An effective leader is Peter Drucker.

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Any leader is required correct execution tasks - efficiency. People with shiny mental abilities may turn out to be ineffective workers. Intelligence, imagination and knowledge only when combined with efficiency translate into results.

Until recently, the main problem of the organization was the productivity of manual workers. Over the last hundred years, we have learned to measure it and have increased the productivity of the individual worker many times over. At the heart of the activity modern organizations lies intellectual work.

  1. It cannot be measured using criteria derived for manual labor;
  2. Not quantifiable;
  3. Not measured by costs incurred;
  4. The contribution of managers does not depend on the number of subordinates;
  5. Efficiency is about results, not about the amount of management work.

Books on the development of management personnel present a portrait of the “leader of tomorrow” as a “man for all times”, in such people the world has always experienced big drawback. A universal genius is required:

  1. Able to carry out analysis;
  2. Decisions;
  3. Work with people;
  4. Think creatively;
  5. Good understanding of mathematics;
  6. Understand characteristics of your company and management structure.

Companies are recruiting people best case scenario possessing one of the desired qualities. Form an organization so that any person who is strong in one area or another can use their skills and abilities in their work. Focus on expanding the horizons of people's activities with the help of the tools available to them. Do not expect a sharp leap in the development of personal abilities.

A distinctive feature of effective leaders is the ability to achieve positive results in everything. Five habits that a leader must develop to work effectively:

  1. Know where your time is being spent. Work on time management and increase its efficiency.
  2. Focus on achievements that go beyond the organization. Focus not on getting the job done, but on the end result.
  3. Develop strengths - your own, your bosses, colleagues, subordinates. Don’t focus on your weaknesses, don’t start with tasks you can’t solve.
  4. Focus on areas where high-quality work will lead to outstanding results. Set your priorities and don't deviate from them.
  5. Make effective decisions. The right decisions- this is a system, a series the right steps V correct sequence. An effective decision is based on differences of opinion, not consensus. Quick solutions- wrong decisions. The solutions should be few, but they should be fundamental. What is needed is proper strategy, not inventive techniques.

Manage your time

The resource of time is irreplaceable! Learn to manage your time - first, determine as accurately as possible what it is actually spent on and reduce its unproductive use as much as possible. Consolidate the time you can control into larger blocks, don't do 20 blocks, do 5.

The time management process consists of three stages.

Time registration

Consider the amount of time spent on work, analyze your effectiveness.

The first step to improving a manager's performance is to accurately record actual time spent. Regularly record your time expenditure. Identify the most unproductive activities and get rid of them. After each check, create a new work schedule. Ask yourself diagnostic questions:

  1. What happens if you don't do this at all? If the answer is “nothing”, abandon this matter.
  2. What activities that I am responsible for can someone else take on and do as good or better a job than I can?
  3. What activities of mine waste time without benefiting my work?

Time management

Make a plan for useful and necessary things. Poor management primarily wastes your time.

  1. Identify wasted time due to lack of structure or poor judgment. Recurring work crises year after year are a good signal to take action. The crisis that happened the second time should not happen again.
  2. Make sure that work force there was not too much - it reduces the effectiveness. In such cases, workers spend more time “interacting” than working. If managers spend more than a tenth of their time solving “human relationship problems,” the team is too large.
  3. An excessive number of meetings is an indicator of poor work organization. The task must be holistic; do not break it into several subtasks, when responsibility is divided among many people and the information does not reach those who really need it. Meetings should become not the rule, but the exception to the rule.

Consolidation of time

Group things into large blocks of time. Working time will be wasted if it is divided into blocks of 15-30 minutes. There are many ways to consolidate blocks of time. You can work from home one day a week; plan meetings, checks, discussions of various problems for two days of the week; Make a daily workload schedule every morning before leaving for work.

Discretionary time is spent doing things that bring the highest return. Estimate how much of it you have at your disposal. Set aside solid blocks of time for specific activities. Constantly review your schedule and get rid of the least productive activities.

Don't leave the plan on paper - work with it constantly.

Managers often have to do ineffective but necessary things: talking with the best clients, participating in meetings of subordinates, providing information... Try to entrust such matters to responsible subordinates. To achieve real results, the employee mental work must focus on the achievements and performance goals of the entire organization.

How can I contribute to the success of my organization?

