southeast, the nine will enjoy middle-class prosperity. The lives of people born under Gua number 9 will be filled with good friends and make them the parents of sons. This side helps the inhabitants of the house forget about all illnesses. To do this, you need to reorient the bedroom by placing the head of the bed in this direction. As the description of Feng Shui numbers shows, it is recommended to install a stove in the southeast direction.

The most favorable direction for nines is the East.

Using it, you will gain financial independence and authority.

Nines can achieve excellent Feng Shui if they orient their personal rooms, entrance doors and desk exactly in this direction. If you use this direction, avoiding the effects of negative Sha energy, your life will change for the better.

Directions that bring misfortune

In the first place we should highlight the negative direction in the Northeast. It will fill men's lives with failures and accidents. Avoid the North-East, otherwise you will always have a tense atmosphere in your house.

The direction located in the South-West is more dangerous. Because of it, your family business can collapse overnight.

It lures nine enemies to the side, so it is best to place a toilet in this part of the house. So you can suppress negative energy this sector.

Another negative side located in the West. Because of her, quarrels will always arise in the house and at work of the Nine. Avoid her, otherwise she will bring accidents to your side, with very serious consequences. This is the direction of spirits, yin energy and bad luck. Place a toilet or kitchen in this part of the house.

The worst side for the nine should be called the North-West, since it brings death with it. Never, under any circumstances, install your front door in this part of the house.

How to find a compromise with a partner if the numbers do not match?

If you have enough money, install different bedrooms in the house and arrange the beds in them as the Feng Shui Gua number 9 advises or minimize bad influence for one of the partners.

Or let one of the partners choose for themselves the weakest direction in terms of negativity, which is favorable for the other partner.

When arranging a room, do not forget to take into account how your bed will be located in relation to the walls, windows and doors of the house. Never place the bed in a corner or with your feet facing the door. A partner who sleeps with his head in an unfavorable direction can use the remaining sections of the house in accordance with what the favorable directions advise him to do.

For those who are interested in Feng Shui, it is important to know how this teaching deciphers numbers. Each number in Feng Shui is deciphered according to wise metaphysical laws. And each of the numbers has feminine or masculine energy.

The teachings of Feng Shui decipher numbers

Odd numbers are under the influence of Yang energy, and even numbers are under the influence of Yin energy. Knowing the philosophy of numbers, you can significantly correct your own life.

Feng Shui numbers

Unlike numerology, where the specific meaning of numbers is deciphered, in Feng Shui numbers can be deciphered depending on their sound. It is in this approach that we propose to decipher the numbers today.


In Feng Shui, one is considered a number that signifies the beginning of everything that exists. The meaning of one is a symbol of something new, innocent, untainted pure energy. The sound of this number symbolizes honor and success.

In combination with one, other numbers also change their energy; next to this number, others become purer in sound and meaning. By tree horoscope the number one means spruce. This tree grows very slowly. But in the future it turns out to be powerful, beautiful, everyone around sees it.


Phonetically, the number two sounds like the word “lightness.” Two is a very harmonious number in which Yang energy and Yin energy are incredibly harmoniously mixed. This number is interesting because when two energies are mixed, each energy does not lose itself in this symbiosis. There is no cold struggle of opposites here.

The symbols of this number are everything that has its antipode. This is the moon and the sun, day and night, black and white. The meaning of two also lies in the fact that it promotes the most harmonious growth, because the interweaving of energies in it gives incredible strength. The symbol of two in trees is bamboo. This tree is characterized rapid growth, and it can also be used in different areas.


Phonetically, the number three sounds like rapid development, a rich life. This number is also about growth, about strong and rapid growth in geometric progression. The energy of the three is so strong that it changes the energy of the numbers that are next to it. Three is also a symbol of creative development.

Three can be the product of a powerful sacred force. The name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, such a three is present in Christianity. And, of course, three means the beginning of life, thanks to three aspects: earth, sky and man. Three is the fire element. But this is not the element that destroys everything in its path, this is the element that gives life to everything. Those who strive to develop their careers and business need to introduce triples into their lives.


The Chinese are trying to avoid this figure. And all because one of the ancient interpretations deciphers the meaning of this number as death. According to Feng Shui, fours are especially feared in combination with a two, which means an easy death, or in combination with a six, which symbolizes losses in a financial sense.

