Fortune telling with a needle and thread: what will help you find out the future. How to tell fortunes for children with a needle and thread

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A needle is a kind of “magic” object that not only mends holes, makes clothes, but is also used in magical rituals. After all, a needle, like any other metal product, can conduct energy, and the eye of the needle creates a strong biofield, turning the object itself into a kind of biofield receiver. This form allows you to direct energy to the tip of the needle, where they concentrate various possibilities, used in magic and folk medicine.

Fortune-telling with a needle and thread is quite simple, effective and popular, but before we get to it, I would like to note that the needle helps to fulfill desires, unravels the secrets of the future, including the number and gender of children.

How to use a needle to achieve what you want

The needle helps make wishes come true. There are two ways to help achieve your goal using the most ordinary needle. A simple method can be used to simple desires, more complex - for the treasured.

Both methods are based on preliminary fasting. That is, a person should not eat fatty foods and foods containing blood. You must keep the fast throughout the entire time you embroider your desire. Yes, yes, embroidery. It's simple, but very effective. As soon as you finish embroidering, you will immediately begin to notice changes in your life, both dramatic and, most importantly, positive.

Embroidery will turn a personal item into a talisman

What needs to be done or where to start with magical embroidery? From buying a new one sewing needle! This must be done on Monday or Thursday. For the ritual you will also need threads and personal item, on which you will embroider a desire - it can be a scarf, a scarf, a cosmetic bag, a wallet and much more. When choosing an item, remember that you will need to carry it everywhere and always with you, so it is not advisable to embroider on a pillowcase or underwear, since the former will have to be carried with a pillow, and underwear will quickly wear out to holes if you wear, for example, one and the same panties or T-shirt.

When choosing a thread, give preference to cotton, the main thing is that the thread is not synthetic, only natural - silk, linen. What thread color should I choose? White! This best option. But if your cherished wish directly related to love, you can take pink threads.

If you want to fix financial well-being, will help you green color. Yellow and orange threads will protect your health and improve it. Green and red threads protect from danger.

Each of the presented fortune-telling by embroidering a wish is done on the waxing moon. The best lunar days to start the ritual - 7,10,11,12,14.

Fortune telling "Embroidery". Method one – “Road of Desires”

With the help of this fortune telling you can dramatically change your life in better side already within the next 40 days after you finish the embroidery.

Take a needle, thread a thread into your ear and voice your desire in a whisper. You need to take a long thread so that it is enough for 40 stitches. If in the end you don’t have enough thread, then the wish will not come true, and you will no longer be able to start doing a ritual for the same wish, and Higher power they will not forget to punish you for your miscalculation, for the fact that you disturbed them in vain, without voicing your desire to the end and wasting their time.

So, let's begin. Mentally asking for the fulfillment of a specific desire, make the first stitch, then stick the needle into your item and leave the work until next day, when you also make only one stitch, overlapping it with the first one or placing it side by side. Remember that as a result you should get smooth path, which will quickly and easily lead you to your desire. A crooked road with potholes will also lead you crookedly to your intended goal.

Try to do the work smoothly and accurately

This fortune telling is carried out over 40 days, as a result of which you must make 40 stitches and get a smooth path. As soon as you make the last 40th stitch, say your wish out loud four times, while addressing all four cardinal directions. After this, tie a knot and do not part with the embroidery for the next 40 days or until your wish takes on real forms, that is, it will come true.

Fortune telling "Embroidery". Method two – “Cross of Desires”

With the help of this fortune telling, your life will change dramatically within next year. How does this fortune telling differ from the previous one? Because you don’t have to make a specific wish, life will change anyway, and only for the better and in all areas of life. But it is still better to have a desire, since then fate will work for him and around him, bringing expected events into life.

This fortune telling is carried out like the previous one, only the stitches are placed in a cross, and the cross should be oblique and with equal sides, which is popularly called “Andreevsky”. All other actions are carried out as before. Remember that you can only tie one knot!

Fortune telling by hand using a needle and thread

This fortune telling allows you to find out how many children you will have and what gender. For the ritual you will only need a white thread and a needle. The thread is taken of medium length and threaded through the eyelet. After this, you need to take the thread with your right hand and raise it above the open left palm, after “dipping” the needle three times into the space between the thumb, set aside, and the entire palm. Next, the needle is located above the center of the palm and begins to make various movements. You need to understand whether it moves in a circle or like a pendulum to the sides. If the needle moves in circles, you will have a girl; if it swings to the sides in a straight line, you will have a boy. That's not all. This is how you found out the gender of your first child. Will you have more children? You can find out by “dipping” the needle again between your thumb and palm, also three times, and fixing it above the center of the palm.

