Spruce or pine: how to choose lumber for your home? What is better to choose: spruce or pine eurolining? Which pine is best for building a house?

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The construction of houses from logs and timber has always been popular: wood is environmentally friendly and safe material, construction occurs quickly, the walls and facade do not require thorough finishing and insulation. The most difficult thing is choosing the type of wood for the production of a log house. What is better - pine or spruce for the home? Let us determine the main characteristics of trees to select the appropriate material.

Spruce or pine

Coniferous trees have been used for construction since ancient times. They differ from deciduous ones in their high performance characteristics. The most common are spruce or pine for the home. How do they differ from each other:

Index Pine Spruce
Color and its characteristics From brick to bright yellow with natural color intensification over time White, color does not change over time
Turning blue* Possible temporary color change, disappears during processing Less susceptible to blue discoloration, temporary blackening or greening possible
Uniformity of structure Stable, pronounced Uniform along the entire length of the trunk
Resin content Increased Low
Number of knots Large rare Various frequent
Ease of handling Easy to process material with soft structure Difficult process due to excessive knots and hardness of wood
12%, does not experience significant shrinkage 12%, but after drying it may change in volume

* Blue discoloration occurs due to exposure to wood fungi. The resin content of pine prevents this phenomenon, and the infection quickly passes. To speed up cleaning, wood is treated with special impregnations. Spruce is less resistant to fungi, which is why it sometimes turns from black to green.

As can be seen from the comparison, pine and spruce are independent materials that differ from each other. The choice of one species or another depends on individual preferences, but most developers choose pine lumber because of its financial affordability and ease of use.

House made of pine timber, pros and cons

Logs are made from wood, solid and laminated veneer lumber. The latter is the most common material due to its high performance characteristics:

  • Strength up to 200 kg/cm2;
  • Weight (density) up to 520 kg/m3;
  • Easy workability in production and construction sites;
  • Due to the high resin content, the materials resist excess moisture and mold;
  • Sound insulation of the walls does not allow sounds from the street to pass through.

A house made of pine is durable; a comfortable microclimate is naturally maintained inside the premises.

The disadvantages of the breed include:

  • Susceptibility to rot and fungi. With proper wood processing, this drawback is eliminated;
  • Formation of transverse cracks when the beams dry out;
  • High price quality timber or log house.


Arkhangelsk pine is distinguished by a dense whip, which does not require refreshing treatment for a long time.

The type of Angarsk coniferous species is durable, never turns blue, and throughout the entire period of operation the log house releases natural phytoncides that disinfect the air. Such material will not be cheap.

Karelian pine is suitable for making short-length log houses. The tree has a dense structure.

Construction wooden house made of timber for permanent or summer residence is considered best choice. These are environmentally friendly materials that are distinguished by effective performance characteristics, which guarantees the strength and durability of the structure. Popular species for the production of profiled timber are pine and spruce. Coniferous species have many advantages over other types. At the same time, they differ from each other in characteristics and methods of production and processing.

Advantages and disadvantages of pine

Pine is a worthy material for construction wooden houses. First of all, the advantages lie in strength and the possibility of use in the construction of multi-storey cottages. This is positively influenced by the minimal presence of knots, which reduce bearing capacity material. Other advantages are:

  • Low thermal conductivity. Pine keeps the house warm winter period and provides coolness in summer time. Thanks to this, home owners spend a minimum of resources on heating and air conditioning during interior spaces;
  • Soundproofing. The material has the best sound insulation properties among coniferous species. It is worth choosing if the house is located in an area with increased noise, close to production or a roadway;
  • Ease of processing. Pine is perfectly processed and requires minimal labor, which reduces the cost of the finished timber;
  • A large number of resins prevent rotting, the formation of fungus or mold. Thanks to this, pine requires less maintenance compared to its analogues.

The presence of resins is a positive factor in protection against rotting, but at the same time they are also a relative disadvantage. Pine has restrictions on its use, including a ban on the construction of baths. This is due to increased flammability and the fact that at elevated temperatures, resin is released from the material, which spoils the aesthetic appearance and adversely affects the human respiratory tract. IN residential buildings the disadvantage is excluded.

