If you dreamed about dead relatives. Why do you dream of dead relatives - is this a bad or a good indicator? Dream Interpretation - Living Dead

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Dreams about deceased relatives are not forgotten and leave many emotions of a very different nature. It is very important to know why such dreams occur, because they are always associated with events that occur in reality.

Dream books present a lot different interpretations stories with deceased relatives. Therefore, in order to understand why such dreams occur, it is important to remember the smallest details of night dreams.

Dead relatives in a dream

Why do you dream about dead relatives?

Very often people dream of deceased relatives, but the dreamers do not talk to them.

For interpretation, it is important to consider which of your loved ones who have passed away you dreamed about:

    Grandmother portends serious positive changes in life, so you should not resist everything new that happens to you in reality; Grandfather warns that in real life you need to show wisdom when resolving issues, in addition, you need to use the experience of other people for work; A brother, brother or cousin, indicates that soon in reality you will meet a girl with whom you will build a harmonious and happy relationship; A sister portends joyful events and pleasant surprises ;Mom predicts a happy life period in which luck will accompany you in all your endeavors;Father encourages you to act more decisively and actively in reality, but at the same time do not forget that dangers may await you on the way to your goal.

Deceased relatives dream of being alive

All of the above interpretations relate to dream plots in which deceased relatives appear healthy and in good location spirit. A rare, good sign is a dream in which you saw both deceased parents alive and smiling. This portends the dreamer happiness in everyone life spheres and, with a successful combination of circumstances, even wealth.

Death of a deceased relative in a dream

If you see the death of a deceased relative in a dream, then this is a bad omen. Such a gloomy plot warns of possible problems with living relatives in real life. In order not to take the situation to extremes, you need to find time to meet with them as quickly as possible and resolve all the problems that most likely arose against the background of omissions and misunderstandings.

In addition, dying relatives in a dream symbolize that aggression has accumulated in your soul, which can cause a stressful state.

Contact a deceased relative

Special attention you need to pay attention to dreams in which you had contact with deceased relatives. A good sign is a dream in which you took something from the hands of a deceased person. This portends great happiness; the dreamer may soon become a very rich man. In other words, we can say that you can expect the favor of fate and generous gifts from it.

But it’s very bad if you gave or gave something to relatives in a dream. This promises serious losses and illness. Need to take care of own health and try to save a good relationship with people in your immediate circle. You should be reassured by the fact that the unfavorable period will soon pass and life will return to its usual course.

Conversation with a dead relative - interpretation of a dream

If you talk to a dead relative in your night dreams, this indicates that in reality you will receive important news. This information can radically change your life. It also serves as a warning if a deceased relative scolded you for something related to the plot of the dream. Exercise prudence in Everyday life and do not do anything rash.

Why do you dream of a conversation with a dead grandmother?

You should pay special attention to the dream in which you talked with your deceased grandmother. After such night dreams, in the near future, you will have to solve serious issues in real life. It is advisable to remember what a relative told you in a dream; this may be a hint for action in reality.

Congratulate a deceased relative

When you dream that you are congratulating your deceased relative on some event, this indicates that in real life you will perform a noble deed. Believe me, your kindness will make life around you brighter and happier.

Miller's Dream Book

So, in accordance with the interpretations of Miller’s dream book:

    The deceased father, who appeared in night dreams, warns of the danger posed by your new endeavor; deceased mother warns of a hidden illness and the need to urgently undergo a medical examination; A deceased brother in a dream indicates that someone close to you in real life needs your help.

I often dream about dead relatives

If deceased relatives often disturb you in a dream, then this may symbolize the bad influence that close people have on you. Maybe they are trying to drag you into a dubious financial event that could end very badly.

Vanga's Dream Book

The seer Vanga interprets the appearance of deceased relatives in a dream as a reflection of the injustice that surrounds you in real world. When you see yourself hugging a deceased relative in a dream, this indicates life changes that can be both positive and negative. You should not be upset if the situation in reality does not turn out the way you would like. Your calmness, optimism and poise will help you get through a difficult period.

Vanga's dream book also deciphers a dream in which an already deceased relative dies again. This foreshadows deceit and betrayal of close friends. It will come as a surprise to you that the people you trusted long time, weave intrigues behind your back and spread gossip about you. For some time, after such a dream, you need to try not to trust anyone, so as not to let yourself be deceived.

Why do you dream of kissing a dead relative?

If you dream that you are kissing a deceased relative, then Nostradamus’s dream book indicates that you have finally gotten rid of the fears and worries that for a long time your soul was filled. This will make your life calmer.