If the needle stops talking and hangs in the air without moving, you will no longer have children, and if it starts moving, you will, then figure out who exactly is a boy or a girl. And so on until the needle stops “talking.”

If you already have children, but you decide to tell fortunes on a needle and thread for their number, then you can immediately understand whether the needle is lying or not, since in the fortune telling process the action unfolds from the first child that you already have. If you have a boy and the needle shows the boy first, it means that the fortune telling is true, and you can already believe the following “testimonies” of your ward.

Fortune telling with needles was carried out in ancient times. Recently, this tradition has regained popularity among our contemporaries, eager to know their future. Esotericism is varied, but most of all the reviews are collected by fortune telling with needles and on gypsy needles online for free, which is offered in this article.

Fortune telling on needles yes no

For fortune telling you will need 2 needles. Thread one of them white, and in the other – black. The threads must be the same length. Tie a knot at the end of each. Sit down at table. IN left hand take a needle with a white thread, and the one on the right - black.

Formulate a question that interests you. Say it out loud clearly.

If the needles begin to swing towards each other, your wish will come true. Consider that you will receive an affirmative answer to your question. A different amplitude of movement symbolizes a negative answer.

In rare cases, the needles remain motionless - this means that the time for an answer has not yet come or you have not clearly formulated your question.

Fortune telling with needles and water

You can find out the answer to a question in the form of “yes” or “no” using fortune telling with needles.

To do this you will need 2 needles and a container of water. Before fortune telling, the needles need to be generously lubricated. vegetable oil or any fatty cream.

They ask a question, say it out loud and carefully place the needles on the surface of the water. If they did not sink, but turned with their tip towards each other, the answer to your question will be in the affirmative.

If the needles float parallel, then the plan may come true, or maybe not. Everything will depend on you. Make some effort - events will unfold the way you want.

Fortune telling with needles code of love

For fortune telling you will need two needles different lengths, pre-lubricated with cream or vegetable oil, a deep plate and water. Let the larger needle symbolize a guy or man, and the smaller needle symbolize a girl or woman.

Fortune telling begins on a moonless night.

They pour water into a plate, saying: “I’m guessing - I’ll find out the truth.” Next, take the needles and carefully lower them into the water. Then shake the plate slightly and say:
“Does (name of loved one) love (his name).”

If you are loved, the tip of the larger needle will be turned towards the smaller needle. If you are not a couple, it means that the needles will point in opposite directions.

Fortune telling on needles for a loved one (love)

You will need a needle with a red thread threaded into it and a piece of white fabric. There is no need to tie a knot at the end of the thread.

The fortuneteller makes 3 stitches and on the last one, with a sharp movement away from himself, tries to pull the needle out of the fabric.

If you couldn’t pull out the needle or the thread broke, this is not your fate. If the needle and thread pulled out easily and without special effort on your part - you are loved and you will make a wonderful couple.

Fortune telling with needles for Christmastide, for baptism, for Christmas (Christmas)

For fortune telling you will need 21 new needles and a wide vessel.

All the needles are carefully thrown into the bottom of the dish at once and filled with spring or well water. Then the container is shaken slightly and their future is interpreted based on the resulting patterns.

It is important to be able to discern the contours of any figure, and its meaning can be found out by looking in any dream book.

Fortune telling with needles and wax

Only an elderly woman can tell fortunes with wax needles, and then only on Christmas holidays that are allowed for fortune telling. If this ritual begins to be performed by a young and unmarried girl- her soul will be taken by evil spirits.

Lubricate 2 needles with candle wax and have an old fortune teller dip them into the water.

If the needles sink immediately or are arranged crosswise, your wish will come true.

If the point of the needles is directed at one point, then it will take a long time for your plans to come true.

European medieval fortune telling with needles

For fortune telling you will need 3 different needles and a piece of white cloth. Give the needles names: the first is yours, the second is your loved one, and the third is called “Someone”.

Drop the needles onto the fabric. Now look at how the “Someone” and “Loved” needles are positioned in relation to your needle. Actually, this will be the result of fortune telling. The closer to your needle the needle symbolizing your loved one is, the greater the chances of real life that you will end up together. If a needle called “Someone” lies between your needles, it means that an insurmountable barrier will arise between you. It is possible that someone else will interfere with your plans.

