What to choose: gypsum fiber or plasterboard sheet? Difference between gvl and gkl.

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A large number of different buildings have a very unstable microclimate, for example, constant temperature changes or high humidity, which means that for their finishing it is necessary to select special materials that will withstand unfavorable conditions. Such material is moisture resistant drywall- this is a more modern analogue of standard plasterboard, which has a low cost, excellent quality, it is very popular among professional craftsmen. Its distinctive characteristic is that it can be used to decorate absolutely any premises.

Modern moisture-resistant drywall is installed not only in living rooms, in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom, in the bathhouse or on the balcony, which can significantly reduce repair time and its cost.

How are moisture-resistant sheets different from regular sheets?

Waterproof drywall has several distinctive characteristics, by which it can be distinguished from standard samples:

  1. Color of the product - as for the color, everything is simple: gypsum board has a noticeable greenish tint, from which the cardboard layer is made, and a simple plasterboard sheet differs in gray shades of the cardboard layer.
  2. Product weight - due to the fact that the moisture-resistant version has additional elements (designed to create a water-repellent surface), which significantly increase the weight of the entire structure, they weigh about 2 kg heavier than conventional sheets, which is their striking distinctive feature.
  3. Explanation of the marking - here you need to know that simple drywall is labeled as gypsum board, and its moisture-resistant version is labeled as gypsum board.
  4. Dimensions of moisture-resistant drywall - at this point it is necessary to note its length, thickness and width. As for the length of the slab, it ranges from 2500 to 4800 mm, and the width can reach from 1200 to 1300 mm. If products with other sizes are needed for repairs, they can be made to order. All standard samples are created with dimensions of 9x12.5 mm - this thickness is the norm.
  5. The degree of processing of drywall - the difference between a moisture-resistant product and a regular one is that it is coated with special compounds that protect the surface of the sheet from excess moisture, fungi and mold.
  6. Price of the product - as for the price, GKLV is more expensive due to additional elements in the composition. Everyone else is his technical features fully consistent with ordinary drywall.

Moisture resistant sheet certification

GKLV is excellent for finishing walls in rooms with a poor, unstable microclimate, because it has a gypsum layer impregnated with a special composition that helps repel moisture, which allows it to be used in work related to wet rooms. At the same time, the material bends well, so experienced craftsmen use it to create figured elements.

A certificate is an official document that confirms the quality of the products sold; it distinguishes the manufacturer from the mass of competitors whose quality has not been confirmed.

The certificate must have a mark stating that the material is fire resistant (fire certification is required) and is completely safe for humans and environment, it would also be useful to note the storage features; basement-type premises are perfect for this.

Moisture-resistant drywall - what are the properties and advantages?

The properties of GKLV include the following:

  • high-quality sheets are green, less often pink;
  • the marking must be highlighted in blue on the back of the product;
  • since the material can be used both as a main material and as a finishing (decorative) material, here you need to decide on its thickness. So, you can choose either thin sheets (from 6.5 mm) or, on the contrary, thick ones (up to 24 mm);
  • available individual order products with the required dimensions (if non-standard sheets are needed);
  • in order for the material to retain all its properties for as long as possible beneficial features, it must be treated (during the creation process) with special substances that rid the surface of mold, various fungi and excess moisture;
  • GKL sheets can belong to different classes, for example, class “A” indicates that the products are moisture-resistant, and class “B” is more suitable for lower priority work.

Also, moisture-resistant drywall has several advantages, which attracts experienced craftsmen and specialists:

  • high levels of water repellency and fire resistance;
  • good flexibility and ductility, which allows you to create structures of different shapes;
  • reasonable prices;
  • non-toxic and safe;
  • multifunctionality and versatility;
  • creates, provides and maintains the desired microclimate of the room;
  • the material is very convenient and easy to install and assemble, which allows you to work alone without involving strangers in the work;
  • moisture resistant plasterboard has excellent sound insulation properties;
  • For of this material Any component or paint for finishing or decor will work well.

