Wooden log house pros and cons. Houses made of rounded logs: pros and cons of structures, construction technology

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Undoubtedly log house, unlike foam block buildings, has many advantages. He, like brick house ik, can last quite a while for a long time, and being in it is good for human health. But use it as country house or dachas are undesirable.

Features of a log house

Log houses, the design of which you can choose yourself, have a long service life when permanent residence in them. When heating a house daily with a stove, it not only heats the room, but also ventilates it. When a fire burns, air comes from the room and exits through the chimney. In its place comes Fresh air and thanks to this, damp, stagnant areas do not appear in the house. This process provides such a home with a long service life.

For this reason, those houses that are not heated, or if this happens irregularly, quickly become unusable. One day visiting a log house in winter time with the natural combustion of the furnace, it has the same effect on the log house as the annual cycle of changing seasons. If you use it only in summer time, then there is no need for its quality factor.

Ready log house has traditional cuts and connections and, without practical skills, it is almost impossible to perform the work efficiently.

Pros and cons of log houses

Wood has been used for housing construction since ancient times. And today it is one of the most popular materials. It has enough advantages - environmental friendliness, reliability, durability, and at the moment houses made from this material successfully compete with other materials.

Durability log house directly depends on the quality of its construction.

The most popular for construction is rounded logs. Houses made from this material are suitable for both seasonal and permanent residence. And the available modern projects wooden houses allow you to build a building of any complexity - from a small building with a veranda to a solid building with open terraces and balconies.

Energy-saving houses made of timber are cozy and warm. Due to their low thermal conductivity, they are fresh in hot weather and warm in winter. The air in such houses is much “lighter” due to the phytoncides released by the tree. The main types of wood for construction are pine or spruce. They have sufficient strength and at the same time have a low cost. For the lower crowns of the house, larch is used, which has greater moisture resistance and strength than pine or spruce.

To protect wood from pests and negative external influences, it is impregnated with a special impregnating liquid.

Except large quantity This material has advantages. The most important thing is its fire hazard. Therefore the walls wooden house treated with fire retardants. In addition, a log house has shrinkage, which significantly increases its construction time.

The popularity of rounded logs in domestic house building is due to the fact that it allows you to assemble a classic Russian log house, like the one our ancestors built using chopped logs. New technologies have made adjustments to the preparation and characteristics of logs, making the construction process more technologically advanced and faster, and the constructed house more elegant, with smooth crowns and no cracks.

Let us consider in detail the properties and specifications rounded logs, what it is, what types and types there are, dimensions, parameters, pros and cons, how they are made and used in private construction.

What is a rounded log

Rounded log- This is milled lumber, which is a fragment of a trunk, cleared of the top, loosest layer of wood. Mechanical restoration(milling) ensures the same diameter of the log along the entire length, which in turn increases the strength and stability of the geometry of the finished structure.

Production of rounded logs

The unique properties of rounded logs are acquired during its production process, which consists of the following stages:

  • sorting of raw materials (saw logs) by diameter;
  • processing in rounding machine. After the milling stage, the log will be removed upper layer, and only the core part will remain, which is the strongest and gives less shrinkage. Also, during processing, the difference in log diameters at the bottom and at the top will be minimized. According to the standard, it cannot exceed 4 mm;
  • log sorting. Allows you to sort workpieces according to specified sizes;
  • drying: natural or forced;
  • formation of a compensation cut. Note that not all logs have a cut, and it is often done according to the buyer’s order;
  • open. The log goes on sale having a standard length. But many homeowners prefer not to bother with adjusting the logs to length, but order a house kit for their home.

    A house kit made from rounded logs is ready set for assembling a house. It resembles a construction set that contains a set of parts (logs) prepared in length in accordance with the provided house design, with the corresponding marking of each element. A significant advantage of using a house kit is the availability seats(bowls), which make joining of logs quick and tight;

  • bowling - involves cutting the seats (bowls) necessary for laying crowns from logs. Like a profiled beam, two types of seats are cut out in a rounded log:

Transverse bowls; Material prepared for the website www.site

Diagonal bowls;

Longitudinal grooves. The curvature of the grooves is somewhat different from the curvature of the log. This is necessary in order to lay thermal insulation material. If the dimensions of the grooves coincide, then there is a high probability that after shrinkage the log will touch the bottom only with the central point, and not with the entire surface of the groove. This will lead to the fact that the junction of the logs will have to be caulked;

  • trimming. End processing;
  • antiseptic treatment. It is performed over the entire area of ​​the log, including longitudinal grooves and bowls. Allows you to ensure biological inertness of the log and preserve its properties during storage, transportation and installation. Only antiseptics are used for water based. This solution does not clog the micropores of the wood, and it continues to dry;
  • transportation to the construction site. Manufacturers often take on this function, as they can ensure the unloading and proper storage of logs on site. After all, a log house is built from 4 to 6 months, depending on its size and complexity of the project. During this period it is necessary to organize proper storage material;
  • storage;
  • package.