A deceased relative is calling you to follow him

It is very important to understand why you dream about the call of the deceased. After all, if your deceased relative calls you to follow him in a dream, then this is very bad sign. And it is very important that your subconscious mind refuses such a sometimes very tempting offer. If you follow your deceased relative in your night dreams, then in real life you will soon become very ill or plunge into long-term depression, which can threaten the most unpredictable consequences.

Freudian interpretation

According to Freud's dream book, deceased relatives in a dream are a symbol of longevity. Moreover, your life will be filled with happy events, you will be able to realize your ideas and achieve your goals.

Dream interpreter Loffe

If you often see deceased relatives in your dreams, then dream interpreter Loffe warns that you should pay attention to the condition nervous system. Such dreams may indicate increased excitability and excessive anxiety. Maybe you live in constant stress, which is very dangerous, as it can lead to exhaustion of the body.

Seeing a recently deceased relative

Tsvetkov's dream book focuses the dreamer's attention on the fact that if you dreamed about a recently deceased relative, then in the real world a person will face many trials in the near future. Why deceased relatives dream is explained in different ways in different dream books. But all dreams, in any case, are warning in nature.

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Hello! I dreamed about my grandfather. During his lifetime he worked as a railway worker in Samara. And in the dream I was supposed to meet him with flowers - tulips at the station. But instead, my daughter from her first marriage, Marina, arrived by train. She is now 16 years old and lives with her mother. The train slowed down a little and Marina took a bouquet of tulips from me, there were only two of them. She said that grandfather was offended by me and that’s why he didn’t come himself, but she would see him soon and would definitely give him flowers. I asked why grandfather is offended by me? She didn’t have time to answer, she just pointed towards the station. The train left and I went to the station. There I met a woman with a small child - a boy. He called out to me - dad. But I passed by. I went to look for my house. In reality, I live in Samara on Olimpiyskaya next to the railway track. So in a dream I began to look for this street. I think I found it, but she looked different. I started looking for my 27th house. But I came across house numbers that were either greater or lesser and I just couldn’t find the right house. In reality, I had a story about three years ago. I ended my relationship with the woman who got me pregnant. Now we don't communicate with her. My son must be two years old. Help me understand the meaning of the dream?

I recently had a dream about it. I am in my apartment on Olimpiyskaya, which I inherited from my grandfather, a railway worker. I drink vodka at the table with my deceased grandfather. IN next room I hear women's voices. I open the door, and there are several naked girls. I chose two slender and fair ones. They lay down on the sofa opposite the table at which the grandfather was sitting and began to have sex in his presence. Suddenly I understand that one of the girls is my daughter from my first marriage, Marina, and she is not at all embarrassed by this situation. And the grandfather says, like, if I were younger, I would also be with you. Tell me what this dream is for?

Dmitry Afonin, you have a very confusing storyline and it’s not so easy to solve your dreams. It would be necessary to highlight the main key points: train, tulips, daughter, house, grandfather. You would need to find that wife and ask for her forgiveness, most likely that you have a son who really needs you now, perhaps he is sick. This situation will not leave you until you find out the truth. As for the other dream, there is a close connection with the child - this is your subconscious talking about shame, perhaps conscience, that you may have abandoned your child. And so you will not be able to find your home, your place in this world until you bring peace to your soul.

Hello, maybe you can explain. I need to photograph my relatives a few hours/minutes before my death. Why? For the first time I dreamed about my dad. The dream is strange - as if he is standing in a white shirt (baptismal shirt) in a clearing in the forest and in front of him are 12 druids with their hoods pulled over their faces and they are not visible, and it seems like dad, so confused, is walking towards them and they surround him and that’s it. I woke up, and 10 minutes later dad died. 6 years later I have the same dream, only now in my father’s place my aunt and now my father are standing with these people and the same thing is happening, in the morning we find out that she has died. And now again. Only the dream is different. I dream of my uncle (father’s brother) and tells me why you forgot me and don’t even call me, and I say, how are you, the family is spinning, but I remember about your birthday and he tells me, come to my birthday, I say okay, I’ll definitely come. That's it, I woke up. In the morning I find out about his death... we buried him on his birthday... Explain what kind of dreams these are???

Alyona, you have certain abilities open, and when the angel of death comes, you feel it. Don't be afraid of it, but accept it as a gift.

Asem, it’s good that you dream about an inhospitable world, because you are in different worlds, it means your way there is closed, it’s too early for you. You are not welcome there. And so this is for change. Or maybe a change in weather.

Good afternoon. Three days ago I moved to new apartment. It's a new building, no one has lived in it before. I haven’t been able to sleep peacefully for three days. I dream about dead relatives - grandparents... I wake up at night from an unpleasant feeling, although the apartment is cozy. sleeping area comfortable. Can you tell me what these dreams are about?

