Warehouse worker job description. Rigging work: requirements and specifics Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

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§ 307. Rigger 2nd category

Characteristics of work

  • Performing rigging work on horizontal and vertical movement, lashing, fastening and installation of various cargoes, equipment, products, etc. on carts or platforms. weighing up to 5 tons using winches, hoists, jacks, trestles and ramps.
  • Moving loads with rope winding during slinging.
  • Construction of decks, racks, temporary walkways and fixtures.
  • Washing, cleaning, lubricating, drying, selecting and laying rigging by type and size.
  • Laying out and winding cables and ropes and breaking up braids with braided ends.
  • Tagging and preparing rigging for shipment.
  • Making simple rigging.

Must know:

  • device and rules for using simple rigging equipment when moving goods, equipment and products;
  • rules for slinging light weight cargo;
  • methods for constructing temporary decks, walkways, and ramp supports;
  • rules for disassembling, lubricating, drying and storing rigging;
  • types of simple rigging devices and methods of its manufacture;
  • basics of plumbing and carpentry.

§ 308. Rigger 3rd category

Characteristics of work

  • Performing rigging work on horizontal and vertical movement, assembly, disassembly and installation on a foundation, platform or trolley of machines, mechanisms, machine tools and other cargo weighing over 5 to 25 tons.
  • Carrying, lifting and lowering manually to various floors of premises of loads that require special care: pianos, grand pianos, laboratory equipment, etc.
  • Installation, assembly and dismantling of blocks, hoists, anchors, masts and chain hoists with a lifting capacity of up to 10 tons.
  • Securing and removing braces and guy wires.
  • Construction of temporary cages from sleepers.
  • Removal and installation of timber rafting rigging - chains, cables, anchors and its repair directly on the rafts.
  • Platform installation passenger cars.
  • Splicing of metal cables with a diameter of up to 25 mm and ropes with a diameter of up to 40 mm.
  • Manufacturing of all types of slings.
  • Carrying out necessary plumbing and carpentry work.

Must know:

  • device and rules for using lifting mechanisms and rigging equipment for moving and installing various loads, machines, and machine tools;
  • acceptable standards loads on cables, ropes, chains and rigging devices;
  • types of rigging units, slings and grips;
  • rules for the construction of temporary stands from sleepers;
  • methods and rules for removing, repairing and installing rigging;
  • the main requirements of Gosgortekhnadzor for the production of rigging works.

§ 309. Rigger 4th category

Characteristics of work

  • Performing rigging work on horizontal and vertical movement, assembly, disassembly and installation on the design mark or foundation of machines, mechanisms, machine tools weighing over 25 to 50 tons.
  • Installation, installation and dismantling of blocks, hoists, anchors, masts and pulleys with a lifting capacity of over 10 tons.
  • Manufacturing of slings, sealing of slings and thimbles.
  • Inspection and testing of cables, ropes, chains and other rigging devices.
  • Construction of trestles and cages from sleepers.
  • Splicing of metal cables with a diameter of over 25 mm and ropes with a diameter of over 40 mm.

Must know:

  • design and rules for using lifting mechanisms and rigging equipment, methods of equipping and testing them;
  • wear periods and testing rules for cables and ropes;
  • rules for lifting and moving equipment, machines, mechanisms, machine tools and products.

§ 310. Rigger 5th category

Characteristics of work

  • Performing rigging work on horizontal and vertical movement, assembly, disassembly and installation on the design mark or foundation of machines, mechanisms, machine tools weighing over 50 tons, requiring special precision, responsibility and accuracy from the rigger in work, using cranes, winches, hoists and others special devices.
  • Determination of the mass and center of gravity of moved and mounted units and structures.
  • Selection and testing of cables, ropes, chains and special devices in accordance with the weight and configuration of the load.

Must know:

  • design of various lifting mechanisms and rigging equipment;
  • rules and methods for slinging especially critical heavy loads, units and structures when moving, assembling, disassembling and installing them on the design mark or foundation;
  • rules for performing particularly complex rigging work when different conditions terrain and load positions;
  • methods for determining the mass and center of gravity of lifted and moved products, structures and structures;
  • rules for selecting and testing cables, ropes, chains and special devices depending on the weight, dimensions and configuration of the cargo.

