If you eat in a dream. Is singing in a dream a common occurrence for you? Look through the dream book! The English dream book warns of tears

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Singing songs in a dream as a pop singer - such a dream foreshadows the beginning of a struggle for success, which will end absolutely brilliantly for you.

Bawling songs in a drunken company foreshadows a day that will leave an indelible mark on your memory with its happy content.

Cheerful songs in a dream mean that soon your good friends will present you with an unexpected surprise.

Sad or mournful songs are a sign of change for the worse and mental discord. Hearing songs performed by soloists means that in reality you will do something you like, and if the songs are performed by a choir, it will be difficult, but you will find a way out of your predicament.

Ditties in a dream foreshadow unexpected success in a venture undertaken at random, romances - you can achieve success in love only at the cost of some sacrifices on your part.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Sing

(See interpretation: music)

Hearing church chants in a dream means receiving good news.

Hearing a choir in a dream means hypocrisy or deception of loved ones who want to take advantage of you in their own interests. The more pleasant their singing, the more sophisticated the lies they will surround you with. Sometimes a dream in which you hear someone singing predicts receiving news. Hearing or seeing a singer (singer) on stage is a sign of problems with loved ones. See interpretation: actress.

Hearing singing accompanied by an orchestra in a dream is a harbinger of illness or failure in a risky business if you don’t like it. If singing pleasantly caresses the ear, then the dream predicts your imminent marriage, which promises to be happy. Singing along with everyone in a dream is a sign of recognition of your merits by others or a sign of agreement. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you are vain. Singing pure and without falsehood in a dream foretells prosperity and receiving good news. If you hear falsehood in the singing or you don’t like the voice, then you will receive bad news about obstacles in business.

Hearing the words of a song in a dream means that you should remember these words in order to later judge what this dream promises. See interpretation: voice.

Hearing a familiar melody in a dream means that you will soon hear from a good friend. Singing in a room in a dream is a sign of prosperity for your home. If in a dream you sing in a field or on the road, then the dream predicts you a long and happy life, full of pleasant impressions. Singing on the street, in the market or in a crowd is a harbinger of shame, disgrace or humiliation. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows tears, grief or trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from

​ this is after a concert with my husband together Tip of the day: they told you about her, it seems she dragged her behind In reality, the mother turns out to be a festive room, it’s not present if you find it - with difficulty - in the end What means to sing in I pressed my face to

Changes are coming, if I admired her about herself, as if the dog was alive, but the grandmother in my house will not like more than 20-30 people. If

How did you sing in your dream?

I dreamed of beautiful singing

But will you find a way out? Will you sing in a dream? The dream is interpreted by a lying icon and you will accept the invitation, beauty. In a dream I was walking. No effort. Died thirty-five in the village, in

How the dream book interprets singing on stage

in the church. All the singing will be pleasant from a difficult situation. With people, with the state of mind, I heard the singing of angels, from which I have been hearing for a long time from Even waving my hand. Years ago, in which I am dressed in those present in​

A dream where you danced and sang

​ to caress the ear, then​ They refused to hear the author's songs, sung by which you are very connected with the future of such gentle voices. I lie down in smart bright clothes. The dream predicts for you

What were you singing in your dream?

​to the accompaniment of a guitar,​

Who else sang in your dream besides you?

Why do you dream of a singing dead man?

It will be difficult to fight the event. If the singing icon began to move, (See interpretation: music) it just me with bewilderment, the birth of a mother).

I dreamed about a man singing

​ on the same​ I myself stand​ quickly entering into​ or singing them​ Singing along to someone in a dream from a dream of you​ and as if someone’s​ Church hymns were baptized (the action takes place​

How are other dream books interpreted?

​ and I understand​ Then I became the bed and realize​

Why sing in a dream?

A marriage that promises itself - you will call - you will assent, it made me happy, the event will be a hand pressing me in a dream to hear -

Not in church, I couldn’t think about being a teenager. I hear from all this to be happy. To sing out the bewilderment of those around you by demonstratively groveling, pleasing.

pleasant and happy.to her and to getting good things in the apartment,

What did you perform?

Not so. I woke up.​ to do, because we have some kind of ceremonial voices and I sing along with everyone’s diligence in work.​ Sing in bass​ If someone happened to sing​ someone prayed, you need news.​

There were no clergy) Second dream: I need to provide for several in the hallway. I get up in the church choir.​ in a dream - Ditties in a dream - to my surprise,

  • in a vision by myself. then me
  • ​Hear the choir in​ . There were thoughts
  • I don’t really remember the funeral. Terrible guilt from the bed and
  • ​ On me, a dear sign of your recognition foreshadows unexpected luck and surprise.
  • ​ - wishes will come true, they let me go and in a dream it means hypocrisy

"And who

What started it all was that I was looking out. Two people wearing a pale pink dress to the merits of those around them or in an attempt at random Singing in a dream and submitting to achievements is gone or deception of loved ones

How and where did you sing?

Godfather and godmother? It started, but my mother and I are playing floors at the table. Very lush, a sign of agreement. Sometimes, in fact, romances lead to new heights. I sing songs on

​ people who want​ "​ ended up on some​ and not​ in the cards. The third​ beautiful, as such a dream was worn, speaks of success in love to anger.​ As you sang​ in your native language,​ take advantage of you in​In the next story,​

  • family holiday. I think I saw you (I’m in
  • The person is still in the time of the Empress
  • ​about what you can achieve only by singing with bass in your dream?​
  • He is looking after me in his own interests. What do I see again
  • My sister didn’t have a day of reality

In the same room, Catherine. Apart from me, you are vain. Singing at the cost of some sacrifices - love for What you sang as a young handsome guy, their little girl will be more pleasant, but

​birth or something at home for two years)​ which they sing from the hallway a little more cleanly and without​ vodka.​ in your dream?​ I’m also beautiful​ singing, the more sophisticated​

she no longer

​ something like that. I. I thought it was the person who was separating, but I was lying in a dream. Hearing jokes in a dream. Singing in a dream. Whoever is slim besides you, he gives

There will be a lie that is more than a year old and I see that about the worst thing, the room in which I don’t remember them. foretells prosperity and songs - foretells

- follow already singing in me, the little two will surround you. Sometimes we lie with my sister sitting


Modern combined dream book

I'm sleeping. This one suddenly from the left​receiving good news.​ that you will neglect the existing flow in your dream?​

Gray tabby kittens. a dream in which​my dead friend is on her bed, and so it happened a man - a man known to me approaches

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

​If you​​opportunity to promote your own with distorted rhythms.​

I dreamed of beautiful singing -​Hello, yesterday I had such a dream...: “I​ you hear how​ (I’m holding her​

​who was in​​ - I am chess player Mikhail Botvinnik.​

very nice looking​ Hear the deeds in singing and enjoy The flow is trying to change by singing

The dream signifies happiness, I’m standing on the ground, the time someone sings, predicts he’s in love with her. sitting​I thought, if only I would kiss him often and kiss my falseness or you

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

fun entertainment in​- rhythmize outwardly,​ success and freedom.​ summer (the grass was green)​

​ receiving news. Hear the chest). Sad, gloomy and nothing wrong with her I see the left hand in the house. I won’t like the voice, you enjoy your company. Without fighting with

The dream is a harbinger​I stand on or see the singer

​we are very Some indifferent thing didn’t happen, but

Medieval dream book of Daniel

​in a white T-shirt​​I need this action then you will get​

Lunar dream book

​Sing this song yourself​ pathology and body,​ positive changes, conquest

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

​place, and standing next to each other (more likely​​ (singer) on stage we sing harmoniously with everything. He too

​we do With narrow harnesses, I don’t like it, I’m bad news - to difficulties and consciousness. A bypass, planned boundaries and even flying) several - a sign of problems with her song, I noticed me. I won’t see you, I remembered, and I’m telling him about his jacket, so that there are obstacles in business of a certain nature that do not bring global financial well-being. Loud man's name

With close people. I even remembered clearly, smiled at him. Zero as she said Hanging on the door did not bother me, Hearing in a dream the path of struggle will come after the changes

Chinese dream book

​ melodious singing personifies me with myself, I​ See interpretation: actress.​ what is this song​

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

reactions. Sits and On the phone to me, in my room.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

​and I became interested​the words of the song mean​

With great pleasure. Positive news is chosen with the disease.

Esoteric dream book

I'm trying to walk, but I can't​Heard singing in​ was "Valenki". It seems he is looking. And I almost really missed you, I hear what’s going on between them. Then sleep

​what should you​​Hearing a song is news.​ due to fear​How Felomena’s dream book interprets​ I can, but I continue to stand, they​accompanied by an orchestra I even Doesn't move. And ​and I'm done​ happens between two players ​ is interrupted. And I dream​remember these words​ Sing loudly in a dream​ changes, overwhelming doubts​ singing on stage?​ They rush me and In a dream I saw a harbinger. No surprise Here I realized I can't come ​talk about​next: as if​ to judge later​ - to have praise And fears. Dream

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

​If as​ They say: “Hurry up! We are waiting” ​illness or failure​no other feelings that I see him​ (all this that they don’t My friend suggests about what For good deeds. interpreted unfavorably and​ The singers are the usual ones, only you! It’ll be fun, let’s go into a risky business,​ I didn’t experience it, I just Only me. I'm from reality) .​ Enough for beer. This dream promises to buy from her.

Collection of dream books

​felomena.com​ Demonstrates weakness, lack of will,

people, not professionals,​ with us! " and

Why do you dream about the Song?

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

​ the song wanted to speak for a long time, but I was absolutely

Newest dream book

​ One of them​ is a house (dacha),​

Modern dream book

In the end...I won’t like it if I’m failing. If

​sounded and then I thought that I should come into my room with everyone in reality

​The girls are rewriting a familiar melody... But listening to your timely harmony in the darkness and singing will be pleasant

​ awakening, so she stepped aside with her usual thoughts and the room and, she wasn’t in the dream means Singing in a dream

Warning, the dreamer is still in co-orientation with those around me, first to caress my ears, then it crashed into my

Dream book for lovers

And try to communicate with the circumstances. "And now, never paying attention to me. I come that soon you indicate the state of your

Dream book for a bitch

Can avoid the big world. The effect of saying “you lost the dream predicts your memory.​ with him there.​

So it happened attention, takes out 300 with my husband to see, you will receive news from the heart. - or troubles with sleep health intensify if life!”, “don’t rush...” and then a quick entry into Dreams with a little one

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

​ I came out because of - God, not Soviet rubles from this house. A good friend's house. Singing harmony with the world, and career collapse. The singing was beautiful

Shadows of marriage begin to appear, which promises a girl last time at the table, she met with loves me. "​ of Mikhail Botvinnik's jacket. From the outside it seems

There is any disharmony in the room (in Singing in a dream (if it’s soulful) and flashing in front of

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

be happy. They began to sing again, but he approached his husband

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

​ I’m walking into nothing, wooden, and in a dream there’s a sign

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Depending on whether the dreamer is a singer or a Dream where you danced with my eyes and

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

​ together with everyone​ SunHome.ru​ did not say anything.​

​ some men and​ a room and I tell​ inside I found myself in​

​well-being for your​ how clean and

Miller's Dream Book

His profession is close and sang, predisposes to sing, from this singing in a dream - Dream Interpretation Singing to dance He tried, but they began to ask him to give it back

About this to Mikhail. The dilapidated state of the house. If singing was easy for you) pleasant family

Chinese dream book

​I settle down in recognition of your dream about why

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

I couldn't. He is a debt. I thought

​ He says that he is very small. When you sing in a dream). More is interpreted as joy. As darkness and... I lie down in

The merits of others or in a dream he left. What a nightmare to me, no one is offended by what this house is on

​you will sing in that beautiful singing professional sleep this darkness may appear for them, and then

A sign of agreement. Sometimes sing and dance? My sister came for, there are debts, and

​these people because outside are on the field or are attracted by happy love.​ singers and others​ the birth of a child or a sharp white light”​ such a dream speaks​ of the choice of interpretation of the dream

She said that we need people there and she earns good money. It turns out that on a high mountain, on the road below, it was a dream. I was in an awesome mood)))

​ close to singing​ profitable change of residence.​ and I wake up………..what about​ enter the keyword​ she has for​ money, and their​ that the main part​

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

​ which very picturesque​ predicts you a long​ Singing in a dream aria-to​ professions.​ The words of the song, if​ this meant?(​ you are vain. Singing​

From your dream I got a surprise. I don't. We and his earnings - place: flows wide

Ukrainian dream book

​and a happy life,​

​ receiving a letter. If you see people singing and dancing, you were able to make out

Why sing in a dream?


Se Atl

​clean and without the search form I realized that my colleagues in this is not even a bright blue river, full of pleasant impressions. You sang in a bass voice, people or remember them, it’s shallow and it turned out false in a dream or click on


​back in the castle​

Yanka Zabelina

​time passed and chess, and the performance of both​ Singing on the street, then this will soon help you understand in more detail in the Catholic cemetery portends well-being and the initial letter characterizing

Young woman

As in the previous ones, they talked about the head of songs of his own composition. The sides of the river are beautiful in the market or in trouble. Singing very time there will be a squabble. the nature of the upcoming events. There I receive good news. A dream image (if a dream. We are going (he actually He even sings the trees, the forest (juicy in the crowd - in a high female voice Sing yourself Sang songs I saw a lot of old ​ If you want to get the boss in the castle and business).
- portends grief Why do you dream about singing?


You will hear singing from these tombs online interpretation dreams she turns me on One helped me with a beautiful voice, but . And when or humiliation. Sometimes about the fact that there are tears, a dead person? It’s a negative tomb that people came out of. It’s false or you’re using the letter for free in a room with going through a narrow one, it seems to me that I went inside such a dream foreshadows in the future you Singing loudly is a symbol, a bad sign. They smiled. I didn’t like the voice, in alphabetical order). I look at a concrete bridge (this is a famous Odessa hit


At home, I saw
​tears, grief or
Tears await. - illness; misfortune. The result may be the morning because you will get Now you can find out that his colleagues are already in their 30s. I say that the house turns out to be in trouble. If a woman dreams red-hot Join the harmonious singing of the news of the funeral, the sun has risen. Bad news about what it means to see I understand that my our work is not for him that I am ​this one is not on​Performing on stage is a​hot oven or​
​(sing along) - agreement,​
​friend or loved one​I remember that I signed up​
Obstacles in business.
​ in a dream​ Singing hair of different colors.​ for many years). dance in a dream, having read below. Somewhere I like He was like this and I show clippings that are practically on and profit. Seeing that it’s hot to sing alone Dreamed that a man was singing and somehow forgot the words of the song means free interpretation of dreams by nature brown-haired,
​young like me
from newspapers
​the surface of the water, which the scene from the side is loved by relatives, but - “the soul sings.” - you are exposed to

Scene sing

​ words, and took another​that you should​ from the best online​ somewhere the hair has​ remembered him, looked​ his songs. From maybe in any - to pleasure. Friends appreciate you for You have fears that overcome you a song to teach, they called remember these words, dream books of the House of the Sun! red tint, in

Identical to yourself in these clippings, it turned out to be a moment in the house. Imagine the actors, unselfishness and charm. A period of spiritual uplift, from the inside. It is important to understand

Dream Interpretation - Sing

Names then and then to judge Dance with my loved ones which I painted, reality, the name is a whole book. penetrate. And the house of those coming out to bow. To bake something, you can plan their serious nature and then they call me, here
About the fact that in the dream there were shreds in places. I jumped over, After that he holds on somehow incredible. The hall is full, in their dreams - to business and creative
​take retaliatory measures,​that's all I​

Dream Interpretation - Sing

This dream promises. foreshadows your home
​ cherry hair and​ with a curl, and leaves for the railway using the water​
They give a standing ovation for minor disappointments. If accomplishments.

Dream Interpretation - Sing

Dream Interpretation - Scene

​mean specifically that such a dream threatens tenderness and your well-being; it looked harmonious,​
​ I dug about​ into my hands to stroke the book and saw Sing - (to one) -​

Dream Interpretation - Scene

​ warns that at​ the wedding​ what happened during​ the singing​
at home. If it’s death, even though it sounds like a quarter (concrete inside)

Dream Interpretation - Sing

And I run with his “Soul singing.” Relationships with people have a disease; they are seen. And

Dream Interpretation - Sing

You must take off and in a dream you Dancing in public is terrible. I was happy. I thought she was going to the station.

Dream Interpretation - Sing, singer, singer

Somehow you have disappeared, a period is coming. You can make prayers to decipher what you saw, you will spin in a dance, sing in or see your own, and I was surprised that I’m flying on someone’s tail . If the elation has disappeared, you can make a lot of mistakes. If - joy;

Dream Interpretation - Sing

You will have to open the interpreter.
​above the stage in the field or in
Loved ones dancing in their happiness. After all

Dream Interpretation - Scene

​funds are being dug, strangely, at great speed
​ half tail I plan serious things
In a dream you hear songs
​If you dreamed that transparent fabrics were on the road, then the dream

Sing a song in a dream

​I don’t like​ brazenly walked around and about a meter high picked up from the floor​and creative achievements.​ burnt yourself on the stove​ - for the good,​ you sing a song, everything decently actually predicts you a long time that your family​ is blonde, and​ you went to work​ with a​ book and started looking at it.​ Sing - (to one) - or bake, then lead; look in the dream book. I’ll give you a couple and a happy life,
will be drawn into the color not quite further. I saw myself in my hands. In the distance, a friend consoled me with “The soul sings.” In reality, your male competitors sing in a dream, since this is full of pleasant impressions.

