Manual dismantling of brick partition walls. How to disassemble a brick oven: the procedure and features of dismantling oven equipment Dismantling brickwork

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Some brick structures require demolition. How to dismantle the brickwork, the owners decide depending on own desires. If the brick is still good and can be useful again, sometimes the owners of the building decide not to break the wall, but to dismantle it.

Dismantling a brick wall may be necessary during repairs, when you need to demolish a load-bearing or regular partition wall.

Dismantling brick walls cannot be called easy work. But if you carefully follow all the required steps, you can get bricks that are quite suitable for reuse. What is important is that with this approach to dismantling walls there will be no large-sized waste.

Preparing to dismantle walls

To dismantle a brick wall you will need: a hammer drill, a drill, a jigsaw and an electric screwdriver.

Dismantling work should be carried out with the indispensable use of protective equipment. When dismantling walls, fine dust is generated, which can cause serious harm to health, so it is necessary to use special clothing and safety glasses. It is also advisable to wear a respirator.

In order to disassemble, you can resort to the help of professionals or do it yourself.

The cost will depend on some of the features of the building and its size.

If you turn to professionals for such work, during the demolition process they will use power tools and various devices for manually removing the binder from bricks.

Before dismantling begins, preparation must be made depending on the specific working conditions. For example, sometimes it is necessary to dismantle only one wall in the house, that is, a partition.

It should be noted that bricks are quite heavy and if they fall on the floor, its coating may be damaged. In this case, it is necessary to create on the floor protective layer(old blankets and unnecessary rags will do). Furniture must be removed from the premises.

In order to quickly dismantle a brick wall, the jackhammer should be aimed at the joints of the bricks.

Electrical wiring must be removed in advance. To do this, turn off the power completely - otherwise there is a risk that during operation the wires will be damaged by brick fragments, tools will land on a bare wire, a short circuit will occur, or people will be injured.

It is useful to spray the wall with water from time to time - you get more dirt, but wet dust does not get inside when you breathe, and less harm is done to your health. Workers carrying out dismantling should definitely wear safety glasses.

First, from a brick building intended for dismantling, it is necessary to completely remove window and door designs, remove the plaster. Dismantling begins with knocking out several elements at the joints of the ceiling and partition. The strength of the connection of bricks can be broken by strong blows, for which a sledgehammer is most often used. You should not dismantle the walls in large pieces at once - it is better to separate several bricks if possible.

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Manual method of dismantling

In order to dismantle a brick wall, you can use different ways depending on specific conditions. The methods differ in technological processes.

If the wall is dismantled without the involvement of specialists, the most common method is manual. It can be used in cases where brick or stone walls, for which it was used as a fastening solution lime mixture or cement, where the binding component is added in small quantities. For such operations you can use hand tools: pickaxe, crowbars, hammers.

If you carefully disassemble the brickwork, most often you will be able to obtain bricks that are not particularly damaged, which are quite suitable for further use.

A jackhammer with a crowbar is suitable for dismantling a brick wall.

They must be thoroughly cleaned of pieces of mortar - disassemble the wall and chip off the bricks. The result is good material that can be used in the future, for example, for the construction of buildings for economic purposes, but for now it is being stored somewhere aside.

To dismantle a wall made of bricks with a not very strong binding mortar, wedges are driven into the horizontal and vertical seams of the structure. They are hammered in with a sledgehammer - under the force, cracks appear in the mortar and bricks separate from the wall. But more often in construction a solution with more solid foundation. Disassembling such walls can be somewhat more difficult. This cannot be done manually - you will need to use at least standard tools, pneumatic, electric hammers.

For manual disassembly, it is enough to use a steel wedge that is driven into the cement joint. This is done using a hammer. You can also tap the base of the bricks a little with a hammer to increase the formation of cracks in the hardened cement. If the composition of the mortar is more durable, it is better to use a steel stake and a power tool - a jackhammer, for example, to expand the space between the bricks and to separate the elements from the wall.

Dismantling of brick vaults must be done manually. You need to start dismantling from the castle and move towards the heels. In cases with cross, sail, and dome vaults, their dismantling must be carried out in closed circles. Before you begin to disassemble the vault and support feet, it is necessary to prepare formwork and circles under them to prevent the collapse of the vault.

Sometimes during construction the question arises of how to disassemble brickwork without damaging the brick. Redevelopment of an apartment and its renovation are quite important measures designed to create additional comfort and coziness, as well as significantly improve aesthetic qualities. In some cases, carrying out such actions may require demolishing any of the walls or changing its shape.

