Money days: when financial luck will fall into your hands. When to invest money according to the lunar calendar

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Many modern people, who adhere to the traditions of our ancient ancestors, tend to listen to the advice of lunar calendars when performing certain activities, and this applies, including financial activity. According to this calendar, some dates are suitable for making important financial transactions, and some are not. In this article we will figure out what the lunar money calendar for 2018 advises.

Rules of the lunar money calendar 2018

  • It is known that the periods of the waxing moon are perfect time for any endeavor. Actions taken at this time will have a favorable outcome and will bring success and satisfaction. It is on the growing Moon that it is advisable to engage in the most important and serious activities.
  • This period lasts from the new moon to the full moon, then the waning phase of the luminary begins. By lunar calendar Most successful money days fall precisely during the growth stage, although during the decline you can carry out certain financial matters.
  • The money calendar highlights certain lunar days on which money transactions will be successful and bring benefits. As a rule, these days do not coincide with the traditional calendar and fall on the 14th and 20th lunar days. This is the time that is recommended for making the largest transactions, investing large sums, and conducting important negotiations regarding finance.
  • Unlucky lunar days, regardless of the month, are considered to be 3, 4, 15, 23, 25, 29. Note that during the waning of the Moon it is not recommended to lend money, because there is a high probability that it will not be returned to you.

Some people are skeptical about this kind of money magic and do not follow the lunar calendar when it comes to making financial transactions. However, certain patterns associated with the lunar phases still exist. It has been noticed that it is better to plan any expenses and discuss financial projects during the new moon. It is advisable to invest money during the period of growth of the Moon in order to be guaranteed to receive a profit from the investment. And during the waning of the luminary, it is better to postpone financial transactions to more suitable days and begin to analyze the transactions already carried out.

Lunar money calendar tips for January 2018

  1. The first day of January 2018 falls during the waxing of the moon, but the full moon will come the very next day. There is no need to make money transactions on January 2, move things to future dates of the month.
  2. The luminary will enter a waning phase on January 3 and this period will last until the 16th. This is not a good time for investing and starting new activities. Better start making plans or summing up the results of the past year.
  3. The new moon in January falls on the 17th - a great day for making profitable deals.
  4. After the new moon, the Moon will enter a waxing phase, which will last from January 18 to 30 - this time is most suitable for new investments and making profitable deals.
  5. On the 31st, it is advisable to complete current financial affairs, since this is the time of the full moon.

Lunar money calendar for February 2018

  1. Half of February, namely the period from the 1st to the 15th, falls on the waning moon phase. During this period, try not to make financial transactions or make large purchases. Invest money in various projects It’s also not worth it, otherwise you may suffer losses.
  2. The 16th is the day of the new moon, from which financial growth begins. From the 17th until the very end of the month, you can engage in serious operations to raise money - with a high degree of probability they will bring profit.

Recommendations of the lunar money calendar for March 2018

March 2018 will generally be a good month for financial affairs; let’s look at the recommendations of the lunar calendar in more detail:

  1. The luminary will be in a growth phase on March 1, as well as from the 18th to the 30th. This means that you can make serious financial transactions, look for new business partners, and make financial investments.
  2. From the 3rd to the 16th is the waning phase of the Moon. The best thing you can do at this time is to analyze your financial activities and plan further actions.
  3. The full moon in March falls on two days: the 2nd and 31st. At this time, it is better to postpone or reschedule important business negotiations and transactions.
  4. The best time to start new money projects is the 17th – the day of the new moon.

Lunar money calendar for April 2018

  1. The second spring month will begin with the waning phase of the luminary, which will last until the 15th. Many people feel a lack of energy at such times and vitality, therefore, they tend not to resolve important and serious issues, including financial ones.
  2. On the 16th there will be a new moon, which will have a favorable effect on all areas human life. From April 16, you can deal with financial issues, enter into contracts and transactions.
  3. The moon will wax for 12 days, namely from April 17 to April 29. This best period to open a new business or expand an existing one, invest money, make expensive purchases.
  4. On the full moon, which will fall on the 30th in April 2018, it is advisable not to spend big money and not plan anything serious for the future.

  1. May 2018, like April, will begin with the waning moon. This phase will last 2 weeks – until the 14th of the month. It is better to devote such a period to solving current problems or just relax. There is no need to plan any serious things.
  2. On May 15, the new moon will come, and the lunar energy will begin to rise, which will have a positive effect on people’s financial lives.
  3. From the first day of the growing lunar phase, you can make far-sighted plans, communicate with promising business partners, and invest large amounts. The period of growth of the Moon is good both for finding a job and for strengthening useful connections.
  4. It is better to complete important financial matters before May 29, when the full moon arrives. On such a day it is better to just relax.
  5. From the 30th to the 31st, deal with current issues.

Lunar money calendar for June 2018

  1. From June 1 to June 12, the Moon will be in its waning phase, so in the first month of summer it is better to relax and not deal with important issues related to finances.
  2. In the second half of June, namely from the 13th, the energy of the growing Moon will begin to have a beneficial effect on all life processes. On the 13th, on the new moon, it is best to plan your future financial activities.
  3. From the 14th you can make deals and meet business partners, start looking for more high paying job, devote time to fruitful activities that will definitely bring profit.
  4. The period of the waxing moon will last from the 14th to the 27th, after which the full moon will occur. On June 28, it is better to postpone important matters for later and just relax.
  5. During the waning luminary, take care of current issues. Try not to make large, expensive purchases or invest large sums anywhere.

