If your period starts on the 8th. Depending on the day of the week

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The female body has long been perceived as something mysterious and amazing. Indeed, what is it worth for a woman to become a temporary home for her child, not just a home, but to form a single connection with him, to help a real person develop from a small seed.

Fortune telling by menstruation - is it true?

In addition, women have more subtle perceptions, actively study their own emotional and energy field, and have developed intuition.

Perhaps these facts have led to the fact that since ancient times, girls and women have been telling fortunes by their periods. It is difficult to say whether such fortune telling has a serious magical meaning or is more of a comic nature. However, according to modern experts, such fortune telling allows one to obtain information about what awaits a woman in the near future, what is worth paying attention to, and what to beware of.

In general, every woman can decide for herself how true such fortune-telling is. To do this, you should perform a ritual, write down the result, and for 2-3 weeks correlate the events that happen in life with the record. This way she will be able to understand which of the prophecies came true. And to eliminate the possibility of a simple coincidence, you should repeat the procedure in the next cycle.

There are 2 options for fortune telling by menstruation: the first takes into account the time and day of the week when menstruation begins; for the second method of fortune telling, only the date of day “X” is important.

General rules of fortune telling

You can guess by menstruation only once a month - on the day it starts. At the same time, all women know that the menstrual cycle will begin soon, as reported characteristic features. However, for fortune telling, the moment when the first spotting appears is important.

Fortune telling by menstrual blood does not provide long-term prospects. It is valid for a maximum of a month. If you believe the sources, then what is predicted has the greatest likelihood of being realized in the first days from the start of menstruation.

Fortune telling by menstruation: option 1

So, for this method it is important to remember the time and day of the week when your period starts.

Menstruation that begins in the morning promises love. Moreover, this is rather not a feeling of love for a man, but a harmonization of relationships in the family: with a spouse, children, parents, close relatives. Relations in the next month will be cozy and warm like a family. These sensations will be experienced not only by the woman, but also by her loved ones. In general, morning is the most favorable time for menstruation to begin.

Predictions for the onset of menstruation

Menstruation that begins during the day, or rather in the first half, before noon, also promises fairly good predictions. For a woman, this means that the period itself will be easy and painless. In general, a fairly energetic period filled with positive emotions and pleasant events awaits her.

If your period begins in the evening, it promises boredom and monotony. Perhaps in the coming days you will have to do things that are exhausting, tiresome with their monotony, and solve someone’s problems. This, in turn, can unsettle you for a long time and ruin your mood.

Night is not the best best time the beginning of menstruation. She promises sadness, often separation from loved ones.

Day of the week

Having specified the start time of menstruation, you should pay attention to the day of the week when the event occurred.

So, Monday promises trouble. A woman will have to solve many problems, and not necessarily her own. Troubles can be associated with both pleasant events and negative ones. There is a high probability of fussing when the efforts expended do not bring the desired result. However, the beginning of your period on Monday also promises a pleasant surprise - a loved one will give you a gift.

Start of menstruation in Tuesday- a quick meeting with an old friend, buddy or just someone you like. Sometimes the onset of menstruation on the second day of the week promises an acquaintance with a person who will become your lover and even your spouse.

Wednesday- not the best day for the start of menstruation, because in the near future the woman will have troubles and quarrels. However, do not despair, because fortune telling is a warning. And forewarned means forearmed. Don’t expect favors from fate, take everything that happens into your own hands and remember the wise saying “everything passes.”

Thursday from the point of view of the beginning of menstruation, the day is ambiguous. In any case, he promises a noisy holiday, a feast. However, in what capacity the woman will visit him is unknown. Will she be a hospitable hostess, hosting close people, or will she find herself in the company of unfamiliar people?

Friday- auspicious day. Menstruation that begins on Friday promises joyful events and a period generally full of positive emotions.

Saturday It is also considered a good day as the day the menstruation begins. The next month promises to be full of pleasant events, everything life difficulties will be resolved without visible effort on the part of the woman. Perhaps a declaration of love or a wish will come true awaits her.

Menses starting at Sunday, according to legend, will give you a month full of joy and fun. Perhaps problems are expected on the love front, but they will quickly give way to mutual understanding. And in order to achieve this as quickly as possible, it makes sense to have a heart-to-heart talk with your lover.

Fortune telling by menstruation: option 2

The second way to find out your fate for the next 30 days is to note what date your menstruation began.

So, the 1st promises to give an overall pleasant month, filled with pleasant meetings and acquaintances.

2nd day of the month - prepares changes in relationships with a certain person. A woman may feel a sudden cooling towards him, disappointment.

3rd – the period will begin with a sudden quarrel. What further developments will be depends on the woman.

4th and 5th days of the month - the future pleases with fun, fulfillment of desires, and pleasant surprises.

The 6th day of the month, or rather menstruation, which began at this time, warns the woman: the enemy is preparing dirty tricks, probably it will be slander, spreading gossip.

Day 7 - soon a man will fall in love with a woman, so much so that he will consider her the meaning of life. It is quite possible that he has been experiencing these feelings for a long time and in the coming days he will show them.

The 8th and 9th are associated with jealousy and the fact that a third party will try to break up the love union.

However, menstruation on the 10th, on the contrary, promises harmony with your loved one, perhaps new horizons for relationships.

The 11th day of the calendar is a reason to learn to trust your loved one. In the near future, he needs such support, but excessive suspicion can ruin the strongest relationships.

