Formation of loyalty as a tool for increasing the competitiveness of a hotel enterprise. Review of the main customer loyalty programs in the hotel business

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Development of a consumer loyalty program

travel agency in a border region

Development of loyalty program for customers of a travel agency in the region near international border

Krasnikova Ekaterina Ivanovna

[email protected]

Krasnikova Ekaterina Ivanovna

Amur State University

[email protected]

Rychkova Evgenia Sergeevna

Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Commerce and Commodity Science

Amur State University

comerciuma @ yandex

Rychkova Evgeniya Sergeevna

Candidate of Economics, Associated Professorthe Department of Commerce and Commodity

Amur State University


Annotation:The article presents the results of a study of consumer loyalty of the travel company "Moses", operating in the market of the Amur region. Based on the analysis, a consumer loyalty program was developed according to the methodology based on the author's interpretation of the concepts of creating loyalty programs. IN An optimistic and pessimistic forecast of the effectiveness of the customer loyalty program of the Moisey company was made.

Abstract: The article deals with the research results concerning loyalty of customers who use services of the travel agency Moisei in the Amur Region. Due to the analysis we developed a loyalty program for customers based on the author’s interpretation of how to create loyalty programs. We also made an optimistic and a pessimistic forecasts of the loyalty program effectiveness for the customers of Moisei Company.

Keywords:loyalty program, tourism market, customer satisfaction indicator, consumer, efficiency

Keywords:loyalty program, tourist market, the satisfaction rate of the customer, the consumer, efficiency

The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the crisis phenomena occurring in the country's economy have a negative impact on enterprises in various fields of activity. In the conditions of the border region, tourism enterprises are more exposed to the influence of the external environment.

The total number of travel companies in the Amur region at the beginning of 2014 increased by 12% compared to the previous similar period. Whereas, the number of citizens sent to China decreased by 35%. The main reason for the decline in outbound tourism is the change in the exchange rate of the yuan against the Russian ruble. In difficult market conditions, to maintain financial stability, travel companies must develop methods to attract and retain consumers.

Currently, in order to retain consumers, it is necessary to develop a set of measures to build long-term relationships with consumers. One of these measures is a loyalty program that encourages consumers to use the same product or service for a long time.

The purpose of the study is to study consumer loyalty of the travel company "Moses" in the border region and develop a customer loyalty program for 2017-2018 according to the methodology based on the author’s interpretation of the concepts of creating loyalty programs

The aviation and tourism company "Moses" has been working in the tourism services market of the Amur region for 18 years. The main activity of Moses LLC is the sale, reservation and delivery of air tickets. In the field of tourism, the organization offers services for visas, hotel reservations, and organizes tours throughout Russia and abroad. Tours to China are the most popular; they occupy 42% of the structure of tourist services. and tours around Russia - 12.5%.

In July 2014, a study of customer loyalty of Moses LLC was conducted. ABOUTThe sample size was 10% of the number of clients of the travel agency in 2013. The location of the survey is the office of Moses LLC in Blagoveshchensk.

More than half of the respondents travel once a year, and only 7.96% of respondents travel two or more times a year (Table 1).

Table 1 - Analysis of respondents' travel frequency

Travel frequency

Specific gravity, %

More than twice a year


Twice a year


Once a year


Once every few years



38.94% of respondents regularly use the tourist services of the company “Moses”. There are half as many respondents who only sometimes purchase tours from Moisey LLC; more often they use the services of other travel agencies. Almost every fifth purchases vouchers for the first time, so it is very important that these clients become regular customers (Table 2).

Table 2 - Analysis of the frequency of use of tourist services of the company "Moses"

Frequency of use of the services of the travel agency "Moses"

Number of respondents, people

Specific gravity, %

Constantly (every time)


Often, but sometimes uses the services of other companies


Sometimes, more often uses the services of other companies


First time



The highest level of satisfaction among clients of Moses LLC is in terms of work schedule, convenience of location and quality of service. The lowest indicator is for the provision of services on credit and the availability of discounts, promotions, and discount cards - 8.11 and 7.53, respectively. The average satisfaction index with the services of the Moses company is 8.67 (Table 3).