Careful dismantling brickwork will help preserve the brick for future use.

The need to demolish brick walls while preserving the material and the stages of upcoming work

Construction apartment buildings Soviet period was carried out using bricks and cement mortar which made it possible to achieve excellent strength and durability characteristics of the building. Today, similar houses have long expired, but due to their increased strength and stability they are still used for living. In an effort to give our apartments a modern appearance, many people are trying to remodel their homes.

Purpose similar works is to expand the free space of the house and optimize it. In turn, the implementation of such an undertaking may require the demolition of some walls, and the material that is their basis can serve to achieve other goals. Some people dismantle walls using mechanical devices, others prefer to do all the work manually - both of these solutions will help bring a positive result and not only remove the unnecessary partition, but also obtain a sufficient amount of material that can be used in the future.

It is best to moisten the brick with water before dismantling.

In general, dismantling a brick wall is quite simple, but you should follow certain rules, allowing you to speed up this process and keep the material intact. Parsing the wall brick building consists of the following steps:

  • preparatory work;
  • collection of tools;
  • dismantling the partition.

The above stages fully describe the nature of the work and its structure. Moreover, each of them is of particular importance and contains its own subtleties that must be taken into account. This is the only way to achieve a positive result and dismantle a house or brick wall in the shortest possible time.

Dismantling a brick wall: preparatory work

Preparatory work is almost the main stage, which involves dismantling a brick wall.

This stage consists of carrying out a whole range of measures aimed at optimizing future work. It is based on the following principles:

Before starting work, it is necessary to turn off the electricity at the site.
  1. Such work is often carried out in premises that have already been renovated and equipped for human habitation. In such conditions, the safety of surrounding objects and coatings plays an important role, and a fallen brick can easily damage any interior detail. Therefore, it is initially necessary to remove all items and cover the floor to avoid damage.
  2. Dismantling the wall must be safe, so you must first turn off the power supply to the site and remove all sockets and lighting fixtures.
  3. Getting to the base of the wall, much less dismantling the brickwork, is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. In our apartments there is always some other coating on top of the brick. It could be plaster, ceramic tile, putty or ordinary wallpaper. Therefore, to carry out the work, you first need to remove all these materials, leaving only a bare brick plane.
  4. It is also very difficult to dismantle a wall and remain clean. Therefore, the brickwork must be thoroughly moistened with water. This step will make it possible to get rid of large quantity dust, which is an integral part of repairs. During work, you should periodically wet the surface with water, ensuring minimal spread of dirt and dust in the air.

All these steps must be completed immediately before starting to dismantle the wall, which will ensure optimal conditions for carrying out work and preserving the brick.

Dismantling brickwork: list of tools and sequence of work

How to dismantle brickwork without damaging the material? The answer to this question is quite simple: having collected all the necessary tools and knowing how to use them, doing the work and saving the brick is quite simple, although it may take quite a lot long time. The list of required equipment may include the following tools:

To dismantle you need to prepare tools.
  • pick;
  • jackhammer;
  • perforator;
  • sledgehammer;
  • chisel;
  • a set of metal wedges;
  • hammer;
  • gloves.

Depending on the structure of the wall, one or another tool may be necessary. To demolish thick walls consisting of several rows of bricks, you will need a hammer drill and a jackhammer. In turn, disassembling the partition can be done using a chisel and sledgehammer.

To dismantle the wall, first disassemble the top row of bricks. The brick that forms it is unlikely to be preserved, but such a step will allow access to subsequent rows. Using a sledgehammer, knock out the top few rows of brick, freeing up space for further work.

Next, using a chisel or metal wedges, depending on the quality of the cement mortar, you must carefully remove each subsequent row of masonry by knocking out each individual brick. If necessary, in particularly difficult areas, you can use a sledgehammer, hitting it between the bricks directly on the petrified mortar.

The remaining concrete is removed from the brick with an ordinary hammer and chisel. This is how it is made complete disassembly the entire wall, and the material forming it remains intact, which makes it possible to reuse it for the construction of any other buildings or partitions.

In this article I want to talk about how to correctly dismantle the wall. Why might this be needed at all? Well, let’s say you wanted to do some redevelopment in your apartment, private house or office. Do you want to make one large one from two small rooms, or make a large adjacent bathroom from a separate bathroom and toilet. This is precisely what is being done for this purpose. dismantling partitions.