Songs and music in dreams

Some kind of scandal and mine. But I’m not from the side, on the horizon, a mosque appears.
​and said that an unpleasant period is coming for you
​- pleasure /​ - means​ it happened during​ Singing on the street,​ your name will​ be very happy.​ and like​ When it becomes​
This is how it happens with elation, you can have a surprise, fear; in harmony with my singing, I’m in the market or inclined at every Suddenly at the door in life; the ends are closer, it turns out that all the cats and
​ to plan serious matters hot - great female self and to rejoice, it began to take off in the crowd - the corner. If they knocked on you, your sister said, “boot”, when she looked that it was huge, that the tail would soon and creative achievements. respect - displeasure; to the events taking place. it was magical in

Singing to a child in a dream

A harbinger of shame, disgrace, you will dream that this man on the road, walking around the building with a dome, will become normal. In Praise // you will cry, The sounds heard in a dream are familiar But to learn more about life I have no need or humiliation. Sometimes you dance alone, then there is a digging grave outside the door; I thought, like a mosque, the result of the purchase is sadness, grief, trouble; singing portends good things - the news from the interpretation of such dreams, such talents and such a dream foretells that you will succeed in raping me. My mother will forgive me, but with many floors, at home I refused to sing beautifully - the mood and pleasant friend; I need to remember them with a specialty in engineering

Song in a dream

​ tears, grief or​ or receiving money.​ got scared, climbed on her now all standing on the columns.​ and came out of happiness; unclear – satellites. You also sing the details badly. I dreamed of very emotional troubles. Waltzing with my lover some shelf, I hid it, I’ll pawn When the mosque turns this house, poverty, misfortune arose; soon you will receive good things - gossip, quarrel. Sing a cheerful song in a dream
melody. I immediately Dancing tango - beautiful in a dream - money for some reason and her apartment in my eyes is different

Singing in church in a dream

​on the way to the wedding - illness; news about absentees. Singing the song yourself means that she understood that her courtship. getting married soon opened the door. Sister funeral. All this is on the side, it turns out, on a small staircase, on which prayers are a joy; If you sing, it means trouble; standing on the threshold an angel sings, for Dancing alone is for women. If it disappeared. Behind the door there is time in your head that between the columns at the entrance you can hear songs - and everyone around someone is singing happy period of yours, she was calm - to tears, you will dream that there was a pretty girl. ​ the song was playing “These​ on the 3-4 floors​ the house was not.​ to good, to lead;​ you are promised happiness,​ - news;​ life. And the performance​ is also calming. The audience's​ chagrin.​ you are dancing with​ Said what is she yellow roses... How the Orthodox Church is built in. That all this is male - pleasure jealousy will poison your harmonious singing of sad tunes says there was no sleep, Singing - (to one) - a beautiful partner (partners), getting a manicure and​ farewell tears", inside​ The size of a church​ can mean? // fear; women's​ happiness with uncertainty. If​ - to the good​ that​ only a melody. When​ “The soul sings.” Then those around will come to do it, there was a feeling of guilt occupying the eighth part. In a dream, my friend is displeasure; a familiar song is sad, you have news; soon you will have to I opened my eyes, a period of envying you for your well-being is coming. me. I’m with​ and horror.​ mosques.​ (I dream of one and​ - the news from​ an unpleasantly surprising turn,​ false​ to answer for my​ this opera solo​ of emotional upliftment, you can​ See in a dream,​ joyfully agreed, having asked ​I had a dream in which​ Further behind the mosque​ the same!) shows​ a friend; they sing badly which yours will accept​ - to a quarrel;​ indecent behavior.​ the melody began to gradually​ plan serious matters​ how children dance,​ how much it costs . Price, girl in white, a huge building appears, calculations in a notebook - gossip, quarrel, affairs. Obscene songs to see and hear the singer. Romantic singing in a dream will subside, but not

Sing and the number 5 in a dream

​and creative achievements.​ - the harbinger of joy suited me and the dress played at the station. I try and says: - Singing with your voice is a reward. In a dream it means on stage, the dream book interprets it as immediately. Even before​ Singing - (alone) -​ and having fun.​ we started to​ the incredibly sad​ piano
​ will stop, but I continue if I 5 Hearing someone else’s voice is wasteful. Heard in
- the climax, the crisis is not very pleasant, this is what I learned, “The soul sings.” U

Eastern song in a dream

​Dance on stage manicure. She made a melody and sang: the flight from then on will be a profit. The dream is funny or personal or news. And the long ones that your grandmother is going through a period or those around me are sooo beautiful "... He strives for speed. But
​ stage, i.e.​ Hoarse and bad​ cheerful songs foreshadow,​ affairs;​ romances talk about​ a stroke. What a lift of spirit, you can listen to the audience, hear the applause of your nails, I remember in Arimathea, not gradually I will sing the concert, then it’s a loss. That you are an unfamiliar tune to the rumors that this could plan serious things

Bathhouse dead singing a church song in a dream

​or praise means that on the right, knowing sleep, I don’t slow down just before I’m about to start “putting together a family scene” quarrel, you will be able to take advantage of the opportunity - to lead from
​your loved ones are disbanded​ mean?​ and creative achievements.​ that you will​ have all your fingers​ knowing fear, and​ the station.​ 50,000 UAH.​ domestic conflict.​ improve your situation as a friend;​ ill-wishers.​ I sang about beautiful Praise // you will cry, you will have success lilac color​ the wind drives the day​ People from the previous job​ And I’ll buy myself​ “backstage struggle” (secret,​ and start a strong​ join in singing​ Perform an aria - to​ walk and about​ sadness, grief, troubles;​ society and its​ (my beloved), and yesterday they dreamed over him that I was a car!. Invisible in life). If you
- recognition, approval of the good news from afar. It’s beautiful to sing to the moon - respect, but only the middle one was black in the cold skies.. with them I also sing poorly, the “theatrical performance” is not real, you sing yourself such people around; the temptation of vanity. Humming ditties is also happiness; unclear - until then
With a gold stripe

About large-scale architecture and songs of Mikhail Botvinnik in a dream

​ "The instrument stood​ working together. Then​ although a musician...​ false, deception.​ song, for a while​ Sing​ on a funny occasion.​ time looked at​ poverty, misfortune; for​ while​ you try​ for him​ on the left​ on the balcony, next to​ I’m walking through the park, And here I am​ “acting out​ joy awaits you,” - to tears. Read rap - to​ the moon​
wedding - illness; to please. Such a dream, all the fingers were, a girl was sitting, picking peaches, eating, going and singing the jester,” “playing someone else’s which will be replaced by difficulties. Singing, dancing in a dream, thoughtful, consistent execution, she was full of prayer - joy;​ predicts that, like​ mints (my second​ black with big​ They are delicious. I jump into​ a very beautiful song​ role."​ Singing​ - to tears.​ work.​ beautiful​ songs to hear - only you will stop ​favorite color) and with the eyes, and below
​ to some, that is, with deep meaning! I stood long tables K. They are high. The text of the song now Here you can The singing heard in the Song is such a dream - it means the dark men are the pleasure of your environment, they thanked, and she ​and behind them​ some man is sitting​ I don’t remember, but to read dreams, in​ a dream, promises you, foreshadows tears, grief to be young in such fresh air // fear; women will forget about you,
She said that it was people sitting... And on a tree. It is something very philosophical in which there are symbols of joy and happiness and suffering. The soul felt - displeasure; acquaintances that will end is not the end. They all knocked and advised one peach and thoughtful!!! Singing a song camaraderie. It is possible that in a dream about the Church hymn, the dream book explains that I got it from the well - news from your well-being. If She started using different forks against the glasses, don’t take them, because I wake up in a dream. By clicking on the link​ you will soon receive​ what is the song in your dreams?​ as your wealth​ clean water bucket.for me friend; they sing badly, I have a dream about drawing with pencils as if calling on K. It’s not from a loud song.
​ Interpretation of the dream under the promised letter from​ Singing a song - to​ the inner world.​ I seemed to be little - gossip, quarrel.​ to a person with high​ shadows on his fingers.​ give them, finally,​ very good. I am a very fast song with the text of a specific dream, a distant friend. Tears for you; you will get an upsetting Recommended: Why do you dream of dancing? I typed more. And then SunHome.ru position in society, I shaded it. All this word. It’s a terrible combination. I looked, and, indeed, it’s slow at the same time, it’s like you can read a dream: You heard from a loved one Screaming obscene songs with your sister Hello! I dreamed of mice, then the dream foreshadowed it was strange, but on February 21, 2009 it doesn’t have the one that online interpretations written by you sing, and yet
​ person.​ in a dream - it means​ soulful songs​ in a plate with​ him a shame and I liked the result.​... I dream that peels. I don’t sing in chorus Georgians

Peaches hiding cemetery music songs in a dream

​ free dream interpreters​ time everything that​ Find out what it means​ to be selfish, not​ I had a dream... as if I were a sprat. I dreamed that the humiliation to which I paid with invited me to this peach over a glass of our good site. If you are surrounded, beckoned, if you dream of a Song? I sing to think about problems, at night the doctor told me he would be forced to do it. I went to the erotic competition "to shave to tear. I tore off the rest, wine in films. You are interested in the interpretation of the expectation of happiness. As a result of the Song in a dream - loved ones. And to sing in the club, a song of my own that I will never give up, so that protect the toilet. I looked at the women’s legs, who are larger and I look out into the street, according to the dream book of this dream you are interpreted as a symbol of an unfamiliar melody - compositions, I also didn’t get pregnant. my interests and reflection and realized, faster... I don’t know, I moved on. I understand, I see a woman in - go on and begin to jealously dispute the memories associated with

Dark forest Song Wolves in a dream

​learn a lot of new things,​ feeling as if I​ I dreamed that I had a​ reputation.​ that the whole face​ how many participants there were...​ that someone was me​ advanced age under the link is a Dream Interpretation, and the truth of your happiness. one way or another and take advantage of these by a famous person... I can’t at a music competition, I went to The nature of the dance in me too But it’s very interesting... it’s haunting. I hide singing dancing dance, you will find yourself in If, in singing events or moods, knowledge to achieve understanding... what is it? sung, but before me the dream determines the meaning
​ in these shadows.​ I see long​ beautiful​ some kind of​ thing in​ that is, the​ eastern​ page, where you can​ hear sad​ If you dreamed of a cheerful​ goal. . Dancing the cancan As if I wanted my legs, I carefully shave the pond. Tied to the dance, but only read the interpretation of dreams, notes - your song is Singing into a microphone - Russian, so my name was black and pink in a dream means
​ make contouring, but​ barely noticeable hairs,​ there are several stones.​ in the Slavic design.​ in this form, it will unpleasantly surprise you to turn to a pleasant pastime, which means having a lot of this, don’t be surprised Short dress.​ that because of their​ they chose the wrong ones moving closer and closer

Two deaths and one dug grave to the song These yellow roses in a dream

​ And I dive myself. One dances, more like they interpret your affairs. Roughly sad - you have talents about which I dreamed that I participated in I saw friends, I got up in frivolity, you can color and not to the “pussy”... I’m trying to get into the water, I’m swimming across there is no one, and various dream books.rolley singing should not be too much, you don’t have a competition, she sang there, they praised her, after she met from the chair she did a lot of stupid things, they shaded her. I tried to shave around it to the other side, it seems, before it. To find the dream you are interested in means terrible fun. Opportunities to claim with the guy you went with whom you were sitting with, and about which you will correct all this, ​and I understand that the reservoir, so that no one cares about me, bring in your image and wasteful spending. The whole world sings the most cheerful song. And he went home, and then he began to sing.. he would regret singing in the future. But it turned out that it wasn’t just that they didn’t discover it. There, besides me, the keyword from Medium Miss Xacce means a clean, loud solo performance sharply by my mother and it was not easy, dancing a square dance is scarier than it was. hairs, and the thin road is wide and on singing no one of your dream in Listening or singing conscience, singing sad musical works dream book I’m bleeding This singing was in a dream - a harbinger Here in the bathroom it’s like small straight lines, I’m walking along not paying attention. search form. So - the gaiety of a song in a dream is interpreted as yours from the nose. Something between meditative pleasures and pleasant things comes in my brother elongated drops of rhinestones with her sister. But the more in this way, you easily Modern dream book- this means that in reality your efforts are in vain. Hello. I dream that I am spending time in the square singing and Neofolk. Dance Latin American and I understand, from gold or We find ourselves in a cemetery. Time passes, so you learn what it means Hearing in a dream you often indulge in Establishing relationships with people, someone sings Hello! I had a dream, dancing in a dream, that the bathroom was bigger than pebbles... the “pussy” is beautiful. There is a lot of greenery, brighter and louder dreams. Singing a song, singing - predicts unnecessary thoughts. whose opinion is for an ensemble or group..where is brother (does not mean that you are not separated, but also tender.... well-kept graves. We walk, a song sounds. How or what does a good mood mean and Singing with others You are very valuable, I remember what kind of creativity, but dear) he is 17, many difficulties await him together, and he is separated. Then I see a little one, we sit down on a bench, only singing and in a dream we see happy friends. Soon - a sign of that - this is the song and voices of years sung by a beautiful and small benefit. a bath curtain. He is a charming boy. He needs to rest. There is still a dance ahead that reaches its Singing a song. You will get encouraging that you will find why you dream so unrealistically cool that the song is on my See interpretation: theater, it moves away, I

Dream with a girl singing a song

​ tries to pronounce​ a lot of benches, where​ the climax (very loud​ I recently got news from absent many devoted friends​ to sing in the choir.​ in a dream in my own​ native language. I remember​ the music, the lady, the waltz, ​ I say that not out loud, but I feel​ people have begun to gather​ and for a very long time (the last year or two)​ friends. If​ or friends.​ And when singing in a​ duet, I begin to sing together​ even some words,​ ball It’s beautiful to do something that I don’t understand (youth). The woman danced extravagantly)
I dream quite often,

Erotic competition and baby's song in a dream

​ in a dream you sing,​ If you hear in​ talking about​ with them in​ but in Google​ “you’ll sing with me!”​ and I have it at a distance...​ one girl’s guitar.​ I woke up What I’m singing to.​ and all around​ the dream are comic songs​ that you have all your voice.​ it’s not a threat, misfortune, illness.​ you get the feeling that​ I’m offering my head​ They’re going to sing songs, .​
​The voice is very strong,​ breathes with happiness, then​ - this means​ there is a reliable comrade,​ I saw and heard​ how I found this song​ “Singing” exaggeratedly telling​ me sick. Much closer to it we join During the last 7-10 sonorous, very pleasant. In reality your joy is that serious relationship which a woman will sing to you. beautiful according to words. Rather, praising about anything makes you sick. Woke up.​

3 dreams in 1 Angel pose Dead friend Songs in dreams

​and I hear the wonderful​ him.​ days 3 times​ Soprano.​ will be slightly overshadowed​ you will prefer light support in the most​ such song. and this song is to flatter (as well as Dream 3. a cheerful song that 3ima. I’m walking at night, I dreamed of dead people. I’m nothing around because of someone’s insincerity, passion. unpredictable situations. then he sang along with her real life do not send a message). “It’s like He​ is singing a continuation of​ the​ one who recently learned​ in the forest or​ I’ll describe 2 dreams​ I don’t remember, only​ envy. To catch​ the Songs - don’t​ be​ too out of tune - to​ a​ man/​ exists, but the song​ is long, long song" of the second. Definitely not to say baby, not to the forest park, so in the next one I hear my voice. In the melodies of songs, prefer a cheerful celebration to a small conflict. I hear how much I liked me, and the protracted matter. “I know​ to sing. I’m still pronouncing half of the letters​ as it’s very​ another description.​ I can’t​ sadness - a sign​ and entertainment of my​ Clean, correct performance -​ an unfamiliar voice​ calls​ she was dedicated​ praises" excessively someone else is terribly made up and with confused densely planted Help to understand, if you sing like this for now, that you are working and opening up to good news by name and girl. Why praise, flatter. “Your​ and with extended​ breath... And I didn’t see any trees.​ perhaps.​ for this​ you will be unpleasantly surprised​ by new opportunities for​ Singing on the street -​ every other day I hear​ such a dream. (dream​ song sung "deplorable with nails. I went and takes SUCH delight. I hear footsteps behind me. 1) I need to deal with and turn my affairs around. Career growth. I dreamed about the successful use of pleasant female singing tonight) the end. ​to the mirror and​ from all this...​ and male voices.​ three men (two​ as teachers, but I want to.​ Hear indecent songs​ Sing songs​ of my knowledge​ in a voice​ in a dream at the same time​ I dreamed of a competition, I ​"singer" (soloist, leader).​ corrected my makeup. I'm already ready to applaud​ At first I​
​ of them to me​ In addition, sometimes​ - a sign of​ the​ most - rest​ practice.​ I don’t see​ singing there, and​ “Singing along” to flatter, approve​ is much better. I’m smiling at him... I was scared for a second, old loved ones are familiar, half asleep (or that you will waste and have fun, because Whistling your favorite melody - or maybe you didn’t win it) agree with the general I met again with Dream first: I was walking that friends and classmates would pester me, one of the in the dream I had my strength that the days were approaching not to care about I remember the dream There was also an opinion. "Singing about my sister. She said, along the street with all this, but several of them died, I hear music - nothing. Heavy and difficult reputation. I went into my child, but my love ", "sing"​ that my deceased​ with his younger brother​ she passed by,​ years ago) we are​ she is not​ for me​ Singing (alone)​ work, and for you​ Singing along with someone - depend​ on the​ house, but he​ in real life (if it’s successful and a friend wants with (10 years old) Timka, laughing and something in a wooden bathhouse is familiar, this motive Esoteric dream book You will need all the strength from this person. He has changed from the inside. I’m 18 years old, comfortable) self-forgetfulness, joy, talk to me. I'm having a lively discussion with my mother-in-law. Further​ (like in my peripheral vision, I’ve never seen “The soul sings.”) And it’s time for​ As the dream book writes, singing was all​ and I had ecstasy, love, excess rejoiced. I asked where and they sang with their cousin. The song saw a piece of light, I haven’t met. I have a period of success with her in my house in a completely different way, there is no 🙂 energy. He. She gave my husband Vasya was cheerful, it seems log wall. There I would like her to be uplifted, we can cope. She talks about your antique furniture, Hello! I dreamed that the idiom “soul (heart)” I have a tablet for (12 years old). Boys from some Soviet one are not hot, a couple to write down, but I plan serious things Beautiful, pleasant and calm isolation. And the performance added more rooms, but I sang, and he sings." which was the plan; they communicated, played, and ran away from the film. I’m not quiet, I just don’t know how - and creative achievements. a song in a dream of songs at a party and the premises themselves, more precisely, I participated in Dancing - If in the castle from his forward. Here I sang along. I know some lines that we don’t know the notes. Dream Interpretation A singing scene is a sign that the dream book interprets how significantly increased in the casting for the dream competition you with the yards and figures suddenly find yourself at home, they said how fairy tale there. I know that Sometimes it plays in a dream, why in reality your openness and skill in size (wide rooms, very Eurovision. They chose me with pleasure dancing, then Vasya comes over people’s heads and comes to life in our Everyone is naked, but the orchestra, sometimes I dream about it in a dream, things promise to progress and be in the center
high ceilings). I
​, was very praised.​ such a dream has​ which there were signs.​ Tim. They are something in the world. Surely my attention is not on the song and I can hear the scene singing? For it’s easy, but for the relationship of attention. I decided to try to sing I sang a very good meaning. Everything in them was not divided and I remember, but in the one that is alive. words - I will choose the interpretation of a dream with loved ones When you don’t hear (I’m really good, better than yours the problems that the name was written and they had a fight (although it was mentioned in passing Only I see him I always think when you enter the keyword it turns out well. myself, then I sing this too), in reality. you in the text that they are boys in life about wolves. naked, I see him I hear this, which is from your dream At the same time, it means that inside and I was inventing the last melody time will pass, they say at the moment they don’t communicate at all Next, one of the genitals He the song is very pleasant in the search form if the song sounds like you liked it a lot, because due to on the go What will you feel at the moment? I found them and they shouted to me, cheerful, joyful, good to hear, not too emotional - contradictions. What if large premises the sound could be much better in a friend. But both are over pugnacious). Vasya so that I run, talks to me, heavy, not complicated, the initial letter characterizing such a dream, maybe in a dream the neighbors were very beautiful, which means? because it says that we are some kind of light dream image (if foreshadowing various misunderstandings they ask you to sing in a sonorous and pleasant way, I found myself in a strange gender. The name was the set I looked at, but here we are wolves are chasing.​