Gypsy fortune telling with needles

You will need a gypsy needle with a long red thread threaded into it.

Make a question. Tie a knot at the edge of the thread. Take the thread by the knot and lift the needle off the table. Repeat the question out loud. If the needle remains motionless, it means that there is no clear answer to your question yet. If the needle begins to rotate clockwise, this will be an affirmative answer. Rotating the needle counterclockwise symbolizes the answer “no.”

As practice shows, gypsy fortune telling has interesting features and not always a simple interpretation, so it’s worth understanding the main points that...

The emergence of fortune telling is directly related to people’s desire to learn some facts from their future, past or present. People in all centuries have tried to find out their future. This is directly related to the emergence of any life circumstances, which (as many people think) fortune telling can help solve.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread is one of the most common types of predictions. No exact date the emergence of this type of magical ritual, which is more common among the gypsies. In past times, for this unusual people, the use of various predictions and magic was considered a matter of Everyday life, a means of subsistence, and not something supernatural. We should not forget the fact that the gypsies carry out this ritual quite carefully, since they believe that it is the thread that is the connecting link between real world and otherworldly forces. To carry out the process itself, they prefer to use new needles, into which a red silk thread is threaded during the ritual. Although at present, during this ritual, girls do not focus their attention on the color of the thread used.

Fortune telling with a needle can be done different ways, for example, fortune telling by a needle with a circle. You can use cardboard in the fortune telling process. round shape(V in this case diameter may coincide with the diameter of an ordinary plate). On this circle you need to write letters that can be arranged either in order or in a chaotic sequence. Then a needle is hung on a thread and a question of interest is asked. But we should not forget that at the very beginning of fortune-telling it is necessary to say a number of certain phrases. For example, “Spirit such and such, answer us the questions that interest us and help us find solutions to certain issues!!!” and so on. It is also believed that before starting fortune telling, girls should take off all their jewelry and let their hair down.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread can also be carried out using a circle without letters, divided into two equal honors. These parts can symbolize the answers “yes - no”, “loves - doesn’t love”. In the process of such fortune telling, it is necessary to clearly formulate the questions of interest, the possible answers to which are depicted on the circle. But in order to verify the veracity of this method, it is first advisable to ask questions to which the answers are already known. If the fortune-telling girl’s answers coincide with the answers indicated by the needle and thread, the fortune-telling is indeed truthful and you can continue the process and ask questions of interest.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread is currently causing a lot of conflicting opinions. Some consider this ritual entertaining game, others take it very seriously. Many girls who used this type of magic had their predictions come true (for example, the wedding day, the name of the future husband, the gender of the unborn child). For some girls, the answers received during the ritual were only partially realized, and for some, not a single answer coincided with the real one.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the theory that the movement of the needle in the process of fortune-telling depends not on the spirits that are invoked during the ritual (as many people think), but on the thoughts of the girl herself, who performs fortune-telling with needle and thread. What is meant here is the fact that when carrying out fortune telling, a process of complete concentration of thoughts and consciousness occurs, as a result of which the movement of the thread and, accordingly, the needle along certain letters is observed. It is in this case that the girl gets the desired result, which subsequently becomes reality.

Nature has placed on fragile women's shoulders the very important responsibility for bearing and giving birth to children. And of course, every young woman thinking about future motherhood wants to know how many babies she will have and what gender they will be. Simplewill answer this question.

Preparing for fortune telling for children

Fortune telling with a needle and thread for children requires certain preparation from the fortune teller - only in this case the results obtained will be more accurate. Preparatory measures primarily concern paraphernalia - the necessary items (needle and thread) must be completely new, purchased specifically for this purpose.

  • When purchasing a needle and threadyou can't bargain. You must pay for your purchase in such a way thatthere was no change. If you can’t get change without change, then they don’t take it and leave it to the seller.
  • Main details -needle- before divinationmust be consecrated. To do this, you can dip it in holy water, or hold it over the flame of a wax church candle.

Specific requirements are put forward in relation to the fortune teller herself:

  • complete solitude with the exclusion of all distractions(animals, extraneous noise, light, electrical appliances and gadgets);
  • you need to guess in its natural form- without cosmetics, jewelry and accessories (rings, earrings, hairpins, watches, belts, pectoral cross etc. must be removed). You should let your hair down and put on a loose shirt (preferably white, made from natural fabrics).

