Fallout 4 secret missions. Main quests

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Beginning Fallout walkthrough 4, it is worth immediately turning on Russian-language subtitles in the game, since the publisher decided to limit itself to only text translation, leaving the original voice speech (that is, English). Therefore, unless you are an expert in this language, it is better to immediately turn on captions, which are disabled here by default, because you risk not understanding anything from the dialogues at all. This is done in the menu "Settings" - "Video" - "Dialogue subtitles".

In addition, it is important to note right away: the difficulty of Fallout 4 can be changed at any time you wish, this can also be done through the “Settings” menu, only now we need the “Game” section. If you see that something is not working out, it is better to lower the difficulty level, or if, on the contrary, it is too easy, increase it to make it more interesting. After this short introduction, let's move on directly to the walkthrough of Fallout 4. We offer the entire list of game tasks for the Institute.

Time is running out

At the beginning of the game, nothing foretells trouble: the usual start of the day, we are in the bathroom, and you can choose from there at will. appearance for himself and for his wife. When you customize your appearance (or leave the original one), press the Enter key to continue walking through Fallout 4, confirming your choice. For now there is a little time to look around, at home we will see three scenes.

Call of freedom

Before entering the museum (now former, perhaps), be sure to pick up the laser musket lying near the entrance - the first of the useful things that we will collect during the quest. In the room you will meet another handful of raiders, and also make sure that the passages here are quite confusing, at times even reminiscent of a labyrinth.

Pearl of the Commonwealth

Let us remind you that this quest becomes available when you first visit Diamond City or after talking with Mother Murphy. It takes quite a long time to get to Diamond City; the path is not close. Desired city signed on the map under its name, so it won’t be difficult to find it there, you just need to study this very map.

Valentine's day

It's time to start searching for the detective: leave the city, following the marker that will lead to double doors. Come in, you will see that we are not welcome there: this is the territory of gangsters who will have to be exterminated. There is also a lot of running around here, but the passage of Fallout 4 at this stage is simplified due to the presence of the same marker by which you can navigate in search of the goal.


The passage of Fallout 4 continues with the fact that we will return to Diamond City, where detective Valentine, who was rescued earlier, is already waiting for us at the detective agency. He will invite you to sit down and tell your story about your son - we sit down and share the details. You must remember to tell the robot that the scoundrel who kidnapped his son was bald and had a scar across his left eye, after which the detective will immediately admit that it is a certain Kellogg.


Having given our to the faithful dog smell the cigars (done through normal dialogue), just follow him: you will have to run a fair amount. When the dog comes to the lake, it will stand in place to continue the path and with it the passage of Fallout 4, take another cigarette from the chair standing nearby and also let your four-legged friend smell it.

Dangerous thoughts

This quest is one of the simplest that Fallout 4 offers. First we need to come to the marked place - this is a building with an arch at the entrance with a huge inscription "Scollay SQ" and a red double door.

Glowing Sea

The path to the goal will be very long and thorny: in theory, everything is simple - the right direction noted, just go there and destroy all resisting aggressive living creatures on your way. However, in practice, of course, everything is not at all so prosaic: passing Fallout 4 at this stage has in store for you a huge number of serious opponents, as well as radioactive spots.


The current priority is to find the Institute's synth hunter. He has a special device built into his “head” called the “hunter chip”. It is thanks to him that these same hunters are able to teleport to the Institute. The place where you need to arrive is indicated on the map. There, continue the passage of Fallout 4 by opening the Pip-Boy, open the “Radio” tab in it (in the top row), and then activate the “Hunter Signal” wave in it.

Molecular level

We need to head to the city of “good neighborliness,” and more specifically, to the house of memories. The doctor is still there, contact her for help to decipher the hunter’s chip. It turns out that she is of no use in this matter; in order to continue the passage of Fallout 4, we will need to go to visit the secret organization "Underground", and this is our next destination.

Closed institution

Having finally arrived at the territory of the mysterious Institute, we look around the place, and after just a few steps “Father” will speak to us. Follow the elevator, our goal is the room where our son is being held, it is not far. Once you get there, you need to talk to the child. On early unpatched versions, passing Fallout 4 here can be very difficult due to a bug: it simply does not appear technical feasibility start a dialogue.


