Finnish candle how to make. Bonfire Indian candle

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Lovers active rest in nature, as well as hunters and fishermen, know how important it is to build a fire correctly in order not only to keep warm, but also to cook camp food on it. This is especially important in winter or in slushy conditions, when you constantly need to add firewood and make sure that the fire does not go out. Give warmth and light for a long time, and also provide fire safety in nature, a Finnish candle will allow, other names of which are taiga, Swedish, Indian. This fire design is easy to move without fear of burns, and it can burn all night. How to make a Finnish candle will be described in detail below.

Cooking with a Finnish candle

An effective candle for burning is a log with a diameter of 12 cm and a height of more than 18 cm. When building a fire, the type of wood used does not matter, but it is better not to use conifers due to the release of resin, which sparks and cracks. In other cases, the main thing is that the wood used is dry, but not rotten. The proportions of a Finnish candle depend on its purpose: for heating it is more convenient to use a thick and long log, for lighting it is more convenient to use a long and thin log for ease of carrying, and for cooking the candle should be thick and short.

Finnish candle for cooking

Finnish candle: how to make, video

The most in a simple way is the so-called camping, or - making a Finnish candle from a ready-made log, if any were found in the forest. You need to select three cuts of the same size and place them in a circle close to each other. A fire is lit in the middle. Uniform burning in all directions will be ensured the right choice chock in height, which should be two diameters of the logs in width. If you place a three-liter pot on these logs, it will boil in less than half an hour. As the logs burn out, they will need to be placed in a “hut”, and then simply add firewood.

If it is possible to use a chainsaw, a Finnish candle can be made with your own hands as follows: take a thick log at least 50 cm long and cut it crosswise in the middle to about three-quarters of its height. If the log is too wide, you can make cuts so that the log is divided into eight “slices”. If you make more of them, then the Finnish candle will burn out faster. The log needs to be well secured to the ground, supported by stones or slightly dug into an earthen depression. Sawdust, dry fuel or a mixture for ignition are placed inside the cuts.

If you don’t have a chainsaw, you can make a Finnish candle using an axe. The log splits like a regular wood splitter, only into identical logs. Then they are gathered together and tied at the bottom with wire. A thick branch is inserted into the middle of the hearth, which serves as a kind of wick for a Finnish candle. If the log is not too large, a branch can be stuck into the ground, then it will act as a leg for the fire.

If there is no tool nearby, you can assemble a Finnish candle with your own hands. Thick poles with a diameter of at least 5 cm are collected and installed around the branch in the same way as the method described above. On inside The pole located in the center needs to be scored with a knife so that it ignites faster.

You can watch the video on how to place a Finnish candle correctly.

How to make a Finnish Primus candle with your own hands for cooking

The Finnish Primus candle is used only for cooking, since its heat is not enough to heat it. Its difference from a regular Finnish candle is as follows:

  • The log should have a notch inside if it is whole. If the fire is assembled from separate logs, they can be planed in the middle, then connected as described earlier, secured with rope or wire so that they fit tightly to each other, forming outside no gaps.
  • The logs located opposite each other are trimmed or pushed up a little more than the others by 5-6 cm. Made in this way, they form a structure that allows the fire to be fanned by air, while the flame will be directed predominantly upward.

Thus, the fire is concentrated inside the structure, giving off heat to instant cooking food. For cooking, it is better to chop the log into four parts, not eight. If possible, it is better to place the fire on stones or logs so that there is a gap for air below. Otherwise, you can cut a small air duct from the bottom of the logs. It should be taken into account that the hearth concentrated in the upper part of the logs will burn long time, but not too intensely, and when ignited from below, the fire will be stronger, but the candle will burn faster.

Anyone who loves outdoor recreation (especially not a picnic, but an active one - hunting, fishing, hiking) knows how important a properly lit fire is. If you don’t carry a barbecue with you, you need to worry about safety so that you don’t have to run away from a forest fire and feel like a criminal. And lighting a fire in the snow, so that it doesn’t go out every minute, seems to many to be the pinnacle of fire-making skills. However, experienced travelers know how to build a fireplace in a fire-safe manner so that it burns for a long time, does not go out even in slush, and does not require regular feeding. Everyone calls it differently: Finnish candle, taiga candle, Indian or Swedish, but the essence remains the same. There are even several ways to make it.


The Finnish candle is most successful if you “land” not far from sawn logs. No effort is required: select three saw cuts of approximately the same height and diameter, place them in a circle close to each other and light a fire in the middle. In order for the fire to burn evenly and the burnout to be the same in all directions, you need to choose the logs wisely in height. The Finnish candle lasts the longest; the logs should be twice their diameter in length. The power of such a fire is enough to boil a five-liter cauldron in a third of an hour, and you don’t even need to hang it - it will rest on the logs themselves. As the logs burn, they seem to form into a hut. If you need a Finnish candle fire for a long time, at this stage you can maintain it as usual, by adding firewood.