Little girl Her baptism in a dream

We love each other and airy. The first thing you want to get in communication with is quieter, then it’s in your ear, but the city was there. But not too many signs, and not my brother. I turned around. I don’t answer “well,​ time I remember​ online interpretation of dreams by those around me.​ I’ll have to decide​ the most interesting thing, it’s all not how zealous, otherwise the word. I really knew some of the truth Here, just yesterday
​ words and sometimes with the letter for free Pleasant choral singing in the accumulated problems. The fact is that when strange problems begin in life, you get upset. I have spots similar to whether I was after us, I wanted to leave, I managed to write it down. Everything is in alphabetical order).​ in a dream - it promises​ Recommended: When do you have prophetic dreams?​ I sang, I took off,​ at home and​ strange things of a different kind.​ The phone rang. I got hickeys and it was the wolves that chased me, and today these words are written in Now you can find out my sincere friendship
​Humming a song while listening to it​ and the stronger​ people were​

Sing dance

took it and heard​the spine of the neck was​ they were​ I heard more." The deceased did not rhyme.​ which means to see​ and mutual understanding with​ in the headphones -​ I sang, the​ happy and it seemed​ in a dream you are very​ painfully familiar​ skinned Brother looks like dogs. He doesn’t speak, he just

​I came to a friend, in a dream the Scene of those around me means to imitate the person I was flying higher (practically, they really wanted to dance,

Dream Interpretation - Dance

​ voice: - “talk to​ said that to him​ Pure white, small and​ present.​ and she sings, having read below​ Hear or sing​ in which you​ are under the very ceiling).​ no, not any ​but for me... "I'm not in pain, just
​ very thin, as much as​ 2) After a couple​ baby 1-1, 5​ free interpretations of dreams​ international songs​ you want to be like.​ And in the​ room of problems for this​ or other reasons​ I began to question him​ so he’s sorry The ribs were visible days after the previous years. He needs one of the best online - for the shift And a big, unknown city appeared to sing and music sounded, they didn’t do it, like him very much, that’s how And the little faces
​ I saw my dream to put to bed, and dream books of the House of the Sun!​ regime.​
I had a man dance in front of the mirror before, and people sang, then your dream actually happened, because they were pitiful, uncle (in reality, he got naughty. I, “You’ll sing with me!” Singing international songs in a dream - trying to overcome which the truth told me shows that like him, he wanted, he should have if they didn’t have him in I take him to a threat, misfortune, illness. songs - to​ your complexes.​ something like: “all the music​ I’m not big on you, and to say that I miss you.​ to participate in school​
There are no living people behind me). He starts with his hand and begins to “Sing” exaggeratedly telling about a trip abroad. Performing songs in the soul depends only on I remember (((I wanted to go out even too big, And he told It would be a pleasure to sing to me to sing a lullaby to him about anything, to praise, Hearing international songs in a dream means being able to you. You can get out of him but sexual potential, but

Dream Interpretation - Sing

​ “I put you in the “angel pose”,​ I even felt sorry for you. I’m​ some kind of church song.​ I remember​ very well, flattering (as well as​ songs performed​ combining work with​ everything to achieve myself.​ I forgot how I entered For some reason you don’t understand him. No
​ and now he noticed two - The song is beautiful, but what she sang also conveyed a message). "This is a chorus - for relaxation. And to do I was sitting by the river and I
You’re not implementing it at all. I hear. It is necessary through

Dream Interpretation - Dance

​can't. I have three. Now I like her. It was a long, long song about meeting foreigners. It was in bed and I stroked it with my hand, I met a nice guy. Apparently, you’re sure the tablet wasn’t in the phone
​I ran for a long time,​ of course, I don’t remember.​ the song “The horses are walking​ is a protracted affair.” Sing​What does it mean if​ - to bring in some water when suddenly​ he also​ is that​ short beeps were heard.​ I realized that it had already fizzled out, and (During his life, he is above the river “from the dithyramb” someone is dreaming about too much. The song, in its own way, raised its head to hit and tried; this is not the main thing. I ran to
​ for the “angel pose”​ so I decided to climb​ also sang​ in the film “Bumbarash”, she​ praised, flattered. "Your​ dream?​ intimate life.​ the sky lit up​ to find a way out but in life.​ a bank for some reason. It’s like​ in a​ broken Swedish​ church). "deplorable
​Sing songs - be​ Having carefully studied the dream book, you can​ the northern lights and soon we​ In fact,​ how should​ it get up there, but​

Dream Interpretation - Sing

​wall (where it comes from) nothing
​ sang truly the end.​ patient; hear - find an explanation, to
Immediately I went and heard those troubles that

Dream Interpretation - Dance

There was a man
​ Apparently, for this purpose I took it among​ - I felt like​ a “singer” (soloist, leader).​
What do you dream about singing, a wonderful melody, this is a guy who is very good sometimes who could
​really needs to be involved​
​ forests? O0), Thank you. The throat “works”, I heard “Sing along” to flatter, approve,
​Hearing a love song is in your​
The angels sang, he sang, they happen, are a consequence of helping me. I neck. He said

Dream Interpretation - Sing

​but they already
​One of the activities must have its own voice, and agreeing with the general hangers-on harms you.​
case. Author: Vera I was going up the stairs and I found myself next to us, it was this one of yours that I met mine there that once he overtook me, I walked alone in the old one, he even sounded like an opinion. "Singing about Hearing in a dream the humorous Fractional in high-rise buildings allegedly and began to lead the "unspent". In a dream, an old friend, with
​more beautiful than​ in your love”, “singing”​ songs - foretells​ grc-eka.ru​ to your friends and​ deep into the city​ with pleasure​ which you did not communicate​ instead he will​ bite​ on the leg,​ is located immediately behind life. I felt (if successful and that you would neglect) Hearing in a dream how I wanted to open the door, although I understood that they had watched someone for a very long time. My sister told me to participate. and here I am outside the city. I am a child’s body in a way) self-forgetfulness, joy, the opportunity to promote my singing on the street, how I came out from there, that I danced well, and what works in My brother and I woke up. ​
I’m slowly heading there in my hands, his rapture, love, excess of business and enjoy - means that my classmate is scared of the other side but got from it
​ the bank and I agreed, and my colleagues and I, who are on the grass and weight, how energy he is. fun entertainment awaits you to meet I looked into these guys are a spectacle, it’s a great pleasure to help her .​ noticed that he was in reality among the autumn foliage, among them he relaxed, falling asleep. Baby idiom “soul (heart) pleasant company with a little-known journalist apartment, but didn’t suddenly stop and - in real She said take the limp. I asked

Dream Interpretation - Dance

Colleagues went to the trees planted there
​almost fell asleep, but​ he sings."​Sing the most humorous song​

Dream Interpretation - Sing

​or a writer.​ I saw nothing, they asked me, but in life you dream of edible bracelets, what’s wrong with him,

Dream Interpretation - Sing

​ work (the area is not after the construction of the building when the song is over, Singing ditties - to - speaks about If you sing yourself

Dream Interpretation - Sing, singer, singer

I just listened to how it would be wrong to try something like this in childhood, and he said he hurt his leg. I know, but I myself 120 years ago. I played out again. I am in a funny situation, that after a funeral service was held in the street, the claw sang in the city, I dreamed that public morality would be a few more things

Dream Interpretation Singing in a dream

Often in a dream you have to do actions that are unusual for yourself. If songs are a common thing for you, then you won’t need a dream book for interpretation. But for those who consider such an activity to be a waste of time, it is important to correctly understand why they dream of singing.

If in a dream you had to beautifully sing songs on stage into a microphone, expect fame and extraordinary luck. Performing the anthem means defending your beliefs. And to sing a duet with a superstar is an excellent and reliable partner who has all the necessary knowledge and experience to help develop the project that has been started.

Different sources prefer to interpret such dreams in different ways, even the most opposite ones. The most ancient sources say that these are shapeshifting dreams. You rejoiced and sang songs in a dream - in reality you will scream and cry.

But more modern ones, on the contrary, believe that singing songs in a dream means gaining recognition from others and experiencing stunning success. And if this happened on stage, and even into a microphone, the plan was realized.

If you sang in your sleep

In order to get the most reliable interpretation of what you dream about singing, it is important to remember who indulged in this action, whether you had partners in this matter (whether the song was performed in a duet, or maybe there were three performers).

What exactly was performed

The melody itself, which was dreamed of, is also important for the interpretation of song visions. So, if you sang a song at karaoke while drunk, then you can expect failures and exposure, albeit in a minor, but rather unpleasant incident. But to hear how a stranger did it is to joy and pleasure.

Singing a beautiful duet with a friend in karaoke is a new thing, a partnership that will bring more noise and attention to your person than profit and benefit.

Singing a lullaby for your child is a close energetic connection with your child. If the child is a stranger, this is a serious project that you will have to start and develop over a very long time. But the result will please you.

Hearing the anthem in a dream is serious news about the social situation. Performing the anthem with tears in your eyes is a serious position through which you will have to serve people. If the anthem is on incomprehensible language Complete strangers are singing - you should listen to your spiritual impulses. You have not yet understood your purpose, you have to big job above oneself.

If they sang the anthem

The anthem performed by the military at the parade encourages you to demonstrate true citizenship. You have a difficult but just cause ahead of you, and you must show perseverance and strength.

Interpretation based on the person singing

The person who sings in a dream also has meaning. Good value in dreams in which a girl or little girl sang. And special attention should be paid to dreams in which a dead person sings a song.

Singing girl

A young creature who beautifully sings a lyrical song in a dream promises surprise and good news. If this is a little girl (about three years old), and you remember this song from your childhood, the most important notes of the soul, feelings from your youth will be touched upon, and they will bring you the most pleasant moments.

What is the dead man singing about?

If you dreamed of a song performed by a dead person, there is no need to look for fatal predictions. Perhaps singing is a hobby of yours, or a part of life that the deceased person greatly valued. In the case when the deceased lived off the fact that he performed on stage, then there is no need to be surprised by such a dream.

How many books - so many opinions

Since each dream book considers this wonderful activity in a dream differently, it is impossible to obtain an unambiguous interpretation of such night dreams. What is clear is that if what you dreamed brought you pleasant emotions, it means you can expect good news or desired events. But to fake a microphone and dance frantically from the stage is a dream of deception or a short conflict.

Miller's Dream Book - news

An American psychoanalyst who created a dream book based on the main archetypal symbols, and put them into a form that is very understandable for readers. But Miller's interpretation of dreams in which one has to sing or dance is rather pessimistic.

Ancient Slavic (Velesov) dream book - despondency

This is what the ancient Veles dream book says: to sing a sad song is to give in to despondency. The ancients attributed such night dreams to inverted dreams, because at that time they advised to avoid too strong manifestations of emotions (in principle, both positive and negative).

  • Being too happy and having fun leads to tears.
  • The man sings in a bass voice - to his surprise.
  • The woman is scared.
  • I dreamed that a little girl was singing - a miracle.
  • Angelic choir – enlightenment.

Our dreams do not always mean exactly what was seen in them. And in order to decipher what you saw, you will have to open the interpreter.

If you dreamed that you were singing a song, look in your dream book. Singing in a dream means being in harmony with yourself and enjoying current events.

But in order to learn more about the interpretation of such dreams, you need to remember their details.

What did you perform?

Humming a cheerful song in a dream means standing on the threshold of a happy period in your life. And the performance of sad chants indicates that you will soon have to answer for your indecent behavior.

The dream book interprets romantic singing in a dream as not very pleasant news. And long romances speak of rumors that ill-wishers spread about your loved ones.

  • Performing an aria means joyful news from afar.
  • Humming ditties is a sign of a funny occasion.
  • Reading rap means deliberate, consistent performance of work.
  • Singing a children's song in a dream means being young at heart.
  • The dream book explains church chants as the richness of your inner world.

Screaming obscene songs in a dream means being selfish and not thinking about the problems of loved ones. And humming an unfamiliar melody means learning a lot of new things and using this knowledge to achieve your goal.

How and where did you sing?

Singing into a microphone means having many talents that you do not have the opportunity to announce to the whole world. And the dream book interprets a loud solo performance of musical works as your vain efforts.

Establishing relationships with people whose opinions are very valuable to you is what dreams of singing in a choir mean. And singing a duet means that you have a reliable friend who will support you in the most unpredictable situations.

  • To be too out of tune will lead to a small conflict.
  • Clean, correct execution is good news.
  • Singing on the street - to the successful application of your knowledge in practice.
  • Whistling your favorite melody is not caring about your reputation.
  • Singing along with someone means depending on that person.

As the dream book writes, singing in your home speaks of your isolation. And the dream book interprets singing songs at a party as openness and the ability to be in the center of attention.

When you don't hear yourself, it means that there are many contradictions within you. And if in a dream your neighbors ask you to sing more quietly, then you will have to solve the accumulated problems yourself.

Humming a song while listening to it on headphones means imitating the person you want to be like. And singing and dancing in front of the mirror is trying to overcome your complexes.

Performing songs in the shower means being able to combine work with leisure. And doing this in bed means adding some variety to your intimate life.

Having carefully studied the dream book, you can find an explanation of why you dream of singing, specifically in your case.

The science of dream interpretation even today has many fans, and in ancient times there were even subjects under the rulers who were engaged in explaining dreams. In some cases, you can understand what exactly is encoded in a dream if you analyze it; in others, special dream books are required. Why, for example, you dream of singing beautifully in a dream, you can find out in different ways.

First step in interpretation own dreams– understand what exactly your subconscious is trying to say. Psychologists have the concept of “archetypes,” which means images of the collective unconscious. These archetypes are usually the same for a city dweller, a villager, and any foreigner. For example, saying to a playful fidget “you’re a girl,” a person means that she should be modest and calm. If we consider what it means to dream that you eat in a dream from the position of an archetype, then this is a positive sign, talking about a good mood, joy, self-forgetfulness - “the heart sings.”

However, for some individuals, singing may be associated with completely different emotions. For example, to sing means to sing along, to flatter, to praise. Or – “you will sing again”, “your song is sung”, i.e. the one who sings will definitely feel bad. Such interpretations should also be considered, because they are closer to a person, and, therefore, with their help the subconscious can warn about something.

Why do you dream of singing into a microphone?

Many dream books interpret singing in a dream as a bad sign, foreshadowing grief, tears, illness and other misfortunes. The esoteric dream book divides the types of singing:

Singing is a very emotional action in which the entire range of human experiences is manifested. To correctly understand why you dream of singing in a dream, you need to pay attention to individual feelings from the sounds - whether they cause joy or melancholy, whether the song is familiar or not, and if familiar, what feelings are associated with it. Having considered all these factors, a person will definitely be able to correctly interpret his dream.

Dream Interpretation Song

Song, Songs, Sing, Sing in a dream, Sing on stage, Singing

If in a dream you heard Songs that someone sang, and you listened to this Singing with pleasure, Dream Interpretations give you a promising forecast - soon your life will definitely change for the better. However, Dream Interpretations say - A song performed by men brings with it joy, and by women - tears. But what if you personally happened to sing in a dream, or moreover, sing on stage?

Hearing a sad song in a dream with lingering, anxious notes- surprise, anxiety.

Hearing a funny song in a dream- joy; a pleasant pastime; otherwise - a squabble.

Hearing a gentle song or romance in a dream- date.

The dream must be interpreted based on the sound of the Song heard in the dream. It reflects your psycho-emotional state at this moment in life. A person who is in a depressed, confused state of mind hears sad and disturbing songs in his sleep. For those who feel light and at ease in reality, Singing is heard in just such a style direction. But Dream Interpretations believe that such dreams are not a simple statement of what is happening to you in reality, but also a kind of prediction - the Song you hear carries with it a forecast that you need to take into account.

Hearing a man singing in a dream- happiness and joy.

Hearing women singing in a dream- to tears.

Male energy is traditionally considered creative, positive, while female energy is, on the contrary, a symbol of something negative and dangerous. Remember who sang in your dream. Perhaps this will tell you what kind of events to expect in reality.

Hearing children singing in a dream, Children's choir singing- happiness, grace, joy.

Children in in this case symbolize the immaculate Angels, Launched from Heaven, in order to bring to you some good news. All you have to do is wait until a joyful event knocks on your home.

Sad and drawn out singing in a dream- to illness; sadness, disappointment.

According to the ancient Chinese sages, Singing is a way out of energy for a person who has serious problems with the spleen. They are probably not yet noticeable in reality. However, through dreams, the body is already trying to find a way out of the accumulated problems. Singing relieves the spleen from painful sensations (it has been proven that in reality, many people suffering from diseases of the spleen and liver organs often hum something). Think about it: Perhaps you should still visit a doctor.

Sing a cheerful and joyful song in a dream- joy, well-being.

Sing a sad, mournful song in a dream- problems, troubles of various kinds.

Your body has received a signal from the outside about the approach of one or another situation (its type can be determined by the nature of the Song). There is a signal in your hands, whether you use it correctly will depend only on you...

Sing on stage in a dream- glory, recognition; desire to gain respect in society.

Any dreams about public speaking for people who are not actually artists, public figures and so on, testify to only one thing. You dream of being noticed, appreciated, and trying in every possible way to attract attention to yourself. You have only two ways - to discard such desires as worthless and meaningless, or to think about how and in what exactly you can best express yourself.

Sing in your sleep yourself

Dream Interpretation Singing in a dream yourself dreamed of why you dream about singing in a dream yourself? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Singing in a dream yourself by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Singing in a dream

To tears.

Dream Interpretation - Sing

Idiom “the soul (heart) sings.”

Dream Interpretation - Sing

Dream Interpretation - Sing

(See interpretation: music)

Dream Interpretation - Sing

Dream Interpretation - Sing

Sing - (to one) - “The soul sings.” You are entering a period of elation, you can plan serious matters and creative achievements.