Application of moisture-resistant boards

Moisture-resistant plasterboard is intended for residential as well as non-residential premises, it doesn’t matter whether they are heated or not. However, they may have high humidity. Such buildings include the following objects: bathrooms and toilet rooms, bathrooms, baths and saunas, changing rooms, which are combined with showers, balconies and kitchens, attics and attics, this also includes swimming pools (with tiled finishing), barns and garages, as well as apartment rooms that are located on the north side, where the sun's rays rarely reach.

In addition to residential heated premises, it is appropriate to use the slabs in unheated garages, barns or unglazed balconies. For achievement maximum effect you can glue the tiles, the whole procedure is quite simple, so anyone can easily handle it.

In order for the sheets to serve for a long time, when installing them you need to pay attention to the following tips:

  1. Before finishing the premises with gypsum boards mandatory you need to inspect the room for the presence of ventilation (if it is absent, you cannot use slabs); it is worth noting that in bathrooms there must be another ventilation in addition to natural. This will create the necessary air circulation, which will prevent all surfaces from condensation.
  2. To create additional protection, all moisture-resistant sheets are front side subject to special treatment with hydrophobic impregnations and antifungal sprays.
  3. If the room is exposed to strong moisture, then experts recommend using an additional layer of slabs; they will protect the surfaces and extend the service life.
  4. To create original decor you can use mosaics, tiles, various colors and wallpaper, with their help you can bring to life any design solution.
  5. To fill voids in frame system It is recommended to use a hydrophobic insulator; it will provide protection from water, excess noise and sounds, as well as large and rapid heat loss.

How to choose waterproof drywall?

To make the right choice quality materials that will last for a long time, you should follow a few tips:

source: //izgipsokartona.com/o-materiale/vlagostojkij-gipsokarton.html

Gypsum plasterboard (GKL) is a multi-purpose material designed to solve construction and finishing problems. It is used when installing functional and decorative partitions, leveling and wall cladding, manufacturing suspended ceilings, decorating interior elements. However, ordinary drywall has one significant drawback - the structure collapses over time in conditions high humidity. To solve this problem, waterproof plasterboard is used, which differs from the usual one in composition and technological characteristics.

Internal structure

The core, made from gypsum dough, is lined with cardboard on both sides using glue, leaving only the end parts of the product open. The strength of gypsum plasterboard is ensured by the binding components added to the gypsum, and the function of the reinforcing frame is taken over by cardboard, which serves as the basis for finishing materials- plaster, paint, wallpaper, facing tiles.

Bathroom cladding using gypsum boards

Unlike usual moisture resistant plasterboard during production passes special treatment, which increases the product’s resistance to moisture. In its manufacture, impregnated cardboard is used, and antifungal and hydrophobic additives are introduced into the gypsum core. As a result of this treatment, moisture-resistant plasterboard absorbs no more than 10% moisture over a conventional period of time compared to standard drywall. It does not swell, does not increase in volume, and drops are allowed to fall on the surface. It is washed if necessary. It is convenient to work with it when creating concave or convex structures.

A more expensive alternative to drywall is gypsum fiber sheet (GVL). This is a homogeneous finishing material without a cardboard shell and with increased density, which, compared to conventional gypsum board, does not crumble when cut. Craftsmen use it when leveling walls, making “dry” screeds, as well as when creating structures subject to shock or other mechanical loads.

Marking - how to decipher the designations

When purchasing drywall products, carefully study the labeling. It is applied from the back and begins with abbreviations indicating the type of plasterboard and its edges. Next comes the size, release date (not on all products), information about compliance with the standard.

Three types of plasterboard sheets:

  • GKL - standard plasterboard material, used for cladding rooms with normal or low humidity.
  • GKLV- moisture-resistant plasterboard, intended for rooms with normal or high humidity.
  • GKLO is a fire-resistant plasterboard, which is recommended for use in rooms with increased fire safety requirements.

The photo below shows the marking of a moisture-resistant plasterboard board, where:

  • GKLV means moisture-resistant plasterboard sheet;
  • UK - thinned edge (another name is “boat”);
  • 12.5×1200×2500 - sheet dimensions;
  • GOST 6266-97 - interstate product standard.

An example of marking a plasterboard sheet

Also, these products, in accordance with the accepted standard, are divided into two categories - A and B, depending on the number of permissible defects per specific size. A class A product is considered to be of higher quality, as it has fewer defects on its surface, which ensures a better quality putty.