Rounded log - GOST, norms and standards

Please note that the only normative document There is no regulation regulating the production and characteristics of rounded logs. Neither in Russia, nor anywhere else at all.

Self-respecting manufacturers develop their own standards - StP (StO) - the standard of an enterprise (organization), which contains all the information about the dimensions and deviations, quality and storage conditions of the material.

However, there are a number state standards(GOST), which regulate certain aspects of the production and storage of rounded logs:

And a row international standards(ISO) and European standards(EN):

Characteristics of rounded logs according to GOST 9463-88

Types of rounded logs

All types of logs can be classified as follows:

Classification feature Detailing
Processing type - chopped log. IN in this case, the cylindrical shape is given to the log using hand plane. They also cut the bowls. This type of log is suitable for those who love natural style Russian hut - log house;

- rounded log. Processing is carried out on a rounding machine, due to which ideal geometry and precision of the seats (grooves and bowls) are achieved.

Type of drying - log natural humidity . The vast majority of products on the domestic market are of this type. This is due to the fact that it is quite difficult to ensure uniform drying of the original log, and the cost of the product increases;

- thermal log or dried rounded log. Today, manufacturers are mastering the production of an improved product - rounded logs with a given moisture content (18-20%). What it is and its main properties are described below.

Type of profile (groove) - lunar;
- Finnish.
Wood type
(in descending order of popularity and increasing cost)
- pine: Karelian and Arkhangelsk;
- spruce;
- cedar;
- larch;
- deciduous species.
Groove location - longitudinal - along the log strictly in the center;
- diagonal - used to create non-standard shapes, for example, bay windows;
- transverse - landing bowl.
Dimensions - diameter: 160-320 mm;
- working height: 139-272 mm. (depending on the diameter of the log);
- length: 1…6 m.p.;

Characteristics of thermal logs

Thermal log- This is lumber made from thermally modified logs. New technology implies heat treatment wood - high-temperature drying of logs in an airless environment.

Features, properties, pros and cons of thermal logs:

  • drying at a temperature of 125-190 °C. The choice of temperature depends on the density of the wood;
  • complete absence of resin. At the same time, coniferous wood retains its aroma;
  • change at the level of cellular structure. Drying allows you to obtain a log with a given humidity, which eliminates the appearance of blue on the surface of the log. In this case, no chemicals are used;
  • color correction. Thanks to the effect of heat, varying the exposure time and temperature, the manufacturer has the opportunity to give the wood noble dark shades. In this case, the color change is not end-to-end, i.e. does not affect the entire log, but is deep enough (1-2 cm), which eliminates the appearance of light scratches on the surface of the wall;
  • decrease in thermal conductivity. After heat treatment, wood loses its ability to transmit heat by 0-30%;
  • increase in surface strength, which increases the log’s resistance to cracking;
  • reduction of hygroscopicity due to modification of its capillary structure;
  • no torsion defects;
  • resistance to biological activity;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • increased durability.

The disadvantage is the high cost.

View of the profile (groove) of a rounded log

Profile or longitudinal groove is selected along the entire length of the rounded log and is designed to ensure a tighter fit of the logs along the length during installation.

Lunar groove

The lunar profile is a longitudinal cut of a semicircular shape. It has become more widespread due to the simplicity of the device.

Characteristics of rounded logs with lunar profile

Finnish groove

It has a more complex tongue-and-groove installation system. It has so-called shoulders - cuts that increase thermal insulation properties connection points. The Finnish groove allows you to reduce damage from cracks to a minimum. At the same time, the use of a Finnish groove allows you to abandon the procedure of caulking log walls.

Characteristics of rounded logs with Finnish profile

Marking, diameter, working height, groove width, volume m.cub.

