Documents required for trade with China. Where to start a business with China in the resale of goods

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Only a lazy Internet user does not know about Chinese products. Almost everyone knows that by purchasing goods directly from suppliers, you can save a lot. It is only important to find out where to make such profitable purchases.

If earlier goods from China were associated with low quality, outdated technologies, and second-rate raw materials, today this is a thing of the past. Many manufacturers have switched to more high level. On modern Chinese sites can be found easily good products at an affordable price. In terms of quality and service life, they are not inferior to products from other producing countries.

Not only their own enterprises are located in China, but also production sites foreign companies. Among them a large number of popular brands, for example, everyone knows Apple company. Despite the fact that development is carried out in the USA, the famous equipment is assembled in China. Thousands of companies have established business with China and preferred a similar system. The main reason for this choice is significant savings. Thanks to this, manufacturers offer customers reasonable prices without compromising quality.

Many of our fellow citizens have been ordering goods from China for several years now for themselves, their relatives, and friends. Others have no idea how to purchase goods on such online platforms. And some have no idea about their existence at all. What should those who dream of buying Chinese products, but don’t know how to do it, do? is one of the most popular sites for Chinese goods

In such cases, there are two options for the development of events. The first is to refuse to buy goods abroad and continue to be content with what is available in the stores of our country. But there are some disadvantages here - a limited selection of products and a significant overpayment. The second option is to purchase the goods you like through intermediaries. They already have an established business with suppliers, whose products they sell to Russian buyers.

Every year the number of finished and component products created in China increases. This has virtually no effect on prices; they remain low. Therefore, many Russian entrepreneurs prefer this type of business. It is important to decide correctly and how to do it. Then cooperation with China will open the broadest opportunities to develop your own business.

Business Features

Dropshipping is the simplest, most popular and virtually investment-free option for organizing your own business. If stated in simple language, these are direct deliveries. This is a relatively young type of entrepreneurship, especially in our country. It began to develop along with the opening of online stores. The attractive fact is that you don’t have to purchase the product in advance and pay for it. This is done only after the client makes an order on your online platform.

Dropshipping scheme

To start a business, you need to enter into an agreement with a specific manufacturer or foreign online store. It is important to clarify that the order is placed after payment for the goods. When your buyer pays for the order, you transfer funds to the seller's account. After receiving the required amount, the Chinese partner sends the package to the recipient. By setting up work in this way, you will not lose anything and will be able to receive your percentage of the transaction. This easy scheme has been successfully operating in our market for several years now.

By ordering products exclusively for yourself or a small batch of cheap goods (up to a thousand euros), you are exempt from processing and paying customs duties. Those who managed to arrange supplies on a larger scale will have to deal with taxes and paperwork. If you are new to business, you will spend a lot of effort and money on this. Therefore, experienced mediators shift such issues onto their shoulders. You just need to find a reliable and trusted company.

Clothes and shoes from China

Chinese companies produce beautiful and stylish products at a price much lower than the market price. Of all types of cooperation with China, the most popular is the supply of clothing and footwear. These products are especially popular among our compatriots. A wide range of, high quality, low cost - due to this, the demand for products increases.

Some manufacturers copy products from famous brands. They use the same models, fabrics, technologies, but release the item under own name. This makes it possible to purchase clothes, shoes, and accessories that are almost no different from branded ones, at a completely “earthly” price. This is especially true for buyers who are not fixated on the big name of the manufacturer.

So, what should you take care of before starting business with China? First, find a supplier with whom you will subsequently need to enter into a direct supply agreement. Then open your own online store and start attracting customers. After receiving orders and payment, start shipping products from China. The final and most enjoyable stage is calculating your own profits.

Sale of souvenirs

Less popular, but no less profitable view business – trade in souvenirs. These are various amulets, magnets, keychains, interior decor items and much more. On Chinese sites, small goods can be purchased quite cheaply. And with bulk purchases, you save even more. In our country similar products they sell with markups of 100%, 200% and even 500%. IN in this case profit depends on the specific supplier, the price of the item traded and the volume of purchases.