Lunar money calendar for July 2018

The July 2018 financial calendar advises us the following:

  1. Starting from July 1 and ending on the 12th, the Moon will continue to be in its waning phase. This time is not suitable for starting new things, but you have a lot of time that you can devote to your family, your hobby or just relaxation.
  2. You can get serious about finances from July 13th. A new moon falls on this date - a time of new goals, projects and ideas.
  3. Start implementing your tasks on the 14th - during the growth phase of the night star. This favorable period will last until July 26.
  4. On the 27th the full moon awaits us, and from this date it is again time to relax and solve existing problems. It is better to postpone large investments, large purchases, and business expansion until later.

Lunar money calendar recommendations for August 2018

  1. The waning phase of the night star will fall on August 1-10. These days, astrologers advise you to relax and not resolve any money issues.
  2. The new moon in August 2018 will occur on the 11th. You can start planning big purchases, business trips, meetings.
  3. The moon will wax from August 12 to 25 – optimal period for any financial activity. Transactions, expenses and investments made during the waxing Moon will bring benefits and satisfaction.
  4. The period of decline in lunar activity will fall at the end of the month and will begin on the 26th - the day of the full moon. On these dates, you can again devote time to other matters not related to money, or just relax.

Lunar money calendar for September 2018

  1. In September, as in other months of 2018, a similar trend will be observed. The month will begin with a period of waning of the luminary, which will last until the 8th.
  2. Having had a good rest from difficult matters, you can again make plans for the future from September 9 - the day of the new moon.
  3. From the 10th to the 24th it will be time to bring new ideas and ideas to life. This is a time of fruitful work and financial activity, a period of project implementation, development implementation, and responsible negotiations.
  4. From the 25th - the day of the full moon - the energy of the Moon will decline again, slowing down all other life processes.

What does the lunar money calendar advise for October 2018

October 2018 will be a very productive month in terms of business activity. The lunar calendar gives us the following recommendations:

  1. The waning lunar phase at the beginning of October will take just over a week and last from the 1st to the 8th. This period is considered not the best time for serious and responsible activities, contributions and new projects.
  2. But from the 9th you can already make plans and draw up schedules for future activities.
  3. You can begin to implement your plans in October 2018 with the beginning of the waxing moon phase, which will fall on the 10th-23rd. At this time, you can safely manage your money as you wish. It is believed that any investments made to the growing star will bring considerable profit.
  4. To avoid losses, try not to be too active from October 24 until the very end of the month. And on the full moon, which comes on the 24th, it’s better to rest altogether.

Lunar money calendar for November 2018

  1. The waning period of the Moon in November 2018 will not last long, only a week. It is better to devote the time from the 1st to the 6th to family, a favorite activity, a pleasant vacation or vacation.
  2. On November 7th there will be a new moon, from which until the 22nd you can decide important issues, make appointments, sign contracts, invest large sums. Anyone who decides to expand their business or look for a job will definitely achieve good results.
  3. From November 23rd – the day of the full moon – and until the end of the month, it is advisable to reduce activity and just relax. Don’t plan business trips or any business events, get involved in solving simple current problems.

Lunar money calendar for December 2018

  1. The first week of December is not the best time for financial activity. During this period, the Moon will still be in its waning phase, so it is advisable to postpone important matters until the new moon.
  2. The new moon will occur on the 7th. This day is optimal for making plans and tasks for future dates of the month.
  3. You can start implementing ideas from the 8th. The growth period of the Moon will last until December 21.
  4. The end of the month will again be in the waning phase, so just get ready for the New Year, take time for yourself and your family.

The Moon has a powerful influence on our lives, including our finances. A money calendar based on the lunar calendar helps to calculate the most favorable moments for various financial transactions. On what day is it best to make large purchases or sales, lend or take out a loan?

There are two most favorable financial moments - 14 and 20 days according to the lunar calendar. They are best suited for matters related to finance: purchases, sales, long-term contracts, investments, deposits, currency transactions. Thursday is also celebrated, which patronizes business, finance and career. If you want to increase your money, it is better to resolve all issues on this day.

There are many more unfavorable days for working with money - 3, 5, 12, 15 and 29. On these days, any expenses and transactions with money in general are not advisable. They also advise you to keep an eye on your wallet. During the week, the worst day for money matters is Sunday. It is believed that on this day all planned financial affairs will go wrong.

When to take and repay debt?

You need to take out a loan on the waning moon. If you take it to the growing moon, the debt will grow with the moon. But you need to lend money when the moon is waxing; if you decide to lend money when the moon is waning, the debt may not be repaid. If we consider the days of the week, then it is undesirable to lend on Monday, and borrow on Tuesday evening.

Plan your affairs in advance, check the prosperous days according to the monetary calendar and financial success you are guaranteed!