Remember your responsibility to the company. A person who focuses all his attention on current efforts and constantly emphasizes his authority and power is just a subordinate, no matter how high his status in the organization.

Personal responsibilities of the manager

Every organization needs to succeed in three main areas:

  1. Immediate results;
  2. Development of values ​​and their confirmation;
  3. Preparing employees for the future. If an organization fails in any of these areas, it will first stagnate and then cease to exist. These are the areas in which a leader must contribute.

Inability or unwillingness to change as required new position- a common reason for a leader's failure. Not only the results towards which his activities are aimed change, but the overall importance of the three main parameters of successful work changes.

How to increase the efficiency of a specialist

It is necessary to give a specialist the opportunity to work effectively in his niche. He must clearly understand who will use the results of his work and what the user needs to know and understand in order to do his work productively. You need to take care of the practical applicability of your product. The main thing is not to produce generalists, “jacks of all trades.”

Correct interpersonal relationships

Correct interpersonal relationships arise when, in work and relationships with others, a leader focuses on his contribution to the common cause. Requirements for effective interpersonal relationships:

  1. Communication;
  2. Teamwork;
  3. Self-development;
  4. Development of other people.

Effective Meeting

The main rule is to initially focus the meeting on a specific result.

An effective leader must be clear about what he wants to achieve through a meeting, report or presentation. The content of such events should be carefully thought out and communicated to participants in advance.

How to strengthen your strengths

To achieve results, use all possible strengths of your subordinates, partners, superiors and your own. Make the most of your strengths.

Selecting employees based on their strengths

Recruitment rules:

1. A position that has already been filled by two or three people who performed their duties well in their previous jobs should be considered impossible to fill. Change it.

2. Make every position big and meaningful. The work assignment should be so broad that all the employee's strengths are fully demonstrated - this will reveal his strengths in the candidate.

3. Start working with people by revealing and properly using their potential, rather than assigning them standard responsibilities. Don't try to evaluate an employee's potential; potential is only a promise. Successful managers develop their own evaluation forms, which consist of a list of employees' achievements in their previous positions and four questions:

  • What does he do well?
  • What else can he do well based on his abilities?
  • What does he need to learn to fully use his strengths?
  • If I had children, would I want them to work for this person in the future? Why?

4. To use your strengths, you need to be able to tolerate your weaknesses.

5. Avoid the dangerous trap of creating positions for a specific person.

How to manage your boss

The emphasis on the strengths of your leader, that is, creating conditions for him to act for which he is capable, makes efficient work both himself and his subordinate.

If your boss's strength is political skills in a position where politics is critical, first familiarize him with the political aspect of the situation. He will understand what is being said and use his skills effectively. strong point taking into account the new direction of policy.

Increasing your own efficiency

Do what you do best, and constantly look for what else you can do.

An effective leader always monitors his own work, its results, and tries to track general trends: how to work more effectively with an audience, or what time of day is best to write presentations, take quick notes, or carefully work through each proposal.

To be effective, you need to expand opportunities and limit problems. Standards for the activities of a group of people are set by the example of a leader - your activities should be based only on your strengths.

Everything has its time

The main secret of effectiveness is concentration. You need to do the most important things first and never do several important things at the same time. Strict self-discipline, iron willpower and the ability to say “no” are required. This will help you in solving a huge number of problems.

Doing one thing in one period of time means doing it quickly. People who are capable of redoing a lot of things, different in nature, do them in turn.

Letting go of the burden of yesterday

Systematic getting rid of the old is the only way to effectively start new. Get rid of past failures; yesterday's successes that have ceased to be productive; activities that did not bring the desired results.

The problem with established organizations is not a lack of creativity. Often, all their employees are too busy solving yesterday's problems. Stimulating creativity can be successful even in the most restrictive, bureaucratic structures if programs and activities are regularly reviewed for relevance and any unproductive activities are immediately stopped.

Priority and other issues

Setting priorities is a simple task. It is more difficult to identify non-priority tasks that should be postponed and strictly adhere to your decision. Courage, not analysis, truly dictates important rules prioritization:

  1. Choose the future, not the past;
  2. Focus on the opportunity, not the problem;
  3. Choose your own direction, and don’t go with the flow, following the winners;
  4. Set goals that will give a visible result, and not those that are achieved safely and easily. Impose your own priority of tasks, despite the limitations of time and circumstances. This is the only hope of a leader to become the master of his time and circumstances, and not their slave.

