Children's scenario March 8 in the preparatory group. The script of the holiday in the preparatory group "March 8 - a special holiday

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To the music, children with flowers enter the hall

1) "Dance with flowers"

(They give flowers to mothers.)

Leading : Dear women: grandmothers and mothers!Congratulations on the holiday - gentle, kind, glorious.All our guests are smiling, so the holiday begins!Today is not a simple holiday, bright, affectionate such -It flies all over the planet, their children congratulate their mothers!

1 child

What suddenly happened today? What suddenly happened today?

Look how many guests are in the hall today!

With every ray of spring, with nightingale sonorous singing

In every house comes the holiday of grandmothers and mothers.

2 child

I have prepared a surprise for my beloved mother.

I will wash all the dishes, even a brand new set!

I will put things in order in the house, wipe the dust, water the flowers.

Mom will happily tell me: “Well done, what are you!”

3 child

I mold from plasticine, mother of a red cat.

And then mom will exclaim: “Oh, what a beauty!”

The sun is playing, the rays are sparkling.

Congratulations on the spring holiday mom!

4 child

The sun joyfully shines with wondrous, wondrous beauty.On Women's Day - March 8, flowers bloom.We want to congratulate all mothers on International Women's Day!
I am glad to amuse you with a song by our cheerful children's choir.

2) "Song about mom"

Leading: Our mothers are the most beautiful and kind, the most affectionate and caring. And now we invite our mothers to play a little - to compete.

Hoop competition (for moms)

(Music playing)

Leading: It seems that guests are rushing to our holiday

(doll girls included)

5 child

We are little dolls, we know how to dance.

Shake your head, arms and blink your eyes

We lay in a box and no one knew us,

He didn’t put on a dress for us, he didn’t curl his curls

But now, this morning we came to kindergarten,

How many toys are here, how many children are here!

Leading: Our dolls are princesses, our dolls are lovely.
Heels crystal sound in the dance is heard knock-knock!

3) Dance " living doll»

6 child

And now let's talk with you about mom

Mom can be given the medal "Hero of Labor" without shame

All her deeds cannot be counted, even there is no time to sit down.

And cooks, and erases, reads fairy tales at night.

7 child

And when we grow up, we will go to serve in the army,

We will serve in the army, love our mothers and grandmothers.

We will grow up strong and brave

We will protect our mothers and grandmothers!

8 child

Admire our mothershow angry we are:Pull up, grow upmuscles pumped up.Let us be small in staturebut brave as soldiers.beloved homelandwe will protectSun, happiness on earthwe will protect

4) The song "We will serve in the Army"

5) Dance with flags.

Leading : And now we will see how our children help their mothers.



Leading: The task of each team is to remove the garbage - cubes - as quickly as possible. We don’t touch the cubes with our hands, sweep with a broom, put them in a bucket with a scoop. The team that cleans up the trash the fastest wins. Reade set Go.

Leading: What good fellows! What helpers grow in mothers! Grandmothers also help mothers. Let's see how well they know how to tie bows.

    Game "Tie a bow."

Leading: For the next game, we need grandmothers. Your task is to tie bows as quickly as possible. Get ready, attention march to the start.

(Ribbons are tied on a rope. Grandmothers begin to tie bows on both sides. The winner is the one who reaches the middle ahead).

Vedas: Who caresses you the most, who loves you, adores you? Buys you toys, books, ribbons, rattles? Who bakes pancakes?

Children: These are our grandmothers!

9 Child

My grandma has the kindest eyes

EIf everyone is asleep, her eyes do not sleep.She sews and knits, bakes pies,

Tell me a story, sing a song to me.He will take snowdrops from me as a gift,

Silently smile, press me to him!

10 child

My grandmother is just beautiful.

We live happily with her, we want to, we sing songs.

We play different games or take a walk in the park

We can drink Coca-Cola with her, because we live with her for fun

Grandma is still so very young

Can run and dance, even play ball

I love my grandmother and I will give her a gift.

11 child

We wish our beloved grandmother good, health, beauty.

Let adversity fly by, let all dreams come true.For you, dear grandmothers, only for you

Let's sing a funny song now.

6) The song "Grandma"

Competition "Bouquet for grandma"
The girls are divided into two teams. And at a distance from each team there are tables on which flowers cut out of paper and glue lie. At the command of the facilitator, the children take turns running to the table, smearing the flower with glue, running up to the board, gluing the flower on the drawing paper, on which vases and stems are drawn, and return to the team. Then other participants also run. Whose team is the first to finish collecting a bouquet for grandmother, she won.

12 child

Long live girls with pigtails and without!May the sun smile upon them from blue skies!Long live skinny, long live fatThose with earrings and freckles on their noses.We congratulate you all and please do not be angry:Not everyone manages to be born boys!

13 child Dear girls, you are like princesses!

Beautiful, tender, like a snowdrop!You are smiling like a clear sun,

Never met girls more beautiful!And what eyes, what eyelashes!

In you, dear, it is impossible not to fall in love!We heartily congratulate you

And we dedicate the dance to you.

7) Boys dance

14 child

Today is a special day, today is the holiday of mothers.

Spring streams ring and sing along to us.

Agile rooks shout, perched on the branches.

The sun is shining brighter and brighter in honor of our kind mothers.

15 child

And it's spring outside and the cat is purring.And a little midge woke up from a dream.And red freckles jumped up on his nose.And ships - toys floated along the stream.A sunny bunny began to play around.And woke up a real clubfoot bear.

8) Dance "Crazy Spring"

presenter - We would like in the days of spring

Take away all adversity from you,Present a cup of sunny mood to lovely women.So that under the dome of a clear sky, where the frost is angry in the spring,Your children grew up beautiful, without sadness and without resentment.So that the eyes are filled with joy, new freshness for many years,And so that your life blazes brighter than a rainbow for the whole world.

Children enter the room in pairs"Spring is red" (TRACK 1) dance and stand in pairs facing the guests

Leading Good afternoon, our dear guests! We are glad to see you again in our festive hall

1 child Happy wonderful spring holiday

We congratulate everyone today.

And the main news for everyone

We first inform

2 child Spring has come to Russia

The weather is a miracle, how clear!

And flowers bloom

Well, just amazing beauty.

3 child Starlings chirp songs

Drops are ringing in the morning.

It's cheerful, bright,

Great Mom's Day!

Children sing the song "Red spring is coming (drip-drip-drip)(Track 3)

1. Winter-old woman hides in snowdrifts and in the forest
I don’t want to let Spring-Krasna into our land again
She will let in the cold with a burning breeze,
And we will sing our spring song to her

Chorus. Drip-drip-drip! Icicles are ringing fun!
Drip-drip-drip! Spring-Red is coming!
Cap-cap-cap! Meet the Holiday with songs!
Drip-drip-drip-drip-drip! Mom's Day is coming!