Note. According to the thermal calculation data, a log with a Finnish profile with a diameter of 220 mm. Thermal insulation is equivalent to a log with a lunar profile with a diameter of 280 mm.

Wood type

Pine is most widely used in construction due to its optimal price-quality ratio. Distinctive features pine rounding with a beautiful structure, strength, relatively low thermal conductivity, resistance to external influence And affordable price. Arkhangelsk pine stands out because it practically does not crack.

As for cedar, its spread is hampered by its high price.

The same judgment is true for larch. Which is the most suitable raw material for the production of rounded logs. Larch is resistant to temperature changes, moisture, has high density and strength. However, the cost of a rounded larch log is twice the price of a similar pine log. Such characteristics of larch logs have led to the fact that it is used as the main one in the formation lower crown log house

Dimensions of rounded logs

During the logging process, logs are sorted before being processed. A trunk with the correct parameters allows you to obtain lumber with the specified dimensions.

Standard log sizes:

  • diameter (section) of a rounded log. This option has highest value, since it directly determines the thermal conductivity and reliability of the walls.

The diameter of the log varies between 160-320 mm. The most popular in private construction is a rounded log with a diameter of 240 mm.

In fact, this material made from milled logs that have undergone careful processing using special equipment. Depending on the type of machine used, it can be given a different profile. The entire production stage is divided into 6 steps:

  • sorting saw logs by diameter;
  • feeding to the rounding machine;
  • cutting into house parts using chain and circular saws;
  • the bowl-cutting machine receives parts under gusset- “cup”;
  • treating all parts with an antiseptic;
  • packaging in special bags for further transportation.

Moreover, during processing they can be used different kinds machines – through-type, turning and milling (positional), center, broaching and others.

Rounded log: pros and cons

This material has both its pros and cons. The advantages of rounded logs, first of all, lie in completely ecological production. No chemical adhesives are used in the manufacturing process. Secondly, houses made of rounded logs very solid construction, since the log has the same diameter along its entire length. This also ensures a longer service life. Third, has increased insulating ability, thanks to minimal gaps on the crowns.

The material itself has high ability accumulate heat and, moreover, have a fairly low thermal conductivity. Fourthly, Log elements can be connected at any angle. This provides truly excellent opportunities for the implementation of any wooden structures.

Fifthly, significantly saves money and labor during assembly, since the logs arrive at the construction site with ready-made channels and cups. All the craftsmen have to do is collect them. At sixth, the material is aesthetically attractive appearance and does not require further decorative finishing.

The disadvantages of rounded logs are related to the fact that the topmost protective layer removed during processing. Therefore, the following disadvantages appear: shrinkage of the first floor of the structure by an average of 10-20 cm; the appearance of cracks, twisting of logs in a spiral under the influence of wind. The first drawback is especially noticeable. Shrinkage lasts from 6 months to 1 year, and during this period it is important to ensure gentle operation of the house. The use of heating devices is undesirable.

How to determine the quality of logs?

Quality of rounded logs directly depends on the processing mechanisms, as well as on the qualifications of the employees performing this work. So, we will describe the points that you should pay attention to when purchasing. Firstly, all parts must be made from the same type of wood. Secondly, rot, cracks, and chips are not allowed on the products. Thirdly, the material must be perfectly flat, curvature is excluded. Fourthly, the deviation in diameter and length between logs can exceed a maximum of 2 mm.

Fifthly, each product must have markings confirming a particular specification. Sixthly, log houses made from rounded logs are made only from growing trees (not dried out before felling). This is necessary to ensure natural humidity. Seventh, the entire surface is treated with an appropriate antiseptic for more long service life. If all these conditions are met, the service life of a rounded log can be more than 20 years.

IN Lately There is a trend of constant decrease in orders for log houses. In order to somehow preserve the segment, unscrupulous competitors created myths and negative reviews about rounded logs in order to discredit this type building material.

Our opinion is unchanged: any material has the right to exist, it is advisable to choose what corresponds to desires and capabilities. You should also take a responsible approach to choosing a development company, because the main characteristics of your future house made of rounded logs depend on them.

For you, we tried to dispel the following 5 myths:

See reviews of houses made of rounded logs

“Disadvantage” No. 1: Sapwood is a protective layer of wood

Adherents of hand-cutting say that the shortcomings and disadvantages of rounded logs are already visible in production, during which the sapwood, the most important protective layer, is removed.