Table 3 - Analysis of the degree of satisfaction with the characteristics of the company "Moses"»

When studying the customer loyalty of Moses LLC, a model was used to assess the overall level of loyalty. The respondent was offereda set of 10 statements with which he must express agreement - disagreement on a 5-point Likert scale, “from completely disagree” to “completely agree.”

The highest value of the loyalty index corresponds to the statement “I would recommend the company “Moses” to others”, the lowest value corresponds to the statement “If the services offered are the same, I can just as easily use the services of another travel company.” The loyalty index was 3.325 (Table 4).

Table 4 - Analysis of the degree of loyalty to the travel company Moses LLC


Number of responses on the loyalty rating scale, units.

Loyalty Index

I really care about the fate of the Moses company


I am ready to make extra efforts to use the services of the Moses company


If the services offered are the same, I can just as easily use the services of another travel company


I am proud to tell others that I use Moses' services.


For me, the Moses company is the best alternative


I intend to continue to use the services of the Moisey company in the future.


I don't feel particularly loyal to the Moses company


As a client of the Moses company, I am willing to pay a little more than usual for high quality services



The Moses Company encourages me to use its services


Thus, 40% of respondents constantly use the services of the Moses travel agency, and 37% of respondents will definitely use its services in the future. The average index of satisfaction with the characteristics of the Moses company is 8.67, the company exceeds customer expectations in seven out of nine parameters. The loyalty index has an average value. Therefore, a travel agency should use marketing tools to increase the loyalty of its customers and increase the number of regular consumers.

Loyalty program development

The "Tour Bonus" loyalty program was developed step by step according to the methodology compiled on the basis of three concepts: O. Tsunevskaya, S. Butcher and Y. Zefirova, , .

Stage 1. Setting goals and objectives for the loyalty program.

The goal of the Tour-Bonus loyalty program is to increase the market share of the tourism services of the Moses company in 2016 to 10%, in 2017 - to 12%, in 2018 - to 14%.

Loyalty program objectives:

In 2018, achieve a customer loyalty index of the company “Moses” equal to 4;

Increase the number of clients of the Moisey company by 2.5 times in three years

Stage 2. Determining the target audience of the loyalty program.

Target audience of the Tour-Bonus loyalty program: residents of Blagoveshchensk over 18 years of age.

Stage 3. Determining the type of loyalty program.

1. By type of entry into the loyalty program: open program, since the travel agency works with end consumers.

2. According to the form of encouragement: a bonus loyalty program, since it allows you to combine material, psychological and emotional benefits.

3. Regarding the interaction of program participants: a coalition program with an “anchor operator”, since clients do not use the services of a travel company often - 1-2 times a year. To increase the activity of loyalty program participants, it is necessary to attract partners to the loyalty club. The operator of the program will be the Moisey company.

Stage 4. Selection of privileges: tangible and intangible.

The Tour Bonus loyalty program allows clients to receive:

1. Material privileges. Program participants will receive 1 point for every ruble spent at the Moses company or with program partners. Customers can exchange accumulated points for goods and services from Moses and program partners.

2. Intangible privileges:

High quality of service;

Information services about different countries, including entry formalities and conditions, climate, exchange rates, vaccination, etc.;

Sale of last minute travel packages;

Access to your personal account;

Special offers available only to program participants;

Happy birthday, New Year and other holidays to all program participants.

Stage 5. Definition of basic technology.

A participant wishing to join the program must

Purchase a tourist package worth 15,000 rubles or more;

Fill out the form.

Qualifying and non-qualifying points are awarded to the participant's account.

Qualification points are points that a participant gains by purchasing travel packages at Moses LLC. These points can be used to obtain a “Silver” or “Gold” member level in the “Tour-Bonus” loyalty program.

Write-off of points is possible only after the participant of the Tour-Bonus program has accumulated qualified points in the amount of 100,000 points or more.

When written off, points are converted into rubles at a rate of 10:1 (ten to one) and credited to the current purchase.

Silver level participants are additionally awarded 25% of points from the purchase amount, gold level participants are awarded 50% of points from the purchase amount.

Stage 6. Selecting club technology.

1. Plastic card.

The MIFARE contactless smart card was chosen for the Tour Bonus loyalty program.

2. Card reader and software.

The software selected isSDK: Smart cards in 1C: Enterprise.

The kit also includes a combined smart card reader.

Stage 7. Selecting loyalty program partners.