Maximum truthful fortune telling on a needle and thread for children it will work if you do itafter sunset, Ideally - at midnight.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread for children

To get started, prepare all the necessary details -sewing needle And a skein (ball) of white or red thread . Further procedure:

  1. Cut a medium-length thread from the skein and pass it through the eye of the needle.
  2. Say any Orthodox prayer, which you know well - for example, “Our Father”.
  3. Concentrate, calm down, overcome anxiety.
  4. Take the needle and thread with your right hand, and place your left hand parallel to the table (floor) with your palm up.
  5. First fix the needle and thread above the center of your left palm, then lower it, point down, into the space between the thumb and index finger - three times. Return the pendulum to the center of your palm and carefully observe its behavior:

The needle swings like a pendulumfrom one side to the other- you will be the first to be bornboy.

The needle performscircular movements- wait daughter.

Needle froze over the palmrooted to the spot -there will be no children.

This is what concerns the gender of the child. This divination will also allow you to clarify how many children you will have. To find out, simply repeat the entire fortune telling procedure after receiving a prediction about the first child: lower the needle and thread again 3 times between the thumb and the rest of the palm, hold it over the center of the palm and watch the actions. The second needle and thread clue is the answer about the second child. As a result, you should guess like this until the needle “goes silent” - that is, it hangs over your palm without moving. This indicates that you are no longer expected to have children.

By guessing in this way, you can also check whether the needle is telling you the truth or lying. But only those women who are already mothers (have given birth to at least their first child) can do this. If the first-born is a son, and the needle and thread point primarily to a boy during fortune-telling, then everything is in order, you can continue the fortune-telling further without fear of a false prediction. If the first hint from the needle diverges from reality, it means that further answers will be doubtful, fortune telling should be postponed until better times.

See also video instructions for this fortune telling for children:

Fortune telling “Yes-No” on a needle and thread for children

This fortune telling for children, also carried out using a needle and thread, will allow you to find out the gender of the unborn child and will also give a hint about their possible number.

The essence of divination is to draw a circle on a piece of paper or cardboard and divide it into 2 equal halves: write a word on the first"Yes", On the second - "No". Then take a large sewing needle, thread a red thread made of natural wool into its eye - its length should be at least 30 centimeters. Wind the end of the thread around your forefinger- so that the needle hangs freely in the air. Place a needle and thread over the center of the circle and formulate your question regarding the gender of your future children - in such a way that it can be answered either affirmatively (“Yes”) or negatively (“No”). Possible questions are:

  1. Will I have a boy (girl) first?
  2. Will the second (third, ...) child be a boy (girl)?

After asking your first question, you need to monitor the behavior magic pendulum from a needle and thread - see which answer he is leaning towards. Having received the first clue, proceed to the second question and find out the answer to it again.

Please note: if the needle and thread do not swing, but simply freeze in the air after the fortune teller voices her question, this also means that no children are expected.

In general, fortune telling for children performed using a needle and thread - affordable way divination, allowing you to determine the number and gender of future children. Amazingly, in the vast majority of cases, the resulting prediction turns out to be accurate and truthful - this is evidenced by numerous reviews of women who once turned to this fortune-telling and have already experienced the happiness of motherhood.

Fortune telling and fortune telling have been incredibly popular for many centuries. Centuries, views on life, fashion change, but the desire to know their future unites people of all eras and will never disappear.

Today there are virtual fortune-telling, online, but only a real ritual will help you not only feel the mysticism of the process, but also get a more tangible result.

No online fortune telling will give you such energy, a feeling of magic and enchantment, unity with something mystical. Moreover, it is not necessary to have skills and knowledge to try to look into your future.

An ancient fortune-telling based on an ordinary needle will help you learn about the future, predict the birth, number and gender of children, find out whether a wish will come true or not, and much more. Fortune telling on a regular needle with a silk or simple thread is good because it is suitable for everyone, there are no restrictions for it, and nothing special is required.

A little preparation

Any fortune-telling, be it with a needle or with cards, requires adherence to certain rules. So all the “props” for fortune telling must be new. If you mean fortune telling specifically on a needle, then it must be new, purchased for this purpose. A regular needle that you sew with will not work.

  1. You need to buy a needle and thread for prediction without haggling and without change.
  2. Before you start fortune telling on a sewing needle, you need to “bless it” - hold it over the flame of a church candle or fumigate it with incense.
  3. Any fortune-telling, including using a needle and thread, should be done in the evening, after sunset, or even better, at midnight. There is nothing strange - solar energy does not contribute to mysticism, but the lunar one does.
  4. Any fortune-telling, whether on a needle or not, must take place alone. There should be no distracting noise, switched on equipment, electrical appliances or lights. Only candlelight and complete silence.
  5. A fortune-telling girl should be without jewelry, cosmetics, accessories, belts and hairpins. Unwind and comb your hair, put on a loose shirt, remove all jewelry, including the cross.

