Houses made of Canadian logs. What is so attractive about Canadian logging? Advantages of the technology of cutting a log house into a Canadian bowl

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Canadian felling is a connection of logs or beams in the corners of a log house, in which notches in the form of a trapezoid are cut at the ends of the lumber. When assembling, the end of the products of the adjacent wall is inserted into the recess, while the log or timber is cut to the shape of the bowl. In other words, this is a complicated version of cutting “in the saddle”.

Canadian assembly technology

At Canadian technology elements corner connections touch each other over the entire area, which provides increased resistance to precipitation, wind and other negative influences environment. This is the most durable and airtight, reliable and durable cutting method that does not require re-caulking.

There are absolutely no gaps or gaps between the logs and beams, and the wooden walls look like a single mass. This reliably hides the insulation, which improves the aesthetics of the building. To assemble the log house, only high-quality logs with precisely adjusted dimensions and fit are used. In this case, each subsequent product is laid with a smaller radius than the previous one. How to choose the appropriate log diameter for construction country house, cottages or baths, see.

This type of installation is complex, painstaking and large in volume. self made. Inaccurate calculations, incorrect fitting and non-compliance with installation technology lead to irreversible consequences. Wooden walls can warp, gaps and cold bridges appear in the corners and between the crowns, and moisture penetrates inside. As a result, drafts and dampness appear in the house. The log house loses its tightness and attractive appearance.

Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that the ends of the log or timber protrude by 20-30 centimeters. This increases the consumption of lumber and does not allow the maximum useful use of the length of the products. In addition, the tails interfere with the exterior decoration of the house. But despite the shortcomings, many prefer Canadian logs due to the increased strength and durability of the log house and its attractive original appearance.

Advantages of Canadian logging

  • Tight fit of materials to each other and absence of gaps between the crowns;
  • Tight connection of log corners;
  • After assembly, the insulation is not visible, which makes the structure neat;
  • Tightness and increased structural strength;
  • Resistance of the house to wear and moisture, cold and wind, precipitation;
  • Long service life;
  • Operative installation deadlines;
  • Availability of lumber and low construction costs;
  • Attractive and solid appearance;
  • Single solid walls do not require decorative finishing, because they look natural and aesthetically pleasing;
  • Increased sound and heat insulation;
  • Does not require re-caulking;
  • Assembly at any time of the year;
  • Construction of any structures wooden house. A lot of interesting projects you will find houses made of timber and logs.

Wooden houses using Canadian technology

Canadian technology is suitable for the construction of large-sized cottages and wooden houses For permanent residence in northern regions with harsh cold climates. But in any case, it is important to make the calculations and installation of the log house correctly. To avoid mistakes, contact professionals.

“MariSrub” craftsmen will competently and accurately perform calculations and select high-quality lumber. We produce timber and logs ourselves, which allows us to carefully control the quality of production. We offer reliable and efficient Canadian assembly of a log house for shrinkage or turnkey construction of a wooden house using Canadian technologies.

Includes individual design or improvements and changes already finished project. We install the foundation and roof, assemble and install the log house, process the wood protective equipment, bring and connect network engineering, we perform internal and external finishing. We guarantee high quality and efficiency of work, low prices for construction!

Historically, Canadian logging is a type of Russian logging, only in Canada this type of logging has taken root better. In fact, the “Canadian bowl” lock is a Russian “fat tail” lock, or otherwise a lock with a groove. But a division has developed, and precisely for this reason, now you can find two types of log houses on the market: a Russian log house and a Canadian log house, which is simpler, “Canadian”. In appearance, these two types of log houses differ, and each type of log house has its own unique design features. Appearance Canadian log house more natural due to the precise manual adjustment of log locks and the absence of mechanical rounding of logs.

The peculiarities of the Canadian log house lie in the design of log locks and methods preliminary preparation logs In this article we will talk about the Canadian log house or, more correctly, the Canadian log house or the “Canadian bowl” log house.

Canadian log house - preparation of logs

For a Canadian log house, logs with a diameter of up to 500 mm are selected. Logs for a classic Canadian log house are processed only by hand. In this case, the sapwood of the log is necessarily preserved. Let me remind you that sapwood is the outer layer of wood about 40 mm. This outer layer, “hardened” as the tree grows, is more resistant to scratching, blueing, and mold.

The wood chosen is pine or larch. The log house matures, that is, dries and settles, within 12-18 months. After this, the log house is dismantled and reassembled on the customer’s foundation.

Canadian log castle

The castle of the Canadian log house has the shape of a trapezoid. Trapezoidal cuts are made on the lower log. The same shape is repeated on the walls of the castle bowl of the upper log. The Canadian Bowl is made using a chainsaw.

