A positive attitude for every day for women. Think positive: tune in to positive and good luck

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I have already said that our attitudes play an important, and practically the main role in shaping our lives and moods. If you are used to constantly suffering and complaining, then you have such an attitude, you focus your attention on the negative. And if you believe in the best and enjoy every day, then you have a positive attitude.

positive attitude plays a very important role, with its help you can completely change your life, you just need to learn how to catch yourself on negative, bad thoughts, erase them and replace them with positive ones.

It is important to always maintain an excellent mood - make it a rule for yourself! Yes, people are not robots, and we cannot laugh and smile all the time. But it is also not worth constantly worrying, getting angry and worrying. If you learn to charge yourself with a good mood in the morning, believe me, your life will become easier and more joyful. I have tried everything on myself personally, and I know from my own experience the importance of correct installation for a day. Today I want to give you some useful tips about how to create such an installation for yourself.

How to create a positive attitude

The mood for the whole day is created in the morning. Yes, in the morning you really don’t want to get up and go to work, you want to sleep and oppressive and unpleasant thoughts come into your head that you have been tired of this work for a long time, that today you have a hard day ahead, that today you have a lot to do, and you are tired and you don't feel well, and so on and so forth. Tell yourself "Stop!" and stop this stream of thoughts. It is very important to catch yourself in the first minutes after waking up, stretch sweetly and, feeling warmth and love in your heart (you can read how this is done), say mentally or out loud: “Today I have a wonderful day and many pleasant surprises!”. Just be sure to feel it with your heart, you can say, breathe it in with your heart (inhale love and exhale it into your space). Then, get out of bed with the word "Easy!" (that is, you should say it when you lower your legs and get out of bed).

Our physical well-being should also be at a good level. Morning exercises help to recharge your batteries, so do not be too lazy to stretch your muscles for at least 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to do energy charging. The principle is this:

Deep breath in through the heart - exhale into the ground.

A deep breath from the earth, a delay in the heart, exhale through the top of the head into the sky.

Take a deep breath through the crown, hold in the heart, exhale into the ground, and back.

So you can breathe 3-5 times. Such breathing saturates cells with oxygen and directs energy flows into right direction. By doing this breathing every day, you will feel better, if there are problems with sleep, then they will disappear, you will become calmer and more joyful. At first, dizziness is possible due to an excess of oxygen and energy, but then all this will pass.

Another important advice- Learn to relax and unwind. Do not take work home, do not bring your work problems home, do not try to do everything and be in time, as you know, “you cannot redo all the work and you will not earn all the money.” If you do not have time to do something at work, review your work schedule. Learn to separate home and work, personal and business. Your home is your fortress, it's your rear, it's your rest area, it's your personal world. Stop stealing this rest and your personal time from yourself, learn to distribute your strength, your time and your energy. Everything has its time and its place. We did not come here to "plow like horses" or "spin like a squirrel in a wheel." We came here to learn how to love and be happy.

Learn to do everything with pleasure - both work and rest, and never lose courage!

And finally, a few secrets:

Don't worry about what others think of you - The Secret of Freedom.
Not judging or criticizing yourself and others is the Secret of Friendship.
To love and accept your body is the Secret of Beauty.
Giving Love and not remaking the Beloved is the Secret of Love.
Any thought necessarily materializes - the Secret of the Creation of the Necessary Reality.
Giving first, then receiving is the Secret of Wealth.
Less thinking, more love and joy - The Secret of Happiness.

Happiness to you, love and peace of mind!

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The outside world is a reflection of our inner world. Every single thought, every action we take, every feeling determines who we become. And any desire that we keep in mind sooner or later finds expression in new opportunities that open up.

From all this it follows that with the help of daily affirmations you can program your brain, body and spirit for success.

Affirmation is the expression of your thoughts and desires with the help of words and repeating them several times a day.

1. I am great

Believing that you are great is one of the strongest inner beliefs. You may not think of yourself as a great person right now, but constantly repeating this affirmation will one day make you believe it. Science has long proven that talking to yourself leads to inevitable changes in the brain.

A vivid example of how this affirmation works is the legendary boxer. Watch his interview tapes and you will notice how often he used this phrase. Ultimately, he became great.