As you remember from the end of the previous quest, our further passage of Fallout 4 will consist of searching for and neutralizing the escaped synth B5-92, who needs to be delivered back to the Institute. Sint considers himself a real living person, and he has more than integrated into human society: he has already managed to even lead one of the gangs in the Commonwealth.

Battle of Bunker Hill

At this stage, the Fallout 4 walkthrough has some variability, asking players to complete this mission in different ways. The Institute asks you to carry out the assignment, but you can deviate from this request and do everything in such a way as to help your old comrades from the Underground. Whichever option you choose, the outcome will be the same: the task will be counted as completed.

New face of humanity

The passage of Fallout 4 continues with the fact that we are required to attend a meeting of directors, for which we teleport to the Institute. There, meet the Father, go with him to the board of directors and sit down. Father gives a speech to them, after the introduction the matter will touch upon the main thing: he is not eternal (he is already old, after all), that’s why he wants to see us as the leader of the Institute.

Mass Fusion

The main goal of this quest is to finish off the beryllium impeller on the old reactor. Let's start the walkthrough of Fallout 4 here by getting to Ellie and talking to her, she will express a desire to follow us, then follow the elevator, use it to go upstairs, on the desired floor go to the room from where we previously teleported to the Institute for the first time .


At the beginning of this task, we need to find the Father in order to communicate with him, he will share information that there is one competent scientist in the Commonwealth who can bring a lot of benefits to the Institute, so he needs to be taken here. To do this, our allies sent a detachment after him, but he ran into an ambush, so we need to intervene in these matters and eliminate the scoundrels who dared to attack ours.


At the beginning of this task, find Father again to talk to him, he will again share his thoughts about the strategy for the further development of the Institute. He believes that it’s time for our organization to declare itself to the Commonwealth so that they don’t dare cross our path. We are offered to record the text of the appeal to the Commonwealth, for which we go to the microphone right there, to continue the passage of Fallout 4, we begin recording.

At the last line

We are entering the home stretch: our organization, the Institute, has seriously decided to begin eliminating its ill-wishers - the Underground and the Brotherhood of Steel. This particular mission in the Fallout 4 walkthrough is dedicated specifically to the elimination of all members of the Underground. Since the latter is about to disappear as a class, here you stand at a crossroads: either go over to their side, or destroy them, this is the last chance that will decide everything.


Following the Underground, the Brotherhood of Steel is also subject to liquidation, although this time it will be somewhat more difficult to resolve all the issues than in the previous quest. Let's start our walkthrough of Fallout 4 at this stage by looking for Dr. Lee, talking, listening to the plan to destroy the enemy faction.

Family split

So, here we have reached the finale - the passage of Fallout 4 is inexorably coming to an end, at least its main storyline. As you remember, we chose the Institute’s side in this difficult but exciting journey. Go to this very Institute to talk with the Father.

WarWar never changes.

Yours "A new game" begins with a black-and-white video showing a world powered by fusion energy. But, as often happens, not everything went well...

After the end of the video, the game gives you the opportunity to choose the gender of your character and customize your appearance. After playing with the editor, go look around the house. To the left of the bathroom will be your child's nursery - Shauna. Here you can play with it. On the right are the living room and kitchen.
In the kitchen you will be greeted by a friendly robot butler named - Codsworth. After a while you will hear the doorbell, Codsworth is busy, so you will have to open the door. An employee of the Vault-Tec company will appear on the threshold. According to him, you received a pass to "Vault 111"(choose answer options in the dialogue at your own discretion, they will not change anything significantly).

After accepting the agent's offer, you will be asked to fill out a registration form. This time, you will be asked to choose a name for your character, as well as distribute points in .

After filling out the form, go to the nursery and calm the child down. After talking with your significant other, Codsword will announce a breaking news broadcast on TV. After the broadcast is interrupted, run out through front door and run along the street. There will be military men on the street who will show the way to the shelter.

Introduce yourself to the soldier at the entrance fence, he will let you through. Step onto the lifting platform and it will lower you into the shelter just before the explosion on the horizon. When the lift stops, go with the survivors to the registration point, take the overalls there. Next, follow the doctor along the corridor. He will lead you to the cryocapsule. Enter it.