In fact, sapwood is the younger layers of the tree; bast and bark are adjacent to them. Let's figure out what this “strongest and most important layer” is. If you believe Wikipedia, the resource that is the most important primary source of knowledge of our time, then Sapwood is lighter than the inside of the log and is characterized by less mechanical strength. In it more water, since water is transported to the crown through it, it is less resistant to attacks by fungi and insects.


The same opinion is shared by the authors of the Bolshoi Soviet Encyclopedia, which also says that sapwood is less dense, due to its role as a transport hub for water to the crown. In construction, it is believed that this part will deteriorate and wear out faster due to fungal rot or mechanical stress. Pine sapwood in summer period becomes blue-black or green, the same color penetrates to the beginning of the core. This phenomenon occurs due to the influence of staining fungi. These fungi do not spoil absolutely anything in the tree except its appearance, and they feed on substances that are present in the sapwood

How then is it possible for a less stable layer of wood to protect a more durable one?

Now let's go backwards. The most interesting thing is that adherents of this myth of deficiency say that this is precisely the most durable layer. Then timber (profiled and glued), as well as a number of other building materials, are no good at all. In this case, it turns out that all the coverings must be made of logs: frames for doors and windows, sheathing and rafters, and most importantly, work with an ax.

By logical argument, we can say that for rounded logs, the removal of sapwood is not a disadvantage. On the contrary, removing young layers reduces the risk of rotting.

And to finally refute the disadvantages of rounded logs regarding production, imagine that you are the owner of such a production. You have purchased raw materials with a diameter from 220 to 330 mm, about 2500 cubic meters. Fans of hand-cutting say that when removing sapwood, 30 or even 40% of the diameter of the log is removed. Then it turns out that at the output we get OCB with a diameter of 200 - 240 mm, and in cubic capacity we get 1500 cubic meters. The cost of such production of one cubic meter will be 10,000 rubles. As a result, it turns out that production is unprofitable, because the average selling price of rounded logs per cubic meter is 7000-7500 rubles and no one will work at a loss, this is obvious. Traditional processing from 2500 cubic meters. produces 2300 cubic meters. processed material. Due to the fact that the wood is sorted by diameter, only 1-3 cm is removed.

“Disadvantage” No. 2: It’s cold in OCB houses!

This option is possible if you used an OCB with a diameter of 180 mm, the area of ​​the house is 250 m2, and the house itself is heated by one oil heater.

When designing a house for all-season use, you need to consider some parameters:

  • Log diameter for residential buildings should be from 240 to 320 mm, there is simply no point in taking more.
  • The cubic capacity of the house should be taken into account: how more air, the more difficult it is to retain heat.
  • The floors of the first floor and the roof must be insulated; they account for 17 to 23% of the heat loss of the house.

Such wall material, like a rounded log, the reviews are quite positive. This building material is characterized by good thermal insulation and attractive appearance.

The quality of the material depends on the equipment where it was processed, on the place of growth (for OCB, the further north, the better), and also everything depends on the specialists who participate in the production.

Very important point is correct installation wall kit, you need to correctly install the dowels, lay the inter-crown seal or insulation. All work must be carried out by qualified specialists: from the device roofing pie before calculating shrinkage and caulking of walls. It is also important to use only quality materials and related tools.

“Disadvantage” No. 3: Rounded logs crack and burst

Naturally, anyone natural material natural humidity is really susceptible to shrinkage and shrinkage. And that's okay - it's not plastic. But as the owners of houses made of rounded logs say, reviews and complaints that excessive cracks appear without human intervention are fictitious. Luckily, there are sealants available to seal cracks. wooden walls, by the way, they were invented even earlier than the rounded log. To avoid the appearance of unnecessary cracks you need to:

  • after the log house, treat the ends with PVA glue or lime, this promotes uniform release of moisture from the material, which means that the internal stress in the log will be significantly reduced;
  • not worth a log possessing high humidity, coat with paintwork materials, which forms a film on the surface of the material;
  • Incorrectly turned on heating is the main reason for significant cracking of the log and the formation of negative reviews. After completion of construction it is necessary to obtain detailed instructions about how to properly put a house into operation and follow it.

“Disadvantage” No. 4: The cost of a house from the Central Bank is higher than the cost of a log house

A log house is good; the appearance can be as beautiful as a house made of rounded logs.