The most famous magic is lunar magic. The moon is growing, gaining strength, which means all processes are more aimed at attracting and accumulating. Including money. On the waxing moon, all sorts of rituals are performed to attract money, to increase their income, etc. Full moon - when the moon is in its full beauty, full strength. And if you forgot to do rituals on the waxing moon, then on the full moon it’s definitely worth it. After the full moon, the moon begins to “age” and shrink. And the processes are aimed at cleansing and getting rid of something. And here you need to do rituals to free yourself from any factors that prevent you from being rich. Cleanse yourself from poverty, limiting attitudes, etc.

The Moon rules entire oceans, the ebb and flow of the tides. The Moon rules the entire emotional sphere, hormonal surges, and its influence cannot be underestimated. Carl Gustav Jung believed that everything in the world is connected to everything else. And if something expresses its tendency to grow, then in all processes there will be a tendency to growth. If, on the contrary, some part of the universe has a tendency to decrease, then in everything else it will be natural to reduce and get rid of it. If you do not do any rituals, then all processes proceed the same. Opportunities for well-being grow at the same speed as the strength of limiting beliefs and interfering attitudes. And if you don’t do any rituals, then they cancel each other out. That is, you earn the same amount on a waxing moon as on a waning one. Since the force of the plus is balanced by the force of the minus. If you do rituals, you seem to make this or that process “a priority”, you strengthen the movement, and create an “advantage”. Why do we stick to the moon? Because it's the easiest. The moon is obvious. You went out into the yard and you could see exactly whether it was waxing or waning, or whether it was a full moon or a new moon. How do you know if the moon is waxing or waning? If the sickle is positioned so that it represents the letter “c”, then the moon is “aging” or waning. If the crescent of the moon is positioned in such a way that if you draw a vertical stick to the crescent, you get the letter “p,” then the moon is waxing.
As a last resort, you can look at the lunar calendar, which is always available on the Internet, and in many daily calendars.
Just understand that the Universe is cyclical. And it doesn’t matter which benchmark to choose to determine cycles. The moon shows us the cycle every day. The sun also influences us cyclically, but we see it more by the time of year, that is, this is a larger cycle.
What will happen if you do a ritual for the arrival of money on the day of the waning moon? Most likely, you will only harm yourself or nothing will appear. Because during the waning moon, energy tends to decline. And by focusing energy on money through ritual, money will do what is natural for it in a cycle, i.e. decrease. Therefore, on the waning moon, we focus on what we want to remove. And rituals must be done accordingly. After all, ritual is just an accent. This is the focus of attention on a specific element. What you focus on is looking at yourself. If the moon is waxing, it means that what you focus on will increase. So focus or do rituals on those things that you want to increase - opportunities, clients, wealth, money.
On the waning moon it’s the other way around. Everything you focus on will decrease. Therefore, on the waning moon they perform cleansing rituals, rituals of cutting off, liberation from everything that you want to remove from your life, from your consciousness and subconscious.
Rituals simply help shift focus.

Who do you think loves money? That's right, the one who loves them.
I'll tell you more - they go to the one who is waiting for them.
The problem is that we often don’t know how to wait for them. What we call expectation turns out to be best case scenario complaints and dreams.
Let's learn to wait for money correctly, to invite them to us correctly. When you really need something, you use every opportunity to get it. Do the same with money.

A person has a lot of means at his disposal to achieve well-being. Refusing additional features, we also give up the chance for success. Let's not limit ourselves.
Let's accept everything the world gives us, because that's what it's called life to the fullest!

On the pages of this book we will talk about one of the most ancient and proven methods, which many centuries ago helped people successfully solve money matters. Like any ancient and popular method, it is accessible to everyone.

This method is based on the influences of the Moon and allows anyone who turns to it to increase their level of income and get rid of financial losses;

Save, but not on yourself;
save, but not lose;
achieve success at work and in business communication.

The lunar method of income planning is aimed at ensuring that your work is as efficient as possible and that cash flow is free. This method opens up hidden ways for money to come in. But before you read further, answer yourself this question: what are you choosing – tighten your belt again or buy a bigger wallet?

We plan finances according to the lunar day

The lunar calendar is a calendar based on the lunar cycle.
That is, on the movement of the Moon around the Earth.
It is considered the oldest calendar in the world. It was created and used long before the sun. Even in ancient Rome, after each new moon, the priests publicly announced the beginning of a new month and named the dates of the onset lunar phases.
People believed that the influence of the Moon on the Earth is no less than the influence of the Sun.
The lunar month is shorter than the solar one and consists of 29.53 days.
If the duration of the solar month is arbitrary (30–31 days, sometimes less), then the duration lunar month corresponds to natural processes, means the exact period from full moon to new moon.

The months of the lunar calendar consist of lunar days.
Lunar days (below we also call them lunar days) longer than solar ones.
Their duration is 24 hours 48 minutes.
This is the period that passes from one moonrise to the next.
It is curious that scientists have discovered this fact: the human biological clock, which allows our body to sense time, is “winded up” by approximately 24.5-25 hours, that is, much closer to the lunar day than to the solar day.
The basic units of the lunar calendar are lunar days (days).
Lunar days add up to a lunar month.
Lunar months - in lunar years.
As we have already mentioned, a lunar day is the period of time between two moonrises.
The exceptions are the first lunar day (they are counted from the new moon) and the last (they end with it).