List of program partners:

1. Sports stores in Blagoveshchensk: “Profi Sport”, “Sports Line”.

2. Tourist equipment stores: “Amur-Sport”, “Prival”.

3. Water and health complexes: “ Plaza ", swimming pools "Nadezhda" and "Student".

4. Cafes and restaurants: “Gloria”, “Sultan”, “President”.

5. Fitness clubs: “ Art fitness ", "Bear", "Sphere".

Stage 8. Development of a promotion program.

The purpose of the promotion program: to inform about the new loyalty program “Tour-Bonus”.

To promote the loyalty program will be used the following types communications:

Flyers with information about the loyalty program;

Booklets with the rules of participation in the loyalty program;

Internet site of the Moisey company.

Stage 9. Assessment economic efficiency.

When assessing the effectiveness of the Tour-Bonus loyalty program, three options were considered: pessimistic, most likely and optimistic. With the pessimistic option, the goal is not achieved, the market share will increase by 1% per year, with the most likely option, the goal is achieved, the market share will increase by 2% per year, and with the optimistic option, the market share will increase by 3% per year

The following cost items are planned:

1. Costs of rewards received by loyalty program participants.

The cost of vouchers increases every year by an average of 17%

From a study of customer loyalty by the Moses company, the ratio of tourists traveling with different frequencies is known. Based on these data, segments of loyalty program participants were determined according to two parameters: frequency of travel and cost of a tourist package.

In 2016, according to the pessimistic scenario, the number of clients will be 1653 people, of which 58.4% travel once a year. About 23% of consumers will purchase a ticket at a price from 23,400 to 29,250

In the most likely option, the number of clients will increase by 10.4%, including with a travel frequency of once a year and the cost of a tourist package from 23,400 to 29,250 rubles - by 10.5%

With the optimistic option, the number of clients traveling once a year will increase by 9.4% compared to the most likely option, with the pessimistic option - by 20.8%

The amount of points per person that participants in the Tour-Bonus loyalty program can earn is determined based on the product of travel frequency and average cost travel packages, while for those who travel more than twice a year, the frequency is equal to three

Thus, in 2016, only participants who travel more than twice a year and spendfrom 35,100 to 70,200 rubles and those traveling twice a year and spending from 46,800 to 70,200 rubles on a trip.The number of participants will be 50, 55 and 61 people for the pessimistic, most likely and optimistic options, respectively.

Provided that participants who travel once every few years will not travel in 2017 and 2018, and the remaining participants will use the services of the Moses company, and in the future the participants will be divided into three forecast options for 2017.

Under a pessimistic scenario, in 2017, 2095 people will use the services of the travel agency, of which 866 people are new clients.

Under the most likely option, 2,490 people will be served in 2017, of which 1,134 people will be new clients

Under an optimistic scenario, 2,885 people will purchase tour packages in 2017, of which 1,401 people will be new clients

Thus, in 2017, new participants who travel more than twice a year and spend on a trip will be able to collect the required amount of qualifying pointsfrom 34,223 to 82,134 rubles and those traveling twice a year and spending from 47,912 to 82,134 rubles on a trip. The number of such participants will be 21, 29 and 43 people for the pessimistic, most likely and optimistic options, respectively.

Tourists participating in the loyalty program for two years will also be able to collect the required amount of points. These are participants who travel more than twice a year and spend from 20,534 to 82,134 rubles on a trip; those traveling twice a year and spending from 27,378 to 82,134 rubles on a voucher and those traveling once a year and spending from 54,756 to 82,134 rubles on a voucher. The number of such participants will be 321, 354 and 424 people for the pessimistic, most likely and optimistic options, respectively.

Those participating in the loyalty program will be able to reach the Silver level within two years. These are participants who travel more than twice a year and spend from 47,912 to 82,134 rubles on a trip; traveling twice a year and spending from 54,756 to 82,134 rubles on a trip. The number of such participants will be 37, 41 and 46 people for the pessimistic, most likely and optimistic options, respectively.

Provided that participants who travel once every few years will not travel in 2017, and the remaining participants will use the services of the Moses company

Under a pessimistic scenario, 2,631 people will be served in 2018, of which 1,074 people will be new clients. In the most probable scenario, in 2018, the travel agency’s clients could be 3,312 people, of which 1,461 people are new clients. Under the optimistic scenario, 3,992 people will use the services of the travel agency, of which 1,847 people will be new clients.