The issue was approved by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Labor and Social Issues and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 31, 1985 N 31/3-30
(as amended:
Resolutions of the State Labor Committee of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 10/12/1987 N 618/28-99, dated 12/18/1989 N 416/25-35, dated 05/15/1990 N 195/7-72, dated 06/22/1990 N 248/10-28,
Resolutions of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR 12/18/1990 N 451,
Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 1992 N 60, dated 02/11/1993 N 23, dated 07/19/1993 N 140, dated 06/29/1995 N 36, dated 06/01/1998 N 20, dated 05/17/2001 N 40,
Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 2007 N 497, dated October 20, 2008 N 577, dated April 17, 2009 N 199)


§ 307. Rigger (2nd category)

Characteristics of work. Performing rigging work on horizontal and vertical movement, lashing, fastening and installation of various cargoes, equipment, products, etc. on carts or platforms. weighing up to 5 tons using winches, hoists, jacks, trestles and ramps. Moving loads with rope winding during slinging. Construction of decks, racks, temporary walkways and fixtures. Washing, cleaning, lubricating, drying, selecting and laying rigging by type and size. Laying out and winding cables and ropes and breaking up braids with braided ends. Tagging and preparing rigging for shipment. Making simple rigging.

Must know: device and rules for using simple rigging equipment when moving goods, equipment and products; rules for slinging light weight cargo; methods for constructing temporary decks, walkways, and ramp supports; rules for disassembling, lubricating, drying and storing rigging; types of simple rigging devices and methods of its manufacture; basics of plumbing and carpentry.

§ 308. Rigger (3rd category)

Characteristics of work. Performing rigging work on horizontal and vertical movement, assembly, disassembly and installation on a foundation, platform or trolley of machines, mechanisms, machine tools and other cargo weighing over 5 to 25 tons. Carrying, lifting and lowering manually to various floors of premises of cargo that requires special care : pianos, grand pianos, laboratory equipment, etc. Installation, installation and dismantling of blocks, hoists, anchors, masts and pulleys with a lifting capacity of up to 10 tons. Securing and removing braces and guys. Construction of temporary cages from sleepers. Removal and installation of timber rafting rigging - chains, cables, anchors and its repair directly on the rafts. Installation on passenger car platforms. Splicing of metal cables with a diameter of up to 25 mm and ropes with a diameter of up to 40 mm. Manufacturing of all types of slings. Carrying out necessary plumbing and carpentry work.

Must know: device and rules for using lifting mechanisms and rigging equipment for moving and installing various loads, machines, and machine tools; permissible load standards on cables, ropes, chains and rigging devices; types of rigging units, slings and grips; rules for the construction of temporary stands from sleepers; methods and rules for removing, repairing and installing rigging; the main requirements of Gosgortekhnadzor for the production of rigging works.

§ 309. Rigger (4th category)

Characteristics of work. Performing rigging work on horizontal and vertical movement, assembly, disassembly and installation on the design mark or foundation of machines, mechanisms, machine tools weighing over 25 to 50 tons. Installation, installation and dismantling of blocks, hoists, anchors, masts and pulleys with a lifting capacity of over 10 tons. Manufacturing of slings, sealing of slings and thimbles. Inspection and testing of cables, ropes, chains and other rigging devices. Construction of trestles and cages from sleepers. Splicing of metal cables with a diameter of over 25 mm and ropes with a diameter of over 40 mm.

Must know: design and rules for using lifting mechanisms and rigging equipment, methods of equipping and testing them; wear periods and testing rules for cables and ropes; rules for lifting and moving equipment, machines, mechanisms, machine tools and products.

§ 310. Rigger (5th category)

Characteristics of work. Performing rigging work on horizontal and vertical movement, assembly, disassembly and installation on the design mark or foundation of machines, mechanisms, machine tools weighing over 50 tons, requiring special precision, responsibility and accuracy from the rigger in work, using cranes, winches, hoists and others special devices. Determination of the mass and center of gravity of moved and mounted units and structures. Selection and testing of cables, ropes, chains and special devices in accordance with the weight and configuration of the load.

Must know: design of various lifting mechanisms and rigging equipment; rules and methods for slinging especially critical heavy loads, units and structures when moving, assembling, disassembling and installing them on the design mark or foundation; rules for performing particularly complex rigging work under various terrain conditions and load positions; methods for determining the mass and center of gravity of lifted and moved products, structures and structures; rules for selecting and testing cables, ropes, chains and special devices depending on the weight, dimensions and configuration of the cargo.