Alyona, consecrate your new home and buy an icon for your apartment. Relatives are simply protecting you, showing you that new house has no protection and light energy. This happens after construction work, demolition of buildings and erection of new ones in vacant lots.

Good evening. I often dream about my grandmother, she constantly shows me something, I very often visit her house, which we sold during her lifetime, and look for something there. More than once I had a dream that she was calling me somewhere, but for some reason I didn’t go. She looks good and has a very friendly attitude towards me. And yesterday I had a dream that she wanted to show me the place where I was born, and I had to go there by bus, and I went, this is Tobolsk. I have absolutely nothing connected with this city, I have never been there and neither have my relatives. Even in my dream I knew that I was born where I live now, but I went anyway. I felt comfortable there, quiet, calm.

Olga, your grandmother in a dream is your advisor, your search in her house is your search for answers from wisdom and your soul. The city you saw in your dream is somehow important to you or will become important in the future. Overall good sleep. Perhaps in this city you will find important answers and find peace.

Hello. Six months ago, my grandmother passed away; after suffering a stroke, she spent two months in the hospital and died there. My mother was constantly with her in the hospital all her life and all these two months, and my grandmother died in her arms. My mother and I constantly dream about her. I feel like she is in the hospital, dying, and I am organizing the funeral. And to my mother, how she either washes her, then gives her water, but she still can’t get drunk, then she just takes care of her. These are very frequent dreams give us no peace. Please explain to us.

Hello. I dreamed of an uncle who died 7 years ago. In the dream he was repairing an old one wooden fence, which has not been in this place for about 25 years. The fence fell in one area or another. His uncle picked him up. The time of year in a dream is autumn. I didn’t see my uncle’s face, I didn’t talk to him, but I understood that it was him. He was very active, as he had been during his lifetime. What follows is a total horror story. Near the fence lay what looked like a plaster bust (head with closed eyes) of a man now living, whom I know well. What could this dream mean for me and this person. Let me add that I had a good relationship with my uncle. Thank you.

Hello, I dream that the deceased brother He asks for a small sum of 200 rubles, but I don’t give it, I say “I don’t have it,” because I know that he will spend it to his detriment (since he used drugs during his life). I hand him a jar of fresh strawberries and say, “Better take some berries.”
And a week before that, I also dreamed that I came home to see everyone (it was as if I was living in another place), I was getting ready to leave and I thought, “I should leave my brother 4,000,” I went into the room, and he was lying on the bed, turning to the wall, like that sad and upset. I felt very sorry for him, I leaned over to him, kissed him on the cheek and said that I wanted to leave him some money (and I gave him 2oooo, I was afraid to give more, so as not to “tempt” him to spend drugs). During his lifetime he was very good and a kind person, but weak-willed. He smiled and took the money.

Svetlana, you and your mother were very closely connected with your grandmother and loved her very much, and she loved you. After she left, you couldn’t let her go and keep her with your thoughts. And she is very worried about you and comes to calm you down in your sleep. My advice to you is to order a panakhida for the repose of your grandmother, or a magpie. Go to the grave, talk, say what, let her go and accept her death, that from now on her place is in Heaven, and love for her and memory will remain in your heart. And you must mentally let it go, feel how this burden will leave your shoulders.

Angelina, your grandfather arrives in another world, his soul feels good there. But in half a year, expect changes in your family.

Inna, a warning dream for the person whose bust you saw. He needs to be extremely careful and take care of his health. Perhaps this predicts a serious illness that can paralyze or turn into a coma... if you listen, everything will be fine with bed rest.

Olga., you miss your brother and he didn’t live the life he could have, not as bright and sweet. Live for him too! You will have tears, but if you do everything thoughtfully, without harming yourself, then there will be fewer of them.

Hello, my sister dreamed of her grandmother who died about 5 years ago. However, only she dreams about it. She came to her sister, stroked her, hugged her and said: it’s okay, when Danka (sister’s son, 7 months old) grows up, we’ll meet. This dream really scares me, I worry, but my sister usually dreamed about it when some kind of danger awaited her. It was as if someone unknown was always warning and saving my sister.

I had a dream yesterday. It’s as if I was walking through a clearing and came out into the middle of this clearing, and there were balls of blue, green and red, then out of nowhere my cousin Anna bent them into balls of blue color, and then people appeared there and my dad beat me, and then my short grandfather appeared, he died two or three months ago and all these balls scattered, and my grandfather gave me a green ball and then said something, but I didn’t hear what exactly. I have no idea what this could mean. Can you tell me what this could mean?

Hello! My cousin dreamed of my dear sister, who died a month ago. She was holding my 4-year-old daughter in her arms. The daughter was wearing a fur coat of extraordinary beauty. They entered some kind of high-rise building. The reducing sister wanted to put her daughter to sleep on the bed. Cousin left, and on the street I met my daughter who had run away from her sister. Then they took strange paths (the road was washed away by water on both sides, walked around a high-rise building along the edge of the path, there was an abyss) came out onto a flat a nice place. Please tell me what this dream is for? I'm very afraid for my daughter. Thank you.