The “critical” days that begin on the 12th day of the month are a reason to learn to look at things more realistically. Difficulties await a woman, but everything can be overcome.

13th – next month a woman will meet a pleasant stranger.

14th – menstruation promises a rather pleasant period.

The 15th – you may receive bleak news.

Day 16 – a warning: don’t say too much – it’s fraught with trouble.

The 17th promises separation from your loved one. Short-term or long-term – it is not known.

Day 18 – new acquaintance or renewal of previous relationships.

The 19th and 20th, as the first day of menstruation, promise an acquaintance with a man for whom strong love feelings will flare up. There is a high probability that they will remain unanswered.

21 – day of warning: deception of a loved one.

The period from the 22nd to the 28th is unusually favorable. Here and unexpectedly fell material well-being, meeting old friends, receiving gifts, success at work, fulfillment cherished desires. In a word, the next month is full of positive things and pleasant achievements.

The 29th promises disappointment and resentment. The woman will probably want to cry and express her emotions. You shouldn’t forbid yourself to do this - this is the only way to let go of the situation painlessly.

The 30th promises an interesting acquaintance.

31 – new events, most likely a trip. However, in the cycle of days you should be more careful - there is a high risk of committing an act for which you will be ashamed.

Fortune telling by menstruation is one of possible ways find out your near future. The prediction is for the next month and is valid until bleeding begins. Exceptions include fortune telling for the betrothed, but with their help you can predict fate only once. The interpretation will depend on the time, day of the week, day of the month, as well as the lunar day. It is recommended to combine several prophecies for a more complete picture.

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    General points

    In order for fortune telling during menstruation to be as accurate as possible, you must adhere to the following rules:

    • Apply information that concerns only the first day of bleeding and its onset, if time is involved.
    • Use several techniques to get the most truthful prophecy.
    • Remember that the information received is relevant only until the start of the next menstrual cycle.
    • The results of fortune-telling cannot be communicated to anyone, not even those close to you.

    You should remember or write down the prediction in order to later check whether it came true or not.

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    Description of fortune telling

    Fortune telling by menstruation does not belong to traditional magical rituals. These interpretations were obtained as a result of centuries of observation. The basis is to draw a parallel between physiological changes in the body and the events that are associated with them.

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    Fortune telling by menstruation does not require preparation. To predict your destiny, there is no need to be a fortune teller or have any additional skills. It is simple but quite accurate.

    Exists a large number of varieties of fortune telling based on the menstrual cycle. The most famous are:

    • by the time of bleeding onset;
    • by the day of the month;
    • day of the week;
    • periods of the day.

    The following methods are no less popular:

    • divination on lunar days;
    • Feng Shui fortune telling;
    • folk signs.

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    By time of day

    This method is based on the exact time of appearance of the first discharge:

    • Until 11:00. The onset of menstruation at this time promises interest of the opposite sex, conflict resolution, and harmony with the immediate environment.
    • 11:00-13:00. Positive and lucky, unexpected happiness awaits the girl
    • 14:00-17:00. Failures and troubles are likely; caution must be exercised in any endeavor.
    • 18:00-21:00. The woman will be accompanied by a feeling of loneliness and despondency.
    • 22:00-06:00. Separation from loved ones, dishonesty or deception.

    There is another version of the interpretation:

    • The morning hours speak of good luck, which will accompany you everywhere. Menstruation that began during this period predicts that the most suitable period is coming for falling in love and renewing past relationships. Strength women - the ability to create comfort for others and build harmonious communication. It will not be difficult for her to persuade those around her to her own opinion; she will enjoy being among friends, family, and the work team. This fortune telling extends to the entire first half of the day.
    • Menstruation that begins during the day serves as a warning. In this situation, it is better not to trust anyone for the next month. The time for bold ventures and revelations has not yet come, since there is a high probability of possible troubles.
    • Evening menstruation predicts significant changes, the nature of which cannot be predicted. The mood may deteriorate due to inexplicable despondency and confusion.
    • Night is the most unpredictable part of the day. If menstruation began at this time, you can expect tricks from those closest to you. It is not recommended to get married and succumb to temptations in the coming month.

    Prediction for love

    This fortune telling predicts events that will occur on the love front next month:

    • 0:00 -8:00. Secret passion, inability to admit your emotions.
    • 8 :00-12:00. Unforgettable initial period relationships, bright and memorable events.
    • 12:00-15:00. The relationship will be perfect.
    • 15:00-18:00. It is worth preparing for unexpected surprises and romantic actions.
    • 18:00-00:00. Relationships will collapse due to omissions and lies.

    There is no need to be sad if the result is not entirely pleasant. You cannot change it, but you can prepare and go through a difficult stage as calmly as possible.

    By day of the week

    This fortune telling is also accurate. Depending on what day menstruation began, you can get the following values:

    Day of the week Meaning
    MondayIn the future, a woman will face troubles, both joyful and not so joyful. Another interpretation is receiving a gift from a loved one
    TuesdayThere is a high probability of meeting a friend with whom for a long time haven't seen each other. Another meaning is meeting a person who will become an important part of your personal life.
    WednesdayA warning that an unfavorable period is coming. You will probably need help from friends to get through the hardships.
    ThursdayPredicts celebrations and entertainment in the house. There is a high probability of meeting someone you know, but the outcome of such a meeting is unknown
    FridayThe woman will soon hear news that will completely change her life. Another meaning is potential troubles that can be overcome with effort
    SaturdayLucky day. Fortune telling foretells the solution to all issues, favorable events. You can expect a confession of sympathy or fulfillment of desires
    SundayA woman will experience luck, victories, and pleasant events.