At the same time, the cost of a log house is 25% more expensive than the cost of the same house from the Central Bank.

If the cost is the same, then perhaps you are lucky, but if it is lower, then you risk getting a house in which it will be a shame to receive guests, and you will feel uncomfortable and cold there.

If you don’t believe the words, then you can’t go against the numbers:

  • When producing OCB, cutting cups at the factory is free, in any case, any self-respecting factory will not indicate this as a separate item in the price list. So, for cutting one bowl by hand, you will need to pay from 200 to 500 rubles, and a “Canadian” one will cost up to 1,750 rubles for 1 piece. There are approximately 700 to 3000 of them in the house, it all depends on the number of cuts and the height of the house. It turns out that the bowls will cost from 150 thousand to a million rubles, if not more. It takes up to half an hour to make one bowl: the machine cuts one bowl in 10 seconds, but it is impossible to cut out one high-quality one in less than 20 minutes, and this is a big minus in terms of assembly time.
  • Cutting a groove takes even more time, and even masters can make mistakes. Only you are not destined to find out about this, the groove is inside. There is less chance that the machine will make a mistake, and you can check the grooves during unloading. In production, running a log into a groove takes 2 minutes, and cutting a groove takes about 30 minutes, this without any additional measurements and fittings, which are impossible to do without.
  • A log house needs more serious caulking than a house made from OCB. The average price of caulking on both sides is plus or minus 100 rubles per linear meter. (50-60 rubles per linear meter / 1 side) In an 8x8 house there are approximately 1000 meters of groove, you will have to pay 100,000 rubles only for caulking, which will need to be produced 2 times.

We come to the conclusion that a house from OCB can be cut on a machine in 2-3 days, and the team will do the same work for several months.

The cost of a house made from OCB in comparison with the cost of hand-cutting:

Manual cutting costs about 9,500 rubles per cubic meter with a diameter of 240-280 mm. For an 8x8 house you will need 75 cubic meters of raw materials, in total you will spend 712,500 rubles, plus lumber costs approximately 85,000, delivery and assembly for roofing felt will cost 420,000, other materials for assembly cost a total of 50,000. In general, a good-quality house without jambs will cost a minus RUB 1,250,000, without foundation, but with delivery, accommodation for craftsmen and other related expenses.

The same house, but from OCB, with perfect cups and grooves, will cost about 950,000 rubles.

“Disadvantage” No. 5: Grandfathers knew what they were doing, and progress and development of technology is bad

At the same time, I would like to ask the question why hewers use machines and not horses. Getting to the heart of the matter, it is the development of technology that now allows us to build more durable houses. The first OCB houses were built 70 years ago, and to this day they look no worse. Perhaps even better than chopped ones due to their perfectly even shapes.


To summarize, I would like to voice information that is not directly mentioned anywhere.

Manufacturers of central banknotes are large companies with huge capital. For example, the cost of the entire technological line for the production of proper quality central bank with a diameter of up to 300 mm is $450,000. It is these companies that buy huge volumes of first-grade logs, logs without rungs, this is necessary so as not to break machines, but the remains with bent logs and defects are increasingly going to small companies and enterprises. They are the ones who create various kinds reviews and myths for gullible customers.

This is not an attempt to make arguments for anyone, we simply encourage logical reasoning. Perhaps the authors of reviews and myths about rounded logs simply cannot afford the costs of a production line.

In turn, the owners of the central bank production never denied the obvious:

  • a house made of laminated veneer lumber is superior to a house made of OCB in all respects except price, which is the main disadvantage of the technology;
  • a brick house is stronger than any wooden house;
  • frame house may be warmer and even cheaper;
  • a log house is a certain sign of prestige; a real log house is very expensive.

Any material has its pros and cons and is worthy of certain reviews. All technologies are good in their own way. We produce and build houses from rounded logs and do it as well as possible, because... We have high-quality equipment, sufficient experience and undeniable professionalism of our assembly teams. To produce OCB, we use only northern forest, which is distinguished by its excellent characteristics, warmth and durability. During our work, clients leave only positive reviews about houses made of rounded logs!

For the construction of wooden houses, rounded logs, which have excellent aesthetic and performance properties, are now increasingly being used.

Working with rounded logs is much easier than with other materials. This is because the logs are standardized to special machines.