The three main types of gypsum boards are distinguished by the color of the cardboard. Although manufacturers do not have strictly accepted standards, ordinary plasterboard slabs are gray or pale beige in color, moisture-resistant ones are produced in green (or pale blue), and fire-resistant ones are produced in pink.

Color designations of the main types of gypsum boards

Dimensions, thickness, weight

The sizes of moisture-resistant gypsum board sheets on the market range from 600 to 1200 mm in width and from 2000 to 4000 mm in length. The dimensions of the common standard are 1200×2500 mm. At the same time, manufacturers meet customers halfway and are ready to accept orders for the production of plasterboard slabs of non-standard sizes.

When calculating the area to be treated, they are guided by the fact that during installation building structures It is better to cut off the excess length than to add missing pieces of material to a shorter sheet. This reduces the number of butt seams and additional profiles. When purchasing plasterboard panels, craftsmen recommend purchasing several pieces (depending on the volume of planned work) in reserve.

The thickness of the product is determined by its intended purpose. The thinnest drywall is arched. Its thickness is 6.5 mm, ceiling - 9.5 mm, wall - 12.5 mm. The thickness of standard moisture-resistant material ranges from 9.5 to 12.5 mm. In reinforced slabs of moisture-resistant fire-resistant plasterboard of increased strength, this parameter is in the range from 15 to 24 millimeters.

The weight of a plasterboard board directly depends on the size and thickness of the product. Weight at standard size 1200×2500 mm with an area of ​​3 sq.m and a thickness of 9.5 mm is 24-25 kg, and a product measuring 1200×2500 mm with a thickness of 12.5 mm weighs approximately 30 kg. Moisture-resistant drywall due to the additives it contains that weigh more than standard ones same sizes leaf.

Bathroom design made using gypsum boards

Edge Types

Another characteristic is the type of end edge, on which strength depends, as well as the method of processing sheet joints.

Five types of edges:

  • PC marking means a straight edge with an angle of 90°. Sheets with such an edge are used for installation that does not require sealing joints. So when covering in several layers internal slabs used with this type of edge.
  • For a rounded edge (ZK), or semicircular on the front side (PLC), only putty is enough.
  • When working with a thinned edge (UK), semicircular and thinned on the front side (PLUC), additional gluing of the joints with reinforcing tape is required, followed by puttying.

Craftsmen prefer slabs with beveled edges UK and PLUK, which provide the best seam strength and the absence of unwanted protrusions on the surface.

Types of plasterboard edges

Advantages and disadvantages

The undeniable advantages of moisture-resistant plasterboard include its safety for health. It does not contain toxic substances, and the acidity level is similar to the acidity of human skin, and is absolutely harmless from an environmental point of view. This material easily absorbs and releases moisture, maintaining a stable level in the room.

The following video demonstrates the process of installing plasterboard boards in a bathroom according to the author's design:

At the same time, moisture-resistant drywall is not susceptible to the formation of fungi on its surface, which ensures long term services while maintaining the original appearance.

Like other types of gypsum board, it is lightweight, easy to use, affordable and does not require any special care. And in addition to sound and heat insulation properties, it boasts ease of working with various finishing materials.

But it is worth considering some disadvantages. This material is not very durable; it is not suitable for attaching heavy cabinets and shelves to it. At mechanical damage dents or holes form. If the waterproofing layer is damaged, it loses its performance characteristics. In addition, any drywall takes up part of the usable area.

Of all types of drywall, it is moisture-resistant that copes well with the widest range of construction tasks and is popular with consumers.

source: //gipsohouse.ru/typesof/moistureresistant/5065-gkl-vlagostojkij.html

Plaster for external and internal work

Plastering work involves applying a special protective and finishing mixture to the ceiling and walls.

Currently, construction stores sell various types of plaster for internal as well as external finishing works.

We will tell you in more detail about the varieties of this material and how to use it.

Types of plaster

Assortment of plaster choices

In stores you can find dozens various types such finishing. How to choose the right material, and how to save money on its purchase?

If you have any difficulties in choosing, you can always consult the sales staff in the store, they will help you with your choice.

Depending on its purpose, it is customary to distinguish between ordinary, special and decorative plaster. Based on the purpose of the material, you should choose a specific type of finish.