But two fours, that is, the number 44, oddly enough, has favorable energy. This is because the sum of two fours means eight, and this is the number in positive value. Magicians are very fond of the meaning of four. Because three fours add up to 12, which means a transition to the other world.


At first glance, the number five according to Feng Shui does not have a very pleasant phonetic sound. It means the word “no” and “nothing”. However, on the other hand, the five symbolizes five substances: metal, earth, water, fire, wood. And these are five planets from the galaxy: Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter and Venus.

The meaning of five is also the center. In fortune telling, the number five symbolizes development, movement forward. A favorable sign is two fives, which in total means 10, and this is a symbol of happiness. But it is better for entrepreneurs to avoid combining five with six, since this means a lack of profit.


Six is ​​the number that means help in Feng Shui. Six is ​​very good in combination with other numbers. It gives them monetary energy. In fortune telling, this number often means a person’s vices and shortcomings.

However, in other theories, the number six signifies the six human virtues. The number six means the sum of two threes, so it is useful to introduce it into everyday life for people who are involved in finance.


Seven is Favorite number many self-confident people. And all because, phonetically, it means the word “confidence”, something that is certain to happen. There is firmness and strength in the seven, which gives a person the necessary confidence. Seven is also good for attracting wealth into life.

The combination of numbers seven and eight works especially well in the latter respect. This combination of numbers means guaranteed wealth. In addition, according to Feng Shui, the number seven carries divine energy. His energy conceals knowledge that is inaccessible to a wide range of people.


Translated from an ancient interpretation, this word is translated as “jewel.” And the phonetic sound of an eight in Feng Shui means winning. Eight is an extremely positive number; it literally attracts all positive energies. In the twelve-digit cycle, eight means harvest, so if you want to attract prosperity into your life, then choose eight.


In terms of phonetic sound, nine turns out to be very favorable. Nine according to Feng Shui is the meeting of heaven and earth.

Here the meaning of spiritual growth and prosperity prevails, but precisely in the divine plane, and not in the material. If you want to develop wisdom in yourself, then introduce more nines into your life.


This number has a double meaning. Some experts say that it has a negative meaning, as it means emptiness. Others see in it infinity and the secrets of eternal life.

This is the meaning of numbers according to Feng Shui.

Successful combinations according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui attaches importance not so much to the numbers themselves, but to their combinations, where there is an interweaving of energies.

Here are some successful combinations:

  • 6-8 - means wealth that is constantly growing.
  • 2-8 is a combination of easy money.
  • 2-8-8 – this combination of numbers serves to make money in an even easier way.
  • 7-8 – guaranteed wealth.
  • 4-8 is also wealth, big money, but this money came to a person through hard work.
  • 7-8-9 is a successful, successful combination of numbers that can be used in all occasions in life.

Unlucky combinations of numbers according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, there are negative combinations of numbers

These number combinations should be avoided:

  • 2-4 is an easy death, in figurative meaning the combination means losses in all plans.
  • 5-8 – this combination of numbers symbolizes the lack of money.
  • 2-7 and 9-5 are flammable combinations of numbers that attract fire.
  • 5-6 is a combination of disappointment when your expectations are not fulfilled.

The meaning of numbers in Feng Shui

What does your apartment number say? Lucky number.


Feng Shui and numerology contradict each other in some aspects, so you should choose Feng Shui or numerology for yourself.

The meaning of numbers according to Feng Shui has a certain correspondence to the planets and elements. In ancient teachings, numbers are treated in a special way. After all, behind each of them there is its own energy and the essence of Eastern metaphysics. Thus, the feminine principle Yin corresponds to even numbers, and the masculine Yang principle corresponds to odd numbers. Odd numbers are considered the most favorable, but from the point of view of Eastern knowledge, a person must maintain a balance of Yang and Yin energies in every area of ​​his life.

The Chinese carefully select important numbers, from everything related to career or business to phone number, car number, apartment and house. Sometimes, to get what they want, they are even able to resort to tricks, such as getting a phone number with the last digit 8 or 9.

Meaning of numbers

In the teachings of Feng Shui, unlike Western numerology, great importance It’s not so much the numbers themselves that matter, but the order and combination. It must be remembered that ancient Chinese teaching uses several approaches to the interpretation of numbers. Here we consider a variant of interpretation of the meaning of numbers, used in Everyday life, depending on the phonetic sound.