Remember this the most important principle:
the lunar day does not begin at midnight and does not end at 00:00.
It begins clearly with the rising of the Moon and continues until its next rising.
You can find out about the time of moonrise from the lunar calendar.
Each lunar day is endowed with a certain energy, which the night star imparts to them.
This energy influences the processes occurring on Earth in a certain way.
Try to apply this knowledge in practice, and you will see for yourself how practical it is.

1st lunar day

The first lunar day is the basis for the entire subsequent month.
Further events will depend on how you spend it.

The first lunar day is not a time for action. We are just starting a new cycle, and we don’t have enough strength.
This is the most best moment for making plans and projects.

Today it is better to think about things than to start them. The meaning and purpose of the 1st lunar day is to give a person the opportunity to take his life into his own hands, achieve what he wants, not be a slave to chance, but create chance himself. And the best part is that lunar energy helps ensure that everything planned happens as if by itself, naturally, without tension. This background is created thanks to the characteristic energy vibrations of the 1st lunar day. They work to make your dreams come true.

The disadvantages of this day include: that cash receipts are postponed, it is better not to resolve financial issues on this day (do not sign documents, do not go to the bank, do not exchange currency, etc.). Don’t pay off your debts today, otherwise you’ll spend the next month taking bills out of your pocket instead of putting them there. But you shouldn’t take on debt, so as not to have to get out of loans later during the lunar month.

Do you notice? This day is somewhat similar to New Year

On the 1st lunar day, it is recommended to postpone making serious decisions.
Again, today is not the most suitable day for resolving business issues and negotiating. It is difficult to reach an agreement when discussing important points.
But on this day you can make requests and petitions: there is a sign that they will be fulfilled. Today there is no need to stress, force yourself to plan. Please note that this time is not suitable for group activities. It is better to do everything you do yourself, without outside participation. And the necessary help can be obtained from information materials.

2nd lunar day

This lunar day, compared to the first, is a more suitable time for active actions.
Now you can begin to implement your plans.

Use special power this day.
After all, today we have been given everything to turn our dreams and ideas into reality. When you plan things for this day, take into account that the first half of the day is suitable for making plans and ideas, but you will succeed only if you do not talk about them.

If you start talking about what ideas came to you, then in the afternoon all your efforts will come to naught, you will literally be flooded with small and vain things, and you will not even physically be able to do anything that you had in mind.

When you take action, always remember how important the first step is.
Especially today, on the day of beginnings.
On this day you can begin any important business, anything that is of particular value to you.
Projects related to education are especially successful on this day:
you can start studying a subject,
sign up for courses.

In general, this is a rather positive day for solving material problems.
You don’t have to expect any special gifts from fate, but you won’t be deprived of the attention of luck either. This is a favorable day for work, both individual and collective.
Success in business is possible.
As for negotiations and business communication, the day is neutral in this regard.
But neutral does not mean that events will be meaningless or will not lead to any result. The point is that any outcome of events is possible. People strive to grab what is theirs and no one wants to share.
Make a request or offer only if you are absolutely sure of a positive answer.
The 2nd lunar day has a peculiarity: today nothing can be done between 12 o’clock at night and 3 o’clock in the morning.
Even if you are a night owl, try to sleep during this time or at least do something not very important, while still being careful.
The thing is that at this time energy vibrations are very unstable and the most unexpected events can happen.

3rd lunar day

The 3rd lunar day is not suitable for solving financial issues.
Money losses are possible today, so be extremely careful.
At work you need to show determination and perseverance, otherwise you risk getting into trouble.
The third lunar day is literally oversaturated with energy, and in business you are able to show the most fighting qualities. The only problem is that other people have the same militant attitude. No one intends to give up positions or make concessions. On this day, the boss, clients, and partners will not be in a good mood. The boss can even turn into almost a tyrant.

Since the 3rd lunar day is very strong, it is filled with various dangers. This is primarily the danger of inept use of energy.
If you start acting correctly, you will turn the powerful energy of the day to your advantage.
And if you make a mistake, it will only bring destruction.
Ultimately, this destructive influence will affect you personally.
Therefore, try to use your strength for peaceful purposes.
During the 3rd lunar day, remember that its first half has a general unfavorable background.
At this time, various kinds of troubles may occur, mainly related to communication.
If the negativity is contained, then the second half of the lunar day will bring much more worthy fruits.

This is the time when you are highly productive, you may accidentally meet the right person, make useful contacts. If during this period you are offered something, then, even if you do not agree immediately, be sure to think about the offer. It can be very profitable.
If you don’t have any important things planned for today, still find an outlet for your energy to avoid energy stagnation (this is very harmful!). For example, play sports or give yourself physical activity.
If you are absorbed in some work and strive to do it as quickly as possible, on this day you can completely devote yourself to the task, with breaks for food and minimal hours of sleep. If you have a lot of things to do and don’t know which one to take on, take on the most difficult one.
Even if you don’t complete it in one fell swoop, at least change something in a stagnant situation.
Feel free to take on difficult tasks, do not give in to difficulties.
It’s a pity to miss a rare opportunity: today you can do so much!

4th lunar day

A lot of new things can open up on this day.
Today we receive a lot of news, fresh information, and sometimes unexpected information.
The fourth lunar day is the period when we begin to see the effect of our actions.
This is the time when we consolidate the results of the work done.