Regular plaster is designed to protect the surface from moisture, as well as to level the walls. Subsequently, after applying the leveling composition, it is expected to be further finished, which can be done with decorative bricks, stone slabs and other durable materials.

This will ensure maximum durability of the surface of the walls and façade of the building.

Special plaster, depending on its purpose, can be heat-saving, moisture-proof, X-ray-proof, sound-proof, and so on.

It must be said that these varieties are difficult to operate and require compliance with all technological processes, standards for layer thickness and chemical composition material.

Decorative plaster appeared on the market relatively recently and today is actively used when carrying out repair work.

The use of this material, the use of various application techniques followed by processing allows you to create attractive and original repairs premises.

Depending on the scope of use, plaster can be divided into material for external and internal use.

For example, popular today gypsum mixtures Designed for indoor use with natural humidity levels. Whereas cement-sand based mortars are versatile and can be used with equal success for external and internal work.

Finishing material for interior work

Lime mortars

Lime and gypsum mixtures, as well as magnesium plasters, are widely used when performing interior finishing work.

Each of these varieties has certain advantages and disadvantages. Lime mortars are environmentally friendly, have a high speed of application, and have an affordable price.

The disadvantages of such plaster include its immediate strength indicators. This finish is prepared immediately before use and can be painted in different color. Thanks to the use textured rollers you can give the walls the relief you need.

Gypsum plaster

Gypsum plaster is versatile and easy to use.

Possibility of coloring, as well as obtaining textured surface makes this option popular when performing designer renovations.

Their disadvantages include its not very high strength and low moisture resistance. The latter does not allow the use of this material for wall decoration in the kitchen and bathrooms.

Magnesia plasters are made from environmentally friendly pure materials, are distinguished by their strength and excellent durability. This material is not afraid of moisture, and also high temperatures. The disadvantage of finishing is its high price, which significantly increases the homeowner's costs.

Plaster for external use

Cement-sand plaster

Cement-sand mixtures are characterized by excellent resistance to moisture, which allows them to be used for exterior finishing work.

This plaster is durable and resistant to ultraviolet radiation. The excellent strength of this material allows it to be used for finishing the base.

The plinth is plastered with the addition of hydrophobic additives, which allow the material to withstand prolonged exposure to high humidity. It must be said that with all its advantages, such cement-sand plaster has one significant drawback.

Working with this material is difficult, which forces you to turn to professional specialists when performing finishing work.

Using plaster for interior decoration

In construction stores you can find both ready-made plaster diluted in water and dry mixtures that require preparation before use.

Preparing the solution is not difficult, while the existing difference in cost, especially for large volumes of work, will allow you to save significantly. Leveling plaster is applied to the prepared surface.

The walls must be cleaned of old finishes and covered with concrete contact or primer. Only after this can you begin to apply the material and then level it.

When applied decorative plaster must be fulfilled finishing using rollers and other tools.

Plastering the facade and basement of the building

Plastering the facade of the house

Plastering the facade of a building allows you to give the building a neat, attractive appearance.

At making the right choice finishing material, following all the technology, such finishing will be durable and strong.

The material is applied to a previously leveled, primed wall.

Leveling the surface can be done with a long rule and corners. We can recommend that when plastering the facade of a building, you use sprayers, which can significantly speed up the finishing work.

You can easily rent such equipment and finish the façade of your private home in the shortest possible time.

Basement plaster is made using hydrophobic additives and is characterized by increased strength. It is recommended to do the finishing manually, and minimum thickness the applied layer is 15 millimeters.

In the future, it is recommended to carry out additional finishing of the basement of the building with durable stone materials or brick. This will ensure maximum protection of the structure from moisture, and the base itself will be reliably protected from mechanical damage.


Plaster is one of the most popular finishing materials today. If you choose the right type of material, you can easily use it for interior as well as exterior work.

Plastered walls have an attractive appearance, are distinguished by strength and durability. The ease of finishing work allows you to carry out the work yourself, without resorting to services professional builders. All this will allow you to save money by reducing the cost of home renovations.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Gypsum-based building materials are widely used by owners for comfortable furnishing of apartments. Gypsum fiber sheets (GVL) and plasterboard (GKL) are popular solutions that are used in construction and repair. We invite you to conduct comparative analysis of these materials, which will allow you to understand the difference between them and determine whose set of properties - gypsum fiber board or gypsum board - is more preferable.