The prologue is over.

Time is running out

You are frozen in a cryocapsule, after some time you wake up and see how your child is taken away and your husband/wife is killed. After this dramatic scene, you are frozen again.

Leave the shelter

You will wake up from an alarm in the shelter, now your task is to get out of it. To do this, leave the room with the capsules and go to the end of the corridor. The exit door will be blocked and you will have to go around. Focus on the mini-radar located at the bottom of the screen. Follow the indicated point, you will find yourself in a room with generators ( Attention: walking close to them is life-threatening!). Along the way, deal with the radioactive cockroaches and open the door.

IN next room take gun And stimulants(they restore 30% health), also take the ammo in the box. The next door is also closed, to open it use the terminal on the table, find the command in it to open the door. When you enter the corridor, the game will prompt you to deal with the cockroaches using
After passing the corridor, you will find yourself in the room where you were registered during the disaster. Near the ski lift you will find "Pip Boy", use it to activate the panel. Go to the elevator and rise to the surface.

Come home

Already on the surface, a marker will appear in your mini-radar. Head to him, he will lead you to your house, where Codsworth will be waiting for you.

From a conversation with him you will find out what happened to the rest of the people and how many years have passed. After this, explore the area with Codsworth. After entering a couple of houses, you will have to fight flying cockroaches. Be careful, every blow they hit will irradiate you. It will help to get rid of this antiradin. After searching the houses, Codsworth will assume that your son can be found in Concorde.

Explore Concorde

Head across the bridge to the east. You will be taken to the location "Red Rocket", a friendly dog ​​will meet you there. This is a fairly useful companion that you can give orders to. But if you think the dog will be in the way, you can send it to " Sanctuary".

After defeating the mole rats, move towards the marker. Concorde will be under attack by riders, having defeated several at the entrance to the city, go to the museum, where there are still peaceful people.

Call of freedom

After entering the building, deal with the enemies on the second floor, turn left and climb the stairs, making your way to the civilians. Talk to Preston Garvey, he will ask you to deal with the raiders on the streets using power armor. To activate it, find the generator, it is located on the first floor where the floor collapsed. After inserting the generator into the suit, tear off the minigun and go down to the street. With this suit, killing all the raiders will not be difficult.

But the raiders will only be a warm-up for the monster called the Death Claw. During the battle, do not let him close to you and shoot him from a safe distance. After defeating all enemies, return to Preston Garvey. In a conversation with him, you will learn that the search for Sean should begin with Diamond City. To complete the task, talk to Preston at Sanctuary.

Pearl of the Commonwealth

Get to Diamond City

Path to Big City will go through many dangers such as ghouls in Lexington And Corvega workshop, where the riders settled. So, before going further in the story, take the time to level up your character, there is plenty of time for this.

Before the gate to the city you will meet a local journalist - Piper. With its help you will pass through the gates into the city. The mayor of the city will come out to you outside the gates. If you have enough charisma, you can find out the necessary information about Sean from him. If you forgot about this skill when leveling up your hero, then when you enter the city, talk to the locals to find out where to start your search.

Get to Valentine's Agency

You have been advised to contact a local detective. Follow the marker on the mini-radar and enter the agency.
The detective himself will not be in place. According to his secretary, he disappeared. Your task is to find him.

Valentine's day

The story for the Institute can only begin if you agree to join them.

At the Mayor of Boston's hideout

Location in the Commonwealth. Inside you can find useful bonuses and equipment. Once in the bunker, you will find a sea of ​​corpses. Upper levels are protected by turrets, but there are no enemies from below at all. Search the rooms on the lower level to find valuables.

On one of the tables there is a holo-recording of the “Guard's Message”, which tells the history of this place. In the other room is the magazine “My Brain and Me”, which increases HP recovery by one per minute.

Nearby you can also find the key to the mayor's toilet, and his remains in the bathroom. On the toilet there is a holo-recording of “The Mayor’s Farewell”, from which it becomes clear that the official was a fierce corrupt official. Furious taxpayers laid siege to his house, so he was forced to commit suicide.