Today you should not start new things, but continue those already started.
Take a close look at the state of your classes. What if you missed something somewhere? Today is the time when all is not lost and the mistake can be corrected. This is your last opportunity, don't miss it!
But at the same time, this day cannot be called active.
Its first half has a generally positive background. At this time we are experiencing peace of mind, it’s difficult to piss us off, we easily make contact. It’s only worth considering the aspect that bosses, partners, and clients today think about their own problems and are not at all inclined to get involved in other people’s affairs. This half of the day is favorable for everyone whose work is related to trade. This time opens up new perspectives for us, invites us to use new opportunities - we only need to notice them.

Please note that if your success depends on making decisions, then it is better to leave it for another day.
But the second half of the day is no longer so favorable. Conflict increases, mood drops. During these hours, it is very important to remain calm, not get into quarrels, and not succumb to provocations. If you manage to follow these recommendations and save positive attitude, then the rest of the day will bring you good luck. Put off resolving money issues until better times. Financial receipts are slightly delayed; today it is unlikely that you will receive the amounts you expected.

5th lunar day

The fifth lunar day is one of the fateful days of the month, is considered one of important days first phase of the moon. If you have been waiting for your efforts to bear fruit, then you can count on it to happen today. Everything is going as it should.
Even if it’s hard for you, accept what is happening: over time you will see that it was only for the better.
Today we see what is called fate, fate, predestination.
Today you need to do everything that will help you create harmony within yourself.
Do not react to provocations, do not commit unkind acts.
Pay off your debts and take care of your property: if you lose something, you won’t find it later.
In general, this day is unfavorable for financial affairs. It is better to resolve all issues related to money at another time.
It’s also not worth starting new things; it’s much better to finish what was started before.
If you work under a boss, keep in mind that the boss can show mercy, or he can punish. Be careful. Partners, clients, management, colleagues - in a word, everyone with whom your business is connected will not be inclined to compromise today. And in general, people on this day are extremely stubborn.
Especially if the Moon is in Capricorn, Taurus or Aries.

The first half of the 5th lunar day has a pronounced unfavorable background. Timidity and indecisiveness increase, self-confidence is lost or greatly reduced. All psychological complexes are aggravated.
Under the influence of such energy, you can miss the most successful opportunities and fail even those things that were considered absolutely win-win. At this time, people are often forced to adjust plans and change intentions.

The second half of the 5th lunar day is a time suitable for love dates; intimate meetings will be much better than business ones. And if there is no escape from business, it is better to communicate with representatives of the opposite sex.

6th lunar day

This is one of the most better days month.
It is very light and relaxed, against such a background all today’s affairs take place.
Since ancient times, the 6th lunar day has been considered lucky. Luck accompanies your endeavors and enterprises; you can find a missing item or get great pleasure from communication.
Today, management is kind to subordinates, and clients are favorably disposed.
A great day for making acquaintances and making new plans.
This is also a very good day for solving material and monetary issues, for work and business, because today you have the opportunity to show your skills and talents.

You can achieve success in many areas. Can you think of any important project, about how to achieve a goal, get what you want. After all, today the energy of the Moon itself corresponds to the fulfillment of your dreams and plans! And on this day our intuitive abilities are strengthened.
If you have noticed your tendency to foresee future events, then today is just such a day when premonitions do not deceive.
It is no coincidence that the 6th lunar day is symbolized by a prophetic bird.
Please note that today is not the time for active actions. Everything that happens on this day is slow and smooth. Don’t expect unexpected events and incidents that just happen out of the blue. The day is really very calm. No matter what you do, you will not notice any significant results. You may even be left with a nagging feeling that you acted in vain.

The 6th lunar day has this sign: today you cannot lend.
You should also not lend things for a while. Otherwise, the one who received these things will take away the peace and good fortune of the giver along with them.

7th lunar day

The seventh lunar day is one of the most successful for work and business.
Today you can literally move mountains. The power of this day gives a person a lot of active energy and vitality. But it must be used for the benefit of yourself and those around you.

Direct your activity towards realizing your plans and implementing your plans.
This is a good day for communication. Today you can communicate with colleagues and friends, but it is better not to take part in mass events, but spend the day alone with yourself, think about what is important to you.

In the first half of this day, people tend to trust each other. But keep in mind that words today acquire magical power. Everything we say is implemented either directly or in some other form. This applies not only to evil words, but also to the good. Do not spare words for good wishes to your loved ones and, of course, to yourself. Say only what you would like to see in reality.
Lies on this day have enormous destructive properties. And if we already mentioned the first part of this lunar day, let’s also say that at this time you have the opportunity to realize the ideas and plans that appeared in the previous day. This watch gives the opportunity to complete matters, especially those related to partnership.
Partners today trust you, there is a chance of finding new clients, assistants or patrons. Friends and relatives will provide support in business. The second half is more chaotic, you can get confused in the hustle and bustle. However, this will not happen if you have planned your day in advance and follow this plan, correctly distributing responsibilities and time. If you don't do this, then a lot of the effort you put in at the beginning of the day will go down the drain.

