Wooden paving paths. DIY garden paths at low cost: interesting and easy-to-implement ideas for your site

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Paths when arranging a personal territory are important element general design, and therefore their design and choice of material must be approached very seriously. This can be natural stone, paving slabs, natural and concrete paving stones, asphalt and concrete mixtures.

One of the original types of coatings is natural wood. Wooden paths at the dacha look beautiful and unusual if the design style is thought out, and the material used is well processed and properly laid with your own hands. The arrangement of such paths in the garden and in the area adjacent to the dacha or cottage can be implemented in several options.

Possible options

Depending on the type of wood used and the method of its processing, sidewalk coverings this kind of can be done from:

  • round cross cut of a tree;
  • processed board;
  • solid, glued or profiled timber;
  • wooden panels or garden parquet;
  • figured wood products;
  • bulk wood materials;
  • bamboo branches and trunks.

Each of these coatings has its own advantages and disadvantages. Most options differ not only in appearance wood material, but also the installation technology used.

The material can be laid on prepared from bulk building materials base, on supporting transverse joists or on a combined combination with other types of paving surfaces.

Round cross cut

Path made from wood cuts.

Wooden cuts are cuttings of trunks and large branches of trees 150-250 mm long. To increase service life, the bark is peeled off the workpieces, and the material itself is treated with a hydrophobic compound.

A well-compacted base of crushed stone and sand is prepared for the future path from wood cuts, with the obligatory laying of one or two layers with your own hands. The saw cuts are installed vertically on this base and the voids between them are filled with sand, dry cement-sand mixture or fine colored gravel. If desired, made of wood, plastic or stone.

Flooring made of boards, timber or panels

To increase the service life, raw material For wooden paths processed until received smooth surface on a machine or with an electric planer. To protect wood from moisture, fungus, mold and insects, every detail wooden sidewalk process special compounds, drying oil or liquid coating waterproofing.

Laying garden paths from boards, logs or panels can be carried out:

  • along transverse wooden or concrete joists;
  • directly to the ground;
  • on a sandy or cement-sand base.

Curly styling.

In this case, garden paths made of wood at the dacha can be at ground level or raised above it.

Paths made of figured products

Curved path paving technology wooden products quite labor-intensive, since you have to make a large number of parts of complex configuration. The more difficult geometric figures, the more difficult it is to lay them down. The technology for laying shaped parts is similar to making paths from saw cuts yourself. The only difference is that between separate elements paving leaves a greater distance.

Paths made of wood fill materials

Photo of a bark road.

Bulk materials include pieces of bark or mulch, nut shells, branch trimmings, and large shavings. Due to their fragility, such options are considered temporary. Their design requires the presence of a border to prevent material from spilling on the sides.

The base for backfilling is not prepared, since such paths are in use for a short time. In order to strengthen visual effect bulk material Can be pre-painted with waterproof pigment.

Let's consider the technology of laying a wooden path with your own hands using the example of using boards, timber or panel country parquet. These three types of wood materials are laid almost identically. The differences in technology are minor and do not affect general principles performance of work.

To arrange a path in the garden, in addition to wood, you will need:

  • river or washed sand;
  • gravel or small crushed stone;
  • material for making borders;
  • geotextile (non-woven synthetic material, capable of transmitting moisture in only one direction);
  • coating waterproofing or bitumen mastic;
  • pinotex to change the color of wood;
  • universal impregnation to protect wood from insects and mold.

From the necessary tool need to prepare:

  • bayonet and shovel;
  • measuring tape;
  • metal hammer and mallet;
  • chainsaw;
  • electric plane;
  • paint brushes.

In addition, buckets and a wheelbarrow may be required to move materials.

Work procedure

Arrangement of a path made of wooden materials with your own hands begins with its marking. To do this, pegs are driven along the path of the gasket, along which the cord is then pulled. The width of the path is chosen so that two people can pass on it without leaving the surface. Typically this value is taken within the range of 0.8-1.2 meters.

Marking with pegs.

The distance to the trees should not be less than one and a half meters so that growing roots do not damage the base. It is advisable to make turns rounded, allowing the loaded wheelbarrow to turn while performing household work.