    Fortune telling for a loved one

    This fortune telling will help the girl determine how the young man treats her:

    • if menstruation begins on an even number, it means she truly loves;
    • if it's odd - no.

    Another version of fortune telling will help you find out when a girl will meet her betrothed and what kind of character he will be. You can guess only once, otherwise the interpretation will be inaccurate.

    Before starting the process, you need to ask the appropriate question. The answer will depend on the day of the week:

    Day of the week Interpretation
    MondayThe beloved will be met soon. This is a person who is pleasant to talk to and who knows how to select Right words. He will behave this way not only with his chosen one, but also with all other women. You won’t be able to change him: you need to either accept the man for who he is, or break up
    TuesdayFuture love will meet this week, but this does not mean that the girl will immediately notice him. It will be a man strict rules, preferring to study a partner first before trusting him, so the relationship will progress slowly. If a woman intends to wait, he will become her perfect couple. If she is impatient by nature, their relationship will not last long.
    WednesdayThe onset of bleeding on this day indicates that real love will be encountered in six months, but will not be immediately recognized. The man will be unfriendly, but this only applies strangers. After getting to know each other better, the woman will understand that he is ready to do anything for his other half.
    ThursdayThe onset of menstruation on this day suggests that love is very close and goes unnoticed. This could be a close friend or neighbor. It all depends on how quickly the woman sees him
    FridayA woman will not meet her love soon. But when this happens, she realizes that it was not in vain that she waited so long. The man will be romantic, ready to do crazy things. With him she will feel protected. This relationship can last a lifetime
    SaturdayYou will meet your loved one by chance and no one knows when - tomorrow or in a few years. But the woman will immediately understand that this is her betrothed. She will like everything about him - his appearance, his demeanor, his smell. But you shouldn’t build castles in the air, because ideal people does not exist. This man has flaws too
    SundayMeeting your loved one will happen soon enough. But it’s not a fact that the relationship will last long - he will be rude and aggressive. A woman is unlikely to appreciate such behavior, especially in relation to herself.

    By ten days of the month

    If you believe the numbers, this prophecy should be the most accurate.

    Interpretations by decade:

    Decade Characteristic
    FirstMenstruation, which begins in this part of the month, marks a favorable period. The girl will have success in all her endeavors, receive a gift, and declare her love. Difficulties, conflicts, and misunderstandings are possible in relationships. It is possible that there will be gossip behind your back that will come from an unexpected person.
    SecondImprovement is possible during this period material condition, wish fulfillment. The most unfavorable day is the 18th. On this day, menstruation warns against betrayal by relatives. There are various annoying situations that can completely change your life. But you shouldn’t worry too much, since the future brings not only negativity, but also positive aspects
    ThirdIf menstruation began in the third decade, it can predict a collision with unimportant problems. Things may not go as planned. In personal life, betrayal on the part of both partners is possible. You need to be more careful with your finances. All events ultimately bring a positive result. Those around you will be admired by the wisdom and faithful actions of a woman, success will accompany any business

    Chinese fortune telling (feng shui)

    According to Chinese beliefs, it is believed that during menstruation a woman is freed from negativity. The Universe comes to her aid in this. It is the energy of the Universe that decides when the time for cleansing begins. It connects with the element, which influences the further development of the process.

    The element depends on the month of birth:

    • Water: Pisces, Cancers, Scorpios.
    • Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
    • Earth: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo.
    • Air: Gemini, Aquarius, Libra.

    Decoding fortune telling according to Feng Shui is as follows:

    Day of the week Element
    WaterFireEarth and Air
    MondaySignificant newsNew acquaintance, changes in lifeNice meeting you
    TuesdayImplementation of plansSuccess at work, improvement in financial situation
    WednesdayLuckRomance adventurePositive assessment from others
    ThursdayThe plans will not be implemented, and it will not be possible to establish exactly why
    FridayScandalsYou need to calm down and leave disappointments in the past
    SaturdayLuck in everythingEnergy and forward movementMajor changes on the romance front
    SundayYou need to take a break, gain strength, believe in tomorrow and wait for a new menstruationEverything will go as planned


    Fortune telling by critical days is a simple and harmless way to find out the future. Previously, certain restrictions were imposed on the period of menstruation:

    • Women were not allowed to swim in rivers or visit temples.
    • It was forbidden to cook and do housework.
    • It was also not allowed to plant plants, as they could die.

    If menstruation began on the wedding day, it was believed that the children would have a difficult life. To protect yourself from this, it was necessary to read the conspiracy.

    Women whose bleeding coincided with the full moon were considered witches. They were forbidden to look at people and livestock, so as not to jinx them.

    Menstrual blood was revered as protective. If there was a fire in the village, the girl during her menstruation would run around the burning hut three times so that the fire would not spread to others. They sprayed their own homes with such secretions to protect them from the evil eye. The most experienced fortune tellers in the settlements predicted the future according to the women's lunar calendar.

    Lunar days

    Lunar days have a certain impact on a woman’s condition. This method of prophecy refers to fortune telling that has existed since ancient times:

    • If your period comes on the waxing moon, they promise success in business. Life will be filled with prosperous moments throughout the menstrual cycle.
    • On the full moon You can expect true female happiness, the fulfillment of your cherished dreams.
    • Waning moon brings disappointment and trouble. A dark streak began in life.