Nastya, to interpret your dream you need to take into account many nuances and bright symbols, balls and their colors. In your dream, brightness and emotions matter. Study the interpretations of the colors red and blue, remember what emotions you experienced.

Madina, your sister is protecting your baby and you have nothing to worry about. She's like an angel to you.

I dreamed about my dead brother in a dream. We wake up in different beds, but not far from each other. I constantly complain to him about how I don’t get enough sleep and how hard it is to get up in the morning, but he says: “Yes, I understand you, I understand.” Until that moment, I met him on the street, invited him into the house, we communicated with him as if nothing had happened..... for some reason the house was uncleaned and I didn’t even have anything to treat him with, we just sat next to him, not enough We communicated, everything was calm, we didn’t swear and there was no feeling of excitement or discomfort....

Today I dreamed about my deceased grandparents. I was with them and my son, in the room where I lived with my parents as a child. Suddenly the floor began to collapse. First small cracks appeared, then a hole the size of a fist. And then a large gap appeared and the apartment below became visible. I saw how the floor under my grandmother was shaking, part of the furniture had fallen into the hole... Then everything was vague... For some reason, my son and I began to go up to the floor above, but there was no passage, we went out into the street to find another entrance.. ..What could this mean? Thank you in advance!

Maria, your dream shows that you need support now. Look for it from your loved ones and loved ones.

Marina, your dream suggests that the time has come to let go or say goodbye to what is stopping you and your son from moving forward. You will succeed.

Hello! I had a very strange dream, I don’t even know how to interpret it. I dream about my uncle, according to whom yesterday it was 9 days, but I calculated incorrectly and forgot about it, I thought it was today, but it turns out it’s not, and he himself reminded me of it. Closer to the point. We dream that he is at our house, in the yard, for some unknown reason they could not bury him, although he lived far away and the funeral was there, but he turns out to be at our house. The coffin is not closed and here he lies dead, someone is doing something around my family, but everyone is minding their own business, only my mother walks around him crying, correcting everything (as in reality, she is still crying and cannot accept it ), then he turns the coffin, then he drags it a little further, then it’s closer and the weather is unclear, it’s even difficult to determine the time of day, and then the uncle is here. who is dead and lying in a coffin, rises a little and asks to leave him alone, because they have already said goodbye and asks: “well, that’s enough already, leave me, bury me already.” At this strange moment I wake up. By the way, uncle, cousin, but I was the only one who had a dream the day before his unexpected death, I already knew that he would die, no matter how scary it was, I was afraid to sleep because of this, I didn’t sleep at night, but in the morning, at the beginning of eight o’clock I went I lay down in less than an hour. We were informed that he died at this time. I can’t understand why I had this dream.

I dreamed that after a dream I woke up, it all happened in a dream. Turning around I saw a man, either in a shirt or in a red and white checkered coat. Uncontrollable fear gripped me, a scream and the entity headed for the exit. What could this mean?

Marina, now the imprint of the events that happened partially haunts you, but the most important thing is that your mother needs you, support her and be there, she really needs it, even if she doesn’t show it.

Nikita, your dream is difficult to interpret with few details. Pay attention to the main symbols and after familiarizing yourself with their meaning, you can find the answer.

Hello! I dreamed of my grandmother, who passed away almost a year ago. We loved each other very much. The dream is short, but incredibly emotional. I am next to some person and suddenly I see that my grandmother is sitting next to me. I am so glad to see her, I rush to hug her tightly, and she hugs me tightly and we are both very happy. Then I wake up from a very vivid emotion. How can you interpret this dream, please tell me? Thank you

Hello! Over the last 2 weeks, I began to often dream about all the deceased relatives (grandmother, grandfather, great-grandmother) and best friend. I don’t remember my dreams exactly, but there is no negativity in them. I had fun with my friend, chatted with relatives, I was happy, but I don’t remember what they talked about. It’s embarrassing that I started dreaming about it so often. Every night - a different relative. Great-grandmother died more than 10 years ago and it seems she had never dreamed about it before in her life. What could this mean?

I dreamed about my dead dad; in 15 days it will be a year since he’s been gone. Me, grandma, grandpa and dad. My mother has not appeared in my life for a long time, we sit. They were not happy that he came to us, but I was glad, but a little worried. Moreover, he did not come to us as a common person, but as a spirit. Dad did not speak and was serious, not smiling. Then he abruptly stood up from his chair, stopped in the middle of the room, and began to evaporate, but I stopped him. It was already almost transparent. I ran up to him, we hugged, I started crying terribly, and he disappeared. After that I woke up. I want to tell you a couple more important details: 1. we were in our current apartment. 2. There was no dog that we got a year ago. 3. The apartment was the same as it is now, but the chairs on which the adults sat and I stood were the same as before the fire, now they are new.