2. Small birds sang at the house outside the window
Spring is coming! Spring is coming! We praise her!
The days are getting longer, the haze and the night are getting shorter!
Grandfather and dad are preparing to help us with mom!


3 . Stronger and brighter the Sun shines on Earth for us!
Rather, melt the snow and ice with your warmth!
So that the spring streams rang here and there!
And they sang a song for grandmothers and mothers with us!


After the song, the children sit on chairs.

4 children :

Mom is loved by everyone in the world,

Mom is the first friend!

Not only children love mothers,

Love all around.

5 children :

If anything happens

If suddenly trouble

Mommy comes to the rescue

Will always help out.

6 children :

On the day of your holiday

We wish you long and joyful years,

Take from your bullies and pranksters

Big and hot….

Hi everybody!

7 children :

Let our mothers today

It will be fun and light.

We want moms to know:

We love them dearly!

Leading Look, mothers, how your children smile at you, and you will smile back at them. After all, most of all a person is adorned with a kind smile.

GAME "Fairytale Mom"

And now let's remember the fairy tales in which mothers are mentioned. And there are many such stories. Do the kids remember them? Do their mothers and grandmothers remember them?

1. In what fairy tale did a mother send her daughter to her grandmother with a basket of pies? (Red Riding Hood)
2. What kind of mother sang a song to her children under the door to be allowed into the house? (Goat to seven kids)
3. In which fairy tale did mother say in a rough voice: “Who ate from my cup?” (Three Bears)
4. In what fairy tale did mom and dad, leaving home, tell their daughter to look after their little brother? (Swan geese)
5. In what fairy tale did the princess give birth to a hero to the king-father? (The Tale of Tsar Saltan, Pushkin)
6. In what fairy tale did the mother send her daughter to the store for bagels? (Flower-seven-flower)
7. In what fairy tale did the mother look for a nanny for her child to sing him a lullaby? (The Tale of the Silly Mouse, Marshak)

Sounds like a gypsy(TRACK4)

The gypsy brings out the "bear".


Make way, honest people,

There is a bear with me!

He knows a lot of fun

There will be a joke, there will be laughter!(The bear bows to the audience.)


Show me, Mikhailo Potapych, how are our girls going to kindergarten?

(The bear paints his lips, spins, preens.)

What are the boys like in our group?

(The bear fights, growls.)

And how did Vanya overslept, was he late for the garden?

(The bear "sleeps", jumps up, runs.)

And how does our teacher walk around the group?

(The bear walks importantly around the stage.)

And how does Dunyasha dance?

(The bear sticks out its leg.)

Yes, not the Dunyasha that used to be, but the present one!

(The bear turns its back.)

- Well done! Now bow and walk to the music!

(The bear bows and dances away.)

Contest for moms "who will take the stroller faster"

(Track 5)

2 k teams of 4 mothers, carry a stroller with a child, who is faster.(receiving medals)

To the music in the hall, Mary Poppins suddenly appears with an open umbrella, as if she flies onto the stage.(TRACK 6)

Mary Poppins . Hello! I am Mary Poppins - Lady Excellence of education and fine manners. Everywhere I like order and discipline. And what is the noise here, to whom did you applaud so loudly?

presenter . We have a spring ball

Mary Poppins. Well! I think I'll stay a little while in your garden and help the girls become real ladies of perfection and good manners. I will give you some lessons. Lesson one is etiquette.

Answer, girls and boys, what will you do if a friend invited you to his birthday party? (The texts of some of the children's answers are taken from G. Oster's book "Bad Advice".)

First boy.

If a friend's birthday

invited you to my place,

You leave a gift at home -

Useful for yourself.

Second boy.

Try to sit next to the cake,

Don't get into conversations.

you while talking

Eat half as much sweets.

Mary Poppins . Horrible! Are all the guys going to behave like this at a friend's birthday party?

Girls Answers

Mary Poppins . Another question: what polite words do you know?

Third boy.

If you come to friends

Don't say hello to anyone

The words "please", "thank you"

Do not tell anybody,

Turn around and ask questions

Don't answer anyone

And then no one will say

About you, that you are a talker.

Mary Poppins.

I'm about to faint!

Children, listen and remember

And choose your own polite words.

Mary Poppins.

You act politely and kindly,

If you wake up and say...

Children say "thank you" in rhyme, Mary Poppins corrects them.

Children. Good morning!

Mary Poppins.

It's not too lazy to talk during the day

When meeting people...

Children. Good afternoon!

Mary Poppins.

And if I meet a friend in the evening,

I'll tell him...

Children . Good evening!

Mary Poppins.

The night has come, I want to sleep very much,

I wish...

Children. Goodnight.

Mary Poppins . Now I am satisfied with you, my babies, and I can move on to the second lesson - I will teach you to be artists. Now I will wave my wand and we will find ourselves in the school of song and dance. One two Three...) (TRACK 7)

First girl.

Profession artist

so romantic -

fans, concerts,

Trips abroad.

Second girl.

Profession artist

This is not simple

After all, you need to be talented,

Beautiful - I know!

Third girl.

I'm glad to try

Ready to engage

So that with song and stage

I can't be separated in my life.

Dance-song "One hand, two hands"(TRACK8)

/at the end of the children sit down/

1. I go on stage
I don’t look into the hall for fear
It's easy for you to watch from the audience
How I tremble on stage

The handle goes the wrong way
The leg goes the wrong way
Our aunt choreographer
He says it's not a problem.

Chorus. One hand, two hands
I'm not a star yet
If you like me, at least a little
You clap then!

One hand, two hands
I'm not a star yet
If you like me, at least a little
You clap then!

2. Notes jump in the wrong place
Sometimes I don't remember the words
Our aunt is a vocalist
Says it's not a problem

If everything in me sings
There will be a song, there would be a mouth
But the fact that I'm a baby
It will go away with age!

Chorus 2 times.

Mary Poppins. Well, Dear guests, did you like our pop concert? Somehow I didn’t hear the cries of “bravo” ... And now let's play a gameTulip, snowdrop, mimosa.

Mary Poppins shows cards with flowers, each of which corresponds to a specific action.

Tulip - shouts "Bravo!".

Snowdrop - claps.

Mimosa - silence.

Everyone completes the task.

Mary Poppins. Well! I see my lessons have not been in vain. I wish you good luck and victories. It seems like a fair wind, and it's time for me to go to another kindergarten. Goodbye!

Children. Mary Poppins, goodbye!

Mary Poppins opens her umbrella and flies away. to the music(track 9)

Child Today for mom all the songs

All dances, smiles and laughter.

You are more precious than all and more wonderful,

Native, golden man.

Child We are your kind smiles

We will collect in a huge bouquet.

For you, our dear ones,

We will sing a song today.

"My only mother" Muz. And the words of Z. Root(Track 10)

Lyrics of Song "My Only Mother"

1. Who takes care of us?
Mom, of course!
Who strokes our heads
Gently gently?
Who walks with us
Walking on the weekend?
Well, of course, mom
Mommy again.

