What is burime and how is this fun game useful? Games in the dark.

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Burime as a new genre

Prepared by the teacher

Russian language and literature

Kalinina N.N.


(from the French bouts rimes - “rhymed ends”) - composing poems to predetermined rhymes, usually of a comic nature. The form of burime originated in France in the first half of the 17th century. The history of the origin of burime is due to the French poet Dulot, who stated that he wrote 300 sonnets, but lost the manuscript. After massive public doubts about such a large number of written poems, Dullo admitted that he did not write the poems themselves, but only prepared rhymes. After this, his colleagues wrote sonnets based on rhymes, and the new poetic game came into fashion in the 17th and 18th centuries. was quite a popular salon entertainment. It is also known that A. Dumas in the 19th century organized a competition for the best burim and published a book of the best poems.

Rules of the game. Burime's game is a rhyming poem. Ideal conditions for the game - from ten people. A presenter is appointed, everyone sits down at the table. The presenter determines and announces to everyone the topic on which the rhyming will be.

Everyone has pens and sheets of paper same size, most often they are A4 type. On command, work begins. Everyone composes and writes the first line of the verse and passes it to the person sitting next to them. He composes and writes the second line under the first and wraps the sheet of paper so that the next participant cannot read the first line.

And he had only one line before his eyes. He, in turn, also comes up with and writes his own line of poetry, rhyming with the previous one. Now he wraps up two lines and passes it to the next player.

Then the presenter, at some stage (when each of the participants has written an equal number of lines), when the last player has reached the first paper, the presenter gives a signal that the rhyming ends and everyone hands him the pieces of paper.

He straightens them and begins reading what happened. Most often these are such ridiculous texts! Everyone is laughing! Everyone is having a lot of fun because the result is very funny.

given rhymes: air - rest game - ax

illness - leisure land - ruble

You can’t build a hut without your ax friend, And sometimes work is just rest, Work is my joy: fun game, When in the face - good luck fresh air.

I rejected illnesses, I am unfamiliar with illness. I don’t spend a single ruble on medicine. The earth spreads dearly under my feet: Nature for me is medicine and leisure.

The lines must end with the given words, but the rhyme can change: it can be cross, paired or encircling. That is, pairs of rhyming words can be distributed in quatrains.

For example:

the following rhymes are given:

razor pumpkin


The kids were preparing a pumpkin for the holiday,

To make a face, they took a sharp razor,

An awkward movement cut an eyebrow,

Scarlet blood gushed onto the floor.

BURIME(from French.boutsrimes- "rhymed ends") - composing poems based on given rhymes. In the 17th and 18th centuries. This activity was quite a popular salon entertainment. Nowadays, Burime continues to be a popular game among all lovers of the poetic genre. Why are Burims so remarkable? They allow you to show your creative abilities in poetry, to show off your wit and originality, and to demonstrate your mastery of words in a matter of minutes (or even seconds). Many masters of pop, conversational genre, entertainer, etc. perform in the burime genre. Here is an illustrative example from Yuri Gorny, who was offered 4 pairs of rhymes, and who instantly (!) gave a wonderful impromptu.

given rhymes: air - rest

Game - ax

Illness - leisure

Land - ruble

You can’t build a hut without a friend -ax ,
And sometimes the work is simply
Work is my joy: cheerful
a game ,
When in the face - good luck fresh
air .

I rejected illnesses, I am unfamiliarillness .
I don’t spend anything on medicine
ruble .
The road is creeping under my feet
Earth :
Nature for me is medicine and
leisure .

Burime (from the French bouts rimés - rhymed ends) is a very exciting literary fun. In essence, this is writing a poem, often of a humorous nature, with predetermined and unexpected rhymes. You can also set a theme for burime, but this is for more advanced players.
Burime appeared in the 17th century (the inventor was the little-known French poet Dulot), but became especially widespread in the 19th - 20th centuries. Along with solitaire, lotto and dominoes have become a favorite pastime of many, many.
One of the most enthusiastic players was Alexandre Dumas. In 1864, he announced a competition for burim and published burim written by 350 authors (“Bouts-rimes publies par A. Dumas”, 1865).
And in Russia in 1914, a mass Burime competition was held by the St. Petersburg magazine “Vesna”.