2. Today I am overwhelmed with energy and a positive attitude.

Positive is born inside a person, not created external factors and circumstances. And our mood is formed at the very moment when we wake up. So repeat this affirmation as soon as you wake up.

And remember: no one and nothing can spoil your mood until you yourself go for it.

3. I love myself for who I am.

It is believed that self-love is the purest and most highest form love. If a person does not like who he is, then this negatively affects all areas of his life. And this fact pulls a person down.

If you see that these lines are about you, and you cannot come to terms with some of your shortcomings, constantly blame yourself, then my advice to you is: repeat this affirmation as often as possible.

4. I have a healthy body, a brilliant mind, a calm spirit.

A healthy body begins with a healthy mind and spirit. If cats scratch at the soul, then this negativity will adversely affect both the mind and the body. That is, if one element of these three is damaged, the whole mechanism will no longer work properly.

The number one reason that determines whether a person is healthy or sick is the person himself. If you have convinced yourself that you are healthy in body, soul, mind, then it will be so. And if you believe that you are susceptible to illness, then it will definitely hook you.

5. I believe that I can do anything

This is exactly what you need to put into your head (and your children, grandchildren and loved ones) in any way. This is what a person should believe in, so that later he would not be ashamed of the mediocre years lived.

6. Everything that happens in my life is for the best.

The danger is not the circumstances themselves or negative points that take place in our lives, and our attitude towards them.

It is not given to man to know what the Universe has prepared for him in the future. Perhaps what seems dreadful today (such as layoffs) is preparation for something better.

We cannot see into the future, but we can control our attitude towards the present. And this affirmation will help you.

7. I build my own life

You are able to conquer any heights if you only plan your actions and success in advance. And yes, this is a planned action and rarely an accident.

Each new day gives us new opportunity. And you can fill it with exactly what has the most for you. great importance. After all, you build your own life, and life does not happen to you, right?

Start your day with positive thoughts that you are in complete control of every aspect of your life, and soon you will see amazing things begin to happen to you.

8. I forgive those who hurt me in the past and peacefully move away from them.

It doesn't mean you forgot what they did, but it doesn't bother you anymore. Lessons learned and conclusions drawn.

Your ability to forgive is what allows you to move forward rather than dwelling on past wrongs. And your reaction to certain circumstances does not depend on the opinions of the people around you.

You are so strong that you can forgive a thousand people, even if none of them forgive you.

Repeat this affirmation whenever you hit.

9. I enjoy challenges and my potential to meet them is limitless.

You have no limits, only those that live within you.

What kind of life do you want? What is stopping you? What barriers have you built in front of you?

This affirmation will allow you to go beyond the usual boundaries.

10. Today I give up my old habits and embrace new ones.

Each of our individual thoughts, each of our actions determines who we become and what our life will be. Our thoughts and actions shape ours. We are what we constantly do.

As soon as we change habits, it will lead to changes in all areas of life. And this affirmation, which is recommended to be said at the beginning of the day, is designed to remind you that today is the time to change everything.

We all want to be happy, satisfied with life and positive people. But, unfortunately, not everyone can be like that, and there are a variety of reasons for this. In any case, we must remember that everything in this life is possible and everything can be learned. In this article I will give some tips that really work, and may help someone learn how to develop in themselves positive attitude.

We will also try to understand the reasons that make people be pessimistic. A positive attitude for every day is very important for women, since we are the main keepers of the family hearth and the main ideological inspirers for our men.

How to learn to think positively and attract success?

Everything in our life depends to a greater extent on ourselves. How important it is to understand this in time, and learn to take responsibility for your life! Nobody but ourselves will ever be able to answer for our actions, actions, inactions, situations that we create. What we have today is the result of our yesterday's thoughts and actions. And accordingly, by doing one way or another today, at the present moment we determine how our "tomorrow" will look like.

The problem for many people is that they refuse to understand this and continue to go with the flow, the direction of which is determined by the people around them, circumstances, society and the state. Everything but themselves. In this case, it is easier to shift the blame for one's failures and mistakes on anyone, on society, on the "wrong" rulers, on the "bad" country. Everyone is to blame before such a person for the fact that he is now in bad place and terrible life situation.

In my opinion, this is fundamentally the right approach. If you do not like your life, admit that it was you who did not everything you could or not everything you wanted to make it better now. Or they didn't know what to do at all. But be that as it may, in such a situation, the responsibility lies with you, and not with other people and circumstances, no matter how hard it would be to admit it.