Decision making process

Effective leaders think strategically and big-picture. Don't set yourself the goal of solving current issues, don't make too many decisions. Concentrate only on the most important things. Don't try to make quick decisions.

It is necessary to know when a decision should be based on principle and when based on the needs of the moment and pragmatism. Most of the time in this process is spent not on making decisions, but on putting them into practice. Implementation effective solution should be simple and as close as possible to the capabilities of the average worker.

Effective decision making process:

  1. Ask yourself: “Is this a typical situation, or is it an exception to the rule?” Solve a common characteristic problem by establishing a principle. Exceptions need to be dealt with taking into account the specific situation.
  2. Clearly define what exactly you want to achieve with specific decision. What goals does it serve? What are the minimum tasks set for him? What conditions must it satisfy? An effective solution must meet the objectives, otherwise it is ineffective and impractical.
  3. Start with what is right, not what is acceptable. At the final stage, you still have to make a compromise. If a person does not know how to meet the boundary conditions, he cannot make a choice between the right and wrong trade-offs, and this often leads to mistakes.
  4. Implementation of a solution takes the longest time. No solution will be effective if mechanisms for its implementation are not developed from the very beginning. No decision can be considered made until someone is given responsibility for its implementation. Translating a decision into real action requires answers to several questions: “Who should know about this decision?”, “What actions should be taken?”, “Who will need to take them?”, “What action should be taken so that the people to whom it is assigned , were you able to complete it?” Activities must be matched to the abilities of the people who will be tasked with performing them.
  5. Provide a feedback system to continually review implementation of the solution and check against the implementation plan. Effective feedback requires organized information, numbers and data. The manager must personally check how his decisions are implemented, otherwise his activities will be ineffective.== Effective decisions ==

Any decision is a choice between options. To make an effective decision, collect maximum amount opinions supported by facts. Cultivate in both yourself and your colleagues the habit of identifying what you need to pay attention to, what you need to study and what you need to check. This is the basis of any effective solution.

An effective decision is not the result of a consensus assessment of the available facts, it is the result of conflicts of different opinions, as well as serious analysis of a variety of options.

Developing a suitable assessment mechanism involves some risk. To make a judgment, you need to have options to choose from. Only if you have options can you hope to make an informed choice.

The first rule of decision making is don't make a decision until you hear opinions that contradict yours. Why when making a decision you should insist on counterarguments:

  1. This is the only way to prevent a situation where the decision maker becomes a prisoner of the organization. The way to break free from prejudice is to have documented and well-thought-out objections.
  2. Only disagreements provide alternatives to the proposed option. A decision without an alternative is just the move of a desperate gambler, no matter how carefully it is thought out. Look at opposition as a means to think through options.

Every decision is an intervention in a well-functioning system. Good leader will not take risks and make unnecessary decisions. A decision should be made if without it the situation is likely to get worse. Opportunities often lead to improvements rather than radical changes.

You are ready to make a decision if: the requirements are thought out, the options are explored, the risks and benefits are weighed, but this is not enough. In this situation, a successful leader must resist the temptation and conduct research on this issue again.

Appointment to a leadership position is not only pleasant and an important event in a career, but also a heavy, responsible burden. To ensure that the chair doesn’t “sting” in the future, a newly minted boss with no experience should master a number of skills and learn how to communicate with subordinates. How to become a leader – communicative and effective? What qualities do you need to develop for this? Who will help with training? By what principle should you build interaction with subordinates?

How to organize the workflow?

The ability to concentrate employees’ attention on achieving a common goal is one of the key professional qualities of a manager. As practice shows, subordinates who have an idea of ​​the final outcome of the activities of the entire team are more motivated and charged with team spirit. It happens that the expected result is greatly delayed, which undoubtedly undermines the incentive to work. In this case, the boss can, instead of a long-term goal, set a number of intermediate tasks for the employees of the department (enterprise).

Ignoring goal setting is not the only management problem. A common mistake of a manager without experience is the desire to take on some of the functions of subordinates, as well as control every step of employees. At the same time, an effective manager spends no more than 25% of his time performing current duties and affairs. Most of his efforts are aimed at organizing the process:

  • development of company strategy;
  • optimization of the organizational structure;
  • increasing the professional competence of subordinates.

In a company where the staff is properly selected and staff interaction is well-established, the manager does not have to be distracted from global tasks: the employees cope with the daily routine.