Base structure

To fill the base under a wooden garden path, it is necessary to remove a layer of soil to a depth of 20-25 cm. The width of the trench must correspond to the previously made markings. To the bottom thin layer sand is poured in, which is then compacted with help or manually. After this, it is necessary to spread geotextiles with an overlap of 15 cm and an overlap of 10 cm on the trench wall. This will effectively remove incoming moisture from the lower layer of the base and will not allow weeds to germinate.

After this, a drainage layer of gravel 10-15 cm high is poured and compacted. The top is sprinkled with a thin layer of sand and covered with geotectile. Sand is necessary so as not to damage the canvas with the sharp edges of the stone.

Base diagram.

A curb is installed along the edges of the trench, which can be wooden, concrete or brick. The curb fence is fixed cement mortar or pegs. To create the possibility of draining rain and melt water from the surface, small gaps must be left between the fencing elements.

After installing the border on the woven covering, you need to pour a sand cushion flush with the surface of the ground and compact it well. A cushion made of a dry cement-sand mixture will be more stable, but will require additional costs for the purchase of cement.

Laying road material

Before installation wooden elements their coatings must be treated to protect them from moisture, mold, mildew and insects. For this purpose, special impregnating compounds and coating waterproofing are used. Boards and shields must be carefully processed on all sides. For change color shade you can use pinotex.

Boards or panels can be laid directly on the prepared base or on cross beams made of wood, concrete, brick or other building material.

Boards and logs can be laid both along and across the path, close together or with small gaps between them. If the covering elements are not laid tightly, then the spaces between them must be filled with sand, a cement-sand mixture or fine gravel.

Laying wooden path.

Laying wooden covering using logs is more labor-intensive, but provides better preservation of wood and durability of such a path. With this technology, boards can only be laid along the path. Structurally it looks like a single wooden shield, where all elements are connected to each other.


Arranging on personal plot DIY wooden garden paths, Special attention must be given to wood processing. Active exposure to moisture can render it unusable in the shortest possible time. The formation of mold and mildew on the surface is also detrimental.

It is the paths that give your garden a neat, finished look. Nowadays, when people strive for environmentally friendly products and materials, garden paths made of wood are more relevant than ever.

Asphalt gets boring in the city and, when choosing which material is best for a path in the garden, you want something natural and at the same time unusual. We tried to consider the advantages of the most popular materials.

Design and purpose

First of all, it should be noted that the path should always lead to a specific place. Psychologists say that a path leading to nowhere or running into a fence can cause internal discomfort. Therefore, you should initially draw a sketch of the site, on which you should indicate the main parameters of the designed zones and indicate the exact location of the paths.

Paths in the garden are like arteries in the body. It is not at all necessary that they all be same size, plus the material for garden paths can be combined depending on the functional load and type. So garden paths made of concrete or paving slabs are more suitable for paths with a large functional load.

Wooden garden paths or plastic garden paths will not be able to support the weight of a car and will quickly deteriorate in areas between the house, garage and summer kitchen. But they are perfectly suitable for arranging the territory of the site. The beauty of such trails fits perfectly into most types of landscape design.

It is also important how to make paths in the garden. Square parallel-perpendicular lines of regular shape are now used extremely rarely. Their advantage is only in the simplicity of arrangement.

It is quite inconvenient to overcome right angles with a wheelbarrow, hilling up beds. Plus, the rectangular configuration visually makes the area smaller, so they are used infrequently in landscape design and only in large areas.

The best option is round, arched shapes. In some cases, straight lines can be used, but they are laid diagonally. Unlike a square, a diagonal arrangement visually enlarges the area.

Important: I would like to warn you against overly winding paths. Intricate labyrinths will subconsciously irritate you; there is always a desire to go straight through. Therefore, for ease of movement, it is better to make the arc smooth.

Paths laid in dachas or on private property are conventionally divided into several types.

  • The most common are those built from rigid block material or concrete.. This includes stone garden paths different types and configurations, paving slabs, brick or concrete screed. Such structures are distinguished by enviable longevity and endurance. But the cost of constructing such paths is usually quite high.
  • In some cases, owners prefer soft covering, this includes gravel, crushed stone, small pebbles, sand or tree bark. The only advantage of this coating is its low price and ease of installation. But these options are often abandoned over time. Since, due to the fine fraction, the soft underlying material is gradually spread throughout the entire area.