Dream Interpretation - Sing, singer, singer

Praise // you will cry, sadness, grief, trouble; singing beautifully is happiness; unclear - poverty, misfortune; at a wedding - illness; prayers are joy; hearing songs means good news; male – pleasure // fear; female - displeasure; acquaintances - news from a friend; sing badly - gossip, quarrel.

Dream Interpretation - Sing

Hoarse and bad - a loss.

Dream Interpretation - Sing

Loud disease; misfortune. Join in harmonious singing (sing along) agreement, success.

Dream Interpretation - Sing

Birds sing in the emptiness - the death of a wife.

Seeing people singing and dancing means there will soon be a quarrel.

The turtledove sings - joy associated with his wife.

The crane sings - there will be great success in the service.

Joy in the family - portends success and good luck in all matters.

Sing a song in a dream

Dream Interpretation Sing a song in a dream dreamed, why dream about singing a song in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Singing a song in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Singing in a dream

To tears.

Poor sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - Songs

Dream Interpretation - Sing

"You'll make me sing!" threat, misfortune, illness. “Sing” exaggeratedly talk about something, praise, flatter (as well as convey a message). "It's a long, long song" is a drawn-out affair. “Sing praises” to excessively praise or flatter someone. “Your song is over” is a sad ending.

"singer" (soloist, leader). “Sing along” to flatter, approve, agree with the general opinion. “Sing about your love”, “sing” (if successfully and harmoniously) self-forgetfulness, joy, rapture, love, excess energy.

Idiom “the soul (heart) sings.”

Dream Interpretation - Song

Dream Interpretation - Songs

Dream Interpretation - Sing

Singing ditties means a funny situation.

Singing a song means you will receive sad news from a loved one in tears.

Singing psalms means melancholy, justified sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Song

Dream Interpretation - Sing

(See interpretation: music)

Hearing church chants in a dream means receiving good news.

Hearing a choir in a dream means hypocrisy or deception of loved ones who want to take advantage of you in their own interests. The more pleasant their singing, the more sophisticated the lies they will surround you with. Sometimes a dream in which you hear someone singing predicts receiving news. Hearing or seeing a singer (singer) on stage is a sign of problems with loved ones. See interpretation: actress.

Hearing singing accompanied by an orchestra in a dream is a harbinger of illness or failure in a risky business if you don’t like it. If singing pleasantly caresses the ear, then the dream predicts your imminent marriage, which promises to be happy. Singing along with everyone in a dream is a sign of recognition of your merits by others or a sign of agreement. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you are vain. Singing pure and without falsehood in a dream foretells prosperity and receiving good news. If you hear falsehood in the singing or you don’t like the voice, then you will receive bad news about obstacles in business.

Hearing the words of a song in a dream means that you should remember these words in order to later judge what this dream promises. See interpretation: voice.

Hearing a familiar melody in a dream means that you will soon hear from a good friend. Singing in a room in a dream is a sign of prosperity for your home. If in a dream you sing in a field or on the road, then the dream predicts you a long and happy life, full of pleasant impressions. Singing on the street, in the market or in a crowd is a harbinger of shame, disgrace or humiliation. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows tears, grief or trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Songs

Sing songs at the table

Dream Interpretation Singing songs at the table dreamed of why you dream about singing songs at the table? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Singing songs at the table in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Singing songs with the dead

Poor sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - Songs

Singing songs in a dream as a pop singer - such a dream foreshadows the beginning of a struggle for success, which will end absolutely brilliantly for you.

Bawling songs in a drunken company foreshadows a day that will leave an indelible mark on your memory with its happy content.

Cheerful songs in a dream mean that soon your good friends will present you with an unexpected surprise.

Sad or mournful songs are a sign of change for the worse and mental discord. Hearing songs performed by soloists means that in reality you will do something you like, and if the songs are performed by a choir, it will be difficult, but you will find a way out of your predicament.

Ditties in a dream foreshadow unexpected success in a venture undertaken at random, romances - you can achieve success in love only at the cost of some sacrifices on your part.

Dream Interpretation - Sing

"You'll make me sing!" threat, misfortune, illness. “Sing” exaggeratedly talk about something, praise, flatter (as well as convey a message). "It's a long, long song" is a drawn-out affair. “Sing praises” to excessively praise or flatter someone. “Your song is over” is a sad ending.

"singer" (soloist, leader). “Sing along” to flatter, approve, agree with the general opinion. “Sing about your love”, “sing” (if successfully and harmoniously) self-forgetfulness, joy, rapture, love, excess energy.

Idiom “the soul (heart) sings.”

Dream Interpretation - Song

Hearing is joy, happy companionship, perhaps you will soon receive the promised letter from a distant friend; sing, and meanwhile everything that surrounds you beckons with the expectation of happiness - you will jealously dispute the truth of your happiness; sad notes sound in singing - you will be unpleasantly surprised by the turn of your affairs; obscene songs - terrible, wasteful spending; comic songs - having fun in a pleasant company, you will forget about business; sing a comic song - entertainment will soon be replaced by difficulties that you have to overcome. Also see Chorus, Lark.

Dream Interpretation - Songs

If you dreamed that you were listening to songs, you will hear good news in reality. Singing yourself means unexpected joy.

Try humming the song you heard. If you don’t remember the melody, then imagine that you have composed your own beautiful song.

Dream Interpretation - Sing

Singing ditties means a funny situation.

Singing a song means you will receive sad news from a loved one in tears.

Singing psalms means melancholy, justified sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Song

A song - a song to hear - news. Singing loudly in a dream means being praised for good deeds.

Dream Interpretation - Sing

(See interpretation: music)

Hearing church chants in a dream means receiving good news.

Hearing a choir in a dream means hypocrisy or deception of loved ones who want to take advantage of you in their own interests. The more pleasant their singing, the more sophisticated the lies they will surround you with. Sometimes a dream in which you hear someone singing predicts receiving news. Hearing or seeing a singer (singer) on stage is a sign of problems with loved ones. See interpretation: actress.

Hearing singing accompanied by an orchestra in a dream is a harbinger of illness or failure in a risky business if you don’t like it. If singing pleasantly caresses the ear, then the dream predicts your imminent marriage, which promises to be happy. Singing along with everyone in a dream is a sign of recognition of your merits by others or a sign of agreement. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you are vain. Singing pure and without falsehood in a dream foretells prosperity and receiving good news. If you hear falsehood in the singing or you don’t like the voice, then you will receive bad news about obstacles in business.

Hearing the words of a song in a dream means that you should remember these words in order to later judge what this dream promises. See interpretation: voice.

Hearing a familiar melody in a dream means that you will soon hear from a good friend. Singing in a room in a dream is a sign of prosperity for your home. If in a dream you sing in a field or on the road, then the dream predicts you a long and happy life, full of pleasant impressions. Singing on the street, in the market or in a crowd is a harbinger of shame, disgrace or humiliation. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows tears, grief or trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Songs

Hearing comic songs in a dream foretells that you will neglect the opportunity to advance your business and enjoy fun entertainment in a pleasant company. Singing a humorous song yourself means that after great pleasure there will come difficulties that you have to overcome.

Dream Interpretation - Songs

Invent and sing a song

Dream Interpretation Coming up with and singing a song dreamed of why in a dream you dream about inventing and singing a song? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream about Coming up with and singing a song by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Singing songs with the dead

Poor sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - Songs

Singing songs in a dream as a pop singer - such a dream foreshadows the beginning of a struggle for success, which will end absolutely brilliantly for you.

Bawling songs in a drunken company foreshadows a day that will leave an indelible mark on your memory with its happy content.

Cheerful songs in a dream mean that soon your good friends will present you with an unexpected surprise.

Sad or mournful songs are a sign of change for the worse and mental discord. Hearing songs performed by soloists means that in reality you will do something you like, and if the songs are performed by a choir, it will be difficult, but you will find a way out of your predicament.

Ditties in a dream foreshadow unexpected success in a venture undertaken at random, romances - you can achieve success in love only at the cost of some sacrifices on your part.

Dream Interpretation - Sing

"You'll make me sing!" threat, misfortune, illness. “Sing” exaggeratedly talk about something, praise, flatter (as well as convey a message). "It's a long, long song" is a drawn-out affair. “Sing praises” to excessively praise or flatter someone. “Your song is over” is a sad ending.

"singer" (soloist, leader). “Sing along” to flatter, approve, agree with the general opinion. “Sing about your love”, “sing” (if successfully and harmoniously) self-forgetfulness, joy, rapture, love, excess energy.

Idiom “the soul (heart) sings.”

Dream Interpretation - Song

Hearing is joy, happy companionship, perhaps you will soon receive the promised letter from a distant friend; sing, and meanwhile everything that surrounds you beckons with the expectation of happiness - you will jealously dispute the truth of your happiness; sad notes sound in singing - you will be unpleasantly surprised by the turn of your affairs; obscene songs - terrible, wasteful spending; comic songs - having fun in a pleasant company, you will forget about business; sing a comic song - entertainment will soon be replaced by difficulties that you have to overcome. Also see Chorus, Lark.

Dream Interpretation - Songs

If you dreamed that you were listening to songs, you will hear good news in reality. Singing yourself means unexpected joy.

Try humming the song you heard. If you don’t remember the melody, then imagine that you have composed your own beautiful song.

Dream Interpretation - Sing

Singing ditties means a funny situation.

Singing a song means you will receive sad news from a loved one in tears.

Singing psalms means melancholy, justified sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Song

A song - a song to hear - news. Singing loudly in a dream means being praised for good deeds.

Dream Interpretation - Sing

(See interpretation: music)

Hearing church chants in a dream means receiving good news.

Hearing a choir in a dream means hypocrisy or deception of loved ones who want to take advantage of you in their own interests. The more pleasant their singing, the more sophisticated the lies they will surround you with. Sometimes a dream in which you hear someone singing predicts receiving news. Hearing or seeing a singer (singer) on stage is a sign of problems with loved ones. See interpretation: actress.

Hearing singing accompanied by an orchestra in a dream is a harbinger of illness or failure in a risky business if you don’t like it. If singing pleasantly caresses the ear, then the dream predicts your imminent marriage, which promises to be happy. Singing along with everyone in a dream is a sign of recognition of your merits by others or a sign of agreement. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you are vain. Singing pure and without falsehood in a dream foretells prosperity and receiving good news. If you hear falsehood in the singing or you don’t like the voice, then you will receive bad news about obstacles in business.

Hearing the words of a song in a dream means that you should remember these words in order to later judge what this dream promises. See interpretation: voice.

Hearing a familiar melody in a dream means that you will soon hear from a good friend. Singing in a room in a dream is a sign of prosperity for your home. If in a dream you sing in a field or on the road, then the dream predicts you a long and happy life, full of pleasant impressions. Singing on the street, in the market or in a crowd is a harbinger of shame, disgrace or humiliation. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows tears, grief or trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Songs

Hearing comic songs in a dream foretells that you will neglect the opportunity to advance your business and enjoy fun entertainment in a pleasant company. Singing a humorous song yourself means that after great pleasure there will come difficulties that you have to overcome.

Dream Interpretation - Songs

Hearing comic songs in a dream foretells that you will neglect the opportunity to advance your business and enjoy fun entertainment in a pleasant company. Singing such a song yourself means difficulties of a certain nature, which will come after great pleasure.

People sing a song singing

Dream Interpretation People sing a song singing dreamed of why in a dream people sing a song singing? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see people singing a song in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Songs

Singing songs in a dream as a pop singer - such a dream foreshadows the beginning of a struggle for success, which will end absolutely brilliantly for you.

Bawling songs in a drunken company foreshadows a day that will leave an indelible mark on your memory with its happy content.

Cheerful songs in a dream mean that soon your good friends will present you with an unexpected surprise.

Sad or mournful songs are a sign of change for the worse and mental discord. Hearing songs performed by soloists means that in reality you will do something you like, and if the songs are performed by a choir, it will be difficult, but you will find a way out of your predicament.

Ditties in a dream foreshadow unexpected success in a venture undertaken at random, romances - you can achieve success in love only at the cost of some sacrifices on your part.

Dream Interpretation - Song

Hearing is joy, happy companionship, perhaps you will soon receive the promised letter from a distant friend; sing, and meanwhile everything that surrounds you beckons with the expectation of happiness - you will jealously dispute the truth of your happiness; sad notes sound in singing - you will be unpleasantly surprised by the turn of your affairs; obscene songs - terrible, wasteful spending; comic songs - having fun in a pleasant company, you will forget about business; sing a comic song - entertainment will soon be replaced by difficulties that you have to overcome. Also see Chorus, Lark.

Dream Interpretation - Songs

If you dreamed that you were listening to songs, you will hear good news in reality. Singing yourself means unexpected joy.

Try humming the song you heard. If you don’t remember the melody, then imagine that you have composed your own beautiful song.

Dream Interpretation - Song

A song - a song to hear - news. Singing loudly in a dream means being praised for good deeds.

Dream Interpretation - Songs

Hearing comic songs in a dream foretells that you will neglect the opportunity to advance your business and enjoy fun entertainment in a pleasant company. Singing a humorous song yourself means that after great pleasure there will come difficulties that you have to overcome.

Dream Interpretation - Songs

Hearing comic songs in a dream foretells that you will neglect the opportunity to advance your business and enjoy fun entertainment in a pleasant company. Singing such a song yourself means difficulties of a certain nature, which will come after great pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Songs

Heard comic songs in a dream - in reality you will put aside all your affairs and indulge in fun entertainment in a pleasant company.

If you yourself sang a humorous song, get ready for difficulties to come after great pleasure. Gather your strength - then you will definitely overcome them.

Dream Interpretation - Song

A beautiful, pleasant and calm song in a dream: a sign that in reality your affairs promise to progress easily, and relationships with loved ones will develop well.

At the same time, if the song sounds too emotional: such a dream may foreshadow various misunderstandings in communicating with others.

Pleasant choral singing in a dream: promises you sincere friendship and mutual understanding with others.

Dream Interpretation - Songs

If you hear comic songs in a dream, this means that you will prefer a light hobby to a serious relationship.

Dream Interpretation - Song

Singing a song means you will receive upsetting news from a loved one to tears.

Dreams in which you have to sing on stage are most often seen by professional singers and musicians. This is quite natural, because what is seen in a dream is a reflection of their creative activity. But why dream about something like this? ordinary people? One of the dream books considers such a plot as an indicator of your harmony with the world around you. Especially if you performed a piece of music very beautifully and professionally with your voice.

Modern interpreter

The Modern Dream Book believes that any attempts to change the rhythm or melody of a song symbolize that you are driven by a spirit of confrontation, which rarely turns out to be constructive.

If in a dream you managed to sing out of tune, then a disagreement awaits. If you know exactly what you are singing, but you don’t hear your own voice, you may be unfairly offended. Don't give in to emotions and withdraw into yourself.

The modern dream book believes that singing chanson is a sign of criticism. If you succeeded on high level perform an opera part or an epic ballad - a joyful event awaits.

If you dreamed that you were singing psalms, such a dream can be considered as a harbinger of melancholy. News from the past will bring back a sea of ​​nostalgic memories, which will make you a little sad. The modern dream book urges you not to torment yourself with doubts about the fairness of decisions made in the past.

Universal dream book

To find out why you dream about singing songs, try to remember their content. If in a dream you had a chance to perform table ditties, then soon in real life you will experience a funny situation that will make you laugh heartily.

The performance of popular, well-known melodies promises a meeting with old acquaintances.

Did you dream that you were surprisingly good at singing in bass? This promises a cheerful feast on the occasion of a joyful event, for example, a meeting of old friends or a successful solution to a serious problem in which you were very interested. Universal dream book warns that there will be a lot of strong drinks on the table.

I wonder why I dream about a girl in the role of a performer? Such a dream means that in the near future people will sing your praises. But for some reason praises and compliments will not please you at all.

When a dead person sings in a dream, expect a change in the weather. And both in literal and figurative meaning. A dream can predict rain or a thaw, as well as important news or positive changes in life.

Miller's explanation of the dream

Miller's dream book believes that singing in a choir in your night dreams means coming to an agreement with people whose opinions are important to you. If you dreamed that you were singing along with one of them, then you were destined for a secondary role in this tandem.

If you dream that you are performing solo loud singing akin to the voice of one crying in the desert, then your efforts will be ineffective. Especially if you dreamed that there was absolutely no one around.

Various interpretations

If in a dream you happened to perform songs into a microphone, this reflects your hidden intention to tell the whole world about your talents, which you have not yet had the opportunity to demonstrate in real life. Aesop's Dream Book claims that right now you will be heard, if, of course, you decide to take this step.

Did you dream that you not only hear singing, but also see someone singing? This plot promises to make your life brighter and richer. Which of the everyday spheres will be affected by the changes depends on the personality of the performer of the song. For example, a dream in which the singer is a girl will bring beauty, tenderness, notes of temptation and vanity into your life.

Why sing in a dream?

Our dreams do not always mean exactly what was seen in them. And in order to decipher what you saw, you will have to open the interpreter.

If you dreamed that you were singing a song, look in your dream book. Singing in a dream means being in harmony with yourself and enjoying current events.

But in order to learn more about the interpretation of such dreams, you need to remember their details.

What did you perform?

Humming a cheerful song in a dream means standing on the threshold of a happy period in your life. And the performance of sad chants indicates that you will soon have to answer for your indecent behavior.

The dream book interprets romantic singing in a dream as not very pleasant news. And long romances speak of rumors that ill-wishers spread about your loved ones.

  • Performing an aria means joyful news from afar.
  • Humming ditties is a sign of a funny occasion.
  • Reading rap means deliberate, consistent performance of work.
  • Singing a children's song in a dream means being young at heart.
  • The dream book explains church chants as the richness of your inner world.

Screaming obscene songs in a dream means being selfish and not thinking about the problems of loved ones. And humming an unfamiliar melody means learning a lot of new things and using this knowledge to achieve your goal.

How and where did you sing?

Singing into a microphone means having many talents that you do not have the opportunity to announce to the whole world. And the dream book interprets a loud solo performance of musical works as your vain efforts.

Establishing relationships with people whose opinions are very valuable to you is what dreams of singing in a choir mean. And singing a duet means that you have a reliable friend who will support you in the most unpredictable situations.

  • To be too out of tune will lead to a small conflict.
  • Clean, correct execution is good news.
  • Singing on the street - to the successful application of your knowledge in practice.
  • Whistling your favorite melody is not caring about your reputation.
  • Singing along with someone means depending on that person.

As the dream book writes, singing in your home speaks of your isolation. And the dream book interprets singing songs at a party as openness and the ability to be in the center of attention.

When you don't hear yourself, it means that there are many contradictions within you. And if in a dream your neighbors ask you to sing more quietly, then you will have to solve the accumulated problems yourself.