In this article we will figure out exactly how dismantle the brick wall. In general, what is the difference between dismantling conventional partition walls and dismantling load-bearing walls? It differs in that when dismantling an ordinary partition you do not need to worry that you will violate the integrity of the building, that cracks will appear, that the relevant authorities will begin to make claims against you. You will not need to install permanent supports in place load-bearing wall. And in general, it is highly not recommended to demolish or in any way move major load-bearing walls.

Dismantling brick partitions It is better to start with thorough preparation. Please note that the bricks are quite heavy and when they fall to the floor, your flooring can get very badly hurt. It’s good if you are going to completely change the floor and lay new laminate, parquet, linoleum, etc., in this case you have no reason to worry. If the coating remains old, then you need to come up with some kind of shock absorption on the floor for bricks and pieces of plaster. Therefore, at the site of hostilities, you can build heaps of old rags or blankets. There is also nothing to do with furniture near this place; you need to move it further away and cover it with thick oilcloth.

What tools will you need for dismantling:

  • hammer drill (if available).

Now you can get to work. First you need to do it on the wall that needs to be demolished. If you don’t want to completely dismantle the wiring, then at least turn off the power to the wall, because wire breaks or direct contact with a chisel on a bare wire are possible. Also, the wall must be periodically wetted to avoid suffocation from the resulting dust. And all this with the wiring turned on is, one way or another, unsafe for health.

Afterwards, it is necessary to remove all the trim and baseboards, both floor and ceiling.

Then you can try, if available. In fact, if everything lends itself easily, then you can remove all the building materials in layers: first remove the wallpaper or paint, then the plaster and putty, and only then start dismantle the wall.

The most important task is to knock out the first few bricks. The easiest way to do this is at the top at the junction between the partition and the ceiling with strong blows of a sledgehammer on a chisel. The chisel should be at the junction between adjacent bricks. Thus, you break the ligament, the seams crack and the brick falls off. If the partition is laid out on clay, then no problems should arise at all; it rests on your word of honor.

Try to knock out one or two bricks at a time; you don’t want half the wall falling onto the floor at once. If there is a lot of dust, then spray everything around with water - this should help.

This is how it is done dismantling walls and partitions.

The need to dismantle an old brick stove arises in two cases. This can happen either due to irrelevance stove heating, or to get rid of an outdated building and build a new home in this place. Dismantling a stove in your home yourself is much easier than installing a new stove, but this process requires knowledge of the device furnace equipment and compliance important rules.

Subtleties of dismantling a brick oven

First of all, you need to decide on the scale of work and assess the current situation. In cases where it is planned to replace the stove with a new one, you should inspect the chimney and consider the option in which it will remain. If it becomes possible to supply gas, the stove equipment can be completely dismantled or a small fireplace can be built based on the chimney.

Where to start: the preparatory stage of work

Work begins with a careful inspection of the structure in the ceiling area. In old houses, Russian stoves, as a rule, were built along with the house and used as additional ceiling supports. You can begin dismantling only after making sure that the roof does not rest on the chimney, and its structure will not be damaged after dismantling the ducts.

Outdated stove

Dismantling a stove is a dirty and dusty job. If you have to perform it not at the stage overhaul, it is necessary to remove everything that is possible from the room, and cover the remaining pieces of furniture with film. You can also build something like curtains from thick polyethylene, separating the desired area from the rest of the room.

Tools: necessary tools

The set of tools for dismantling brickwork depends on the composition used for the construction of the mortar. Here is a list of tools that will most likely be needed for the job:

  • heavy hammer or sledgehammer;
  • pick;
  • chisel;
  • perforator;
  • steel wedges.

It is recommended to work in a respirator and use gloves to protect your hands. It’s better to choose clothes that you don’t mind throwing away. During disassembly, not only dust will fly, but also soot, and washing it off is very problematic.

Helpful information

The easiest way to work is with buildings made of clay, which becomes pliable after preliminary soaking. Depending on the strength of the masonry, a suitable tool is used in the work, for example, a chisel and a hammer. The point should be directed into the masonry joints - this will not only simplify the work, but also reduce the amount of debris, and also help preserve building materials for later use.

The hardest thing to parse cement masonry, in this case, soaking the seams will not help. For dismantling, steel wedges are driven into the horizontal seams with a sledgehammer, violating their integrity. After this, the masonry is dismantled row by row using a hammer drill, and if there is no such tool, then they use a crowbar.