– do not need unnecessary popularization. This is a material that is one of the most popular among repair and construction work. Its structure is:

  1. Gypsum layer (93%).
  2. Cardboard layer (6%).
  3. Organic (1%).

To create a gypsum board, a layer of cardboard is glued onto the gypsum layer; it also contains small amounts of organic substances and humectants. In the end it turns out durable material with a smooth surface that cardboard gives it. Taken together, these properties make it possible to effectively use gypsum boards for various construction and repair needs.

Characteristic features of drywall

Drywall has the following characteristics:

  • the ability to absorb moisture when there is excess and release when there is a deficiency;
  • high sound insulation properties;
  • decent fire resistance (characteristic only for sheets marked GKLO);
  • safety from an environmental point of view;
  • the ability to create curved shapes;
  • successfully used in damp areas.

The cost of one square meter of plasterboard is about 150 rubles, which is 2–2.5 times less than the cost of gypsum fiber. The difference in price between these materials is one of the most significant for many.

Relevance of using gypsum boards

The material used to create partitions is various designs, wall cladding. GCR is easy to install, so implement different ideas In terms of interior design, you can even achieve cosmetic cleanliness in your living space, as well as introduce original construction and finishing ideas yourself.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: How to apply liquid wallpaper to drywall and is it possible to do it?

Thanks to sheets of drywall, owners can easily:

  • eliminate uneven surfaces in the apartment, hide corners or curved walls;
  • make a redevelopment by installing partitions;
  • create exquisite design structures in the form of arches, niches, columns;
  • complement the room with built-in lighting.

Gypsum fiber: features and scope of application

A material that, due to its properties, has managed to compete with gypsum plasterboard. It is characterized by high strength and weight, not subject to stretching or deformation. GCR and GVL have a similar composition, but the gypsum fiber sheet, consisting of cellulose fibers and pressed gypsum, is homogeneous in structure. The surface of the gypsum plasterboard is polished and impregnated with special compounds that prevent gypsum dusting and moisture absorption.

Just like drywall, gypsum board is used for finishing walls, constructing interior partitions. Suitable for use in damp areas such as the bathroom.

A unique feature of gypsum fiber that distinguishes it from plasterboard is the ability to use it for dry floor screed. The Knauf company produces special sheets with a straight longitudinal edge for these purposes.

Distinctive properties

The material is characterized by a number of features:

  • environmental safety, contains no formaldehyde and resins;
  • moisture resistance (refers to GVLV) and increased fire resistance;
  • excellent heat and sound insulation properties;
  • frost resistance;
  • high density.

One square meter sheet gypsum fiber costs 300–400 rubles.

What to choose?

It all depends on the specific requirements that the specified materials must satisfy.


Which is better, gypsum plasterboard or gypsum plasterboard, if you look at the strength of materials? Gypsum fiber is preferable to choose for rooms with more high requirements regarding impact protection. How important this is in relation to apartments is up to the owners to decide.

Drywall is easier to break through, its cardboard shell can be damaged, and it can “go limp” from moisture. Gypsum fiber is much stronger, you can hammer nails into it, it will not crumble.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: Sealing tape for drywall profile

Ease of operation

It is easier to work with homogeneous gypsum fiber sheets in terms of ease of cutting: the material does not crumble, so it can be cut even into very small pieces. However, due to its large mass, the sheet should not be mounted on the wall alone: ​​it can break under its own weight.

Drywall is less durable, so they usually cut it crosswise or try to use whole sheets. But it weighs less, which is important for convenient work. A distinctive feature of gypsum board is also its ability to become plastic when soaked and restore normal strength after drying.

Environmental friendliness

Destruction of the gypsum fiber sheet array is excluded even during long period use due to its rigid structure. But gypsum plasterboard tends to gradually lose strength. This leads to the transformation of gypsum into dust, which is unsafe for the human body.

Fire resistance

GVL is not prone to fire and is even used for fire protection of structures, whereas to achieve similar properties, gypsum plasterboard must be protected with a special compound.