    You cannot guess in the 1st, 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th, 23rd, 26th, 29th lunar days, since the information will not be true.


    There is a variant of fortune telling based on the menstrual cycle, where the interpretation depends on the date on which bleeding began:

    Day of the month Meaning
    1 Luck and happiness that will bring euphoria. But it will not blind you, but will give you an incentive to improve.
    2 A loved one will disappoint or even cause contempt. Possibly negative attitude from others
    3 It is recommended to refrain from conflicts. At this moment you need to take care of your health
    4 The joy caused by the fulfillment of a desire. This month you need to stop worrying about little things and enjoy life.
    5 Your loved one will give you a gift. If there is no man, menstruation predicts a profitable investment
    6 Intrigues behind your back or intrigues of enemies. You should try not to slander
    7 A harbinger of mutual love. It is necessary to look closely at all the men who are close. Perhaps there is a betrothed among them. If you have a loved one, the relationship will strengthen
    8 Outbursts of jealousy of the partner are possible. There is no need to give a man a reason to worry and do rash acts.
    9 Backbiting, gossip, attempts to disrupt plans. You need to act calmly and not get emotional
    10 Another person's crush. If there is a partner, the union will strengthen. If a relationship with a man ends, it may happen that it will resume
    11 It is necessary to remember that your loved one should be trusted. Outbursts of jealousy can lead to negative consequences
    12 Possible appearance of a fan. It should be treated with caution, since Serious relationships it won't work with him
    13 Unlucky number. Bad luck awaits a woman
    14 Happy news is on the way
    15 A loved one or close friend will bring problems (or they themselves will experience trouble), but this is temporary
    16 You should refrain from gossip. There is a risk of suffering from them yourself. You should also refrain from making comments that may upset loved ones
    17 Separation from a loved one, long or short. You should refrain from discord, otherwise you will have to wait a long time for reconciliation
    18 A new serious phase. Unmarried girls she will bring a marriage proposal, for married people - a new round in family relationships
    19 You need to beware of a man who is trying to charm a woman. He acts for selfish reasons
    20 Unrequited love for unmarried people. This number promises a quarrel with a person who cares; there may be deception on the part of loved ones
    21 It is necessary to exercise caution in everything: keep an eye on things and people around you who are capable of deceiving. No need to make deals. You need to devote more time to your family, otherwise it may collapse
    22 The beginning of the menstrual cycle on this day promises material well-being ( big win to the lottery, earnings, unexpected bonus). There is a high probability of getting a job in the next month
    23 Lucky number. The month that is coming will bring a lot of joy and happiness. important events. Many of them have a chance to become life-changing
    24 You need to start preparing to receive guests. They will be numerous and for a joyful occasion
    25 It is possible that a man will appear with whom an affair will begin. Travel is not excluded
    26 This number means finding a true friend and a month under the sign of constancy

If in ancient times only a witch and a seer could foresee events, today a touch of a sorceress can be revealed in every woman. It is no secret that there are many fortune tellings, the results of which actually come true in reality. But few people know how to correctly interpret such mysterious rituals, so it’s worth learning the technology of the skill before starting fortune telling.

There is in the arsenal of wise women one specific divination based on menstrual ovulation, which is performed according to the menstrual cycle and days of menstruation. There is a belief dating back to the ancient times of witches and sages, according to which it is possible to foresee future events by the day of the week, the time and date of the start of menstruation.

Therefore, we can say that it’s worth trying, maybe many of the unpleasant moments that promise will be avoided. To do this you just need to compare exact time, day of the week and month of the beginning of menstruation for fortune telling with the data that will be given below to find out what fate has in store for a woman in the near future.

1 option of fortune telling

Option one: according to the time of day when menstruation begins.

If the onset of menstruation falls in the morning, the woman will soon experience the emergence of love, but not exclusively feelings for a man. Love can spread to relatives, children, close friends and surrounding people. Fortune telling only promises a flash of bright and intense love, which the woman herself will soon feel. If you already have feelings, fortune telling promises a long or completely endless feeling of affection, tenderness and love.

The daytime onset of menstruation promises good things to come and positive mood for the next cycle until its very end. Will be unfavorable evening hours days of the onset of menstruation, since in such a case a woman may face separation from her loved one, her life may become boring, dull and unemotional.

Second option

Option two: fortune telling by day.

IN in this case the onset of menstruation can be interpreted in two directions at once: according to the day of the week and according to the time of day, respectively, as in the first option.

So, let's take a closer look at each day:

  • Did your period start on Monday? You should expect some anxiety, but don't panic. Worry is not always caused by troubles; you can worry for positive and favorable reasons. (The second method promises a brilliant major victory in some serious issue).
  • Did Tuesday start with your period? In this case, a woman should expect a quick unexpected meeting with an important person, perhaps still unknown to her. (The second method promises the same events).
  • It's Wednesday and your period has arrived? In this case, you should prepare for events that are not entirely favorable, which will last throughout the entire cycle. (Contingency according to the second method).
  • Menstruation on Thursday - an invitation to visit from someone will soon follow, perhaps it will be an invitation to a get-together from a stranger. In general, there will be an unexpected change in plans. (The second method promises a feeling of shame for oneself).
  • Friday and menstruation? In this case, you need to prepare yourself for any surprise, be it pleasant or not so pleasant. (According to the second method, adverse events will occur.)
  • Did your period start on Saturday? Then fortune telling will prepare the woman to receive a declaration of love, and any secret desire can come true. (The second method treats the day similarly).
  • On critical days on Sunday you can determine upcoming pleasant gatherings with friends, there is a chance to get into fun adventure. (The second method promises new friends).