Rigger 3rd category Characteristics of work. Performing rigging work on horizontal and vertical movement, assembly, disassembly and installation on a foundation, platform or trolley of machines, mechanisms, machine tools and other cargo weighing over 5 to 25 tons. Carrying, lifting and lowering manually to various floors of premises of cargo that requires special care : pianos, grand pianos, laboratory equipment, etc. Installation, installation and dismantling of blocks, hoists, anchors, masts and pulleys with a lifting capacity of up to 10 tons. Securing and removing braces and guys. Construction of temporary cages from sleepers. Removal and installation of timber rafting rigging - chains, cables, anchors and its repair directly on the rafts. Installation on passenger car platforms. Splicing of metal cables with a diameter of up to 25 mm and ropes with a diameter of up to 40 mm. Manufacturing of all types of slings. Carrying out necessary plumbing and carpentry work.

Rigger 3rd category Must know: device and rules for using lifting mechanisms and rigging equipment for moving and installing various loads, machines, and machine tools; permissible load standards on cables, ropes, chains and rigging devices; types of rigging units, slings and grips; rules for the construction of temporary stands from sleepers; methods and rules for removing, repairing and installing rigging; the main requirements of Gosgortekhnadzor for the production of rigging works.

In progress labor activity At enterprises and organizations there is often a need for loading and unloading operations and transportation of large-sized devices or units. Due to their heaviness, such a procedure cannot be performed manually. Therefore, there is a need for professionals who have devices and mechanisms designed to carry out just such operations.

The ability to use special equipment comes after long training and persistent practice, which takes more than one year. Many large companies turn to such craftsmen for help only if they have at least 10 years of experience. For this reason, you can understand why rigging services are so valued nowadays.

Initially, this profession originated in the navy and meant a sailor who was responsible for managing the sails and equipment of ships. When they went ashore, the sailors used their skills to earn extra money. As a result, this type of activity acquired its own specificity on land.

Now professional riggers are theoretically forged personnel with extensive work experience. They are indispensable team members of any transportation company. This type of activity is needed in almost all cities of the world. Therefore, one can understand how in demand this specialty is, which includes the ability to perform a huge number of different operations.

Basic responsibilities of a rigger

The versatility of this profession involves mastering various skills.

  • They must be able to clearly identify the type of object being moved; visually assess its dimensions, weight, dimensions. This is especially true when a company is moving, material base which includes a large number of machine tools and heavy mechanisms.
  • It is necessary to sort, pack, and move equipment inside the warehouse using lifts. Such operations also include carrying ladders, shields and pallets and installing them under the equipment intended for transportation.
  • The equipment should be installed on vehicle platforms and fixed firmly to avoid damage. All sides, hatches, and doors of the rolling stock are closed and locked with latches or locks. In case of unfavorable weather conditions(rain, snow) objects must be covered with a tarpaulin.
  • Upon arrival at the destination, unloading is carried out and vehicles are cleared of debris.

Moving heavy equipment is carried out only with the use of special equipment: cables, hooks, slings, crowbars.

A special place is given to auxiliary moving mechanisms.

First of all, these include the jack, which every car owner is familiar with. The device allows you to lift a load without making much effort.

Very often devices are used that have a motor and a rotating drum with an iron cable wound around it and a hook at the end (winches, hoists, lifts). They have a replaceable functional mode, which greatly facilitates and speeds up the procedure.

Finally, compact vehicles designed for transporting objects over short distances (controlled platforms, electric cars) provide great assistance.

When it is planned to organize the transportation of goods, Special attention is paid to labor protection.

Safety precautions

Rigging work involves certain risks and the risk of injury. Therefore, a list of precautionary measures has been compiled, the observance of which can prevent a dangerous situation.

  • Before starting the process, the employee must check the serviceability of the main and auxiliary equipment. In the event of a breakdown, it is necessary to carry out repairs and carry out preventive maintenance of all components and moving joints.
  • To avoid accidents around production site a barrier tape must be stretched to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the danger zone.
  • It is prohibited to stand under a load while lifting, lowering or moving it.
  • For all types of work it is necessary to use additional safety equipment.

Compliance with these rules will enable the rigger to avoid injury and perform his duties most effectively.

1. The place where work is carried out regarding the volume and movement of goods must be in

opening hours are well lit. In case of insufficient lighting or heavy snowfall, when the crane operator does not see the signals given by the slinger, work with the crane must be stopped.