Who heals us
If you suddenly get sick?
This is our mom
The closest friend!
Who cooks delicious
Holiday dinner?
This is our mother
She's better off!

My only mother
My brightest light
My only mother
You are my Flower,
You are my Flower,
You are my Flower.

2 Who teaches us to learn?
Mother dear!
Who are good tales
Knows a lot
Who will take care of us
If we get sad?
All the love in return we
Mom will give

Who teaches us to love?
Mom, of course!
Who loves us so much
Gently gently?
Who has a smile
Very light?
Our mother -
The most wonderful!

Chorus (2 times)

Children sit on chairs

GAME "COLLECT A FLOWER" (team of girls and team of boys)

Track 11

6 child To congratulate mom

Also for mom

Song to sing and dance

7 child So let's have some fun

Songs to sing, play, dance.

Just don't be lazy

Bring joy to the heart.

8 child We are this fun dance

They wrote it themselves.

And now we'll give it

Our lovely mothers.

Dance (track 12)

After the dance, the children sit on the chairs

Shapoklyak music sounds(TRACK #13)

Shapoklyak Oh, how many mothers are beautiful,

And elegant, and happy!

Answer, honest people:

Is there a beauty contest?

I really, really need

Win the Miss Kindergarten title.

And why is the Kindergarten so beautifully decorated?

Leading Mom's holiday at the guys!

Shapoklyak Women's Day in this room?

And you didn't invite me?

I'm a lady too!

You are straight up ignorant!

I resented you

I'll release the rat now. /scares children with a "rat" /

Leading Shapoklyak, why are you so harmful?

Shapoklyak Everyone congratulates today

Mothers and grandmothers.

Well, am I worse than them?

Leading Are you going to ruin our holiday?

And forget about the harm?

Don't be offended by us

Stay in our room.

Let's continue the holiday

Play different games

Shapoklyak Well, come out soon, beautiful mommies and their naughty kids. Let's see how you cope with my task.

/ the theme of Shapoklyak sounds. She scatters candy wrappers everywhere, knocks over toys/ (TRACK #13)

Leading Shapoklyak, how is it? You said that you would not be harmful and dirty, but you yourself overturned all the toys, scattered candy wrappers all over the hall.

Shapoklyak And this is me on purpose. You said yourself, stay in different games to play. Here we'll play. Listen to my command: 1-2-3 - put away all the toys!


/moms arrange toys, children collect candy wrappers/

Shapoklyak What lovely guys!

It is immediately clear that the assistants are growing.

Great help for moms

How fast is the trash removed?

And now I'm for you guys

I want to guess riddles:

You need to listen to them carefully

And then answer in unison.

1 riddle Who goes to bed last?

Does he get up before everyone else?

Spends the day in worries

And very tired? /Mother/

2 riddle In my mother's ears sparkle

And they don't melt at all.

Silver ice crumbs

In mother's ears / Earrings /

3 riddle These balls on a thread

Don't you want to try on?

For all your tastes

In a small box / Beads /

4 riddle Its edge is called fields,

The top is decorated with flowers.

Headwear is a mystery

Our mother has hat/

Shapoklyak There are clues on the table.

Isn't it time to play?

Which one of you guys wants

Decorate your mom?


Several couples are invited to play (children with mothers)

Leading Look, the guys tried very hard to dress up their mothers as brightly and varied as possible. After all, every child considers his mother the most beautiful. Let's applaud them./Mam defile/ (TRACK №16)

Shapoklyak You guys are great!

Moms were pleased - they dressed up for the holiday!

Did the moms smile?

So you didn't try hard.

How I love fun.

I love to drink tea with cake

Talk about what to talk about.

Leading And we have a surprise for you! Every mother or grandmother always bakes a cake for the holiday. And let's now, together with our mothers, in front of everyone, prepare a birthday cake, and not alone.


Mothers with children are invited to the tables where PLATES, marmalade are prepared, tangerines, bananas

Attraction "Decorate the festive TABLE"

Shapoklyak And I have a surprise.

Culinary moms - a prize!

(small souvenirs - MEDALS)

Leading Look what your moms have skillful hands, rich fantasy and imagination. In just a few minutes, they performed a miracle.

Shapoklyak: Do we have grandmothers in the hall? Are they as beautiful as me?

1 child Who loves us, loves us?

Who buys toys

Books, tapes, rattles?

Well, of course, our GRANDMA!

2 child Happy holiday,

Spring holiday

All the grandmothers in the world

We congratulate

3 child They are not old at all.

They love us grandchildren very much.

Buy us toys

And they take us for a walk in the garden.


Dear grandma,
How I love you!
We are together with you
More than a family!
Mom and dad too
I love but still
It's sad that
They are not up to me.

You are my best friend!
Well, lay down your ball!
And tell me, dear
How young were you...

Together with grandma
We're making dough
To everyone for dinner
Bake pies.
And then with grandma
Wash the pots.
We even with her
Lie down sometime.


Nice day of work!
Well, tired!
We are going to rest
To get up early.
I will sing a song
Kiss on the cheek
Let grandma dream
Amazing dream again.

Children sit on chairs

Shapoklyak. And now a competition for grandmothers and grandchildren.

Cinderella (TRACK 19)

As you know, all girls should be good housewives and help moms in the kitchen.

The task of the players is to blindfold to the touch to determine which cereals are poured in saucers: buckwheat, rice, semolina, millet, oatmeal, etc.

Shapoklyak goes to the music(Track20)

Leading Dear our guests.

We are ending our holiday.

Happiness, joy, health

We sincerely wish you!

May the sun shine brightly on you

Let the gardens bloom for you

Let children not know grief

And they grow up happy.

Leading And now, to remember our bright holiday,

We give gifts to all of you!

Children give gifts/(TRACK 21)

Children have prepared cards for you with their own hands. And with these gifts, the guys want to tell you, dear mothers and grandmothers, that they love you very much.

TV show program for children of senior and preparatory groups for school "Congratulations on Women's Day!"

Attributes and decoration: at the festively decorated central wall on coffee table worth the TV. Nearby are colored screensavers of various popular television programs; cubes, balls; apples on plates; pie; a bouquet of spring flowers; two baskets with fruits and vegetables (or dummies), potatoes, onions, carrots, small knives; fake microphone; the role of Carlson should be entrusted to an adult. Carlson has a wig on his head light tone, a checkered shirt, a hole for a propeller was made in the back, wide trousers with suspenders, pockets. And of course the propeller! In Carlson's pocket is a battery with a switch. When Carlson needs to "fly", he presses a button in his pants pocket and the propeller rotates. Before stopping, Carlson presses the button again, and the propeller stops moving.


one . Children's exit - solemn music at the choice of the music director.