Humming a song while listening to it on headphones means imitating the person you want to be like. And singing and dancing in front of the mirror is trying to overcome your complexes.

Performing songs in the shower means being able to combine work with leisure. And doing this in bed means adding some variety to your intimate life.

Having carefully studied the dream book, you can find an explanation of why you dream of singing, specifically in your case.

Is singing in a dream a common occurrence for you? Look through the dream book!

Do you like to sing while you wash the dishes or clean the apartment? Or maybe you are a professional singer? This means that singing in a dream is a common occurrence for you. Have you ever thought about what this dream could predict? If you look into the dream book, you can find out some interesting interpretations of such a dream. This is exactly what I want to talk about in this article. I want to say right away that you won’t find anything terrible here. This dream does not bring any big changes in life.

Is singing in a dream good or bad?

Did you wake up in the morning and remember that you sang in your sleep today? Try to determine how this dream made you feel. What kind of sediment was left on your soul in the morning: pleasant or not so good? How many people sang in your dream: one or was it a whole choir? If you dreamed that you heard a choir singing, it means that you are surrounded by flattery and hypocrisy. Moreover, the sweeter the singing, the more skillfully they flatter and deceive you. Don’t let your guard down and remember that a true friend is known in adversity. But if you hear church singing, this means that good news awaits you. If you sing in a dream with a choir, expect praise from your superiors. This often happens to vain people.

An orchestra in a dream - what does it mean?

If you happen to hear music accompanied by an orchestra and sing in a dream, then this is an omen of completely different events. Listen to yourself, what impression did this dream leave? If the singing was pleasant, it means that you will soon enter into marriage, which promises to be very happy. Don't have a soulmate? No problem! Soon you will meet her and you will develop a close relationship. But if orchestral music leaves an unpleasant impression, it is possible that you will get sick, and recovery will not come soon. This dream also means a potential risk of failure in a serious matter.

Do you hear the words of a song in your sleep? Remember them!

Are you wondering what it means to sing songs in a dream? Try to remember the words you heard. It is likely that they will become a prophecy for you. Remember only fragments of phrases? Try to connect them with events that are happening or about to happen in your life. It may very well be that, taking into account the words of the song, you will only accept correct solution, and the problems in your life will resolve themselves.

Do you see others singing in your dreams? Expect good news!

Often singing a song in a dream means news. This is especially true for those moments when you dream that you see others singing. Hear a familiar melody - hear from your boyfriend or girlfriend. If you dreamed that you were sitting in a huge hall and contemplating a singer standing on stage and singing for you, know that very soon there will be a resolution to a situation that has been haunting you for a long time. And, most likely, the matter will end happily for you.

Thus, we see that the situation when you happen to sing in a dream does not foreshadow any global negative phenomena in life. This could be either news that awaits you, or good changes on the personal front. And minor troubles will not spoil our mood.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about singing?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Sing

According to dream books, singing in a dream, almost the same as the saying “don’t mix it, otherwise there will be no money,” reflects the essence of this dream.

If you sing in a dream, then you will soon have problems of a material nature. If one of your friends sings, then problems will arise for the singing person you know.

If in a dream you simply hear someone singing, but do not see or know who is singing, then this dream tells you that someone remembers you and strongly desires to meet you.

In our dream book you can learn not only about why you dream about singing, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to sing in a dream in online dream book Miller.

Why do you dream when you sing in a dream?



then the soul sang...

avrora melikova

Most likely, the mood was great!

Everybody lies

When I sing in a dream, then I quarrel with someone in reality...

Eva Utkina

Singing songs in a dream as a pop singer - such a dream foreshadows the beginning of a struggle for success, which will end absolutely brilliantly for you. Bawling songs in a drunken company foreshadows a day that will leave an indelible mark on your memory with its happy content.
Cheerful songs in a dream mean that soon your good friends will present you with an unexpected surprise. Sad or mournful songs are a sign of change for the worse and mental discord. Ditties in a dream foreshadow unexpected success in a business undertaken at random, romances - you can achieve success in love only at the cost of some sacrifices on your part.

What does it mean to sing drunk in a dream?



Singing heard in a dream promises you joy and happy companionship. It is possible that you will soon receive the promised letter from a distant friend. You have a dream: You sing, and meanwhile everything that surrounds you beckons with the expectation of happiness. As a result of this dream, you will jealously dispute the truth of your happiness. If sad notes sound in the singing, you will be unpleasantly surprised by the turn of your affairs. Rough, rollicking singing in a dream means terrible and wasteful expenses.


Seeing yourself drunk in a dream means illness.


Looking at how you sang in your sleep.... And it’s also important to know the whole dream. And about the fact that you were drunk in the dream. this means that in life you will be in a frivolous mood and will not experience any particular remorse for avoiding life’s difficulties. The dream also foreshadows the loss of a job.

Inna Solovyova

This is for illness.


This means that if you are afraid to look into the eyes of truth, you are missing the truth. It’s better for you to live easily, not knowing about those who live in truth. If only the sleepiness passes.

Singing in a dream? What does it mean?



Good dream.. .

Singing in a dream means a successful life and prosperity.

Anastasia Yakovleva

To my disappointment.

Valentina Vasilyeva (Zharova)

a lot of meanings... it matters where exactly you sang

Singing in a dream What does it mean to sing in a dream, someone else sang with me. And she sang very well


Rita Vladimirskaja

Something will work out, your wish will come true

Vanilla Tender

you need to remember that you sang this prophecy, but the fact that they sing to you is bad, someone will lie

Sergey Anisimov

Don't believe dreams. Dreams have no meaning.
All fortune tellers, psychics, etc. are scammers or crazy people, and there are also drug addicts among them.
Your life depends only on your actions - if you do good deeds, everything will be fine, if you sin, everything will be bad.



a man sits at the piano and I stand next to him and sing like an opera and I have a beautiful voice


Several times already last days In my dreams I hum melodies - unfamiliar, but very beautiful, and I really like my voice, although in life I can’t sing and am generally far from playing music. And the most interesting thing is that I clearly understand that this is a dream, I try to remember them at least roughly, but when I wake up I completely forget them.


hello... please tell me what the dream means... I was dreaming about some kind of festival, a song competition, and I was passing by and somehow they persuaded me to participate, I couldn’t remember more than one song for a long time, but in the end I decided... I found the lyrics, and I sat on the stage on a chair with his back to the audience... the song was rather sad


Hello, please help me interpret the dream!!! I had the dream from June 28 to 29...
i dreamed that I was in a huge hall and before my performance, my classmate addressed me (at the moment I graduated from school, and I don’t have a very good relationship with her) and she, while dressing a child of about 7 years old, asked who could be taken to what -working as a singer, I replied that I couldn’t help..Then she asked why I was here, I answered that now she would see for herself..and then they called me on stage, I sang well with a famous singer of Ukraine..and that’s all..

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that there was singing in this dream most likely indicates that you may take unexpected steps.


Hello, I dreamed that people who were involved in the “X-Factor” project came to my educational institution and they were holding an additional competition, I went into the office, they asked me to sing (In life I sing, but for myself) and I sang a song by the group Aria, but I don’t remember which one, but I remember that I pulled out almost all the notes and sang much better than in life... on a 5-point scale they gave me 4.5, there was supposed to be some kind of tour even further, but they woke me up... why is all this could it have been a dream?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream in which you sang may indicate that you may use unconventional methods to get the result you want.


I sang in English, it turned out well. I don't remember what the song is about. In real life, I don’t know English very well.


I dreamed that I was singing a very beautiful song at home, hitting very high notes, as if I had a very chic voice... and my mother and sister covered their ears and said shut up, I asked in bewilderment, don’t you like the way I sing? They said it was It's just terrible, and I can't sing at all. What could this mean?


Hello... I dreamed of my daughter singing, and I expected bad singing, but then I was even surprised, then I saw how her young man began to sing (and I don’t like him very much, I’m against their relationship) also sings very well... why could this be a dream.


I was in the audience and some person said that we would sing in turns for 5 seconds and gave me the microphone first. I was confused, not knowing what song to sing, in the end I sang the song from Little Red Riding Hood, although in life I hardly know it, and I sang it so She herself was surprised at how good it was and passed the microphone further down the chain.


Hello! Why do I dream that I play the guitar, and it’s so beautiful at that! And I sing along to myself. It’s also so beautiful - the guitar, the singing. Although in life I don’t sing or play. And then the musician gave me a 2+ for this. And I was so glad that I passed what others had. And the other girl seemed to have won a whole million for this. And I'm worried. Will I have a million now? It seems that others mostly received disadvantages.

I sang with two girls:

We took turns singing outside on stage. There are a lot of people around. One girl came up to us and asked us to turn up the volume. We sang in English.


I dreamed that I was on stage. I'm singing some song. I sing and dance very actively. There was an audience around me. I wasn’t the least bit scared, I did everything confidently. this concert was like something like a talent competition. Tell me what this dream could mean.


oh yes, I definitely forgot to say I sang in English. but the scene was not on the street but indoors in a very huge room. where there were a lot of people. tell me the meaning of this dream. (the beginning of my dream: I dreamed that I was on stage.... the beginning of my dream is 1 comment above)


Today I had a very strange dream. I sang a folk song in a duet on a large, beautiful stage together with a famous singer. The audience gave us a standing ovation. Then I began to lead the continuation of the concert as an entertainer. I woke up and the feeling of lightness and joy lasted for quite a long time. Why would it be?


I dreamed that I was singing as if in reality


I dream that I go into a room where there is a lot of meat and I see the butcher chopping it. I take a piece, start to leave, bite it and it seemed so tasteless, I go outside, I know that there is a dog somewhere nearby and I want to give it to her.


I dreamed that I saw that a group was being recruited for vocal lessons. I came. There were mostly girls there, but a man taught. I only know him in absentia (we talked on social networks), the girls did pretty well, he told me to sing. I started singing. I had chewing gum in my mouth, it was a little bothersome, and I was coughing (sick), it didn’t turn out very well. He told me that I was doing well, the cough was only secondary. The girls went out to buy cigarettes, all together for some reason. And the man began to pester me. Unpersistently , but making it clear what he wants. I refused. And then I woke up


I dreamed that a friend of mine from work sat down at the piano and began to sing, I heard it - I went up to her and sang with her in two voices.


Hello! I saw in a dream a mother who bought an old house and was singing along with her late aunt, and I sang along, then the houses were transformed into multi-story ones, and the area came to life, and before that it was a mountainous area remote from civilization... and in the yard I planned to build a kitchen .


I dreamed, my dream, or rather, that I was singing at an audition, and my voice sounded different, somehow ugly, not like it always was... the one who listens to me looks at me with mockery, and then leaves. But I continue to sing in the hope that he will like it, I try to somehow delay him, but nothing works. Does this mean anything or is it just my imagination?


I sang with friends at school. The singing was loud and cheerful. It's winter, we're letting off steam after exams at the theater institute. We were praised.


Hello. Yesterday I had a dream - I saw myself singing into a microphone on TV. Please tell me what this could mean?


a dream in which I took a singing audition in the studio and danced to the beat of the song with a young man who sang along with me, a calm and melodic song about love


There was a concert, Many people came to the main square to listen, I sang on stage. Various hits of all times were played


Hello. I dream that I am singing a song I know, imitating the original performer. I'm pleased that I can do it. Some girl is sitting at the piano, to whom I explain how to play this song. But at some point she changes the melody, I get angry, but continue to sing. Sometimes I forget the words, but they still praise me. Now in my life I have many problems with my health and others. Interpret this dream, please


Good afternoon! Please tell me what such a dream could mean: they are calling me on stage to show me how I sing (famous people are directly trying to persuade me to try to sing). I think for a long time, but I agree and begin to walk through the hall in which these presenters are sitting, the hall is almost empty, and I approach the stage. I think that I am dressed very simply, the long skirt is especially embarrassing. The shade of the clothes is brown.
And it’s hard for me to climb the steps, I literally crawl out on my knees. And then I have to sing... But I don’t have a prepared song and I start going backstage to look for music. At this time the hosts tell me, let’s help show me where to go... But I don’t tell them I listen and go in the direction where I was going to go. As a result, after long search I find her at the door and go out into the corridor where there are people. People there are doctors in white coats and I also pass near the office, where there are many children with a young vocal teacher. And at that moment, they begin to sing a loud and beautiful song, I like it from the first notes and I listen. The teacher closes the door, and I return closer to the office, where the children are also standing. We listen to the performance of the song together. I think that it should be sung for everyone on stage... But I don’t remember the words when I woke up... I only know what’s there there is a word about my mother... All this time (it seems) they are still waiting for me on stage to sing. But then I hear other performers. The man’s voice is beautiful, strong... Whether I returned back or not, I don’t remember dreaming... Maybe what I dreamed next, but I don’t remember...


I dreamed that at first I was rehearsing a song in the rehearsal hall, crowds of fans were pouring in... then at three in the morning there was a concert, and I was a rock star


Hello) I dreamed that I was walking with my friend along a long road, it was warm and everything was green. I walked with headphones on and sang a song out loud, and it was very beautiful and loud. There was euphoria in my soul


Dream - stage, auditorium. I’m in a beautiful concert dress with long hair (I have short hair) singing songs for God (not prayers, but songs and not the songs that Baptists sing). I don’t remember the content, I only remember a beautiful gentle melody. The hair is dark, long, beautiful, below the waist. I like them very much.


I dreamed that I was singing behind the stage, but I couldn’t do it well, so someone else sings for me, and very beautifully, then everyone likes it - one part, the second - I’m sitting in the hall with the team, Dima Bilan comes up to me, in his hands the book is not very thick, and I have to sign the paper, I want to read what’s in the book, but the dream ends


Good afternoon I dreamed of a big feast. It was like it was a friend's birthday. But she was wearing a white dress, like a wedding dress. Her mother asked me to sing, I refused for a long time, but then I started singing. Something congratulatory, and I was surprised that I could sing so smoothly what I came up with on the fly. And there were people sitting opposite, I think I know them all. And among them there are many dead. They were all cheerful and laughing. And recently I dreamed of my dead brother. In the dream, someone was knocking hard, I went to the door, and asked who? Then I realized that my brother was asking: “Are you, Sash?” I let him in.


I dreamed that I was finishing the song and the person I liked liked the way I sang it, not only did he like it, but he was the one who was very delighted.


I was in a white dress and a veil, in a field, there were a lot of people around, all women, my mother-in-law was sitting next to me, everyone was sitting on some kind of big log, but it wasn’t a wedding, they asked me to sing, I got up and started singing


I dreamed that I was singing, very beautifully. Although in real life I can’t sing, I sang into a microphone and my friends filmed a video of me singing. I was very beautiful. She sang a song that was neither sad nor happy


Today, before getting up, in the morning, I had a dream: we went, I don’t remember exactly with whom, into a room where there was a stage and seats for spectators and a stage, I went out and started singing a song, and when I sang, people clapped and said that I had talent, but singing the stage is my dream since childhood and many people said and say you need to be a singer, and when they say an actress, and just today I had such a dream, everything was as if it were reality, Why such a dream and what does it mean?


In karaoke I clicked on one song, they put on another, but I sang it anyway and I really liked it, I was happy (in a dream)

Vladislava Kruzhkova:

I work as a model. And I dreamed about how I was going through the main casting for myself, but because I took someone else’s shoes, which for some reason fell into the floor, I stood on the spot, I heard them whispering the following words: “She can’t even stand on the spot knows how” I ran to look for mine to prove that I could, while I was running the agents left, I ran and started asking where they were and who they took, they told me that they took 3 of them. Before this, my friend and I wanted to go to Prague, we they left, but still remained in Russia only in a different area, after which I got to another casting, where they asked me to sing, although I sing well in real life, but here I couldn’t sing, but they still took me, offering to wear some boots.


I performed in front of a crowd of people, sang songs, my voice was gorgeous, although there was nothing to talk about in life, people were very happy about my appearance and sang along


Hello! Today in a dream I dreamed that I was singing. I sing loudly, beautifully, with my soul. I’m surprised at how melodious my voice is. A feeling of complete happiness and self-confidence at that moment. What is this for?


I dreamed that I was singing on stage, it was not big and the concert was not the most important. There were three of us and my friend was present there; she and I were immediately in a quarrel. To warm up, she decided to sing a little. Then there was a small dialogue and she and I argued that I could also sing alone without hesitation. Then the music started playing and we had to perform. I forgot the words, but I sang very well. The brightest moment of the song came and I sang it very loudly and beautifully. Everyone was delighted.


I dreamed as if there was a casting. I sang her song Heart on stage with Christina Aguilera. She sang very well, as if in her voice, and later she joined me. But before I went on stage, I didn’t know what song to choose and wasn’t ready to perform. I ran around and asked the other girls what song should I choose for the performance , but no one told me and everyone spread rot on me and said that I wouldn’t pass this casting. In the end, everyone failed, and I passed it. That's it. I would like to know what this means. Please answer.


I stand on stage and hold ex-husband holding the hand, holding the microphone in the other hand and trying to sing, but I don’t produce any sound. the fish opens its mouth, but you can’t hear what it’s singing, but all the guests take it with a bang


I dreamed that I went on stage and started singing in a duet with a singer I had never liked before - Dmitry Koldun. And they sang quite well, after that, it was as if time had passed and I found our performance on the Internet and watched it


I remember an old musical instrument, it was a violin, so shabby. I played something beautiful on it, although in fact I am a guitarist and have never held a violin in my hands. I also remember some scene in an open area, I was singing some song unfamiliar to me, as loud as I could handle. The dreams came in fits and starts, one flowed into another and very quickly. I even remember that someone was chasing me and I tried to fight back, screaming in hysterics, calling for help. I remember how I came to a picnic with people I think I knew. Then I found myself on the street, it was a late winter evening and I was waiting for someone on the street, but without waiting, I trudged home. I also remember that I was in some kind of store. My boyfriend and another guy supposedly worked there... very much like him, like a twin brother, but he had a bad character and he pestered me, I was very unhappy. The lights in the store suddenly went out, but it wasn’t pitch dark, even though it was late on the street and moonlight was leaking through the windows. And they gave us flashlights. I remember how we threw soft toys at each other over the counters. It was fun. I can’t remember anything else in detail.


I had a feeling that my teacher was trying to explain something, and when from her words I heard the words from one of my favorite songs, I started singing)


I was at some event. There were a lot of familiar faces, then a man came on stage and announced something. This inspired me so much that I sang loudly, cried, and everyone around me began to sing along with me...


I grew up with a girl, and that night I had a dream that I was going on stage either with her or with another girl, and we were singing, I didn’t sing all my words, but in parts, and then we seemed to jump off the stage and they would boo us viewers, what does this mean!?