Going even lower, into the room with basketball hoops, you will meet synthetics. Aggressive synths will attack you until you exit. In the same gym there is a door to the generator room, where there is a nuclear battery and a holotape “Where are you?”

Finally, the gym also has a tunnel leading to the deathclaw's lair. In the nest itself you can take the Fat Man cannon.

At shelter 75

One of the few available Wasteland Shelters with a unique quest and useful items. The quest is activated as soon as you enter the building.

Go to Taffington's boatman's house. Above it you will find the town of Malden, in the north of which there is a school. She is the Shelter.

Find the grating and go down to the basement. The door to the Vault will be open, since the marauders and the Brotherhood have already managed to get here. It is quite possible that you will meet both of them along the way.

All you have to do is explore the premises and listen to holotapes to learn about the history of this place. Soon you will come across closed doors, leading to the laboratory. You need to find an access code, a card with which one of the shooters will certainly have.

Once in the laboratory, look through the terminals and move on until you see a mini-copy of the city.

In one of its buildings you will find a code for access to the administrative rooms and a Science doll. Soon you will find the Overseer's office with a terminal.

It turns out that they once experimented on children here, trying to develop a more perfect human genome. This gave rise to discontent among some residents, and then led to a fatal riot.

At refuge 81

The only Vault still working. Located south of Sanctuary Hills, a little further from the river. You can find out more about the location from a traveling merchant dressed in a Vault 81 uniform.

Before you go, make sure you have a high charisma skill or three extra nuclear batteries in your bosom, otherwise they won’t let you through. Having reached the location, go down to the entrance and press the button.

Inside, talk to the guards and either talk them down or give them nuclear blocks to enter peacefully. After that, find the Overseer and start a conversation.

Vault 81 is a fairly large location and has additional quests: “Nook”, “Addiction”, “Kitty-kitty-kitty” and “Stories”.


The quest is issued in Vault 81 after you complete the quests "Tales" and "Kitty-Kitty-Kitty". To get started, go to the medical block and talk to the female doctor. She wants to cure the sick boy Austin, which the head physician Forsyth opposes.

When the argument is over, talk to the woman. Then worker Bobby will tell you about the Vault's secret room with a terminal. It talks about strange experiments on mole rats, from the bite of which our boy Austin fell ill. After this, you will be sent to find an antidote.

Before performing, put on power armor, as mole rats can infect you too (-10HP is not good for anyone). Follow Bobby into the room with the reactor. Inside, you will go through the secret passage alone and begin to fight the mole rats.

Soon you will find a terminal with a very complex lock, which can be opened either manually or with the key that is on the table in the next room.

Once indoors, you will see a robot behind glass in another room. The white medical unit strongly resembles Codsworth, but, however, does not have the same politeness. In a conversation with you, Curie will insist that you are a Vault-Tec security guard. If you agree, she will open the door. Then Curie will tell you that 83 years ago she managed to create an antidote against the infection of mole rats. Alas, there is only one flask, and it will not be able to create more.

Before returning to the Vault, explore the room and pick up the Medicine doll. By the way, Curie can become your partner.


The quest becomes available only after completing the task “The Nook”. Presented by the girl Tina De Luca, who is in the generator room of Vault 81.

You must find her brother Bobby De Luca, who is somewhere in the living quarters, and convince him to begin treatment for drug addiction.

Long road

To activate the quest, you must make the character McCready your partner. He can be found at the Third Rail Bar. When McCready begins to trust you, in one of the conversations he will ask for help.

First of all, you will have to look at the Mass Pike station and deal with the inhabitants there, namely Barnes and Winlock. The station itself is located at a road junction, which can only be reached using a lift.

The second stage of the task will open later, when your relationship with McCready reaches 750. After this, your partner will ask you to find a cure for his son. Now you must go to Med-Tek Research and go up to the very top floor.

There is a password-protected terminal that only McCready can open. Then, when the alarm mode in the laboratory is turned off, go downstairs and go into the airlock. Inside the room you will find the medicine.

Finally, to complete the quest, your relationship with McCready must be raised to 1000. Then your partner will teach you a new skill, “Deadly Shot.”