You can also predict upcoming events in a woman’s life by the day of the month when her period began.

1 - the entire cycle will be accompanied by happiness and a euphoric mood.

2 - a woman will feel contempt for an event or a specific person.

3 - a quarrel that can be quickly stopped or escalate into a scandal.

4 - a bright, unforgettable day, the onset of a feeling of happiness.

5 - a quick good surprise.

6 - gossip and bad words on the side.

7 - there is talk about love for a woman.

8 - jealousy throughout the cycle.

9 - problems due to unpleasant words about a woman.

10 - upcoming love.

11 - a woman’s chosen one will be faithful to her, especially during this cycle.

12 - they will resort to seduction or magic towards a woman in order to capture her attention.

13 - misfortune.

14 - favorable news.

15 - unfavorable news.

16 - excessive talkativeness will backfire on a woman.

17 - parting with the chosen one.

18 - the same as for the 10th.

19 - upcoming love.

20 - a woman’s love without response.

21 - lies towards her.

22 - profit of the material plane.

23 - the same as for the 1st number.

24 - guests coming soon.

25 - quick acquaintance.

26 - a feeling of compassion for a woman.

27 - a previously made wish will come true.

28 - luck.

29 - grief over a loved one, long tears and worries.

30 - the emergence of sympathy for a person, which will become mutual.

31 - an unexpected event will happen soon.

By comparing all three methods of fortune telling (time of day, day of week and day of month), you can predict upcoming events that may occur during the current cycle.

Women received information for the near future common occurrence. Some of the methods became available only to ladies due to physical features, for example, such as fortune telling by menstruation. It can be used throughout each cycle without special preparation or the presence of magical talents, only by carefully noticing the details.

Rules for fortune telling on menstruation

A common physiological phenomenon that accompanies every representative of the fair sex from adolescence to menopause, even in ancient times it raised many questions. During the period of menstrual bleeding, a woman was endowed with a special gift, close to that of a witch. Modern science it was also noted that Ladies have increased sensitivity and enhanced intuition during menstrual periods.

You can tell fortunes by menstruation if certain conditions of folk signs are met:

  • true information will be received only on the first day of menstruation of any number;
  • simultaneous consideration of the advice of several methods will give a more detailed result;
  • the prediction effect does not exceed the cycle duration;
  • at the end, the prophecy is written down to compare and check its accuracy;
  • It is better not to tell anyone about the good news that this intimate fortune-telling will bring, so as not to frighten away luck or incur envy and the evil eye.

Fortune telling by time of day

A common occurrence for teenagers and older representatives of the fair sex, it can become a useful assistant. If you remember what date your period came on, you have a chance to get a hint on how to behave on the next day. It is necessary to take into account the movement of both day and night stars.

The start date of your period will help you plan your behavior for the next day.

Moon calendar

To know whether it is worth turning to fortune telling, you first need to check the cycle lunar calendar. 1, 12-14, 19, 23, 26, 29 days will give little information or it will be shaky. Folk signs read:

  • the growing moon promises the translation of plans into reality;
  • the full moon will bring good luck until the end of the month, many happy accidents;
  • the negative influence of the waning crescent moon will pass when the cycle ends, then a good period will begin.

Solar cycle

Truthful fortune telling by menstruation advises women to focus on the time of day when their period begins. This information will help determine how the near future will manifest itself and what to expect from fate. Considering it, there is an opportunity to succeed in any area of ​​life.

Interpretation according to the daily clock includes:

  1. The morning before 11:00 seems to be the most successful and favorable time. It promises harmony in relationships with loved ones and family. The lady will be able to find good friends or even a lover if she needs them.
  2. The time around noon from 11:00 to 13:00 promises a smooth and happy life. She will delight the woman throughout the next menstrual cycle. If you place the emphasis correctly, the chance to achieve good results in work and recognition in society.
  3. The day from 14:00 to 17:00 promises complications in many situations. You will have to be careful and smart when resolving issues. Major troubles are expected if you do not act immediately.
  4. The evening from 17:00 to 20:00 does not bring such gloomy predictions as in the previous version. But this period is dangerous due to unexpected changes for which the girl will not be ready. There may be moments of deep sadness or loneliness.
  5. Night leaves the most unpleasant imprint on a lady’s fate. She is threatened with separation from a loved one or loved one. There is a high probability of such a development of events due to betrayal or deception on the part of the environment. The number of minor hassles on the day the bleeding starts will also increase.

The time when your period began will help determine upcoming events

Interpretation of the future by day of the week

Fortune telling by critical days relies on what day of the week the bleeding began. With the help of such information, they plan active activities for the coming period, distribute forces for important projects. The moment of menstruation means rebirth and a new start for a woman’s energetic and physical bodies.