Advantages and disadvantages of spruce

Spruce is used much less frequently in the production of profiled timber. Suitable for building gazebos, country houses and baths, since the material has a minimum resin content. Benefits of spruce:

  • Stable white shade. Appearance The building remains attractive throughout its entire operation. This is due not only to the unique color of the material, but also to the absence of the risk of blue discoloration;
  • Low resin content. The material is less susceptible to burning than pine;
  • Low material cost. Spruce has reduced strength characteristics, which limits its scope of application. Related to this is her low price. At the same time, lumber can last a long period without defects in buildings with one floor or attic.

The disadvantage of spruce is the abundant presence of knots, which causes difficulties during processing. However, they can become unique design elements in wooden house, if you want to keep the façade in natural form without finishing.

Which material to choose?

The choice of pine or spruce for building a house or other structure depends on many factors that the professionals of the PROFDOM53 company take into account at the design stage. To get advice, contact professionals by phone numbers listed on the website or online. We will be happy to make your dreams come true at favorable conditions cooperation.

Wooden houses retain their traditional popularity, despite the emergence of new ones building materials. For construction residential buildings different types of wood are used. Pine is one of the most popular options. Let's look at the benefits of a pine house and what its disadvantages are.

Pine or spruce?

Both wood options are popular in construction. However, the prevalence of spruce materials is slightly lower than pine. Let's figure out what is better - pine or spruce for the home?

In terms of their structural characteristics, both breeds are similar, which is logical, because they belong to the same class coniferous trees. The differences between spruce and pine are as follows:

  • High density. This gives materials based on this wood additional strength. At the same time, increased density means increased thermal conductivity. However, the difference in this regard is not so great.
  • Less resinousness. As a result, the treated spruce differs in color (it is paler) and also cracks less.
  • Durability. By virtue of high density and less resin, spruce warps less, and this has a positive effect on the service life of the materials. At the same time, the resin content is not so low that the tree completely loses its resistance to microorganisms.
  • Slightly worse machinability. It makes it difficult artwork, but has little effect on structural materials.
  • Price. Spruce is more demanding in terms of growing conditions, and it takes longer to grow. These are just some of the reasons why its wood is more expensive.

So, spruce or pine for the home fits better Total?

Spruce materials are more durable and reliable. However, their high price leads to the fact that they lose to pine in the struggle for the sympathy of builders.

Advantages and disadvantages of houses

Let's take a closer look at a house made of pine timber, the pros and cons that are characteristic of it. About standard points for all wood (thermal insulation, environmental Safety) we will not write. Let's start with the pros:

  • Availability. The price of pine timber is the lowest among all wood options (except for products based on sawdust and shavings).
  • Due to its low density, pine has the ability to allow air and excess internal moisture to pass through. As a result, houses made of this wood always have an excellent microclimate.
  • Ease. This allows you to simplify the foundation and significantly save money.
  • Resistance to microorganisms, which is based on high resin content.
  • Good machinability. You can cut anything out of pine minimal costs labor. The timber is also well processed, which allows the material to be perfectly adjusted to each other.

The disadvantages of pine buildings are:

  • Fragility. Of all the options wood materials, this one is most sensitive to mechanical loads. Constant exposure leads to deformation of the wood. At improper processing timber (poor drying, sawing under load) there is a risk of cracks.
  • Severe shrinkage and noticeable swelling or shrinkage with increased or decreased humidity, respectively. This problem is minimized by using well-dried materials.
  • Fire danger. A factor common to any tree is aggravated by resins that support combustion and prevent the absorption of fire retardants. For fire protection, it is recommended to use non-flammable varnishes and surface paints.

What kind of building material is better to use for the construction of a bathhouse - spruce or pine? When deciding in favor of one option or another, you should initially familiarize yourself in detail with these types of wood, as well as evaluate the advantages of each of them.