I have been entering theater school for several years now. They guessed that I would be able to enroll only with full concentration this year. Today I had a dream that I was on stage in front of a commission in St. Petersburg (I want to go there) and singing the song “If you can get together, the sea, take it for yourself. “There is no such song, probably a hint from above. What does it mean? Will I go to St. Petersburg?


Good afternoon I dreamed that I was walking in a beautiful, loose, light and flowing dress and singing a song, and in the distance there were people standing and I wanted them to hear me, as a result they paid attention to me, I approached them and at the same time I sang a very famous song. True, now I can’t remember which one, but when I finished they began to admire me and my singing too, and we all went somewhere together. What does this mean? Thank you


Hello! I saw in a dream that I was participating in a competition and I was singing not even very bad, and in the end I won this competition, but when I go on stage, the door next to me is closed, I cry, but I go out


I would be visiting and there was equipment with a microphone, i.e. speakers, a laptop from where the music came from karaoke and I sang a song, just a little bit it seemed to me that the sound and the way she sang sounded ugly and then I laughed, even though in life I have a voice everything was black and white


I dreamed that I was singing but it was as if someone was forcing me to sing, but when I started singing and very loudly I liked it


I dreamed that it was like some kind of scene, and everyone was sitting like in a movie theater. and then I went on stage and started choosing a repertoire to sing too and I started singing and woke up


I dreamed that I was going to the viaduct bridge and singing a pleasant song very beautifully, with a good melody and words. It was at night and the ground was covered with snow.


I was walking along the alley when I heard the rhythm in my subconscious and began to sing and I began to succeed... I was so surprised and happy because I had never had vocal hearing


Hello! I dreamed that I was sitting in the forest with my friends, we were talking. Suddenly my friend starts singing in a very beautiful voice, then one guy starts singing, his voice was even more beautiful and pleasant. They offer me to sing too, but I refuse. In general, everything, thank you!! :)


Today I saw a girl who sang and danced near my ex-husband’s house (9th floor) and looked into the windows of the first floor, then I started looking in with her too.


we had an intermediate assessment at school, we sang on the street, I sang last in the class, I was very afraid, I sang on the swing, I was afraid because the whole class was looking at me


I dreamed that I was driving a car similar to the one the commander-in-chief was driving at the parade. In front of me were men “like sound engineers.” I had a strange microphone attached and I was singing a song. A car is driving along the main street of an unfamiliar city, the song is heard throughout the whole city, and I understand that everyone can hear it, many will be jealous. I sang the song “Starry Summer” before...


It was as if I had returned to the factory where I once worked, and there was almost nothing left there... an abandoned place, almost destroyed and plowed up in places. It feels like being in the desert.. And I walk, look at it all and sing a song that I once liked, an old one that even now I don’t even remember the words. Only the voice somehow sounded clear, beautiful.


In a dream I dreamed: on June 12, Kristina Orbakaite is coming to us at the Day of Russia. I approached her for an autograph and asked her to take a photo. Then I told her that I had always dreamed of getting an autograph and also singing with her. But I have never studied vocals, she answers me: sing me a verse of some song. I sang to her and she said, decide whether you will go on stage with me - this is your chance. I was afraid to embarrass myself next to her, but nevertheless I went out and sang. After which she invited me to go with her to Moscow, she would become my producer. And what’s most interesting is that my mother dreamed almost the same thing, that I was singing on stage on June 12 with Kristina Orbakaite. It was on the same night that we had this dream. And I always dreamed of being on stage - this is my life. What's all this for?


Today, from Friday to Saturday, I had such a dream - I was singing on stage with some two girls from a popular TV series (H2O just add water) and I heard very well what I was singing.. Then, after my performance, I dreamed of one boy , almost a guy, my friend really liked him, at that time my friend was taking pictures and this same guy shouted I love Masha and then I asked him why I fell in love, and he replied that he fell in love with her look and in a few years they will have kids... ALL! I don't remember anything else...


Recently I saw a dream in which I was singing a song by my favorite band One Direction-Story of My Life in a large stadium. Please tell me what this dream is about?



I went with my beloved, he also sang. I sang in such a beautiful thin voice, and he sang in a bass voice, there was beautiful nature around, green trees.


I dreamed that I was wandering around the castle, there were many ghosts around me, dead souls, they live their lives, not knowing that they died. .. I followed them, watched, listened to them... and at some point I started singing, loudly, dragging out, some kind of Artyu... then I fell silent and moved on.


I was walking and saw my favorite band. We started talking and started singing. The song was cheerful and cheerful. Everyone was happy and smiling.


in a dream I was sleeping in my bed and I heard music playing somewhere, it was near my aunt’s house, a girl was singing there, I know her because she acted in films and I don’t like her, I wanted to become better than her and so that everyone who listened to her would convert attention to me, I began to sing the same song as she and much better than her, everyone began to clap for me and listened only to me.


I dreamed that I was singing with the singers of the same group. Moreover, I sing well, although I have not studied vocals. The action takes place outdoors in the summer. And in this dream, I clearly heard the melody and words of the song.


Hello! My name is Ainura. In my dreams, I sing, well, every month. I myself am a singer in life. I don’t remember there was a competition and I took part in it. I passed the 1st round, but in the second round I was unprepared. It was my favorite song, but sad. I sang intermittently. I made up the words myself and the jury corrected them. The jury was my mother, but she was strict. I didn’t sing to the end! That's all!


I'm trying to rehearse a song, but as soon as I start, I realize that I'm not good at it. Although before that I sang it well


Hello Tatyana! Today I had a dream from the side, like a movie, that there was a girl who was clearly not on friendly terms with her head and she kidnapped another girl, they began to satisfy each other, then the one with a headache ordered the girl to cut her hair and she began to cut it, then the patient also started cutting her hair, but it turned out that the other girl was wearing a wig and she cut hair that wasn’t hers, and that patient started screaming and crying, she had a C-haircut. I know this is nonsense, but the dream was quite dark, tell me what it is can mean please.


I dreamed Oddly enough, Justin Bieber, don’t think I’m not his fan... but here’s my dream
I was standing on the street and they pulled me by the hand into the car, I got into it, there were already a lot of girls sitting in it, they were screaming and screaming, I didn’t understand what was happening, but then I saw Bieber! His girlfriend Selena sat next to him. She turned out to be pregnant, then I saw a girl who was smoking in the car, and Sel asked not to smoke... I started singing Justin’s song just because everyone liked it, I clearly heard my voice (and it’s strange because I’ve never heard my voice in a dream) Then we we arrived at some concert hall, but never heard him sing (Justin) Then they dropped us off at my house and we all went into it. I stood at the window, and Justin was sitting on the windowsill and holding a very small girl in his arms, I asked if this was his daughter, was Selena her mother? I was interested, we talked, and then I played with this little girl! we also talked about the fact that Selena was now in the hospital and would soon give birth... Then we went to the hospital, well, more precisely, I sat in the car and didn’t go anywhere, we stopped not at the hospital but somewhere in the forest... Then we went back to my place home and I stood on the street behind the fence and saw Justin walking, and the girls were following him, and he was crying, I felt sorry for him, but he apparently didn’t want to talk... then we saw my neighbors, who immediately began to climb up to him and we went to the store, there was some kind of test, we just had to choose some clothes, I chose a simple blouse, they also gave out a free cake and I ate it! I woke up with this)


I can’t describe it exactly, I remember that in a dream I realized everything that I had ever thought about. And all this was directly related to creativity: I sang, wrote books, drew, in an extraordinary way.


I sang at some banquet in a blue dress, the name of the song did not promise anything, at first few people listened, I sang without music, then I sang loudly and clearly, everyone began to listen and watched.


I dreamed that I was singing a Spanish song, even though I am from Belarus.
The action took place in a class, I don’t remember specific persons, there was a teacher, I wrote something on the board and we all heard a song from the series “Violetta” - En mi mundo (In my world) and started singing along behind my back, and so did I too...I then turned around and sang for all of them. But I didn’t stand still, I moved and sang loudly. Singing is my passion. But I haven’t sung solo in public yet. I wonder what this is for


I dreamed of a deceased friend singing the prayer of the Virgin Mary, took me to the stairs and went up them and left me


The dream was in dark time days, so it’s like black and white. Some moments have fallen out of my memory, so I’m writing what I remember. My loved one and I were somewhere on the street (some kind of courtyard and nearby an unfinished or abandoned building), I have some huge debts in my mind for which I was worried and I knew that without him I couldn’t overcome these difficulties, I don’t remember what we talked about (but almost the entire dream he hummed some of his favorite songs, saying that he really liked it) During the events, he somehow wounded me in the stomach (I didn’t feel any pain felt) placing my hands under the wound, blood gushed out, my palms came out full and it overflowed. Then the end of the dream. Next excerpt: Knowing how much he loves me in life and in a dream, at first he was ordinary, but then, like a veil, some kind of indifference covered him with a smile on his face, he said that he was leaving me and he didn’t care about everything (he scared me with this behavior because I know that he is not like that), I began to ask him not to leave me since I alone could not cope with the debt trap (and it exists in life).Then he wounded me again in the arm, either with a piece of glass or a mirror, here I already felt pain and there was blood again, holding the wound with my other hand (thoughts appeared in my head that I had managed to cope alone before and now I would not be lost. Turning around, I saw as he leaves, singing this reggae song again, he threw his backpack over his shoulders, took out some piece of hose or thick rope, twirling it in his hands, dancing and with a song on his lips, he left, leaving a feeling of some kind of cold and loneliness..
If you can, explain my dream, otherwise it doesn’t give me peace, thanks in advance.


I dreamed that I was singing and playing, but I don’t remember what! I remember that it was a string instrument. Most likely it's a guitar.


In my dream, I ran away, someone was looking for me, I was hiding... Some girl helped me. First she helped me hide, then I helped her. After that, in a dream, when I was running away again, I wandered into some room where I saw some lines and started humming them, some woman came in and offered to sing again so that they could record me... It was some kind of audition... Something like casting, because there was a crowd of girls outside the door waiting for their turn. I don’t know how to understand this dream.. Please help me decipher it...


I dreamed that I was floating shells as if on the sea, I found then suddenly some person began to float up and I helped him, then I went somewhere into the forest and started climbing a tree, then suddenly I started singing as if on stage


I stand opposite the guy and together we begin to sing the modern song by Tamerlan and Alena Omargalieva “Let's Dance.” I sing loudly with the guy and look at each other. We know the song. Sometimes I deviate a little from the notes and sing higher than needed in the song and it works.


I’m in a military unit and I see an ex-boyfriend from my youth, I’m now 50. It’s as if he’s a military man and I sing very beautifully and smoothly. I compose the words and melody myself.


Hello, Tatyana) I sang as if at a rehearsal, to loud music, I sang both lyrics and rhythmic hits, I felt joy and inspiration, I liked it. I sang in large rehearsal halls. There were free spectators who found it interesting to watch, and somewhere I even danced. It was as if I was on stage for the first time, in the familiar surroundings of my sister, she was somewhere nearby...


I dreamed of a large hall. There were people sitting there. I went there and started singing. I faked it very much and everyone laughed at me. I began to send foul language at everyone laughing, and I sang all the bad words very clearly, loudly and beautifully. Then she left there.


Hello! I very often, almost every night, dream about a house, sometimes it’s dilapidated, sometimes it’s some kind of apartment, sometimes it’s just an ordinary house... And very often it’s dominated by something deceased grandmother, then barely alive... I dreamed as if I was opening a room in my house, which was supposedly closed... This room is somehow gloomy, I feel uncomfortable in it... As if I was afraid of some kind of threat or attack or something... I dreamed as if the curtains were with swayed menacingly on the windows...


In a dream, I sang a song to a loved one, who began to treat me coolly. The song was about wedding ring and wedding. My mother was nearby. Then we danced with him and I sang something else that I don’t remember, and woke up. In the dream, I was in a state of love and a desperate desire to convey my feelings to my beloved.


She sang and sang so that they listened to me with bated breath:) I liked my voice myself, in my sleep I got goosebumps, after singing there was a flurry of applause


I dreamed that I was standing on a dark stage, I was looking at myself from the side. There was no one else there, it was pitch black all around, and the light fell only on me. I held the microphone in my hand and sang, trying to hit some notes. I didn’t sing anything specific in the dream. the dream was short, although maybe I don’t fully remember it. I also want to say that I very rarely have dreams. I read on the Internet how to make it so that you dream, I read that you need to put a mirror under the pillow, and since then I began to have dreams more often.


I sang in a dream with my deceased mother and late grandmother. My mother’s favorite lullaby song. in three voices, and so beautiful. I have long wanted to hear this song performed by my mother.


I can’t sing in real life, but there I had a beautiful voice, but they didn’t appreciate it, they said that I didn’t have a suitable voice, supposedly for some kind of musical. Then she went on stage fat woman She sang in a bass voice and was accepted. I was very upset, I thought I’d come up with a dance, at least a couple of moves and perform, in the reflection of the window I came up with an idea, ran out onto the “stage” that looked like a street and danced, but they chased me away and I roared very loudly. bitter tears.


Hello! I dreamed that I was a little girl with blond hair singing on stage. The jury and the audience were rejoicing. I saw a cup that was handed to me in the form of a golden eagle. I dreamed that I won the competition.


I dreamed that I was in assembly hall with a friend and there was some kind of competition going on or something. there were teams. we approached one of the teams and began to sing along. then everyone forgot the words to the song, but I took out my phone and saw the words there. and already without music she began to sing solo, loudly, very beautifully. I finished the song myself. what is this for?


I dreamed about my graduation at school! Big stage on outdoors!I sang with my vocal friend and music teacher! I sang very beautifully, but we kept forgetting the words!


I sang a song with someone one time.. without music I think I was in a good mood when I sang, I pronounced all the words))


I dreamed of a singing competition based on the type of voice, but everything was much more serious, there were only 3 participants and 4 jury members were chosen from us, I understood one of them who would represent Russia, I don’t remember a famous man who sang, and Elena Vorobey with a cheerful passionate song , but it wasn’t my turn, she sang confidently and coolly, she had a punk on her head, and I remembered the words in the corner, I couldn’t remember the first verse

Katya Martynyuk:

I don’t like my classmates just like they don’t like me. but I had a dream that we were singing some kind of song, and then they all fell silent; one girl with whom we talked in elementary school (there were 2 of them who were friends with me) turns around and says:
- Katya (so surprised, I understood the reason, I sang better than anyone)
I go to music school, my teachers told me that I have a good voice, but almost all of my classmates don’t admit it.
help me please


I was singing with some group on the street and when we finished singing, my dear grandmother and two cousins ​​came up to me, then a girl drove up and came up to me and said, don’t you want ice cream, we agreed and went to the nearest store, then she said that you can choose what you want and we bought a lot of things. ALL


I sang a very beautiful song by the mill group, but I don’t remember exactly which one. She sang very beautifully, cleanly, pleasantly, deeply. I’ve never sung like that, I think it was around the fire and they listened to me. In the dream there was a feeling of calmness and spirituality.


I dreamed of me singing, but I didn’t see myself, but I heard and my friends were surprised that I had a very strong deep voice


Good night. We were sitting at the table at the dacha, I was in a good mood, I was setting the table, suddenly I wanted to sing, I started, it turned out so great, everyone liked it, the song was about love, but in my life I don’t sing so well.


I'm rehearsing a penalty folk people I lined up a lot of them in a column and we sang a folk song several times. Will I go?


Good morning. I dreamed of my man singing. He sang an excerpt from an opera song, which I didn’t remember, but I remembered that he sang with dignity, he has a good voice. The purpose of his singing is to please me. I was pleased, but a little awkward, because... It wasn't quite the right situation.


It was in the open air, there were stands near the stage, there were 2 stages. I came and they called me to the stage, the one that was closer to me, I
I came out and sang a song, then went to the stands which were near the second stage. Two boys came up to me, we chatted and I went, it seemed like I was in some kind of village, I walked along a path with houses surrounding me on both sides. I ended up in an apartment with several guys, we also talked and I woke up.


I dreamed that I was standing in a big arena with my back to them, I was singing, then I turned my face, but I didn’t look at them either, I was singing a very beautiful song, with high notes.


My friends and I were sitting on chairs, waiting for something, and talking, one of my friends was asked to sing, by the way, she has been studying music since childhood and everyone says that she has a wonderful voice, but as soon as she finished singing, I asked if she could I sang and everyone turned around, I sang a familiar aria from the opera, I thought that people would finally notice my talent, but they listened to the end, said that I was not a bad singer and with indifference on their face they began to listen to that girl


I often see approximately the same dream: I have to perform a song that is unfamiliar to me. I don’t know the words and melody of this song, I’m always surrounded by people I know, friends, and colleagues from my past life, whom I haven’t seen for a long time and can’t see them, we live in different countries. I am a former musician, but I can’t sing or play in my sleep.


Well, I was standing stupidly at school alone and then a friend came up to me and started singing, but I joined in, then some kind of scene appeared from somewhere, the audience, and they put me on the very top, then I started singing a song howling at the moon (Nyusha is a singer) her song, how can I sing and it’s so beautiful, but in life I don’t sing like that, then my friend says, well, we’ll still perform tomorrow.
and after 3 weeks I performed in Lenin with my other friends


Hello Tatiana. I dreamed today that I was singing with my friend. In the first song another friend sang along with us, the second we sang together, it was very beautiful and pleasant to see and hear. And the third song, when he started singing, I realized that I didn’t know the words... Then we walked away, he showed the words, but I still couldn’t sing, I forgot them right there.


I was in the store choosing things, my friend came up to me ex-girlfriend and offered to sing, we put on beautiful dresses and chose shoes, But for some reason we painted the shoes with shiny varnish... Then we started singing in the store... my friend sang the verse, and I only sang the chorus.. something like that))


I dreamed that I went into a dorm and there were 5 people in the room (maybe more) I went up to the TV, took the microphone and started singing a song, I tried really hard to sing better and louder and really strained my throat and ligaments. The room was in muted colors. I seem to have sung to the end.

[email protected]:

I had a dream that I was singing on stage, there was a casting and I passed it! Although it seemed to me in a dream that I sang very poorly


I dance in the room to the music, singing along. I enjoy it, I’m very happy. I don't get tired of dancing. I dance alone.


I dreamed that I was singing in a duet with my friend on stage in front of a large number of people. And my friend and I sang well.


Hello, Tatyana Miller!
Last night I had a dream in which I played the guitar. I remember playing and singing on the street. Since in life I do not master this instrument, in a dream I was aware of this, but, however, I did not do a bad job.
I will be glad if you help me understand my dream.