Digit 1

The unit is revered because it brings good luck and symbolizes the beginning of all things. The meaning of “1” is the unity of everything, creation, honest name and good reputation. The unit sounds like “win, honor” in Chinese. It has a positive effect on the meaning of other numbers and enhances it.

Digit 2

It sounds like the word “easy”. In the two, the energies of Yang and Yin, involved in the creation of life, are balanced. In Feng Shui, it is believed that “2” gives a person special luck, especially if there is another lucky number after it. So, for example, the value of the number 26 will attract easy money.

Digit 3

Symbolizes the very energy of life in its rapid development. It sounds like "growth". Three will have a beneficial effect when combined with other numbers. The numerical value of easy and rapid business development is expressed in the combination of numbers 328.

Digit 4

For the Chinese, this figure is not considered favorable, since it means death. However, if they avoid all other combinations with this number, then the number “44” is perceived positively by them, since in total two fours form 8 - a lucky number.

Number 5

The meaning of this number is also unfavorable, since it symbolizes “nothing” and “no.” So combinations with five should also be avoided, because its appearance negates auspicious meaning the remaining numbers.

Number 6

In Feng Shui, this number is interpreted as income and wealth. Of course, this figure is considered favorable, because its appearance promises material wealth.

Seven carries the energy of confidence, so it is also considered successful. And the combination of numbers “78” will mean guaranteed acquisition of wealth.

Number 8

In one of the Chinese dialects this figure sounds like “jewel”. Thus, it is considered one of the best and lucky numbers. “8” attracts well-being, prosperity and wealth. Another eight is associated with the development and growth of material wealth. And the presence of two eights in a combination can, according to the Chinese, bring enormous wealth.

Number 9

This is another very good number from a Feng Shui point of view. It contains the meaning of the fullness of the earth and heaven, therefore for some specialists of ancient Chinese teaching it is considered even more favorable than 8. Nine also symbolizes longevity and health.


This figure is controversial as to its meaning, so consensus, Not yet. Some consider it inauspicious and symbolize emptiness, while for others it signifies the Absolute. Probably both are right.

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feng shui numbers

Since the time of Pythagoras, the ancient Greek philosopher, whose main teaching was the doctrine of numbers, we have known the diversity physical phenomena obeys the law of order, the basis of which is NUMBER.

In teaching feng shui numbers play an important role. They are believed to greatly influence a person's life. Only, unlike the Pythagorean teachings, in Feng Shui they are not added to each other, they are not reduced to a single number, but combinations of numbers are considered.

Feng Shui says that numbers influence us throughout our lives, thereby creating a magical environment that can be either favorable or unfavorable for a person. And also that all numbers are divided into Yin (these are even numbers) and Yang numbers (odd, considered the most favorable). However, to avoid imbalance, both must be present in equal quantities. With the help of numbers, you can either attract positive energy or repel it. Let's take a closer look at what the meaning is feng shui numbers.

Feng Shui numbers: meaning

Very good combination numbers in feng shui

1 – is held in high esteem by Taoists. It is considered a symbol of origin and one spirit. Positive feng shui number, bringing good luck. Reads like “win, honor.”

2 – is considered not a very favorable number; in itself it sounds like “easy”, but in combination with other numbers it enhances their meaning.

3 – promotes the emergence of everything in the world, is considered a symbol of beginning and growth. Sounds like “growth” and “strength.”

4 is feng shui number means unfavorable changes, sounds like “death”, because The hieroglyph “sy”, which means death and is written in the same way as the hieroglyph for the number four. If it is combined with favorable numbers, it is read as an obstacle to something good.

5 is a symbol of movement, harmony of the five elements, balance of the elements. In the teachings, Feng Shui sounds like “nothing”.

6 is a lucky number, denoting stability and.

7 – this number symbolizes deep knowledge and confidence, it sounds like “for sure.”

8 - this number can be called the most revered in the East, it denotes the totality of all benefits: great wealth, prosperity, abundance, growth, development, etc.

9 is the number of divine wisdom in Feng Shui, which is available to humans. Denotes the connection between heaven and earth. Favorable number.

0 is a neutral number. When numbers are combined, it is not readable at all, some think so, others say that zero means the integrity of the world, they consider it a favorable number. There is no clear opinion on this matter. But, I think, since there is no negativity from this number, then this is already good. And this is the main thing!