8th lunar day

In astrology, the 8th lunar day is the beginning of the second phase of the Moon.
It is considered a day of change and is often responsible and dressed up.
Today, all the tasks that we have not yet solved face us especially acutely, and seemingly forgotten problems remind us of themselves with renewed vigor. This applies to work, money, and all plans. Only minor financial matters can be resolved.
Stressful day, very high tension.
Today people are subject to mood swings and extremes. Don't get overwhelmed at work. Now the bosses have no time for you, you risk falling under hot hand. What you started or planned on this day will come true much more slowly than you would like. For efforts to be crowned with success, you need to remember that sometimes team actions bring more fruit than individual actions.
Today you cannot rely only on your own strength. You have to turn to other people for help, but this is good because their energy will be useful to achieve the goal.

Eighth lunar day - good time to find new partners: they will be ready to take part in your business, share your ideas, and believe in you.
Let us also note that today relationships in the team are very unstable. Any community in which people act together will be subject to change and restructuring. Unexpected turns of events, conflicts, and emergencies are possible. Now you can prepare for a new stage in your biography. Please understand that you may be required to change your own position and behavior.
An event may occur on this day that will make you feel like a different person. This does not happen every month, but if it does happen, it is most often on the 8th lunar day. Everything that has already happened appears before us in a qualitatively new light. The eighth lunar day is the best time to look at things differently.

If you are tormented by mistakes made in the distant past, today is the best day to get rid of old feelings of guilt. Write down all your bitterness on paper, and then burn the sheet on a candle. Wash off the ashes with water.

9th lunar day

The ninth lunar day is the first of the demonic days of the month, one of the most unfavorable in the entire lunar cycle.
It is considered unlucky for any actions and undertakings. Don’t even think about any financial transactions, don’t listen to advisers. There is a risk of becoming a victim of deception and fraud.
On the 9th lunar day we are faced with deceptions, illusions, intrigues, intrigues, and difficulties.
Do not engage in any financial matters, do not lend, do not take out a loan, do not draw up documents. Most people on this day are conflicted, justify themselves for their own mistakes, shift responsibility for their mistakes onto the shoulders of others. It's very hard at work. It is difficult to reach an agreement in business.

Avoid stressful situations and make your work as easy as possible. It is better not to catch the eye of management at all; colleagues, clients and partners are unfriendly. Wait to make new acquaintances. Be careful in physical work, injuries are likely today, even serious ones.
It is very important to pay attention to what is happening today. Because there are no coincidences. Whatever happens is a reminder of what you didn’t do or, conversely, did in vain. If something you started burns through, it means that you once started something else that should have become important to you, and for some reason you abandoned it and didn’t finish it. If you are scolded, it means that you have insulted someone, if you have been deceived, it means that you have acted dishonestly with another person.

But the 9th lunar day goes well for everyone who practices creative work.
Today you can do something truly valuable and worthy of attention.

10th lunar day

On the 10th lunar day, everything related to traditions, family and family is especially active. This day is good for resolving financial issues if they are somehow related to your family. At the same time, you can expect small financial income.
Communication at work is quite pleasant, especially in close-knit teams.

Today, energy is in full swing, and in one fell swoop you can complete your weekly work quota. This is one of the most have a nice day month for careerists and businessmen, take advantage of this outstanding chance! On this day, both independent and social and collective work go well. Today on your doorstep - professional success. Contacts with the opposite sex bring joy; strong and proven connections are especially pleasing, and they can be further strengthened.
In addition, this day is good for negotiations. People today easily make contact and, unlike the previous day, do not have conflicts.
The tenth lunar day is not suitable for starting new things, but it is very favorable for continuation of everything, which you have already started doing before. IN life spheres Luck is with you today.
If something upsets you, don’t worry about it. The unpleasant aftertaste will soon pass, and after a while you will completely forget about what happened.

11th lunar day

This is a busy day, considered the most powerful of the entire lunar cycle.
Which, however, does not mean that the day will be bad. It all depends on how you spend it, with what activities, with what attitude.
It is no coincidence that, with all its severity, the 11th lunar day is considered one of the most successful days of the lunar month. This is explained by the fact that today you can see how what was planned or planned at the beginning of the lunar month is being realized, especially on its good days.

Everything bad that influenced you in previous periods goes away. Thanks to this, your plans can be successfully realized. Please note: whatever you do on this day, you need the most systematic preparation. This necessary condition for a successful outcome of the enterprise. Only in this case will you and your endeavors be provided with help from above.
By the way, which is typical, in ancient times astrologers advised rulers on this very day, after lengthy preparation, to start a war. And in our time, this day can safely be considered successful for decisive action in business and work. In addition, you can deal with small money issues: energy today should be directed to the process.

The concentration of energy on the 11th lunar day is very high. What you do during this period has truly inimitable power that can move mountains. Be especially careful at work so as not to inadvertently miss a rare chance that may present itself to you. Personal charm and image, skillful self-presentation will help you in negotiations today.
On the 11th lunar day, people literally radiate charm. It's not a sin to use this for personal gain. On the 11th lunar day, people often feel enormous enthusiasm, rich potential, and unshakable confidence. On such a wave it is necessary to take serious actions.
The main thing is to be sure to complete what you started, otherwise you will never be able to do it again. And still very important point: Don't forget about spirituality. If all your efforts are aimed only at achieving material wealth, if all your thoughts and emotional impulses are chained to them, you are unlikely to you will succeed. The soul comes first today, and spiritual values ​​are the main priorities.