2. The rigger - slinger must ensure that there are no persons not directly related to the operation of the crane at the place of work on lifting loads.

3. When tying the cargo, the mooring ropes and chains must be placed on the main mass of it, or the load must be suspended from specially designed devices (frames, hinges). The load must be tied in such a way that the possible loss of the load or part of it (boards, logs, rods) is excluded and a stable position of the load is ensured when it is moved. Locating ropes and chains must be applied without knots or loops; pads should be placed under the sharp edges of the load to protect the ropes from damage.

4. Slinging of reinforced concrete products must be done using all loops present with the load. This requirement must be met when lifting other loads equipped with loops, eyelets, and axles.

Lifting reinforced concrete and concrete products that do not have markings and instructions on the weight of the products is prohibited.

5. Lifting and moving small-piece loads must be carried out in containers specially designed for this purpose, and the possibility of individual loads falling out must be excluded.

6. When lifting a load whose weight is close to the permitted load capacity, it must first be raised to a height of no more than 200 -300 mm to check the reliability of the brake. If it is necessary to correct the sling, the load must be lowered.

7. When lifting a load installed near a wall, column, stack, railway car, machine or other equipment, the slinger (and other people) are not allowed to be between the lifted load and the specified parts of the building or equipment; This requirement must also be met when lowering the load. The slinger must leave this area. The slinger should not be in the back of a vehicle or on a railway car and platform when lifting or lowering a load.

8. It is allowed to lower the transported load only to the place intended for this purpose, where the possibility of falling, tipping over or sliding of the installed load is excluded. Strong spacers must first be placed at the place where the load is installed so that the slings can be easily and without damage removed from under the load. The slinger should stack and dismantle the load evenly without violating the dimensions and without blocking the passages.

9. Do not load or unload vehicles when there are people in the cabin. Loads must be placed on platforms, trolleys, and removed without disturbing their balance.

10. Before lifting a load with jib mobile cranes, the rigger-slinger must check with the indicator that the boom radius updated by the crane operator corresponds to the weight of the load being lifted.

11. The rigger must ensure that before lifting the load, the crane’s cargo ropes are in a vertical position and do not allow the load to be pulled up by the hook when the ropes are tensioned obliquely.

12. Before each operation to lift or move a load, the slinger must personally give the appropriate signal to the crane operator or signalman, having first made sure that the slinger at the top can accept the load and that the load is securely secured by the crowns and is not held by anything, will not get caught on anything during lifting and that people There is no crane near the load or within the radius of the crane. Removal of slings from the load or hook is allowed after the load is securely installed.

13. Before horizontal movement of the load, the rigger-slinger must monitor and make sure that the load is raised to a height of at least 0.5 meters above objects encountered on the way. When moving the load, the slinger must accompany it and ensure that the load does not move over people and couldn't grab onto anything.

14. The rigger-slinger may not accompany the load if the load and the path along which it moves are visible from one place or when escorting the load is impossible (when servicing tower and other cranes). In the latter case, the crane operator must monitor the load, and if the load is in an area not visible from the crane operator’s cabin, a slinger or signalman must monitor it from his workplace.

15. To turn, as well as to prevent spontaneous turn of long and bulky loads during their lifting or moving, the slinger must use special guys (ropes, hooks) of the required length.

16. During work, the rigger-slinger is prohibited from:

Lift a load that is covered with earth, frozen, loaded with other loads, reinforced with boots or filled with concrete and on twists;

Lift a load that is in an unstable position, suspended by one horn of a double-horned hook, in a container filled above its sides;

Correct with blows of a hammer, crowbar, etc., the mooring ropes and chains with which the lifted load is tied;

Hot bitumen and other mastics without a mechanic checking lifting containers and hinges, in the absence of hermetically sealed lids and fences of dangerous areas at lifting points;

Raise or lower the supports (outriggers) of truck cranes when installing or moving them;

Hold or correct the lashing ropes or chains that are slipping from the load; when slipping is detected, the slinger must give a signal to lower the load, and then correct its harness;

Be on a lifted or moved load, or allow other persons to be on it;

Be under a lifted or moved load;

Pull the load away from the vertical while lifting, moving or lowering it.

17. If during work the slinger notices a malfunction of the crane or crane runway, he must notify the crane operator and the person to whom he is subordinate.

18. Hoist ropes, chains and containers that become unusable during work should not be stored at the workplace, but must be handed over to the person in charge of the hoist business.


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