However, control by the boss is still important. When giving orders to subordinates, the manager must monitor the implementation of assigned tasks. It is also impossible to first give an order, and then, without waiting for the results, cancel it, redirecting the employee to implement another project. The connection between the goal and the result must be clearly understood in the minds of subordinates. And the point here is not only in motivation, but also in the employee’s sense of self: accumulated unfinished tasks distract from current tasks and create an atmosphere of psychological discomfort. A way out of a situation where workload prevents some employees from concentrating may be to redistribute work.

How to develop leadership qualities and management skills?

You can become a leader, but still not grow professionally. Meanwhile, competition among top-echelon workers in the labor market is quite serious. The new generation of managers is more practical, mobile and independent-minded. Naturally, the appearance of the modern leader is changing. Now it is not enough to just be a boss: you need to combine an organizer, mentor and leader in one person.

What qualities should you develop to truly become a leader?

  • Administrative and technical skills, ability to select a team, build relationships with staff and partners.
  • Be communicative, receptive and critical to new information. Be able to present yourself and find an approach to employees.
  • Have innovative potential, that is, think in terms of the future, see the future, strive for change and optimize the work process, be ready to take risks.
  • Leadership qualities are a group of psychological properties that help to gain a high status in a team (self-confidence, reliability, consistency, active life position, determination).
  • Reputational component (honesty, adherence to ethical standards, responsibility). Resistance to stress and frustration.
  • Strategic thinking is the ability to set goals and objectives, predict results, consequences of one’s own and others’ actions.

To develop management skills, you need, first of all, desire. The teachers of the newly-minted boss can be senior, authoritative and experienced managers. If there are none in the company, you can turn to representatives of another organization for help. Don't forget about great power self-education. Webinars, trainings, seminars, and reading developmental literature will help improve your competence.

The following works can be reference books for a manager:

  • Allen David "Getting Things in Order";
  • Drucker Peter "The Effective Leader";
  • Covey Stephen "Four Rules of Effective Leadership";
  • Fox Jeffrey "How to Become a First-Class Leader";
  • Rysev Nikolay “Leadership Technologies”;
  • Sutton Robert "The Art of Being a Good Leader"

Management styles: how to communicate with subordinates

The style of communication between a manager and his subordinates largely depends on the nature of the boss and the specifics of the company’s activities. If the person heading a department (enterprise) is convinced that people do not like to work, most of all want security and have no ambitions, he manages in an autocratic manner. This model assumes a high degree of centralization of power and control, and the use of coercion as an incentive.

A democratic leader prefers teamwork. When appealing to employees, he takes into account, first of all, their needs for self-expression and belonging. He does not impose his ideas on employees, but controls the results of their activities. In a democratic management style, powers are delegated to the staff as much as possible, and respectful relationships are built between the boss and subordinates.

Having a tendency to let things take their course, the leader will most likely choose a liberal model of relationships. With this style, subordinates receive absolute freedom, and the boss plays the role of coordinator. A liberal leader is distinguished by politeness, tolerance, goodwill, willingness to listen to criticism addressed to him and receptivity to other people's ideas. On the other hand, he lacks persistence, determination, and demands on his subordinates.

IN real life all three management styles pure form do not meet. Moreover, in different circumstances the same leader can behave as an autocrat, a democrat or a liberal. His model of communication can transform over time under the influence of traditions that have developed in the team, as well as internal messages, tasks and requirements assigned to him.

Regardless of what management style the manager chooses, he must be correct and polite with his subordinates. Employees must be allowed to express their (possibly very different) points of view. When one of the staff makes a mistake, the worst thing a manager can do is publicly humiliate and insult the offender. A good manager will express all comments to an employee in private, without shouting or swearing. At the same time, being attentive to the feelings of other people does not mean tolerating their incompetence, so you need to part with careless employees without delay.

What does it mean to be an effective leader?

What is an effective leader? How to achieve success in an organization? Are effective leaders born or made?

Still effective leader you can become! Yes, some qualities are laid down by nature itself, but the main thing is to work on yourself. Any purposeful Person will say so. Having achieved some success, taking off career ladder to the desired goal, it is important not to forget what effective leadership consists of. “Management is the influence on people, the purpose of which is that they perform work efficiently, in accordance with the standard and above the norm. And they do it willingly,” many economics textbooks remind us.