Based on the product of travel frequency and the average cost of a trip, the amount of points per one program participant was determined; for those who travel more than twice a year, a frequency of three was taken

Thus, new participants who travel more than twice a year and spend on a trip will be able to collect the required amount of qualifying points in 2018from 32033 to 96097 rubles; traveling twice a year and spending from 48,049 to 96,097 rubles on a trip. The number of such participants will be 39, 62 and 80 people for the pessimistic, most likely and optimistic options, respectively.

Tourists participating in the loyalty program for two years will be able to collect the required amount of points. These are participants who travel more than twice a year and spend from 16,018 to 96,097 rubles on a trip; traveling twice a year and spending from 24,025 to 96,097 rubles on a trip; traveling once a year and spending from 56,057 to 96,097 rubles on a trip. The number of such participants will be 105, 160 and 244 people for the pessimistic, most likely and optimistic options, respectively.

Tourists participating in the loyalty program for three years will also be able to collect the required amount of points. These are participants who travel more than twice a year and spend from 16,018 to 96,097 rubles on a trip; those traveling twice a year and spending from 16,018 to 96,097 rubles on a trip; traveling once a year and spending from 40,041 to 96,097 rubles on a trip. The number of such participants will be 667, 734 and 805 people for the pessimistic, most likely and optimistic options, respectively.

Those participating in the loyalty program will be able to reach the Silver level within two years. These are participants who travel more than twice a year and spend from 48,049 to 64,065 rubles on a trip; traveling twice a year and spending from 56,057 to 96,097 rubles on a trip. The number of such participants will be 10, 15 and 20 people for the pessimistic, most likely and optimistic options, respectively.

Those participating in the loyalty program will be able to reach the Silver level within three years. These are participants who travel more than twice a year and spend from 32,033 to 48,049 rubles on a trip; traveling twice a year and spending from 48,049 to 64,065 rubles on a trip. The number of such participants will be 70, 77 and 85 people for the pessimistic, most likely and optimistic options, respectively.

Those participating in the loyalty program will be able to reach the gold level within two years. These are participants who travel more than twice a year and spend from 64,065 to 96,097 rubles on a trip. The number of such participants will be 5, 6 and 9 people for the pessimistic, most likely and optimistic options, respectively.

Those participating in the loyalty program will be able to reach the gold level within three years. These are participants who travel more than twice a year and spend from 48,049 to 96,097 rubles on a trip; traveling twice a year and spending from 64,065 to 96,097 rubles on a trip. The number of such participants will be 50, 55 and 61 people for the pessimistic, most likely and optimistic options, respectively.

Members who reached the Silver level in 2017 will receive additional points for purchases in 2018. The amount of additional points per person for participants traveling more than twice a year and spending from 56,057 to 64,065 rubles on a trip will be 45,046 points; those traveling more than twice a year and spending from 64,065 to 96,097 rubles on a trip will receive 60,050 points; those traveling twice a year and spending from 64,065 to 96,097 rubles on a trip will be 40,033 points.

The total amount of points that all participants who have fulfilled the conditions for receiving the award will receive is equal to the product of the sum of points per participant and the number of participants. The amount of additional points of silver level participants is also taken into account. The total score for the pessimistic option will be 157,208,785 points, for the most likely option - 83,436,512 points, for the optimistic option - 21,4825,620 points

The number of active loyalty program participants will be 811, 956 and 1129 people for the pessimistic, most likely and optimistic options, respectively. Since points are written off in a ratio of 10:1 to receive awards, the cost of awards to participants of the travel agency “Moses” for three years will be 15,720,878, 18,343,651 and 21,482,562 rubles for the pessimistic, most likely and optimistic options, respectively.

2. Issue of plastic cards.

The number of plastic cards will be equal to the number of loyalty program participants. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the additional issue of silver and gold cards. The cost of producing plastic cards over three years under the optimistic option will be 214,440 rubles, which is 42.4% more than under the pessimistic optionThe costs of developing and operating a loyalty program under the optimistic option are 35.5% higher than under the pessimistic option. Largest specific gravity the cost structure includes the cost of providing awards - more than 95%

The effectiveness of the loyalty program was calculated at a profit rate of tourist services of 15%. The number of tourists under the optimistic version of the program is 45.9% more than under the pessimistic one. At the same time, the number of active participants is 39.2% more. The profit received under the pessimistic option will exceed costs by 1.6 times, under the most likely option - 1.7 times, under the optimistic option - 2.6 times.