Sales of everyday goods

  • personal hygiene items for children and adults;
  • bath and shower products;
  • cosmetics and perfumes;
  • plastic dishes;
  • packaging products;
  • stationery (paper, pencils, erasers, notebooks);

Such a business is convenient because the listed categories of goods are in high demand, regardless of the economic situation and time of year. In China, they can be purchased at a low price and subsequently receive a good income from resale.

Purchase of bulk products with further packaging

This is an equally profitable and promising type of business. To start it, you need to purchase food or drinks in bulk, by weight or bottling in China. If we are talking about wholesale quantities, then any website of Chinese goods will offer an attractive price. In Russia, goods are sold tens of times more expensive, but only after packaging. All products are divided into small parts, each of which has its own packaging. This is how they sell chips, seeds, popcorn, dried fish etc. With this approach, costs are minimal compared to profits.

The most pressing issue facing budding entrepreneurs is choosing a conscientious and reliable supplier. This is the case when you don’t want to learn from your mistakes. Therefore, this point must be approached with all responsibility. There are several ways to find “your” supplier.

  1. The simplest, but not the most reliable, is the World Wide Web. Without leaving own apartment, you can get necessary information about the supplier and his products, discuss details with him, conclude an agreement. But by agreeing on cooperation on the Internet, you are buying a “pig in a poke.” Photos will not tell about a person the way personal communication will.
  2. Visit international exhibitions which are often held in major cities. Before ordering goods from China, you can personally communicate with manufacturers or representatives of a particular company, see and even touch the products. Only after this is a contract concluded.
  3. A trip to China is the most reliable way. There you can find manufacturers, personally visit production, get information about technology, raw materials, volumes. But this option is the most difficult and not accessible to everyone. To do this, you need not only decent funds, but also knowledge of the language. Otherwise, you cannot do without the services of a translator.

Price policy

Any business requires a serious approach, so you should not order goods from the first supplier you come across. You may be tempted by affordable prices and good recommendations. But if you spend a little more time, you can easily find much more profitable offer. The Chinese market is famous for the fact that you can often find similar products at different prices. Moreover, the price range is quite high. The difference can be tens or even hundreds of dollars.

Company size and production time

There are a large number of manufacturers in China, both large and small. The latter can offer quality products at a low price. But they have a big disadvantage. A small company is unlikely to be able to “jump” over its own bar and produce more products than is physically possible. For example, if a company produces no more than 10 thousand units monthly, and you need more than 50 thousand, long-term cooperation is hardly possible.

Small production in China

This is especially worth considering for entrepreneurs who plan to engage in serious deliveries. Before concluding a contract, check the maximum volume of products produced. Otherwise, not only you, but also your clients will have to wait. It is unlikely that the client will want to spend own time. After all, it is easier for him to choose a competitor who will deliver the goods on time.

Constant control

Unfortunately, even among Chinese suppliers there may be some who are not very conscientious. As a result, you may encounter problems such as delivery of goods from China to Russia taking too long, delays in paid shipments, and even receiving defective products. To avoid this, it is necessary to ensure one hundred percent control of each stage, from collection to delivery of goods. It is hardly possible to travel to China weekly or even monthly to monitor the work of the seller. Therefore, it is worth spending a little to hire someone who will take control of the Chinese partners. This will save not only nerves, but also time, and in some cases even money.

So, partnership with China means financial stability and independence, pleasant and useful acquaintances, as well as hundreds positive feedback from buyers. But success can only be achieved through patience and constant monitoring of the entire work process. Well, you can start by ordering a small batch from the Aliexpress or TaoBao websites.

Probably each of us, via social networks, has ever received a tempting offer to buy goods from China at a low price, which is an order of magnitude lower than in city stores. And, probably, each of us wondered at what price the seller purchased the product, if its price is so attractive? In fact, most goods produced in China are so cheap that the manufacturer, the middleman in China, and the final seller benefit from the sale. Besides this, everyone knows that business ideas that are associated with China are very profitable, because they produce counterfeits of almost any world brand, and this applies primarily to clothing.

  • How to start a business selling goods from China?
  • Where to find a supplier?
  • How much money does it take to open a Chinese goods store?
  • How to sell goods?
  • Step by step plan opening a business selling goods from China
  • How much money do you need to start a business selling goods from China?

How to arrange supplies?