Important! Drywall sheets that can withstand fire are distinguished by the presence of a special marking - GKLO.

In general, drywall is universal material, used in various areas of construction and finishing, is extremely popular both among ordinary citizens and large developers of apartment buildings. It is used for cladding walls, creating partitions, ceilings, and is also used as a good soundproofing material. Like any type of material, drywall is divided into two main types: gypsum board stands for plasterboard sheet, and GVL stands for gypsum fiber sheet.

To understand the differences between plasterboard sheets and gypsum fiber sheets, you need to consider what material they are made of, what properties they have, and in order not to miscalculate the budget, consider the prices for gypsum fiber boards.

This list lists the main characteristics of gypsum board sheets:

  • Made from a mixture of construction paper and hardened gypsum;
  • Takes the required shape when wetted with water;
  • Does not require pre-treatment before use;
  • It is recommended to cut only across, to ensure the integrity of the reinforcing cardboard;
  • Eliminates excess moisture;
  • Lighter in weight;
  • Sound absorber (preferably used with thermal insulation);
  • Fire resistant;

Excellent competitive characteristics that make the material a leader.

Note: GKL sheets have a larger range and choice on the building materials market than GVL. Due to the low cost of production, such material will be much cheaper than gypsum fiber.

But let’s not forget about the presence of moisture-resistant sheets; based on the characteristics, you can notice the difference between gypsum board and gypsum fiber board. They also have their own set of advantages. Let's look at it in detail.

Characteristics of GVL sheet:

  • Cellulose waste paper is used instead of cardboard;
  • Increased fire resistance and sound absorption;
  • Possible cutting in any direction;
  • Not plastic (unlike gypsum plasterboard);
  • Homogeneous composition;
  • Heavier than gypsum board;
  • More expensive than plasterboard sheet.
  • Increased strength

It is very difficult to say clearly which drywall or gypsum fiber to choose.

You will learn how to choose the thickness of plasterboard sheets depending on the room in the following article:

What is better GVL or gypsum board

Having considered the main characteristics of gypsum plasterboard and gypsum fiber board, we will make a small verdict. First, you need to decide on the purpose of purchasing a particular sheet. And know exactly what types of gypsum board and gypsum board there are.

Types of gypsum plasterboard and gypsum board:

  1. GKLA is an acoustic plasterboard sheet, used as the final cladding of soundproofing sandwich panels. A unique development with increased sheet density and improved acoustic properties;
  2. GKLO – fire-resistant plasterboard sheet. Its production uses thick, flexible multi-layer paper, as well as a gypsum fireproof base;
  3. GKLV is a moisture-resistant plasterboard sheet.
  4. GVLV is a moisture-resistant gypsum fiber sheet that has excellent moisture protection due to the treatment of both sides with a water repellent and antiseptic agents.

If you focus more on quality and the budget allows you to realize your idea, then it is better to purchase gypsum fiber sheets(GVL), since their density is much higher and equal to 1250 kg/m³, therefore, the strength of walls and partitions increases. Another advantage of GVL is that it is homogeneous in structure and when cutting it you can use any cutting tool without damaging the edges of the sheet, whereas when cutting drywall, the structure is damaged and uneven edges are formed.

The increased strength of GVL is achieved by using additional adhesive additives, dissolved cellulose waste paper, which gives the material reinforcing properties.

If your choice fell towards the cheapness and simplicity of your ideas, then you can safely take ordinary plasterboard sheets (GKL). Despite the low cost, such sheets have their own advantages, and it is easier to work with it, since it is lighter in weight, the sheet can be shaped different shape(after wetting), and in general it is better to use them in not the most critical projects, but to use GVL.

If, when finishing walls or installing partitions, you use gypsum boards together with thermal insulation boards, then you can achieve good sound insulation.

Each type of plasterboard is unique in itself, but if you take a broader look at the building materials market, you can find varieties of both plasterboard and fiber sheets. Plasterboard sheet can be made with additional additives that give it increased sound insulation and fire protection.

What is the difference between gypsum plasterboard and gypsum board

Gypsum board sheet (GKL), in which the gypsum is not compacted with pressed cellulose, is less durable than GVL. The rigidity is significantly higher in fibrous base, than gypsum board bends better and takes on the required shape, and gypsum board is not intended for curved structures. Let us conclude in favor of fiber sheets. Based on years of research, drywall is less durable and susceptible to moisture.