Feng Shui number combinations

traditional interpretation of numbers in feng shui

As mentioned above, in Feng Shui it is customary to read combinations of numbers. For example: 24 is interpreted as “easy death”; 58 as “no money”; 68 should be read as "a lot of money"; 98 – “longevity and wealth” and so on. But, for example, the number 48 should not be read as “deadly wealth,” but as “wealth through hard work,” since 4 here acts as hard and honest work. The most favorable combinations consist of identical numbers, for example 888, 11, 66, 222 and so on. The number of his birth is considered no less favorable for a person.

It should be noted that this interpretation of numbers in China is considered popular. There is also a traditional interpretation of numbers in Feng Shui. You can see it in more detail in the picture. The zones and elements corresponding to these numbers are also indicated there.

The meaning of numbers according to Feng Shui

Every day we come across numbers - we dial phone numbers, write down the birth dates of friends, remember car numbers. And we hardly often think about the fact that each number carries a certain Energy, and not always positive.
Now you can choose your own car number. Therefore, foreign cars with numbers 1111, 7777, 4444 are driving around the city. But is it enough to choose such a “thieves” number for successful life? Let's figure it out.

There are several complementary approaches to analyzing numbers.

For example, Chinese numerology divides all numbers into Yin numbers (even) and Yang numbers (odd). On the one hand, odd numbers are considered the happiest and most favorable. On the other hand, all Chinese philosophy is based on the idea of ​​balance between Yin and Yang. Therefore, to ensure such balance, even and odd digits must be present in equal numbers. It is very good when the number of a house, car, telephone or date of birth contains elements of both Yin and Yang.
So, we can conclude that in general, car numbers consisting of identical digits cannot be favorable.
Let's figure it out further.

When choosing a number - for example, a license plate for a car - first of all, you should pay attention to how the numbers “sound” and whether they attract favorable Energy. In China, Malaysia, Taiwan and Macau, people listen to how numbers sound in Cantonese. By the way, it is in these countries that more than 90% of motorists choose their license plates based on very complex analysis their favorability. According to statistics, cars with lucky numbers are much easier and more profitable to resell in the future.
The luckiest numbers are considered to be “8”, “6” and “9”. They carry positive vibrations in any combination: “168”, “8998”, “7788”, and of course “8888” (four eights are a special case, favorable even in the absence of Yang).
Let's take a closer look at the meanings of the numbers, and figure out which numbers can be called lucky and which ones are best avoided.

The number "1" is very successful. The unit symbolizes unity and sounds like “win, honor.” The one enhances the favorable meaning of other lucky ones, such as “1898” or “1389.”

The number "2" sounds like "easy". Two brings special luck if it is placed in front of other numbers. You yourself can already decipher that the number “21” sounds like an “easy win.”

The number “3” is also considered favorable and symbolizes “life.” Three also sounds like “growth”, “path”. The combination “328” is very popular; it means “an easy and successful path in business.”

The Chinese try to avoid the number “4”, since four means “death” in Cantonese. The most unfavorable combination is “24” meaning “easy death”. Avoid it, because unhindered death is not what you want, right? But in combination with five (the number “5” sounds like “no”, “will not happen”), four is not dangerous, since “45” means “there will be no death.” And the most important rule is never put 4 at the end of a number combination.

As for the five, it should not be combined with others favorable numbers, since its meaning - “no”, “will not” - will weaken luck. Try to decipher the number “51” yourself. You will not see anything good - it will be “lack of gain”, “loss of honor”.

The number “6” is very favorable, it means “wealth”, “income”. Moreover, six is ​​double three! Therefore it means "double growth", "double everything you have." If your car number is, for example, “1368”, then this means “you are lucky, and your wealth will double all the time.” And the combination “68” means “a lot of money.”

The number “7” means “confidence”, “certainly”. For example, the combination “78” means “guaranteed wealth.” But you should not use seven with unfavorable numbers. So the combination “57” will express “no confidence”, and “74” sounds like “surely will die”.

The number “8” is considered the most favorable and happiest, especially now, in the eighth period of time according to Feng Shui (2004-2024). The number eight brings great wealth and prosperity. The number eight also symbolizes growth and development and is interpreted as “great wealth”, “prosperity”. So “18” means “rich winnings”, and “88” means “extraordinary wealth”.

The number “9” is also very successful. It symbolizes “health” and “longevity”.