Hello, please tell me what it means to see your late father in a dream, I often see him in my dreams. So tonight, he lay with his mother on an armchair and smoked a cigarette, although in life he hated smokers. And above them there is some kind of broom driven to the wall. He asks me, says straighten the broom - it will fall, and in some places the broom starts to burn as if from a cigarette. I take a broom, run out, and in the kitchen I drink some kind of compote on the table, but I’m not satisfied anymore, and in the house a distant relative scolds me to go to her home and drink there. Then I see myself in the kitchen, fiddling with the water tap and putting all sorts of sponges in places...

My husband died 4 months ago, I really miss him and cry, I can’t calm down, but today I had a dream deceased mother, in a dream I told her that I really miss my husband, she just listened to me, said something, but I don’t remember what, but it seemed to me that she seemed to calm me down, and it seemed like my husband was in the next room, and I only saw his hands, I often see them, I dream of my husband, but I don’t see his face, he’s always silent, he just strokes his head, and as if he’s sorry, tell me what I need to do so that I don’t drown him in tears, it’s very hard for me without him, and I suffer greatly.

Aida, your father wants to protect you from disappointments and sorrows that can overtake you in love. Be restrained in expressing your feelings, pay more attention to your family and home.

Irina, your dream expresses your grief, you have no one to share it with... in a dream you subconsciously seek help and consolation from your mother, and she shows you that your spouse is already in another world, he is calm there, he has nothing to say to you, after all, he is no longer with you on Earth and this is irreversible. You need to accept this and let go of all your feelings, leave only love for him in your heart, remember all the good things he brought into your life. Learn to move on with your life, he would like that...

I dreamed of my grandfather being happy, his eyes were radiant, he was smiling. O handed me a gift - a beautiful, fragrant, fragrant soap. Why such a dream?

In a dream, you can find yourself in the most extraordinary places and become a participant in extraordinary events. Why do you dream about dead relatives? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do deceased relatives dream - basic interpretation

If you saw deceased relatives in a dream, you should not worry or worry. Such a dream may not portend anything terrible, it simply means that changes are coming in your life. In order to fully interpret a dream, it is necessary to take into account all its details:

· Have relatives ever appeared in your dreams?

· What did you talk to them about;

· What did they do;

· Who exactly appeared in your dream;

· What emotions did you experience during and after sleep?

If you are visited by anxiety and simply cannot find a place for yourself, such a dream suggests that in reality you will be worried about trifles and will not be able to concentrate on what you have planned. If in a dream you see someone knocking on your door and you feel fear, you will be afraid in reality. You will be afraid of the prospects that await you in the future. This fear is unfounded and should not exist in your life. If in a dream you open a door and a deceased relative, the eldest of your family, is standing behind it, you should be concerned.

Something has gone wrong in your life, something you need to pay attention to. Perhaps it's time for you to unleash your potential. Your family is watching you and guiding your actions in the right direction. But don't you resist? Are you trying to stay in the same place you've been in for many years in a row? Perhaps it's time for you to reconsider your attitude towards life in general?

If the eldest of the family in a dream gives you valuable thing- you will receive support and assistance in material matters. She will come on time, because a protracted crisis could begin in your life. After such a dream, you should know that you are protected and nothing threatens you.

A dream in which you hear strange steps around the apartment for a long time and cannot understand who is walking around it should alert you. If in the end it turns out that it was one of your deceased relatives, then it’s high time for you to visit your living relatives. They will be glad to see you and even welcome you as a guest with gratitude.

If you see your deceased relative walking around your apartment and causing harm in every possible way, it means that you yourself have done something wrong to your relatives. Perhaps you did not pay due attention, did not visit their home when there was an urgent need for it, and now through deceased relatives you are receiving a hint that it is time to change the situation. Otherwise, you will not end up with problems and hassles.

A dream in which a deceased relative waves to you from the window suggests that it is time to think about the future and moving forward. Perhaps you sit at the same job for a long time, do not change your place of residence, although the living conditions do not suit you, and do not break off boring ties.

If this is really the case, after such a dream you need to weigh the pros and cons in every possible way and make a decision. If you dream about having dinner with a deceased relative, difficult times will begin in your life.

You will lack finances and you will begin to look for additional features earn money. Money will seem to flow through your fingers. Try to minimize your spending and make it reasonable, otherwise your wastefulness will ruin you.