It is worth considering that often when transporting or unloading drywall, it often breaks and crumbles under high vibrations.

In terms of environmental friendliness and health effects, gypsum plasterboard is more environmentally friendly than gypsum plasterboard, since over time, gypsum loses its original structure and turns into a loose substance, which negatively affects human breathing.

Advice: when purchasing, it is advisable to check the degree of environmental friendliness of drywall, which is indicated in the technical data sheet for the product.

If we take into account the practicality of using GVL and GKL, then the first one will be more universal in use, it is even suitable for insulating floors, having thermal characteristics and serve as its basis. As for ordinary plasterboard sheet, it does not have heat-insulating properties, excluding its use with thermal insulation.

Manufacturers and construction stores offer customers discounts when purchasing drywall in bulk, what you need to consider when purchasing large quantity sheets.

Comparing prices for one or another type of plasterboard sheets, gypsum plasterboard sheets will definitely be one and a half, or even twice as expensive. Today, the average market price for gypsum boards ranges from 100 to 350 rubles per piece, depending on the size and thickness of the sheet, and the price for gypsum board ranges from 200 to 550 rubles per sheet. It is also worth considering that the sizes of plasterboard sheets may vary.

If you have never encountered such material before, then read the basic recommendations when working with drywall. There are not so many of them, but they will allow you to avoid typical and common mistakes.

Among them are:

  1. There is no point in cutting gypsum plasterboard with just anything; for this there is a special thicknesser cutter, which when cutting does not damage the working edges of the sheet;
  2. To process holes in drywall, it is recommended to use a roughing rasp;
  3. For chamfering, it is better to use an edge plane with two cutting blades for drywall;
  4. It is better to fasten the sheets with metal screws, in increments of 20 to 35 centimeters, and so that the fasteners do not protrude, we fasten them with countersunk screws;
  5. When creating internal and external corners from plasterboard, it is better to use metal corners with perforation with their further plastering and finishing;
  6. After installing a sheet of non-standard shape, it is recommended to dry the wetted surface using a hair dryer.

Still, which type of drywall to choose is up to you. If the work requires responsibility, quality and structural strength of the object, and also the budget allows, then the choice will be in favor of gypsum fiber sheet. Well, if you decide to arrange your Vacation home, estate and even a bathhouse, then it would be advisable to use ordinary gypsum board sheets. This will save money, and the result will be almost identical.

Application of gypsum board sheets (video)

And in conclusion: in kindergartens and schools, plasterboard is often used, namely its GKLO (fireproof) variety, which is safer than usual. In general, drywall can be used in for various purposes, but its main use is decorative finishing and the creation of unique designs.

Dry construction technologies have been used in the West for many years and are now gaining popularity in Russia. The use of gypsum plasterboard or gypsum fiber board (plasterboard or gypsum fiber sheets) allows you to minimize “wet” repair processes, significantly reduce the cost and reduce the time for finishing work. Only one question arises: what is better to choose - gypsum board or gypsum board?

What is the difference between the materials

  • A plasterboard sheet consists of a gypsum core with fillers, lined with cardboard on both sides. Three-layer material.
  • Gypsum fiber has a uniform structure throughout its entire thickness. For its production, gypsum mass reinforced with cellulose fibers is used.

Material characteristics

To understand which is better, plasterboard or gypsum fiber, it is worth comparing the characteristics.

  • Durable sheet for leveling walls and ceilings. Resistant to deformation.
  • Flexibility, elasticity, the ability to create arches and complex structures
  • Easy installation with glue and screws.
  • Flexibility in processing hand cutting, tendency to crumble.
  • Fire resistance in GKLO version.

  • The sheets are stronger and stiffer than gypsum boards and are suitable for laying on the floor.
  • High density and significant weight, resistance to temperature changes.
  • Inflexibility.
  • Frost resistance is 3 times higher than that of gypsum plasterboard.
  • Increased moisture resistance and sound insulation.

For what purposes are the materials suitable?