The "Canadian Bowl" is hand-selected. The bowl is removed in such a way that after laying it on the lower log there is no gap between the castle bowl and the log. The peculiarity of Canadian logging is its maturation. The log house is cut and assembled on the manufacturer's premises. A log house takes 12-18 months to mature.

During maturation, the log house goes through two stages. The first stage is drying. When drying, gaps form between the logs and in the locks. At the second stage, the log house settles. During the settling process, the gaps disappear, and the lock seems to be “pulled” onto the log, making the connection very tight.

After dismantling the frame and assembling it locally, insulation is placed in the castle bowl. This additionally seals the frame, and what is typical is that the seal remains invisible, and the walls of the frame do not require re-caulking.


Let's not hide that one of the most popular technologies the construction of wooden houses is a Canadian felling.

  • This technique is unique and is distinguished by the positive specifics of Norwegian and Russian technology collected in it.
  • Let us consider in more detail the most important nuances and features of this method.
  • The Canadian log house is distinguished by its features and specific specifics, which are important to study more carefully.

1 The cost is quite high due to the fact that the process is very labor intensive. However, the expenses are paid off by positive differences compared to methods manual cutting.

2 In Canadian cutting technology, several types of grooves are used: traditional semicircular and M-shaped. Main distinguishing feature Canadian cup - the presence of side tassels. To accurately cut through all the shapes, specialized equipment is required. During the marking process, a compass of a unique design is used. Carpenters use axes to finish cutting grooves and bowls. Due to the high complexity of the Canadian bowl, the most important equipment and tools are the high professionalism of the employees and their experience. Without this, Canadian logging is impossible. Without false modesty, we note that we are proud of our craftsmen - they have no equal in this labor-intensive task!

3 The finished Canadian log can be quickly distinguished from the rest; externally, it is created like this: a groove with edges is cut on top of the wood, and a “tail tail” is made at the bottom - a tenon. Because of this complex design the finished log house is not completely ventilated. After the shrinkage process, it jams itself.

Alternate stages of Canadian logging

If we do not take into account the nuances of wood harvesting and drying, then it is quite possible to divide all the fundamental actions into stages of construction of structures.

1 Having its own base, which is equipped modern equipment, we select all necessary details designs. We divide them into suitable and not. When dividing we take into account important factors: dimensions of logs, technical condition after drying. If defects are detected, the wood is recycled. From wood that has obvious flaws, auxiliary lumber is made.
For Canadian log houses, we choose exclusively smooth wood, which is of impeccable quality and has the following dimensions: length from 6 to 12 meters, and diameter from 280 to 500 mm or more.
After this stage, our specialists perform primary processing - remove the bark. Special tool, which is used to remove the bark (scrape), allows you to clean the surface as efficiently as possible and not damage protective layer: "sapwood".
Another effective method processing that our specialists use is “hydrobarking”. In this case, the bark is removed under the influence high pressure water.

2 The Canadian log house is delivered to the customer’s territory in the form of a carefully packaged structure. Delivery is carried out using special transport.

4 According to the markings created on the logs, the process of assembling the log house begins. Canadian bowls are compacted during assembly, which is guaranteed to eliminate blowing and also protect the frame from moisture and rotting. An accurate calculation of the percentage of shrinkage of the structure is made.

5 During the installation of the log house, it is antiseptic. In this case, they are used professional products, which are guaranteed to help eliminate any appearance of various fungi and insects.

The cost of this work varies in Moscow, but our company offers affordable prices for such High Quality housing.

Advantages of Canadian logging

Accordingly, the construction process is quite labor-intensive and complex, but thanks to the many advantages it is worth it.

  • Excellent thermal insulation, thanks to the extraordinary shape of the groove, a perfect connection of logs is achieved.
  • During processing, the entire upper layer is preserved, which has a beneficial effect on the main factors: freezing, cracking, twisting - all parameters increase. The room has its own microclimate.
  • High quality and natural beauty of textures make the house truly unique. Such a house does not require finishing, which significantly reduces overall costs.
  • It is worth considering the fact that the quality of a constructed house depends 90% on the experience of specialists.

Taking this into account, we propose professional services our company "Vityaz-Stroy". Our employees are highly qualified craftsmen who are guaranteed to build the log house of your dreams!

Canadian logging is intended to be used as building material for the production of log houses from round planed logs coniferous species wood The wood used for these purposes is one whose wood is endowed with a dense structure and unsurpassed quality.

Scheme of processing logs using Canadian felling.