2. The song "Titmouse is ringing."

3. Round dance "The snow is melting."

4. The song "Today is my mother's holiday"

5. The song "Young grandmother" Yu. Mikhailenko.

6. Poems.

7. Dance with handkerchiefs.

8. Song-staging - Russian folk song "In the forge".

9. Dance of the cubs "I'm lying in the sun."

10. Song "Pie for Mom" ​​by S. Sosnin.

11. Dance "Boogie Woogie".

13. Song of the boys "We sing to the girls."

14. Dance of ducklings.

15. Song "Carlson, let's be friends" (words and music by E. Aseeva).

The course of the show program

To the solemn music, the children run around the hall and line up in the center in a semicircle.


The eighth of March is a solemn day,

A day of joy and beauty.

All over the earth he gives women

Your smiles and flowers.

Child 1.

Increasingly sunny bunnies

Now they are looking at us.

They are caught by girls and boys,

To color the holiday of mothers.

child 2.

Our own mother

Happy Women's Day!

Child 3.

And a song about mom

Today we will sing!

Child 4. About my!

Child 5. About my!

Child 6. Io mine, and about yours!

About loved ones and relatives,

Our dear mothers!

Children stand up and sing the song "Titmouses are ringing."

presenter. Guys, you know that during the holidays, funny, festive music and entertainment programs are shown on TV. Today on our TV we will also see a lot of interesting and unusual, there will be surprises. And in each program, congratulations will be heard to our mothers, grandmothers, all women. And now I turn on the TV. Our journey through familiar TV channels and programs begins. To create a spring high spirits for everyone, let's take a look at the festive edition of the Weather Forecast program.

The presenter in the "TV" puts the appropriate screensaver. Subsequently, before the announcement of a new TV show, changes the color image and screensaver on the TV screen.


What's outside the window? What is the weather forecast

On the most feminine and most tender day of the year?

This morning, this joy

This power of both day and light,

This blue vault

This cry and strings

These flocks, these birds,

This voice of the waters

These willows and birches

These drops are these tears

This fluff is not a leaf,

These mountains, these valleys,

These midges, these bees,

This tongue and whistle

These dawns without eclipse,

This sigh of the night village,

This night without sleep

This haze and the heat of the bed,

This fraction and these trills,

It's all spring!

A. A. Fet

Leading. Best time of the year, the time of the revival of nature and the expectation of a violent flourishing, the Weather Forecast gives to all the women of the planet.

Child 1 .

Oh, the spring is red

And brought us warmth.

child 2.

The sun shines in the yard

And the kids laugh.

Birds jump at the window.

Hello sun and spring!

Child 3.

In March, the sun played on the snow,

Spring has come with the sun.

Children run to their mothers with congratulations

And the snowdrops are beautiful.

Children put flowers in vases and give them to their mothers.

Children perform a round dance "The snow is melting."

Leading. Everyone's favorite weekend program "So far, everyone is at home" is on the air.


The whole family is at home - how good!

We read, if we joke - everyone is funny,

We assemble the constructor and solve the crossword puzzle.

Cooking, cleaning, relaxing and dreaming -

That's great! All at home for now

And tomorrow we will scatter again, who goes where.

Child 4.

Moms are very busy - a little light at work,

Houses are usually in business and care,

On our program, mothers agreed to stay,

And dads are willing to replace them at home.

Child 5.

We asked for an interview with:

What can they say about their children?

Children with microphones approach their mothers and ask questions.

Sample interview questions for moms:

Who best friend Your son (daughter)?

What is your child's favorite cartoon?

What time was your child born?

When did your son (daughter) take his first step?

Can you remember and sing your child's favorite song?

What event is associated with the longest and most fervent laugh of your child?

What is your child's favorite thing to do?

What does he want to become?

What does your child like to be called?

Leading. Let's ask the children to comment on the statements of the mothers and ask them if they agree with all the answers of the mothers. What would you like to add? What to fix?


Our dear mothers,

We wish you joy always,

Health, happiness and success,

More cheerful, sonorous laughter.

Children perform the song "Today is Mother's Day", music by A. Filippenko.


Grandmothers are also visiting us.

Let's ask them about their grandchildren now.

They know how, they know, they remember everything in the world

And the main thing for them is that all children are happy.


Good grandmothers are loved by all children,

Good grandmothers - our greetings!

Children turn to grandmothers with questions.

Sample questions for interviewing grandmothers:

List the names of all your grandchildren in alphabetical order.

When is the birthday of your oldest grandson (granddaughter)?

What book did you read to your grandson (granddaughter) first? -What did your grandson (granddaughter) give you for last year's holiday on March 8?

When and in connection with what did your grandson (granddaughter) cry the longest and loudest?

Who do you think the child looks like?

Did you want your grandson (granddaughter) to learn something from you?

And how would you like to see your grandson (granddaughter) in the future?


Always be cheerful

Be always happy

And my grandchildren

Be always loved!

Children sing the song "You Can't Find a Better Friend" (words and music by E. Aseeva).

You won't find a better friend

You won't find a better friend

Go around the world.

Better than my grandmother

Not in the whole world.

And today for football

We went with her.

I scored a goal

To her grandmother.

I get upset -

Grandma will come to me.

"Dry your tears, everything will pass" -

Quietly tell me.

She smiles brighter than the sun

And all my sorrows are forgotten.

If I go to the cinema

I also remember her:

I always take a ticket

To her grandmother.

Mom and dad say, smile:

"Your friendship is strong."

presenter. But what happened to one grandmother.

A group of girls with large paper snowdrops in their hands sits in a circle. Snowdrops rise up. A grandmother passes by with a basket and a stick.


For snowdrops in the forest

The children sent me

But I can't find them

I am at these trees.

spring sun,

Warm up the earth

So that the first snowdrops

Grew up faster.

Children raise snowdrops even higher. Grandmother admires the snowdrops, surprised by their beauty.


You look how beautiful

What a wonder in nature!

How tender have grown,

I'll pick up snowdrops.

Snowdrops are hiding (the girls put them down).


What are these miracles?

Did the fox steal them?

Maybe eaten by wolves

Among the prickly trees?

He sighs and leaves sadly. Snowdrops “grow up” again, grandmother returns, runs.


Oh, oh, run, run

And I'll pick snowdrops.

He fusses, runs, loses the basket, leans over it, at this time the snowdrops are hiding.


Ah, so, well, let -

I won't cry.

I'd rather go home

I don't look at flowers. (slowly walks away)

The flower girls run up, form a circle around the grandmother and hand her the snowdrops.


So it's you guys

Did you play hide and seek with me?


Always be cheerful

Be always happy.

And my grandchildren

Be always loved!

Games are played:

1) for boys and grandmothers “Who would rather put on an apron for grandmother and tie a scarf”;

2) for boys and girls "Who will soon swaddle the doll."

Speaker. Today on the air is the TV show “Serving the Fatherland”.

Our boys dream of growing up as bold and brave as Russian soldiers.

Soldier fast, right now

The battle song will sound for you.

Boy 1.

That's when we grow up

Let's go to serve in the army.