B beneficial intervention

An additional task that you can take from your partner Kate. Once you become friends with Kate, talk to her to activate the quest.

Since you treated Kate well and became her true friend, she decided to tell you her secret. Alas, this pretty girl, right behind your back, takes the drug Psycho every day.

She wants to get rid of her addiction, and only you can help her. Kate will tell you about Vault 95, where, according to rumors, experiments were carried out on drug addicts. There, with the help of a certain machine, the addicts’ bodies were completely cleansed of this rubbish.

Once you arrive, get ready to fight with shooters, a stormtrooper, and a legendary raider. Enter the Vault and use the elevator. In the opened room, further movement along the corridor is blocked by laser traps, which can be bypassed through the terminal behind the door on the right.

The further path is linear, right up to the detoxification terminal. Behind the door is the very rehabilitation center you need.

After this, Kate will tell you about her doubts, but if you convince her, she will agree to sit in the cleaning chair. After the procedure, talk to Kate again and the quest will end.

Unpredictable behavior

First, you must make the Curie robot your partner by completing the "Nook" task. When you complete the quest “The Human Factor” (you need to save Amelia Stockton) or simply improve your relationship with Curie, she will ask you for a request.

Curie doesn't know anyone like her; she's never met robot scientists like her. For these reasons, she wants to transfer her personality into a synthetic body.

First of all, you must complete another quest from the main storyline - “Dangerous Thoughts”. Once all the conditions are met, talk to Dr. Amari about the possibility of transferring to the house of memories.

In a day, Amari will get the body. After talking to a member " Railway", you will learn that this body was previously owned by the android G5, which later, due to memory erasure, became a “vegetable”.

When you end the call, the transfer procedure will begin. Keep in mind that all of the "old" Curie's belongings will not automatically transfer into her "new" body. All items will be placed in a box nearby.

It is high time

Can be obtained after completing the quest "Dangerous Thoughts". Nick Valentine's personal mission. When Nick starts treating you well, he will decide to tell you his secret.

Previously, when Valentine was not yet a synth, a policeman with the same name lived in his body. At one time, he voluntarily scanned his brain, thanks to which Nick-Synth learned about his past.

The problem is that the wife of the then Nick was killed by the bandits of a certain Eddie Winter. And since Winter himself still lives as a ghoul, you must take revenge on him. Go to the thug's hideout and punish the killer.

The difficulty of completing the mission is finding the shelter password. The savvy Winter divided the ten-digit code, recording each number on a separate holotape. You will have to find each of them.

- You will get number 1 in the BKOANTOLO office.

- Nick will give you the number 9.

- Number 5 is located in the Malden Police Department (PD).

- Number 3 in Quincy's PD.

- Number 7 at the Natick Police Department.

- Number 2 at Sheriff Nahant's office.

- Number 8 in East Boston PD.

- Number 4 in South Boston PD.

- Number 0 in Police Station number 8.

- Number 6 on the Coast Guard Pier.

With blind betrayal

The quest starts after completing the task “Prime Acquired”. Go to Maxson and report. The elder will state that your fellow paladin Danse is actually a synth, as evidenced by new data from the Institute. The paladin apparently learned of his exposure and soon disappeared. You are tasked with finding and killing him.

First of all, stop by the scientist Quilan and ask about Dance. During the conversation, Heylin will approach you and say that all the accusations about the paladin are actually a mistake, and in general, you are the traitors. Quilan will threaten her with a tribunal and demand that she tell everything about Dance. After receiving the information, go to the point.

Inside the underground complex, where Dance is hiding, you will fight robots and turrets. At the end of the level, Danse will finally show up and want to talk to you. He will confirm the elder's statement and ask you to kill him. Take the tokens from the corpse and return to Maxson.

Before you move on, read these two extremely useful tips:

1. By default, subtitles are disabled in the game. Considering that there is no Russian voice acting without subtitles you can’t understand anything. Therefore, as soon as you start playing press ESC, then go to “Settings” then to “Video” and enable two subtitle settings:

2. The difficulty of the game can be changed at any time in the settings, so if you find it difficult to complete, or some episode you can reduce the difficulty (Menu -> Settings -> Game).