Accurate fortune telling at the beginning of menstruation gives the following role to the days of the week:

  1. Monday is considered difficult and ambiguous. It brings many difficult circumstances that can be easily resolved in any other period. The success of projects depends on the will of fate and the efforts of the woman. It is better to do normal household chores and routine at this time. A gift is expected from a famous person.
  2. Tuesday, in rare cases, becomes the beginning of radical changes in a girl’s life. More often than not, menstruation on this day involves meeting with an old friend to solve joint problems. Possible acquaintance with nice person, who will turn out to be an interesting conversationalist.
  3. On Wednesday, menstruation predicts an unfavorable combination of circumstances. You'll have to put in a lot of effort to get everything in order. But the consequences will be firmly lodged in thoughts and will be constantly analyzed. This approach will help eliminate such situations in the future and strengthen your nerves and endurance.
  4. Thursday advises you to be careful and attentive. A big celebration and a fun feast is planned in the near future. But it can lead to clouding of reason and push one to make mistakes. You can fix them, but your reputation will suffer.
  5. On Friday they expect to receive good news. They will bring joy, peace and happiness. But in order to fully enjoy these emotions, you first need to make every effort for a favorable outcome.
  6. Saturday is a favorable start to menstruation, as it promises a long successful period. All projects and plans will come true without taking a lot of resources and worries. Most tricky question will be solved easily, difficulties will simply disappear. A loved one is preparing a pleasant surprise, probably a marriage proposal.
  7. Sunday will become good period for entertainment and relaxation. IN simple activities and meetings there is a chance to get a big boost of energy for the next week. Personal life will suffer small but painful blows, and a string of troubles will appear. Joint efforts and mutual assistance can overcome any differences and return peace to the family.

If your period starts on Sunday, it promises a good rest.

There is an option for fortune telling on the first day of the menstrual cycle based on desire by day of the week. It is formulated at any time before the start of menstruation. And when bleeding starts, the result is compared on the first day. Monday and Sunday are a sign of unrealistic hopes; Thursday promises a quick fulfillment of dreams. On other days, serious efforts, time or outside help will be needed for the desired to happen in reality.


Fortune telling based on menstruation numbers for a woman has a serious impact. Numbers regulate energy flows that create conditions for a favorable or negative outcome of all endeavors.

To determine what to expect in the next 28-35 days, you need to clearly record what date of the month the critical days began. Such information will help reveal the secrets of the future. The numbers of the month determine the results of fortune telling.

The meaning of the numbers of this method is included in the table below; you need to check it if you are doing monthly fortune telling for love.

date Interpretation for the future Interpretation for personal relationships
1 Pleasant meetings, happy events. Time for euphoria and pleasure.
2 Absorption in thoughts. Disappointment in a loved one, neglect of it.
3 News from the government house that can change fate. A quarrel with an equally likely good and bad outcome.
4 Efforts will bring what you want. The embodiment of a long-cherished dream.
5 Spending time with family and relatives. A close friend or boyfriend will surprise you.
6 A fateful meeting, perhaps with a future husband. A hidden ill-wisher spreads lies and gossip.
7 Rumors will make you take the wrong step. A fortuneteller is the whole world for someone.
8 The partner will play an unpleasant role. Jealousy will cause mistrust.
9 The truth about friends will destroy bonds. A rival or rival is plotting.
10 Hope for own strength will save you in the future. Falling in love, renewing relationships with a partner.
11 An interesting trip with a friend is coming up. The man's loyalty and devotion has been proven.
12 It's time to make a serious decision in fate. An attractive young man will pay attention, but not without the help of magic.
13 Working to the limit can be detrimental to your health. Difficulties in relationships.
14 It is better to back up your words with actions. Favorable news.
15 To achieve higher status, you need to put in more effort. News with a negative character.
16 Taking care of your health and physical fitness needed now. Gossip and empty chatter attract envy.
17 Spontaneous arrival of guests is expected. Parting with a lover for an indefinite period.
18 Responsibility for making decisions at the fortune teller. Another turn in a relationship or new love.
19 Betrayal by your best friend. Romantic feelings will appear, but without reciprocity.
20 For a long time known facts will find confirmation. Unrequited affection.
21 The time for serious repairs or construction will soon come. A close friend or partner is prone to lying to you.
22 The love triangle will suck you in. Profit or gain.
23 It's time to take care of your health, illnesses are close. Events of a positive nature.
24 To overcome boredom and depressive moods, you need to get busy with work. A fun holiday with many guests.
25 You can't let bad thoughts come true. Meet someone who has similar interests.
26 Strength and resilience will help you solve difficult issues. You will meet a person who understands the fortune teller’s experience.
27 The fortuneteller will have to answer for another person’s mistake. Someone outsider will take part in the fulfillment of an old dream.
28 Meeting classmates or friends. There will be success and wealth in work and love.
29 A date with an ex-lover. It’s a time of suffering and tears; you shouldn’t hide your emotions.
30 In a quiet life, a problem will appear. The emergence of a new connection.
31 Quarrel with a male colleague. An unexpected action, perhaps a journey or a wrong choice.

Feng Shui technique

According to Chinese traditions accurate fortune telling according to menstruation, it is closely related to the main elements. They correspond with the periods in the female body and create a harmony similar to the natural one according to which the Universe exists. According to Feng Shui, blood means water, which cleanses the entire body. The earth is the embodiment of ovulation, during this period the birth and development of new life. The time after is associated with metal, unable to grow anything.

They are accustomed to guessing by menstruation in this version, taking into account the day of the week, the element and the woman’s zodiac sign.