12th lunar day

The twelfth lunar day is considered quiet and calm. Today it’s good to mentally wish for yourself the fulfillment of your desires, ask for something: everything will come true.
But for various kinds of affairs this day is considered unlucky. Today you shouldn’t start anything or do anything that has special meaning for you. Put off important things, this is not the best day for serious work.
You can negotiate only if you know well what is in your opponent’s soul and mind.

But today you can ask for help - if, of course, you are sure that asking “from the heart” will work. In work, willpower, strength, endurance, fortitude, and honesty are important. The ability to resolve controversial situations, smooth out conflicts, eliminate rough edges, and come to compromises will come in handy: today you will need to apply these skills.
After all, people on this day show inconstancy and nervousness, painful emotionality and touchiness. Even meetings with loved ones and love dates can end in quarrels and mutual grievances, manifestations of discontent.
Today we must not allow haste, haste and fuss, this will only do harm. Let everything go as it goes, do not interfere with the course of events for now.

13th lunar day

The thirteenth lunar day is considered one of the most social days.
This is a time for social events, group contacts. An excellent day to receive new information, improve your education, and replenish your knowledge about any subject that interests you.

The thirteenth lunar day, while favorable for collective work and creativity, is completely unsuitable for any serious undertakings and undertakings, especially those undertaken alone.

Not a bad day for work, but nothing important will happen. Try to act together. Discuss possible solutions to current problems. If you have something important in mind, postpone its implementation until a more favorable time - it is just around the corner. But no matter what happens, don’t give up what you started earlier. Today, under no circumstances should you give yourself a break; you can rest later.
The first half of the day may be especially unsuccessful. It contains the sediment of the previous day, and the most negative of its features. But if you spent yesterday correctly, today you will notice an increase in your influence on others. This will happen closer to the second half of the day and will be implemented already in it. Take advantage of this opportunity. You will be able to convince and change who you need and what you need.
In addition, today you can deal with money matters and material issues.

One of the biggest advantages of this day is that today we renew our vitality.
You need to take this day carefully and seriously, and then today you will gain additional strength that will help you implement the most daring plans that are of great importance to you.

14th lunar day

The fourteenth lunar day is the strongest and most powerful day of the month. And one of the happiest.
This is the time of the most active and decisive actions. With the beginning of this day, we are entering a period when we can start a very serious undertaking or make the most important step influencing the outcome of the case.

The day calls us to activity, to ensure that we do not slow down, do not stop there, do not go astray, and do not question future success. Avoid spending this special day in idleness. Energy resources are not bottomless, but if they are not used, they will stagnate, lose quality, and you will no longer be able to restore them.
The main thing is not to allow yourself to be distracted by minor events, otherwise pettiness and vanity will “eat up” your entire strength reserve in the blink of an eye. Today communication is excellent at all levels - with friends, loved ones, loved ones, relatives, colleagues, partners, bosses, subordinates, acquaintances, strangers... Today people are determined and rational, ready for achievements and changes - use this opportunity.

The first half of the 14th lunar day is considered especially favorable.
During this time, you can present some of your ideas, thoughts or proposals to the public. You can share plans. This will lead to a transition to high-quality new level.
For example, it is possible to get a promotion, a salary increase, a reward - in short, well-deserved recognition. And also - new profitable acquaintances, new interesting connections, etc. The day helps strengthen family ties and is especially favorable for establishing mutual understanding between the older and younger generations.
An excellent day for careerists and businessmen. Direct your energy to important things. This is one of the best days to resolve financial issues.
The second half of this lunar day is fraught with the danger of getting caught in the cycle of unnecessary things and other people's problems. As a result, you will only waste time and energy, which will harm your health.

15th lunar day

One of the most bad days for work and business. Don't do anything important. On this day you can start simple things that do not require titanic efforts and a long time.

Today, luck is on the side of those whose work is related to trade.
But the first half of the day is unfavorable. During these hours, various difficulties arise in work and personal life. Ambitions will be dangerous, and if you try to shift responsibility to someone else, you can even create big troubles for yourself. Even if not exactly today, but in the future.
Don’t even think about any financial transactions, don’t listen to advisers, don’t conduct important negotiations.
The second half of the 15th lunar day is less unpleasant.
During this period, it is even possible to implement some kind of plan, although, most likely, in a completely different way than previously assumed.
If you are not confident in the method and doubt its success, it is better not to do anything, play it safe. At the same time, there is a chance to make new acquaintances. It is possible that curious ideas will suddenly come to you. Pay attention to them, they are worth it.

Today is the last time we work tirelessly to see the fruits of our efforts. Already on this day or soon after it, you can finally notice the results. Use the maximum reserve of your strength, because if you didn’t have enough for something, then today you will have enough.
Today a person is given the opportunity to change something once and for all.
It is only important that the decision is not momentary, but made earlier, carefully thought out. And if you are absorbed in one idea that has been haunting your mind for a long time and keeping you up at night, take the chance of the 15th day and do what you dream of. You can do it.
But please note that we are talking about a very strong desire, a vital one, about a goal without which you cannot see your future life.
This is the only way you will awaken all your strength, only this way the Moon will pour the necessary energy into you. True, in such inexhaustible strength lies the main danger of the full moon: the influence of the Moon is so strong that everything positive and negative that is in a person is intensified many times over.
Live today the way you would like to see your future existence. If the first lunar day is the basis of the entire lunar month, like a tracing paper for it, then the 15th lunar day is the same base for the remaining third and fourth lunar phases.