The rules are as follows:
one person comes up with two pairs of rhymes
(not recommended:
*primarily bad. Well, there’s a “herring stick”...
*verbal and cognate. “Answer-hello”, “left-came”, “ebb-tide”.
*worn out. “roses-frost”, “blood-love”, “congratulations-wishes”
Although there are situations when it is the tiredness that gives a poem its peculiar humor and charm ,
*well, and profanity),
and another person writes a quatrain with these rhymes at the end of the lines,
preferably meaningful and funny.

An example from the Burim classics:

Rhymes -
titan - shaitan
forest - heaven

And as a result:

The heated titanium boils,
Like a drunken shaitan;
And outside the window the forest is sad,
Goes into the distance under the shadow of heaven;

Or simpler:

Dawns - signs

We were really looking forward to the sunrises,
And they didn’t believe in omens.
Finally! Summer has come to us,
We are now lightly dressed.

The person who wishes writes his own poem and suggests his own rhymes. The next one composes according to his rhymes and offers his own, and so on.
And don’t forget to “upvote” the ones you like! At the end of the month, we count the total number of “likes” for each author, and whoever received greatest number is declared "Rhymer of the Month".

And before we start the game, let's repeat it one more timerules

    Rhymes must be chosen very carefully
    and carefully avoid similar roots
    words, not normative vocabulary, not
    Verbal rhymes are desirable.

    Preset rhymes cannot be changed
    in some places. Exception - use
    cross rhymes, that is, if you
    pairs were given: sunset/rich,
    stream/nobody's, then you can rhyme
    them like this: sunset/stream/rich/nobody.

    Don't forget about the content of your
    verse. You must sometimes not at all
    comparable and strange rhymes will result
    a complete meaningful poem.

Now that you are familiar with
basic rules of Burim, we invite
you to play in Burim and practice
in writing short poems,dedicated
Birthday of the site “Country of Masters”.

Who knows, what if you suddenly open
Do you have a talent for poetry?!!

So the rhymes will be like this:







You can write a poem using one group of rhymes, or you can try using all SIX!

This is how the poem turned out
I have:

There is a COUNTRY on the Internet,

In thousands of hearts - ONE!

IT'S TIME to congratulate!

Happy birthday, MASTER!

If there is FROST on the street,

Things to do? No problem!

Get creative ASAP

It will immediately be MORE FUN!

Will you create ACTIVELY,



Calls the PROCESS itself!

I'll take a walk in the forest -

I WILL BRING the snag home!

And it’s not JUNK at all!

WE need this "garbage"!

They got to work UNITEDLY,

Prepared what you NEED...

It turned out so BEAUTIFUL!

And a little PLAYFUL...

The whole Country is my FRIENDS!

Together we are one FAMILY!

We love rainbow colors

We create works - TALES!

I wish you success in your poetry writing!

Let's play in Burim! The player sees a quatrain in front of him. He needs to write a continuation of the verse. To do this, he presses the CONTINUE button and enters his quatrain (attention: exactly quatrain!) into the form on the page. Following the given theme and rhythm! The next player who visits the page with the burime will see only the quatrains of the previous player and add his own four lines to them. This way it will probably turn out to be a poem. After the burime composes several quatrains, the entire verse will be published in its entirety. The best, most dexterous rhyme writers will be rewarded with our immense recognition! :)

We consider unexpected rhymes to be good rhymes: “Aibolit/Oschepit”, and compound rhymes: “Manin/has no brain”, or “Zhannet/or not”. We consider primitive rhymes to be bad rhymes: “love/blood”, “beat/love”, “roses/frost”. Attention: we carefully observe the rhythm of the verse, that is, its size!