  • Wooden garden paths are now experiencing their rebirth; in our mighty country this material was used for at least 200 years, but with the advent of asphalt it was undeservedly forgotten. These structures make up for their relatively low durability with exceptional beauty and naturalness.
  • Currently, plastic modules for garden paths provide worthy competition to wood.. Plastic can emit any material, including wood; plastic garden paths are easy to lay with your own hands and last a long time. The only serious disadvantage is that it is artificial; not every person, when escaping the city, wants to walk on plastic.

Subtleties of installing wooden paths

Before you make a garden path out of wood, you need to decide what kind of structure you want to assemble. The most common material now is wooden logs, laid vertically with the cut up. But sometimes you can find garden paths made of boards; the installation instructions here are a little simpler, although first things first.

Ring flooring

Flooring made from rings or wooden blocks is particularly beautiful, because the pattern on each ring is unique and such a covering lasts much longer than regular boards. This material for garden paths is also attractive because old, fallen trees can be found in the nearest planting, so the price of such a design will be minimal.

Experts recommend using deciduous wood for these purposes; oak, of course, is best, but larch or aspen are not much inferior to it. Conifers are considered less strong and, despite the abundance of resin, deteriorate faster.

The height of the ring ranges from 100 to 250 mm. Rings that are too thin, especially those made from the barrel large diameter, can quickly break down. Since a lot of material is needed, it is better to use gasoline or electric saw. It is advisable to remove the bark from the trunk, since it can contain many pests, and it will become an obstacle to the impregnating protective composition.

To save time, we recommend that you immediately begin treating the rings with a protective solution. As a rule, drying oil or waste machine oil is used for this. The substance should be heated to a boil and the workpiece should be immersed in it for a couple of minutes, after which the workpiece should dry.

There is another way of processing. Cold drying oil is applied to the workpiece twice. After the tree has dried, its lower part, located in the ground, is dipped into boiling bitumen and dried. Bitumen film will more reliably protect against rotting and pests.

Advice: if you want to artificially age the material, then there is a simple folk method. The tree must be coated with copper sulfate.

While the material is drying, you can build a foundation pit for installation. The excavation depth varies depending on the height of the rings. Keep in mind that the flooring should rise 2–3 cm above the ground, otherwise it will gradually silt up. The size of the drainage pad under the posts is made around 100 mm.

When the pit is ready, the bottom should be well compacted and covered with geotextile; technical polyethylene is also suitable for bedding. If there is clay below, then you can do without litter, you will just need to compact it well.

To prevent the wood from deteriorating less, a drainage layer of 100 mm of sand or gravel is laid and compacted. While you are studying preparatory work, protective layer It will dry on the wood and you can start laying.

To ensure that the installation is as dense as possible, immediately prepare cuts of different diameters. Natural gaps between the workpieces are filled with sand or sawdust. To seal the gaps, the surface of the track must be periodically moistened.

Important: it is advisable to completely eliminate direct contact of wood with the ground. Experts recommend installing curbs to protect the flooring from the sides and prevent the drainage layer from being washed out.

Using the board

Garden paths It is a little easier to install from boards. The preparation of wood and pit is carried out in the manner described above. The material used is timber rectangular section with dimensions 150x250 mm.

Such blocks are laid directly on the drainage and the cracks are filled with sand. The gap between the blocks must be at least 5 mm so that they do not crack in the winter cold.

Often, owners take a simpler route, using wood from pallets. It is also treated with a protective solution, but the length of the board on a pallet is 1 m and it is better to cut it in half. Timber from the same pallets is laid as guides on both sides. The entire structure is installed on a gravel bed and, if possible, waterproofed.

Advice: the industry currently produces so-called garden parquet. Of course, it cannot be called 100% natural due to deep impregnation with polymer varnishes, but it has a decent appearance and lasts a long time. It is laid according to the same pattern as the circles.

In the video in this article you can see the intricacies of installation.