A dream in which you shake hands with a deceased relative suggests that you will lack the reserves and strength to conclude an important deal. You will need outside help in this matter. Try to ask for it from a trusted person so as not to waste money and time.

If you dream of a long conversation with your deceased grandmother, it’s time to think about your health. You may have worked a lot and been nervous a lot Lately and the dream tells you that it’s time to relieve stress and just relax, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to get caught up in the rut of things in the future. You will be constantly tired and disconnected from life events.

If you still don’t take risks and don’t radically change anything in your life, it will stagnate. You will stagnate in one place and will not change anything fundamentally. If in a dream a deceased relative gives you advice, listen to them, but do not rush to do everything exactly as you were advised. Maybe, the best solution now there will be thinking about events and strategy.

If in a dream you receive a letter from a deceased relative, something secret will become apparent, and you will not be very happy about it. The dream book advises you to prepare for this mentally and not force events. Everything will happen when it's supposed to happen. If you have something to hide, make sure that your secret does not come out publicly.

If in a dream dead relatives are sitting with you at festive table- this is a very disturbing dream. It is worth taking care of your health and avoiding unnecessary work and excessive physical activity.

The dream book also advises, after a dream in which a deceased relative drinks tea, to remember all the relatives who have died and try to lead a measured lifestyle in the near future, not to take risks, not to take rash actions.

Why do dead relatives dream according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud’s dream book says that you dream of deceased relatives when it’s high time for you to reconsider the relationship that takes up everything from you free time. Try to pay more and more attention to yourself and your desires if in a dream dead relatives give you a gift. If in a dream a deceased relative speaks to you in a whisper, it’s time to find out the secret.

You may even find out that there is a rival who is insidiously trying to destroy your family. A dream in which a deceased relative smiles at you suggests that in matters of personal life, success may give way to disappointment.

If you are alone and you dreamed deceased grandmother- try to resolve the issue as soon as possible ex-relationships, which took up a lot of your memories and took a lot of energy.

Why do you dream of dead relatives rocking you in their arms? Such a dream promises big problems with health. You will have to go through a difficult period in your life, you will spend a lot of energy and emotions in order to recover. A dream in which dead relatives knock on your windows suggests that gossipers will interfere in your life in every possible way. You will not be able to minimize the harm from their intervention. But you can warn him.

For a pregnant woman to see deceased relatives in a dream - to problems and worries. She will be all excited about her future and this will prevent her from living in harmony and happiness. If a deceased relative grabs a pregnant woman by the hand in a dream, it is important for her to monitor her health and moral well-being.

Why do deceased relatives dream according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

IN Esoteric dream book It is said that if you dream of deceased relatives, this means that it is time for you to take care of your own well-being. After such a dream, you need to remember all the deceased and order prayers for them.

Don't accept important decisions and do not enter into contracts after such a dream. Why do you dream about dead relatives if they came to visit you? Such a dream means that you will be in worries and troubles for a long time. Such a dream means that you will be busy for a long time with small matters that will distract you from more important matters.

Why do deceased relatives dream in other dream books?

Aesop's dream book says that deceased relatives can symbolize the end of some important matter in reality. If in a dream you do not recognize them, but you know for sure that they were family to you, you will begin to act in life on the basis of emotions and sensations. You will spend a long time adapting to others and ultimately decide to live the way you want.

Grishina’s dream book says that if you dreamed of deceased relatives, you can expect support and help from them. You can expect new opportunities and new offers from life. But you should be more careful in implementing your plans. Do not retreat from your intended goal and do not give up your positions.

Now it is important to complete any task and get maximum pleasure from any task. Don't stop halfway - go to the end and then the results of your work will not take long to arrive. If your deceased relative cries in a dream, joy and happiness await you in reality, it’s time to enjoy life.

It may not always be clear why dead relatives dream, but such a dream can scare or puzzle many. Having seen deceased relatives in a dream, people, as a rule, try to turn to dream books to unravel the vision. It is recommended to remember the images that appear and the words of the deceased in a dream, since they can often be a warning to something.

Why dead relatives dream may not always be clear, but such a dream can scare or puzzle many

Majority famous dream books offers approximately the same interpretations of dreams, in which the main actor is deceased dear person. It is important to take into account all the little things - what the deceased said and did, how he behaved, and by whom dead man is in relation to the living. Based on the degree of relationship, the following conclusions and interpretations can be made:

  • a dream about a deceased mother may portend a sudden severe illness;
  • your deceased father asked you for money in a dream - expect problems with finances;
  • if you dreamed of a deceased brother, a living relative in the real world may need help;
  • you dream of a deceased woman running the kitchen, who is your sister - to the appearance of unexpected guests;
  • you may dream of a grandmother or grandfather wanting to communicate - to news from distant relatives.