What is burime?

Burime (French bouts-rimes - “rhymed ends”) is a literary game that consists of composing poems, often humorous, to given rhymes, sometimes also on a given topic. Burime appeared in the 17th century (the inventor was the little-known French poet Dulot), but the game became especially widespread in the 19th-20th centuries - first only in salons, and then in the widest circles (students, pensioners, etc.). Along with solitaire, lotto and dominoes are a favorite pastime of the masses, competing even with active sports. :) Material taken from Wikipedia.

And below are the already composed BURIME. Read, enjoy... and come up with new ones. But do not forget that only registered users.

Reflections of a pirate

What do pirates talk about on fine evenings, sitting on the deck of their frigate in the light of the moon? What are they thinking about? You will find the answer to these questions in the newest Burim-poem, composed by the inhabitants of our children's site “Treasures of Papcha”! Each quatrain in it is mysterious, or romantic, or decisive - in general, beautiful in its own way.

Meanwhile, we are announcing a new round of competition for the title of the most dexterous and talented poet-buremist! Who will be the winner this time? It's up to you, dear readers! Vote for the best quatrain.

Kvituche summer

And it’s amazing how you can’t love everything all summer long?! The sky is clear, the morning sun, the fragrant flowers on the galyavins... Perhaps, no one cares enough to be like them, let alone our storm poets! And in their new potion, the stench reflected its beauty and splendor. Read everything and enjoy! And let the smiling sun of summer shine before us all...

The birds are chirping in the garden,
And the cherries are already falling.
I can see the goosebumps in the grass,
Little ones, make my little darling happy.

And a lonely cutlet...

And now it has finally happened! And before us is a new wonderful, summer-cutlet storm! Full of autumn laziness, winter melancholy and our dreams (or dreams? or dreams?..) about spring and summer, which seemed unrealistic then, in December...

But summer has come! Hooray! And the lonely cutlets are languishing in the heat. Together with Buremist poets and their cats.

And in the fight for the title of best poet-buremist as a result of the most honest reader vote in the world this time Yadronova Alena defeated! Hooray! And here is her winning quatrain:

And a lonely cutlet
She's lying there, she's hot - why are they dragging?!
How hard it is for a cutlet in the summer,
Until the heat stops...

I sit and play quietly...

This storm seemed endless to us, so it was like the river was shaking, melodiously! As long as it works, it’s good if it ends. The axis of the Ukrainian musical storm has ended - and once again the competition for the shortest verse won the storm Alesya Alfiorova! The axis is variable:

Music rejoices the soul
And gives Mitya happiness.
Hear for eternity,
She will be deprived of her life...

Motorcycle rumble

Details September 17, 2013

And it happened, it happened! As a result of a completely closed and absolutely secret voting in this round, also known as a poetic battle, BONES won!

And then, one moment later
The rumble of a motorcycle and again
I'm falling asleep. In this dream
I'll listen to it all night. I will not sleep.

It seems to me that our dialogue...

And so, as sports commentators say, she took the lead by a large margin...

Alisa Dolgushina

Someday the wind will bring it
Take with you the first autumn leaf,
And I'll be a little scared
That summer is over again.

But the passing of minutes is so imperceptible,
Spring will bloom again.
It won't turn back, of course.

Hooray!!! Go-o-ol!!!

Fanfares are thundering, timpani are ringing, drums are beating! Pianos and guitars sound! In a word, the orchestra is a blast!!! Here it is - the best quatrain!

Author Alesya Alferova
How are poems written?
How are pictures drawn?
How to put it on notes
What do snowflakes sing about?
Don't catch up, don't repeat -
Just remember with a smile...
For some reason a verse came out
Instead of violin music.

How to become a black man

Best quatrain

In this round of the competition for the best poetic verse in Burime in Russian, Lyuba Loksh-a won! Here is her winning verse!