Canadian logging technology is actually a variation of Russian, since it originated in ancient times in our country. Even if you remember traditional dwellings indigenous people of Canada (from the north - Eskimos, from the south - Indians), then there is a clear external difference from the log hut. The name appeared much later than the Canadian logging itself. Having originated here, the technology did not take root in Russian spaces. In Canada, on the contrary, it gained particular popularity and began to be used everywhere, which is why it acquired its current name.

The corners in a wooden frame are most susceptible to rotting. This is due to the fact that in the traditions of Russian cutting “in the oblo” it is customary to place the bowl bottom down. Whereby storm water easily penetrates the bowl, which absolutely cannot happen when chopping in Canadian style.

All over the world today, felling of log houses is carried out using the Russian-Canadian technology “into the bowl”. The buildings erected using this technology are distinguished by reliability and entertainment, durability and practicality. Private construction of wooden log houses for baths and houses is gaining momentum. But in our country, Canadian technology is not considered widespread due to the insufficient number of craftsmen to implement it. Much more often they use the usual Russian cutting.

However, among practical people who want to see their home built according to all the rules, felling using the Canadian method is gaining increasing popularity.

Canadian technology

When is it preferable? classic style with a round log according to tradition, but you don’t want to get drafty corners and constant caulking, then it makes sense to choose the Canadian hand-cutting technology. The main difference between Canadian and Russian logging is the presence of wedges, the peculiarity of self-locking corner locks that prevent blowing, and a high degree of manufacturing accuracy wooden parts log house Even after decades, log houses built according to the rules of Canadian technology do not lose their unique beauty appearance and consumer characteristics. Cutting using Canadian technology combines the traditions of style and best methods in wooden house construction.

The main advantages of logging using Canadian technology:

  1. The selection of each log is carried out very carefully. Sanding and planing is carried out exclusively manually. What can’t be said about a rounded log, so compare this various material it is forbidden.
  2. The bowl and groove for laying the insulation are selected exclusively by hand.
  3. High-precision fit of the log allows you to eliminate gaps between the elements. Bowl trapezoidal shape. The walls of a chopped log house look like a solid mass, and the insulation is absolutely not noticeable.
  4. Manual felling in Canadian style has the peculiarity that it preserves the strength of the outer layer of wood, which significantly increases the period of operation of the chopped structure.
  5. There are no gaps between the logs due to the special arrangement of the insulation along the log. It fits into the groove and is not noticeable from the outside. Moreover, the naturalness of the bends of the log log house saves. Therefore, each log house has a unique appearance.
  6. The carpenter's craftsmanship is crowned by the tightly fitted log joints at the corners, accurate to the millimeter. The own weight of the logs, combined with a tight fit, makes the log house strong and reliable for centuries. The external monumentality evokes a genuine feeling of admiration.

A log house does not require maintenance; it can be used for several hundred years. Anyone who has ever tried to live in such a house made of wood is unlikely to want to return to a brick or block structure, because own home gives a lot of positive emotions.

Northern pine for cutting in Canadian style

If you are thinking about what kind of wood to build a house from, then it makes sense to give preference to pine.

Pine grows almost everywhere on Russian territory. It can grow up to 50 meters in height, and up to 1.3-1.5 meters in thickness.

Due to its wide distribution, pine has gained great popularity in individual construction from logs. In terms of cost, log buildings made from pine are much cheaper than other similar buildings made from other types of wood. However, efficiency is not the most important thing for which it would be worth choosing pine house. Pine is rich in resins and phytoncides. Thanks to them, a healthy microclimate is established inside the building. If someone has been inside a pine house, then they still remember the freshness and atmosphere filled with the aromas of the forest, which mandatory installed inside a residential building. Warmth is another distinctive feature of a log pine house. It is well heated in winter and provides a beneficial chill in summer, which does not depend on the number of degrees of heat outside the house.

It is important to note that the log house is made of round log(carriage) does not require mandatory facing works. Pine wood is endowed with an attractive amber hue.

Larch for cutting in Canadian style

Larch is also considered a relative of pine. She happens to be coniferous tree, often found in Russian areas.

Larch is a long-liver, its age can reach up to 400 years and even more. The diameter of a tree varies more than a meter, however, its height reaches 50 meters.

Having increased density, the wood of this species is not easy to process. This "minus" is one. There are more advantages: larch houses are distinguished by beautiful physical and mechanical characteristics, high parameters of elasticity, bending and compression. The strength of this type of wood is 30% higher than that of pine. In addition, it is resistant to moisture and rotting due to the high resin content in its trunk.

Larch resin not only perfectly repels moisture, but is also a natural antiseptic. Therefore, the atmosphere of a pine house will always be clean and fresh.