You were noted by your superiors, you were entrusted with managing people, and maybe entire departments. Now your task is to consolidate the trust shown, and always remember that an effective leader is, first of all, a person who understands that he must lead by example, creating an appropriate microclimate in the team. Such a leader always leads by example; his words do not diverge from his deeds. This person must also be a good psychologist - find mutual language with subordinates, explain and justify your ideas and thoughts so that there are no conflicts and disagreements in the team, and maintain your own reputation. Giving a task to one employee without offending another, to see who is more competent in certain matters - all this requires knowledge not only in the field of economics and jurisprudence. Effective leadership also lies in the ability to clearly organize the work of all subordinates, without putting pressure on them, but on the contrary, encouraging and showing that they are not just employees, but very valuable personnel, without which this organization would hardly be able to adequately represent itself on the market. Of course, it’s always more pleasant to realize that management sees in you not only a “technical executor” of orders and instructions. Here important role The human factor plays a role - after all, if employees are treated with respect, it means they will work more willingly and more efficiently, they will do everything possible for the prosperity of their company. I remember myself as a secretary to two bosses at once. How pleasant and flattering it was that they consulted me on very important matters. financial matters, ask for opinions about employees, offer to take part in the discussion of other important matters. Perhaps that is why, after five years, I managed to rise through the ranks to become deputy to one of the bosses! That is, by stimulating the employee initial stage, an effective leader not only provides effective and quality work department, but also inspires his subordinates to further career achievements. An effective boss always has in his mind fresh ideas, but he will listen to his subordinates with interest. And you should always remember that an effective leader communicates sincerely and directly with his subordinates, almost on equal terms, and avoids strict supervision - that is, he does not “play boss”, but really is an effective leader. This kind of communication is what is lacking in many companies and organizations these days.

A smart boss will definitely have many supporters who constantly support his ideas and leadership style. The manager will be able to correctly distribute responsibilities and plan the work so that no one will understand that they are being managed! In other words, an effective leader today becomes a mentor to his subordinates, their “teacher.” He is ready to forgive a mistake if it was made out of a desire to benefit the company. Such a leader tries to be “together” with his subordinates, and not “above them.” As Merab Elashvili, president of GMR, says. Planet of Hospitality": "Style is style, but a leader must always remain himself, and not turn into a theater actor trying on masks. Let's say, if in life I am a demanding but fair person, I will remain that way under any circumstances - not only at work, but also at home, everywhere. I will always give my best and encourage others to be active and disciplined. If you stay true to yourself, people will believe you. They do not have unnecessary doubts and thoughts. Their eyes light up and there is an additional incentive to do their job well - respect for you. They just want to do a good job. Be open and sincere - and you will have more personnel and business successes than failures.” And one cannot but agree with this.

The skill of an effective leader requires special effort and training – special business trainings are created for this purpose. All trainings perform one task and set similar goals. This is to identify leadership styles that promote effective interaction with employees; learn to coordinate the activities of employees, increase the efficiency of interaction between them; learn to find an approach to each employee and be a leader for him; learn to analyze and use wisely own time and time of their employees; learn to distribute roles in a team, taking into account the capabilities of each participant. The trainings cover such important topics as leadership, team building, staff development, planning, as well as the functions and qualities of a leader.

At the moment there is no exact description ideal leader, and there is no universal way to become one. The success of any enterprise depends on the person at the helm, so you will have to devote a lot of time to working on yourself.

How to become an effective leader?

Despite the numerous areas, in general, we can identify several qualities that a good leader should have:

  1. You need to learn to set goals for yourself and realistically evaluate your own abilities. To manage the activities of other people, you need to be able to plan, make decisions and set priorities correctly.
  2. Important characteristic The personality of an effective leader is self-discipline. A person must keep his words, fulfill his own duties perfectly, be punctual and responsible.
  3. The manager must understand the work and the principle of production. If the boss understands documentation, independently plans work, makes plans and organizes work, there is no doubt that production will be effective.
  4. An effective leader knows how to completely different people. There should be no personal hostility at work and an employee should be evaluated solely on his work. The head of an enterprise should learn the art of persuasion, speak confidently in public and coordinate joint activities.

A good boss never stands still; he is constantly developing, learning new information and growing. The whole point is that he should be an example for everyone.