When the time comes
It's going to snow!
When the south is far
All the birds will fly away!
And the twilight is green
Cities will be covered
We sing soft songs
Let's blossom the world then!

Summer smells like me

Krasty Chotirivirsh

Vika Stasiv won this round of the competition for the shortest verse in the Ukrainian language! The axis is a moving axis!

Summer smells like me,
With cotton wool,

And new friends.

Autumn - winter

Krasty Chotirivirsh

The awakening of the world will come again,
And the little summer is warmer and now alive,
We bring joy and happiness as a gift,
Heavenly landscapes, like little ones,

Grabbing for the soul, enchanting, sticking together,
That’s why we really want to live like this.
I want to eat, but there is only one school,
Only the one who has all the childhood,
I'm happy and happy with him,
This is our temple and pure mystery.

The goat is crying

Respect! Hooray! The editors of our site are encouraged to declare with all their credibility that they have overcome the final stage of the Ukrainian storm “The Goat is Crying” by becoming Vasil Malishka! With our verse “Happy Victory Day, my friend!”

Writing is not a thing for Burima...

Respect! Hooray! In the final series of our Ukrainian storm win Vasya! In a secret and honest voice, Vasily was recognized as a master storm master! Hai live sing-sprint! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Glory to Vasya!

Penguins in orderly rows

Penguins in orderly rows,
wander feeling their way,
big red mustache
They don’t know where they are going,
When will they come? Some day.

Bjoli and bdzhilki!

Cats in space

Hooray! It has finally happened, or in other words, IT HAPPENED! No, we did not win a million dollars in the lottery, no - GAZPROM did not become our patron of the arts! Even better things have happened - we are summing up the results of the next series of the drill “CATS IN SPACE” and announcing the winner! It became LOVE Loksh-ah! Here my humble voice is drowned out by timpani and other tambourines. All the non-winners sprinkle ashes on their heads and sit down to improve their rhymes!

Summer life

This becomes some kind of pattern - Topolyonka wins in the storm. Probably in his previous life Poplar was Petrarch. Why such fast poetic talents? Well, be that as it may, but in this round we are talking about incredible flying cats Mademoiselle Alka Alferova wins Dragon's Teeth

Attention! Something wonderful happened! Wonderful for Topolyonka! Topolyonok won in the next BURIME draw and can revel in his glory as the most beautiful buremist of all times and peoples. May I be forgiven for this slight exaggeration! So, three cheers! hooray! hooray!

Legends of the flying mice

Hooray! The editors of BURIME present to readers and participants of this poetry competition for the best ability to fall into rhythm and rhyme, winner Alka Alferova! Her instructive quatrains, touching and full of sincere sympathy for the disorderly bird, charmed the voters and brought her to first place! Hurray, Alke! Long live Alka! Alkam Alka to everyone!

Burime of a hungry cat

The editors of BURIME bring to the attention of all participants in the first swim based on the poetic stanzas and rhymes of its winner! He became - attention - poet VASILY BABY! Hooray! Let's not skimp on applause! Touche! Colleagues stand up and raise their hats as a sign of respect! Long live the incomparable author of the first stage, Vasily Malyshka!



BURIME (French bouts rimes - rhymed endings) - poems that are written to given rhymes. Classic rules B. the following:
1. rhymes should be as unusual as possible and contain heterogeneous concepts;
2. variation of rhymes is not allowed;
3. The theme of the poem is determined in advance.
The game of B., requiring a certain resourcefulness and versifying wit, was in great fashion in France in the 17th-18th centuries. In the last century, Alexandre Dumas (q.v.) tried to revive this fashion, organizing a biography competition in 1864 and publishing the works of 350 of its participants in the book “Bouts rimes publies par Al. Dumas" (R., 1865). The emergence of B. is associated with the name of the French poet of the 17th century. Dulot, who used pre-composed rhymes in his poetic practice, which first gave rise to the idea of ​​B. as a funny poetic toy.