Thus, based on the results of developing a consumer loyalty program, we can conclude that the use of scientifically based marketing methods and tools allows travel companies to change their focus on retaining existing consumers and building their loyalty. This is especially important against the backdrop of increasing competition in the tourism services market and the negative impact of external environmental factors in the conditions of the border region.


1 Amur region in numbers: Brief statistical collection/Amurstat-Blagoveshchensk, 2015 – 354 p.

2 Butcher Stefan A. Loyalty programs and clubs for regular customers / S. A. Butcher. - per. from English - M.: Williams, 2004. - 266 p.

2 Zefirova Yu. How much does the loyalty program cost? [Electronic resource] / Yu. Zefirova // Science of advertising. - M., 2003. - Access mode: 8377.htm the science of advertising. - 05/15/2015.

3. Tsunevskaya O.Ya. Automation of loyalty programs based on CRM technologies / O. Ya. Tsunevskaya // Marketing and marketing research. - 2008. - No. 6. - pp. 478-494.

2.2 Loyalty programs in a travel agency as a PR tool

In connection with the crisis in the Russian economy, we propose that the agency improve its customer loyalty program. This will help form a circle of regular loyal customers. Until now, the Voyage Plus travel agency has not implemented a loyalty program. For travel agencies, unlike the trade sector, this is an innovation that the consumer is already ready to accept. People are accustomed to receiving discounts, bonuses, gifts, and participating in sweepstakes, but this practice is practically undeveloped among travel agencies. I believe that the introduction of a loyalty program will help raise the agency’s status and create a positive image.

One of the ways to implement a loyalty program is to introduce partnerships among the company. We propose to enter into partnership agreements.

Due to the fact that the agency’s work is well automated, we propose to introduce a system of discounts.

Since the agency is not a network agency, it makes no sense to create your own bonus system. It will be effective to conclude a partnership agreement with large companies on mutually beneficial terms.

The partnership agreement provides for the implementation of the following activities:

Introduction of a cumulative discount system;

Release of a free newspaper.

The newspaper plans to publish a TV program for the coming week, information about new products, ongoing promotions, competitions, and lotteries. Also, accompanying information can include astrological forecasts, weather forecasts, jokes, recipes from readers, etc. This information is useful for consumers and allows businesses to carry out unobtrusive advertising.

Another measure of the loyalty program could be direct mailing advertisements about any sales promotion. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully work out the pricing policy for these areas.

Due to the fact that a loyalty system based on providing only discounts to customers is not original and may not be considered profitable by customers, it is possible to offer a program of cumulative bonuses for which the buyer can receive a certain set of goods.

These activities will help create a two-way flow of information that will help ensure that future offers are relevant to buyers and therefore those buyers are more likely to stay.

Let's consider the effectiveness of introducing maps and publishing a newspaper (Table 5, Figure 1).

Figure 1 – Dynamics of income as a result of the implementation of the affiliate program

That is, the monthly increase in revenue will be about 75,000 rubles. or per year 856,000 rubles.

Provided that the partnership program is in place, the effectiveness of the proposed activities should increase.

People who contact one of the enterprises will have the opportunity to learn about the other.

Table 5 - Analysis of the effectiveness of introducing maps and publishing a newspaper

Index January February March April May June July August September October November December
Expenses 68000 20000 20000 20000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000 21000
Issue of plastic cards 20000
Servicing plastic cards (losses from discounts) 2000 2000 2000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Development of a newspaper layout 30000
Print order (1000 copies) 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000
Information content 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Revenue growth 96000 96000 96000 96000 96000 96000 96000 96000 96000 96000 96000 96000
Balance of income and expenses 28000 76000 76000 76000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000

Factors influencing customer loyalty

For building effective system management of customer loyalty, development of programs to increase consumer commitment, the main factors influencing loyalty should be identified. There are two groups of factors: rational and irrational, which differ for different areas of interaction between the company’s consumers.