More and more often we see popular Chinese goods on store shelves. This is due to the fact that the products of this country are confidently displacing goods from other countries. Just go to the famous online store Taobao and see low prices for popular products that can be ordered from China. Well, if you buy in bulk, the price will be even more tempting. This price difference will make it possible to implement business ideas focused on the resale of Chinese clothing. Every year there is a downward trend in the popularity of clothing markets, boutiques and shops thanks to online stores.

How to start a business selling goods from China?

Where to find a supplier?

First, let's look at the question - how to find a supplier in China and how to enter into profitable cooperation. Perhaps the easiest and most reliable way is to work with the Taobao website. This is a very popular site where you can find a supplier. You can use a browser Google Chrome, where the function of translating the entire page at once is conveniently implemented - this will definitely be required.

There are many intermediaries who organize delivery to the country. There will be no problems finding an intermediary - there are various banners on the site where intermediaries offer their services, which, as a rule, cost 10% - 20% of the cost of the goods. Cargo whose value is below 1000 euros does not need to pay customs duty.

Business organization.

As a rule, parcels reach the recipient in 1-2 months. However, during periods of large volumes of orders, the deadlines may be shifted, since it will take longer to bring goods from China during the holidays. Delivery time is also affected by factors such as weather, transport conditions, customs clearance, etc.

First, using the Taobao website, you need to find an intermediary. After accepting its terms and concluding a contract with it, you need to create your own website or group in social network. It is not necessary to pre-purchase clothes, since the client will be able to place an order directly on your website.

Clothes from China.

The buyer places an order on your website, for which you have set a favorable price for you. The site or group you created must have a certain popularity, because in a short period of time you will need to collect several orders from clients and send them to an intermediary. The intermediary must receive an advance payment from you, then you give him links to the products that your customers have chosen and pay for delivery in China itself.

How much money does it take to open a Chinese goods store?

An obvious problem for any beginning businessman is high competition in the market and lack of experience in the chosen field. In addition, many people try to implement clothing sales ideas, and in most cases they make their business successful. Buying a franchise to collaborate with a specific brand is a common way to start your own business. Sales specialists believe that only individual entrepreneur having good start-up capital and experience in the fashion industry. So, business ideas based on concluding a franchise agreement - great option for a successful start.

It should be understood that the franchise from famous brand or manufacturer is attractive for its potential profitability. The work of the chain of stores that sell clothes from China has been established for a long time, and relieves a new participant in this business from many worries. In addition, along with the product, the individual entrepreneur receives a number of recommendations on the work and marketing policy of the brand owner, as well as guaranteed sales and a high stable income.

How to sell goods?

You can sell clothes and shoes different ways. If it is not possible to organize a retail space, then today the following are especially popular for selling clothes and shoes:

  • online stores;
  • bulletin boards (Avito);
  • social network;
  • business card sites.

Thus, you can start and implement your business ideas for making money in this area without having a retail space. The turnover of various goods from China is growing day by day. This applies not only to our country - this trend can be seen all over the world. This means an excellent opportunity to build your business on the resale of goods in your country. Moreover, today this can be done quickly and easily, especially since now it is also very profitable.

Foreign trade with Chinese partners has gained momentum, but this does not make this type of business any less attractive. How to organize work with China? You will learn how to start cooperation and choose the optimal direction and supplier, as well as the rules for participation in Chinese exhibitions. The information in the articles will help organize the supply of products from China, reveal the features of customs clearance and return of goods if they are found to be of low quality, and help deal with the organization of the sale of goods and the purchase of machinery and equipment. You will find schemes, recommendations and advice for entrepreneurs starting a business in China.

Both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs often look towards China when developing their business. And this is not surprising, because China’s trade with Russia is developing rapidly and this country provides a lot of opportunities in developing its business. Organization business cooperation with Chinese entrepreneurs is a separate area in which you need to take into account the mentality, the rules for finding a supplier, and many other factors.

How to start working with China?

When establishing trade in goods from China, an entrepreneur must draw up an action plan. The stages of organizing trade with China for beginners are as follows:

This is almost the full range of actions that an entrepreneur will need to perform when collaborating with a Chinese manufacturer.

An important role in organizing a successful business with the Celestial Empire is played by knowledge of business and basic cultural traditions Chinese, the legislation of this country.