Advantages of a wooden bathhouse

Today, it can be made from the following building materials: brick, gas blocks, arbolite blocks or a tree. The majority of developers prefer the use of brick, arguing for the high durability of the material, however wooden baths are characterized by a large number of advantages, not to mention the fact that its construction will cost much less.

The wooden bathhouse cannot be compared with any other building, since it embodies the spirit of the Russian bathhouse. Let's look at a few arguments that will help convince you that it is more prudent to build a bathhouse from wood:

  • the need for a minimum amount of firewood to heat the room;
  • the feeling of dampness is completely absent;
  • wood is considered natural and environmentally friendly pure material, therefore beneficial for human health;
  • low level of thermal conductivity;
  • significant budget savings;
  • wooden walls retain heat better than brick walls.

If you decide to build a bathhouse made of wood, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following information that will help you choose exclusively best option building materials, based on their specific advantages and disadvantages of each material. Next, we will talk about wood species such as pine and spruce.


Today, pine is the most common solution among all developers, primarily due to the following reasons:

  1. The relatively low cost of the material is one of the main factors influencing the choice. Pine is much cheaper than most types of wood, which is why almost everyone can afford to use it;
  2. This type of wood does not deform; the logs are quite stable and are not prone to various kinds chips and cracks;
  3. In addition, pine is lightweight material, which is easy to process, which is important in the process self-construction bath room;

It should be noted that pine is also characterized by the presence of shortcomings that mandatory need to touch on:

  1. Constant exposure to moisture deteriorates the wood, after which it begins to rot, so replacement may be required within a few years without proper treatment;
  2. This type of wood, such as pine, is susceptible to various pests, including fungal damage;
  3. Please note, like all conifers, pine secretes resin. This process can take place especially intensively when high temperatures high modes, and hot resin can burn and stain. The arrangement of a wooden bathhouse made of pine is usually as follows: the inside of the room is lined with hardwood clapboard. This method allows you to level out negative properties and characteristics of pine.

Important! If you prefer to build, then do not forget about the need to periodically check the structure, as well as cover it with protective substances. This can significantly extend the life of the tree.


This wood has many similarities with pine: ease of processing, as well as affordable prices, influence the fairly high popularity of spruce among buyers.

It is necessary to note one more advantage that is inherent to spruce: unlike pine, spruce does not darken over time, but for many years, on the contrary, retains its light golden color in an exclusively original form.

Also, you should pay attention to the negative aspects: the release of resin from spruce occurs even more intensely than from pine. That is why it is very important to apply additional

What is better to use for building a bathhouse - spruce or pine?

It should be noted that in terms of thermal characteristics, both options are approximately the same, however, spruce wins a little in this matter, since the structure of its wood is loose. Its fibers contain significantly more air, which in turn determines its rather low thermal conductivity. However, a bathhouse made of pine may be characterized by thicker walls, due to the fact that the diameter of this tree is much larger than that of spruce. As for durability, it should be noted that spruce is inferior to pine, as it absorbs more moisture and is thus more susceptible to decay processes, as well as the formation of mold and mildew.

In addition to all this, as we already know, pine is less resinous than spruce, which is also an important factor for Russian baths, as well as its high temperature conditions. Please note that more resinous spruce will produce a pleasant and rich aroma coniferous forest. However, processing pine is the simplest, as it is characterized by an even and straight long barrel. Spruce wood is much more difficult to process due to the presence large quantity knots. However, at the same time, such knottyness gives the log house a unique decorative effect.

It should be remembered that both types of wood darken, however, the intensity of darkening of pine is much greater. If pine wood is not treated in the required way, over time the material will become lumpy-red in color. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to cover the bath room. In addition, it is recommended to cover the material with refreshing substances, for example, wax or varnish. However, remember that neither wax nor varnish should have a strong odor, especially in the case of high temperature regime. Special substances for coating wood should also not melt when exposed to high temperatures. As a rule, manufacturers are aware of these features paint and varnish products, must be warned on product labels.