As soon as you understand this and take responsibility for your life, you will immediately see how many prospects will open before you, not everything is lost, there is an opportunity to change the situation for the better. Observe your thoughts and put them in order. Your future success depends on them. It may take more effort than we used to put in, to learn new skills, but the result is worth it.

So, let's say we have a situation that does not suit us. You can continue to stay in it and not try to change anything, or you can start by at least thinking about what actions need to be taken. Most likely, you will have to get out of your comfort zone in order to change the situation, or change generally established ideas about many things in this life. But, this must be done in order for our “tomorrow” to become better than “today”.

You need to try to focus your attention not on the problem, but on ways to solve it, start looking for possible ways its elimination. At first, these methods may seem ridiculous or unrealistic to us, but this is only at the beginning. The more we analyze and take small steps, the more ways solutions to the problem may open to us. The main thing is to always try to think positively and act in accordance with your right thoughts.

There are situations that really do not depend on our actions and thoughts. But, even in such cases, we can learn to keep a positive attitude. A person himself determines his reaction to certain circumstances. Therefore, in the same situation different people behave completely differently. This is fine. Learn from those who are more comfortable with negativity.

You can learn this through daily practice and rethink that if you cannot change the situation, then you can certainly change your attitude towards it. You choose how to respond to it. Try to make your reaction as positive as possible.

How to set yourself up for positive thoughts?

People are much kinder and better than we used to think about them. Of course, we are not talking about all people, but about the majority. For some reason, for many people, expectations from interaction in a given situation with other people have a purely negative message. They pre-set themselves for negativity, or think negatively. In reality, however, it often turns out to be the opposite. And it turns out that one could not think so badly about a person, and even more, one had to think well.

But unfortunately this habit is firmly "settled" in the minds of most people. They think: "Now I will go there, and they will immediately" send me "from there" not by the most in the best way". Or: “I would rather meet this person, anyway, this meeting does not bode well, he will turn out to be rude and callous”, “I’ll ask something now and there will be a scandal, people dissatisfied with life always work there”, etc. There are many such situations when people set themselves up for negativity in advance, not expecting anything good from the upcoming trip to the store, to the doctor, meeting with a stranger and others. And as it turns out, completely in vain.

In some cases, most often they do not receive this “far-fetched” negativity, which means they wasted their energy, their precious emotions and directed them in the wrong direction. And in another situation, when they get what they expect, they go even deeper into their negative emotions of disgust and anger. Although in fact, if they had thought positively in advance, faced with negativity, then their reaction could have been softer, or even positive.

Therefore, never “wind up” yourself with bad thoughts about people and upcoming events in advance. Just if such a bad idea comes to you, track it down and replace it right away. Start imagining that the situation will work out in the best way for you. Most likely it will all work out. When you come to the same doctor, salesperson, consultant, they will subconscious level They will feel your positive attitude and will be glad to see you. People, for the most part, are not as callous and indifferent as they are commonly thought to be.

Fill your life with meaning. Every morning, when you wake up, try to be glad at least that you woke up! So for you life goes on, and it's not too late to change it for the better. Evaluate the place where you are now, the segment on which you are standing, and in which direction you need to move. This will help you understand that there is still a lot of good ahead. Accept your life as you got it, without wasting time on suffering. Get busy to make it better so that in the situation you're in, don't sit back and move forward and focus on what's in front of you, not behind you.

Sometimes it happens that the real problem is hidden inside us, and not outside, as we think. It lies in the fact that our attitude to a particular life situation fetters and paralyzes us, not letting us know that this is actually a challenge that can be overcome. Meaning positive attitude, and the "key" to achieving it in our hearts is not what happens to us, but how we respond to what happens.

Therefore, let's invest as many positive emotions as possible in the reaction to what is happening to us. Do not forget to dream, set goals, do what you love. Fill every day with meaning. At the same time, the meaning does not necessarily lie in some kind of super-accomplishments and victories, it is different for everyone, and is often concentrated in banal “small” joys.