We organize a business with its own specifics

Different areas of business require different approaches. If you are planning to organize a business selling Chinese goods. From this article you will learn recommendations for opening such a business.

People who dream of owning their own business can start it right now. The fact that Chinese products can be bought at low prices, everyone knows. If you purchase such goods directly from suppliers, you can earn good money. We will tell you how to start a business with China without money in this article.


This is the most popular and affordable way how to start a business with China. If you explain this in simple words, dropshipping is direct deliveries. This kind entrepreneurial activity is just emerging in our country. This was facilitated by the emergence of online stores. The most important advantage of dropshipping is that you do not have to pay your own money for the product. After the client pays for the order, you buy the required products using his funds and send them to the specified address. The difference in prices will be your earnings. This can be found in any city.

Before starting a business with China from scratch, you need to agree on cooperation with a certain manufacturer. You must explain that the order will be processed immediately after payment. If you set up work according to this scheme, you can earn a good income without investing a penny in the business.

For small quantities of goods you will not have to pay customs duty. Businessmen supplying products on a large scale are forced to complete paperwork and pay taxes. This takes a lot of time and money, so making purchases in small quantities is much more convenient and profitable.

Shoes and clothing

If you want to start a business with China from scratch, you can start reselling shoes and clothing. Such products are always very popular, and the low cost of products ensures high demand. Chinese manufacturers skillfully copy products from prestigious brands. They use the most quality materials, innovative technologies And modern models. Thanks to this, people with average incomes who are not fixated on “big” names of manufacturers can buy excellent things at very reasonable prices. affordable prices.

Let's figure out how to build a business with China? In any case, you need to find a reliable supplier in order to agree with him on direct deliveries. After this, you should open your online store and start promoting it. Through certain time you will already be counting your profits.


Another good option for organizing a business with China is selling souvenirs. It can be various items interior, keychains, amulets and other little things. In Chinese online stores, such products can be purchased at bargain prices. Wholesale purchases are even cheaper. You can mark up such a product by 100–500%.

Everyday goods

To establish profitable business with China, you need to sell a product that people cannot live without in everyday life.

It can be:

  • Detergents;
  • Perfumes and cosmetics;
  • Personal hygiene items;
  • Plastic dishes;
  • Packaging materials;
  • Stationery.

All these products are in high demand at any time of the year and in any economic situation. In Chinese online stores they are sold at a low price, so if you do, you can earn decent money.

Small Business Equipment

To start the production of any product, you must first find suitable premises and purchase equipment. If you are interested in how to do business with China, pay attention to the machine tools and other machines offered by local manufacturers.

The Chinese market is able to fully satisfy any needs. Here you will find equipment for the woodworking industry, trade and more. Before starting a business with China, find reliable, trusted suppliers who supply high-quality products at affordable prices.

In addition to equipment, manufacturers offer materials, personnel training, and also help with installation and configuration of equipment. In addition, they provide a warranty on all equipment and provide service maintenance. If necessary, you can send the equipment for repair.

Joint purchases

Have you long ago realized how profitable it is to buy Chinese goods and have already become addicted to this type of shopping? Wonderful. You can make good money from this passion. For many enterprising people, business cooperation with China brings stable income. Help your friends and acquaintances place orders in Chinese online stores and receive your commissions for it. On wholesale orders you can get a good discount. In this case, you can also save on shipping. Thousands of people save their money on joint purchases, so there is no need to be shy about earning money from your experience and knowledge.

Wholesale purchases

Surely you have friends who are engaged in trade and buy goods in bulk. Look in Chinese online stores for the same products, but at a lower price. Such successful business with China will allow you to earn on commissions, and your friends will save on purchasing goods.

Packaging of loose goods

Enough profitable business with China it is possible to build on the packaging of bulk products. You can buy such a product from Chinese manufacturers for pennies, especially if you buy it in bulk. In our country it can be sold ten times more expensive.

Buy popular products on tap or by weight, package them and sell them at wholesale prices. Thanks to packaging, the cost of the product increases significantly.

You can buy in huge packages:

  • Chips;
  • Fish;
  • Seeds;
  • Popcorn;
  • Nuts.