Time is running out

The game begins in an ordinary morning, in the bathroom. Here we can choose the appearance of ourselves and our spouse.

After we have decided on the appearance, press Enter and confirm the choice. Next there will be some time to walk around the house. There will be 3 small scenes in the house:

  • Cry baby robot Codsworth will say that he will calm the child down
  • The doorbell rings a Vault-Tec representative will come in and ask you to fill out a registration form. In the questionnaire you will need to indicate the name and distribute the characteristics.
  • The baby's second cry this time the robot will say that he wants to see his father we go to the nursery and play with the baby.

Only after these three events are completed will the final television message begin about the start of nuclear bombing. If one of the events does not happen, for example, you do not open the door when the Vault-Tec representative arrives, then the following events will not happen. You can sit on the couch and watch TV for hours.

It's funny, isn't it, the start of a nuclear war depends on when we tear our butts off the sofa and open the door? It’s a pity there is no emergency exit in the house it would be possible to exit through it and continue a peaceful life))

In general, after completing all 3 scenes, the television will report nuclear explosions, after which the siren will begin to wail. We leave the house and follow the direction of people’s movement:

Next there will be a fence with guards; it will be enough just to talk to the military man so that he will let us through. The final goal is to descend to shelter 111. As soon as we get there, a nuclear explosion occurs, but the hatch has already begun to descend and we remain safe.

In the shelter everything will be simple we go in the direction of travel, take the overalls, reach freezer and we climb inside.

We are frozen (without warning about this), then we watch the scene as unknown persons open the cell of our spouse (or spouse) and take away the child. She resists and is killed.

We fall asleep again, and then wake up again, due to some kind of emergency. Now we are on our own. Before leaving the shelter, you can open Nora's freezer use the control panel on the right.

By clicking on her body (key “E”), the character makes a promise:

Will it work? Time will tell.

We begin to get out of the shelter. Where you need to go is indicated on the compass below, as well as the right doors are highlighted with a square icon.

In one of the sections, on the glass we will see a huge cockroach under the glass there will be a Security Rod we take it, this is our first weapon.

Useful information: the shelter has taps with clean water. By drinking from them you can restore your health without receiving any dose of radiation. Use it.

One of next doors will not open just like that, you need to sit at the terminal nearby (computer) and open the door through it:

To do this, in the menu on the terminal you need to select “Open evacuation tunnel” and press Enter. By the way, there will be a 10mm pistol nearby, don’t forget to take it.

Then we look down and see a “Pip-Boy” on the floor, put it on, then, with the Pip-Boy on, activate the stand.

The hatch will open, we go to the lifting rack, wait until it goes down and the doors open, we stand on it and go up.

Vault 111 is behind us, in front of us completely open world Fallout 4. From now on you can do whatever you want. But within this walkthrough, we will, of course, focus on completing the main story.

Now we need to return to our house and find the Codsworth robot there.

Useful information: look around the houses you meet, you will find a lot of useful items. In Fallout 4, even garbage is useful - it is easily recycled into resources, of which there are never too many.

200 years have passed, and he still tries to take care of the house and trims the bushes:

We talk with him, then the robot will offer to check the surroundings and see if his missing son is there. We agree, then he will go into a couple of houses and kill several cockroaches there.

After which we talk to him again - he will say that his son is nowhere to be found (cap), and will give us the next tip for the task - Concord. Let's go there.

It’s important that along the way you will come across this building:

Be sure to look into it inside there is a workshop and a weapons workbench extremely useful things that you will use constantly.

Near the same house you will meet a dog who will happily join you and keep you company in all subsequent adventures.

The final goal of the task is the museum. There will be several raiders next to him that will need to be killed. As soon as you approach building , the task “Time is Running Out” will end, and a new one will immediately begin.

Call of freedom

Note: You can skip this task and go straight to the next one.

We need to go into the museum, but before doing this, do not forget to pick up the laser musket, which lies right there at the entrance.

Several more raiders and confusing passages await you inside. We explore it until we find this room there, with several civilians:

We're talking to Preston Garvey. He will tell you that they are constantly being attacked by gangs of raiders, but they have one idea on how to fight them off: find a nuclear unit, activate the power armor, which is located on the roof of the same house, and kill the raiders.