Figure 1. Factors influencing customer loyalty. Author24 - online exchange of student work

Each of the above factors plays important role in the formation of a loyalty system. Their influence differs depending on what stage the company’s relationship with the client is at. For the positive development of loyalty, basic conditions are necessary, the absence of which negates all efforts made to increase consumer commitment. This is the rudeness of the staff, the inability to reach the support service and the inability to solve the client’s problem, uncertainty regarding the use or operation of the product, etc.

There are three degrees of customer loyalty:

  • contentment;
  • devotion;
  • partnership.

It should be noted that the loyalty management strategy is developed taking into account logic and emotions. Some factors that influence increasing customer loyalty can be logically justified, for example, the price of the product. And factors such as the quality of service or the consumer’s attitude towards the company/product/brand are considered from an emotional point of view.

In this regard, marketers must find a balance between using logic and customer emotions, as they mutually influence each other. Using the emotional component when developing a business development strategy will allow you to direct all your efforts to build relationships with clients. The complex of the above factors is an integral system, but for a more accurate picture, each factor should be considered separately. Certain indicators are more significant for the company's activities, others are less important.

Note 1

Companies striving to become customer-centric are taking steps to increase customer loyalty. These are measures aimed not only at meeting, but also at exceeding consumer expectations.

Methods and tools to increase customer loyalty

To increase customer loyalty, various methods and tools are used:

  1. high level service;
  2. regular reminders about the company, its products, etc.;
  3. sending messages about new arrivals and special offers;
  4. providing discounts;
  5. issuance of savings cards;
  6. gifts and surprises;
  7. competitions and sweepstakes;
  8. organizing a club of regular customers;
  9. congratulations on your birthday and other holidays;
  10. sending out branded newspapers or booklets.

Level of service is one of the priority tools for increasing customer loyalty. Professional service and a quick response to a complaint or request allow the client to feel important to the organization. You can offer clients additional services depending on the specifics of the company’s activities. A satisfied customer will recommend it to his friends and acquaintances, while a dissatisfied customer will spread negative reviews to a huge number of people.

From time to time you should remind the client about the existence of the company. You can send an SMS or e-mail, unobtrusively offer to use services or purchase products, including new items. Attracting a new customer costs a company several times more than retaining old regular customers.

Discounts are a tool that attracts customers, but does not increase their loyalty. Companies can issue discount cards with a fixed discount amount or cumulative discount cards. The latter bring new clients to the company, since friends and acquaintances of its owner can also use the card. In most cases, such a card binds the client to the company, since with each new purchase the discount increases.

Another effective tool for increasing customer loyalty is gifts and surprises upon purchase. This can be a small and insignificantly priced souvenir that will evoke pleasant emotions in the buyer and bring him back to the store again.

The company's attention has a beneficial effect on customer loyalty. Congratulations on birthdays and other holidays are accompanied by the provision of discounts, gifts or special services.

Game mechanics have gained popularity in the system of increasing customer loyalty or gamification. Collecting stickers in order to eventually purchase a collection of toys, dishes or appliances for free, or at a deep discount, forces consumers to make frequent purchases for certain amounts.

Customers who join the regular customer club receive additional privileges.

Customer loyalty programs

A set of methods and tools underlie the development of programs to increase customer loyalty. The goal of the loyalty program is to achieve a certain sales volume by increasing the number of customers. This is a short-term goal; in the long term, companies strive to obtain a small number of regular customers who will bring more profit than a large number of one-time customers.

Many companies limit themselves to issuing a discount or bonus card and believe that they have launched a loyalty program. In fact, such a program is a whole complex of activities aimed at meeting the needs of the target audience, encouraging them to long-term mutually beneficial cooperation and increasing the volume of sales of goods and services.

Note 2

Loyalty programs are a widely used tool for increasing customer loyalty in industries that are characterized by high price goods or a significant markup. These are retail chains, airlines, financial and banking organizations, delivery services, etc.

There are open and closed customer loyalty programs, which have their advantages. The degree of openness means the accessibility of the loyalty program to the client. Anyone can join an open loyalty program. To participate in a closed loyalty program, you must fulfill certain conditions: make a purchase for a certain amount, fill out a form, etc.

Figure 2. Benefits of closed and open customer loyalty programs. Author24 - online exchange of student work

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