Let's serve our country

Love mothers and grandmothers.

Boy 2.

Strong and brave

Let's grow up

Our mothers and grandmothers

We will protect.

A group of boys performs a song-staging "We will serve in the army."

Speaker. We begin the festive release of the program “Around Laughter”. On your screens, the scene "Roly-Vstanka".

presenter(approaches the bed).

The calves fell asleep, the chickens fell asleep,

Inaudibly cheerful squawk from the nest.

Only one boy

named Vanka,

Nicknamed stand up -

Never sleeps.

At Vanka, at the stand -

Unhappy nannies:

They will start putting Vanka to bed,

But Vanka doesn’t want to - he will lie down and jump up,

Lie down again and get up again.

The nannies run up to the bed: one shakes the sheet, the other - the pillow, the third - covers the bed. They run after Vanka to put him to bed, but he sits down, does not go. The nannies shake their heads and clasp their hands, while Vanka sits and sways.


They will cover him with a blanket on cotton wool -

In a dream, he will throw the blanket away.

And again - as before, standing on the bed,

The child is on the bed all night.

The nannies carry blankets, put Vanka to bed and cover him.

Doctor treated him

From Children's Hospital.

The nannies run to the doctor and bow. The doctor approaches, frowns, turns back and forth. Approaches Vanka, frowns, examines him.

Leading. He said these words to the patient.


“You, dear, therefore do not lie,

That your head is too light.

The doctor leaves, the nannies are crying. Vanka is dancing. Then he looks at the nannies and runs out the door, the nannies follow him.

Speaker. We invite you to visit "At the circus arena". You are welcomed by the Russia channel and its great admirer ____________________________.

Run out, frolicking, clowns.


Funny clowns came to the holiday to us.

And they will show their fervent dance to all the guests.

Clowns perform a comic dance, music by D. Kabalevsky (or I. Stravinsky).


We congratulate all mothers and grandmothers,

We wish you spring inspiration.

Don't be bored, we are for you

Let's read the poem now.

Children read prepared poems at will.

Mom will smile

Damp, gloomy outside the window,

The rain is drizzling

Low the sky is gray

Hanging over rooftops.

And in the house - cleanliness, comfort,

We have our own weather here.

Mom will smile

Clear and warm

Here is the sun for you

It's up in the room!

O. Driz

About mom

Mom lived in the world

Well, many years

Nobody is more important than mom

Not in the whole world.

She goes to bed later than everyone else

Gets up first of all

Busy around the house all day

Even though he's tired.

You live in the world, mom,

Many, many years.

Nobody is dearer than you

Not in the whole world!

K. Tangrykuliev

Leading. Your attention is invited to the program "Wider Rug!".


Wider circle, wider circle!

The music is calling.

All friends, all girlfriends

In a noisy round dance.


Let's stand in a wide circle at once,

Let's have a fun dance.

Here's how funny we are today -

Russian dance prepared especially for you!


We wave handkerchiefs

Let's start knocking with a heel,

Sock, heel, accordion

And let's go around a little.


Moms admire dance:

"Well done, how they try!"

Children perform "Dance with Handkerchiefs" to the accompaniment of the Russian folk song "Grass-Ant".

Prepared children read the poem “Where did Russian music originate from?”.

Where are you Russian

Music originated?

Whether in an open field,

Is it in a hazy forest?

Is it in joy? In pain?

Or bird whistle?

You tell me where

Sadness in you and prowess?

In whose heart did you beat

From the very beginning?

How did you come

How did you sound?

Ducks flew - dropped the pipes,

Geese flew by - dropped the harp.

They are sometimes spring

Found, not surprised

Well, what about the song?

Born with a song in Russia!

G. Serebryakov


Russian song how it sounds

Cheer up everyone around!

The Russian folk song-staging "In the forge" is performed.

Speaker. We invite fans of the program to the screens (the musical screen saver interrupts the words of the announcer) ... Of course, you have already guessed what it is called.

Children. In the animal world.

presenter. Moms, grandmothers, children, raise your hands who love this show.


There are many of us who love animals,

We look forward to meeting them as soon as possible.

They rush to visit us for a matinee

Two wonderful artists - lion cubs!


Two funny lion cubs

They really want to dance.

Don't judge them harshly

After all, they are still a few years old!

The dance "Cheerful lion cubs" is performed ( musical accompaniment- the song "I'm lying in the sun", "The song of the lion and the turtle" from the cartoon "How the lion and the turtle sang a song" (words by S. Kozlov, music by G. Gladkov).


This program is always satisfying and tasty,

All the participants cook it simply skillfully!”

Guessed what kind of transmission, or nothing?

Answer in unison - we are on the transfer ...

Children. "Gusto".


Moms, from Smak, accept a huge hello,

Gives you "Relish" its best recipe.

Children take out colorful little books with recipes “From Smak” from under the chairs and give them to their mothers and grandmothers.


Cook with love, invite guests

And feed your household.

They will praise you at dinner -

Come back to Smak for advice.


I pour flour

I'm baking a cake for my mom

clearing the place

And I roll the dough.

I bake buns

Gingerbread, cheesecakes.

Will be ready for the holidays

Pies and buns!

Children perform the song "Pie for Mom" ​​(music by S. Sosnin).


This transmission

Everyone has known for a long time.

Her on TV

See you are at home.

Always popular...

Children."Morning Star!"


Performing artist -

The best pianist.

She will play diligently -

Just listen carefully.

Instrumental performance of the child on the piano (violin or other musical instrument).


Today is a lot of fun

Today is mom's day

Today by order

Let's sing and sleep for you!


Listen, look

Who wants to dance with us.



We dance and sing among friends.


It's time to visit our "pens",

Yes, not at all incompetent,

They can do original things -

They are kind of crazy!

Transfer "Crazy Hands"

Useful for both adults and children

Learn to craft

Sewing, knitting - it's fun!

Leading. Do you guys know how to do something yourself?

Child 1.

I love to work

I don't like being lazy.

child 2.

I can do it myself, smoothly

Make up your bed.

Child 3.

To my sister Irinka

I love drawing pictures.

Child 4.

I will help my mother

We wash dishes with her.

Children together.

Let's help moms

We will respect all mothers!

Leading. Let's see how our children have learned to help their mothers.

Games are played:

one). "Select the products." While cheerful, moving music sounds, two children choose vegetables and fruits from the basket (each, at the request of the presenter or by lot, must add either fruits or vegetables - natural or dummies) to his basket. As soon as the music has finished playing, the whole hall counts the number of fruits and vegetables collected by the players. The player with the most correct numbers wins.

2) "Let's clean the vegetables." Several guys on a team peel potatoes, carrots or onions. Whoever completes the task faster and more accurately is declared "Mom's best helper in the kitchen."

Speaker. Our holiday program continues the program "Gentleman Show".

Music sounds - the screensaver of the program "Gentleman Show" or a film about Sherlock Holmes. All the boys are out.