Literary encyclopedia. - At 11 t.; M.: Publishing House of the Communist Academy, Soviet encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Fritsche, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929-1939 .


(French bouts rimes - rhymed ends), a gaming genre of literary creativity; composing poems to predetermined rhymes, pairs of which are made up of thematically dissimilar words. The order of given rhymes cannot be changed, but the poet must include them in a meaningful text. The game was popular in France in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .


BURIME(bout - end; rimé - rhymed) - a poem written in pre-given rhymes. In the 17th century, the French poet Mme Deshoulières became famous for her burimes. And to this day, burime exists as a kind of parlor game. Thanks to this, burime, for the most part, is impromptu and has all its artistic features(see the word “impromptu”).

The artistic techniques manifested in the process of creating a burime - in the use of given rhymes - can also be discovered when creating ordinary poems, for in many cases, as Theodore de Banville rightly noted, poetic inspiration comes from the found rhyme, the rhyme predetermines the general artistic meaning the whole. But when perceiving a finished poem, when the process of its creation is hidden from the perceiver, one of the effects is surprise - and, at the same time, naturalness rhymes in relation to the general plan, when perceiving burim, when the rhymes are known in advance, a similar effect is built on surprise - and, at the same time, naturalness plan in relation to the given rhymes.

However, even from the point of view of not only the process of creation, but also the nature of its impact, the features of burime can be detected in ordinary poetic speech. This applies to poems that use banal rhymes. As with the perception of burime, the rhyme in this case is guessed in advance by the perceiving consciousness.

The use of banal rhyme can be successful only when it reveals the features of internal necessity, and not formal compulsion. This is accomplished in the same way as when creating a burime: in surprise and at the same time in the naturalness of the idea in relation to a banal rhyme. An example of a banal rhyme (grief is the sea, sadness is the distance), internally justified by the artist’s entire plan, is found in Valery Bryusov:

When I encountered grief in childhood

Or boundless sadness, -

Everything was calmed by the sea

And the sea is a gentle distance.

We see a brilliant use of a banal rhyme (frost - roses) in A. Pushkin: he deliberately emphasizes its banality and thereby gives it a completely unexpected application - and by the unexpectedness of the application the banality itself is already overcome:

“And now the frosts are cracking

And they shine silver among the fields...

The reader is already waiting for the “rose” rhyme,

Here, take it quickly.”

In another example, A. Pushkin artistically justifies the banal rhyme (youth - joy), establishing between these words, along with a sound connection, also a constant semantic connection:


And there is an eternal rhyme of joy to it.”

Valentina Dynnik. Literary encyclopedia: Dictionary of literary terms: In 2 volumes / Edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunin, V. Lvov-Rogachevsky, M. Rozanov, V. Cheshikhin-Vetrinsky. - M.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925


See what "Burim" is in other dictionaries:

    - (French bouts rimés “rhymed ends”) a literary game that consists of composing poems, often humorous, to given rhymes, sometimes also on a given topic. Sometimes another game is also classified as burima, also called the “game of nonsense” ... Wikipedia

    Burime- BURIME (bout end; rimé rhymed) a poem written in pre-given rhymes. In the 17th century, the French poetess m me Deshoulières became famous for her burimes. And to this day, burime exists as a kind of parlor game. Thanks to… … Dictionary of literary terms

    Burim- uncl., cf. bouts rimes. Poems with given rhymes. BAS 2. They would begin to compose storms in the old way and write satires on bald people, that is, on themselves. 1796. Karamzin. // Pogodin Karamzin 1 253. Detective un joli mot il do burime. Dolgoruky Op. 1,192… Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (French bouts rimes, from bout end, and rimer to rhyme). Poems with given rhymes. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. STORM poems to given rhymes. A complete dictionary of foreign words included in... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Unchanged; Wed [French bouts rimés rhymed endings] Poems with given rhymes; a literary game consisting of composing such poems (usually humorous). Write, read b. Play b. * * * burime (French bouts rimés rhymed ends), poems ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    BURIME, uncl., cf. (French bouts rimes, lit. rhymed ends) (lit.). Poems based on given rhymes (literary game). Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - [me], uncl., cf. 1. A poem written in predetermined rhymes. 2. A game consisting of writing such poems. Play b. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (French bouts rimes rhymed ends), poems based on given rhymes; popular form of secular light poetry of the 17th - 18th centuries ... Modern encyclopedia