Day of the week Water (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) Earth (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus) Air (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra)
Monday New project Appearance of a friend Loneliness will go away Support from loved ones
Tuesday Implementation of plans Career promotion Good profit Winnings or financial assistance
Wednesday Luck, luck Woman's happiness Faith of others Decent rating
Thursday Obstacles will ruin your plans The complexity of the case will stop Disappointment in one's own actions Problems from outside will ruin plans
Friday Quarrels, negative emotions Conflicts, scandals Haunting presence of the past Dark thoughts about the past
Saturday Lucky chance Planning, increasing ambitions Good changes in love Good health and well-being
Sunday Quiet life Satisfaction with achievements Execution of the planned Getting what was expected

Fortune telling by the menstrual cycle is interesting because it does not require special rituals or special ceremonies. They are closely related to time and the course of a woman’s life. A calm attitude towards its results and a reasonable assessment of one’s own everyday circumstances will become better basis for a happy fate.

In this article we will talk about a method of fortune telling that any girl can handle - about fortune telling about menstruation.

In ancient times, people looked more closely at the world around them and at what was happening in the body itself. “Everything from the gods!” - so they reasoned. Representatives of the fair sex also look closely at their periods, carefully comparing the time of their appearance with the events that took place in life. Maybe it's worth taking advantage of their experience?

Fortune telling by menstruation by time of day

The first thing you should pay attention to is what time of day your period started:

Early morning- during until 11.00. Such periods will be the best harbinger - a harbinger of love, conflict resolution. This does not necessarily mean romantic relationship - maybe you will find harmony with relatives or friends.

Overflowing energy And good decisions will be companions for the near future.

IMPORTANT: There are cases when a few drops of blood appear first, and then full periods begin. In such a case, it is worth paying attention to the first “signals”.

Day- during from 11.00 to 13.00. Another time that predicts exceptionally good events. They will occur especially often in work area. Success, pleasant surprises, inspiration - expect it all.

Noon – from 13.00 to 17.00. Perhaps you it is worth exercising caution. You need to rely solely on yourself, and it is better to avoid doing things that could turn into trouble. Possibility of failure especially high.

Evening – from 17.00 to 21.00. This option is more favorable than the previous one, but you still won’t be particularly happy. And here feel sad- Yes. It's possible feeling of uselessness and loneliness.

Night – from 21.00 to dawn. This period has always been particularly disliked by our ancestors. Perhaps because he portends separation, suffering. Perhaps your friends or loved one will be too busy or go somewhere else.

IMPORTANT: Perhaps deception or even betrayal awaits you. Try to be alert.

Fortune telling by menstruation by day, by week, by the first day of the onset of menstruation for love

Monday- It’s a hard day, as we all remember. And in the case of this fortune-telling, this statement justified itself - troubles and great anxiety will become a woman's faithful companion. They will probably appear when an attempt is made to resolve the troubles.

But you shouldn’t despair - it’s quite possible that you receive an extremely valuable gift from a loved one.

Tuesday – life changes. Perhaps fate has prepared meeting with a certain person, which will become very important after a while. Or perhaps a meeting is coming with a good acquaintance or even a friend whom you have not seen for quite some time.

By the way, if you have been gathering courage for a long time in order to accept some important decisiontake a step boldly in this direction. And perhaps a meeting can help.

Wednesday – unfavorable time. Troubles that you have to worry about a lot, will make themselves known. Check less trust to others.

But you shouldn’t worry too much: menstruation that starts on this day of the week seems to indicate that you have to keep fighting. Only if you make an effort will the result be favorable.

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that everything predicted will be relevant for a month exactly until the start of the next critical days. This means that you should not expect a long series of troubles.

Thursday– predicts guests. Perhaps guests will come to you. Or perhaps you will be the one who will receive an invitation to some celebration or just to a friendly gathering. If they find themselves new people, take a closer look to them - perhaps these are your future good friends.

Please note that such an event may bring both a lot of joy and trouble. Just try to be a little more careful than usual.

Friday- This is mainly a favorable time. You will probably unexpectedly receive these news that will change something for the better. However, for such changes you will have to make efforts a lot of effort.

IMPORTANT: But do not rush to relax - troubles are also likely. Friday can be a controversial day.

Saturday is an extremely good day. He foreshadows harmony, various benefits. What is commonly called “manna from heaven” will become quite real! Maybe, your deepest wish will come true, A troubles will be eliminated as if by themselves.

There is a high probability of getting declaration of love, start a new relationship. Our ancestors considered the beginning of menstruation on Saturday a sign for an upcoming engagement or wedding.

Sunday– it’s not for nothing that it’s considered time fun and joy. Even if some troubles appear on the personal front, they will disappear very quickly and without consequences. Nothing will be able to ruin your mood. Or maybe it will be possible to go to the long-awaited vacation!

Great mood- this is what menstruation that starts on Sunday predicts

Fortune telling by menstruation by numbers for girls and teenagers for a boyfriend, a loved one, for marriage

Now let's look at the options that depend on the number:

1 – luck and feeling of happiness, which will give some euphoria. It is worth noting that such euphoria will not blind you, but will provide an incentive for future achievements.

IMPORTANT: Prepare to accept positive changes in your life. Don't neglect meetings - they are useful.

2 - probably one of people you know well will disappoint or even start calling contempt. It is just as likely negative attitude of others towards you. However, it may well happen that it is not the person who causes the rejection, but some event.

3 - It is recommended to stay away from various kinds conflicts. Argument, which you will easily get involved in over the next month, may be forgotten, but it may also become protracted. It all depends on your actions. Recommended worry about your health.

4 – happiness related to the embodiment of the most cherished wish. At this time, stop worrying about trifles - enjoy the joy to the fullest!

5 - a loved one can give you nice gift. If you don’t have a loved one yet, menstruation on this day portends good shopping trip or other profitable investment.