The pricing policies for spruce and pine are not particularly different. In principle, you can build a bathhouse from both types of wood. The most important thing is that the wood is properly prepared and not damaged. various types fungi or mold. In addition, a combination of two types of wood is also possible. The lower crowns must be made of a more resistant material to a humid environment - pine, but the upper ones can be made of spruce in order to better retain heat.

Log house - traditional look construction of a Russian bathhouse, and often during its construction preference is given to coniferous wood. But they all have their own characteristic features Therefore, the durability and comfort of use of the building in the future depends on the correct choice of material.

Qualities of pine logs

This species has a wide growing area, second only to larch, which, combined with the properties of its wood, makes it the most popular material for log bathhouses. Pine has a high yield of industrial wood, and burs predominantly produce smooth, even trunks. The core of the tree is red-brown in color, and the outer layers are light yellow.

Advantages of pine:

  • High strength with low weight;
  • Ease of processing;
  • Minor shrinkage without cracking;
  • Not a very high concentration of resins;
  • The ability to release beneficial properties when heated essential oils With pleasant aroma;
  • Reasonable price.

The disadvantages of pine include some difficulty in impregnation protective compounds due to the resin content in wood.

Properties of spruce logs

Practical and economical for construction, this breed is quite widespread. To the east of the Urals grows Siberian spruce, to the west - European spruce, which practically do not differ in quality. The cut wood has a pinkish or yellowish tint and exhibits annual rings of varying thickness.

Advantages of spruce:

  • Quite durable, soft wood with low weight;
  • Good properties heat saving;
  • Durability of structures;
  • Releases a pleasant and distinctive resinous odor when heated.

Disadvantages of spruce logs:

  • Quite significant shrinkage, which over time can provoke the appearance of deep cracks;
  • The trunks are not as straight as those of pine;
  • Many branches and twigs;
  • Abundant resin content, long time released to the surface.

Comparative analysis

The thermal conductivity of the materials is approximately the same. In spruce, due to the higher air content in the wood, this figure is slightly higher. But pine walls can be much thicker, since the diameter of the tree trunks of this species is larger.

The durability indicators of spruce are lower due to high moisture absorption, which can provoke the occurrence of fungi, mold, and rotting. The resin content in its wood is lower, and, accordingly, their release into the atmosphere is also lower.

On a note! The evenness and smoothness of the trunks greatly simplifies the processing of pine. The difficulty of working with spruce is due to the knotty nature of the species, but this is compensated by the high decorative qualities of the log house.

Both types of wood darken in approximately same time, but unprocessed special compounds the pine gradually acquires a more intense brownish-red hue. This problem can be solved by installing decorative cladding or using special impregnations.

Important! Wood treatment compositions must be safe for health, not melt when heated, and not emit odors or toxic substances!

The ability of spruce to absorb and remove moisture outside causes greater “dryness” of bathhouse structures than those made of pine, which is at the same time subject to “blueing.”

The price of both types of wood is approximately the same, and they can be easily combined provided that healthy raw materials are chosen and the logs are prepared correctly. For example, pine - optimal material for devices exposed to high humidity lower crowns, and spruce is ideal for constructing the upper part of walls, since it has high heat-saving and decorative qualities.

Selection of lumber for construction

The recommended period for purchasing wood is winter, since the logs must be aged for at least a month before construction. If possible, it is advisable to purchase material harvested in the northern regions - it is characterized by maximum density and minimal susceptibility to cracking and rotting.

Signs of quality logs:

  • No rot or wormholes;
  • Minimum number of knots;
  • Evenness of shade;
  • Constant diameter along the entire length;
  • Clarity of the pattern on the cut;
  • Minimum trunk curvature;
  • The shade of the core is darker than the color of the outer layers.

Advice! To determine the quality of the log, you need to lightly hit the cut with the butt of an ax - the tool should bounce back, making a ringing sound.

The correct choice of material, along with proper assembly, guarantees that the result will be a durable and attractive-looking log bathhouse with an ideal microclimate for healing the body.


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