As it is not difficult to guess, we need to do all this. We agree.

In the same building we find the following passage on the first floor:

To the left of the door, there will be 6 hairpins on the table; take them and break the lock. Read how to do this on the Hacking page.

And we take the nuclear block.

Our next goal is in a place that is not so easy to get to. Here is the door we need to go through:

But you can't go up there by stairs. Standing at the same point where the screenshot was taken, turn the camera to the right:

There will be boxes right in front of you. And above these boxes there is a hole in the ceiling. Stand on them and jump to the floor above. It may not work on the first try, but after jumping for a couple of minutes it will work.

Having entered the door indicated by the cursor, we will find ourselves on the roof, and power armor will stand right in front of us. Press [E] the character will install a nuclear unit and “enter” the power armor.

Then you need to take a minigun (right there, nearby, in the helicopter), after which you can calmly jump from the roof (it’s safe in power armor), and we begin to exterminate the raiders, of whom by this moment there will be a decent number of them.

Having killed most of them, we will see a huge monster similar to a dinosaur crawl out of the ground nearby:

This is the Deathclaw. It will be difficult to deal with him head-on; try to shoot at him from afar while he is distracted by the remaining raiders.

After the Deathclaw and all the raiders are killed we return to Preston Garvey. He will thank you and ask if we would like to go with them to Sanctuary we agree. Sanctuary is the place of our home.

At this point, the grandmother nearby will say that she had visions about our son, and she believes that he is in Diamond City. After this conversation, you will immediately begin a new task: “Pearl of the Commonwealth.”

But before moving on to a new task, let's finish with the current one. To do this, you need to follow Preston Garvey until he, along with his “squad,” reaches Sanctuary.

We return to our house, which is now home not only for us, but also for our new comrades.

We listen again to the thanks and the task ends here. Before Preston says goodbye, Garvey will tell you that there are still settlements where people need help. We agree to help and receive the additional task “The First Step”

Note: Power armor remains where you removed it. Therefore, it is best to film it near your home.

Pearl of the Commonwealth

Note: This task can be obtained either through a conversation with Mother Murphy, or simply by visiting Diamond City.

Now we need to go to Diamond City, which is a great distance away get ready for a long journey.

Diamond City is located here:

At the entrance we observe the situation as one of the city residents, Piper, is not allowed into the city.

Just wait a little after she expresses everything she thinks about such “defense of the city”, she will talk to us and offer to play along that you are a merchant, with a large amount of goods.

The gate will open and Piper and I can go in. As soon as you enter the city, a new task will be added The plot of the century. At the same time, the marker for the “Pearl of the Commonwealth” task will disappear, they say look for information about Sean wherever you want.

What to do go to the quest log (button [J]) and activate the quest “Plot of the Century” (just click on it with the mouse). The marker will point to Piper's house we look for it and go in.

Once in her house, the girl Nat will immediately speak to us. She will talk about a certain institute that kidnaps people, and then ask what we are doing here. We answer directly: we are looking for our son. She will answer that they are not looking for anyone here. We say that this is important (or something like that, the answer will be highlighted in yellow), and she will say that there is one detective who can help.

Here we have a new lead on the main task. We go into the magazine and turn off the “Plot of the Century” task from the active ones so as not to distract.

Now, the task marker points to the detective's house - let's go there.

In the house we talk with Ellie Perkins, she will say that the detective agency is closed, we again say that this is very important for us (will be highlighted in yellow), after which she apologizes and explains the situation the detective has disappeared. We say that we will help him find him.

This concludes the mission “Pearl of the Commonwealth”, and a new one begins “Valentine’s Day”

Valentine's day

We go in search of a detective. To do this, we leave the city and run in the direction of the sign; on the spot we will see the following entrance:

Let's go inside. Inside you will have to kill a lot of gangsters and run a lot.

At this point we jump down, carefully:

We explore the location until we meet the prisoner - this is the detective:

There will be a terminal just to the right of the door. To open the door you will need to hack it, read more about how to do this on the terminal hacking page. It is worth adding that hacking terminals is the most difficult part of the gameplay for most players. Therefore, immediately tune in to 5 or more minutes of fiddling with the terminal, and a long search of attempts.