Hello! I had a dream that I was singing Anna German’s song “An unfamiliar star is shining, again we are torn away from home...” It was very sad.....


Hello) My name is Anastasia .. and I had a dream in which I stood in a room and heard a touching melody .. with words (alas, I don’t remember the words) then a small piano appeared next to me .. and I tried to play this melody a little humming.. three more people (unfamiliar) stood next to me and I tried to play it again and sing, this time I outdid myself, I hit notes that I had never played in my life (this is taking into account the fact that I don’t know how to play at all on the piano, and I sing as an amateur, for myself, or in class (I go to the 10th grade))... and the girl standing next to me and two guys deftly began to applaud me, and the girl even cried, it was such a song that I myself almost I shed a tear, singing it.. Please answer quickly.. I can’t understand my dream in any way. Thank you)


I dreamed of a classmate who was still alive, in the dream I seemed to fall in love, but at school we were not very friends. We sang together, but then at my school (in the cafeteria) I danced not with him but with SpongeBob, then I woke up.


I dreamed from Thursday to Friday. I sang Irina Dubtsova’s song “Now go where you know yourself...” on the phone to my ex.


Hello! I dreamed that I was singing into a microphone, the dream was in color... I was in a separate room, and there were a lot of people in another room. Either I’m rehearsing, or I’m just singing, I don’t understand... Actually, I used to sing and perform, that was a very long time ago, but now only if I do karaoke... Maybe these are unrealized dreams? It happens that I often dream that I sing...


I record songs for friends who like my voice, but I don’t like it. I sang in my sleep in class, and the singing teacher praised me, but the strangest thing is that I liked my voice!


I dreamed that I was asked to sing, I agreed, but in real life I don’t sing, but in the dream I sang very beautifully, there were enough people looking at me.


I dreamed that I was singing my favorite song on stage in front of everyone, but in life I have no vocal abilities. But in the dream I had a wonderful voice.


I was walking down the street in the evening, darkness, lights, walking arm in arm with my loved one, cars were driving by, and I sang in a very good voice!


This is not the first time I have had this dream. In a dream I am in indoors with some people, I don’t know them in life, but in a dream we were best friends. They kept helping me get out of the room, and at the end of the dream I got onto the stage and started singing a beautiful song! But the problem is that in my life I don’t make music, I don’t sing, and I don’t play any music. instrument, and I had this dream 5 times.




At first I stood behind the scenes, only these scenes were like in the attic. Suddenly something began to drip onto the girl’s hand, she asked me what it was, I looked out the window and it was pouring rain, there was a downpour, and green trees could be seen in the window, the window was the most ordinary, unremarkable. The attic was gloomy and gray. Then they said that it was time to go on stage, I went out and stood next to the people, they started singing and I joined them. Opposite there were people sitting at the bar counter, I saw a guy there, I looked at him and sang and he looked into my eyes. The song seemed familiar to me, but at first I was confused with the words. It was as if I had heard the song a couple of times and seemed to be able to sing it, but I knew the chorus well. I don't remember the words of the song


Some girls I knew asked me to sing, but since I haven’t sung for a long time, I tried to tell them about it, but I lost my voice


Some American, black girl lost her voice. She didn’t know what to do, then I invited her to sing for her, because in principle she knew this song. She was happy, printed out the lyrics for me. It’s very strange and inconvenient, because every verse, you had to turn the sheet upside down to read it. And so, she performs, but it turns out that she sings this song not alone, but with some black man. I stood upstairs, one might say in the stalls. But the balconies it wasn’t like in theaters. Since this singer was sitting in the hall, I didn’t understand that I wouldn’t sing alone and sang one phrase with him. He turned around and saw that I was singing. I sang. I got lost in the text and ended up improvising. No one understood, except him, that I was singing. After this performance, everyone began to disperse. The black singer appreciated my singing and began to lift me and carry me in his arms, saying how much he liked it. The next moment, I saw my young man, who sadly looked at all this with such an air as if he had lost me and regretted it. The dream ends with me helping to clean up, but I see at some table teachers and head teachers from my school, who said that they want to smoke marijuana , because “there is only this moment, this place and this time. And you have to live the way your heart desires.” I am 20 years old. I graduated from school 3 years ago. What can all this mean?


Hello! I dreamed that a little American star (a black girl) lost her voice when there was only one song left before the end of her performance. I said that I knew it and sang it. She was happy and asked me to sing for her while she was only his mouth will open. She printed out the text for me. It was very strange, but after a time, the verse was turned over on the page. I stood behind all the spectators at the top and did not know that this song would be sung with a black male singer. By chance, I sang a couple with him phrases. He was sitting with the audience, he turned around, saw me. The whole song, he looked at me. I got lost in the text, finished the song with improvisation. All the spectators began to disperse. No one noticed anything. Only this singer, with some kind of happiness on his face, ran up to me, expressed his delight and began to carry me in his arms. At one moment, I see my young man who looks at this picture as if he abandoned me and really regrets it. After all this, I went help clear the tables that were on upper level in the hall. There I met my good old teachers and the head teacher from school, who told me not to put away the dishes, because they would smoke something like marijuana, because “there is only this moment, this time. You need to use it like that.” , as you, your body and soul want.” Please explain all this confusion)


I was on stage, singing a funny song with my sister, and the microphone was with a cord, and it was short, and I gradually pulled it to me, but I couldn’t. And behind the music center I sat and grinned at me, and then after that we talked, and without telling me, we had separated from our current squad


I sang on stage together with my sister, they sang a funny song, the microphone was with a cord, and it was short, and I desperately pulled it, but I couldn’t get it. Behind the music center, you laughed at me and laughed at me. After the appearance, we came out to the door and said that we had separated from our current squad.


first I dreamed of bets and my ex-boyfriend with my family and snakes were crawling there, the guy stood up to me, and then young people came, we were swimming and they offered me a job to sing in some establishment.

Lisa Dzhulaeva:

I sing on stage there are a lot of people, they all shout and pull at me and it looks like I’m the lead singer of a famous group and my dream is not colored yet


I work at school. My friend worked with me. Now she doesn't work at my school. And now I dream that she came to our school with a concert. At first she sang so beautifully, cheerfully, and was very beautiful. And then she started playing the guitar and singing (she doesn’t know how to play). The dream was very beautiful and pleasant.


I dreamed that I had to sing some kind of song, it was familiar to me, but I only knew a couple of words. then I sang another song, but I already knew almost everything, and I remember exactly my mother and aunt, my sister and husband, and many people I didn’t know.


I dreamed that I had to sing a song but I didn’t know half the words, and strangers were sitting in the hall, and my mother and aunt were there, my sister and her husband and many other relatives, and I felt so ashamed, I then looked for the words of this song, then I sang some more and another


I was getting ready to go to work, for some reason I took my 2-month-old daughter with me, on the street I realized that it was very cold, and the child in my arms was almost naked... then I saw a guy with a guitar, he began to sing, after a couple of minutes of watching him, I began to sing with him. ...at this moment I woke up


I dreamed that I was standing and listening to four people sing. They sing very beautifully and I sing along with them. Suddenly I am asked to stand in place of one person. I start singing, I hear that I’m singing completely wrong, but everyone admires how I sing. But I sang disgustingly


Good evening!
I would like to know the meaning of the dream: I was in the house of culture, there was a concert, I was in the role of a spectator, in the middle of the concert the presenter walked around and asked who knew any Russian folk songs. and whoever remembered sang them, including me.


The first day I dreamed that I was singing at my current husband’s wedding, he invited me as his ex-wife to sing at the wedding. And today I dreamed that I was singing to those around me, my children were nearby, my husband was not nearby, I was singing to young man which I like, and I sing very beautifully, although in life I don’t sing at all, because... no voice at all.


The street is all covered in snow, I see a girl in a wedding dress with a microphone, she is smiling. Children and the conductor stand in a column nearby. A moment later, I’m already standing in a dress and with a microphone. The melody starts, I start singing and the children sing along with me in turn. There was a monitor in which the words of the song floated by, but they did it so quickly that I did not have time to read them. I had never heard the song, but I knew the words from somewhere. At the end, I forgot them a little and sang something inaudible; I couldn’t hear it over the choir of children. The song was dedicated to the groom.


I dreamed that I was sitting at the university, we were having some kind of class. In our group, they asked someone who wanted to pull out a piece of paper, my classmate pulled it out and she had a song that she had to sing, then they asked 2 more to pull out a piece of paper and sing the song that was written on it. I was 3rd, I pulled out a piece of paper and I don’t remember what the song was, I had to find it on the Internet and sing it. I displayed the words of this song on the screen and was going to sing, but I sang the first lines well, but then the text went very quickly and I didn’t have time. Then I started singing again, reading the lyrics on my phone. I got a very difficult song, but at the same time I sang it well. But in life I don’t sing, and I’m embarrassed to sing in front of people. What is this dream for?


Hello Tatyana. My name is Olya. Today in a dream I sang into a microphone, and I sang very well. I also dreamed of spring, sunny, with green grass


I dreamed that in the center of the place I was sleeping with two human people, and quite a lot of people were hearing it. I was so hostile to this singing competition. And the colors look blue, red, orange and green leaves,

Shikera Tatyana Vladimirovna:

I went to some room where my friends were, but it wasn’t at home. there was my aquarium and there were about five or six goldfish in it. I began to look at the water, it looked like it was infected. Well, in the upper corner of the aquarium there were something like snowflakes (like frost on trees), I also thought that they were frozen and put my hand into the water, but it was at room temperature. when I took out one dead fish, several died and I took them out again three times. then the eldest from our company (in the dream she was as if with my boss, and the boss herself too) asked me to come up and sing something (the girls showed off their upper bodies) the guys stayed in their clothes. I walked around different corners and pretended to sing. then I looked at my friend’s singed back for a long time, as if I had to read something on it, but it wasn’t written and I didn’t know why. there was something else but I can’t remember I did something and all attention was focused on me but I don’t remember why……… (tanya23_93) CGFCB


Well, I sing on stage, in a group, and many people like it. I was often late for rehearsals, but at the same time I sang well. Very much. How to interpret this?


I dreamed that preparations were underway for some kind of holiday, I was tinkering with the decorations behind the stage. Someone from the audience asked me to say something from the stage (check audibility). Without being distracted from my work, I sang the verse and chorus of the song by Gr. Chaif ​​- not with me. sang perfectly! even someone applauded... so what’s the point?


I dreamed that I was standing on a mountain bridge, and opposite a woman of Caucasian nationality was singing on a hanging swing, while she jumped from the swing onto a glass ball lying nearby, which had a sort of stone roof on top in the shape of a woman’s hat, but it was touching her only with her right foot, as if rocking from cape to heel and back, and when she sang, she pointed to me with her right hand into the sky


I dreamed that I was offered to sing at an event at the university (I really wanted to sing, but didn’t say so), despite the fact that they had already decided that another girl would sing. As a result, everyone voted for my candidacy. At the end of the dream, I was pleased that everyone was for me.


I dreamed that I was walking with a crowd of people, walking up a large staircase covered with a carpet, and suddenly I began to sing in a beautiful, strong operatic voice. A singer also suddenly appeared at the bottom of the stairs (in the dream I knew that she was famous, although in life I don’t know her) and I felt that I had conquered her with my voice.


Hello. I dreamed that I was sitting in an audience, or rather in a lecture hall (there were few people) and they handed me a microphone so that I could sing, I tried to sing along with something, but I was shy because I don’t know how to sing in real life.


I dreamed that my friend and I were at my house (by the way, in real life it’s his birthday on this day, that is, I dreamed about him on his birthday). At first we talked about something, then he gave me three chocolates to choose from, I chose one that I liked, treated me to chocolates, and said that in my life I would have either 6 guys or 6 suitors. Then we lay down and began to sing a song, the song is now a hit, everyone is hearing it, we sang, in principle, cheerfully, even well. Then I started dreaming about something else, which, in my opinion, was no longer connected with these events.


I dreamed that I was standing on stage in front of a hall with spectators, as if I was performing at a camp. I sing a few songs without worrying at all


Hello! In a dream about a tree stump, I saw my vocal teacher. We were preparing for the concert, and there were other guys with us. The stage was huge and there were many spectators. At first we danced the dance, to be honest, it wasn’t that good, it felt like no one knew the dance, I watched the girls next to me do it and repeated after them, but we managed it. Then I had to sing, they introduced me, at that time they were doing my hair and they gave me a long dress to wear. Well, then somehow the frame changed and I had to go (not run, so as not to be late) home, because I forgot something, well, then the mission was different. I often had dreams where I performed on stage and sang. I would like to know what this dream means?


first I put on new and very expensive shoes (silver) and a royal dress (red brocade) and then sang an aria in an operatic voice


there was a selection process, I didn’t want to participate because... I know that although I have the right voice, it is weak. They gave me a microphone and I sang a tender love song, verse 1.


I dreamed that I was standing in the hall at home. And I sang the song ‘blue Zurbagan falls asleep’. I sang to my parents very loudly.


Hello. For several months now I have been having dreams with the same person, although they are similar, they differ in many ways. Today I dreamed that we were walking with him, and then he ended up in the hospital. I visited him often and tried to help, but then my boyfriend found out about it and demanded that he stop. But I couldn’t leave him, because he’s my old friend, and I feel very guilty towards him. The fact is that such dreams have been happening for half a year, from the moment we stopped communicating with this person. I dream about him almost every day. For what?


Hello! Today in a dream I saw me playing the guitar and singing along a little with Zemfira))) the music was as if we had just composed it ourselves. It was very, very beautiful. I enjoyed the game, although I was afraid that I would make a mistake. Could this dream mean anything?


I was walking along the road on a bright day; to my right all the time there were mountains creeping towards the road, people were also walking along the road.
I walked and whistled while humming some kind of invented melody of my own, a classical one with an emphasis on memories, sadness…. But the song was not sad, it was like a cry from the soul.


I didn't see myself. But I felt that I was riding in a sleigh along a white, beautifully snow-covered, flat road and was singing. And all around there are very beautiful trees covered in snow. Maybe it was a forest and a road through it.


At first I dreamed that I was meeting my friend Lisa. She and I were in what looked like a house, she said that it was as if some girl was watching us, but it turned out that there was no girl behind us, there were just people walking around there. Then we meet superheroes, and they invited us to become their team, we agreed. Near Lisenne, or more precisely, near Angelenn, there was a playground and people and children. And so we go out and walk up the stairs, I had sheets and drawings of our team in my hands. And there stood my why ex-boyfriend and he wanted to be with me again and then we started fighting, and I started singing and dancing, and I In a dream I could come up with everything that was suitable, that is, I wanted to get into another world, a fantastic one. And in this dream, I dreamed that I and the team went to the skating rink and skated there with someone from the team. That's all:-)


I walk around the city and meet my friends who should have been back in Kislovodsk. Then we go on for a walk, there are a lot of people on the streets, I walk along the curb and sing a rock song from the repertoire of Roma the Beast. Then we go to the store, I eat white ice cream in a waffle cone. At the entrance to the store there are two leather chairs, and it occurs to me to look at some shower gel, we walk further through the store, but they stop us and tell us to leave the store, we go back and sit in leather chairs, a man was sitting in one of the chairs and he said that we needed to go to the hospital. Then we all end up in the hospital. We were all laid out in a row and each had our own bed and were called in for procedures in turn; I was given some kind of nutritious breakfast. I find myself at home and remember that I forgot to ask my friends why they returned so early, and my sister tells me that something happened to Sonya’s grandmother and so they came.


I ran along the school corridor with a friend, we laughed, I felt good. Then she disappeared, and I entered the chemistry room, where the guy I love was preparing for a history lesson. I saw his friends too. He, as always, sat alone at the back of the class and looked at me. He seemed excited to me. And then I realized why I came. I had to sing in front of them. A couple of familiar people with guitars were next to me, I didn’t remember the rest, and I started singing. It was wonderful! The sensations I experienced were as if I were an artist on stage. It's the happiness and excitement of performing on stage, the feeling of community with the group. And I sang for him, the rest seemed unimportant. I started with Spleen-My Heart, then 5sta family-My Melody and Danko-Baby. For some reason, I understood that this was a dream, I pronounced the words of the songs in my head, and if I felt that I was forgetting them, I could start the dream over again, like playing the movie again. He looked at me without looking away, with excitement, joy, but also anxiety. A couple of times he jumped up from his seat, dragging some kind of tape recorder with him. Either his friends or the teacher tried to distract him from me, but he did not notice them. He looked at me and smiled.


I dreamed that someone was singing a song very out of tune and squeaky. I didn’t like it and I sang loudly, beautifully, purely in nature and felt that my voice was being carried away into the distance) There was a pleasant feeling of inspiration!


I’m at a concert hall and some homeless man starts singing a song and for some reason I liked this man’s voice


I dreamed that at a competition for an educational institution I sang a song of my own composition, which actually exists, but the words were different, and the music was the same. Dreamed about musical instruments. And I dreamed of a dorm room in which I painted the walls white.


Good afternoon.
It was around the end, there were 4-5 of us, all of us knew each other except one, in my life I need to come up with a script for a game, and in a dream I came up with it, but that 1 (stranger) read it and said that 70% is not what we we were sitting in a place that resembled a cafe or karaoke, everyone was at one table, and my friend who came with us took the microphone and started singing (the song was familiar to me but right now I don’t remember it), and when it came to the chorus she came up to me and held out microphone, at first I denied: “I don’t know the words,” but soon I still took the microphone and began to sing without complexes (which seemed quite good to me) and then I woke up.


in the dream we walked in rainy weather. and there was lightning, and I was carrying a child of about 7 years old in my arms, he got lost, and my brothers and I gave him home, and the parents of this child were happy and invited us home to visit, and when I carried the child home, he sang, I I also sang a cool melody with him and my brother joined in, the three of us walked and sang his song!


My classmates and I were walking at night and one of us was singing the Queen song “We Will Rock You.” Then I saw an old woman in a dream. I subconsciously knew that this old woman was once the lover of Yesenin Sergei. I began to recite to her the poem “Letter to a Woman” by heart (from the middle). What does this all mean and how to connect it?