Wooden garden paths are a capricious material and require constant care. This kind of flooring needs to be treated on top at least once a year. protective compounds. If the instructions are followed in full, then such material for garden paths will last about 10 years.

Anyone, even a beginner who likes to delve into the garden, planting vegetables and fruits, thinks about how to make movement around their garden plot more comfortable. To do this, you have to make paths from different hard and durable materials such as stone or concrete. One of the reasons for this lies in the durability of such buildings made of durable natural and artificial material, which is not destroyed by moisture.

Garden tools and other products in this Chinese store.

But with the advent effective means to protect building materials from moisture and other destructive factors, the popularity of wooden sidewalks has increased, which can last almost as long as their stone and concrete counterparts, while being in no way inferior to them in beauty, and in some environmental sense even surpassing them in beauty design and motivating gardeners to create a beautiful garden with their own hands. The ideas in the video below are also highly recommended to watch.

Self-construction of paths is justified. With it, there is no need to constantly clean your shoes, experience difficulties when moving, and easily move from one area to another, regardless of weather conditions.

Moreover, beautifully made paths will beautiful element to decorate the landscape, especially if you take them into account appearance and combination with design.

When choosing a material for the construction of paths, it is customary to comply with the general style of garden design and the budget that is calculated for the work. The peculiarity of wood as a material for building paths is its versatility. The tree harmonizes perfectly with lawns, flower beds, terraces; using it, it is not so difficult to make paths even for an inexperienced craftsman. A wide price range of boards, depending on the quality and degree of processing, allows you to significantly save money. Therefore, many who like to relax and work on their plots choose this method of giving a civilized look to the paths in the garden.

Advantages, disadvantages and manufacturing methods

Wood as a basis for making garden paths is not yet such a common material, but quite popular among gardeners due to its beautiful appearance, relative strength and affordability. If you do not use a treated board, the cost of which is quite high, then a good alternative material construction residues may become, which significantly reduces the price of the issue.
But even if you plan to use new boards, the simplicity of woodworking technology reduces costs compared to other materials. There are two options.

Layered paths

The surface is raised above the soil level, the frame is installed on the base. The flooring is raised above the ground level so that air can flow freely under the path. In this case, the service life of the sidewalk will be significantly extended and there will be protection from moisture. A small slope specially created in this case will drain water from the surface, thanks to which even after heavy rain the wood will dry out faster.

A frame made of longitudinal varnish serves as the base for the flooring; crossbars made of boards or timber are placed on it using fasteners. It is allowed to alternate segments that are identical in length but differ in width, depending on the design. To avoid warping, wide board installed on several screws or nails; for timber, you can limit yourself to two screws. At the same time, the caps are deepened and hidden to ensure safety for the feet when walking on the flooring.

The width of the path made of wooden planks depends on the design concept. For normal movement along it, a width of 80 to 100 centimeters with a thickness of 25-50 millimeters is sufficient. Such parameters will allow you to miss each other in oncoming traffic without any problems. If it is expected that people with a sufficiently large weight will walk along the path, or that heavy objects will be transported along it in a cart, another one is added - a middle lag. To protect lamps from moisture in places of contact with the ground, they are treated with liquid bitumen mastic or by other means. The crossbars are treated with antiseptics, after which they are dried and mounted on the frame.

There are two assembly options. Tightly without gaps and with equal spaces between parts. The underside of the flooring must be treated with mastic, outer surface coated with paint or varnish. A much better effect is obtained if parts of the structure are treated in advance rather than using bitumen and tinting after assembly. Given that the flooring can be laid on a flat surface and used without any protection, it is better to follow the correct technology.

There are two ways to prepare. Under the joists or across the entire width of the flooring.
Preparation is carried out in several stages: a layer of soil of 20-30 centimeters is removed, the bottom is carefully compacted. Sand is poured, compacted, watered, fine crushed stone is poured on top and compaction is done again.

If conditions permit, geotextiles are placed between the layers. This allows the materials not to mix and increases the drainage capacity of the pillow. If the sidewalk is laid temporarily, then a cushion is not necessary; geotextiles, roofing felt and similar materials are simply placed under the logs. To protect against weeds, treat the soil under the flooring with herbicides.