After successful hacking, a menu will appear through which we open the door and talk to the detective.

And the detective turned out to be a robot...

Now we need to get out. Just follow the detective and kill the gangsters who get in your way.

At the end there will be an episode with the gang leader and his girlfriend:

During the dialogue, I told Darla that she should go home - to which she agreed and left. Goon Malone is angry, but gives us 10 seconds to get out. You can leave, or you can kill him.

After we go to the surface, the detective will ask why we risked it for him we talk about the search for our son. He will offer to meet in his office.

This concludes the “Valentine’s Day” task, and the new “Revelation” begins.


We return to Diamond City and go to the detective agency.

Valentine will offer to sit down and tell us everything connected with the disappearance of his son. We sit down and talk.

Most importantly, do not forget to mention that the kidnapper was bald and had a scar across his left eye; based on the description, Valentine will immediately say that it is most likely Kellogg. And he just had a house in Diamond City. Let's go there (just follow Valentine).

Having reached his house, it turns out that the lock is of a very complex level, and it will not be possible to break it (unless you are a burglary master). You need a key, and you can only get it from the city mayor. Let's go to him.

Having reached the mer (you will need to take the elevator), there will be several options to get the key, and if the mer cannot be persuaded in any way, we go to his secretary and try through her. I managed to bribe the secretary for 250 coins.

After a successful bribe, she will say that she was just about to forget the key on the table.

We go to her desk and take the key.

We return to the house, open the door, and explore it. You need to find a secret room and a device that opens it. The button is located under the table:

We go into the secret room and take cigars from the table:

Then, we talk to Valentine, he will offer to let the dog take the trail. We leave the house, the task will be completed, and Valentine will leave us at this point.

And immediately a new Reunion begins.


Let the dog smell cigarettes (just talk to it). Get ready for a long run after the dog.

Having reached a small lake, she stops:

You need to take a cigarette from the chair next to it and let it smell - it will pick up the trail again. Let's follow her.

Then there will be a third place where she will stop:

Pay attention to the bloody rag nearby take it again and let the dog smell it, it will continue to run.

The next place she stops, and again she needs to be given a new “goal”:

There is a passage on the left side, and in the right corner there will be a bed (highlighted as “Evidence. Inspect”), examine it, after which the dog will continue on its way.

Stops again:

There will be a cigar on the steel suitcase; take it and let the dog smell it again. She will continue on her way.

Then there will be the fifth and last place before the final goal. There will be a sign on the fence - let's inspect it:

And after all this endless running, she leads us to Fort Hagen. It was here that the nit settled, killing our spouse. The nit is buried very deep, and in order to get to it you will need to sweat.

There are two entrances to Fort Hagen, one from the roof and the other from the basement. To enter the basement, go around the building to the left from the central entrance; if you want to climb through the roof, go around the building to the right from the central entrance; there will be a staircase to the roof.

Since there are turrets on the roof, and I really don’t like it when someone shoots at me from above, I chose the option of entering through the roof. Of course, you will have to kill all the turrets.

This is what the entrance to the roof looks like:

Inside you will have to kill several heaps of synths and turrets. We spend a long time clearing the building. There was so much loot there that I went outside several times and ran to the house to throw things away.

When you are already at the lower level, in this place:

Be sure to go into the passage on the right (the one with the red glow), there in the corner, next to the corpse, there will be a password for the terminal in a red box.

Well, we've reached our goal:

Before killing him talk to him. He will say that his son is at the Institute. He won’t tell you any more interesting information, and you can kill him (unfortunately, there are no particularly cruel methods of killing in the game, you’ll have to kill “the simple way,” although, of course, he deserved a long and painful death).

We kill him (be prepared for the fact that he can disappear), after which we remove the next password from the corpse and sit down at the terminal nearby. We automatically access it and find out Additional information about his son (however, the same thing that Kellogg told us).

Through the same terminal, we open the door nearby to get out faster, and return to Valentine, tell him everything that happened, and this will complete the task.

By the way, when you come to the surface from Fort Hagen will fly in the sky huge ship, and the additional task “Wake Up” will begin.


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