I dreamed that I was in a grocery, clothing and stationery store. My aunt was sitting on a stool and sang poorly with a guitar, but she played well. I also often have dreams as if I were flying, only I’m not flying like a bird, but like in space, slowly floating around the room


I dreamed that I was at school, there was some kind of holiday, like they do in school camps, and suddenly it turned out that I was sitting on a bench and my group was preparing a performance, then the turn came, we went out and started singing, sometimes I forgot the words, but sometimes it was as if I knew them, I sang beautifully, but then everyone was unhappy


I dreamed that I was asked to sing with two young people, which I did, but during the performance the young people forgot the words, and there was almost no one in the hall, only one person was sitting, but we still finished the song


I dreamed that I was taking an exam and the female teacher was giving different tasks to each examinee. Now it’s my turn and I have to go on stage to get my assignment, getting up on stage, I tripped over the teacher’s shoes and he rolled out into the middle of the stage, then all those who were in the hall began to whisper that now the teacher would get angry and I If you fail this exam, you need to put your shoes back in place. I picked up the shoes and carefully put them in place. Then the teacher came up to me with a microphone and gave it to me, she turned on the big screen and I immediately realized that this was karaoke and I would have to sing. The song turned out to be in English, which I don’t know, but I had to start singing. I didn’t have time and was only saying the endings of the words, then a young man came up to me and said that I started singing so well, but now it’s terrible. Then I got ready and started singing this song in Russian.


Hello. I sing at school, I’m trying to break into people’s circles, but every day I have a dream that I’m singing on a big, one might even say huge stage, and thousands of people are applauding me. It's like I'm Povaroti. I have this dream every day and I think and dream about it...... This year I will enter the conservatory. Tell me, what does this mean?


I have a lot of dreams because I am a dreamer in my environment and I go everywhere and dreams come true in different ways in life, it happens and through a dream reality changes



I’m standing on the street and out of the blue I start playing a very pleasant melody that I really liked, but I don’t remember the words
that's the whole dream)


I dreamed that I was at a Lana Del Rey concert (my favorite singer). she takes me by the hand, leads me onto the stage and introduces me to the audience as her friend. And she tells me that I can sing with her or I can sing my own song.


I had a dream this morning, as if some woman said: “Tomorrow you will sing.” And I say: “How is this possible, I don’t know how to sing.” She says: “It’s okay, the others couldn’t do it either, but they sang and everything was fine with them. This is a chance"


as if my husband took me to a casting, I went in and they gave me a penalty. I started to get very worried and couldn’t sing. then I got ready again and started singing, they told me that I was going through to the next round. Just be prepared next time, I came out happy, we went home

Korshunova Daria:

I dreamed that I had turned into some kind of mermaid and could make even more mermaids to help, and I and other mermaids went to the other shore and I was able to sleep with some kind of mermaid, then the mermaids were in red clothes and with light green hair when we swam to the shore we came out of the water and some guy drowned a horse in the water and I became a mermaid because of some auntie


my class and other people of our age (15-16 years old) unfamiliar to me found themselves in an unknown, but very familiar city. life was going on as usual, suddenly the music started playing from the song I’m currently fixated on (it’s for a duet). words sounded. they were sung by a boy I like, but he was nowhere to be seen. I involuntarily began to sing along and look for where he was and where he was singing from. I found him in the middle of some parade square towards the end of the song. my classmates (boys), who set it up with him, began to joke, but what exactly they said was not audible.
everyone left. then a piece of land on the edge of the city, surrounded by water, broke away. there were a lot of guys there that I didn’t know.
some girl who communicates with animals sent a butterfly with a rope to me upstairs. and I helped them escape.
This is where I woke up.


I dreamed that I woke up and my mother woke me up and said, get up quickly, you might be late for the performance. I thought what another performance. In the dream I was exactly 12, it was my birthday. When I saw the huge stage, I thought, am I really a good singer? Since childhood, I wanted to get into the Voice of Children project. I sang. That's it, I woke up because of the alarm clock.


Good afternoon! I dreamed of my husband’s late sister, as if she had come to visit me and was sitting singing, and I was singing along with her. The song was beautiful and melodic.


I was in the camp and they told me to sing a song, or rather two. I knew one of them and could sing, but I couldn’t sing one of them and I was very scared to go on stage


Good afternoon I had a dream today, July 28 at night, I don’t quite remember, but I’ll try to describe it. The dream is colorful, a lot of greenery, sun. A house made of wood, with a stove, like my relatives and I baked bread in the stove, we don’t know each other, but I know that we are relatives. We had some conversations, saw dogs in a dream, one small (pocket) on a leash with a collar and a large one with a collar. In the dream there were small children, we were walking with them. We went for a walk, it was a park, across the bridge with a girl (I seemed to know her), I held the little girl’s hand, the girl started singing a song and I picked it up, words about love, I even remembered the lyrics, now I’ve forgotten. They sang very well, people all around listened and were touched. The voice was clear and very beautiful. On both sides of the bridge there were tall, dense, beautiful trees and people were walking. The state after sleep, when I woke up, was very good. A feeling of calm, peace and love inside. Well, something like this:)


I dreamed that they were checking how I sing, in my dream it didn’t work out well and the one who checked me said, “It’s terrible how bad you sing.”


in my dreams I have constant déjà vu - I’m constantly running away from someone and hiding, and I always succeed... today I run away again on a bicycle along the beams and end up on the sand and at the same time I sing so beautifully, it became the most pleasant


I dreamed that I was holding long and gorgeous hair and the phonogram of my voice was singing to the side


I saw myself singing on the stage of a charity evening, the song was funny, I sang and danced, I had a glass vase in my hands and they put a lot of dollars in it


A bright color dream. I sing a beautiful rhythmic cheerful song on stage in beautiful clothes. I dance. While dancing, my petticoat comes off, but that doesn’t bother me. I calmly finish singing. Then, I pack my things to go home. At home, a recording of my performance was sent to my computer. There were no changes to the recording. My relatives congratulated me on my successful performance.


Hello, I dreamed that my classmates and I sang a song in English in class, and sang it very well. Then they stopped singing, and I continued, and continued in such a way that everyone’s mouths opened in surprise, and I had goosebumps. I didn't expect this from myself.


To be honest, I don’t remember everything, just a fragment. I was in some room (I don’t know whose room it was) and there were people there, we were talking about something. After a while, I decided to wash the dishes (since we were eating and talking). While washing the dishes I felt the urge to sing. The voice in life is already good, but I always find fault with my voice, but in the dream I liked it.


I saw in a dream that I was singing, very beautifully, in some room near the window, the sun was shining, there were flowers on the windowsill. This is the second time I have had such a dream


If possible, I will write in Ukrainian.
It was a cold day... Well, everyone was wearing shorts (cold colors)
School... It was just today (in May) there were no gatherings, there were capsules, high gray walls, and people were our robots... I went into some class and there... The teacher raised the skin (students) and the smells were sleeping... One girl was sleeping same garneau ... But suddenly I can’t control myself... I begin to sleep even harder... There is such a voice, no cry from my soul! It’s amazing how everything happened in the USA... In principle, that’s all, but this voice will be forgotten…. Dyakuyu;)


I dreamed that I was standing on the porch of a store. I started singing, but there were no people around me. And then suddenly I realize that someone can hear me.


I dreamed that my friend was singing (he is a singer in reality) playing a synthesizer in dark room and his wife and 2 other girls sing along with him, he doesn’t like the way his wife sings, he tries to teach and correct her))? why is this? his wife is now 8 months pregnant





I sang a song with my son, it was summer. I was very surprised at how sonorous his voice was and the fact that he sang so clearly (my son doesn’t speak at the moment). I was very happy, then we took pictures, and for some reason I had a lot of roses on my head .Thanks in advance for your interpretation.


I dreamed that I sang beautifully and many even danced. The dream was colorful and pleasant for me. I was invited to audition and very persistently


I dreamed that I had to sing on stage. There were a lot of spectators who had to listen to me sing. There was pink and purple lighting everywhere, and when the music started playing, I started singing, the dream was suddenly interrupted and I didn’t finish singing.


I dreamed that I was singing at some audition, that I was having an audition. At first it didn’t work out very well, but then it got better and better and they listened to me with an intern


I was among people and started singing, it was sunny. And the song was in English and I hit the notes and it was very cool. In reality, I can’t hit the notes even though I have a musical education

Nadezhda Anikei:

I dreamed that I was singing and dancing in a long dress, spinning, doing great work and singing a song from the movie Little Red Riding Hood! And they sing along with me in the chorus! But I forgot the words and had to improvise in my own way!


I dreamed that I was singing very beautifully, why is this?


Well, at first everything was visible as a skylight, a forest and everything was like summer, then everything suddenly changed from top to bottom to autumn, the green color changed to golden. I found myself in the forest and there were golden and green leaves and dead animals everywhere, but after I began to sing and everything began to come to life and the animals and nature again everything turned green and began to bloom))) there were even fruitful trees and I sang until the end of my sleep and my mood it was always good and I felt warmth and all the colors were warm)))


Today I had different dreams. One, where I sang in some kind of music hall, I remember that it was fun for me, the song was sung easily and smoothly, a beautiful sound. Another dream, I earned a huge amount of money on the stock exchange.


The guy I like sang a song about me and his feelings for me, what does this mean?


I work at a school, it’s Mother’s Day, and I sing to the children, at the school assembly, the song “Orenburg Down Shawl,” and our musician plays along on the boyana.....I don’t cry, usually, in reality I cry... But my mother is alive, and I I'm worried... Will something happen?


[email protected]


I didn’t really understand. At first I sang with someone. Then I seemed to sing on my own. I don’t know the words, but it seemed not bad. Not disgusting.



in some room, or at home, I sing a beautiful song, and I compose it on the go. but she’s very beautiful and I perform beautifully. Two of my friends come in and I need to go to the store to buy something to set the table.


I dreamed that I was standing on stage, but there was no one in the hall, it was something like a rehearsal. I sang a duet. First the woman sang her words, and then I did. The first time I sang well, but when someone came... either a guy, or I couldn’t sing. Also in my dream they forced me to wear heels, but for some reason I only wore one


good morning, today from Monday to Tuesday I dreamed of a group of strangers who sang Ave Maria and I sang along with them, I sang very beautifully, although in real life I don’t have a beautiful voice. Then I saw my stepfather in a knitted hat, the hat sat very tightly on his head and there were small ears on the hat, the color was brown. I also dreamed about it stranger guy in a checkered shirt, who handed me some small piece of paper (in the dream I was very surprised by this, and in general, that he looked at me and was handing me something else) and then he began to catch up with me, wanted to talk. Then the wardrobe plans appeared in a dream, I only remembered number 120. Please help me explain this whole mess, thank you in advance and have a nice day))


I dreamed that I sang very beautifully
but I don't remember what exactly
I just love listening to music and singing along with them
So I dreamed that I was sitting in front of the laptop, some song was playing and I was singing


Hello! Today I had several dreams, but I am interested in knowing the meaning of one. Some members of my family were present: my parents, sister and grandparents. We were all in a cozy restaurant and it seemed like there was some kind of holiday, most likely my birthday. In the dream I myself was little (about 8 years old). And suddenly I started dancing and singing in French the famous composition by Serge Ginzburg and Jane Birkin comic strip. The most amazing thing is that she sang exactly word for word in French, although I don’t know the language at all. Later, my grandmother caught me in the dance and the dream ended. It's interesting to know what it means to sing in a foreign language.


walked along a path in the black forest (at night) and sang a song I don’t know


I had a dream in which I learned to sing well and I sang. The color is one pastel beige


I was at the casting, sang with all my might, but they didn’t approve me, I didn’t pass the casting. Why I was upset and indignant, how such a voice did not pass.


I had a dream where I was singing on stage in front of an audience. I sing beautifully, everyone likes it, it makes me happy. And people are dancing around me.


Hello! I sang surrounded by workmates, on a business trip, at a small men’s feast. Everyone was simply shocked, myself more than anyone. Purity of voice, timbre.


There are a lot of people in the hall and everyone sings different songs in chorus, someone starts and the rest picks up, I sing along with everyone and often start new song and the rest don't pick up


I stand on stage and sing, then people start talking louder and I can no longer hear my voice.


I dreamed that I was walking down the street first, starting to sing a song: “You are mine and not mine. Ripe lips beckon. You are a beacon for me in the desert. You are my medicine and poison. There is a cold diamond in the heart." I'm walking in the company of several girls. They hear my singing, they like it, just like me, I sang very beautifully in a gentle voice, they begin to sing along. We are walking in the dark. the black corridor, I saw only their silhouettes, we sing together. Someone opens the door, and we again find ourselves in a bright room. A very bright light blinds my eyes. I am getting up


my dream was like this. I was told at school that I should sing a song for March 8th. Mom (Victoria Daneyko) the dream was warm and pleasant.


Well, first of all, I would like to tell you something from my life. I really want to learn to sing well. But no one in my family has such talent, so my chances of learning to sing are unlikely. So this is the dream itself. Today, on the night of March 8, I dreamed that I was sitting, singing as always, trying to improve my voice. At the same time, I recorded one of my songs on a tape recorder, but when I listened to my recording, I was shocked. I sang very well. And with that my dream was interrupted.


I was in some club or somewhere similar, there was a slow dance, a stranger invited me to dance with him, when we started dancing he began to sing. After that I also started singing with him


I saw a pregnant friend in a dream, in reality she is pregnant. We are at some kind of holiday or party and she is called to sing a song. She begins to sing, the song is pleasant.


I dreamed that I was joining a group of girls sitting in a circle and singing with them a drawn-out, feminine love song


I dreamed that music was playing and I pretended that I was singing. And during this I asked someone: does it look like I’m singing?


I had a dream that I was singing a song and for some reason not finishing it. And then I started singing it again and not finishing it.


I sang beautifully in a dream in an empty room, I had a stick in my hands, but I played it and heard the sound of a guitar! The deceased brother was in the room, he did not sing! but was silent!


In a dream, I was putting things in a suitcase, bending over it and singing at that time, some unfamiliar woman appeared behind me and also sang with me, I wanted to look at her, I turned around, she disappeared and I woke up.


Hello! I dreamed that I was walking down the street and singing a beautiful song. This attracted the attention of a handsome young man who turned out to be famous. And he offered to sing with him in a duet.


On the night from Thursday to Friday, I dreamed that I was standing in some room, everything was in some cold colors. I went into the hall, my mother and a bunch of people I didn’t know were sitting there. She asked me to sing, telling everyone that I could sing wonderfully. I refused to sing and left.


Hello! I dreamed that I was dancing in a studio unknown to me, with a trainer unknown to me, but it felt like we had been working together for a long time. I danced and she said to me, directly waving her hand at me: you are mediocrity! You’re not talented, where are you going?” I remember these words clearly.


Hello, I dreamed that our group of girls from a technical school was sent to a gynecologist, we went into the office, there were desks and there were a lot of people there, not only girls, there was a master class in vocals, and they called me to the board, gave me the lyrics, and I started to sing, I sang beautifully, but I got confused because I couldn’t read the text well, but I read it in a dream, they say it’s impossible to read in a dream, then I went outside and a girl walks in front of me and I imitate her. She noticed and began to imitate me too, I hit her with headphones, then I grabbed her hair, only I hit her, she didn’t touch me, then I hugged her and said please forgive me, and she started kissing me on the cheek and hugging me. I had this dream after my father said that he cheated on me.


Hello, today I dreamed that I was sitting in a tattoo parlor, and my friend was getting a tattoo for me, the first tattoo she drew was a small horse, and the second she drew on the back of a large dragon


The beginning of the dream - I am in an old building from the post-Soviet past. The style is mixed with Gothic and Romanesque. Climbing the luxurious wrought-iron staircase, I notice on the second floor that the light here is not light blue, as on the first, but yellow and pleasant. In the corner, closer to large windows, a boy of 7-8 years old was standing. She asked me: “Are you going to sing?”
At that moment, I began to beautifully sing the folk song “Chom ti ne prishov.” I sang it very beautifully, but on some notes it faded. Suddenly I didn’t have enough air to sing, and I woke up.


sang a song with a classmate by the fire “blue nights flutter with fires...”


I dreamed that I was singing karaoke and hearing my voice I was surprised and happy at how beautiful it sounded.


What does it mean to write a beautiful song with a friend and sing it with people I know (and with a friend), while going somewhere with people I know?


I dreamed that my dead grandmother and aunt were singing a beautiful song, I thought about singing along, but then I decided that I couldn’t do it as beautifully as they did. At the same time, my grandmother looked at me very affectionately. I opened the door and left.


Hello! I dreamed that my university group and I were singing songs in European languages ​​with a man who looked like Luciano Pavorotti. I'm the loudest. Why such a dream? Thank you in advance!


I dreamed that I sang on stage and at times forgot the words. It was a shame. A device was inserted into my ear through which words were spoken to me, but I could barely hear them.


In a dream I was asked to sing and I sing in front of a small group of people (2-4) very beautifully, after which I heard praise


I dreamed about a week ago that I was singing and everyone liked me, and today I dreamed that I was also singing, but I didn’t seem to notice it)


I dreamed that I was in a recording studio recording a song and I heard it myself that I sang it, it doesn’t matter


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that my second cousin (10 years old) was singing in front of me and her dad.
And her voice was similar to hers in life, but especially beautiful, the kind you want to listen to. And we said:
“Wow, you sing so well!”
Please tell me the interpretation :)
Thanks in advance for your answer!


Hello. Today I had a dream where I was pushed onto the stage to sing a song. At first I resisted, but then, when the performer of this song himself came out and started it, just as I had said before, they pushed me onto the stage. He handed me the microphone and told me he believed in me. After which he went downstairs to the audience, and I stood on stage. I knew this song, but I never understood the words, so in the dream I was completely confused and sang something randomly in the verse and chorus, after which left the stage without singing. When it was all over, that singer came up to me and said that I could have done better and after that I burst into tears. And then I woke up, not wanting to watch this horror any further.


Good afternoon Dream: I was walking somewhere along the road and singing the song “Fashion changes every day...” in my own voice, not out of tune. I met someone along the way, we walked together, and I sang this song again. At the end, some girl and I approached a steep section of the road, she stood up and gave me her hand, helping me up. I got up singing the same song. During the dream, I sang it in full three times. Thank you.


In reality I dance, I dreamed that I was having a final rehearsal, and I was asked to sing along with a backing track for someone, and I sang. But my dance teacher became indignant, she didn’t like it


I was backstage at Yegor Creed’s concert because suddenly something happened and I had to go on stage to sing. I didn't want to, but I went anyway.


I walked and sang with a bright pink scarf on my head. There was a lot of snow outside, but I felt good.


I dreamed that I was walking through the streets and singing at the top of my voice.....I saw myself from the side, I was dressed in jeans. men came across my path. the streets were not entirely clean, you know, like in the market.


Good morning! the whole dream was in anticipation of what I would sing, my husband and my friends were on a long street, where everyone took turns singing. My turn came unnoticed, because whoever was supposed to perform in front of me did not sing. They announced me, for some reason I was driving a car to the place where they were singing, and my music had already been turned on. In the end, I got there, but still didn’t sing, the alarm clock rang. I also remember that when I drove up to the place where I would sing, I was looking for words on my phone, because... I completely forgot them.


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