Budget wood flooring for a summer residence

The most economical a budget option– production of flooring from pallets. A pallet with a narrow span between parts is used. This wooden path is not particularly beautiful, but it requires a minimum of time and effort to install. To make the flooring made from pallets look decorative and durable, the pallets are divided into segments, treated with protective materials and made into a full flooring. The only thing is that you will have to spend more time and effort, but the result is much more interesting. But the cost here remains very low.

The opposite option is decking tracks - wooden modules from decking boards. The boards are laid on a flat base and look much more interesting in design than homemade ones, but the cost of such a design is quite high, so this method is not used often.


The wooden parts in such paths are immersed in the ground at the same level with the surface or slightly raised above the ground, the voids are filled with drainage materials - sand, crushed stone. Boards are used for flooring thick timber length from 10 to 15 centimeters. Because the wooden materials in this case are in contact with the ground, there is a need to protect them from water. To do this, you need to use antiseptic or hot drying oil, cover the bottom with bitumen, the top can be coated with varnish or wax.

For beauty, small rounds are installed between thick rounds. When using timber, imitation brick is of interest.
The flooring can be laid directly on the ground, but dug-in paths require special preparation of the base, since the logs will be immersed in the ground.

To prevent water from stagnating and the sidewalk from wearing out, install drainage system made of sand and gravel more than 10 centimeters high.

After the trench is marked, it is compacted, sand is poured, which is also compacted and wetted with water, a layer of crushed stone is poured, and finally another layer of sand.

The saw cut is placed on a substrate; to make it decorative, the diameter dimensions alternate. The gaps are filled with crushed stone, sand, and clay.

One of the best materials for a wooden sidewalk is larch. Conifers and oak can also be used, but their service life is not very long. However, modern protective materials increase service life many times over wooden parts tracks. Therefore, we can only proceed from the cost and availability of wooden blanks.
Let us remind you once again that it is important that the sidewalk looks in harmony with the overall style garden plot, so you need to immediately think about the design of wooden paths if you want to plan and make them yourself.

Even in ancient times, where people appeared, roads appeared. Well-trodden roads, paths and paths have always been landmarks that prevented people from getting lost.

They will definitely lead you to a place where there will be people and help. IN modern world they have not lost their functional significance, but also acquired new features, such as decorativeness and ease of movement.

A large number of materials allows you to create a comfortable coating that will please the eye and fit perfectly into landscape design plot.

Today we will look at garden paths made of wood, a variety of designs, as well as the opportunity to make it yourself.

What types of paths can be made from wood?

The most popular wooden path, which you have probably seen in some magazine or on the Internet, is a structure made from saw cuts. Some will say that this is a hackneyed option, boring, but they want something new and unusual. However, someone who has not tried to study this option in more detail may think so.

A path made from wood cuts can be a real work of art. Size of cuts, their location, wood color, inclusion additional materials etc. determine what the path will look like. Let's look at some types.

If you have elements of the same size at your disposal, then placing them close to each other, you will get an even, monochromatic coating. The order of their laying can be random or in ordered rows.

It is worth noting that the larger the saw cut in diameter, the more free space appears between the parts that can be filled decorative filling, gravel, sow lawn, etc.

Spills may be different sizes and shapes, which will give the path a different texture and dynamics.

The use of gravel, which fills the space between the cuts, and stones laid along the path, will create another interesting option.

Using large diameter cuts laid in a line, straight or winding, you will have a cute wooden path. It can be intermittent if the elements are placed at some distance from each other. And if you trim the cuts a little, you will get a continuous line.

In addition to saw cuts, wooden planks are also suitable. This can be a continuous flooring that forms a path. The boards can be laid transversely or longitudinally.

By trimming the edges, the path can become winding, with picturesque smooth bends. The same effect can be achieved without trimming, through a special arrangement of the boards.

You can lay out patterns from wood that resemble parquet.

You can also use the option when the boards are at some distance from each other, and the free space is filled with pebbles, gravel and other fillings.

We hope that now the wooden path has become more attractive to you. And if you decide to use this material in your garden, then it is worth considering some features, which we will consider below.

How to make a path in your country house out of wood with your own hands?