If you have a chainsaw

If there is no need for such a large hearth and the presence of an appropriate tool on your hands, you can do otherwise. A piece of thick log half a meter long is taken and sawed crosswise (not all the way, about three-quarters of the length). If the diameter of the cut is large, you can work with the chainsaw a little more to get eight “slices”. You should not make more cuts, because the narrower the sector, the faster your Finnish candle will burn out. The log is firmly fixed to the ground (you can dig it in or support it with stones), kindling is placed inside (from sawdust, or just liquid ignition) - and for several hours the fire is at your service.

Field method

Suppose there is no saw, but do you need a Finnish one in this case? Well, there is an ax in nature anyway. The log of wood chosen for this purpose is split like regular firewood, only a little more diligently so that the logs do not vary too much in thickness. Then they gather into the original log, only around a thick branch - this will be the hearth. Below, closer to the ground, and approximately in the middle, the Finnish candle is tied, preferably with wire - it will definitely not burn out. But if you don’t have it, twine, fishing line, and flexible rods will do. It is especially important to tighten it securely at the bottom, since in the middle the logs will burn out faster, and without good fixation near the ground, your fire will fall apart. The central branch is pulled out three-quarters from below and sawed off, after which the Finnish candle is placed on the ground. By the way, if the original log is not too massive, you can use this branch as a leg and simply stick it into the ground.

Hand candle

If there is no nearby (either a suitable dry object for sawing, or a saw or even a normal ax), then the Finnish one is made a little differently. Quite thick poles, at least five centimeters in diameter, are collected around the area and gathered into a bunch, again around the center branch. The side of the poles that will be inside needs to be cut a little with a knife - it will work better. The rest of the manipulations are the same as when creating a “finca” from logs.

Primus candle

It is used specifically as a stove for cooking. Key points - how to make a fire-candle by field method. There are two nuances:

  1. The original log must be partially hollowed out from the inside. Alternatively, you can not plan the core, but split it into logs and peel them. Such a fire is assembled in the snow using the same method, around a branch, but the cavity inside must be made artificially, and the outer walls are closed, if possible, without cracks.
  2. On two opposite sides, the logs are either trimmed less or pushed upward more, by five to six centimeters. Due to this design, the fire in the center will be fanned by air, and its tongues will be directed predominantly upward.

Such a Finnish candle is not suitable for heating - the fire is all concentrated inside. But the food cooks much faster.

What can a Finnish candle be useful for?

In addition to cooking and heating (except for the Primus stove), such a fire is simply irreplaceable as a beacon. Experienced fishermen who go out at dawn leave it on the shore as a signal for those who are late - in the dark it can be seen from afar.

It is very convenient when using Finnish candles that almost until they burn out completely, they can be moved from place to place without difficulty and without causing burns. The long-lasting nature of the fire can be considered a significant advantage: a medium-sized log provides light and heat for about four hours. And a maxi-fire without additional fuel can perform its functions all night long.

If you are not a fan of “wild” tourism and fishing, but you like to meet New Year at the dacha, Finnish candles placed along the paths will bring romance and decorate the garden no worse than garlands and Chinese lanterns.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

A Finnish candle is a kind of mini-bonfire made from a small stump or a piece of log. It is used for cooking in a boiler and heating water. It can be a good replacement for a regular fire during evening gatherings in nature. You can make a Finnish candle with your own hands in just 20 minutes; the burning time is about half an hour.

Features of the manufacture and use of Finnish candles

To prepare a Finnish (Swedish, Indian) candle you will need a small stump or block. The easy-to-make device can be used for lighting and even for short-term decoration of open areas. Tourists most often use it as a portable light source or for cooking. It takes a little time to create a candle, but the duration of burning and the heat generated from it are optimal for preparing porridge or boiling water on a hike.

Features of preparing a mini-bonfire

It will allow you to conveniently saw a block of wood preliminary preparation: in its center it is necessary to drill a hole with a diameter of about 2-3 cm.

The same procedure must be carried out with a stump or log of larger size and weight. A stick is inserted into the hole on the main block (can be replaced with a branch). A log with large parameters is strung onto an installed stick. Such a counterweight will allow you to make a candle carefully and safely. After connecting the logs and placing them on the sawhorse for sawing firewood, work is carried out according to the following instructions:

1. The log is cut crosswise using an electric or gasoline saw. The depth of the cut should be no more than 2/3 of the height of the entire block.

2. Using a regular lit candle, cover the side parts and the bottom of the cut with paraffin (or wax).

3. Cut a small strip of paper (newspaper can be used) with a length 4-5 cm greater than the cutting depth. It is folded in half, then unfolded, and paraffin shavings are poured over the fold. It is important to take into account that the layer should be made large, but so that the paper then easily rolls up and the paraffin itself does not spill out.

4. The paper with paraffin is wrapped lengthwise. And with the help of a pencil, a thick knitting needle or a screwdriver, it is pushed into the cross-shaped cut. It is important to carry out the procedure carefully so as not to damage the paper or spill paraffin. 4-5 cm of paper with paraffin should remain above the log.