This building material is well suited for the construction of residential and country houses, bath complexes. However, in order to give your preference to the specified building material, you should find out all the pros and cons of rounded logs.

General concept of rounded logs, technology of its production

Such a modern building material as a rounded log is a tree trunk, freed from branches, specially processed on a complex of woodworking machines, having a smooth and even surface. cylindrical shape, the same along its entire length.

To obtain the specified building material, larch and almost all conifers trees. The diameter of the logs can be different and range from 160 mm to 320 mm.

All stages of rounded log production can be divided into the following:

  • sorting;
  • cylindrical;
  • slicing;
  • cup;
  • final.

The sorting stage of production includes the distribution of incoming wood by diameter, removal of branches, trimming of the butt, and treatment of the surface of the trunks.

The rounding stage of production consists of the actual rounding, i.e. giving the tree trunk, cleared of the top layer, a perfectly even and smooth appearance. The entire production process is completely mechanized. Raw material the telpher is fed into the processing zone, where it is securely clamped by durable mechanisms and processed on special machines, which can be through-type or positional type. It should be noted that on through-type machines the processing process is much faster, but the log is obtained with a slight curvature. Positional type woodworking machines give the log perfect shape, but this process will take much more time.

The cutting stage of log processing includes cutting into cross-cutting machine blanks of special sizes in accordance with the required house design.

At the cup stage of production, the connecting elements of the logs - bowls - are made. Here, laser marking is used for greater accuracy. Bowls can have Russian and Finnish profiles, each of which has its own adherents. Using high-quality insulation materials and with proper installation, any profile will be good.

And finally, the final stage of work includes treating rounded logs that are ready for building a house with fire retardant and antiseptic compounds and fungicides, which significantly increases their service life.

Complete sets of wooden houses are packed in transport packages and sent to the assembly site.

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Requirements for the quality of rounded logs

When rounding wood different manufacturers You may get different results. You should understand what to look for when choosing a rounded log, explore all the pros and cons. The main requirements for the quality of this building material are as follows:

  • all blanks for one house building must be of the same type;
  • Wormholes, rot, and various mechanical damage are not allowed on logs;
  • To ensure their natural moisture, logs should not be prepared from dead wood;
  • diameter, longitudinal dimensions, curvature, etc. must be in acceptable values specified in the specification;
  • at the end of each product there must be a marking corresponding to the specification;
  • storage, warehousing, transportation, unloading of logs must exclude any contamination and mechanical damage surfaces.

Knowing the basic requirements when choosing high-quality rounded wood, you need to take into account its pros and cons.

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Disadvantages of rounded logs

The main disadvantages of rounded logs include a small number of shortcomings identified during its use. These include:

  • log cracking;
  • twisting it;
  • arching;
  • increased humidity in the house;
  • fire hazard;
  • exposure to natural phenomena.

During the first years of operation of a structure made of rounded logs, as a result of shrinkage, cracking may occur, leading to a lack of protection of the wood from natural phenomena: rain, wind, sun, etc., and loss of the aesthetic appearance of the house. This occurs due to violations in production technology.

Many people know that as a tree grows, as a result of the action of winds, the tree trunk twists like a spiral. After felling, the tree trunk may unwind reverse side, forming large gaps, adversely affecting the entire building as a whole. The cut tree is kept from unwinding by its protective layer.

If the log rounding technology is violated, they may subsequently be bent out of general structure, which will negatively affect the thermal insulation of the room and the aesthetic appearance of the house. Therefore, when purchasing such building material, you should carefully select its manufacturers.

Undried rounded logs before installation due to the lack of a protective layer during the first years of use will actively release moisture as a result natural drying. Such a house will be damp and uncomfortable.

To smooth out some of the shortcomings identified during the operation of such a building, a number of measures can be taken:

  • Drying logs for up to 5 years before rounding will avoid increased moisture release and cracking;
  • When assembling a log house from rounded logs, metal pins are installed ( Finnish technology) or staggered dowels, which will help reduce bowing and twisting of logs.

To avoid a fire hazard, a house made of rounded material should be treated with special fire-prevention impregnations, the installation of electrical wiring should be entrusted to professionals, and electrical appliances should be used carefully.

To prevent natural phenomena - sun, rain, wind, etc. - from destroying the logs, it is necessary to take timely care of the walls of the house: cladding, painting or varnishing.


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