One of the features of the 15th lunar day is worth noting: at this time you should not give in to excitement. That is, you cannot afford to play any games at the betting pool, in a casino, at cards, etc.
And one more characteristic feature: if you are a night owl, keep in mind that between midnight and three o’clock in the morning it is better not to do anything serious, not to work, not to communicate.

Continuation of the article:

Material well-being plays a significant role in the life of every person and is considered the key to happiness and family preservation. Of course, even if material wealth is not the main priority, it is simply impossible to live completely without money today.

In addition to the basic needs of housing, food, medicine and clothing, to modern man funds are also required for education, entertainment and favorite little things. There are many famous folk signs, helping to maintain and increase material well-being.

If you decide to change your job, then it is better to do it during the waxing Moon

To attract and increase money, you should treat finances with respect. Creating the appropriate mood should start with purchasing a beautiful wallet for banknotes, and you should fold them front side out.

It is undesirable for men to walk around with empty pockets or wallets, or to say that there is too much money - this can lead to a cessation of cash flows, because there is no such thing as too much money.

Everyone knows that money loves to be counted, and it is better to count it in your own wallet. Also, money loves movement, so it is better not to hide it under the pillow, but to store it in a bank.

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Changes should be distributed to the poor on Sunday - this penny remedy will only increase wealth.

The waxing moon is the best time to improve your financial affairs. This phase favors new beginnings, especially in the monetary sphere. If you decide to change your job, open your own business, make a deposit in the bank, talk to your boss about an increase wages– this must be done at the beginning of the lunar calendar.

As the new month grows, your income will also begin to gradually increase, and your financial situation will improve. This period is also suitable for performing rituals and magical rites to attract funds.

Simple rituals for adding money

The easiest way to increase your wealth is to show banknote as much dignity as possible to the young moon. Along with the growth of the new crescent, your income will increase proportionately.

The shown bill cannot be given away or spent - it should be put in the side compartment of the wallet and wait for the growth of material well-being until the next new moon. If you lose or spend this money, expect good luck in financially not worth it.

It is at this time that you should ask your boss for a salary increase or a bonus.

Also on new moon You can make a talisman to attract money with your own hands. In a small bag, place a few bay leaves, seven coins and a small note indicating the amount of money you would like to receive.

Magic properties bay leaf are also known from Ancient Rome, laurel leaves protect against negative energy and contribute to the fulfillment of desires. During the waxing moon, their impact only intensifies, so you can make a wish for the treasured amount and count on your wish coming true in a few months.

To improve your financial situation on the new moon, it is recommended to place your money on the windowsill so that it is illuminated by the waxing moon. This display of symbols of wealth for the growing month is the simplest ritual that attracts good luck, financial well-being and cash gifts.

To move to new apartment and related household chores were easy and carefree, it’s worth planning them for the waxing phase of the moon. New beginnings and business projects should also be planned during the new moon, then profit and success will not be long in coming.

Simoron, a money ritual to attract cash flows

To carry out such a ritual you will need the energy of water and moonlight. It is held at night, however, you need to start preparing for it in advance.

When you see the new moon, hold a coin in your hand and wish cherished wish. It will definitely come true in the near future

Prepare two glass vessels, leave one of them clean, and fill the second with melt water and a mixture of herbs (mint, marjoram, calamus, sage, basil and verbena). Place the glass container on the windowsill so that it is illuminated by the light of the new moon. Water needs to be spoken. Imagine a stormy river stream or an ocean of wealth and say:

What will it be full moon, this is how I will have it full house everything you need!

After you have cast the spell, leave the water to charge for 3 hours. After the allotted time has passed, the water must be filtered using a sieve into a second container and hidden in a secret, cool place, away from prying eyes. This Simoron ritual will ensure that the money in your pocket will not be transferred throughout the year.

Other ways to increase capital

The most simple method attracting wealth can be a simple haircut. Everyone knows that you need to get your hair cut during the young waxing moon so that your hair grows healthy and thick. However, if you follow the lunar calendar, you can choose the most favorable day to increase your wealth. Haircuts on Thursday and Friday are favorable, but on Sunday it is better not to cut your hair.

If you see a month, then show him either a wallet with money in an open form, or a bill of the greatest dignity, or squeeze some coins in your fist

To double your money, before the new moon, hide different amounts of money in the hiding places of your home and leave them to charge with the power of moonlight until the morning. The next day, spend all the hidden bills on useful and pleasant household items (thus, your wealth will return and increase).

For household always buy more grains, which are considered an ancient symbol of wealth. Rice is best suited for increasing capital. On the new moon, place three coins under the door threshold of different denominations– such a cheap remedy will attract good luck and prosperity to your home for a long time.

Signs to losing money

During the waxing moon period, it is strictly forbidden to borrow money. Otherwise, they will not be retained by the owner and will flow away like water through one’s fingers. When the month is growing, it is preferable to borrow money, but it should be returned in the second half of the lunar calendar (as the month decreases). Also, don't give it away cash in the evening or at night, when the magical protection of the house weakens.

When showing the money to the young Moon, say: “As Young Man grows, so let my finances grow.”


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