Everyone knows that the worst enemy for wood is dampness, temperature changes, and others. natural factors. During construction wooden houses, we definitely take them into account, and if we take into account the fact that the tree will be located on the ground, then the decay processes here are even more intense. First, let's look at how to make a path from wood cuts.

You can buy ready-made round pieces and boards in a specialized store. They may already have been treated against fungus, rot, and pests. More cheap option– purchase logs and cut them crosswise using a chainsaw to a thickness of about 10-15 cm. in this case Wood sections must be treated independently with a special antiseptic composition or a 10% solution of copper sulfate.

After complete drying, you can begin next stage works The side that will be adjacent to the ground must be covered with bitumen. It can be melted in any metal container(bucket, basin) and carefully dip the bottom cut in it and leave to dry.

Now let's start setting up the path using pegs and rope.. We remove the plant soil, dig a trench about 30 cm deep and cover it with geotextiles. Pour a layer of crushed stone (10 cm), then sand, compacting it with water. We lay the saw cuts on this sandy cushion, and fill the free space with earth, where you can sow a lawn, gravel, etc.

Larch and oak wood have the greatest durability (8-15 years), while aspen and pine are slightly less durable. During operation, damaged elements must be replaced, so it is advisable to prepare cuts with a reserve.

If the path is made of boards that are laid as a continuous sheet, then the method of its construction is slightly different. It is advisable to make it slightly raised (about 10). Such air gap will allow the wood to dry out faster after rain, and the lack of contact with the soil will have a positive effect on the durability of the flooring.

The tree also needs to be treated against rot and pests. We take the path out into the open, remove the plant soil, dig a trough about 20 cm deep, cover it with geotextiles and fill it with 10 cm of gravel or crushed stone. Then we make supports from boards along the edges and in the center and nail our boards onto them.

In order to lay a path in the garden made of wood, you will need to spend your time and effort on it, but it is worth it. It fits perfectly into the design summer cottage, and by turning on your imagination and ingenuity, you will get something original and beautiful. Moreover, creating it does not require any special knowledge, the main thing is to set a goal and you will succeed!

Neat paths gracefully winding between green spaces and landscape decor, is an integral attribute of any garden. So, if you want your site to be truly well-groomed and complete, do not neglect the paths. Fortunately, to arrange them you don’t need to spend fabulous sums and involve professional designers - beautiful paths You can do it yourself, seriously saving on both materials and labor. How? There are many answers to this question, because there are a huge number of types of garden paths that can be laid at low cost. Next, we offer you instructions for the most popular options with accompanying photos and videos - after reading them, you will definitely be able to effectively improve your area.

Original path made from wood cuts

Wooden round timber - very simple, but original material for garden paths. Raw materials for them can be found on every site - there are probably old trees everywhere that would be time to replace them with new seedlings. It is advisable to use larch or oak - they are the most resistant to external influences, which means they can boast long term services. The path from the saw cuts is made according to the following scheme:

Advice. To protect the path from moisture and increase its durability, arrange simple drainage– pour a layer of fine crushed stone between the sand cushion and the saw cuts.

Durable paths made of stones

One of the most durable options garden paths - from natural stone. Here you can use cobblestones or rubble - they are equally durable. The path is laid as follows:

  1. Mark the garden path.
  2. From the area where you plan to lay the path, remove upper layer drain. The depth of this layer should be 7-10 cm greater than the height of the largest stone prepared for the path.
  3. Fill the resulting trench with a 10 cm layer of sand, carefully level it and compact it.
  4. Place the stones one at a time on the sand cushion, pressing them firmly into the base. The distance between small stones should be no more than 2-3 cm, and between large ones - up to 8-10 cm.
  5. Carefully fill the remaining gaps with cement mortar. When the track has set, fill the seams with soil or fine sand to make them look more natural.