Main stages of work

The stove can only be dismantled from top to bottom; all other options can lead to serious consequences.

How to disassemble a chimney

Most often in one-story houses the pipe leaves the furnace and is discharged outside through ceiling and roofing. Less common are complex smoke circulation channels located in the walls of a building. Sometimes you can find an external chimney rising next to the wall.

The easiest way is to dismantle the pipe coming out of the furnace. Metal pipe It won’t be difficult to remove it after first loosening it in different directions.

If the pipe is made of brick, it is carefully disassembled brick by brick, moving from top to bottom and trying not to damage the ceilings and walls. Dismantling begins from the area rising above the roof. To lay the outer part of the pipe, cement is always added to the solution, so it will be more difficult to work here than with other areas. It is even more difficult to disassemble plastered bricks, but what should add strength is that further work will go faster and easier.

Having completed disassembling the outer pipe, they smoothly move into the attic. But first, cover the resulting hole in the roof with a sheet roofing iron or cover the roof with the same material that covers the entire roof. To prevent the plaster on the ceiling from collapsing, it is recommended to make grooves around the perimeter of the pipe from the side of the room. Seams made of sand-clay mortar can be easily broken with a chisel and hammer.

Features of dismantling the furnace walls

Having completed the work in the attic, they proceed to dismantling the stove in the house. There is no need to rush to remove the doors - it is better to close them tightly to prevent soot from entering the room. Some inexperienced craftsmen make a common mistake and try to speed up the process by breaking the masonry at the bottom of the structure - this cannot be done, since the heavy brick structure can collapse and damage the floor covering.

Another mistake that is also made by non-professionals who want to speed up the process is removing the stove from the room without dismantling the masonry. Indeed, if the hearth is on a foundation and the first row is made without mortar, this is possible. But a standard stove weighs several tons, so only a few people can lift it and carry it without dropping it. In this case, you need to carry the load correctly so that the structure does not fall apart along the way. Considering that during operation, the masonry weakens significantly, the risk that the stove will collapse and cause damage to the floor is very high.

It is better to act slowly, gradually dismantling the walls, moving in a circle. If the structure is tiled, you will first have to get rid of the cladding using a hammer drill. You don’t have to completely remove the plaster, but you will have to clean it at the seams. Naturally, the smaller the oven and simpler design heating center, the faster the process will go.

The structure is being dismantled row by row

When working with a Russian stove, difficulties arise when dismantling the vault - here it is recommended to place a sheet of iron and make supports so that the structure does not collapse prematurely. It is best to disassemble the vault from the rear wall.

If the furnace has a separate foundation, then it should also be dismantled. A brick or stone foundation can be easily destroyed with a crowbar, but concrete slab smashed with a jackhammer.

Before you begin dismantling the stove in your home yourself, it is recommended to weigh all the benefits and risks. Sometimes calling a professional with special equipment is cheaper than eliminating the consequences of trying on your own.

Video: disassembling the oven

If bricks need to be built, this can be done by hand or using special equipment and even explosives.

Depending on the scope of work and the material of the masonry material, the most suitable methods of dismantling and technical means: mechanized tools, bulldozers, cranes are used.

Disassembly brick walls manually consists of using various technologies and related tools. With this type of work, it is important to consider the masonry material.

Therefore, if it is necessary to dismantle a brick wall for which it is used mortar or complex low-grade mortar, such a wall can be dismantled with a thumb or residue.

In this case, it is necessary to blow under the brick from the brick, preferably falling into horizontal seams. Disassembly begins with the top line, which moves along the wall. Shingled bricks are easiest to use using special sealed gutters. Use special equipment, such as Caterpillar. For the rental of specialty equipment, as well as for the purchase of spare parts for Caterpillar and other brands of equipment, it offers dozens of businesses that are located simply over the Internet.

Experts recommend cleaning all building brick using picax. Cleaned bricks should be stacked. This construction material useful for future buildings. If crushed stone is formed during the dismantling of a brick structure, it can be lowered along the grooves and rolled into sheets.

In vertical and horizontal seams, the wedges are struck with a hammer. Increase your work efficiency with a pneumatic and electric hammer. It is known for a number of tools that have a narrow blade striking feature.

When removing concrete or butane walls, stones and wedges may break the stones.