Now you can choose for yourself lucky number. Of course, you will pick up something like “2688” - “Money flows easily and in large quantities", or "9988" - "longevity and wealth." Even better is the option “7968” - “excellent health, longevity and doubling of wealth.” What else does a person need? Of course, you also need love, but it is not subject to numbers.
On the surface, choosing a lucky number doesn’t seem that difficult, right? But still, for this it is better to contact a specialist, because you need to take into account many other factors not described in this article.

Choose a lucky number.

Alex Thau reports :

In Feng Shui we use numbers to describe the Five Elements in the Eight House formulas, and especially in Wandering Stars Feng Shui. The numbers are also used to predict the future and analyze the quality of Chi energy in the surrounding space. However, I ask you not to mix these methods when choosing your car number. This is a completely different direction and the interpretation of the numbers will be completely different.

When buying a car, we need to focus on how " sound » numbers and attract a favorable vibration. So in China, Malaysia, Taiwan and Macau, people listen to the phonetics of numbers in Cantonese. For example, numbers "8", "6" and "9" are considered the happiest and most favorable in any combination " 168", "8998" and especially "8888". Twos and threes are also in great demand.

Recently, while in the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, I spoke with Hyundai car dealer Mr. Fan and inquired about the demand for various numbers. It turns out that in 90% of cases, buyers want to choose the number of their car themselves. Usually these are Chinese or Indians, but more and more native Malays are also showing ingenuity and intelligence, since cars with lucky numbers are much easier and more profitable to resell after a year or two.

So, how much money are people willing to pay for the right to choose a lucky number? As Mr. Fan says, “If you're not that picky and just want to avoid bad, unlucky numbers, then it will cost you around RM200-300 (US$60-90). But, if you want some special combinations of numbers or repeating numbers, you should be prepared to shell out 2 to 3 thousand ringgit (600 - 900 US dollars) or more for such a service. So, for example, numbers 2288 will cost about 600 dollars, but 8888 will cost you 3,000 US dollars.”

Let's stop there WHICH numbers are lucky and which are not, that is, let's figure out the meaning of numbers.

Number "8" is considered the most favorable and happy, especially in the eighth period of time according to Feng Shui (2004-2024), in which we now live. The Chinese believe that the number eight brings wealth and prosperity. The number eight also symbolizes growth and development and is interpreted as "immediate wealth here and now." So, one should not be surprised at the popularity of the number 8 in our time. My Ford Econoline car had a wonderful 888 combination and really brought me great luck.

Number "3" is generally considered auspicious as it symbolizes "life". Phonetically, in Cantonese, 3-ka sounds like sang and means live. One of the popular combinations is “328”, which includes a three. This combination means “an easy and successful path in business.”

Number "6" is very favorable because it sounds like onion, which means “highly profitable”. Additionally, a six is ​​a double three, which is interpreted as “doubling everything you have.” If your car number is, for example, “1368,” it means “your wealth will double all the time.”

Numbers "1" and "9" are very successful. One symbolizes unity, and nine symbolizes longevity. These numbers enhance the auspicious meaning of others lucky numbers, for example "1998" or "1389".

Number "2" sounds like yee or "easy". It is believed to bring good luck when placed in front of other numbers, such as 23, 26 or 28. These combinations will mean "easy growth", "easy income" and "easy prosperity and wealth" respectively. However, you should avoid combination 24, which is considered extremely unfavorable because it sounds like “easy to die” - not at all what you want, right?!

Number "5" sounds like nang or “it won’t.” The best thing is to combine five with four. Since 4 sounds like “death,” 54 would mean “will not die.” You should not combine the 5 with other favorable numbers, as this will negate your luck.

Number "7" sounds like chat and means "confidence". It is best to combine 7 with 2 or 8, where the combination will mean “prosperity for sure.” Avoid combinations of the number 7 with other unfavorable numbers, especially with the 4, because such a combination will express “surely die.”

Number "4" is a number that all Chinese try to avoid because they want to live happily ever after, because 4 means “death” in Cantonese. However, the number 4 is not always unfavorable and unlucky. For example, the combination 48- is unusually favorable because it means “wealth and prosperity at any cost.” And combination 43 means “even if you die, you will live.” Remember an important rule - never put 4 at the end of a number combination.

How to define happy and unlucky numbers Feng Shui

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