Most well-known dream books offer approximately the same interpretations of dreams, in which the main character is a deceased loved one

Here are some more common opinions about what a deceased relative dreams about, depending on the details:

  1. If the deceased does not ask for anything, does not mention that he is dissatisfied with anything, then the dream does not foretell anything special except a change in the weather.
  2. Dreams in which your deceased parents are very happy about something can portend good luck, joy, and a pleasant resolution to a confusing situation for you.
  3. The appearance in a dream of a dead person who is unfamiliar to you, but allegedly is your relative, may be evidence that you will soon receive unpleasant news from afar.
  4. The appearance of a deceased relative at a wedding in your dream sometimes foreshadows an unsuccessful, perhaps even hasty, marriage. As a result, such a marriage will be a burden for the spouses and will not bring anything good.
  5. A deceased person talking to you about matters at work is a harbinger of imminent changes at the place of duty. Perhaps you have to completely change your occupation.

Why do you dream about dead relatives (video)

Dialogues with deceased relatives

Often in our dreams we talk to deceased loved ones. Such dreams are most often harbingers important events in your life. If possible, try to remember as many details of such dreams as possible. Requests made by the deceased are especially important.

If in a dream you conduct a coherent dialogue with the deceased, this may be a sign that in reality you are in a difficult situation from which you cannot find a way out. You need advice and support, and you try to seek it from loved ones.

Often in our dreams we talk to deceased loved ones. Such dreams are most often harbingers of important events in your life.

But, no matter how friendly the deceased relative who appeared to you in a dream was, it is undesirable to hug him or touch him in any way. Try to observe from the outside, if you can, because in a dream a person sometimes behaves unpredictably.

If deceased loved ones look happy or are celebrating something, it always promises joy for you. Relatives who come to you with a gift often foreshadow good news from your place of work or are a herald of a new source of finance that you will soon be able to discover for yourself in real life.

The arrival of deceased loved ones in a dream (video)

Sad dreams involving deceased relatives

Not everyone understands why a relative in a coffin dreams. This may be an echo of the excitement of a funeral, but sometimes such visions foreshadow something that is about to happen in reality. If you dream of a funeral where relatives and friends are crying over the deceased, in life you may be faced with betrayal from a side from which you do not expect it at all. The vision of an old man lying in a coffin with a calm face and mourning but not grief-stricken people at his funeral often foreshadow the successful completion of a complex but important undertaking that cost you considerable effort and investment.

A deceased relative sobbing at the threshold of your house often means happy, but very fleeting events that will happen to you in reality.

A dead man calling you with him can make you wary and even frighten. It is not surprising that people who have barely woken up after such a vision begin to read the dream book. Interpretations may vary, but the most common opinion is that it is necessary to visit a doctor and take more serious care of your health. After such a dream, it would be useful to remember the dead, give alms in their memory, or light a candle in church for their repose.

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When dead relatives come in a dream

It should be clearly understood when similar dream can be considered prophetic. Often, a dream in which you saw deceased relatives does not mean anything, especially if you recently lost loved one and constantly think about him. You have not yet fully survived the grief that befell you, so in a dream, when your consciousness is turned off, a deceased relative appears to you.

If a deceased relative comes to you in a dream, who has been gone for a long time, and you do not think about him constantly, then such a dream can be considered a warning. It is important to remember what your deceased ancestor told you. The dream should be vivid and memorable. It happens that such dreams are interpreted literally. Sometimes deceased relatives give clear instructions on what needs to be done or what to watch out for.

If you see a deceased relative in a coffin

A dream where you relive the death and funeral of a loved one means loss of strength and depression. Perhaps you will soon experience a streak of failures. Infidelity, quarrels, betrayal and, in general, not the most successful period in your life are coming.

Seeing your late father in a dream

This dream marks problems in the financial sector. You should manage your money with extreme caution and avoid borrowing. Pay attention to your colleagues and superiors: intrigues are woven behind your back and a conflict of interests is brewing.

Seeing your deceased mother in a dream

You need to pay more attention to your family and your relatives. It is possible that soon some of them will need your participation. If you are currently with someone from your circle, then you should put aside all grievances and take a step towards them, otherwise the current situation may soon change not for the better.

Seeing your deceased brother in a dream

A difficult period in life awaits you. Particular attention should be paid to your mental health and try to be less nervous and pay attention to minor troubles. If a conflict is brewing around you, then it is best to stay away and not take sides, otherwise you can lose greatly and end up with nothing.

Seeing your deceased sister in a dream

Soon you will be angry and nervous. You will be disrespected and you will become a victim of unfair treatment. You will be angry, but all future troubles are the result of your behavior. It’s worth thinking about it and reconsidering your attitude towards people and asking for forgiveness from the one you needlessly offended.