5. The resulting wick is fixed with molten paraffin. To do this, you need to light a regular candle and pour a melting compound where the wick joins the wood. At this stage, the Finnish candle will be completely ready.

To get a burning log, the performer only needs to set fire to the manufactured wick. Thanks to the presence of paraffin inside, the log will burn more slowly and the temperature will be maintained. You can make a Finnish candle with your own hands in just 15-20 minutes. If the performer does not have an electric or gasoline saw, then the cuts should be made manually. The made mini-bonfire can be used on hikes (it is important to consider the weight of the candle) or for home camping.

The attached photo and video materials will help you ensure that the Finnish candle you make will burn brightly. But the performer must take into account that the cuts in the log should not be too deep: in this case, it will burn out very quickly. It is equally important to place the block of wood on a tile or metal plate before lighting it. This will eliminate the risk of fire in the dry vegetation surrounding it. If there are no special stands, you can install the candle on an earthen area that has previously been cleared of grass and leaves.

(updated April 4, 2018)

A lot has been written about vertical fires, and as soon as they are called “Swedish fire”, “Finnish torch”, “Indian candle” and all possible combinations of these words, plus the same thing only with the adjective “taiga”.

I decided to summarize their varieties and understand the pros and cons.


  • Bonfire
  • Torch
  • Candle

A vertical fire is a fire in which the firewood is arranged vertically and acts both as fuel and as the walls of the firebox. Due to this design, good draft is formed in the fire. This makes the fire efficient and very voracious.

Another feature is that its upper part can be used as a burner for camping cooking.

Vertical campfire type "Bonfire"
(a fire is a fire)

This type of fire can be made from three logs. There must be logs same size and have cuts perpendicular to the axis. Then they will stand steadily.

As they burn out, it is fashionable to move the logs towards the center in order to continue using it as a stove.

For efficient work This type of fire requires the flame to exit from above.

This can be achieved in three ways:

  • do not move the logs too tightly so that the flame comes out in the spaces between them
  • put two small logs or branches on the logs
  • make special cuts in the logs
After the main part of the fuel has burned out, the logs need to be piled crosswise or in a “hut”. That is, bring it to the look of a classic fire and burn the remains in a natural way.

The main disadvantage of this fire is that the coals from the fire fall to the ground. This can lead to a fire or damage the surface on which the fire stands.

Vertical fire "Torch" type
(aka " swedish torch"or "Finnish candle")

The most popular and promoted type of vertical fire. To make it you need to take a long block of wood and make longitudinal cuts not the entire length of the log.

Longitudinal cuts provide good draft and high combustion efficiency.

During the burning process, a longitudinal channel is formed inside the log, which provides higher fuel combustion efficiency than that of the “Koster” type design.

This design has many advantages:

  • Easily made with a chainsaw
  • high heat generation
  • The dishes can be placed directly on the log, without creating additional cutouts or installing a wire rack
  • the fire does not reach the ground and the “torch” can be placed on the lawn or paving slabs
There is only one minus - after the upper part burns, an unburnt base remains with protruding charred “teeth”.

It will not burn out naturally and must be disposed of somehow.

Experience using a torch

Vertical fire type "Candle"
(aka “Indian candle” or “taiga primus”)

This design is the most complex in manufacturing and use, but also the most powerful in terms of heat generation.

Technically, it's a jet stove.

To make it, you need to drill two channels in the block.

One is along the axis of the block, not the entire length.
The second is at the bottom of the first channel, from the edge to the center.

The advantages of this design are:

  • high combustion efficiency
  • very high combustion efficiency
  • absence of coals outside, until the very last moment (in the Torch and Bonfire, the fire can escape along the entire length of the fire through the side gaps)
  • the surface on which the “Candle” stands is not damaged
Of the minuses:
  • unburned bottom (as in the case of the Torch)
  • You need to install a grate on top or make cutouts so that the fire can be used for cooking.

Finnish/Swedish/Indian/taiga bonfires/torches/candles are almost not represented on the site.

There is only one dead topic - + several mentions in other topics.

Somehow in summer holidays, and as always unexpectedly, the gas cylinder at the dacha ran out. An old electric stove and microwave oven came to the rescue. What if there was no electricity? I've heard a lot about the Swedish fire, which is made from dry logs and is said to be convenient for cooking. The design is simple - a dry log is sawn from the end along the axis two or more times. I decided to check the operation of this thing as an emergency heat source.

Preparing the log

I made two cuts from the end of a piece of dry pine log with a chainsaw. A log is taken with a diameter of 23 cm and a length of 60 cm, the cut is made to a depth of 40 cm. If the log is placed on its butt, then a flat area remains on top on which you can place a pot or frying pan.

If you are going to cook food, then the log should be installed steadily so that it does not move if accidentally impacted. Lighting a fire is simple - pour a small amount of lighter fluid into the center. It is enough to water the edges of the cuts from above. We set fire to the log. At first, the fire is supported by the liquid and combustion occurs in the upper part of the log, but as it warms up, the flame goes down and intense combustion begins and the flame bursts out of the crack with a characteristic noise.


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