6 – intrigues behind one’s back, slander or quite noticeable obstacles from enemies. Be alert and try not to gossip yourself.

7 – harbinger mutual love. Take a closer look at the men who surround you - maybe your destiny is among them? If you already have a loved one, the relationship will strengthen or you will make peace.

IMPORTANT: But do not rely solely on providence - you will have to make efforts yourself.

8 – perhaps it’s worth stocking up on sedatives, as it’s coming period of jealousy. Try not to give your man a reason to worry. If you are prone to this feeling, try not to do rash things.

Jealousy is what menstruation that begins on the eighth predicts

9 – still keep the sedative nearby, but this time they will have to heal their nerves thanks to the enemies. Gossip, slander, attempts to ruin your plans– you can’t cope here without confidence and a clear head. They'll probably try bring confusion into your personal life.

10 - foretells your love into anyone. If there is already a lucky one, wait strengthening relationships. But if you break up with a man, it may well happen renaissance of relationships.

11 - try to keep in mind what your loved one is worth trusting. The fact is that outbursts of jealousy in the next month are very likely, and this will lead to serious consequences.

12 – quite likely to appear on the horizon new fan. However be wary of him, because nothing serious will grow out of your relationship in the end.

IMPORTANT: It is possible that this person is not using the best means to attract your sympathy..

13 - it’s not for nothing that this number is counted unhappy. Luck will not be a frequent visitor to you in the coming month.

14 – happy news already on the doorstep! They will certainly cheer you up.

15 beloved man or girlfriend will present it to you Problems. Or, alternatively, they themselves will experience problems. However, this is all temporary.

16 – refrain from gossip in the coming month. There is a high probability that you may suffer from them, and significantly. However, you will have to refrain from comments and remarks, which will probably hurt others.

17 – separation from a loved one. It can be either long or short. Refrain from quarreling and then you won’t have to wait long for reunion.

18 – new serious phase in personal relationships. For unmarried young ladies, she will bring the long-awaited marriage proposals, and married people will receive new round family relationships.

19 Beware of a man who will charm. It may seem that he is sincere and in love, but in reality there is only a dry calculation taking place.

IMPORTANT: Do not allow passion to arise towards this person.

20 - and again unrequited love b for unmarried young ladies. Or spat with a person who is far from indifferent. It is also possible lies from loved ones. It is possible that this will be a “white lie.”

21 - show caution in everything. Keep an eye on both your belongings and the people around you who might deceive you. Don't make deals. Spend more time with your family, because it can collapse.

22 – financial well-being You're guaranteed! It could be anything - an unexpected bonus, a big win in the lottery, significant earnings. By the way, if you have been looking for a long time job or part-time job, in the next month there is a huge chance of finding what you want.

23 - the month will pass under the sign of happiness. A series of happy events, which will become important and give a lot of joy. Perhaps they have every chance of becoming turning points in life.

24 - start preparing for receiving guests. The guests will be pleasant and numerous, and the occasion will be joyful. Most likely, some kind of holiday is coming.

25 – your circle of contacts will expand. Maybe the appearance of a person with whom an affair will begin. It is possible that this will happen during some trips.

IMPORTANT: Pay attention to acquaintances during this period - they can become fateful.

26 – you will find a reliable friend. Or old friends and relatives will lend a shoulder. The month will pass under the sign stability.

27 – your wish will come true. Moreover, help regarding its implementation will come unexpectedly. It is possible that together with a suddenly appearing person.

28 - personal life will remain at the same level, but In terms of work, you can expect a tangible breakthrough. The improvement will also affect the material component.

29 - Unfortunately, tears and grief will be frequent during this period. Expect a reliable shoulder from loved ones– they will certainly help you cope with grief.

30 – relationship with previously by a stranger . Single ladies will get a partner for a long time vibrant relationships, and married people are a temptation. In the latter case, flirting is possible, but without negative consequences.

31 - you can safely anticipate adventures! And there are countless surprises - making a new acquaintance, traveling, developing a hobby.

IMPORTANT: There is a possibility that you will commit some unseemly acts in a fit of emotion. Be careful!

Fortune telling by menstruation for a woman on lunar days

A girl should also pay attention to the lunar day on which her period began. There are certain lunar day, in which asking for an interpretation of fate is useless– it will not give truthful answers. This 1, 12-14, 19, 23, 26, 29 days.

Fortune telling by menstruation Feng Shui

Even ancient feng shui fans treated menstruation as a process that cleanses the body. It was believed that it was thanks to this renewal process that women live on average longer than men.

Even in ancient times, it was noticed that those women who communicate with each other for a long time and closely have their periods synchronized. This allowed us to conclude that critical days are a very delicate process, which is influenced by various changes from the outside.

IMPORTANT: We wrote above about how this process can be interpreted - surprisingly, the followers of Feng Shui gave the same interpretations as other observers.

Representatives of Feng Shui have long noticed that menstruation can predict success, for example, in love

It was believed that phases of the female body similar to the elements of nature - wood, fire, earth, metal, water. Wherein:

  • water - blood which cleans
  • earth – ovulation, during which conception occurs and a new life is born
  • metal is a sterile phase. After ovulation, just like on metal, nothing takes root in the body

Fortune telling by menstruation, like anything else, should not be taken as the ultimate truth. Take the information you have received, analyze it, look carefully at the world - perhaps this approach will help you out. However, remember that a lot depends on ourselves.

Video: Menstruation - a women's topic


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