The product is packaged in small portions, a label is placed on it and sold at several times the price. Many entrepreneurs make huge money from this.

Garage business

Some enterprising people who want to open their own business at home purchase equipment for production in Chinese online stores. Some domestic businessmen have managed to make a decent fortune using profitable garage ideas from China.


Modern people communicate a lot using cell phones and other mobile devices. Technologies in this area are constantly being updated, so high-tech new products are always in great demand. If you want to organize a business through China, pay attention to these products. Buy Cell phones, headphones and other devices and resell them online. This is enough profitable idea with minimal capital investment.


You've probably already heard about furniture tours to China? – these are practical, high-quality products that fit perfectly into the interior, and are also distinguished by their strength and durability. Products can be delivered to our country through intermediaries who fulfill any orders according to an established scheme. As you can see, starting a business with China is a reality. Without leaving home, you can earn good money because it is much more convenient to search for furniture suppliers and buyers on the Internet.


We figured out how to do business with China without investment. The quality of products produced in this country is Lately practically no different from European analogues. You can start a business with any amount without burdening yourself with debts and loans at the start. This is a very profitable line of business that allows you to earn a good income without large investments.

Subject "Business with China" is gaining momentum on the Internet! Every day, many websites, blogs and simply information products dedicated to this topic appear. Our eastern neighbor has always attracted with its mystery and centuries-old history. Now Chinese business has been added to this list. Just as mysterious. But, like China itself, business from the Celestial Empire is promising, shows constant growth and, characteristically, is itself striving for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Why not take advantage of this?

Your favorite project website constantly pleases you with popular business ideas. From various areas of human activity and entrepreneurship. We also did not ignore this topic -. From the point of view of information, it has scale and breadth, which we share with you when we describe the next Chinese business idea.

Therefore, traditionally, in May-June we review the most popular business ideas from China. Make yourself comfortable and, in express mode, briefly, in about 40 minutes, get acquainted with the most wonderful articles on the topic of Chinese business. By the way, if you read all the business ideas carefully, you will become a real expert in this field. And you can sell your knowledge!

In first place, as our regular readers already know, is perhaps the most popular series on the Internet about business with China - Ideas for business with China.


Review of Chinese online stores, recommendations on where you can safely and quite honestly buy goods from China for resale. Valuable advice- what to buy, and how, and to whom to serve it. The statistics speak for themselves. More than 100 thousand people became acquainted with this cycle in literally a short period of time. And, surprisingly, the material does not lose its relevance. Don’t wait, hurry up, as you know, there is nothing more valuable than new knowledge. Especially free ones.


Dropshipping from China is one of the popular initial forms of business with China. Almost all cases and examples of successful “Chinese” businesses are based on it. The idea is simple - we buy goods in China, sell them to those who wish - at retail or wholesale.

The scheme can be constructed in such a way that the intermediary will have no physical contact with the shipment of goods at all. After all, the Internet works wonders. Using it you can search for both suppliers and buyers. Linking them together. Don’t forget to integrate yourself into this chain, as an intermediary. And make money on the simple movement of goods! This business idea goes well with.


Everything is very simple. A list of the most popular product niches, products from which are profitable to sell in Russia and other countries. The list turned out to be very large and voluminous and has not lost its relevance. All that remains is to choose a niche that you understand most fully and start making money in it. The list is structured so that the information in it can be found by anyone, even those without expert knowledge.


Small and easy instructions to start your own business in China. We reveal the features of this business, the form and principle of organization.

Without this knowledge, your business with China will not be as complete as you would like. By the way, this article tells the whole truth about webinars that promise you Chinese earnings with a margin of up to 500%. We strongly recommend that you study it.


A separate review of some Chinese goods and a number of profitable niches for small-scale and operational trade. Suitable for beginners who want to learn business with China.

After all, any successful path is built on mistakes and learning from past achievements. Without understanding this, it is impossible to build success in the future. This article, like no other, shows this path and ways to achieve results in the future.


By the way, any Chinese business is built on this principle. What you undoubtedly already learned from the first articles of this TOP.

Fermentation bedding can reduce costs and improve the quality of livestock management indoors. Its advantages sell themselves, you just need to have it in full demand in a timely manner. And make money from it!

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