Seeing your deceased grandfather in a dream

Such a dream means troubles and changes. Everything will not be easy, but in the end everything will work out and gradually return to its normal course. Such a dream can be interpreted as the end of some important stage in your life and the beginning of something new, completely unusual.

Seeing a deceased grandmother in a dream

If you are currently experiencing troubles, then a dream in which you see your late grandmother foreshadows the imminent end of a difficult period in your life. Whatever difficult situation you are currently in, things will soon return to normal. If you are suing someone, the court's decision will be in your favor.

To talk in a dream with a relative

Such dreams can be interpreted literally. Often the subconscious mind gives you a signal. For example, you haven’t been to a cemetery for a long time, and subconsciously you feel guilty that the daily bustle does not give you time to visit the graves of your relatives. So you dream of your deceased ancestor, who appears before you in an unsightly form (dirty, drunk, sad, hungry, angry, etc.).

You didn’t have time to tell him something during your lifetime, you think that you paid little attention to him in your time. This thought depresses you, so you dream of a deceased relative with whom you are talking.

In rare cases, a deceased relative in a dream can tell you something truly important: warn you against mistakes, warn about approaching danger, or tell you some secret that he did not have time to reveal during his lifetime. These are isolated cases for which no reasonable explanation can be given.

Taking something from dead relatives in a dream

This is considered a good sign, which portends a significant improvement in financial situation and success in new projects.

Giving something to a deceased relative

If a deceased relative asks you to give something back, then this dream foreshadows losses and the imminent onset of a dark streak in your life. A difficult period of disagreements in the family, separation from loved ones and problems at work begins.

Many people take dreams in which they are visited by deceased loved ones especially seriously. Dream books have their own vision of what dead relatives mean in dreams.

What does it mean

It is very important to remember which of your deceased relatives you saw in your dream. As a rule, if one of the parents visits a person in a dream, this means good sign. Favorable changes in life and joyful events await you ahead. Dreams in which the dreamer sees other relatives have a completely different interpretation:

  • Brother or sister - you are moving in the right direction in life. You are surrounded by people who will always come to your aid and comfort you;
  • Grandparents - the need to make a fateful decision in the future;
  • To mourn a deceased relative is to cry in reality. Moreover, these can be both tears of joy and bitterness;
  • Touching the dead in a dream means getting injured or catching a cold;
  • See dead relatives- disappointment in those you dreamed about. Deception or betrayal, an imminent quarrel or scandal are possible.

Try to remember: perhaps your relatives told you something? Their words may be the key to solving such a strange dream. Usually in dream books such visions are presented as a kind of connection between the sleeping person and his relatives. The interpretation of a dream in which you are visited by relatives not in a direct line is very ambiguous.

The answer to the question of why dead relatives dream about in this case, is worth looking for in your relationships with them in real life. If you quarrel often, then the dream may be a signal that the person who visited you in the dream is weaving gossip about you and putting you in an unfavorable light in front of others or, quite possibly, envies you. However, it is worth considering in more detail the interpretations of dreams in which close relatives appeared:


A deceased mother who came in a dream is a good sign. Such a vision seems to hint that it is worth paying attention to yourself and your family;


Did you dream about your father? Such a dream carries negative meaning. Rather, it is a warning that concerns work and relationships in the team. Soon you will probably have to decide difficult task, given by the manual;


If you dream about your brother, you should consider this vision from two sides. Your health is completely safe, which cannot be said about emotional sphere. Strength tests in reality are not excluded;


Having a sister in your dream will bring anger and indignation into your life. However, as the dream book says, the reason for this will be hidden solely in you;


This person visits you in a dream for a reason: in reality, a lot of things and work will await you. If a deceased relative calls you with him, it means that troubles cannot be avoided;


A deceased grandmother in a dream predicts a path of uncertainty for the dreamer. However, it will still be possible to find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation, although it will take a lot of effort.

Modern dream book about deceased relatives

This source interprets dead people as a very unfavorable sign. The result of such a dream, according to modern dream book, you may receive sad news from people who are now far from you. Problems in financial matters are also possible. If in your dream you saw a dead relative lying in a coffin, it means that in reality you will be haunted by troubles and failures. Seeing one of your living loved ones in a dream as a dead person can predict misfortune in the family or a major family conflict.

For lovers, such a dream means betrayal. Finding out about the death of a loved one in a dream is a warning dream. In reality, you need to be on guard, because this person can become a messenger of bad news. Putting coins on the eyes of the deceased - in reality you will suffer from the dishonest actions of your enemies, who will not hesitate to take advantage of your cramped circumstances. Be careful and don't let them use the current situation to their advantage. For a young girl, such a dream represents troubles that happen due to her excessive gullibility in the people around her.

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