    - (French bouts rimes rhymed ends) poems based on given rhymes; popular form of secular light poetry of the 17th - 18th centuries ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (non-cl.) poems to given rhymes, 18th century. (Melnikov 2, 254). From French bouts rimes (plural) rhymed ends... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer


  • Zendoodle bestiary. Burime book. A universal atlas of animals from life and imagination. You have never seen anything like this before: on the pages of this small book there are more than 9 thousand incredible creatures that will amaze your imagination! How is this possible? A book full of secrets beyond the control of reason...

Burime is verse, often humorous, based on given unpredictable rhymes; a French literary game that consists of composing poems based on pre-created rhymes, sometimes on a pre-selected topic.


Burim originated in mid-17th century century in France and was a kind of literary game. The founder of Burime is considered to be the French poet Dulot. In 1648, Dulot told friends that valuable manuscripts, in particular three hundred sonnets, had disappeared. Surprisingly close a large number works, the poet explained that these are not poems themselves, but rhymes prepared for them. Dulot's friends themselves began to compose sonnets based on the rhymes created by the poet. Everyone found the idea fun and exciting.

The game soon spread throughout French society and became a popular pastime along with board games, card games, and even sports. Composing poems based on given rhymes was widely used in aristocratic salons. The term "burime" (French "bouts-rimes" - rhymed ends) first appeared in 1762 in the fourth edition of the dictionary of the French Academy.

Development in literature

Soon, poets began to use not only sonnets, but also other poetic forms to create burime. Thus, Burime entered the secular “light poetry” of the 17th-18th centuries. A significant contribution to the development of burime was made by the French poetess Antoinette Desoulières, known for writing sonnets using ready-made rhymes. Burime sonnets are also found in the works of Moliere.


After disappearing at the end of the 18th century, the fashion for burim returned again in the 19th century. The French writer Alexandre Dumas became interested in the literary game, inviting French rhymers to demonstrate their poetic skills and improvisational talent in a competition. Having compiled a list of rhymes selected for this purpose by the poet Joseph Mery, A. Dumas organized a burim competition in France in 1864. The essays of 350 competition participants were included in the publication “Rhymed Ends, published by A. Dumas” (1865).
The French tradition of composing burimes was continued famous poets XX century – L. Aragon, A. Breton, P. Eluard.

Burim in Russian poetry

In Russian literature, D. D. Minaev, V. L. Pushkin, A. A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov were famous for their talent for writing burime. The first mass burim competition in Russia was held in 1914 on the initiative of the Vesna magazine.

Burime example

You can’t build a hut without an axe,
And sometimes work is just rest,
Work is my joy: a fun game,
When it hits your face - good luck, fresh air.
(burim of the Russian artist Yuri Gorny on the proposed newspaper " Soviet Russia"set of rhymes)

Modern meaning

The literary game “burime” has not only survived to this day, but has also received other ways of expression. Modern examples of burime are presented mainly in the form of quatrains of a comic nature, compiled according to clearly established rules.

Burimes are compiled impromptu. The essence of burime is that from incomparable, unrelated in meaning, often compound, rhymes (for example: either Jeannette - or not) a complete semantic verse is obtained. Moreover, the more complex the rhyme, the more ingenuity is required to create a compositionally integral text. For Burime fans there are special sites that provide the opportunity interactive game. Thus, burime in a broad sense is an exercise in wit, development of improvisational abilities, resourcefulness, sense of humor and poetic talent.

The word burime comes from the French bouts-rimes, which means rhymed ends.


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