Boy 1.

To our dear friends

We want to give a song.

Boy 2.

Let girls always be friends

With you and with me

Boy 3.

And we won't offend

Our girls never.


Dare to suddenly offend someone -

Look, hold on then!

The song “We sing to the girls” (music by T. Popatenko) performed by the boys sounds.

Speaker. We invite children and adults to the screen to watch their favorite program "Visiting a Fairy Tale". (Goes to the window, says joyfully, with surprise) Guys, someone is flying towards us! Guess who it might be.

All the kids are a welcome friend -

Boys and girlfriends

Lover of rooftops and ghosts,

As well as pranks and cookies,

Candy, strawberry jam

And an unexpected arrival.

Children. Carlson.


You are right, children, and this is not a dream at all -

Carlson has arrived, meet him - here he is!

The presenter helps Carlson climb out the window. In his hand he has a bouquet of spring flowers (can be artificial). Carlson runs around the hall to the music of E. Aseeva, shakes hands with children, adults, pats someone on the shoulder in a friendly way, sends someone air kisses, somersaults, etc. The recording may sound like a propeller. Children clap their hands.

Flight of Carlson (Music by E. Aseeva)


Hello friends! And this is me!

Did you recognize me, right?

I flew past the garden

And I saw you through the window.

I look - the hall is full of guests,

There were so many children!

I am Carlson! Of course you recognized me

I see in my mood - they did not wait ...

Children. Waited, really waited!


I'm the funniest in the world

Therefore, I like both adults and children.

I am the most beautiful, educated,

Smart and moderately well-fed.

I was in a hurry, friends, on a holiday to you,

The propeller stalled - I'm on the clouds,

To congratulate your grandmothers,

Girls, housewives, mothers.

The delicious smell also attracted here,

Probably a pie is being baked in the kitchen...

With hope, of course, I climbed into the window -

There might be a piece for me.

Scene "Kid and Carlson".


I'll go around -

You are my friend and I am your friend.

You probably have behavior problems.

Is life in kindergarten not sweet for you?

Look how vigilantly he watches the housekeepers,

Children's hearts of the rulers.

You can't deal with them alone.

Gotta help the kids

Get rid of the teachers

Behind the playful observers.


What are you, Carlson, do not rush,

We need educators.

In the garden they are like mothers to us,

And we share everything with them.

They take care of us

They are attached to the sciences,

And if we want

They respect us.

We are taught to work

And most importantly, they help us grow.

Carlson gives a bouquet of flowers to the presenter.


Bouquet of spring March flowers

With all my heart I give you today.

Let them give you more kind words,

Well, now I invite you to dance.

Mass performance of the dance "Merry Ducklings" (musical accompaniment - French folk song "Dance of Ducklings"). Children invite guests to dance.

Leading. Good Carlson, you made us laugh. Thank you and for funny dance and for congratulations. For you, dear Carlson, we also prepared a surprise. We know that you are a big sweetheart.

Children come out with gifts for Carlson.


We have a sweet treat for you:

Here's a jar of jam

cookie box,

And this is a pie with jam -

Eat me soon, my friend!

Carlson. Thanks a lot! How well you came up with this! (Eats a pie) Oh, how delicious!

presenter. Carlson, that's not all. The biggest surprise is waiting for you ahead.

Carlson. Do you have anything else in store besides these wonderful sweets?

presenter. Carlson, shame on you! Your head is occupied with some sweets and little lamb. Enough sweets for you! Listen to a better song that the guys learned specially to give you. It is called "Carlson, let's be friends!".

Carlson. Wow, how great! I love making friends even more than sweets, especially with little girls and boys. Can anything be better and more important than friendship!? (humming)

Birds are friends in the sky

Fish are friends in the depths,

The ocean is friends with the sea,

Children from different countries are friends!

A friend in trouble will not leave

The pie will not ask -

That's what's real

True friend!

presenter. Carlson, are you on your own again? All about pies! Do you feel sorry for a friend of a pie? Guys, should a friend ask for a pie, or will a friend treat him himself, sharing a pie?


We don’t know the word like this: “I won’t give!”

With friends we share everything in half!

Carlson. Yes, I'm not greedy at all, you misunderstood me! I feed everyone! (Carlson runs to the window, takes out boxes of pies from under the curtain, gives them to the presenter).

Carlson. Take, please, there are enough pies for all the guys and guests.

I did not get off the roof for five days and nights.

Peck with Freken-Bok pies for children.

And I do not feel sorry for anything for friends -

Sing a song about friendship more fun!

Children sing the song "Carlson, let's be friends!"; for an instrumental loss - clap your hands. Carlson at this time dances, flies.

Carlson, let's be friends! (Words and music by E. Aseeva)

1. The desired one has come

Fun hour:

hero beloved

Visiting us.

All moms and dads

Happy from the bottom of my heart.

2. Oh, good Carlson,

You rushed to us.


You laughed.

Take it, Carlson,

us with you

In the blue sky.

3. You fly to us -

We'll be waiting

merry song

to meet you.

Children unable to

Forget you.

Carlson, let's be friends.

Carlson. Thanks friends! I had a lot of fun with you. And now it's time to go home, on your roof kindergarten. Goodbye, guys! See you!

Leading. Dear Carlson, please come to us again!

Carlson runs through the hall to the music, shakes hands with the children goodbye, flies away; children wave. His voice comes from behind the door.

Carlson. See you soon, baby!


We are finishing broadcasting holiday programs,

The TV is overheated, turn it off.


At parting, children, I want to tell you:

Look at mom's face -

They don't stop shining!

So, the holiday was a success for "five"!

And allow grandmothers and mothers to say goodbye

Wish you health and longevity!

Child 1.

Don't get sick, don't get old

Never get angry

So young

Stay forever!

child 2.

If the sun wakes up

The morning shone

If mom smiled

It became so gratifying.

Child 3.

If the sun is hidden in the clouds,

The birds were silent

If mom is upset

Where can we have fun?

Child 4.

So let it always sparkle

The sun shines on people.

All children.

Never you, dear,

We will not grieve.

The song "Mom's Waltz" is not new,

All of you have known for a long time.

But over the years does not grow old,

Like her mother, she likes it very much.

Performance of the song "Mother's Waltz", music by B. Kravchenko. Then a waltz melody sounds in the recording, the children invite their mothers to the waltz.

Kindergarten manager.

What could be more beautiful in the world -

Mothers and children are spinning in a waltz!

Remember, young friend, these moments -

There is no greater pleasure in life!

Couples are spinning - mothers, sons and daughters -

A mature tribe and young spring "buds" met.

Connected them in a dance this spring -

This union will always be eternal!

The song "We wish you happiness" sounds in the recording. Children and guests go to groups.

We wish you happiness!

1. In a world where crazy snow is spinning,

Where the seas threaten with a steep wave,

Where for a long time good

Sometimes we wait for news

To make it easier in difficult times,

It is very necessary for each of us,

Much needed for everyone

Know that happiness exists.