Remember that there are people who are born optimists and always remain positive, but there are also those who, through work on themselves, can become optimists, and this is possible. The main thing is your desire. People who maintain a sense of expectation of the best in their lives to the end are very rarely disappointed. So it's not too late to change everything!

http://website/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Pozitivnyiy-nastroy1.jpghttp://website/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Pozitivnyiy-nastroy1-250x200.jpg 2017-06-30T22:50:02+00:00 Psychology mood, positiveWe all want to be happy, satisfied with life and positive people. But, unfortunately, not everyone can be like that, and there are a variety of reasons for this. In any case, we must remember that everything in this life is possible and everything can be learned. In this article, I'll give you some tips that really...admin [email protected] Administrator Women's project

In order for things to argue, it’s worth starting the morning with a positive attitude for the day. In the morning, as soon as you get up, go to the window and greet the day that begins. Smile. Look at the sun. Smile and think about pleasant and good things. Marvel at the sky, the leaves on the trees, the wet asphalt, the singing of birds... Stand under the rays of the sun, recharge your batteries with its energy.

Conspiracy for a good day

In the morning, looking out the window at a cloudy pagoda, you think: "Wow, what a weather, such a day." Nothing like this. And you can’t even think like that, let alone speak out loud. Try to see only the positive aspects in everything. always leads to happiness and well-being.

The morning conspiracy for a good day seems to be simple, everyday, but it helps, slowly arguing about things and feeling like a healthy and happy person.

Standing at the window and admiring the beginning of the day, say the following words aloud:

“Early morning came, people got light, warmth. Day or day goes to the yard, he brought a sensible business. Evening-evening will come and lay everyone on their side. You have to sleep at night, morning, day and evening to wait.

This conspiracy must be repeated three times and tune in to the fact that all the undertakings of this day will be successful, will succeed faster and better, and you will be much less tired during the day.

Visualization of success

Visualization of success can be done every morning for the coming day. To do this, take 15 minutes in the morning to imagine how much you can do during the day. Close your eyes and draw the pictures one by one with your mind's eye, as if you had already made them. In the picture, you should see yourself as in a movie, from the outside, and not in yourself.

Try to imagine everything in sufficient detail: you got behind the wheel of your car and calmly drove (without traffic jams) to the garden, cottage. In front of you in the garden lies a huge amount of carrots that you have already collected and folded. It is even, large, beautiful, one to one, like in a parade.

Or you need to get the necessary papers at some institution today, for which you have been asking for time off from work for the first time. Imagine them in your hands with a signature and a seal. At the same time, there was no queue at all in the office.

In 15 minutes, you can mentally accomplish feats and quickly outline all the current affairs for the day. Just don’t dream about a lot at once. Describe the three main main things for yourself. calm and productive environment.

Meditation in the morning on the number three

To be successful at work, promote your projects, be able to negotiate, maintain relationships, move forward and achieve your goals, you can use meditation on the number three in the morning. The number three in ancient numerology represents good luck.

You need to meditate for 10-15 minutes every day:

  • close your eyes and draw the number three in front of your eyes
  • it glows with a soft green light
  • the background it is on can be whatever you want. It can be just white
  • rays of pale green color emanate from the figure, in which there is the energy of joy and success
  • pale green color penetrates your body and you feel like a person who can easily and effortlessly achieve their goals

every morning feel happy and joyful person

Often there is no time at all in the morning. Especially when the family is large and everyone is in a hurry either to school or to work. A woman - a mother and a wife - needs to have time to see everyone out, and there is almost no time left for herself.

Morning audio mood invigorates, pumps up energy and inspires confidence in yourself and in the success of the day.

morning persuasion technique

Naturally, in the morning a person is not himself yet. Therefore, it makes sense to convince yourself that life is good. The best way to do this is to look into your eyes in front of a mirror. You can say whatever you want, but only positive and good. And smile. A smile, even an artificial one in the first seconds, immediately changes your mood and, in the next seconds and minutes, you are already smiling, not because you need to, but because you feel light and happy.

A good morning mood for a successful day is very important not only for good mood during the day, but also for excellent health during the day and in the evening after a hard day.


How to set yourself up for positive. Proven tips to change your life by increasing positivity and positive thinking. Hi everybody. This article is all about the positive. 9 powerful tips that will help you set yourself up for positive, cheer up and charge you with positive energy. Tips that work and that I use to make everything even better for me.