For ceilings. Drywall - more suitable material for finishing ceilings than GVL. It is much lighter and does not create excessive load on suspensions and profiles fixed to the ceiling. Low weight makes the sheets easy to install.

For partitions. The choice of material depends on the design. Simple partitions with a rectangular opening can be assembled from gypsum fiber board. The sheets will provide rigidity, good sound insulation. If you plan to install an arch with complex decor, it is better to choose gypsum boards. Drywall is easier to process.

For bathroom. IN in this case It is better to use gypsum fiber, especially for laying on the floor. The material does not absorb water and does not deform under conditions high humidity. You can use moisture-resistant drywall in the bathroom, but only on walls that are not exposed to moisture.

For a wooden house. The choice depends on the purpose of use. Both materials are suitable for leveling walls. The sheets allow air and steam to pass through equally well and allow different types of decorative finishing. If it is necessary to increase the fire resistance of a structure, choose GKLO grade plasterboard. To protect walls from moisture in the kitchen and bathroom, GVLV is used.

Which is cheaper?

The cost of plasterboard is lower, since it is easier to produce and has slightly inferior characteristics to gypsum fiber. In some cases, for example, with increased surface loads and high humidity, the price of gypsum fiber board is completely justified and is paid for many times over by its properties.

If it is difficult to make a choice on your own, you can contact specialists and describe the tasks in detail. Depending on the location of application, operating conditions, and requirements, a professional will help you choose the best option.

Drywall has been known for a long time and has become one of the most popular building materials. Gypsum fiber sheets (GVL) are still less common, but in their characteristics regular drywall superior. Let's consider the features of this material and use cases.

Gypsum fiber sheet includes, of course, building gypsum, cellulose dissolved waste paper and certain technological additives. Approximately 80% of the composition is gypsum, 20% is cellulose. The main external difference between gypsum board and drywall is that it does not have outer shell, the sheet turns out homogeneous. In this case, one side of the sheet is sanded, and the panel itself is impregnated with a water-repellent agent, which acts as a primer and is used against chalking.

There is GOST R 51829-2001, which highlights the following types gypsum fiber sheets:

  • GVL and GVLV, that is, ordinary and moisture resistant. In this respect, gypsum fiber is similar to plasterboard, which is also divided into two similar types, intended for dry and wet rooms.
  • With straight and rebated edges.
  • The standard length of GVL can be 1.5, 2, 2.5, 2.7 and 3 m. Standard width is 0.5, 1 and 1.2 m. Thickness is 10, 12.5, 15, 18 and 20 mm .

Gypsum fiber sheets are marked as follows: GVLV-PK-2500x1200x10 GOST R 51829-2001, where PK, respectively, means a straight edge.

Technical characteristics of GVL:

  • The density reaches 1250 kg/m 3, which allows you to safely drive nails into gypsum fiber sheets without fear that they will begin to crumble.
  • The material is warm to the touch and has a low thermal conductivity coefficient, that is, it can be used to insulate a room from the inside.
  • Sound insulation, depending on the thickness of the sheet, is 35-40 dB.
  • GVL do not burn; they belong to group G1 for flammability, group B1 for flammability and group D1 for smoke-generating ability.
  • The material is not afraid of frost, so it can be used in rooms that are not heated, including when finishing balconies and loggias.

In terms of frost resistance, density, and sound insulation, gypsum fiber boards are significantly superior to plasterboard.

Gypsum fiber boards are especially often used for installing floors using dry technology. They can replace ordinary concrete, the room will have a more comfortable climate, and the installation process itself will be much simpler and faster.

However, the scope of application of GVL does not end there; they can be used in the following cases:

  • creating suspended ceilings;
  • wall cladding - in both cases, sheets with seamed edges are used;
  • covering various wooden structure, which non-flammable sheets can protect against fire;
  • cladding of attics, basements, balconies;
  • construction of children's game rooms, courts and other sports facilities.

The positive properties of gypsum fiber boards include environmental friendliness, which allows them to be used even in children's rooms. In addition, they are more durable and wear-resistant; when cut, the edges do not crumble, like drywall. However, gypsum boards weigh significantly more than gypsum boards, which is why they are more often used for floors and walls than for ceilings. Another minus - more high price— gypsum fiber costs about twice as much as plasterboard.


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