We wish you happiness,

Happiness in this big world!

Like the sun in the morning

Let it come to the house.

We wish you happiness,

And it should be like this -

2. In a world where there is no rest for the winds,

Where there is a cloudy dawn,

in preparatory group

"Is it hard to be a mother?"

Compiled by:

Educator MBDOU "Northern Lights"

(Children enter in pairs through the center of the hall and line up in a semicircle).

1 Ved. Everything was white - white until now,

But now spring has come to the yard.

With the first drop, with the last blizzard,

Happy spring holiday.

Congratulations, we sincerely wish you

Happiness, health, love!

It has a lot of beauty and goodness.

Let your mother's smile bloom.

It has so much light and warmth.

2.reb. The sun sang for all of us

That March has come, prankster,

And along with the sunbeam -

The most beautiful holiday in the world.

3.reb. The drops are ringing merrily

They call spring with them,

Tap out a song

About my mom.

(the song "Bouquet" sounds)

4reb. Hello, our beloved holiday,

Our cheerful, mischievous,
We are not only mothers -

And sing to grandmothers.

5 children. When grandma comes to visit us,

Everything blooms around.

It's a grandmother's smile

And the care of gentle hands.

"Song about grandma"

1 Ved. What kind wonderful poems and songs are heard these days for our mothers and grandmothers. We sincerely wish that on this day, mother's eyes would shine brighter than usual, so that the smile would be gentler and more joyful. What is so unusual to give them on this wonderful day? (thinking).

2 Ved. We decided to think

On this March day:

Is it easy to be a mom?

Many are unaware.

What is it like to be a mom?

Once - dinner is ready,

Well, take the dishes to wash - there are no more cases.

By the way - wash, sew something,

Take my son to kindergarten

Knit a scarf for my husband.

Mom autumn just to be, only from morning to night

You need to tell your husband: “I’m very tired!”

Is it true or not

We will find out with you.

Let our children stay

in this role themselves.

1 Ved. How many fairy tales are composed in Russia about hardworking female hands, capable of creating wonderful things, about affectionate women's hearts able to warm the house! "Princess - Frog", "Tiny - Khavroshechka", "Vasilisa the Wise", "Mary the Artisan" ...

2 Ved. But they are all just fairy tale characters. And at home we have one magician, one sun that warms us - this is our mother. And every girl wants to be the same - kind, skillful, cheerful, necessary for everyone. And you need to prepare for this from an early age.

But in our time, it would be unfair to say that only a girl needs to prepare to shoulder the burden of household chores on her fragile shoulders. A man should help her in everything. And now we will actually check how skillful, smart, kind our girls and boys are.

Reb. Eh, we would collect for mom

The work of such
To do all the work

He did a lot.

1 Ved. But, unfortunately, while the mother does not have such a robot, there is only a child. Our participants will have to rely only on the dexterity of their hands and coherence in their work.

Our first competition called "Sorting Peas and Beans".

2 competition. Two participants hug each other with one hand, while the other remains free. Mission: working together free hands wash dishes and dry them.

2 Vedas.
Warm up your sides under the spring sun,
Our dance let you be in a great mood.

(girls perform the dance "Spring")

2 Vedas. March 8 for all men
One hundred reasons to worry:
Was that gift given
Is the tea well brewed?
On this day nowhere lazy
Not found among men -
Cooking, washing, sweeping
All men are one!

For your loved ones, loved ones,

Need to cook fast

Lush miracle loaf,

Don't forget to decorate it nicely.

3 contest "Decorate the loaf"

Only boys are invited, they must cut out “decorations” from paper for a festive “loaf”

While the boys are working, a game is played with their mothers and shared with the audience.

Glory reads the poem "On this day a miracle happened ... »

1 Ved. Lush miracle loaf!
Eat, praise and don't yawn!
And praise and recognition the best decoration We will count your applause. If you liked it - applause, if you liked it a lot - thunderous applause.

4 contest

1 VED. The boys form 2 teams of 5 people, alternately tie a scarf, while saying "Oh, how beautiful I am!",

Then passed on to the next. Whose team will finish the fastest.

5 competition. "Hairstyles"

1 Ved. What kind of holiday is being prepared here?
Maybe guests of honor will come?
Maybe the generals will come?
Children: no.

Vedas. Maybe the admirals will come?
Children: no.
Vedas. Maybe a hero who has circled the whole world?
Children: Not! Not! Not!
Vedas. Guessing in vain throw you
Look, here they are, the guests!
Honorary, the most important!

Sailors are brave.

(while the participants are doing their hair, the "Sailor's Dance" is performed)

Chastushki with moms.

Reb. Each other at a glance

We understand, friends

And the couplets are ready to sing

Me and my mommy.

Vedas. We invite mothers and children to sing verses that they

composed with the children.

6 competition. "Purchases".

5 people per team. Relay race - who will quickly collect the products in their package.

2 Ved. We decided to help mothers,
And we will tell you directly:

There is no harder work

How to work as a mom.

And the girls in our group

Suddenly decided to dream

Who would they like to be

And they can show you.

The girls perform musical scene"Is it bad for me to be a girl?"

(See Attachment.)

2 Ved. We really wanted to please

Our guests today.

We hope you liked

A bunch of holiday ideas!

1 Ved. Our beloved mothers and grandmothers!

Lovely women!

We wish you everything that life is rich in:

Health, happiness, long years!

On the whole year will leave a good mark in the soul.

2 Ved. May women's day never end

And the streams sing in your honor,

Let the sun smile at you

And men give you flowers!

May the month of March, triumphantly advancing,
Meets you with a cheerful trill of birds.

Together. We heartily congratulate you on Women's Day,

Health to you and happiness without borders. Song. Present.

Dramatization “It’s bad for me to be a girl” (Medley of melodies of popular songs)

We kind of thought

Is it bad to be a girl?

We need to braid our hair
It's better to be a boy.

1st (in a boy's costume) on the tanker "Tankist"

Toli business - to be a boy,

For example, I will come to the garden

And I'll say, "Hey guys!"

They gave me a car
I have an airplane

And tell them to buy

I have a watch like yours. (points to the boy)

However, being a boy is bad!

Better to be a grandmother

Bake pancakes, cook potatoes,

Escort granddaughter to school.

2nd. (dressed as a grandmother) (to the motive of "Songs of the Turtle Tortilla")

Granddaughter to say: “Katyusha!

What are you doing like a chump?

Breakfast, Katya, on the table!

I'm due today

Repair a sheepskin coat in the morning

Granddaughter to iron a skirt,
Need to wash the dishes

And granddaughter to pick up from the garden,
Boil borscht and wash the floor ... " (leaves, groaning).


No! to be a grandmother

It's very difficult, by the way.

I cook, I get tired of washing,

I'd rather be a baby.