A life modern man full of worries and worries. He daily reinforces negative thoughts with his fears, experiences increasing stress and negative emotions. All this can lead to the development of depression and mental disorders. Well, if you constantly experience negative emotions, disappointments, depressive states and nothing works out for you. So it's time to seriously think about changing your life and set yourself up for positive.

Find out if you are a positive enough person by taking the 16-question quiz

How positive are you?

The test will help analyze your attitude towards life during a difficult period. A positive outlook on life disposes people, a negative one creates difficulties. The test was developed by British psychologists. By honestly answering these questions for yourself, you will get a reliable result.

Everything seems to be clear, be positive and that's it. But not everyone succeeds. I will give you 9 powerful tips on how to set yourself up for positive.

1. Remember only the good.

The ability to think correctly is the first step to good mood and fulfilling life. Try to remember all the good deeds and positive moments of the day, write down your joyful thoughts in a notebook or post them on social networks.

It is the memories of your positive moments in life that can greatly lift your mood. And as a result, negative memories and emotions will replace. Keep a diary of your positive moments in life, I'm sure you have something to remember. Remember that optimism is a life position, not a temporary state.

2. Be grateful for everything you have in life.

Before getting upset over minor setbacks, think about those who are now several times worse. Disasters often happen in the world, fighting and epidemics of dangerous diseases. Mentally thank fate for the opportunity to live and work in a calm environment. Surprisingly, many people do not notice how happy they are! I communicate with many people, and I know that many have problems in life. More precisely, they have constant problems. Not everyone has what they wanted or would like to have. There is always something to thank God, the universe, the whole world for. especially if you're doing great.

3. Hope it works out

Optimists always hope for success in any life situations. If plans fail for any reason, don't blame yourself. Just think about your desires. Do not indulge in despondency, because thoughts are material. It is necessary to work on yourself, and then all dreams will certainly come true. You will succeed, you have to believe in it. And faith and self-confidence and own forces will give you more energy and as a result you will experience positive emotions from the anticipation of a quick and positive result.

4. Use affirmations

It is known that a person who is tuned in to positive is able to achieve a lot. Our thoughts appear in real life so constant complaining only exacerbates the problems. How to set yourself up for positive? A simple and understandable exercise - an affirmation that allows you to fix desired setting in the mind of man. A short phrase, when repeated many times, stimulates positive changes in life and evokes the corresponding emotions. For example, inspire yourself with the idea that life is filled with exceptionally pleasant events. Start repeating the affirmation right now and the result will not be long in coming. I have a whole series of installations that make my life easier. If possible, I constantly pronounce them to myself or aloud and everything works out.

5. Focus on the future

Don't live with past experiences and hurts. This is meaningless, because the past cannot be changed, you can only extract useful knowledge from it. The mistake most people make is that they can't plan for a happy future because of past hurts. Envy also brings nothing but harm to health. It is necessary to learn to feel joy for another person and wish him well. Achieve your goals, focus on the future and your future achievements.

6. Think about your dream

How else to set yourself up for positive? Every person has a dream. It can be a new place of residence, a car, a trip to an exotic country. How to implement it? In your free moments, imagine yourself as the owner of the desired car or a satisfied tourist in interesting places another country. So, thanks to the abundance of positive emotions, you can achieve your goal. Dreams Come True. Positive and positive reality will accelerate the realization of your dreams. This is how our universe works.

7. Listen to positive music

On the way to work and in transport, try to listen to pleasant music with headphones. Good music will help get rid of negative thoughts and tune in to the positive. Get positive energy from rhythmic music. When I clean the house, I often listen to my favorite music which gives me a lot of energy.

8. Hang out with optimists.

It is very important for a person and a good environment. Communication with cheerful and friendly people will certainly bring joy and help you tune in to success. It is better to exclude pessimists from the social circle. In no case should you pick up someone else's bad mood! Also, do not take criticism seriously, which is not always helpful. Learn to take criticism the right way. I am also criticized, but I go step by step towards my goal and every day my life becomes even better.

9. Praise yourself for success.

Don't forget to praise yourself for your success. For women, a great gift to yourself will be new hairstyle, manicure or chocolate. Any achievement, any victory is an opportunity to praise yourself for the work done, for the new skill, for the improvement in your life. So, the principles of positive thinking include the ability to benefit from any situation in life, creating a clear image of the desired result, and reinforcing positive thoughts with good deeds.


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