Garden path made of stones

Classic concrete paths in the country

Concrete is a traditional material for laying paths, which is always popular due to its low cost and ease of use. Anyone can definitely make a cast path:

  1. Mark the boundaries of the path - drive pegs along its contour and stretch a wire between them.
  2. Within the designated contours, dig a small trench up to 30 cm deep.
  3. Place a 5 cm layer of gravel and the same layer of sand on the bottom of the base. Compact the resulting pillow.
  4. Cover the base with chain-link or any other thin metal mesh.
  5. Install lumber formwork along the perimeter of the future path.
  6. Prepare a cement mortar: 1 part dry cement, 1.5 parts sand, 2 parts gravel and 1 part water.
  7. Pour the cent and evenly, with vibrating movements, using a spatula, distribute the composition over the entire area of ​​​​the path. During installation, pierce the mixture with a rod to prevent the formation of voids.
  8. Using the rule, finish leveling the path and cover it with polyethylene.

concrete path

In 3-4 days the path will be ready. All this time, do not forget to gently moisten it with water to protect the concrete from cracking and give it maximum strength.

Advice. To make the path more interesting, even before concrete mixture to finally set, “drown” various decorative pebbles, pieces of glass or shells in it.

Budget garden paths made from tires

Transport tires have long been widely used in dacha farming: they are used to make flower beds, ponds, swings, and now also garden paths. This trend is not surprising, given the operational characteristics of the material: tires are resistant to moisture and temperature changes, easy to care for, do not slip and are durable. You can arrange a garden path out of them like this:

Tire garden path

  1. Using a knife, divide the tires into two parts: rolling tracks and sidewalls. To make the knife fit into the rubber easier, lubricate it regularly with oil or soap.
  2. Cut ribbons from the resulting rings. Adjust them to length and trim the edges.
  3. Take wide ones wooden boards and carefully fasten the rubber bands to them with nails so that they completely cover the wood - there should be no empty spaces between the elements.
  4. Remove the top layer of soil no more than 5 cm deep along the entire length of the future path and press wooden boards into the base. If desired, the rubber can be painted.

Country paths made of bricks

Another traditional material for garden paths is brick. It is recommended to use clinker products, as they are characterized by high stability To various kinds chemical and mechanical influences. It is important that the bricks are intact and without chips, otherwise the path will turn out not only unaesthetic, but also unsafe.

Brick garden path

The path is laid in this way:

  1. Mark the path: drive a peg around the perimeter and stretch a rope between them.
  2. Dig a trench along the marked contour - up to 25-35 cm deep.
  3. Place barriers made of bars or boards along the trench.
  4. Cover the space between the limiters, that is, the “body” of the path, with a 10 cm layer of gravel and compact it thoroughly. Place a layer of sand no more than 5 cm high on top.
  5. Remove the limiters and make curbs in their place: on both sides of the path, lay one row of bricks in the “edge” position.
  6. Form from bricks inner space paths: lay them in the usual position, gently tapping them with a wooden spatula or rubber mallet until they settle.

Advice. The bricks do not have to be laid closely - to give the path a more original look, leave small gaps and fill them with pebbles. In addition, you don’t even have to cover the gaps - after a while grass will grow in them and decorate the path.

Multi-format wooden walkways

Wood is one of the most beneficial materials for making garden paths, as it can be used in completely different forms. Let's consider two common options: paths made of boards and paths made of bark.

Site preparation looks the same in both cases:

  • mark the path and remove the top soil - about 20 cm;
  • lay geotextiles on the resulting trench;
  • Place a 10 cm layer of gravel on top.

Path made of boards

Further technologies diverge. So, if you are making a path from boards, prepare the component elements: adjust them in length and width and treat them with an antiseptic. If desired, you can give them a twisted shape. Next, install wooden supports along the edges and in the center of the trench along its entire length and secure them with cement mortar. The final stage is to nail the prepared planks to the supports.

If you want to build a path from bark, make sure that the material is durable - it should not crumble. Be sure to treat the bark with an antiseptic. Before fixing the material in the trench, lay a sand cushion on its base, and then drown the bark in it.

Garden paths made of tiles

Although tile cannot be called a very cheap material, it is still used very often for making garden paths. There are several reasons for this: aesthetic appearance, good performance and ease of working with the material. The technology for laying tile paths will convince you of the latter:

Now you know a lot interesting ways make a garden path with your own hands at low cost. Following simple instructions, you can implement any of the above options on your site, so feel free to get to work and discover new opportunities for improving your garden area.

Garden paths at the dacha: video

DIY garden paths: photo


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