(Changes into a "lyalka", taken out in a wheelchair). "Lullaby"

Everyone shouts: “Wow! Whoa!

And staring at the world,
Look stupid from the stroller
Look stupid from the stroller
And a little something, then immediately into tears.

Toli business than to be an adult.

(takes off cap, spits out pacifier)

No, it's not interesting to be a baby

I don't want to poke
I don't scream like a child.

I won't stop dreaming
I'd rather be a mom.

4th. (disguised as mother).

I dream, by the way,
I really want to become an adult.

I will wear glasses
On high heels.

I will be the best mom

I'll try not to get tired.

I will be gentle and loved

The kindest and most beautiful.

I will often say:

"What do you guys want to give?"

But in order to be a mommy, I need to be able to do a lot!


We'll tell you a secret:

There are no better mothers and daughters!

And it's a great honor for us -

Be what you are.

Poem "Glory"

On this day a miracle happened
Mom doesn't even have words.

All dishes washed
parquet shines like a mirror.

Oh yes, Glory, well, Glory!

Do not believe your eyes:

He did his best,

He did everything around the house himself.

“Miracles,” said my mother,

I don't go for bread...

It's a pity that the eighth of March

Only once a year.


(show program "Through the Mouth of a Baby" for children of the preparatory group)

Formatting and Attributes: Balloons, on the central wall are bright, expressive "faces" of children, on the mirror are portraits of mothers (children's drawings)

The course of the show program

We want you today

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart at this hour

May poems and many songs

Bring smiles, laughter!

We start our holiday

And we meet our guys!

The boys come in to the music, line up in a semicircle, read poetry.

1. We are mischievous guys.

Have you already recognized us?

It's not the first time we've been on stage

But we're worried now.

2. Let's make speeches

We will give flowers

Let's sing and dance

Congratulations to moms!

3. Look out the window

It got a little warmer there.

The main holiday is coming

The sun welcomes him!

4. This holiday is the cutest,

The most kind and beautiful!

We congratulate our mothers -

All: It's so nice for us!

Presenter: Boys, where are our girls? How can you start a holiday without them? Maybe they took offense at you and left? Admit it, offended girls? Did you pull pigtails? Were the faces built?

Let's give the girls a round of applause!

The boys stand on the edge of the carpet.

Dance with Balloons in the form of Flowers (girls)

(Boys escort girls to chairs)

Leading. Today is not a simple holiday today is a mischievous holiday.

You did not think, did not know, but you got to the competition.

"Through the mouth of a baby" - fun, simple and cute,

I wanted it to be interesting and playful.

I choose two teams - I suggest that parents take part.

A team is playing against you -

Children in chorus: “Children” - You can’t find them smarter in the whole world!

Now I ask you to welcome the team of grandmothers and mothers - You will not meet the most charming ladies!

So ... we begin the show program "Through the mouth of a baby."

Dear audience! Attention please! Opponents are worried, everyone is waiting...

Our children already know a lot

Parents don't even think about it.

You have the opportunity to make sure

How smart and original children are.

  1. At this time of the year, the snow begins to melt.

2. Drops begin, birds fly in, the sun warms brighter.

3. We congratulate the most dear and beloved people on the holiday.

4. This day is also called differently.

Montage girls

1 reb: Spring has come again,

She brought a holiday again.

Holiday joyful, bright, tender,

The holiday of all our dear women.

2 reb: So that today you all smile,

Your children have worked hard for you.

Accept our congratulations,

Watch the performances of the children.

3 reb: Today the sun is shining

For our lovely mothers.

The spring wind sings

For our lovely mothers.

4 reb: Timid snowdrop blooms

For our lovely mothers.

And the songs are distributed

For our lovely mothers.

5 reb: Today is my mother's holiday.

Listen guys.

ALL: All mothers will be congratulated today by a kindergarten!

Song: "Mother's Day"

From traditional transmission contests, let's move away a bit,

Let's move on to the next explanation.

Explainer 2. (flowers)

  1. They are different types and shades.
  2. They grow everywhere; in the room and on the street.
  3. They are given on holidays one by one or many.

Parents answer: Flowers.

Leading. Correctly! The next Contest is announcing "Dancers" we are starting

Pair dance “Flowers are good in the garden.

Host: Attention! Explainer 3. (Mom)

1.- This person is on a major mission on Earth.

He has the kindest heart and the most caring hands.

2.- Children cannot be happy without this person.

Parents give the answer: mom.


Team of mothers and grandmothers simply superb, Master Class! With this song we honor you!

"Dear Mother Song"

The game is being played:

"Tie a bow."

Children and adults must tie each other's bows (all team members at the same time). Whose team will be the first to tie the bows and line up to show how cute they are in bows is declared the winner.

"Which pair is the fastest and most agile."

You need to run to a certain place and back, holding balloon heads, without the help of hands, pass the ball to the next pair of players.

I propose to arrange a small poetic intermission.

Need inspiration, replenishment of intellectual costs.

Let mothers and grandmothers listen to poems about themselves in silence.

It is gratifying for us to dedicate cordial lines to them, let grandmothers and mothers be pleased.

Children read prepared poems.


Leading. Who is the fastest, we will find out, Overtaking is starting!

Leading. Explainer 4.

1. He is responsible for the accurate and timely performance of duties and tasks.

  1. He monitors the good condition of his weapons, entrusted military equipment.
  2. He obeys the commander.
  3. Defends the country, the people.

Dance "Soldiers"

Explainer 5.

1. Who does not get tired of loving,

2. Bakes pies for us,

3. Delicious pancakes? These are our ... .. (grandmothers)

Children. "grandmothers"

Song about grandma.

Grandmother! What a kind word. For all children, native-native.

We wish dear grandmothers not to get sick a bit, But only every year

More and more young!

Poems about grandma.

Dance "Buranovskiye grandmothers"

Leading. We congratulate grandmothers, we invite you to play with us.

Grandma dress up game

Two grandmothers and their grandchildren come out. Things on the chairs (handkerchief, glasses, apron, ladle ...)

Children run to the high chair to the music, take 1 thing each and dress their grandmother. Whoever completes the task first, that grandmother raises the ladle up.

Leading. Explainer 7. Stars

Answer: Stars

Leading. And we also have stars! These are your beloved children. Meet them with applause!

"Star Dance"

Leading. The explanations cleared up, everyone tried, had fun,

It is very difficult to sum up the results of the show program. Who can be declared the winner?

Moms were so good today! Clap them with all your heart! (Applause.)

But the children exceeded all expectations:

They prepared too hard for the competition. What do we do? Tell me how to be.

Who will be declared the winner? Today love and kindness won!

Let the smile, warmth, warmth never leave you. Happy holiday, dear women!

Dear, lovely women - mothers and grandmothers! I congratulate you on the first spring holiday - March 8! I wish you to be happy, beautiful and loved! Your children, in turn, were very prepared for today's event in order to please you with their creativity and give you the warmth of loving hearts.


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