For residents of the northern regions, log houses have always remained a priority when building their own houses, but in Lately wooden architecture is experiencing a real boom. The intention to live in nature outside the city is reinforced by the desire to erect a main building or bathhouse from real logs. Such projects are quite often implemented by developers with material income slightly above average. The differences in the methods of constructing log houses lie, first of all, in the form of the connecting crown nodes. In particular, the technology of Canadian felling provides for the design of a lock that has a peculiar tenon and groove, as well as a specific bowl and edging shape.


Canadian log house is different:

  • technological complexity of sawing and cutting down joints;
  • high estimated cost;
  • the absence of external inter-crown cracks requiring additional caulking after shrinkage of the box walls.

Due to the complexity of assembling a log house using Canadian technology, marking the bowl, edges, hidden tenon and counter groove must be done by professionals using a special compass. The wood is collected using an electric or chainsaw. Finishing is done by hand using carpentry tools. Thanks to the tenon located at the bottom of the log, the element is placed on a groove located in upper zone underlying element. At the same time, thanks to the webbing, the crowns are pressed against each other as tightly as possible, and during the shrinkage process, the locks become completely jammed. This technique is not found in other assembly techniques. log houses. The Canadian log house is not blown even in the corners, not to mention the inter-crown joints, which do not form cracks on the surface of the walls.

The material and labor costs of cutting using Canadian technology are more than compensated by its advantages over more simple methods construction of log houses.

Among the advantages of Canadian logs are:

  • excellent thermal insulation ensured by precise fit and the original shape of the bowl;
  • high quality of winter wood used;
  • aesthetics of processed logs, allowing you to abandon the external and interior decoration Houses;
  • insulation invisible from the outside, laid along the crown in a specially cut groove;
  • tight fit of logs adjacent in height to each other;
  • the most precise joining of corners with careful adjustment of the connecting bowls;
  • the presence of a longitudinal compensation cut, which relieves stress in the wood during drying and shrinkage.

In fact, the Canadian felling technology is an improved method of assembling a traditional Russian log house into a bowl. “Huts” migrated to the vastness of Canada, where they first gained popularity and then received their current name. In the process of introducing the method, the geometry of the butt joints was qualitatively improved, but the essence remained the same - many consider Canadian cutting to be one of the varieties of Russian technology.

However, there is a drawback to the considered method of constructing a log house. These are deep end cuts, formed during the design of the connecting bowl. The isthmus remaining after processing at the narrowest point is only 30 percent of the cross-sectional area of ​​the log. Unfortunately, a break may occur in the “weak link” due to unsuccessful transportation or an accidental impact already on the construction site.

Canadian logging process

The concepts should not be confused canadian house" and "Canadian cabin". The first is a light frame-panel structure, and the second is a full-fledged one, traditional log house, which has characteristic shapes of connecting bowls with the presence of self-jamming locks and wedges.

After the walls, assembled using Canadian logging technology, shrink, the house becomes even stronger and warmer.

The prepared trunks are dried in compliance with all technological requirements, after which the material is rejected based on the principle of defects that appear. Further processing is carried out on production site or directly at the site of construction of the log house. The primary stage includes removing the bark. This is done manually to avoid damage to the subbark layer of the sapwood. What happens next:

  • cutting logs in accordance with the design length;
  • sanding the wood surface;
  • marking and sawing out trapezoidal bowls and edges;
  • design of spikes and recesses;
  • longitudinal compensation cut;
  • longitudinal laying groove;
  • sanding cut areas.

After processing the logs, the surfaces are impregnated with antiseptics and fire retardants. Then they begin to control the assembly of the log house and adjust the elements in place. They are numbered, disassembled and transported to the construction site (in case of factory production).

The final laying of the crowns using Canadian felling technology is carried out on a pre-constructed foundation. Two layers are laid under the first row of logs roll waterproofing to avoid the rise of capillary moisture along wooden walls finished log house. The elements are mounted in tiers according to pre-applied markings. Insulation is placed between the crowns and in the connecting bowls in such a way that it is recessed into the grooves intended for it and is not visible from the outside.

After the walls are erected, the surfaces and ends of the logs are once again treated with antiseptics, applying the compounds in two layers. Impregnation will help get rid of mold and pests during the operation of the building.

A finished log house, just built by professionals, can upset the owner who is not familiar with the technology of Canadian logging. Seeing the crescent-shaped gaps with end side Vientsov, he will probably think that he got involved with inexperienced covens. But in fact, such an “oversight” is not accidental. The grooves formed during the assembly of logs are intended to minimize the effects of wall shrinkage, as well as to prevent the appearance of external root cracks during the drying period of the wood. Literally in a year, the top rows of logs will fit tightly enough onto the bottom ones, so caulk will never be needed again. A house built using Canadian logging technology will certainly be solid, warm and durable.


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