Needle, tell me...

Ancient fortune telling with a sewing needle, in some cases with thread, has ancient origins and many variations. Fortune telling yourself, and not online - fortune telling online will not give real effect and truthful answers.

In addition, fortune telling online will not give the same sensations that live, real fortune telling with your own hands on a real needle, by candlelight, will give.

1. For women, the desire to find out how many children they will have and their gender is very important. Nothing could be easier! Take a new needle and insert a new medium-length white thread into it, as for sewing. Take the ends of the thread with your fingers right hand, open your left palm.

Dip the needle three times into the space between your left palm and open thumb, and then place the needle directly above the center of your left palm. Place your right elbow on the table to keep your hand steady.

It is easy to find out the gender of children - if the needle begins to make circular movements, then the gender of the child will be male. If the movements are straight, from side to side, then a girl will be born.

This fortune telling with a new needle allows you to find out the gender of the nearest child, the one who will be born to you first. This prediction is considered reliable among expectant young mothers.

2. You can also find out the number of children. The principle is the same, only breaks are taken between approaches. For example, the needle “showed” you a boy. Lower it three times again near your thumb, and continue - now it will indicate the gender of the next child.

When the needle freezes, it means that there will be no more children. If a woman already has children, the needle shows the existing child first, and so on.

3. In addition to children, women and girls are concerned with issues of love and fate. There is a beautiful ritual to find out the name of your future husband.

In the evening, the girl takes a basin of water and attaches a lot of pieces of paper along the edge of the basin. male names. The basin is placed under the bed. Then a needle is taken and placed on the windowsill, with the eye in the north direction.

In the morning, the girl gets up at dawn, immediately takes the needle and throws it into the basin. The needle with its ear will point to the name of the future spouse!

4. There is nothing easier than telling your wish. Take a glass clean water, transparent and smooth, needle and black thread. First wet the thread and then thread it through the eyelet. Place four around the glass church candles, and turn off the electric light.

Tie five knots on a thread, thinking about your deepest desire. Grasp the first knot and lift the needle above the water. How will she behave?

  • Circular movements clockwise mean - yes, the wish will come true.
  • Counterclockwise - no.
  • Direct movements from you and to you - yes, too, wait for your dreams to come true.
  • But from side to side – it’s hardly worth the wait.
  • If the needle hangs without moving, it is obvious that nothing is clear yet - it depends only on you whether, yes or no, what you want will come true, or nothing will happen.

5. An interesting and simple fortune telling using two needles will help you find out your prospects in love and relationships with a specific man. Take two needles - one smaller, it symbolizes your person. The second one is larger - make a wish for a specific person who interests you.

Lubricate both needles with vegetable oil and throw them into a glass with clean water. And watch! The needles themselves will show how your relationship with the person will proceed. Yes, it's that simple!

  • If their heads touch, partnership, mutual understanding, and friendship await you.
  • Points meeting? Passion and strong sexual attraction are possible, and mutual.
  • If you meet at different ends, you have different desires towards each other.
  • If they stick together completely, love cannot be avoided!
  • And if they “spread” in different directions, alas, there will be no close relationships.

6. An ancient, simple and beautiful fortune telling will help you get answers to questions tormenting your soul. True, the questions are only “yes” and “no”.

Draw a circle on paper - you can trace a simple plate with a pencil. Find the center and place a point at it. You have to make something like a watch dial, a kind of mystical code with answers.

At the top, where “12” is, write “yes”. At the level of the number “6” – “no”. You can limit yourself, or you can write “maybe”, “later” and so on on the right and left.

Light four candles on the sides and begin the prediction. Insert thread into a new large needle and grasp the tip. Place your elbow well on the table so that your hand is secure and motionless.

Place the point of the needle on the central point and set exciting question. The eye of the needle will point to the answer - but make sure that your hand does not “accidentally” point the needle in the direction you need.

Such a simple and necessary item in everyday life - a needle - it turns out, can become a powerful magical tool in the hands of a person who can’t wait to predict the near future.

Fortune-telling wisely, do not play with mysticism and remember that fortune-telling can give possible options answers, but in the end everything always and only depends on you.
Author: Vasilina Serova


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