But it is better to cut off the walls with a masonry wall. The brick vaults were disassembled by hand, starting with removal from the lock and moving to the heel. Shelters are dismantled using a handle (that is, a design concept) that does not exceed 0.5 m. In closed circles, the dismantling of the cross, dome and sidewalks is carried out.

Before disassembling the vault and its support heels, the panel underneath must be prepared and rounded, which will prevent the vault from falling.

How to break a brick wall

When carrying out major repairs, it may be necessary to demolish walls or knock out a passage between rooms. This process is simple, but labor-intensive and requires correct sequence actions.

Determining the type of wall

First, you need to make sure that the wall being dismantled is not load-bearing and the structure of the house will not be damaged. Officially, this information can be found by contacting the BTI, or the company servicing the house, where you can check the technical documentation.

In addition, it is necessary to obtain permission from the BTI to carry out redevelopment, so that later there will be no problems with its registration. Complete demolition of a load-bearing wall is prohibited, however, in some cases it is possible to install a doorway.

You can independently determine its type by its thickness: the load-bearing brick is made of two or more bricks, excluding plaster, and ordinary bricks are at least twice as thin.

Preparing the premises for demolition

For dismantling work, it is necessary to remove all things from adjacent rooms, as there will be a lot of debris and dust.

If this is not possible, then you should carefully cover all the furniture with oilcloth and wrap it with tape, and also vacate the work area. After this, the wall is inspected on both sides for the presence internal wiring. If there are light switches nearby, distribution boxes, sockets, then the cable runs along the wall and the work is carried out in compliance with safety rules. In addition, you should prepare necessary tools: hammer drill, grinder, jackhammer, sledgehammer.

If it is not possible to buy them, you will have to rent them from special construction stores that provide this service. When transferring interior passage you will need to lay the old passage, for which you will need to buy a brick in Samara (, huge selection bricks and choosing the right one from them will not be difficult.

Dismantling works

Before dismantling work, it is necessary to warn neighbors about the inconvenience in order to avoid scandals.

Demolition of a wall should begin by removing finishing materials at the dismantling site. To do this, lines are drawn on both sides of the walls with a marker, especially if you plan to make a doorway.

To with reverse side If you make a mistake with the markings, you can use a tape measure to measure all the distances necessary for this, or you can drill holes at the control points with a hammer drill. After this, a pick attachment is placed on the hammer drill and the plaster is carefully removed from both sides of the wall so as not to bump into hidden cables. When the layer is removed and the wiring is discovered, you need to turn off the power to the wiring and bend the cable, and if it interferes with the work, then cut it off.

The ends of the wire will need to be insulated.

How to disassemble brickwork yourself, preserving the material as much as possible?

If the neatness of the ends of the opening is not required, then you can take a jackhammer and gouge out one brick after another along the connecting seams. To do the dismantling carefully, without disturbing the masonry of other walls, you need to take a grinder with a disc installed on the concrete and evenly cut the opening along the line marked with a marker. This process is quite dusty, so you need to completely protect yourself from dust getting into your respiratory system and eyes.

After this, the wall is knocked out using a sledgehammer. If the wall does not collapse, you will have to use a jackhammer. It is better if the whole process is carried out in stages, without destroying the entire wall at once, so that you can see its condition and there is no debris under your feet.


The dismantling process is quite labor-intensive and will require a lot of physical effort.

However, when the right approach there will be no problems or troubles.

What is needed to perform such a redevelopment

Redevelopment is carried out after the project has been approved by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, before which it is often necessary to obtain a technical opinion from the author of the house or commercial organization about the possibility of breaking the window sill.

In some panel houses The window sill block is a counterweight to the balcony slab.

The procedure for redevelopment:

  • Free consultation at MVK-Service- our specialists will advise you free of charge at any stage of approval. If you need our help, we are always ready to provide paid services.
  • Creating a Project- MVK-Service has its own design department with SRO approvals in construction and design, preparing redevelopment projects.

    Dismantling a brick wall

  • Submission of documents- independently or with the help of our company, a package of documents is submitted to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.
  • Demolition of the window sill block by certified specialists, if necessary - author's control over the execution of work.
  • Drawing up a report on the work performed, an inspector’s visit to the site for the purpose of inspection.

The easiest way to coordinate the dismantling of the window sill part of the wall is to enlist the support of our company.

Specialists will collect the necessary package of documents and receive a positive conclusion without your participation.


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