Skills of an effective leader, how to manage subordinates

For activities to produce results, relationships between management and employees must be trusting and truthful. Subordinates should not be afraid of management, otherwise, good results you can't wait. An important quality of an effective leader is to be able to correctly point out mistakes and in no case insult or humiliate people. No one is immune from mistakes, and to prevent them from happening again, the boss must explain in a calm atmosphere and clearly what the cause of the problem is. It is important not to be afraid to get rid of ineffective employees who are slowing down their development. If a person initially does not want to work and prove himself, no second chances will correct the situation. In order for employees to carry out their duties without errors, they need to learn to give instructions correctly, because they must be clear and unambiguous.

The key to solving strategic, organizational and management problems is always in the hands of the leader. You just need to understand when and how to use it.

Effective leader:

1) knows how to competently coordinate the activities of employees and increase the efficiency of interaction between them;

2) is a leader and knows how to find an approach to each employee;

3) knows how to analyze and wisely use his own time and the time of his employees;
4) knows how to distribute roles in a team, taking into account the capabilities of each participant.

The main task facing the manager is the competent concentration of the efforts of the entire team on the common goal to be achieved.

If employees do not have an idea of ​​the main goal facing the company, this will inevitably result in a decrease in the efficiency of the work process. Therefore, it is very important for the manager to convey to each employee a clearly formulated mission of the organization. You can even write it on a poster and hang it in a prominent place so that it is always in sight and puts employees in a good working mood.

To make it easier for subordinates to see the long-term goal (maximum program), it is best for the manager to divide the path to this goal into intermediate stages (minimum programs).

The manager must understand that the essence of managing a company lies mainly in organizing the work process.

This includes thinking through the company’s strategy, improving the structure of the organization, increasing the competence of staff, etc. Only then comes the importance of dealing with current affairs and responsibilities. Russian managers spend only 5% of their working time on organizing the work process, while they should spend 75%.

An effective leader knows how to organize the work process so that each of its participants can independently cope with their tasks, and only as a last resort distract the boss.

The mistake of many managers is that, fearing dishonest or poor performance of duties, they strive to do everything themselves. And this leads to the fact that the entire work process is limited to the manager himself. As soon as he gets distracted a little, everything collapses.

An effective leader exercises proper control over the completion of tasks.

Another mistake managers make is that they do not know how to control the work process. In practice, it looks like this: first the manager gives a task, then cancels it and gives a new one, and so on over and over again. A person, without seeing the results of his work, begins to experience discomfort, and his effectiveness decreases sharply. Therefore, managers must allow their subordinates to do and complete their work.

An effective leader treats his subordinates with respect.

People are very pleased to know that they are valued not only as technical performers. They love it when their boss consults with them, asks for their opinion about employees, and invites them to take part in the discussion of other important matters. That is, stimulating the employee at the very initial stage e, an effective leader not only ensures efficient and high-quality work of the department, but also inspires his subordinates to further career achievements.

An effective leader knows how to use his resources wisely work time and the time of their subordinates.

Very often, the completion of any action is postponed for one reason or another for an indefinite period of time. When a sufficient number of such unfinished tasks accumulate, a person begins to experience constant stress, feels restless and nervous, feels tired and loses all desire to work. He is constantly haunted by the feeling that he is not getting anywhere. His only desire is to give up everything and go on vacation.

If you are faced with an excess of unfinished tasks, then it’s time to work with this to-do list: determine which tasks need to be completed first, which ones are desirable, and which ones are outdated today. Next, next to each item, put the desired completion date - you will get a kind of plan that will certainly bring some clarity to your work and life.

Analyze the state of your subordinates on this subject. It is quite possible that some of them are exhausted under the burden of the varied work that has fallen on them, while others do not know what to do with themselves? If you are able to competently organize your working time and the working time of those employees who work under your supervision, then you will probably very soon notice a positive trend in the work of your company.

Here are the characteristics of an effective leader:

Treats staff fairly and is helpful;
hardworking and good at planning;
requires high standards of performance;
sincere in his intentions;
consults with employees regarding their work;
ensures that employees are not overloaded with work;
reprimands subordinates in private and not in front of colleagues;
is responsible for the morale of his organization;
treats employees with respect and listens to them carefully;
he has no favorites;
no groups of any “special” people are formed in his department;
his actions regarding employees are exclusively legal.

Of course, some qualities are laid down by nature itself, but the main thing is to work on yourself. The skill of an effective leader requires effort and training - special business trainings are created for this. And yet you can become an effective leader!


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